
Healing properties of spring water. Benefits of spring water. Advantages and disadvantages of drinking spring water

Spring water has been revered by people since ancient times. Our ancestors noticed that the water gushing from the spring has a completely different taste than from other natural streams. The springs were ennobled in every possible way, and the moisture was called healing. It was believed that the liquid is able to restore strength, restore youth and save a person from diseases.

In the era of high technology and the urbanization of society, the sacred meaning of spring water has disappeared, but people collect it whenever possible, without thinking about the consequences.

Feature of the spring

A spring is called groundwater, which makes its way to the surface, if the terrain allows it. The reason for this phenomenon is minor shifts in the layers of the earth's crust. The main condition of a real spring is a natural outlet to the earth's surface.

In terms of taste, spring water practically does not differ from well or artesian water, but one important nuance should not be forgotten. When moisture naturally percolates to the surface, it passes through layers of sand, rocks, and clay that act as natural filtration. Thanks to this feature, spring water is indeed considered the purest, but this nuance largely depends on the location of the natural source.

Chemical composition

Given that the source is of natural origin, there can be no unified standardization of the physical and chemical composition. This feature depends on the nature of the layers of the earth through which moisture seeps upward.

Not all spring water has healing properties. If the key is located far outside the city limits, it contains a large amount of mineral salts and other useful trace elements. If the healing properties of such water are confirmed, clinics are often equipped near the springs, the source is taken under state protection.

Spring water differs in four main characteristics:

  • temperature - it can be cold and hot;
  • mineral composition - mineralized water is used for medicinal purposes;
  • gassing - a liquid enriched with oxygen is considered more beneficial to health;
  • organoleptic indicators - this includes transparency, taste, color.

You can not drink spring water if the source is in the city. Not only meltwater flows here, but also sewage, industrial discharges. Therefore, the composition contains salts of heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria that can cause serious harm to health.

Benefit and harm

The advantages of spring water are:

  1. Balanced chemical composition.
  2. Natural filtration that retains nutrients in full.
  3. Saturation with oxygen, so you can drink water from the spring in its raw form, without prior boiling.
  4. No need for chlorination or silver purification.

The negative points include:

  • exactingness to the ecological cleanliness of the source;
  • a small pressure, therefore, it takes a long time to gain a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture;
  • inaccessibility of some keys.

Healing properties are stored for a small amount of time, so stocking up for the future will not work.

Best Places

Problems with a set of spring water usually do not arise. Springs, which people consider healing, are available in almost every settlement and are usually well known to the locals.

For example, in modern Moscow there are more than 200 springs, of which 36 are under the control of the city's sanitary and epidemiological service. Water is constantly being tested, so it does not pose a threat to health. However, environmentalists say that during the period of snowmelt, the chemical composition of the liquid changes, so in the spring it is better not to drink raw water from natural sources.

When choosing a place to collect water, it is better to give preference to springs that are located:

  • on rocky ground;
  • clay soil;
  • sunny side.

If the above criteria are met, there are no foreign impurities in the water, such as silt or organic matter.

Storage features

Spring water is stored for no more than 7 days, after which the physico-chemical composition changes, and the beneficial properties disappear. In addition, for high-quality storage, it is better to abandon plastic bottles. Preference should be given to glass containers that have previously undergone heat treatment. Ideally, spring water should be stored in a dark and cool place.

The truth about purchased water

Bottled water is often found on store shelves, which, according to manufacturers, is collected from natural sources, purified with silver and saturated with minerals and trace elements.

However, here you have to trust the manufacturer. Some suppliers under the guise of spring sell ordinary water collected from a centralized city water supply system. Therefore, when it comes to purchased water, it is better to choose products from trusted manufacturers.

Definition of quality

You need to follow the following rules:

  • the container must be flat, without visible damage and dents;
  • the label is glued evenly and firmly;
  • the water is clear, has no sediment, foreign odors and taste;
  • preference should be given to products of the highest category.

Important! Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a quality certificate, which is provided at the first request of the buyer.

Healing properties

The benefits of spring water for the body have been scientifically proven. Of course, we are not talking about all the sources that are located on the territory of Russia. There are springs, the water from which promotes wound healing and effectively eliminates the effects of acne. In addition to washing, water can be consumed internally. In this case, there is an improvement in the functioning of the heart and kidneys, and blood pressure stabilizes.

Possible problems

The benefits and harms of spring water are fertile ground for skeptics claiming a placebo effect. Much depends on the place where the key is spouting from the ground.

