
Who are the hazel people? Hazel (Larch, hazelnut). How correct is the interpretation in your opinion?

Qualities of a nakshatra: Creation, Rajas
Caste- executioner
Direction- down (deeper, restraining, limiting principle)
Floor- female
Nadi- astral channel PITTA
Temperament- harsh, terrifying
Tattva- Air
Sexy type(according to the Kama Sutra) - monkey
Origin- human
Symbol- Elephant Tusk
Patron- Vishvedeva
Body part- right thigh
Managers- Venus
Quality- fear

It is one of the three stars in the Purva category. Purva in general are such stars, quite serious, because they belong to the category of terrible, but this does not mean, that all the people are terrible who were born under her protection, they can all be, as the song sang, “terrible in appearance,” or terrible according to the nakshatra, but kind inside. The nakshatra consists of two stars, which astronomers know as Caus Borealis and Caus Australis, as they are called in Latin. And near the constellation Sagittarius, they form a bow.

The ruling planet of this nakshatra is Venus, which indicates popularity, and also Jupiter, which rules the constellation Sagittarius, which is associated with Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity. Ganesha is considered the patron saint of astrology. Purvashadha means "invincible" or "indomitable, unconquered" and therefore it is sometimes called the invulnerable star or the star that cannot be defeated. Usually people born under the auspices of this star are quite proud and have the ability to influence the masses and influence people in general.

Purvashadha herself can give a person fame, wealth, success and great wisdom in life. The deity of this constellation is Apas. The deity that represents the cosmic waters, and these waters mean the waters of the causal ocean or the waters of the ocean Karanaka, Karana, the term itself means “cause” and in Vedic cosmology it is described in sufficient detail how the Lord manifests himself in this material world, as Karanadakashi and Vishnu. It lies on the waters of this ocean, and from its pores emerge in the form of small bubbles countless universes, including our universe, in which we are with you and which we consider endless, and some even think that it is the only one. And since there is no information and modern means, technical, and modern methods scientific ones do not even allow us to roughly assume what is beyond this universe. And beyond this universe there is this causal ocean, in which it is still difficult to even say, to name the number correctly, to say how many other universes, that is, billions, billions of billions of the same insignificantly small bubbles that endlessly, incessantly appear from the pores here this amazing divine form of Lord Vishnu.

Also this star is responsible for spreading the fame and reputation of a person, fame its throughout the country and the power or Shakti, the energy of this nakshatra is Vartyo Grahana Shakti - this is precisely the energy of spreading glory. Varuna is also mentioned as the deity who rules this star, that is, Varuna is the patron deity of the seas and oceans, and waters in general. We know him as Neptune from ancient mythology. And it is this nakshatra that is associated with the expanses of water, it is also associated with the potential to give, shed rain. Venus, by the way, is also a rainy planet.

People who were born under the influence of Purvashadha can reveal very deep philosophical nature, very serious spiritual quest, since Purvashadha allows a person to go through the threshing process, as it were, when there is a need to thresh grain, for example, wheat, then only the most important remains. Straw and other waste - they remain aside. And these by-products, they are compared with the human ego, but the essence of this grain itself is with the true spiritual nature, therefore this process of threshing in essence, the spiritual essence of a person is also connected with this nakshatra. Its main motivation is Moksha or spiritual liberation.

Purvashadha endows a person with such a tendency to tirelessly improve his life situation, that is, constantly work to improve the conditions in which people live and this may not only be in a material way, but may also manifest itself as a tendency towards the improvement of man or the search for an absolute position, in search of perfection of a higher order, in search of final victory. And therefore, people, when they are inspired by spiritual knowledge or receive the support of a spiritual mentor, they can progress very decisively, very uncompromisingly in spiritual life.

I have the opportunity to analyze people or situations of people, it would be more correct to say, from an astrological point of view, both living, say, in the world, just worldly people, busy with business, busy with some of their material projects, and people who have become interested in deeply Vedic knowledge. It is possible to truly compare how one and the same star manifests its energies in a material application and in a spiritual application. Therefore, it bestows this energy of victory and glory on a person and allows him to reach heights in the endeavors that he undertakes.

