
Is it possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment? Individual heating in an apartment building - what documents are needed according to the law, installation rules in the apartment. Premises in the apartment where a gas boiler can be installed

Do you think that heat bills are too high and the quality of service is unsatisfactory? Don't want to depend on planned and unscheduled outages? Tired of sudden temperature changes in batteries that do not correspond to weather changes? You have a completely legitimate opportunity to solve all these problems at once by installing your own heating boiler and disconnecting from the central heating network. But before you go to a plumbing store, you need to get as much information as possible about how to do everything correctly and in accordance with building codes. Do you want to properly arrange autonomous heating in your apartment? Then get some basic information about this case here.

Pros and cons of autonomous heating in an apartment

How advisable is it to refuse centralized heating in an apartment building? Let's start with an overview of the benefits that an autonomous heating system in an apartment can bring to you.

Important! When changing the power of the heating boiler, follow the known limits. Do not reduce the room temperature to values ​​that are less than the figures prescribed in building codes. Otherwise, you will “freeze out” neighboring apartments, which can lead to unwanted conflicts with neighbors.

Diagram showing the autonomous heating system in an apartment. The boiler receives fuel from a gas supply line equipped with shut-off valves and a meter. It is also connected to a cold water supply - a double-circuit boiler, and, in addition to heating the apartment, supplies residents with hot water. In the diagram you can see that the cold water line going to the heater is equipped with a filter - its presence significantly extends the service life of the equipment. Of course, the “supply” and “return” of the heating system also depart from the boiler, through which water flows to the radiators and the “warm floor” system

It should be understood that independent heating of an apartment has its own disadvantages and problems. If you are going to install autonomous heating at home, be sure to familiarize yourself with them so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise for you in the future. Which should be d, you can find out in our article.

Now, having familiarized ourselves with the positive and negative sides of autonomous heating, we will tell you how to make it. The entire process can be represented as several steps performed sequentially.

  1. Work with documents - obtaining permission to disconnect from the centralized heat supply and install your own, autonomous system.
  2. Selecting the power of the heating system for your apartment.
  3. Choosing a boiler for autonomous heating
  4. Installation work - installation of meters and boiler, laying pipes, etc.

Competent work with documents is half the success

In the following sections of this article we will look at all these steps, but in more detail. So let's get started.

Preparation of documents for the installation of autonomous heating

The first 50% of success in arranging autonomous heating in an apartment consists of paperwork and going through many bureaucratic delays. To make your task easier, we have compiled approximate step-by-step instructions on how to prepare the necessary papers and coordinate all the work.

Step 1. Collect a package of documents that you will need to obtain permission to disconnect from the centralized heating supply and install autonomous heating:

  • technical passport for the apartment:
  • documents confirming the ownership of housing or their notarized copies;
  • consent to the redevelopment of all those living in the apartment;
  • application for disconnection from centralized heating;
  • application for redevelopment of an apartment.

Step 2. Find out who owns the heating system. If it is communal, then to disconnect from it and connect autonomous heating you will need to obtain the written consent of all residents of the house.

Step 3. With an application for disconnection from centralized heating and other documents, contact the management company (or HOA).

Step 4. Within ten days, you must obtain permission to disconnect from the general heating network and technical specifications (abbreviated as TU) for the heating boiler and autonomous heating system.

Important! If the management company refuses you permission, find out the reason. If it is unfounded, challenge this decision in court. Remember, you have the right to autonomous heating in your own apartment.

Step 5. With technical specifications and other documents, contact a specialized organization that will draw up a project for an autonomous heating system. They must also determine whether you have the technical ability to install such a system and whether this will not harm the other residents, the building itself and its utilities.

Step 6. Submit the application for redevelopment along with the project, technical calculations and other documents to the local government authorities. Within 45 days they must issue you permission to install autonomous heating.

Step 7 If you intend to install a gas boiler, coordinate this event with the gas service in your city.

Step 8 If necessary, confirm with the fire department that your redevelopment project meets all codes.

Some bureaucratic aspects of paperwork and permission for autonomous heating in an apartment may differ in different regions. Please check these points with your local administration in advance.

Important! Remember that any unauthorized work that is not agreed upon with the gas service and management company is unacceptable. First, such conditions create a risk for you, your family and neighbors. Secondly, this threatens problems with the law, courts, fines and an official requirement to dismantle autonomous heating in the apartment.

