
Dream interpretation father-in-law and mother-in-law. Interpretation of the dream book: why do you dream about your mother-in-law?

If in a dream you saw your mother-in-law’s husband, you know that a joyful reconciliation awaits you with those with whom you have been in conflict for a long time. This dream has this meaning in most well-known dream books. But there are no less popular interpreters who interpret this night dream completely differently. Perhaps it all depends on the plot?! Let's figure out why the father-in-law dreams and how to protect yourself when the dream portends trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you dream about your father-in-law? This is a sign that after major family disagreements, peace and goodwill will enter your life. But a woman’s dream about a scandal with him means the following: scandalous and evil people will become an obstacle in the desire to enjoy life. The dream book promises a good interpretation of the dream for a girl who saw that her sick father-in-law is healthy, cheerful and smiling - a wonderful family life awaits her.

Pleasant communication is a sign of joy and good luck

If you dream that your father-in-law hugs you, it means pleasant family meetings and get-togethers. And if you hugged, expect guests.

Kissing your husband's daddy on the temple - one of your relatives will help you get out of a deadlock situation by suggesting the right solution.

If you want to understand why you had a dream in which you are drinking with your spouse’s father and singing songs, take a look at the Lunar Dream Book. His interpretations will delight you: you will soon become the darling of fate - you will be lucky in everything.

If you dream that your father-in-law invited you to dance, expect good news and joyful news.

Arguing with “dad” means depressing events

It’s bad if you dreamed of a quarrel with your spouse’s dad - this is a sign of failure, the White Magician’s dream book upsets with its prophecy.

But the Eastern Dream Book interprets a similar vision somewhat differently, with only one amendment that you are quarreling with your now deceased father-in-law. This plot means that you need to establish contact with your husband’s relatives in order to avoid unnecessary problems with them.

Fighting with your ex-father-in-law brings unpleasant memories.

Dreaming of a drunken father-in-law with whom you are arguing means difficulties in communicating with your loved one, and if it was a former father-in-law, then there will be problems with your ex-hubby. For example, you may not agree on how to raise a child.

Illness and other troubles, or difficulties await you at work

Feeding a “dad” who is dying in a dream means you have to cope with the difficult work that your boss will entrust to you.

The woman who sees that her father-in-law has had an accident and is seriously injured will have problems with colleagues, the Women’s Dream Book prophesies. It’s especially bad if the deceased is actually the father-in-law.

Helping your husband’s sick father in a dream means tedious and painstaking work.

When you happen to see your father-in-law in a dream, you know that you will be able to establish relationships with those individuals with whom you have been in conflict for a long time. This vision has a similar meaning in many dream books.

However, there are other well-known dream interpreters who interpret this image quite the opposite. Maybe everything is determined by the semantic content? It’s worth figuring out what the father-in-law is dreaming about, and how to protect yourself in that situation if the dream prophesies misfortune.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you dream about your mother-in-law's husband? This is a harbinger that very soon disagreements and misunderstandings between you and family members will be replaced by peace and prosperity. But if you make a row with him, the dream foresees the following: insidious enemies will act as a kind of obstacle in the desire to receive joy from life.

The dream book promises a positive explanation of the dream for a young lady who dreamed that her sick father-in-law was absolutely healthy, and a smile predominated on his face - a wonderful married life awaits her.

Pleasant communication is a sign of joy and good luck

To dream that your father-in-law hugged you tightly means welcome meetings with loved ones and a pleasant pastime. But if you yourself hugged your father-in-law, expect guests to visit you soon.

Kissing your spouse’s father on the temple means a relative will help in a hopeless situation by telling you about a reliable solution.

If you want to find out why you had a vision where you drink alcohol with your father-in-law, and also sing songs together, look in the Lunar Dream Book. The presented interpretations will certainly please you; very soon fortune will be on your side, so expect good luck in everything.

Dream interpretation father-in-law

Most often, people who appear in our dreams are for a reason. It is these night visions that are more difficult to interpret than others for various reasons.

First of all, this person is not just a direct sign; the most important and decisive role here is your attitude towards this person, as this can change all the predictions that are told.

So why do you dream about your father-in-law? He, like his mother-in-law, is a person whose moral position can be extremely diverse.

For an accurate interpretation of night vision, try to remember what exactly he did in your vision. Sad or cheerful, perhaps he was talking to you or doing something. After all, you could see in your dreams your father-in-law, who is now deceased, or the parents of your ex-spouse. You could also see various conflicts in your night vision.

If you dreamed about your father-in-law

It is worth reading this dream interpreter carefully. And think about whether everything in your family is harmonious, whether you spend the necessary time with your family, whether family members are happy, whether there are any hidden conflicts or omissions. You dreamed about your father-in-law being sad or cheerful, alive or dead. All these are important factors that can radically change the interpretation of your vision.

