
Not by bread alone: ​​a simple recipe for making bread beer. Carbonated beer drink (imitation dark variety) made from black bread Bread beer recipe

A proven method for making beer from black bread (crackers) at home without special equipment. In addition to the ingredients themselves, you only need pots, jars, bottles and a kitchen sieve (gauze). The result is a natural drink, slightly reminiscent of the legendary English Guinness.

Attention! The proposed recipe only imitates the taste, but is not beer from a technological point of view. This is a simplified option that does not require hours of boiling the wort and observing temperature breaks (saccharification) of the malt.


  • water – 5 liters;
  • black bread (rye) – 1 kg;
  • hop cones – 30 grams;
  • sugar – 300-350 grams;
  • yeast – 5 grams of dry (20 grams pressed) baker’s or brewer’s yeast per 5 liters of wort;
  • fermented rye malt – 150 grams (optional).

Theory. Any black rye or rye-choux bread without additives or flavorings is suitable: “Classic”, “Belarusian”, “Riga”, “Ukrainian” or “Lithuanian”. The simpler the composition, the better.

Dried hop cones are sold in pharmacies and brewing stores. To make the beer moderately bitter, it is advisable to take hops with an alpha acidity of 4.5-5%. There is no information on the content of alpha acids on medicinal products; only hops intended for brewing are labeled. This is the main reason why pharmacy hops are rarely used for brewing beer - it is difficult to predict future bitterness.

It’s hard to predict bitterness from hops from a pharmacy.

The strength of bread beer is formed due to the fermentation of sugar - 1% of sugar fermented in the wort gives 0.6% alcohol. According to the proportions in the recipe, the approximate strength of the finished drink will be 4%. You can adjust the alcohol content at your discretion by changing the amount of added sugar. However, remember that beer stronger than 6-8% is for the amateur, and below 2% is more like kvass.

It is advisable to use top-fermenting brewer's yeast (add per 5 liters of wort according to instructions). If such a strain is not available, regular dry or pressed bakery strains will do, but there may be a slight alcohol smell.

Fermented rye malt (the main purpose is to make aromatic bread) adds light malty notes to the beer, but you can do without this ingredient without significantly losing flavor.

Black bread beer recipe

1. Place the hop cones in a saucepan, add 1.3 liters of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring every 5-6 minutes, then cool to room temperature. Thanks to boiling, the hops release most of the aroma and flavor substances into the water.

2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut the bread into thin slices 3-4 cm wide, distribute the pieces evenly on a dry baking sheet and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes to obtain breadcrumbs.

The more toasted the bread, the darker the beer will be, but it is important to prevent the breadcrumbs from burning, otherwise the bitterness will become too noticeable.

3. Transfer the crackers into a 5-liter saucepan, add fermented rye malt (optional) and 100 grams of sugar. Pour in the cold hop decoction (along with the cones).

4. Activate the yeast according to the instructions on the label: in most cases, dilute in 200 ml of warm water (temperature up to 30°C) with a teaspoon of sugar and wait until light foam appears on the surface.

5. Add activated yeast to the pan with breadcrumbs.

6. Stir until smooth. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 24 hours in a dark place at a temperature of 20-28°C.

7. After a day, add 200 grams of sugar to the beer wort and pour in 2.5 liters of water. Mix.

8. Pour the wort into a fermentation container, tie the neck with gauze and leave for 3 days in a dark room at room temperature. Stir every 12 hours for the first 2 days.

9. Strain the wort through a kitchen sieve or cheesecloth. Seal the liquid part hermetically.

10. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the remaining grounds, stir, cover, let sit for 30 minutes, then strain. Thanks to steaming, all the necessary substances can be extracted from bread and hops.

11. Bring the liquid part of the steamed grounds to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, remove from the stove, cool to room temperature and strain through cheesecloth.

12. Mix the cold infusion with the fermented and filtered wort obtained at the 9th stage.

Beer made from bread is ready, but will be still or slightly carbonated. If you are satisfied with this option, you can immediately pour the drink into bottles and proceed to the 15th stage of preparation.