Selection of boiler power for autonomous heating

During the preparation of the project and permission to install autonomous heating, it is necessary to determine what power boiler will be sufficient to heat your apartment. To do this, perform a simple calculation using the following formula:


The result of the calculations is Q - power sufficient to heat the apartment; watts are used as units of measurement. For variable S, select the total area of ​​the apartment. P is the average amount of power sufficient to heat one square meter of a living room. In this case it is equal to 100 W/m2. Variables K1-K7 hide multipliers, whose value depends on certain factors that can affect the efficiency of the heating system. You can see their values ​​in the table. What is p , You can read in our article.

Table. Correction factors for calculating the power of a heating boiler.

CoefficientWhat does it meanValues ​​of this coefficient
K1Type of windows in the apartmentFor a single glass unit - 1.27, for a double-glazed window - 1, for a three-chamber one - 0.85
K2Type of external walls in an apartment facing the streetFor concrete - 1.5, for brickwork - 1.1, for the same, but with thermal insulation - 0.85
K3Ratio of glazing area to apartment areaFor 10% - 0.8, for 20% - 1.0, for 30% - 1.2, for 40% - 1.4
K4Regional coefficient, selected based on the average minimum temperature in JanuaryUp to -10°С – 0.7, -10°С – 0.8, -20°С – 1.0, -25°С – 1.1, -30°С – 1.2, less than -30°С – 1.5
K5The number of walls in the apartment facing the streetOne wall – 1, for a corner apartment – ​​1.2
K6Type of room located above the apartmentFor a residential floor - 0.82, for an insulated attic - 0.91, for a cold one - 1.
K7Ceiling height in the apartmentFor 2.5 m – 1.3 m – 1.05, 3.5 m – 1.1

Having multiplied the area of ​​the apartment, the value of the average power and the correction factors, it remains to include the last variable in the formula - R. It denotes the redundancy of the heating boiler power and has a value from 1.15 to 1.25.

A separate issue is the choice of the type of boiler that will heat the apartment. It can be either gas or electric. In this section we will consider the first option.

Today, gas heating boilers are the most popular among equipment of this class. They perform well both in private houses and cottages, and in an autonomous heating system in a city apartment. The advantages of gas boilers over other devices include the following.

  1. Cheap fuel. It is most profitable to heat an apartment, private house or country cottage with gas - the price of fuel is relatively low. Consequently, by abandoning centralized heating and switching to a similar heating boiler, you get the opportunity to save a lot of money and quickly recoup all redevelopment costs.
  2. Silence– a modern boiler will not interfere with your sleep, relaxation or household chores.
  3. Compactness– a medium-power heating boiler running on gas does not take up too much space. Its dimensions are comparable to one section of a kitchen cabinet.
  4. Functionality– modern automation allows you to have greater freedom of action in setting up the operation of a gas boiler.

But such a device also has one drawback. It is connected with fuel - a gas boiler is a fire hazardous equipment. Therefore, it is better to entrust the connection to the energy supply to an experienced specialist who has the appropriate permits and approvals and has all the necessary tools and skills to work with it. You can see what it is and how to install it on our page.

Gas boilers, in turn, are divided into two main types - single- and double-circuit. In the first case, fuel is burned to heat only the coolant of the heating system and for nothing else. It also supplies you with hot water, the centralized supply of which you will also be able to refuse in the future.

Consider the structure of the boiler shown in the image above. This is a double-circuit heating device with separated heat exchangers - the upper one is used to heat the heating fluid, and the lower one is used for hot water used by the apartment residents. The pump creates the required level of pressure in the line. allows you to compensate for the increase in the volume of liquid in the heating system as the temperature rises. Combustion products formed during the operation of the boiler are discharged into a coaxial chimney. Through it, the fan also draws in air from the street, which is necessary for the functioning of the combustion chamber.

The owners of an apartment in a building where there is no central heating have freedom of choice and can independently decide how to heat their home. In most cases, to heat an apartment in a multi-storey building, a double-circuit gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber is chosen.