According to all genres of stereotypes, the mother-in-law is at war with her son’s wife and, conversely, the husband does not have an extremely warm relationship with his wife’s mother. However, this stereotype, fortunately, cannot always be found in a vision, and according to the interpreter, the husband’s father is not always a harbinger of misfortune.

The meaning of night vision

If you are married or divorced, then you will not shy away from contacting your husband’s parents. And this relationship can become warm and desirable, or cold and discordant. Your relationship with your husband’s parents will definitely affect your vision.

An unmarried girl can see her father-in-law and mother-in-law

If you dream of a father-in-law or mother-in-law who actually does not exist, it is quite strange, but very important.

According to the interpreter, your loved one’s dad in a dream promises you new acquaintances.

However, you should be on your guard, you need to trust everyone you meet, try to keep your distance from strangers, as they might take advantage of you, which could get you into trouble.

Ex-husband's parents

It’s quite an interesting vision when a divorced lady dreams of one of the parents of her former spouse. Seeing them in a dream means that your ex-husband still thinks about you to this day, remembering the warm and pleasant moments you spent together.

If it was a former father-in-law

Husband's real parents

According to the dream book, your father-in-law cannot promise you anything good. Especially if in real life you are good-natured and warm.

Unpleasant conversations, uninvited guests or unpleasant chores await you. However, you don’t need to attach great importance to this; you can easily overcome all these problems. It is worth remembering that any black streak ends.

Try on the role of mother-in-law and father-in-law

According to the interpreter, seeing in a dream that you are a mother-in-law or father-in-law has a pretty good meaning. As the interpreter says, this promises you to deal with all your problems and defeat your rivals in reality. With the help of your own strength, you can begin a favorable period in life.

See him mocking you in your face

Seeing your loved one's dad laugh in your face does not bode well for you. Sadness and troubles will await you soon. However, take a closer look at these problems, you will definitely find something new for yourself that will help you further in life.

Late father of a loved one

According to the interpreter of dreams, if you happened to see a father-in-law who died in your dreams, then this is a sign that you should be more attentive to your soulmate.

Show care and attention, romance will definitely not hurt you. But if you happen to see your spouse’s deceased father talking to you, then be sure to listen to what you heard.

I dream about conflicts

Disagreements in a dream foreshadow quarrels in reality, with people who didn’t give a damn about your own worldview and hobbies. Try to avoid or prevent these unnecessary quarrels, as they will not bring any benefit, but will take a lot of energy.

Deceased who is alive

I dreamed about my deceased father-in-law

Seeing your spouse’s father die in a dream suggests that you blame anyone but yourself for any quarrel. Don't do this, you may also be guilty. Sometimes it is worth looking at the situation soberly and still realizing that sometimes you are the culprit of the quarrel.

Inaction of husband's parents

Seeing in a night vision how your husband’s father or mother-in-law are inactive, portends you a whole series of pleasant events. All current difficulties will resolve themselves, the negativity will pass without a trace, and you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief, because life will become much more pleasant.

The parent who cries in your dream

To see your spouse’s dad grieving in your night dreams indicates that pleasant events await you. Moreover, these great joys are just around the corner.

Other interpretations

For a more extensive interpretation of what a parent dreams about, we invite you to also look at other options for interpreting this night vision.

Family interpreter

  • Insulting your father-in-law or mother-in-law portends bad news for you.
  • The house of your husband’s parents suggests that you will soon have a chance to improve relations with his relatives. Do not miss this opportunity, because the main thing in a family is love and mutual understanding.
  • The deceased father of your spouse indicates that your spouse’s parents are concerned about your relationship with your husband. You should take more care of your soulmate and give him love.
  • In a vision where the husband’s father died - to a conflict in the family, where you will be the culprit. Try to monitor your own behavior and words; do not react violently to minor problems. It is then that you will be able to prevent this conflict.
  • The deceased father of your spouse, who appeared alive before you in a dream, indicates that problems will overtake you very soon. If he said something, then it’s worth listening, such images never deceive, and advice always helps.

Miller's interpretation

listen to your father-in-law's words

  • If you dreamed about your spouse’s late father, listen to what he says. Perhaps they want to warn you of danger.
  • The deceased father of the spouse, who actually died, tells you that you have finally forgiven each other and the cessation of communication between you.
  • Your spouse’s dad died in a dream, but in reality he is alive, warning you about problems in the house and conflicts with your husband. Be careful, this quarrel can lead to the end of the marriage.
  • If in a dream you happened to see your father-in-law alive, although in fact he died, this is a warning; you need to be more vigilant towards your family.
  • Seeing your loved one's ex-dad die indicates that the spouse with whom you divorced needs support.
  • According to the dream book, a father-in-law suffering from a rare disease promises support from unfamiliar people; you should not miss this opportunity.