It is said that also these people have an independent character and are surrounded by a large number friends who support their impulses, their aspirations. The shadow side of Purvashadhi is self-centeredness, the moment of focusing on oneself . At some point, a person may concentrate too much on his decisions, his desires, considering them correct and acceptable for others, which, of course, will not always be the correct perception of the situation and because of this, a person can show an excessively expansive nature. That is, a person can impose his desires, his assessments on others in a rather assertive, aggressive form, completely disregarding their opinions.

Moreover, these people they are brilliant in arguments and debates and in argument they have the power to defeat anyone- I was convinced of this myself too. If such a person becomes involved in a dispute, for example in the media, he behaves very decisively. Such people behave very decisively and usually win arguments, due to the strength of their uncompromisingness, directness and determination. In addition, this is inherent in Sagittarius in general - straightforwardness and such steadfastness in affirming the principles in which they themselves believe. And for this, they are sometimes considered too open, too straightforward, and perhaps even too assertive. Sometimes they are even considered fanatics, that is, it may seem that a person perceives things too fanatically, a certain philosophy, but, in fact, this is human nature. They may even in some situation become obsessed with their ideas and become completely unresponsive to the demands and requests of anyone.

The energy of this star can be so destructive if a person moves in the direction of material achievements and achievements, and just as it can become an instrument for purifying a person’s consciousness if he directs all his actions to serve God.

The qualities that people born under the auspices of the star Purvashadha possess are: attractiveness, charisma, therefore, people are fascinated by character qualities and human behavior, without even particularly analyzing them. Therefore, this is a character trait - obsession, a person born under this nakshatra needs to be aware of this, in this regard. This is also one of the sides. And even the fact that a person has such a certain magnetism, charisma in his nature, one must also be able to handle this correctly, because rightness or wrongness, the correctness of views or their incorrectness does not matter - the person himself must know that he is not can judge the correctness of what he does and says simply by the assessment of others.

No matter what a person does, he has the blessing of this star to become famous , but just because he became famous doesn't mean he did great things. Therefore, here is the example of Adolf Hitler, which, in my opinion, is very appropriate here. Despite the support and admiration certain from others, nevertheless, a person must be careful and admit the idea that the assessment of even hundreds, even perhaps thousands of people of my behavior, nevertheless, may not indicate the correctness of my behavior or my decisions.

No matter what, people born under this star brilliant communicators , that is, they are brilliant at establishing contacts, can work in areas where this is necessary successfully, are very intelligent, have important qualities for a leader and politician - this is the ability to persuade, and have dictatorial tendencies. Therefore, in the family it can be somewhat difficult for children whose father was born under the auspices of this star Purvashadha; sometimes it can be quite difficult to accept such authoritarian methods of education.

As already mentioned, the deeply philosophical nature, a person perceives this world very deeply, analyzes, tries to understand the meaning of human life , seeks answers to why we suffer here. Very deep, asks very deep questions and seeks answers. Also these people may have very deep attachments to some of their friends, very deep.

Purvashadhas are quite successful, let’s call them that, there are in the field of writing, in the field of teaching, in the field of craftsmanship or the art of argumentation , debates, also in the transport industry related to the transport of goods by sea and, in principle, to shipbuilding as well. Successful politicians, successful lawyers, can, as is already typical for Sagittarius, be successful in the field of travel,

They are also successful in trade or in import-export operations, trade abroad. Successful as actors. And also brilliant speakers , that is, people who are able to speak in front of a large meeting, in front of a large audience.

Ruslan Narushevich, website

P.S. It’s interesting that when I read about this nakshatra for the first time, about half a year ago, I didn’t see much in it, but now such fullness has opened up! Still, the constant research of Vedic knowledge makes itself felt)) Then the information about the creation of the Universe passed my mind, I didn’t even pay attention to it.