Let's look at the advantages of using a double-circuit gas boiler for heating apartments:

  • thanks to the presence of two circuits, the unit is capable of not only heating the room, but also supplying hot water;
  • the user pays only for consumed fuel and electricity;
  • it is possible to configure the unit to the optimal operating mode;
  • heating devices have a sufficient level of safety.
Pay attention! Only double-circuit gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber are allowed to be installed in the apartment.

Floor-mounted and wall-mounted units are available for sale. For apartments, the latter are mostly chosen, as they are compact in size, easy to install and fit into any interior.

Gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber are good because to remove smoke it is enough to install a coaxial chimney, which is passed through the wall and its end is taken to the street. A coaxial type pipe consists of two elements laid one inside the other. Through the internal chimney, combustion products go outside, and through the outside air they reach the burner to maintain the combustion process. Units with closed combustion chambers are safe because they do not allow exhaust gases to enter the room.

Parameters for choosing a double-circuit gas boiler for an apartment

Selection of heat exchangers for a double-circuit boiler

As a rule, heat exchangers of double-circuit boilers suitable for installation in an apartment are made of steel or copper. The latter, of course, are more durable and reliable, but heating devices with them will also cost more.

There are gas double-circuit units with separate and bithermal heat exchangers. The second option is a system of two pipes inserted into one another - hot water circulates through the inner one, and coolant circulates through the outer one. Typically, the DHW circuit becomes clogged faster than the heating circuit and, accordingly, fails earlier. When the heating and water heat exchangers are placed separately, it is possible to replace only the faulty element. And if there is a bithermal circuit, you will have to replace both elements, which will cost much more.

What power of a gas boiler is suitable for an apartment?

The power of the gas boiler must correspond to the area of ​​the heated apartment and the number of hot water supply points. If your house is well insulated and the ceiling height does not exceed 2.5 m, then the power of a double-circuit boiler can be determined on the basis that 1 kW is needed to heat 10 m², and then add another 25% spent on the production of hot water. So, for example, to heat an apartment with an area of ​​60-70 m² and provide hot water supply to three water intake points (sink, washbasin and shower), you will need a 24 kW unit.

It is not recommended to choose a boiler with less power or with a large supply of power, since in both cases serious problems will arise. Insufficient power will lead to the fact that the unit will not be able to heat the room efficiently, and will also constantly work at the limit of its capabilities, which will quickly lead to its breakdown.

Too much power will result in excessive fuel consumption and reduced efficiency.

Pay attention! Double-circuit gas boilers with a closed type of firebox are dependent on power supply and will not be able to fully operate in places where power is often cut off.

Do you need a boiler?

A conventional double-circuit gas boiler operates as an instantaneous water heater. The volume of hot water produced will depend on the power of the unit. But sometimes it turns out that it is necessary to provide several hot water points, and the volume of heated water produced is not enough. This leads to frequent switching on and off of the boiler, which increases equipment wear. In this case, the best solution is to connect an indirect heating boiler. All heated water will be stored in it. When you turn on the DHW tap, warm water will flow from the boiler; when the supply runs out, the burner will turn on again and heat the incoming cold water. After closing the tap, the system will continue to fill the container with water for some time, simultaneously heating it. When the boiler is full, the burner will stop working.

The disadvantages of a gas boiler with additional capacity include the need to provide space for the tank. But this option extends the life of the gas unit and satisfies the need for hot water in full.

Additional functionality

As for the choice of double-circuit gas boilers for an apartment, it must have a standard set of safety functions: a self-diagnosis system, protection against overheating and freezing, draft and flame sensors. A summer mode is also required, in which only the hot water supply system will operate.

The presence of an electronic thermostat will also be a plus; it will significantly save fuel. If you program a certain temperature in the room, the boiler will constantly maintain it. A mechanical thermostat can only set the coolant temperature.

If you want to connect a “warm floor” system to a gas boiler, it is better to install a condensing unit. It works more efficiently than a regular confectionery one.

If desired, you can purchase a unit that operates from a smartphone, as well as a remote control. Of course, the more modern functions a gas boiler has, the higher its cost will be.

Pay attention! To extend the life of your gas unit and maintain warranty service, you should install a voltage stabilizer.

What is important to do before installation work begins?

Before purchasing a gas boiler for an apartment, there are requirements that must be met:

  • obtain permission from the gas service to install heating equipment;
  • select the room and location where the unit will be located;
  • take care of the availability of high-quality ventilation;
  • choose a coaxial chimney and think about how it will be laid.