Female interpreter

  • Seeing your husband's late father alive means you need to try to do everything in your power to save the family. Surround your loved ones with love and care, and then everything will work out.
  • Seeing your father-in-law alive and joyful means harmony and happiness in your family.
  • If the spouse’s father appears in visions, it means that soon the dark streak of life will end and all problems will disappear.
  • Seeing him sad in your night dreams means a quarrel with friends and relatives.

We hope that the dream interpreter helped you correctly interpret what your father-in-law is dreaming about and you can prevent disastrous events. It is worth remembering that everything in this life depends on you. And dreams simply warn of impending danger.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream Interpretation considers it a fairly common occurrence when dead visits alive in dream. Not surprisingly, there are many interpretations as to why dreaming similar "meeting". The plot of a dream sometimes causes a strong emotional outburst, and sometimes Deceased aunt symbolizes unfinished business. Mother in law Even in heaven she is worried about her family, listen to her advice. Father-in-law portends a deterioration in relations with her husband through the fault of the dreamer herself. If dreamed about it deceased great-grandmother, you will soon find what you have been looking for for so long. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it mother-in-law (deceased) But in dream live. We were driving together in the same car with her and another woman I didn’t know. Today in dream I gave two pairs of trousers to my deceased father-in-law and wanted to give back the money he lent us. He took the trousers because I said that I bought them for my husband (his son) too, but the size was smaller. He took the trousers, but no money, and said that he would never take the money from us and left. Read more

  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law alive, then the tense situation in the family worries her even in heaven. Dream Interpretation advises you to listen to what she told you in dream, perhaps her words contain practical advice that will help improve relationships with your other half. Reply. Anonymous: Me in dream kissed mother-in-law deceased...What awaits me?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    At the same time If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law and you quarreled with her, then in real life you will be to blame for a family conflict. Dead, late father-in-law dreaming to the fact that the family will be annoyed by strangers and scandalous people. If deceased father-in-law And mother-in-law dreamed about it together - the husband is in danger of trouble. Seen in dream, How mother-in-law dies in your arms - to a wonderful relationship with her. Dreaming dead father-in-law if he alive- there will be good luck in business. An intimate conversation with mother-in-law dreaming to a quarrel with her. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If mother-in-law which actually alive dreamed about it deceased, then perhaps you should prepare for changes in family life. But if a woman dreamed that she herself mother-in-law cares for her, then in reality such a person expects the help of a person from whom this very help could least be expected. If a woman in dream has a nice conversation, hugs or makes friends with deceased mother-in-law- this is certainly a good sign. Read more

    Dream book "i-sonnik"

    Dream Interpretation dead man dreamed about it alive reports that in reality someone is judging you, conflict situations arise out of the blue, things are resolved with difficulty. In addition, this dream may mean that distant relatives are looking for you. Just hear a voice deceased in dream- this means you can get seriously ill. If dreaming calls you to his place - it’s better not to go, because such dream can lead to depression. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    I dreamed about it father-in-law? This is a sign that after major family disagreements, sad things have come into your life. dreams about death, as a symbol of disappointed hopes. Died in night visions late See alive deceased in reality father-in-law– you shouldn’t trust what they tell you...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    On the other side, dream with the participation alive character may be inspired by the dreamer's constant thoughts about him. And then all the value specified dream book, will not take place. This should be soberly and adequately assessed and taken into account before opening the interpreter. See how she laughs, laughs in your face. ex mother-in-law in the dream of a divorced lady. Mother of the future husband, groom. Dreaming that she died. Dreaming deceased mother of the spouse. Deceased mother-in-law something for you in dream says. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bledans"

    Why dreaming deceased mother-in-law? Dead relatives and acquaintances often visit a person in dream. Similar dreams have different meanings, but often for a long time dead a person appears to the dreamer in order to warn the latter, to indicate the right. Deceased mother-in-law, dreamed alive, symbolizes a meeting with an unpleasant person. Image deceased mother-in-law giving you money is a favorable sign indicating an imminent gift. Read more

    Dream book "sonnikus"

    Why dreaming mother-in-law meaning dreams dream book online. Dream Interpretation deceased mother-in-law- If a woman dreamed about it Mother in law deceased, But in fact she alive, This dream predicts big changes in family life. If you dreamed about it father-in-law who is sick means a quarrel with friends or relatives. If you dreamed: Sharpener Sharpener - to an unpleasant quarrel with mother-in-law. Weevil See in dream this beetle - for arrival mother-in-law or mother-in-law and their conversations. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation cloth deceased deceased in dream. Cloth deceased deceased dead in reality relatives dreaming alive dreamed relative.Read more

    Dream book "sonnikus"