13. For carbonation (saturation with carbon dioxide), add 50 grams of sugar to the wort and stir until completely dissolved.

14. Pour bread beer into glass or plastic (preferably) bottles, leaving at least 4-5 cm of free space up to the neck. Seal tightly and leave for 5-6 hours in a dark place at a temperature of 20-28°C.

If there are no glass bottles with a yoke stopper (pictured), it is better to use regular plastic ones

Adding a small amount of sugar will cause a slight re-fermentation, which will carbonate the beer, making it carbonated.

15. Transfer the bread beer to the refrigerator. Leave for 15 days to mature and improve taste.

For the first 5 days, monitor the pressure in the bottles and, if necessary, release excess gas to prevent rupture.

The color depends on the bread and the degree of roasting; sometimes the drink turns out closer to brown

Shelf life in the refrigerator is up to 6 months; an open bottle should be drunk within 1-2 days. Strength – 3-5%.

Last updated 06/13/2015

Brewing beer is, in general, not difficult. You just need to find a very large saucepan, preferably enameled, and stock up on malt and hops. However, the latter is sometimes replaced by yeast.


This is what makes a beer a beer. There will be no malt, and you will drink mash, mead, wine or kvass. Anything, but not beer.

Malt can be from any grain: rye, barley, wheat malt. To obtain malt, the grain is first sprouted, then dried and ground.

To get malt, you need to take any grain, place it on a large baking sheet and add water. Leave in a warm place. In 2-3 days the grain will germinate. You need to dry it a little and grind it into coarse flour with a rolling pin. You will get malt.

But there is an easier way - you can buy ready-made malt, you can even buy a ready-made brewer’s kit with the desired type of malt, hops and yeast, as well as beer recipes. This will make life much easier.


This is a climbing plant; for beer we use only its fruits - cones. Hops give beer a special, bitter taste. Participates in the clarification of the drink and the formation of strong foam.

Hops are sold dry, you can buy them in pharmacies, markets or in stores - they are included in brewing kits. When choosing hops, pay attention to the color; it should be yellow-green. Grayish is unripe, and reddish is overripe.


For beer, it is best to take glassware. You can use enamel pans, but only without chipping. Stainless steel containers are suitable. Plastic is contraindicated for beer.

The container should be slightly larger than the planned volume of beer, as it needs room to ferment.

It is better to bottle beer in dark bottles. Champagne bottles with plastic stoppers work very well. Corks can be sterilized and bottles sealed. They will let a little air through, and fermentation will not stop.


Beer is alive. It is constantly in a state of slow fermentation. As soon as fermentation stops, the beer dies. But first, beer ferments, like other alcoholic drinks. It is then that its taste and aroma are born.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain the necessary conditions, the main thing is temperature. Ideal -18-20 C, slightly below room temperature. If it is higher, up to 25 degrees, then fermentation begins too intense. At temperatures above 36 degrees, the yeast dies and the beer dies.

Homemade Beer Recipes

Dark beer

Step 1. Fry the grain in a frying pan until brown, grind in a coffee grinder.

Step 2. Add chicory to the grain, boil everything with a third of water.

Step 3. Then add the rest of the water, add sugar, hops and zest and turn off.

Step 4. Leave for several hours, then strain the infusion through cheesecloth, pour into bottles and place in a cool place.

Mint beer

Step 1. Pour boiling water over the mint, cover the pan with a tight lid and leave for 1 hour.

Step 2. Meanwhile, sprinkle the yeast with sugar and wait for it to rise.

Step 3. Strain the infusion, add sugar, bread crust and yeast.

Step 4. Leave for fermentation. When foam appears on the surface, add vanilla sugar, pour into bottles and store.

Honey beer

Recipe For this recipe you will need some kind of container from which hot water can flow continuously. A samovar is the most convenient, since boiling water in it does not cool down, but continues to boil.

  • 3 cups rye malt
  • 2 cups honey
  • 100 g hops
  • 1.5 sticks of yeast
  • 1 tbsp. sugar 10 liters boiling water

Step 1. Grind the malt, grind it with hops very thoroughly and put it in a linen bag. Sprinkle the yeast with a spoon of sugar and leave to rise.