You cannot install gas equipment in apartments:

  • multi-storey buildings not connected to the main gas pipeline;
  • where there are false ceilings and capital mezzanines.

To carry out installation, it is better to call specialists who have the right to perform such work.

Documentation required for installing a double-circuit boiler in an apartment

Obtaining permission from the gas supply company is only the first step towards installing gas heating in an apartment. The following sequence of actions is:

  1. After obtaining permission, it is necessary to order a project for installing a gas unit. This should only be done by a company that specializes in this type of documentation.
  2. A fire inspector must check the functionality of ventilation and chimneys. If everything is in order, you will be given permission to install the boiler. If there are problems, a report is issued indicating the required corrective work.
  3. If you are connected to the central water and heat supply, then you need to submit an application to refuse these services. Pay your debts and find out when the shutdown work will be carried out.
  4. Now you need to purchase a gas meter; take its data, along with the technical passport for the boiler, to the design organization. According to this information, a finished project is drawn up.
  5. A contract for servicing the unit is concluded at Gorgaz; this organization should also obtain a signature for the apartment gasification project.
  6. Having received the signed project, you can cut off the heating network.
  7. After this, the gas boiler is installed.
  8. Gorgaz employees come and connect your unit to the centralized gas supply, adjust the equipment, and seal the gas meter.
  9. In order to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty on a gas boiler, a mark from a technician from the company’s service center is required. He must come, check the device, make certain settings and put a stamp in the product passport.

The entire procedure for organizing gas heating in an apartment can take up to 3 months. Therefore, it is better to start it long before the start of the heating season - in late spring or early summer.

Judging by the reviews, a double-circuit gas boiler for an apartment is a fairly economical and convenient option for heating and hot water supply. Although the procedure for issuing permission to install a boiler cannot be called easy, it is worth it.

From the author: Hello, dear readers! Most often, the topic of arranging a heating system concerns private houses, because their owners have no choice but to take care of this issue themselves. But it happens that a similar task faces apartment owners. For example, if the summer turned out to be very cold, and the heating season in your region is limited to the winter period, no one wants to freeze, so you have to look for a way out.

Fortunately, a significant part of the necessary elements - for example, pipes, radiators and the like - are usually already installed in the home. Therefore, the owners have only one question to solve: how to choose boilers for heating an apartment? After all, this equipment must meet several requirements at once, which must be taken into account before purchase.

Each boiler is designed for a specific type of fuel. For a private home, you can consider any variety, basing your choice on other characteristics and nuances. But homeowners in an apartment building are more limited in this matter.

For example, there are boilers that run on solid or liquid fuel. In the first case we mean firewood, peat and coal, in the second - diesel. Both types of fuel heat the coolant by combustion. It is clear that an open fire and the installation of a chimney are not suitable for an apartment.

In addition, fuel reserves need to be stored somewhere. It is a rare owner who can afford to dedicate an entire room to storage. In addition, a purely physical factor also comes into play. Imagine, for example, how you unload a truck of firewood, carrying it to the third floor without an elevator.

In general, it is obvious that solid fuel and liquid fuel boilers are a completely unsuitable option for an apartment. And there remain only two varieties that meet both safety requirements and the overall feasibility of use. We are talking about gas and electric boilers, which are the topic of today’s article.

Gas boiler

Gas boilers have two undeniable advantages:

  • low fuel cost. Even if the equipment works all year round, and not only when necessary, you will definitely not go broke on gas payments;
  • independence from electricity. As a rule, a gas outage in a house is a rare event, but power outages happen much more often. Therefore, equipment independent of the network makes it possible to enjoy uninterrupted heat.

In addition, such equipment is reliable, easy to install and operate, and is highly efficient.

Blue fuel can enter the boiler in two ways. The simplest one is connecting to a common highway. In this case, the operation of the equipment will be as easy as possible, and gas costs will be minimal.

If the house is not gasified, then there is only one way out - to purchase fuel in cylinders. This comes with some inconveniences. Cylinders need to be stored somewhere; in a small apartment this can become a real problem. In addition, from a security point of view, they are inferior to connecting to a highway. An explosion of a cylinder if stored improperly can lead to very harmful consequences.