    I dreamed about it Mother in law deceased, Mother in law deceased- to big changes in your personal life, to changes in your relationship with your husband. If a woman dreamed about it Mother in law deceased, But in fact she alive, This dream predicts big changes in family life. Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Father-in-law, mother-in-law in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this dreamed about it alive mother-in-law who died a long time ago. I told her that we were breaking up with her son... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation late. If late in dream lies calmly in dream deceased Late alive Read more

    Dream book "sonnikus"

    in dream with mother-in-law If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law- this speaks of changes in the relationship with her husband, and of big changes in her personal life. Father-in-law also died 24 years ago. In dream He alive and is going to bury mother-in-law, but didn't tell me about the funeral. Alone tonight dreamed about late father-in-law with his deceased mother and shouted at me so that I would mother-in-law(also deceased)...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "GadalkinDom"

    In this article we will try to understand the situation and give a summary interpretation of what it means to see in dream deceased mother-in-law alive and talk to her. If deceased mother-in-law She also told you something in a dream - remember what exactly and listen. Lunar dream book. Deceased mother-in-law dreamed about it alive– this is a standard phenomenon that precedes the appearance of unexpected guests. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "mufi"

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If in dream dreamed about it ex mother-in-law, or she met, then dream book interprets this as the approach of some family events with quarrels and proceedings. But this also leads to quick reconciliation between relatives, to a quick resolution of all family disagreements. To significant changes in personal life dreaming deceased mother-in-law. If dreamed about it my husband's mother is dead, but in fact she alive and healthy, then this dream has a forecast for major changes in family life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    If dead friend, sister or brother dreamed about it alive. Dead Brother in dream warns you that someone will soon need your help. Don’t refuse people, you will get it all back later. Fight with deceased brother promises profit. If to you in dream came dead Friend alive, then this portends you to meet a good person soon. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Father-in-law, mother-in-lawAlive you are depressed by your relationship with them; Don’t try to forcefully please them, it will only make everything worse. Dream Interpretation G. Miller. Why dreaming Father-in-law By dream book: If you dreamed about it mine father-in-law- this means quarrels with friends or family. See. also: why dreaming mother-in-law, why dreaming mom, why dreaming dad. Dream Interpretation S. Karatova. Why dreaming Father-in-law By dream book: If you saw in dream father-in-law- then you have to experience some kind of failure in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "Apteke"

    See in dream mother-in-law deceased portends changes in relationships with her husband and big changes in her personal life. If mother-in-law dreaming deceased and she really alive, changes in family life can be both positive and negative. Deceased mother-in-law, which dreamed about it a married woman, warns about problems that may arise in relationships with her husband and sorting things out with him. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Argue in dream with father-in-law or mother-in-law- a harbinger of scandal and failure in business. Female dream book. If you in dream see your recently purchased father-in-law- you cannot avoid serious conflicts with your loved ones and family. Father-in-law, mother-in-law - alive you are depressed by your relationship with them; Don’t try to forcefully please them, it will only make everything worse. Collection dream books. If you dreamed about it father-in-law who is sick means a quarrel with friends or relatives. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation late. If late in dream lies calmly and does nothing - this means changes, but not bad ones. See in dream deceased violent or if some kind of threat comes from him, there is serious trouble or danger ahead. Late alive means obstacles and delays in business. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation cloth deceased deceased in dream. Cloth deceased deceased symbolizes unfinished business. Blood on clothing, if it is scarlet, often indicates money. Almost always dead in reality relatives dreaming alive in cases where they want to point out something, warn or reassure. An important aspect of such dreams is what your personal relationships were like during life. dreamed relative.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    Miller dream book dead relative dreamed about it alive. According to Miller, seeing the dead alive in dream– is interpreted as a warning. If suddenly you had to see in dream deceased father alive, then you should be wary of enemies lurking in your immediate environment, and also be prepared for failures in business. In cases where you need to learn restraint and be able not to show evil feelings towards others, you can see in dream deceased mom alive.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fitodo"

    For an unmarried girl to talk in dream with mother-in-law- to meeting people whose problems she will have to solve in the future, and who will cause her trouble. If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law- this speaks of changes in the relationship with her husband, and of big changes in her personal life. If mother-in-law alive, A dreamed about it woman deceased, dream portends big changes in family life. Read more