Step 2. Place honey in a large saucepan. Place a samovar with boiling water on the table. The water should flow through the bag of malt into the pan. While it is pouring, the malt must be stirred all the time.

Step 3. When the required amount of water gets into the pan, you need to mix everything, let the liquid cool and add yeast to the future beer.

Step 4. Wait until all the yeast has gone down, then pour the beer into bottles and place in a dark place. Leave it for 3-4 days and you can drink it.


Step 1. Cut the bread into thin pieces and dry.

Step 2. Mix the crackers in a large saucepan with malt, salt, pepper, yeast diluted in a glass of warm water, and a glass of sugar.

Step 3. Scald the hops with boiling water and also add to the pan.

Step 4. Pour in water, stirring the mixture all the time to obtain a creamy consistency. Cover the pan with a towel and leave overnight.

Step 5. Dilute a glass of sugar in 9 liters of water and add to the mixture. Mix. Cover with a lid and leave for 2 days in a warm place.

Step 6. Drain the liquid from the sediment. Add 1.5 liters of boiling water to the remaining grounds. Cool. And drain off the sediment again for the first batch of beer. Stir and boil.

Step 7 Skim off the foam, cool slightly and strain. Pour into bottles. Cork. Keep in a cool place for 2 weeks.

Beer is a drink that can be enjoyed in winter and summer, at friendly gatherings and alone, relaxing after work. Since foam is sold anywhere, there are no difficulties in purchasing it. But beer from bread made at home yourself will turn out much tastier (see others).

There are different ways to prepare the drink - depending on which one seems easier to you, you will select the ingredients. The methods are divided into 2 groups:

  • with malt;
  • no malt.

The first method is more familiar. Many believe that it is malt that makes it possible to get not just a light intoxicating drink, but real beer. Without it, the winemaker will receive an excellent, thirst-quenching drink with a low alcohol content, or the well-known mead.

Why does a “classic of the genre” involve the use of malt? To understand this, let's remember what it is. These are specially dried grains that release sugar when fermented. Malt gives the drink a characteristic taste and serves as a guarantee of quality.

If you decide to brew beer using the first method, prepare:

  • kilogram of rye bread;
  • 150 g rye malt;
  • dry yeast (5 g);
  • sugar (300 g);
  • 30 g hop cones;
  • water – 5 l.

Attention! Try to use top-fermenting brewer's yeast - this way you will achieve excellent taste.

First, boil the hop cones for 30 minutes and cool. Then we cut the bread into small pieces and dry it in the oven.

Now we activate the yeast, add it to the container with breadcrumbs and hops. Add 100 g granulated sugar.

Place the mixture in a dark place for a day. Has it been 24 hours? Pour 200 g of sand into the mixture and pour in 2.5 liters of water.

Let it stand for 3 days in a place protected from light and wander. Next, strain the wort. Pour the remaining thick mass with a liter of hot water, leave for 30 minutes, cook for 5 minutes, filter.

Mix both liquids separated during the first and second filtering process. Pour into bottles and place in a dark place for 5 hours. And then in the refrigerator for 15 days.

This is the recipe for traditional beer.

Recipe for black bread without malt

Now let's try to take other ingredients and brew a more original drink. We will need:

  • dried hops (50 g);
  • half a kilo of oats and rye (in equal parts);
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • chicory (40 g);
  • lemon (more precisely, its zest);
  • 10 liters of water.

Heat the grain in a frying pan until it turns brown. Then take a coffee grinder and grind the grain.

Pour a third of the prepared water into a saucepan, add grain, add chicory, and boil. When the water boils for about 5 minutes, add the remaining 6-7 liters. “Flavour” the resulting mass with sugar, add hops. After boiling slightly, turn off the heat. Let it sit for 3 hours.

Yes, and don’t forget to pour it into beautiful bottles, so that you can proudly take them out of the refrigerator and put them on the table in front of your guests.

No malt with mint

Here’s another option for delicious homemade beer that doesn’t require the purchase of malt.

We stock the following products:

  • a crust of black bread;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • a stick of yeast;
  • a packet of vanilla sugar (can be replaced with regular sugar);
  • sugar (3 tablespoons).