In addition, their volume is limited - as a rule, it is 50 liters. This means that the cylinder will have to be replaced with a new one quite often. In general, not the most convenient option. But, if it is not possible to connect to the highway, then this method is a very good alternative.

The closed combustion chamber does not damage the apartment atmosphere, as it takes air from the street. But for this it is necessary to arrange an air duct going outside. Not every house has the opportunity to drill through a load-bearing wall - first of all, this is due to legal aspects. Therefore, do not forget to clarify this nuance with the appropriate authority in advance.

Electric boiler

Despite all the economic attractiveness of gas equipment, electric boilers are still more often used in apartment buildings. They do not require official permits, they do not need a gas main or a place to store cylinders.

The power of such boilers is usually lower than that of gas boilers. For a private house, this factor usually becomes critical, but apartments are usually not so large, so this indicator is quite enough. In addition, electric boilers operate almost silently, and they have many additional functions that greatly facilitate operation. These include sensors, timers, regulators, and much more.

Of course, when it comes to electrical equipment used to heat something, two disadvantages become immediately obvious. The first is dependence on electricity. If the power goes out in the house, you will be left without heat and without hot water (if the boiler also serves for hot water supply).

The second disadvantage is the costs. It's no secret that electricity tariffs are high. The heating boiler consumes quite a lot of resources, so you should be prepared for the fact that from the moment it is launched, utility costs will increase sharply.

You should also take into account such nuances as the need for grounding and reliability of wiring before installing the equipment. - quite a powerful thing, it heavily loads the network. Sometimes single-phase power may not be enough. In particular, if the equipment power rating exceeds 9 kW, then it will be necessary to ensure the availability of a three-phase power source.

As for grounding, this is a common safety requirement when using electrical appliances, especially those that work in direct contact with water. As a rule, there is a common ground bus in the house to which the equipment must be connected.

In case of its absence, you can resolve the issue of arrangement either through the management company or on your own. You can get detailed information on how to lay a grounding bus yourself from other articles on this portal.

In general, if you are not afraid of the listed disadvantages and difficulties, such a boiler will be an ideal option for an apartment. It is compact, has high efficiency, does not require constant replenishment of oxygen in the room, and is easy to install and maintain. In addition, this equipment is absolutely environmentally friendly and carries much less danger than gas.

General selection criteria

Whatever boiler you choose, when purchasing you should take into account several factors characteristic of any type.

Number of circuits

One of the most important nuances is the number of contours. A single-circuit boiler can serve only one purpose, or rather, to heat the coolant either for heating or for a hot water supply system. You won’t be able to connect everything to it at once.

If there is a need to heat the coolant for both heating and hot water supply, then different equipment can be used for this: for the first purpose, a single-circuit boiler, and for the second, a boiler. This approach is optimal. Its only downside is the acquisition costs.

If this point is critical, then you can get out of the situation by purchasing a double-circuit boiler. Some models are even cheaper than single-circuit ones. But, as a rule, they are less reliable.

A double-circuit boiler means the presence of two heat exchangers. One of them is responsible for heating the heating fluid, the other for hot water. And here it is important to pay attention to the design of the boiler. The fact is that heat exchangers can be either dual or separate.

In the first case, heating water for hot water occurs using the flow method. This, firstly, significantly loads the power grid, and secondly, leads to considerable costs for paying for electricity. In addition, dual heat exchangers often break down and become clogged with scale. Boilers with this design are low in cost, but in the end the costs of constant repairs may outweigh the initial benefits.

This problem does not arise with separate heat exchangers. In essence, such a boiler is a heater for the coolant and a boiler attached to it. Of course, such models are more expensive, but in terms of maintenance costs they are much more profitable. And they work more reliably than varieties with dual heat exchangers.


Power is the most important characteristic of the boiler. This indicator is responsible for exactly how much area of ​​the room a particular equipment can heat. It is generally accepted that one kilowatt is enough for 10 square meters. But this is an average indicator that does not take into account many nuances.

Not only the area of ​​the room is important, but also the amount of heat loss. For example, if your apartment has ordinary windows in old wooden frames, then quite a lot of heat escapes through the cracks in them, which means you need a more powerful boiler.

