
By what criteria are people not accepted into the army? Who is not suitable for military service? Diseases for which they are not accepted into the army. Hypertension and vascular pathologies

Excess body weight is always a problem for both women and men. At the same time, excess weight brings not only psychological discomfort, but also significantly harms health. We cannot discount the fact that excess body weight significantly impedes physical activity - any activity can be accompanied by shortness of breath, and fatigue quickly sets in. Accordingly, if you are obese, staying in the army begins to raise certain doubts, since in its units increased attention They focus specifically on drill training. According to the law, those with obesity of the 1st and 2nd degree are drafted into the army; those with obesity of the 3rd or 4th degree are not drafted. Below we will take a closer look at whether obese people are accepted into the army, and whether there are any restrictions in such a situation.

Obesity and determination of fitness categories for duty

Excess weight in modern society is one of the most common pathologies. However, the main danger increased weight is not contained in large volumes of adipose tissue. With obesity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the digestive system develop, pancreatitis may appear, and in some cases everything can end in death. If we talk about the specific case in which pathology develops, we can note a number of provoking factors, including:

  1. Lack of activity and sedentary lifestyle life.
  2. Genetic predisposition - according to statistics, if parents are overweight, then in most cases their descendants also suffer from excess weight.
  3. Diseases endocrine system leading to hormonal imbalance.
  4. Mental problems, as a result of which a person becomes susceptible to psychological overeating.

There are three types of pathology, which are determined according to the location of fat deposits. When fat accumulates in the upper parts of the body, as a result of which the figure begins to resemble an apple, we can talk about the presence of the abdominal type. This is a very dangerous condition for health, given the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases against its background.

Type two is femorogluteal obesity, in which excess body weight is concentrated in the lower sections of the body, making it look like a pear. Usually this type is characteristic of the female sex and is dangerous with the risk of varicose veins, venous insufficiency, and joint problems. The third type, characterized by an even distribution of fat deposits throughout the body, is called mixed.

Symptoms develop in accordance with the type of pathology. The types differ in the rate of weight gain and the presence of problems with the nervous and endocrine systems. The question arises how strongly such a risk affects compulsory military service, and how to determine the limit beyond which excess body weight allows one to receive exemption from conscription. But first, let’s look at the categories that determine the degree of suitability of a potential conscript for subsequent service:

  1. When a man is awarded category “A”, we are talking about full suitability for military service.
  2. In category “B”, the conscript is fit for military service, but there are certain restrictions. When passing a medical commission, the presence of minor pathologies is confirmed - for example, not globally impaired vision.
  3. Category “B” includes conscripts who are assigned the status of limited fitness. This category gives exemption from the army in conditions of peace; in case of martial law, the conscript is enrolled in the 2nd line.
  4. In category “G” we are talking about the status of “temporarily unfit”. It implies that the conscript has pathologies that can be treated, including obesity, fractures, and other conditions. In this case, a six-month deferment is provided, which can be extended if necessary.
  5. Only if category “D” is assigned, the person liable for military service is completely exempt from military service due to his unsuitability.

It should be noted that treating obesity mainly requires persistence and the desire to change lifestyle. It is necessary to revise the menu in favor of fiber and vitamins, and exercise.

How to determine the degree of obesity

Let's return to the cases in which men are recruited into the army if they are obese. Pathology can serve as a valid reason for not recruiting a young man of military age, but to accurately determine the extent of the disease, knowledge of BMI - body mass index - will be required. This value is calculated using a formula in which body weight in kilograms should be divided by the square of height in meters.

Let's consider an example of such a calculation, taking as a starting point a person with a weight of 60 kg and a height of 180 m. BMI in this case will be equal to 60 / (1.8 x 1.8) = 18.5. Based on the result obtained, the presence or absence of obesity and its degree are determined, taking into account the age category of the conscript. In cases where the age falls within the range of 18-25 years, the disease may be:

  • 1st degree in the case when the BMI reaches 27.5-29.9;
  • 2 degrees, when the BMI is in the range of 30-34.9;
  • 3 degrees with BMI 35-39.9;
  • 4 degrees with BMI reaching and exceeding 40;
  • Overnutrition is considered when a BMI reaches 23-27.4.