You will also need water - 3 liters. First of all, boil the water. Next, add mint there and leave for an hour so that the mint aroma “dissolves” completely.

Mix sugar and yeast and wait for the yeast to rise. Now you need to strain the mint infusion, immerse the yeast in it and leave the mixture, waiting for it to ferment.

When foam appears on the surface, add a little sugar and bread crust to the mixture. Now all that remains is to strain the resulting drink and bottle it.

We put the bottles in the refrigerator for better preservation.

Beer: good or bad?

Beer has many connoisseurs. Even in Ancient Egypt, it was one of the main drinks with which both commoners and kings quenched their thirst.

The components of this light alcohol, if consumed in moderation, can benefit the body. Thus, hops have a bactericidal effect and calm the nerves. Its bitter alpha acids are in some ways a natural antiseptic.

A large amount of B vitamins allows the body to better resist diseases and activates metabolism. Beer has an excellent effect on skin and hair, which is why women love to use it as a component of masks.

But like any other alcohol, beer can be addictive. There is even the term “beer alcoholism.” Therefore, you should not treat yourself to the drink very often.

Do you prepare aromatic foamy treats for yourself and friends at home? Please share your recipes - let all our readers master them, try them and exchange opinions.

We recently told you how to make beer at home, and today we want to offer a few more recipes.

Table beer:
- 35 liters of water;
- 6 kg of malt;
- 5 kg of granulated sugar;
- 300 ml water;
- 200 ml wine;
- 200 g raisins;
- 200 g of hops;
- 1/3 tbsp. yeast.
Mix raisins, hops and sugar, pour wine and 300 ml of water into the mixture, then boil for 30-40 minutes and strain. Then add malt to the resulting broth and pour in water - bring everything to a boil and cool to about 30°C, add yeast and leave to ferment for 8 days. From time to time you need to remove the resulting foam. After the specified period, pour the beer into bottles, cork and put in a cool place.

Beer made from bread

Velvet beer:
- 32 liters of boiled water + water for wort;
- 4.8 kg of black bread;
- 2 kg of rye malt;
- 1.2 kg of wheat malt;
- 1 kg of molasses;
- 600 g raisins;
- 200 g honey;
- 140 g of hops;
- 100 g of yeast;
- a pinch of cinnamon.
Cut the bread into pieces, dry and grind. Scald the hops with boiling water. Dilute the yeast with warm water. Add yeast, malt, honey, molasses, cinnamon, raisins and hops to the bread, pour warm water over the mixture to form a slurry, and leave to ferment for 6 hours. After the specified time, pour 26 liters of water into the mixture, close the container with a lid and place in a warm place for a day. The next day, pour the infusion into a clean container. Refill the wort with 6 liters of warm boiled water, leave for 5-6 hours and also drain. Mix both resulting infusions (plum), strain, bottle, seal and place in a dark, cool place to mature for 12 days.

Homemade beer recipes with plants

Mint beer:
- 3 liters of water;
- 3 tbsp. granulated sugar;
- 3 handfuls of mint;
- 50 g yeast;
- 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
- 1 crust of bread.
Boil water and pour mint into it in a container with a lid. Close the lid and steep the mint in water for an hour. After the specified time, strain the infusion. Grind some sugar with yeast and roll the bread crust in it. Place the crust in the mint infusion, add granulated sugar and place the mixture in a warm place. When foam appears on the surface of the drink, add vanilla sugar to it, stir and pour into bottles, seal and put in a cool place.

Beer made from pine shoots:
- 2 kg of pine shoots per bucket of water;
- 800 g of granulated sugar per 12 liters of finished infusion.
You can try making this beer in the near future - in May. Cut young shoots about 6-8 cm long from the pine tree, fill them with water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then strain the broth through several layers of gauze and add 800 g of granulated sugar for every 12 liters of liquid. Next, the strained broth with sugar should be put on fire and cooked until a thick syrup (similar to molasses) is obtained. Pour the finished drink into bottles and cap it or store it in a barrel. In a cool place, such pine beer can be stored for up to one year.