If industrial or processing enterprises, household waste dumps are located near the spring, it is better not to drink water. It contains a whole bunch of substances hazardous to health:

  • arsenic;
  • mercury;
  • lead;
  • cadmium;
  • refined products.

This also applies to sources with a shallow depth of occurrence: dangerous impurities enter the spring along with melt water. At a minimum, such a liquid can provoke acute poisoning of the body. If there is a need for water from natural sources, it is better to go out of town and collect life-giving moisture from a clean, proven spring.

A spring is a place where groundwater makes its way to the surface, forming a natural spring. Our ancestors have been using springs since ancient times, when people could not build wells or get water in any other way.

Probably, it is genetic memory that explains the warm feeling that almost every modern person experiences when meeting with a spring. Perhaps that is why many of us attribute incredible healing properties to spring water, although most of these "experts" have never verified their claims with scientific methods. Meanwhile, there is an alternative point of view on.

Spring water: facts and speculation

If we put together all the talk of the inhabitants about spring water, then we can derive three main properties that are attributed to natural underground sources. Some of this, indeed, is true, but most of the reasoning can be safely classified as myths.

The most common myth concerns the origin of the springs. As a rule, people in their understanding separate spring waters from ordinary groundwater, considering them to be something special. In fact, these are ordinary groundwater and their only feature is that they are knocked out on the surface on their own. That is, the chemical composition of water in man-made wells or wells can be exactly the same as in a spring.

Another popular opinion, which is often encountered in the discussion benefits and harms of spring water, concerns the purity of springs. And indeed it is. The fact is that making its way to the surface through the thickness of the earth, the water is naturally purified. In this case, natural materials act as filters: sand, gravel, layers of dense clay, etc. It should be noted that with such cleaning, the chemical composition of the liquid practically does not change, that is, this does not affect the content of useful substances and trace elements.

But the statements about the incredible healing properties of spring water are only partly true. The characteristics of water are determined by its composition, which, in turn, depends on the location of the source, the quality of the soil, and other factors. That is, in this sense, water from a spring is not much different from water extracted from a well on sand - it can have a certain set of healing qualities, but this is explained by the general natural conditions of a particular area, and not by the fact that the water was taken from a spring.

Positive qualities of spring water

So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the use of spring water has certain positive aspects. For example, due to natural filtration, one can refuse to boil such water, and this is very important, because in the process of strong heating, the liquid loses most of the useful properties that it originally possessed - some trace elements evaporate, certain organic compounds are destroyed, and others are formed instead, the effect of which on the body can hardly be called beneficial.

Thus, the absence of the need for boiling, and even more so chemical treatment, such as chlorination, can certainly be attributed to the beneficial properties of water from natural underground sources.

Another positive point to consider when discussing benefits and harms of spring water is a high concentration of oxygen. It is this factor that explains the fact that the people call water from springs "living water". It fills the human body with energy, gives vitality, improves mood, etc. And all this is due to the increased content of oxygen.

The negative impact of springs

However, when drawing water from a spring, it should be understood that its use under certain circumstances can harm your body. After all, the properties of water from different sources can vary significantly. For example, water from one spring, due to its chemical composition, can have a serious effect on the kidneys. Therefore, on the one hand, it is useless to drink it for people who experience problems, say, with the nervous system, and at the same time, if a person suffers from chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, it is also better to refuse excessive use of such water, because this can lead to an exacerbation of chronic ailments.

In other words, before introducing spring water from a specific source into your diet, you need to seriously understand its properties, at least in general, find out its composition, and determine the possible consequences for your body. Otherwise, you can seriously undermine your own health.

Do not forget that today it is impossible to guarantee the purity of water from underground sources. This is especially true of springs located near cities and large industrial facilities, the emissions of which pollute the environment, thereby directly affecting benefits and harms of spring water. They may contain substances that cannot be removed from the water even with very serious filtration.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the features of spring water
  • What are the benefits of spring water
  • What is the harm of spring water
  • How to choose bottled spring water

All living organisms on Earth use water, it is the source of life, and human health depends on its quality. Today, the issue of clean water consumption is particularly acute. Often, tap water is not only not healthy, but does not even meet modern safety and quality standards. More and more people choose springs as a source of drinking water. The healing properties of living spring water have been known for a long time. But is spring water safe, useful, and by what parameters should its quality be assessed? We will answer these and many other questions in our article.

Features of spring water

Before reaching the surface, spring water passes through various layers - limestone, gravel, sand, due to which filtration occurs and clean water breaks out. In terms of composition, spring water can be about the same as artesian or well water. The main difference lies in the miraculous nature of the source, the springs form themselves.