My husband has this nakshatra. And the most basic quality that I see in him, and which intersects with this star, is a persistent desire for results, to achieve his goal. This is what I am amazed about in him)) I have almost never seen such determination and inner strength in people in my life.

Psychics about hazel they say that such people are born between March 22 and March 31, as well as September 24 and October 3. They say about such a person that he does not like half measures.

Hazel is also called hazel. It is a deciduous tall shrub. However, there are also representatives of this plant in the form of trees. These trees have wide round leaves of quite large sizes. . Psychics about hazel it is said to grow on the edges of the northern hemisphere, and is also often found in deciduous forests. This bush is fruitful. Everyone knows that the fruit of such a plant is an ordinary “hazelnut”.

Characteristics of the hazel sign

Hazel people have qualities that are inherent in all representatives of this sign:

  • First of all, such people are prone to whims.
  • Then they note that they are obstinate.
  • They say about hazel trees that they are able to please others.
  • They can not only be kind, but also take on the dark side.
  • Nevertheless, hazelnuts are always ready to stand up for justice.

Druid horoscope hazel woman

As for the female representatives of this sign, they are ready to die, but they will sacrifice everything in order to be together with their soulmate. Druid horoscope hazel a woman can even sacrifice her personal hobbies and interests for the sake of her soulmate.

If we talk about attitude in society, then such a woman will behave evenly and modestly. She does not like undue influence from other people. Moreover, he does not like large companies and crowds of people. Sometimes the views on the life of a hazel woman go against generally accepted norms.

Psychics about the hazel tree of the Druid horoscope in the guise of a woman they say that sometimes she likes to argue with people. However, her life can be completely unpredictable. Sometimes it all depends on a banal mood. However, such a woman never regrets actions committed earlier.

Druid horoscope hazel man

Psychics about hazel in male form they say that such a person is a very curious and interesting conversationalist. Such a man knows science very well, is erudite and freely understands even the most exotic and unusual things.

A man of this type from the ancient Druid horoscope is incredibly difficult to deceive. He puts almost all his ideas into practice.

Representatives of this sign become first-class specialists in the professional field. These people are prone to mood swings.

Druid horoscope hazel. Celebrities

Many people make up individual horoscopes of the Druids of the hazel sign for 2016. At the same time, psychics and astrologers take into account various points and factors.

There are many famous personalities among people born under the hazel sign:

Monica Bellucci is one of the brightest representatives of the Druid horoscope sign hazel

  • In 1573, Michelangelo Caravaggio was born under the sign of the hazel tree. He was one of the most famous painters in the world and is also the founder of the movement of realistic painting in Europe.
  • In 1596, Rene Descartes, a philosopher, mathematician and physicist from the banks of the Rhine, was born. It was he who was the founder of analytical geometry.
  • In the year 1749, Pierre Simon Laplace, an astronomer and mathematician from France, was born.
  • Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is also one of the famous representatives ancient horoscope of the Druids- hazel sign. His birth occurred in 1814.
  • Another representative of this sign was the writer Maxim Gorky, born in 1868.
  • Also among the hazelnuts is Vincent Van Gogh, a painter from Holland.
  • In 1869, the world-famous ideologist and founder of the national liberation movement of the Indian state, Mahatma Gandhi, was born.
  • In addition to the above-mentioned personalities, the number of people born under the auspices of this plant included the American aircraft designer William Bowing (1881) and the popular illusionist Harry Houdini (1874).
  • As for poets, different times Sergei Yesenin and Korney Chukovsky were born. Both were talented writers and had been shining for years.
  • If we talk about people who were related to music, then it is probably worth mentioning Dmitry Shestakovich, the Soviet composer, and Mstislav Rostropovich, the People's Artist of the USSR and conductor.
  • In 1927, Vladimir Ilyushin, an honored test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union, was born.
  • The English musician Sting was also born as a hazel tree. He was born in 1951.
  • Another of these is Vladimir Klitschko, who was born in 1976, was a boxer for a long time and even became a champion at the Olympics in 1996.
  • Among the Hazel athletes is Pavel Bure, a famous hockey player.
  • And this entire incredible list of famous people is rounded off by an extraordinary personality - a rap artist and American actor.