    Dream book "mega-sonnik"

    deceased mother-in-law alive in dream- A pin burns out at the place of dinner with young children (a perverted communist fantasy), or it’s just that you’ll be pleasantly surprised. It is also possible that To a creepy purchase and to greedy health... Why dreaming deceased grandma in a coffin? Why dreaming deceased mother alive?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Mother in law- See in dream mother-in-law - dream, which means that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties in your life and achieve the result you need. In particular, if you take family life, then after quarrels and misunderstandings you will be able to find a common language with your loved ones, and your life will improve. If you dreamed about it mother-in-law with whom you are constantly in dream If you swear, then in real life you will be surrounded by insensitive and tactless people who will constantly piss you off. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: I dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law. Useful information for reading: - how to remember the dead -. Hello, dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law a week ago it was already 40 days. Dreaming as if I were walking down the street and there was a table sitting at my father-in-law, my aunt, my husband’s aunt, my father (everything in life alive)and a woman sits sideways on the edge, I begin to look at her and realize that she is very similar to mother-in-law.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    He told me dreaming as if he alive, Although in dream I know he died. In the first dream after death, I even asked, crying, “how are you alive and where have you been,” he doesn’t say, but just smiles sweetly. Already 2 similar ones sleep that he alive returned to us. Help me understand. Friend dreamed that she is with her husband, deceased mother-in-law, father-in-law and as a child are in the old apartment where they used to live.

A mother-in-law is a woman whom some people love and others hate. Relationships with mother-in-law are always a painful issue that worries most women and girls. Even at the beginning of a relationship, future brides worry about how the groom's mother will perceive them. They try to please her, to please her, to deserve her good attitude. Dreams involving mother-in-law largely reflect our true relationship with our husband's mother. Even if in reality everything is fine with you, a dream can show a true picture of your relationship with your mother-in-law. Perhaps in a dream you will see a hint on how to improve relationships and avoid mistakes in communication.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Why does the ex-mother-in-law dream: the dream warns of danger in a relationship with a beloved man.
  • Why dream about your ex-husband's mother-in-law: you dream about a cheerful ex-mother-in-law - any careless word will provoke a quarrel in the family.
  • Why dream of quarreling with your mother-in-law: in a dream, quarreling with your ex-mother-in-law promises a rude, careless attitude towards you on the part of people close to you and strangers.
  • If your mother-in-law came in a dream, expect problems at home, at work and in your relationship with your husband.
  • Seeing a woman's dead mother-in-law in a dream means her husband's illness.
  • Mother-in-law's house: the interpretation of the dream suggests that you will find support from your mother-in-law during a difficult period in your life.
  • If you often dream about your dead father-in-law and mother-in-law? Their souls require peace. Go to church and light a candle for them. Forgive them all insults.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about my deceased mother-in-law being alive: she is watching you and helping you, although you don’t see it yet.
  • Dream Interpretation: arguing with your mother-in-law in a dream means getting problems from other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead mother-in-law - wealth and successful business.
  • The ex-mother-in-law died, dream book: danger for former relatives.
  • Why do ex-mother-in-law and father-in-law dream? Nostalgia about a past life with a loved one.
  • Why do you dream of an ex-mother-in-law in a dream: If your ex-mother-in-law surrounded you with care during your illness, then in reality you will receive support from a person whom you have not seen or remembered for a long time.
  • Why do you dream about your ex-mother-in-law, who is now alive: the mother of your ex-husband in a dream promises the end of quarrels and disputes in your family.
  • A former mother-in-law in a dream foreshadows the onset of peace in relations with her husband and household members.
  • The dream “the ex-mother-in-law and ex-husband in a dream talk about the desire of former relatives to make peace with you.” Your ex-mother-in-law probably wants her son to be with you again. You need to decide, are you ready for this? Do you want everything back?
  • Arguing with your ex-mother-in-law, dream: in a dream you consider yourself guilty of a quarrel with your ex-boyfriend and calmly listen to her insults - have a higher opinion of yourself.

Autumn dream book

  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law: the dream speaks of weak protection from external influences.
  • Why do you dream of a deceased mother-in-law: the dream speaks of a desire to forgive a person or for your mother-in-law to forgive you.
  • Why do you dream of a deceased mother-in-law: major changes await you in the love sphere, a new stage in your relationship with your husband.
  • Why dream that your mother-in-law has died: the dream foreshadows changes in your personal life.
  • Why do you dream of a drunk mother-in-law? Your home will soon become a place of fun, celebration and joy. Get ready to receive guests and receive gifts.
  • with your mother-in-law? The dream predicts disagreements with other people, which will greatly upset you. Take care of your psyche, your nerves are not rubber.
  • Why do you dream that your mother-in-law is washing the floors? In reality, your mother-in-law will become a good au pair and will free you from most household chores.
  • The dream “mother-in-law is washing the floor” says that in reality she will protect you and your home from all problems and troubles.
  • mother-in-law? The dream foretells that your child’s paternal grandmother will take into her own hands the care and upbringing of the child. Do not resist this, the child will only benefit.