The chemical composition and taste of spring water depend on the layers through which it comes to the surface. The depth of the aquifer also plays an important role.

Comparison of water from various sources shows that spring water is the most delicious and healthy. It's simple: rising to the surface, it passes through many different layers - sand, clay, gravel, due to which it is cleaned of impurities, oxygenated, mineralized. All these components make it useful, which is appreciated by residents of settlements located near sources.

Water from different springs differs in taste, having its own unique chemical composition, due to the difference in the depth of occurrence, as well as the features of the layers through which the liquid comes to the surface of the earth. Different density of the soil, mineralization of layers, their structure, porosity and permeability - all this affects not only the purity, but also the chemical composition, and hence the taste of spring water, making it healthy.

Spring water is usually classified according to several main criteria:

The benefits and harms of spring water

Undoubtedly, spring water is beneficial for the body; Let's list its positive properties:

  • good balance in chemical composition and physical indicators;
  • properties of pure natural water;
  • dissolved oxygen saturation;
  • not exposed to any influence, for example, not chlorinated;
  • depending on the source, it can be fresh or mineralized;
  • it is believed that living natural water is very useful, it gives a person additional energy and a charge of vivacity.

It is noted that liquid from various sources affects the human body in different ways. Spring water from one source is useful for migraines, from the second it helps to normalize blood pressure, from the third it has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. Cosmetologists believe that washing with spring water improves the appearance of the skin, increases its elasticity and normalizes the condition. Spring water helps to get rid of infectious diseases and promotes rejuvenation of the body. The beneficial properties of a liquid from a natural source are used in the treatment of skin diseases. Both adults and children can drink spring water, there are no age restrictions.

But such a liquid can be not only not useful, but even harmful, since not all sources are safe. Drinking water from some springs can lead to serious illnesses. So, you need to be very careful about such places where liquid comes to the surface (it is not recommended to drink from them) if:

  1. the source is located near industrial enterprises, landfills, highways, from where harmful substances can enter the water;
  2. the source is not ennobled and unsanitary conditions reign around it.

It is unlikely that water, which is in obviously unfavorable conditions, will be useful.

Springs that take water from a shallow depth can also pose a health hazard, because the aquifer will be filled with atmospheric moisture containing harmful substances.

As mentioned above, water from different sources can vary greatly in chemical composition, so if a person suffering from urinary tract diseases drinks spring water and improves, the same water for a patient with cardiovascular problems can be completely useless and not have a curative effect. Excessive consumption of spring water by a person suffering from diseases of the urinary tract will not be useful and can even lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Spring water, especially with a high degree of mineralization, should be consumed in moderation.

It is recommended to take spring water only from trusted sources located far from industrial enterprises, highways and cities. Such a strategy will reduce the risk of drinking low-quality spring water and get a healthy liquid.

How to collect and store spring water so that it retains its properties

Glass is considered the ideal material for the manufacture of containers for water, it is inert and safe, does not emit harmful substances, therefore it is recommended to collect spring water in glass containers, where it is guaranteed to retain its beneficial properties. But plastic is harmful, especially if the icon with the number 3 is stamped on the canister and PVC is written, which means polyvinyl chloride. Under the influence of sunlight, such containers release vinyl chloride into the water - a dangerous carcinogen and poison. You can collect healthy spring water in ordinary PET bottles from under the water, but storing them in the sun is also not recommended.

Another material for the manufacture of water containers is aluminum. It is possible to store water in aluminum dishes or containers, but over time, aluminum ions turn into water. Drinking water saturated with this metal is considered harmful. Aluminum negatively affects the kidneys, as well as the parathyroid glands. Long-term consumption of water containing aluminum increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

It is also not recommended to drink from a spring in the spring, when the earth is saturated with melt water. It is better to wait for the onset of dry weather and the cessation of precipitation. Melt water washes away harmful substances from the surface of the earth, while actively penetrating into the soil and, as a result, saturating the aquifers of springs. So, it is also impossible to call it useful during this period.

Before collection, the container is rinsed with spring water, draining it downstream. It is advisable to draw water not from a reservoir under a stream of water, but from the stream itself. Often, springs are equipped with a pipe from which water flows, which is very convenient for filling containers.

A musty smell, the presence of mud, foam, and impurities indicate that the water in the spring is unsuitable for consumption. It is not recommended to collect any water for future use: having made a supply of liquid, you will pour it out anyway, since its shelf life is 3-4 days, and then if stored in a cold place. The maximum period during which you can use a liquid from a natural source is a week, after which the spring water loses its beneficial properties.