Psychics about the sign ancient horoscope of the druids of hazel they say that it is not possible to make a forecast as to exactly how a person will behave in a particular atmosphere associated with human relationships.

With a representative of the opposite sex, the Hazel person can be loving, soft and gentle. He is able to show his love and give it to his soulmate. However, sometimes there are also representatives of this sign who can become real domestic tyrants.

Psychics about hazel they say that he does not tolerate and does not like half measures. About relationships with the other half, we can say that such a person will love her with all his soul. But if a quarrel does occur between lovers, it will certainly be accompanied by screams, unpleasant expressions and statements. It is even likely that the conflict could end in assault.

Also about the hazel tree of the Druids' horoscope, which they are drawing up for 2016, they say that during this time period it will be impossible to deceive them. In the year of the Monkey, sign Eastern calendar One can say about a hazel man that one gets the impression that he reads other people’s thoughts.

22.03 - 31.03 and 24.09 - 03.10.


people who were born under the hazel sign are most often weak and timid and have a nondescript, unmemorable, but somehow magical appearance that produces an almost magical effect on those around them.

Character Traits:

people who were born under the hazel sign have a tendency to synthesis, they have well-developed intuition and imagination.

Famous people:

Raphael, Van Gogh, Goya, Graham Greene, Cervantes, Prosper Merimee, Nelson, Toscanini, Marcel Marceau, Sophia Loren were born under the hazel sign.

General characteristics:

In order to properly discern people who were born under the hazel sign, you need to get to know them better. And then you will immediately be amazed by the originality of their minds, and you will understand how charming they are.

People of the hazel sign never oppose their opinions to the opinions of others. They understand everything and easily adapt to any living conditions, and their demands are surprisingly small.

People who were born under the hazel sign have versatile knowledge, because studying comes extremely easily to them, but it depends only on them whether they will ever put all this knowledge into practice.

People of the hazel sign can be kind, wise and fair, or, on the contrary, dangerous, harmful and evil. The thing is that people of this sign do not have half measures and they are either kind without a trace, or just as subtly evil. In the Middle Ages, such people were often accused of witchcraft.

When people who were born under the hazel sign become attached to someone, they make his life happy and, on the contrary, when they dislike someone, they turn his life into a nightmare. Depending on their momentary mood or their own whim, they can magically influence those around them. Moreover, if they really want to please someone, they will be able to make this person love them.

People of the hazel sign are restless and very unbalanced, subject to rapid mood swings. They can either suddenly begin to take the initiative or, on the contrary, suddenly give up everything and simply allow the flow of life to carry them along.

Despite modesty and restraint, people born under the hazel sign never go through life unnoticed. They are extremely original and their life opinions are also unlike anyone else’s. You can expect anything from these people and they always do as they see fit.

People of the hazel sign have the ability to guess a person’s innermost thoughts and it is almost impossible to hide anything from them.

In love, people born under the hazel sign can be either the most beloved or the most painful partners. Life together with them will not bring peace, but one thing can be said absolutely for sure about it - it will be very exciting and unique.

» Hazel -

The main qualities inherent in the sign: tendency to analysis, intuition, fantasy, excessive criticality.

Time of year: spring, autumn.

Successful compatibility: with Cedar, Walnut, Ash and Hornbeam.

Incompatibility: with Beech, Oak, Cypress and Linden.

If you accidentally pass by and do not notice any person, then, most likely, the Hazel Man according to the Druid horoscope is nearby. A quiet character, inconspicuous in a crowd, is unlikely to arouse interest from passers-by. How do representatives of this sign differ and how to approach them? Let's talk further.