Summer dream book

  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law in a dream: you will be unreasonably insulted or offended. Take the situation with ease and save a lot of nerves.
  • Why do you dream of a dead mother-in-law being alive: take care of your health - he is in danger of being injured.
  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law crying: to success, joyful events.
  • Why dream of a quarrel with your mother-in-law: analyze your social circle.
  • Why dream of arguing with your mother-in-law: you are too worried about what is happening around you.
  • Dream interpretation: sick mother-in-law: your loved one will need your help.
  • The dream “mother-in-law hugs daughter-in-law in a dream” prophesies that you will receive support from an unexpected person.
  • Talking to your ex-mother-in-law in a dream means receiving good news.
  • Hugging your deceased mother-in-law in a dream means your wishes will come true.
  • Kissing your dead mother-in-law in a dream means that your hopes will be justified.
  • Dream "mother-in-law is pregnant." If a pregnant girl had such a dream, it means that your mother-in-law will love your child very much and worry about him as if she were her own.
  • Seeing your pregnant mother-in-law in a dream is a good sign, promising good health for your unborn child and support from your husband’s parents.
  • In a dream, your mother-in-law cries - a fun holiday or event awaits you that will give you a lot of positive emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: hugging your mother-in-law and having fun with her - you will soon shed tears and be sad.
  • Your mother-in-law's house in a dream speaks of your good attitude towards a woman. She has become attached to you and perceives you as a relative.
  • Why do daughters-in-law and mother-in-law dream? You will be overcome by a wave of bad mood, sadness, and longing for the past. You will be annoyed by a nasty person who you will want to get rid of. Unwanted guests that you will try to drive out.
  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law’s funeral? You will have a good relationship with your mother-in-law for many years to come.
  • The dream of “kissing your mother-in-law” says that she will help you make peace with your husband in case of a quarrel.
  • The dream of “hugging your mother-in-law” says: You will establish relationships with people you have not seen for a long time.
  • Your mother-in-law is strangling you in a dream - you will not solve the problem without outside help.
  • The coffin of your mother-in-law in a dream speaks of troubles that will overtake your relative.
  • The dream "mother-in-law's wedding dress" speaks of unattainable goals set by your mother-in-law.

Family dream book

  • Why dream of a quarrel with your mother-in-law: you will quarrel with people who are not interested in your opinion.
  • Why does a future mother-in-law dream: for a free girl to see her mother-in-law - you will soon meet people who will cause you a lot of trouble and trouble.
  • If a married girl often dreams of her mother-in-law, she should expect unwanted guests, a lot of worries and difficult work.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see your mother-in-law in your appearance - you will soon forgive all insults and begin to live anew.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see your mother-in-law silent in a dream - all quarrels and conflicts at work and in the family will end and peace will come.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your dead mother-in-law means your husband’s mother is very worried about events in your family. Remember what she told you and follow her advice.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a mother-in-law foreshadows bad events and the emergence of problems that will be difficult to solve.
  • Dream Interpretation: your mother-in-law has died - you will be to blame for your family’s problems.
  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law's house? The dream foretells an improvement in relations with the husband's mother.
  • A mother-in-law in black in a dream speaks of the risk of dangerous situations and the possibility of contracting a difficult-to-treat disease.
  • The dream of “meeting your mother-in-law in a shoe store” says that difficult times are coming, but you will find the right way out of the situation.
  • In a dream, your mother-in-law bathed her husband in mud - she will be the culprit of your husband’s illness.
  • The dream “mother-in-law trying on new shoes” says that you can make new plans, nothing will stop you from implementing them.
  • The dream “my ex-mother-in-law is washing dishes on the street” is a dream about mistakes in behavior with my mother-in-law.
  • The mother-in-law makes a white bed in a dream - her period of anxiety and sadness will end.
  • Dream Interpretation: mother-in-law gave birth to a girl - to pleasant changes in her life.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing the mother-in-law's floors means an invasion of gossips, scandalous people from whom there will be no salvation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant mother-in-law means that your grandparents will take care of your children.
  • Dream Interpretation: insults mother-in-law - expect to receive bad news.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: mother-in-law is crying - expect good news.
  • The dream “mother-in-law laughs” promises sad news.
  • Why do you dream of a crying mother-in-law? To success, wonderful events. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about your former deceased mother-in-law? They want to warn you about some important event.
  • Why do you dream about dead mother-in-law and father-in-law? You should be more friendly towards your relatives.
  • If you often dream about your deceased mother-in-law, you should go to church and light a candle for the repose.