In order not to make a mistake when calculating the required power indicator, it is better to contact a specialist. On the one hand, these are additional costs. But on the other hand, you will receive the most accurate calculation, taking into account all the nuances, such as the climate zone of the region, the presence of insulation on the walls, etc. As a result, your boiler will provide exactly the amount of heat that is needed, and you will not suffer from cold or , on the contrary, from excessive heat.

Placement type and material

Boilers can be installed on the floor or on the wall. The first option is more suitable for private houses or for dwellings in which there is no need to save free space. In ordinary apartments, it is optimal to use the wall-mounted option, since it takes up less space. Such boilers usually have less power compared to floor-standing ones. But for a small-sized home it is quite enough.

As for materials, it is important to pay attention to those from which the “insides” of the boiler are made. Typically, cast iron, steel or copper is used for this.

Cast iron is an excellent material from all points of view. It is durable, has excellent thermal performance and is extremely durable. But at the same time it is quite heavy, so it is not possible to place such a boiler on the wall. As a rule, cast iron is used in the production of gas boilers for private homes.

Steel is lightweight and cheap - this is the most budget option of those listed. But it also has quite a lot of shortcomings. It is susceptible to corrosion and scale formation, so such equipment often requires regular repairs.

Copper is the most expensive option, but fully justifies its cost. This is an excellent heat conductor, it does not rust, does not become clogged with scale, and lasts a long time. In addition, it is lightweight, so such boilers can be made in both floor-mounted and wall-mounted versions. If your budget allows, then, of course, you should give preference to a copper heating boiler.

Dear friends, after reading this article, you can safely go to the store and make your choice. Now you know all the main points and subtleties that should be taken into account when purchasing a heating boiler. In other articles on this portal you can learn about how to install a heating system in an apartment or private house, how to choose pipes and heating radiators - in general, there is all the necessary information here.

Use new knowledge yourself and share it with friends on social networks. Good luck to you, and see you again!

The ideal gas boiler for a small apartment should be: with a modulating burner, power 1 kW/10m, condensing, with a built-in boiler. In this article, I will explain why I formed this opinion and whether it is realistic to find a unit with similar characteristics for a price not worth half a car.

I will not write what a single-circuit and double-circuit boiler is, about the advantages of this or that heat exchanger, about the differences between wall-mounted and floor-standing models, about standard and condensing boilers. I will try to go through the particularly important nuances of choosing a boiler specifically for a small apartment, the most interesting and more or less affordable models.

Choosing a boiler for a small apartment

For an apartment, there are certain “iron” criteria for selecting a boiler. The gas boiler must have a closed combustion chamber (turbo). But how many circuits should be in your boiler is a matter of taste. A detailed analysis of the types of boilers was in the article. I'll just explain my IMHO.

Single-circuit or double-circuit?

Everywhere and everywhere I read about how convenient a double-circuit boiler is - it heats and heats water through flow, and its small size is beautiful. In theory, this is true, but in practice, hot water starts flowing from your tap after 30-40 seconds; in the kitchen you can’t rinse an apple and you can’t wash your hands with hot water. For the sake of domestic hot water, you have to take a boiler with too high a power (with the exception of boilers with a modulating burner or stepped power).

The required power is calculated very simply- 1 kW per 10 m. For my forty-meter apartment I need 4 kW, but taking into account heat loss (as long as the balcony is not glazed) - let it be 6-7 kW. I have 24 kW without the ability to adjust the power (Nova Florida Vela Compact CTFS 24, far from the cheapest boiler). All these kilowatts go to hot water, which needs to be opened with maximum pressure in order to at least have time to rinse your hands at the end of washing with warm water - this is a water consumption that simply does not make sense to close, since the boiler will drive the burner terribly. Plus, the 24 kW burner is full of oil, and at 35 degrees of coolant, the boiler clicks literally every 30 seconds. I don’t like double-circuit boilers, and I wrote about their disadvantages and alternatives in the article.

But, in fairness, I must note several technical improvements that make double-circuit boilers a more expensive and attractive choice:

  • Modulating burner
  • Built-in weather-compensated control
  • Condensation
  • Built-in boiler
  • Preheating hot water.

I will dwell on some of these features in more detail.