Characteristics of the Hazel sign

Such a person rarely has special charm and the ability to attract other people. In most cases, only those who have closely communicated with him for a long time and seen him in real life can notice the merits of such a person.

The Hazel Man prefers to remain silent. It is difficult to notice in conversations and lengthy discussions. Despite his silence, Oreshnik’s calm and even paradoxical conclusions amaze those who are nearby during moments of communication. Representatives of this sign are independent and always have their own point of view on everything that happens around them. They have developed intuition, which in most cases does not let them down.

The calm and quiet Hazel does not demand much from life. It adapts perfectly to changing living conditions. Such a person can be either very friendly, quiet and wise, or angry, harsh and even aggressive. His whole essence is a constant confrontation between black and white. At the same time, the main character traits appear depending on mood, whims, and changeable weather.

A person who has fallen out of favor with the Hazel Tree should be especially careful and vigilant. Those who like him can be envied. Representatives of this sign will do everything possible to make the life of the person they like as easy as possible.

The Hazel Man is a very creative person. He often makes unexpected proposals and tries to act differently in society than everyone else. If desired, such characters are very proactive; in the absence of it, they are passive and indifferent to everything that happens around them. Their sharp mind makes Oreshnikov stand out from their interlocutors.

Representatives of the sign born in spring are very curious. Sometimes the desire to always be in the know turns into a mania to “stick your nose in everything,” which is extremely annoying to those around you.

Hazel trees born in autumn have a pronounced temperament. This is very open people for whom public recognition, the opportunity to carry out educational activities, and demonstrate integrity and honesty in all life situations are important.

The main negative trait in Hazel’s character is excessive criticality. Just let him criticize someone. Even at the most inopportune moments, such people do not miss the chance to insert their caustic conclusion into the conversation and declare their thoughts.

Such people are excellent psychologists who know how to consciously influence the psyche of other people. They do this masterfully, using not words or deeds, but their own “fiery thoughts”, a strong psychofield.

Throughout his life, Oreshnik strives to test himself in different situations and demonstrate his abilities in different industries.

A man born under the sign of Hazel

A subtle mindset and insightful intuition enable the Hazel man to grab everything right on the fly. The mood of such people is extremely changeable and can change a huge number of times in just one day.

Representatives of the stronger sex born under the sign of the Hazel are excellent conversationalists. They are distinguished by good erudition. There are no topics that are little studied for them. They are well versed even in exotic branches of knowledge, and do not hesitate to demonstrate their education in practice. What prevents these people from achieving much in life is inconstancy and sudden mood swings. If Hazel sets a goal for himself, he always achieves it, making every conceivable and inconceivable effort.

In the family, the Hazel man is quite passive. He rarely helps his wife in household matters, citing his detachment from everything ordinary and mundane. Despite this, Hazels are excellent fathers. They always pay a lot of attention to their children and enjoy raising them.

A woman born under the sign of Hazel

Very sensual, original, unlike representatives of other zodiac signs according to the Druid horoscope. The Hazel Woman can be easily recognized even by her special attitude towards life and everything that happens around her.

In the same situation, such young ladies can manifest themselves in different ways: leave the matter to chance and show no interest in it, or become completely carried away by it, devoting all their free time.

IN family life Such women are calm and balanced. They make excellent housewives and wonderful mothers. During any conflicts and quarrels, they prefer to remain on the sidelines and rarely show aggression.

Despite the apparent down-to-earth nature, such young ladies can demonstrate their character, instantly turning from a very sensual and gentle person into a real shrew in relation to their partner.

In a male society, the Hazel woman loves to be in the center of attention, demonstrating to those around her her sharp mind and excellent acting abilities.

Baby Hazel

The Hazel Child is a small personality who, from a very early age, has his own point of view on any matter. For such a child, it is extremely important that parents know how to listen and hear him. In relationships with peers, Hazel children are quite friendly.