Now let’s look at the degree of obesity for conscripts aged 26-45 years:

  • the diagnosis of overnutrition is made at a BMI of 26-27.9;
  • 1st degree obesity corresponds to a BMI of 31-35.9;
  • Grade 2 is accompanied by a BMI of 36-40.9;
  • Stage 3 obesity is a BMI of 41 or more.

As you can see, to determine the degree of obesity there is no need to use complex diagnostic techniques; it is enough to know the exact weight and height of the conscript.

Attention: After the BMI is calculated, the Sickness Schedule comes into play, based on which the representatives of the medical commission assign the conscript a certain category.

At nutritional obesity At the first stage, the conscript is assigned category A, which indicates that he is slightly overweight and gives grounds to send him to serve in any of the military branches if there are no other diseases. The second stage of pathology is of increased interest, since it is quite controversial. In this case, article Schedule No. 13 will help answer the question of whether people are recruited into the army. In accordance with paragraph e), a conscript with this category will enter the army, but there will be a restriction on the type of troops.

According to representatives of the military medical commission, the second degree of illness is not a reason to cancel military service. Delay or complete release cannot be achieved even if there is a borderline condition between the 2nd and 3rd degrees of the disease. At this stage, even one kilogram can become decisive.

Obesity of the third stage: should you be drafted into the army?

Separately, obesity of the 3rd degree should be considered, since its presence is a categorical contraindication for military service. We turn again to the Schedule of Diseases, Article No. 13 - in accordance with it, this condition gives the right to receive category “B”. But there is a caveat - the examination is carried out only in cases where there was an examination and subsequent treatment in a hospital.

Men with grade 3 obesity, in whom this pathology was identified for the first time during military training during conscription, are assigned to category G, recognizing them as temporarily unfit for service for six months. If the need arises, the conclusion is re-issued. In case of unsuccessful therapy, the conscript falls into category “B”.

The deferment in this case is necessary for the conscript to bring his body weight to the existing standard, and refusal is impossible. At the same time, the military registration and enlistment office cannot force a man to undergo treatment. If the conscript does not have the desire, he has the right to refuse therapy. The final answer is given after re-examination.

Also, category “B” is awarded in cases of persistent moderately severe disorders formed against the background of moderate pathology of the endocrine system. We can talk about diabetes mellitus, manifest hypothyroidism, peripheral neuropathy, angiopathy and others.

As for the fourth stage of the disease, in which the conscript’s weight exceeds existing standards by 100%, the decision to assign category “D” is clear. To confirm the status, the conscript must undergo a medical examination with additional examination, after which a verdict is issued that he is completely unfit for military service.

If the first stage is present, it is impossible to count on exemption from military service. As for conscripts whose weight is on the border between a disease of the second and third degrees, they can be advised to contact a public medical institution for an accurate diagnosis, which will help to avoid further violations of rights.

Most often, doctors in the medical commissions of military registration and enlistment offices are faced with those who want to “refuse” to serve. However, there are also those who passionately want to repay their debt to their homeland, but due to health reasons they cannot be accepted into the troops. What diseases and conditions are grounds for exemption from military service?

In connection with the current situation in Ukraine, more and more citizens have become interested in questions about military service. One of the topics that worries people is the health status of conscripts and illnesses that prevent them from joining the army. It is noteworthy that this issue is of concern both to those who passionately want to repay their debt to the Motherland, and to those who want to “sacrifice.” Doctors from medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices note that they are sometimes contacted by volunteers who want to go to the front, but due to health reasons it is impossible to satisfy such a request. It is worth keeping in mind that the doctors themselves are not interested in sending everyone to the army, because if the conscript is returned, then the management will ask the doctors questions about how they were able to allow a sick person to serve in the army. But first things first.