Even in a liquid that is transparent in appearance, various microorganisms and bacteria can be present, which, when multiplying, release dangerous toxins into the water. Therefore, it makes no sense to take it in reserve. The presence of hazardous substances in the water is evidenced by a musty smell, turbidity, and an unpleasant taste.

Spring water is alive, in addition to minerals and dissolved gases, it can contain microorganisms, algae, they actively multiply in the sun and in warm water, which leads to deterioration of the liquid and the appearance of dangerous toxins in it. The appearance of a green tint in spring water indicates a critical level of living microorganisms, it is dangerous to drink such water. Also, the reason for the blooming of spring water can be a dirty container in which it was collected.

Also, the color of the liquid may be associated with the presence of salts of iron, manganese, sulfur and other compounds in it. Our soils are rich in manganese, so spring water can have a black sediment. Brown and brown sediment may indicate the presence of dissolved iron salts in the water. It should be borne in mind that natural manganese and industrial are different, so spring water containing manganese may be quite usable, but it all depends on the specific source.

What to look for when buying bottled spring water

Before use, any spring water must undergo careful laboratory control. The opinion that water is safe and healthy in any natural source is just a myth, especially in modern conditions, when large cities are surrounded by industrial enterprises.

Water from the source can be dangerous, leading to serious diseases: urolithiasis, kidney and liver problems, digestion, infection with harmful microorganisms and poisoning. If you have found a source of spring water and you liked its taste, be sure to take samples to the nearest laboratory in order to be sure of the safety and usefulness of the spring water you collect in the future.

Springs near cities and industrial zones can be dangerous, lack of control over the environmental situation leads to the discharge of toxic substances by enterprises, some of them can enter aquifers and eventually end up in the source. In this case, it is not necessary to say that such a liquid is useful. It is also worth understanding that the quality of water in springs varies depending on the season, if mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil, they can be washed away with rainwater into open water sources, including springs.

More recently, the National Genetic Safety Association published a report stating that bottled spring water sold in plastic containers is not always healthy and safe for health. Often such a liquid is inferior in quality to tap water. The report of the non-commercial partnership in the field of quality control of goods and services Roskontrol was also disappointing.

Analysis of water samples showed that only 4 out of 10 samples meet the requirements and safety standards for bottled water. In addition, Russian standards do not contain mandatory requirements for testing bottled water for trihalomethanes and potential mutagenic effects.

Five years ago, 60% of fake bottled water of well-known brands was on sale in our country, today this figure has dropped to 20%. Thus, every fifth bottle of branded drinking water is a fake. It is also worth mentioning that 2/3 of all bottled water is not produced according to the technology declared by the manufacturer. It is clear that in such conditions there is a high risk of buying at least an unhealthy liquid.

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, buy bottled water only from trusted suppliers and large retailers, as they buy it in large quantities directly from manufacturers.

Bottled water comes in the following categories:

  • Mineral water extracted from underground sources - springs and artesian wells. At the same time, the liquid retains its organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics.
  • Mineral water is divided into 4 groups:

  1. table water with mineralization up to 1 gram per liter;
  2. mineral table with mineralization from 1 to 2 grams per liter;
  3. medical dining room with mineralization from 2 to 8 grams per liter;
  4. therapeutic with a mineralization of 8 grams per liter and above, sold only in pharmacies.
  • Artificial mineral water obtained by the method of mineralization of a liquid purified to a fresh state. Such water is first desalinated by forcing through filters by reverse osmosis, and then artificially mineralized to obtain useful water of the required quality.
  • Drinking water. Such water is extracted from various sources: an artesian well, a pump room, a mineral spring. After extraction, the liquid is cleaned and neutralized. Drinking water is deeply purified and safe to drink.

The vast majority of drinking water is taken from central water supply sources and further purified. In the norms of SanPiN, such water is divided into two categories: the first and the highest. Water of the first category, or, in other words, table water, is produced from tap water by softening, removing iron ions, chlorine. Also, the liquid is disinfected with ultraviolet light and silver ions, which allows you to destroy potentially dangerous microorganisms. Purified water can be subjected to reductive mineralization.

Drinking water of the highest category should be bottled only from an artesian well with the preservation of all microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. However, manufacturers do not always comply with the requirements of norms and standards.

When buying bottled water, you should pay attention to the following features:

  1. the quality of manufacture of containers into which water is poured - the container must be even, technologically perfect;
  2. quality of gluing the label, it must be glued evenly, securely;
  3. water in the container should not have sediment or impurities;
  4. water marked with the inscription "highest category" is preferable;
  5. water quality must comply with GOST, there is good water, the characteristics of which are standardized by technical specifications, but water of the highest category is bottled only in accordance with GOST.