Spring dream book

  • Seeing your mother-in-law in a dream means hard, hard work.
  • Dream Interpretation: deceased mother-in-law - significant changes await you in your relationship with your husband, which will not bring positive emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreams of a deceased mother-in-law indicate the need to change your life goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a deceased mother-in-law being alive - change your guidelines, you will not fulfill your desires if you do not follow your mother-in-law’s advice.
  • Dream Interpretation: a deceased mother-in-law is alive. You need to apologize, at least mentally, to your late mother-in-law.
  • The deceased mother-in-law appeared in a dream - reconsider your plans. Now you are going the wrong way.
  • Dream Interpretation: mother-in-law beats daughter-in-law - to wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of a failed mother-in-law? You regret ending a previous relationship.
  • A failed mother-in-law in a dream symbolizes your sadness about your ex-boyfriend.
  • Why dream of a mother-in-law giving a glass slipper: betrayal on the part of the husband and his mother.
  • Why dream about an evil mother-in-law? Towards improvements in your personal life.
  • You dream of boarded up windows of your mother-in-law's house: you will not be able to win over your mother-in-law.
  • , which is the mother-in-law: your affairs will improve with the help of your mother-in-law. Don't push away her help and advice.

Miller's Dream Book

  • I dreamed about my mother-in-law; Miller’s dream book interprets the dream as a harbinger of a long-awaited truce after a quarrel at work or in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a quarrel with your mother-in-law foreshadows constant conflicts with cruel and evil people.
  • Why do you dream about a sick mother-in-law? There will be support from strangers, don't miss the chance.
  • Why do you dream about your deceased mother-in-law being alive? Be more attentive to your loved ones.
  • Why does the mother-in-law dream about her daughter-in-law? To failures, tears, poor health.
  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law’s apartment? You will be surrounded with affection and care when you feel bad.
  • Why do you dream of a deceased ex-mother-in-law being alive? Think about your ex-husband, he needs your support.
  • The dream “a dead mother-in-law is alive in a dream” says that it is important for her to know that everything is fine with your family.
  • Seeing your dead mother-in-law in a dream means wealth and happiness.
  • Seeing your deceased mother-in-law alive in a dream: you will receive a gift from afar.
  • Seeing your deceased mother-in-law in a dream: make peace with your family.
  • In a dream, seeing your mother-in-law dead means the end of the black streak.
  • In a dream, your ex-mother-in-law is deceased: you will quarrel with your loved ones.
  • The dream “death of the mother-in-law” foreshadows a quarrel with her husband and problems in the house. Try to prevent this from happening. A quarrel can lead to divorce.
  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law in a dream? Expect troubles and bad news.
  • The deceased mother-in-law has died: you have finally forgiven each other and nothing binds you anymore.
  • The late mother-in-law came in a dream: listen to the advice you heard in the dream.
  • Muslim dream book: your mother-in-law is visiting and - expect warm family gatherings and an improvement in the family microclimate.

Women's dream book

  • The dream “dead father-in-law and mother-in-law” says that you will receive support from higher powers.
  • Seeing your deceased mother-in-law alive in a dream means doing everything to maintain peace in the family.
  • Dream: why do you dream about your deceased mother-in-law? There will be success in business.
  • To dream that your mother-in-law has died: she will be in danger, but you will be able to save her.
  • Former deceased mother-in-law in a dream - you will experience pangs of conscience.
  • Why do father-in-law and mother-in-law dream: the dream promises the advent of peaceful times in business and in the family.
  • Why do you dream about your mother-in-law swearing: beware of your enemies - they can cause serious harm.
  • Why do mother-in-law and father-in-law dream: if the father-in-law is sad in a dream, then you will quarrel with friends and relatives.
  • Why do mother-in-law and father-in-law dream: a cheerful and healthy father-in-law in a dream means harmony and joy in your home.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about your ex-mother-in-law? You may be offended soon, but you should not take offense to heart.
  • I dream about my ex-mother-in-law: what does this mean? The dream says that you will be provoked into scandals, however, you should not succumb to skillful provocations.
  • Why do I often dream about my ex-mother-in-law? Frequent dreams involving your ex-mother-in-law indicate that she has not forgiven you and wants you to apologize. It’s better to do this, then she will stop appearing in your dreams.
  • Mother-in-law's apartment: the dream says that all your plans will come true, you have nothing to worry about.
  • Seeing your mother-in-law dead in a dream means getting a chance to improve your quality of life.
  • Seeing your ex-husband and mother-in-law in a dream speaks of your warm feelings for your ex-lover.
  • Why do you dream about your ex-mother-in-law in a dream? The dream foretells receiving help from distant acquaintances or relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: your ex-mother-in-law was unwell in a dream - you will not refuse help to someone who asked you for it, even if you really want it.
  • Dream Interpretation: I saw my ex-mother-in-law - your household will be on your nerves. React calmly, this is temporary.
  • Dream Interpretation, mother-in-law: a quarrel indicates that soon you will hire boring workers who will not give you access.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about your ex-mother-in-law? News from former relatives awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: your ex-mother-in-law came to your house - you will make peace with your ill-wishers. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: you dreamed about your ex-mother-in-law and your ex-husband - you were in a hurry with the divorce. Your ex-husband still loves you and wants you back.