In Finland, young people suffering from Internet addiction are not accepted into the army. It takes 3 years to get rid of this addiction!

It's not easy to deceive doctors

Doctors working on the medical commissions of military registration and enlistment offices have extensive experience in dealing with those who do not want to become recruits. During the passage, simply hinting at illness or complaining will not work. To confirm the presence of the disease, the conscript must present the appropriate certificates, and only from government medical institutions. Conclusions made in private medical institutions are not accepted at military registration and enlistment offices.

When recruiting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a conscript must undergo a military medical commission, which will determine the state of the young man’s physical and mental health. The medical examination is carried out directly at the military commissariat. Since doctors working in military registration and enlistment offices have extensive experience working with conscripts, they cannot be fooled so easily. Therefore, it is almost impossible to “refuse” to leave the army without a good reason.

After the commission, an expert decision regarding suitability for health reasons for military service in the relevant branch of the military, unit or unit is recorded in the conscript’s personal file. For example, some conscripts due to health reasons may be unfit for service in some branches of the military, but may be enlisted in others. The Regulations on Military Medical Examination include full list diseases due to which young people are exempted from military service. As a rule, these are very serious diseases accompanied by complications for human health.

Until 2011, people in China were not allowed into the army with piercings, even if the young man only had his ears pierced. Today, earlobe piercing is not an excuse for release from the Celestial Army. But as for piercing other parts of the body, the ban is still in effect.

Categories that are assigned to a conscript when passing a medical examination

After passing all the doctors in the medical commission, the conscript is assigned the appropriate category. The following categories are distinguished:

  • Category A. If a conscript is assigned category A, this means that he is absolutely healthy and can prepare for military service. These are the healthiest conscripts who are usually sent to serve in special forces units, where they will be able to fulfill the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, category A itself has several subcategories. Subcategory A1 indicates that the conscript’s health allows him to endure any types of physical activity. A conscript with subcategory A1 in the past did not have any diseases that could affect his stamina, physical and mental health. Subcategory A2 indicates that the conscript has suffered some kind of illness, as a result of which the loads to which he will be exposed should be limited.
  • Category B. A conscript who is awarded category B has minor health problems that allow him to serve in the army and are not an excuse for a deferment. A conscript with category B can be sent to serve in troops that correspond to this category. And some may be allowed to serve in special forces. As in the case of category A, category B has subcategories B1 and B2.
  • Category B. Category B conscripts are considered limitedly fit for military service. Such a conscript has serious health problems that do not allow him to perform military service. The young man is counted as a reserve. In wartime, such a person may be drafted.
  • Category G. This category means a deferment that can last six months or a year. After this period, the conscript must undergo a medical examination again. It is noteworthy that in category G a deferment can be given to a conscript for a maximum of twice for six months or once for a year. After this, the conscript is released from military service. According to statistics, most often those who want to “slope” act through category G.
  • Category D. If a conscript is classified as category D, this means that he will never be drafted into the army, even in wartime.

In South Korea, people with tattoos are exempt from military service. Evasion of military service in this country is punishable by imprisonment for 18 months.

Diseases for which they will not be accepted into the army

Today, in order not to be taken into the army, you need to be very sick. Only some serious diseases leading to serious complications, are the reason for the complete release of a young man from military service.

Doctors note that the health of conscripts is deteriorating from year to year. Surprisingly, there are many young people with hypertension who are referred for further examination.

The situation is different with those who hide their illnesses. There are, of course, much fewer of them than those who want to “fix” it, but even here doctors must be able to identify the problem. The medical commission simply does not have the right to send such a person to serve in the army, even if he strongly desires it.

Starts in April spring conscription of young men into the army medical commission The military registration and enlistment office recognized him as professionally suited to serve in the armed forces. People of the older generation who served in Soviet times are sure that serving in the army makes a real man out of a young man, but the modern army and the media have formed the opposite point of view, according to which the army makes a disabled person out of a teenager and can even cause his death. Therefore, most young people today are looking for ways to avoid being drafted.