Homemade Ale or Beer Recipes

Butterbeer Ale:
- 500 ml of ale;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 30 g brown sugar;
- 20 g butter (unsalted);
- 1 tsp. ground licorice root;
- 1/4 tsp. anise seeds
Take an enamel pan with a thick bottom, pour ale into it and heat over medium heat. As soon as the ale begins to boil, add anise seeds and licorice, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and, stirring, cook for another 5 minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat and leave to steep for 10 minutes. In the meantime, prepare a homogeneous mixture of sugar, egg yolk and butter. Strain the ale into a clean saucepan, heat it and quickly add the egg mixture into it, stirring with a whisk. Continue whisking the ale until smooth and foamy. Then pour into mugs and serve.

Spiced beer:
- 500 ml of unfiltered beer or ale;
- 250 ml cream;
- 2 eggs;
- 3 tbsp. Sahara;
- 1.5 tsp. butter;
- a pinch of ginger;
- a pinch of cloves;
- a pinch of cinnamon;
- a pinch of grated nutmeg.

Heat the beer, add spices and remove from heat. Beat eggs with sugar. Put the beer back on the fire and, stirring constantly, add the eggs. Make sure the beer doesn't boil. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a double boiler or microwave and pour it into the beer. Don't forget to stir. Cook the mixture for about 5-7 minutes more. Then you need to cool the beer and pour cream into it, put it back on the fire and, stirring, heat it up. Don't boil! Then let the drink cool and serve.

The simplest bread beer recipe is perfect for beginning brewers. Rye bread will need to be dried to make dark beer. Cut the bread into thin slices, place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven.

In a large enamel saucepan, mix malt and crackers, add a little salt and yeast diluted in warm water, stir and add sugar.

In a separate bowl, add a small amount of water to the hops, place over medium heat and cook for 30 minutes.

Add the hop decoction to the malt mixture, stir and add warm water to form a thick dough-like mass. Leave the wort in a warm place for a day - cover the top of the pan with a piece of gauze or a cotton napkin.

When the wort has fermented well, pour 10 liters of warm water into it, mix well and again put in a warm place for 2 days.

Using a fine strainer or a filter made from a piece of gauze, strain the resulting infusion and pour it into a clean enamel pan. Pour the remaining water, heated to 90-10 degrees, into the remaining grounds, stir and let cool. When the mixture has cooled to 30 degrees, pour the liquid into a saucepan with the fermented wort. Bring the mixture to a boil, skim off any foam that has formed and strain well again. You need to drain the liquid from the sediment very carefully so that the yeast remains at the bottom.

Pour the beer into bottles or glass jars, close tightly and refrigerate for 14 days. You can try homemade beer made from bread.

Beer from bread can be prepared according to another recipe. To get a delicious foamy drink you will need:

  • Black bread - 2 kg
  • Rye malt - 1 kg
  • Wheat malt - 500 gr
  • Yeast - 50 gr
  • Cinnamon - 1-2 pcs (optional)
  • Sugar syrup - 500 gr
  • Honey - 100 g (optional)
  • Raisins - 100 gr
  • Hops - 400 gr

In a large enamel saucepan or vat, mix raisins and prepared malt. In a separate bowl or glass, mix yeast and warm water, leave in a warm place for 15 minutes, then add to the mixture of malt and dried grapes.

Cut the dry bread into small pieces and dry it in the oven - you can take ready-made crackers from rye or black bread. Pour water over the hops, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Grind the crackers in a meat grinder, mix with honey and add boiled hops. Mix the mixture well, cover with gauze and place in a warm place to ferment.

The next day, pour 3 liters of water into the pan with the fermented wort, mix well and leave for another day. After this, mix the malt mass and wort, add another 6 liters of water, and place in a warm oven for 2 hours. After this time, the liquid will need to be carefully removed from the sediment, filtered through a gauze filter and bottled. Leave the beer in a cool, dark place for 4-5 days. You can taste the beer, but it is best to let it mature in a cellar or other cool place.

Bread beer with spices after a week in the refrigerator will be even more aromatic and have a rich spicy taste.

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