Modulating burner

Simulated burner, or modulation of a gas burner - the ability to gradually reduce and increase power depending on the needs of the room. The presence of a modulating burner is indicated by a power range, for example 9-24 kW. Since the boiler constantly cycles (on-off) at average temperatures, gas flares at full power quickly wear out parts, waste gas, and this constant clattering is annoying.

A modulating burner works something like this: when the shutdown temperature approaches, the electronics send a command to reduce the gas supply to the gas valve, the burning time increases and the boiler clocks less. Such burners work in conjunction with an external atmospheric sensor.

There are also two and three-stage burners with mechanically controlled gas valve.

Boilers with a modulating burner that are worth paying attention to:

  1. BAXI ECO COMPACT 18 Fi($500) - 18 kW, copper heat exchanger, continuous flame modulation for both heating and hot water, pressure gauge, heated floors, built-in weather-dependent automation and a bunch of other goodies.
  2. Immergas EOLO Mythos 24-2E($560) - 23.6 kW, stainless steel heat exchanger, modulating burner, auto diagnostics, Antifreeze system, simple thermostat connection.
  3. Vaillant ecoTEC pro VUW INT 236/5-3($1200) - condensing boiler, 19.7 kW for heating and 23 kW for hot water, stainless steel heat exchanger, two-stage pump, modulating burner with a range of 28%, electronic sensors for everything, gorgeous look.
  4. Viessmann Vitopend 100-W 23 kW WH1D256($650) - 23 kW, modulating atmospheric burner, built-in weather-dependent control function, self-diagnosis, frost protection system, boiler pump blockage protection, system for removing thermal inertia from the heat exchanger, electronic boiler operation safety system, pressure gauge.

Built-in boiler

Built-in boiler solves the problem of temperature changes due to unstable water pressure and burner timing, making it possible to use water wisely. Built-in boiler volumes from 30 to 100 liters for wall-mounted models fully satisfy the needs of a small apartment and a family of 2-3 people. The water container is placed in close proximity to the firebox; this is a functional and economical solution.

If the water in the boiler runs out, the flow mode operates. The built-in boiler allows you to comfortably use hot water at 2-3 water points. It is especially important that the burner is not affected by the water pressure in the system, as with flow-through use - anyone who has encountered underpressure of water onto the floors will understand what I mean without further ado. Gas boilers with a built-in boiler are much cheaper than those with a separately mounted indirect heating boiler and do not take up half the kitchen.

Gas boilers with a built-in boiler that are worth paying attention to:

Immergas ZEUS 24 kW($850) - 24 kW, copper heat exchanger, 45 liter boiler, electronic ignition and electronic flame modulation; antibacterial protection of the boiler, auto-diagnosis with LED indication; protection against jamming of the circulation pump.
BAXI NUVOLA 3 140 Fi BS($1000) - 14 kW, copper heat exchanger, 30 liter boiler, heated floor, flame control, thermostat to prevent overheating of water in the heat exchanger. A very good option for a 1-2-room apartment and a small family.
Westen Boyler Digit 240/60 Fi($1300) - 24.4 kW, cast iron heat exchanger, 60/40 liter stainless steel boiler, built-in weather-compensating automation, 2 temperature settings, antifreeze system.
Chaffoteaux Niagara C Green 25 NG($1500) - 23.5 kW, stainless steel heat exchanger, 45 liter boiler, modulation mode from 25%, modulated pump, simplified connection of external devices, built-in weather-compensating operation.
Viessmann Vitopend 111 24 kW WHSB047($1400) - 24 kW, 46 liter boiler, primary monothermal heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger for DHW, storage boiler with layer-by-layer filling made of stainless steel, two-speed circulation pump of the heating circuit with integrated deaerator, storage boiler loading pump, two-stage AC fan current, modulating burner, built-in weather-compensating control function, self-diagnosis.

However, for myself, I will consider a single-circuit option paired with an electric boiler. I gave my calculations of gas and electricity consumption using examples in a previous article.

Single-circuit gas boilers You can more accurately select the power for your area than dual-circuit ones. Their filling is simpler, so much fewer breakdowns are recorded. One of the advantages of one circuit and a separate hot water supply is that if there is a breakdown, you will not be left in a cold apartment with ice water flowing from the tap. Practice shows that the fewer functions a device has, the more reliable its design.