The most popular way" slope"from the army - this is the presence of a disease with which you are not supposed to be drafted into the army. But you need to prove the presence of health problems through a medical examination, where you must provide all the certificates and medical history, which makes it possible not to be included in the recruits. Medical commission during a medical examination determines the recruit’s fitness category for service.

Assignment of category A to a conscript indicates that he is fit to serve in any part of the armed forces, including the navy and airborne forces. Those with category B will also be drafted into the army, but the conscript will have restrictions when choosing a place of service. Category B gives exemption from military service; with it, the conscript is enlisted only in the reserves. A “white” military ID is received and recognized as unsuitable for conscription with category D; no repeated medical examination is required after assignment to this category.

In 6 months The military registration and enlistment office sends a second summons to conscripts with category G, which means that the person is temporarily unfit for military service, but will be called up after recovery. Usually, after a conclusion is made about temporary unfitness for military service, a deferment from the army is given for no more than 1 year, after which the guy undergoes a re-examination and can be drafted into the army if the commission finds him healthy.

For example, if you conscript body mass index is less than 19, then he is given a deferment from the army for 6 months due to underweight. In this case, the conscript undergoes a monthly medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office; if during the observation period he experiences a positive trend in weight gain, then he is considered fit for service.

Most common The following diseases are not allowed into the army:
1. Scoliosis II degree and higher. Fixed curvature of the spine with an angle of at least 11 degrees, accompanied by loss of sensitivity and tendon reflex.
2. Flat feet of the third degree. “Bear foot” or severe flat feet, in which it is impossible to adapt to wearing standard military shoes.

3. Severe joint diseases. Arthrosis of II and III degrees in the joints of both legs.
4. Vision problems. Deterioration of vision in one or both eyes due to high degree of retinal detachment, eye injury, glaucoma and other diseases.

5. Hypertension. Increased arterial pressure more than 95/150 mm. rt. Art. at rest.
6. Hearing loss. Inability to perceive speech in at least one ear, spoken in a whisper from a distance of more than two meters, deafness, deaf-muteness and chronic otitis media accompanied by difficult nasal breathing.

7. Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
9. Chronic pancreatitis.
10. Hernia, which led to moderate disruption of the digestive system.

11. Absence of a finger or toe, their deformities and defects.
12. Old dislocations and injuries that are clearly visible on an x-ray.
13. Urolithiasis disease and the presence of stones larger than 0.5 cm in different organs.

14. Enuresis or bedwetting.
15. Mental disorders, obsessive states, fears and schizophrenia.
16. Stuttering, in which speech is incomprehensible.
17. Diabetes mellitus, stage III obesity.

18. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by frequent dizziness and fainting, which must be confirmed by documents.
19. Hemorrhoids of degree II and higher.
20. Bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases respiratory system, leading to persistent respiratory failure of the 1st degree of the obstructive type and stronger.

21. Untreatable cardiac arrhythmias, heart disease, arrhythmia.
22. Diseases of the male genital organs with minor dysfunctions, testicular hydrocele and hyperplasia.
23. AIDS, hepatitis C, cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

also in army should not recruit persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction if they have documents confirming their addiction to alcohol and drugs.

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As a rule, only people with obvious and severe pathologies, such as mental retardation, schizophrenia, blindness, deafness, missing limbs, etc., are completely unsuitable for the army.

In other cases, the question is either about treatment (then a delay is given and then a re-examination is required), or about the degree of dysfunction of certain organs.

Severe dysfunction (slurred speech, urinary and fecal incontinence, heart failure, etc.) is a reason for transfer to the reserve. In controversial cases, the decision remains with the medical commission.

Severe infections

Active pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, HIV infection, leprosy - people with such diagnoses are not accepted into the army. Tuberculosis and syphilis can be cured, after which additional examination will be required.

Intestinal infections, bacterial and viral diseases transmitted by arthropods, rickettsiosis, gonococcal, chlamydial infection, some mycoses (diseases caused by fungi) and other infections, when initially detected at a medical examination, will be the reason for sending for treatment. If the infection cannot be treated, the conscript is considered unfit for service.