Prozorov's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream about a living mother-in-law: you will have problems with colleagues or bosses.
  • What does it mean when you dream of a mother-in-law: a stranger - a dream of sadness and depression.

Psychological dream book

  • The dream “I dreamed about my mother-in-law” promises you peace after long tossing and turning.
  • In a dream, quarrel with your mother-in-law - you will become a victim of scandalous personalities.
  • Why do you dream of a long-dead mother-in-law: in a dream she forgives you - to get rid of problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: a drunken mother-in-law dreams of a large number of guests appearing on the occasion of a good event.
  • What does the ex-mother-in-law dream about: giving money - to receive gifts, easy money, a profitable deal.
  • In a dream, your mother-in-law gave money - soon you will win the lottery or get a promotion at work. (cm. )
  • The dream “mother-in-law asks for forgiveness” warns: there will be a danger of becoming seriously ill. Visit your doctor to prevent unwanted disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreams of a mother-in-law's house indicate a good relationship with her husband's family.
  • Dream Interpretation: The mother-in-law's apartment portends support from the husband and his family in difficult matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: a deceased ex-mother-in-law promises a quarrel between spouses, deteriorating health, and injury.
  • Dream Interpretation: deceased mother-in-law is alive. Major changes are coming soon that will bring fresh air into your life.
  • For a woman, seeing her mother-in-law in a dream means receiving unpleasant emotions from strangers.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about my mother-in-law - your love with your spouse will falter.
  • The dream “quarrel with mother-in-law” indicates excessive concern for the climate in the family.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Interpretation of dreams: a mother-in-law with your face is a good omen, promising things will get better.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your mother-in-law in a dream - do not plan anything significant for the coming days.
  • Fighting with your mother-in-law in a dream means you have a lot of extra energy that you have nowhere to put.
  • In a dream, beating your mother-in-law is a symbol of your feelings for this woman.
  • Why dream of fighting with your mother-in-law: accumulating anger and rage in yourself, you risk getting sick and getting nervous exhaustion.
  • Why dream of beating your mother-in-law: you will quarrel with your subordinates or colleagues because of different opinions.
  • Meaning of the dream: mother-in-law. If you dreamed about your mother-in-law, in reality you will want new sensations, and you may want to cheat on your husband.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see your mother-in-law in a dream - you will have to accept your life as it is and not try to change it. Attempts will fail.
  • Dream Interpretation: arguing with your mother-in-law in a dream or talking in a raised voice - you are not satisfied with your personal life and you are trying to change it.
  • In a dream, your mother-in-law swears: be prepared for a quarrel with your chosen one.
  • Dream Interpretation: your mother-in-law kisses you in a dream after a peaceful conversation - you will stop loving your husband and try to leave him.
  • Why do you dream of a scandal with your mother-in-law? If, as a result of a scandal, you kick your mother-in-law out of the apartment, in reality you will have peace in your family and your feelings for each other will come to life.

Rommel's Dream Book

  • Seeing your mother-in-law in a dream means that in the future you will experience a cooling of feelings for your spouse, which is why she will look for love elsewhere.
  • The dream of “your mother-in-law scolding you in a dream” warns: you will suffer from arrogant, arrogant people.
  • A dream about a mother-in-law promises success at work and a truce with enemies.
  • Why do you dream of a dead mother-in-law: you should be more careful about your husband and her son.
  • Why do you dream about a dead mother-in-law? An ex-mother-in-law who has died promises a nervous situation, a feeling of fear or a difficult moment.
  • Why do you dream of a deceased mother-in-law: your relationship with your family will improve.
  • Why dream about the death of a mother-in-law who is alive: the dream promises major changes in the love sphere.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Dream Interpretation: sick mother-in-law and father-in-law mean disagreements with loved ones.
  • Why do I often dream about father-in-law and mother-in-law in a healthy state? The dream promises wonderful relationships in the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about your mother-in-law? You will experience a feeling of relief after a protracted quarrel with your family.
  • What does it mean if you dream about your mother-in-law? Make peace with your loved ones.
  • The dream “dead mother-in-law” foreshadows changes in the family. Bad or good - time will tell.
  • Talking to your deceased mother-in-law in a dream means you need to listen to the advice of older people.
  • The dream of “future mother-in-law” is a dream about an imminent marriage.
  • Seeing an ex-mother-in-law in a dream means the appearance of a pestering person who may represent the ex-mother-in-law.


Dreams about mother-in-law are ambiguous and foreshadow different events. It all depends on your relationship with your husband's parents. Remember that dreams show our problems and help us solve them. In a dream you can see the real attitude towards yourself. You can always correct the situation, make peace with your mother-in-law and earn her respect.
Warnings received in a dream will help you avoid danger in real life. Remember what you were told in a dream and get a chance to change your life.

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