Despite the fact that they are not always able to find a common language with other guys, they do not lack friends. As a rule, a Hazel child has 2-3 loyal friends from early childhood. Oreshnik remains faithful to this friendship throughout his entire adult life. If he doesn’t like someone from little Hazel’s circle, the child will not hesitate to show his negative attitude and show unfriendly emotions.

In their studies, such children rarely show superpowers and become leaders. Nevertheless, they almost never have problems with academic performance. Little representatives of the Hazel sign best demonstrate their abilities in the humanities. Precise objects are difficult for them.

If parents make every effort to raise their child well and show by personal example how to get out of this or that life situation with dignity, then the Hazel child will grow up to be a wonderful, sensible person, ready to do exceptionally good deeds.

Love, family, relationships

In a relationship, a Hazelnut person represents two extremes - the most tender and best partner or a real tormentor. Even knowing about the devoted love and affection of his partner, Hazel constantly worries about a possible breakup and betrayal, so you can expect anything from such a person.

He can be both proactive and completely passive in relation to his soulmate. Either express your feelings extremely openly, or withdraw into yourself and not say a word about your attitude.

Sometimes Hazel doesn't need a partner at all. He can also exist harmoniously both with the person he likes and independently, alone with himself.

If receptive and sensitive Hazels find out about betrayal, they quickly lose their temper and never forgive betrayal on the part of their partner.

Family life with a Hazel can be both calm and exciting. A person who wants to please Hazel must do everything possible to completely win his heart. Otherwise, he risks being “trampled” by Hazel like an elephant at the first opportunity.


Unfortunately, representatives of this sign cannot boast of excellent health. Throughout their lives, Hazels get sick quite often. Most often, poor health is caused by a sedentary and inert lifestyle.

If the Hazel person manages to get out of his own comfort zone and seriously engage in sports and pay due attention to his own health, then he will still be able to avoid many problems.

Professional qualities, career

A sharp mind and excellent organizational skills make Oreshniks good planners, analysts, organizers and even writers. In any activity, such people know how to foresee everything down to the smallest detail.

Throughout their lives, Hazelnuts strive for new knowledge, often reaching good heights in scientific activity and even becoming doctors and professors of various sciences.

Despite his high professionalism, dealing with Hazel in the profession is quite difficult. First of all, because of its unpredictability. It is always difficult for a colleague of such a person to predict how he will behave in a given situation, what decision he will make. Even for those people who have known him for a long time, some of Oreshnik’s actions can cause bewilderment and a feeling of anxiety.

In their work life, representatives of this sign, as in life in general, like to go against everything and everyone, to demonstrate to their colleagues and superiors a sense of self-worth and their own ambitions.

The main goal for Oreshnik in his work is to turn “an old swamp into a living stream”, to speed up life where it stopped.

Confidence in one’s own strengths, knowledge, experience and courage helps Hazel to achieve great heights in his career. Such people are not afraid to take risks and boldly face new difficulties.

Thanks to their well-developed intuition, Oreshniks know how and where to express themselves, what qualities to demonstrate in order to please a potential employer and earn fame and honor from those around them.

In large teams, representatives of this particular sign are engaged in the implementation of the most interesting and unusual projects, the results of which are subsequently reaped by their management.


The Hazel Man is a person who is content with little and quickly adapts to the most modest living conditions and changeable microclimate.

Thanks to their good ability to make a career, the pockets of such people are never empty. They always know where and how to earn the required amount and what to spend it on in the future.

Hazel is not one of those who will waste money. Whenever possible, representatives of this sign try to save every penny in order to successfully invest their “hard-earned money” in a profitable business in the future.


Marcel Marceau, G. Mann, Raphael, Van Gogh, Gandhi, Yesenin, Gershwin, Cervantes, Sophia Loren.

As we can see, the Hazel Man is a rather inconspicuous and calm person, accustomed to living in his own little world, without leaving his own comfort zone. It can be difficult to gain the favor of such characters. If sympathy does arise, then you can expect devoted and sincere feelings and real noble deeds from the Hazel.

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