Malignant and benign neoplasms are a contraindication to military service if the tumor cannot be radically removed, there are metastases or significant dysfunction of any organs.

In addition, those who refused treatment for a tumor will not be accepted into the army. Persons undergoing treatment for neoplasms will be given a deferment and will be subject to re-examination in the future.


Persons with obesity of 3 and 4 degrees are not suitable for military service. They are asked to undergo treatment, during which they are given a deferment. If treatment does not help, upon re-examination a conclusion is made about unfitness for service.


WITH diabetes mellitus of any form and any degree of severity, even in the absence of complications, are not accepted into the army. The disease cannot be cured, but metabolic disorders must be corrected in conditions military service does not seem possible.

Other endocrine diseases

Diseases thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, parathyroid and gonads, eating disorders, hypovitaminosis, gout are also contraindications for military service if they are accompanied by dysfunction of the relevant organs and are not amenable to replacement therapy. If thyroid disease (goiter) prevents you from wearing military uniform, the conscript is also declared unfit for service.

Underweight (BMI)<18,5) будет причиной для направления на дополнительное обследование у эндокринолога и лечение.

Mental disorders

Mental retardation, personality disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, delusional and other mental disorders (regardless of the cause of injury: trauma, tumor, infection, etc.) are contraindications for military service, which the conscript’s parents will be informed about by the psychiatrist who has him observed.

Drug and alcohol addiction

Addictions are a contraindication to military service, even in the absence of mental manifestations and symptoms. The diagnosis must be documented after examination in a hospital. In this case, the conscript must be registered and treated at a drug treatment clinic.


All forms of epilepsy, except symptomatic, that is, those in which convulsive seizures are caused by some kind of brain damage, are a contraindication for conscription service. In case of symptomatic epilepsy, the examination is carried out according to the underlying disease.

Pathologies of the nervous system

Multiple sclerosis, paresis, paralysis, diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord, as well as the peripheral nervous system with consequences in the form of disruption of their functions of any degree - the reason for putting “unfit” in the column on military duty.

For temporary disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system, for example after an acute illness, exacerbation of a chronic disease, injury or surgical treatment, a deferment of 6 or 12 months is given. Then a re-examination is required.

Eye pathology

Retinal detachment and tears, glaucoma, severe pathology of the eyelids, conjunctiva, lens and other elements of the eye, strabismus in the absence of binocular vision, severe vision loss, severe farsightedness or myopia and, of course, blindness - all these are contraindications for military service. If the pathology does not cause a significant decrease in vision, the conscript is considered “fit with limitations.”

Hearing and vestibular disorders

Chronic otitis (bilateral or unilateral), bilateral persistent perforation of the eardrum, deafness or persistent hearing loss - these will not allow you to join the army. Pathologies that can be cured are sent for treatment, and in the future a re-examination is necessary.

Vestibular disorders of any degree are contraindications for service, but this does not include seasickness and motion sickness in transport.

Heart pathologies

Heart failure (functional classes 2, 3 and 4), rheumatic heart lesions, heart defects, persistent conduction disorders and artificial pacemaker, coronary heart disease are one hundred percent “medical exemptions” from military service.

In case of heart failure FC 1, the conscript is considered “fit with minor restrictions.”

Hypertension and vascular pathologies

If a conscript is found to have an increase in blood pressure above 150/100, he is given a deferment and referred to a hospital for diagnosis. In the future, hypertension of 2 and higher degrees will serve as a medical exemption from service.

With grade 1 hypertension, the conscript is eligible with minor restrictions. With persistent vegetative-vascular disorders and hypotension, the conscript may be considered unfit for service.

In vascular pathology, the degree of disruption of the blood supply and function of the relevant organs is assessed. If they are not there, the conscript is eligible with restrictions. Hemorrhoids are a contraindication when the process is severe.