In single-circuit models, domestic boilers are quite popular: Mayak, Atem, Danko. Although most of the reviews and discussions go to boilers in private homes, our boilers are praised for their adaptability to low-quality gas and hard coolant, and for their cast-iron heat exchangers. In addition, almost all domestic boilers are equipped with SIT, Honeywell, Kape, Polidoro automation; English, German and Italian burners. But I won’t pay attention to individual models of domestic gas boilers - there are too few live reviews of use in apartments.

Models of single-circuit boilers that are worth paying attention to:

  1. BAXI LUNA PLATINUM 1.12 GA($1250) - 12.4 kW, condensing, stainless steel heat exchanger, ability to control solar collectors, circulation pump with full modulation, etc.
  2. BAXI ECO FOUR 1.140 Fi($580) - 14 kW, copper heat exchanger, modulating burner, smooth electronic ignition, high-speed energy-saving circulation pump with built-in automatic air vent, pressure gauge, etc.
  3. Vaillant turboTEC plus VU INT 202/3-5 H($800) - 6.8-20 kW, copper heat exchanger, ability to adjust to partial power, built-in circulation pump with automatic stage switching, status monitoring and troubleshooting on the display using the diagnostic system (DIA-System).
  4. Viessmann Vitodens 200-W 19 kW($2200) - 19 kW, stainless heat exchanger, modulating cylindrical burner MatriX, Lambda Pro Control combustion regulator built into the burner automatically optimizes the combustion process for various types of gas, Vitotronic controller with text and graphic display.
  5. Westen Pulsar D 1.140 Fi($550) - 14 kW, cast iron heat exchanger, secondary heat exchanger made of stainless steel, with LCD display, electronic self-diagnosis system and built-in weather-dependent automation, can operate in two temperature modes, etc.

If I missed any nuances or was wrong, you are welcome to comment, I will definitely add to the material. I hope that buying a gas boiler for your apartment will not be a headache for you.

The page contains basic information about a gas boiler for heating an apartment: types, advantages of double-circuit and wall-mounted ones, as well as how to choose for autonomous, individual heating in an apartment building.

Today, few people can be surprised by the presence of individual heating in an apartment, since many developers are building multi-storey buildings with the ability to connect an alternative heat source.

Living in houses where there is no such service, residents can also make their choice in favor of freedom and independence from public utilities.

The most popular type of heating is a gas boiler for heating an apartment, a double-circuit wall-mounted one, and there are reasons for this.

Gas boiler for heating an apartment: advantages

Apart from the difficulties in obtaining permits for switching to individual heating, otherwise this is an excellent opportunity to provide your home with real heat at a very affordable price.

Among the thermal systems existing on the domestic market, the most popular ones can be identified:

  1. Gas boiler in an apartment instead of central heating is considered the best option. It is difficult to say how much a gas boiler for heating an apartment costs, this is due to the cost of its kits, which include all components and elements, and the price of gas.
  2. Electric boilers They are also popular, but in this option you need to choose a truly economical model, since electricity tariffs are constantly rising.
  3. Underfloor heating systems have long won the hearts of many consumers, and since new types of heat sources are constantly appearing in this niche, interest in them will never disappear.

Of all the listed types of boilers for autonomous heating of an apartment, gas boilers are recognized as the most popular.

The reason for this is their advantages:

For individual heating in an apartment, boilers are completely safe and even if the gas pressure in the system drops, no one will suffer from this.

To create a truly warm atmosphere in your apartment, you should choose from a huge number of boilers the one that will work optimally for a particular room.

Types of boilers

Consumers often wonder how to choose gas boilers for heating an apartment in an apartment building. The answer is simple - learn how they work.

On the market, gas boilers for heating apartment buildings are represented by two types of units:

Units with a closed chamber are considered safer, as they do not allow combustion waste to enter the room, they are more durable and easy to install. The only drawback of such boilers is the fairly high cost, but it is quite justified.

Procedure before installation

Before choosing any model of gas boiler for heating an apartment, you need to take into account some nuances:

After all of the above conditions have been met, you can begin installing the gas boiler. It is better if this is done by specialists who have the right to do this, but you can carry out all the installation work yourself.

If you can install the unit yourself, then representatives of the gas company must connect it. If all the work is carried out in secret, then, in the end, it will become known, which will entail serious punishment with the complete dismantling of the system.

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