Where to order a cooler for drinking water

The Ecocenter company supplies coolers, pumps and related equipment to Russia for bottling water from bottles of various sizes. All equipment is supplied under the trademark "ECOCENTER".

We provide the best ratio of price and quality of equipment, as well as offer our partners excellent service and flexible terms of cooperation.

You can be convinced of the attractiveness of collaboration by comparing our prices with the cost of similar equipment from other suppliers.

All our equipment complies with the standards established in Russia and has quality certificates. We deliver dispensers to customers, as well as all the spare parts and accessories they need in the shortest possible time.

Spring water has long been considered life-giving.

It is very clean and transparent, and its taste is unforgettable. But has spring water proven to be beneficial to humans? Let's try to figure it out.

What is spring water?

The spring makes its way to the surface of the earth through layers of sand, gravel, etc., being cleansed of harmful impurities along the way and enriched with useful microelements and oxygen. In fact, water from a spring may not differ in composition from well and artesian water. The only difference is that the spring has a natural, not man-made, exit to the surface.

The taste and chemical composition are directly dependent on the land layers through which it rises and the depth of the aquifer.

Not all springs have health benefits. Therefore, near the most healing springs, they try to build hospitals, boarding houses and sanatoriums. Some springs are protected by the state, as they are emergency sources of water supply for the population in emergency situations or have the status of a natural monument.

Useful properties of spring water

Speaking about the benefits for the body, it should be noted its undoubted advantages. She is:

  • balanced in chemical and physical composition;
    retains all its natural properties;
    enriched with oxygen;
    not exposed to chlorination and other influences;
    "live", gives a person additional energy;
    can be both fresh and mineralized.

It is worth noting that different sources have different effects on the human body. Water from one spring cures migraines, from another - it helps to normalize blood circulation and blood pressure, from the third - it has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. Cosmetologists have come to the conclusion that if you not only drink spring water, but also wash yourself with it, you can improve complexion and increase skin elasticity. In addition, such water helps to get rid of infectious diseases and dermatological problems, helps to rejuvenate the body, we just have such properties on sale.

Can spring water be harmful to health?

Despite a certain benefit, it should be said about the possible harm of spring water, because not all sources have healing properties. Some of them can even contribute to the occurrence of a serious illness. This can happen if the spring:

  • located in a city or near factories, landfills or highways, and harmful substances enter it;
    not equipped, there is complete unsanitary conditions around it.
    If the aquifer of the source lies at a shallow depth, then precipitation can get into it, which can also lead to illness.

As mentioned above, the composition of water in different sources can have significant differences. Therefore, if water from a certain source, due to its composition, can seriously affect the functioning of the kidneys, then it is completely useless for people with cardiovascular diseases to drink it. At the same time, excessive consumption of this water by a person suffering from a chronic disease of the urinary organs can lead to an aggravation of the disease.

In order not to cause harm from drinking spring water, you need to buy it or take it from trusted sources. In our online store, Vlasov key is presented, tested and certified.

Spring water has long been considered the most useful and pure. The spring itself originates where groundwater has found a way out to the surface of the earth, forming a spring on gravel or sand. Pure spring water goes through several stages of natural filtration in the depths of the earth. It is also saturated with many mineral components and oxygen molecules. Its taste cannot be compared with any other, and the composition practically does not differ from well and artesian. The only difference is that pure spring water makes its way out on its own.

Benefits of spring water

The benefits of spring water depend on the area where the spring itself is located. Depending on the geographical location, climate and much more, the healing and life-giving properties of water change. So, in one spring, water calms the nervous system, and in another, it normalizes digestion. And one of the most important factors in how much benefit this or that spring can bring is the ecological situation around it. So, springs that are located close to megacities, factories, highways are best avoided. After all, spring water, the properties of which should be most useful, can become completely opposite and dangerous to health. Drinking spoiled, polluted and contaminated water can not only not bring the desired effect, but also cause serious illness.

The benefits of spring water for the human body can only be revealed if you can be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the spring. For clean groundwater, it is worth sending far beyond the city, preferably into forests. Of course, finding and extracting such a resource can be difficult, because the location of the spring may not be the most convenient. But the benefits of spring water will not keep you waiting. It gives strength and vitality, saturates the body with oxygen, gives the body the very vital balanced chemical and physical composition. Pure spring water today is a luxury. That is why most of the springs are protected by the state, and in the place of many of them specialized resort areas and health centers are being built. Where thousands of people come to get enough health and enrich themselves with vitality. At the same time, here you can be sure that the water is really clean and healthy.

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