Respiratory pathologies

Severe difficulty in nasal breathing, fetid runny nose (ozena), purulent sinusitis with frequent exacerbations, damage to the larynx or trachea, lung diseases with severe or moderate impairment of respiratory function - these will not be taken into the army. If the breathing disorder is not severe, it is “fit with minor restrictions.”

Bronchial asthma

A conscript with bronchial asthma will be sent to the reserves. Moreover, regardless of the severity of the disease, frequency and severity of attacks. Once a diagnosis is made, it is also not removed.

Pathologies of teeth, jaws and digestive system

Absence of 10 or more teeth in one jaw, severe periodontitis and periodontal disease, jaw pathologies with impaired respiratory, olfactory, chewing, swallowing or speech functions; severe forms of colitis, enteritis, fistulas, all pathologies of the esophagus and intestines, accompanied by a violation of their function - all this will give at least a deferment from the army for the duration of treatment, or even force the medical board to write you off as a reserve.

Stomach ulcers and other digestive tract disorders

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a contraindication for military service. With gastritis, a conscript is fit with minor restrictions. In case of hepatitis and pancreatitis, the issue of the severity of the dysfunction is resolved. If a hernia is detected, surgical treatment is proposed, and then re-examination.

Psoriasis and other skin diseases

Psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, common forms of alopecia or vitiligo, chronic urticaria, photodermatitis, scleroderma, ichthyosis, recurrent eczema will save you from military service. With atopic dermatitis, the issue is resolved depending on the frequency of exacerbations.

Curvature of the spine and other bone pathologies

Chronic diseases of the joints and spine, arthritis, osteo- and chondropathy with impaired joint function, scoliosis starting from degree 2, osteochondrosis with damage to 3 or more intervertebral discs, defects of the bones of the cranial vault, defects of the hand and fingers with impaired hand function - all these are reasons to dismiss you in reserve.

With spinal curvature, the question of suitability will depend on its shape, severity and severity of clinical manifestations.

Flat feet

The fate of a conscript with flat feet will depend on the severity of flat feet (its degree) and the presence of concomitant pathologies: arthrosis, contracture, exostoses.

Deformations of the arms and legs (including their significant shortening), which make it difficult to wear military uniforms and shoes, will cause transfer to the reserve.

Developmental defects

Congenital malformations will cause “unfitness for service” if there is a dysfunction of a certain organ (polycystic kidney disease, abnormal development of the genital organs, etc.). If the developmental anomaly does not affect the function (for example, doubling of the kidney while maintaining its function or microtia (congenital underdevelopment of the external ear), the conscript is considered eligible.

Lack of physical development

A height of less than 150 cm and a weight of less than 45 kg is a reason to send a conscript to an endocrinologist in order to find out the reason for such a severe lag in physical development. Then treatment and re-examination will be carried out.


Bedwetting is a reason not to join the army. However, the diagnosis requires multilateral medical confirmation: a therapist, urologist, neurologist, dermatovenerologist, psychiatrist.


Stuttering and other speech disorders in which it is difficult to understand or completely incomprehensible to others is a reason for transfer to the reserve. The severity of stuttering is assessed during long-term dynamic observation in various situations, as well as on the basis of characteristics from the place of work or study.

Consequences of injuries

Injuries to any organs that cause disruption of their function, foreign bodies in the cranial cavity, eyes, mediastinum, abdominal cavity, extensive scars that limit movement in the joints and wearing a military uniform, consequences of burns and frostbite - with such a pathology they will not be accepted into the army.

Food allergies

If there is a food allergy to the main foods included in army rations (such as flour products, cereals, potatoes, butter), the conscript is transferred to the reserve. In this case, the presence of allergies must be confirmed by skin tests and an appropriate medical history.

Pathologies of the kidneys and reproductive system

Any kidney disease with impaired kidney function, with renal failure.

In case of pathology of the genital organs, the conclusion of the medical board will depend on the severity of the clinical manifestations. If symptoms are mild (for example, one testicle is missing), the conscript will be “fit with minor limitations.” Conscripts with infertility are fully fit for military service.

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