
Front garden in front of a country house. Decorating the front garden in front of the house. Original ideas for the front garden

Such a phenomenon as a front garden is familiar to many of us from childhood. It’s rare that anyone in a village or dacha cooperative does not have a small fenced-in area in front of the house. And you are mistaken if you think that the time of front gardens is irrevocably passed. This landscape design technique has never lost its relevance, so it’s worth getting to know them better.

Front garden and its functions

In the usual sense, a front garden is something between a yard, a flower garden and a vegetable garden. This is a kind of front door of a house and a personal plot. He greets guests and talks about his owners, and hides the personal life of the owners from random passers-by. Traditionally, the front garden is separated from the roadway or sidewalk by a fence.

Classic front garden in front of a village or country house

In addition to decorative functions, a front garden can also perform many practical ones:

  • parking for cars and other vehicles (bicycles, motorcycles, ATVs, etc.);
  • storage location for garbage containers;
  • location of the mailbox;
  • cultivation of fruit and berry crops;
  • flower garden;
  • “small garden” - performing part of the functions of the main farm;
  • area for minor repairs;
  • children's play area;
  • a vacation spot for the whole family;
  • registration and provision of access to some hard-to-reach areas of the site.

By installing a small children's playground in the front garden, you can always keep your baby occupied

Types and styles

Another misconception is the idea that the front garden, as a type of landscape design, is found only in post-Soviet territory. In foreign countries they are even more popular than here. Only their appearance is somewhat different from our “Russians”.

There are two types of front gardens - closed and open. The first always involves fencing. At the same time, the fence can be made of a wide variety of materials: wooden picket fence, corrugated sheets, brickwork, forging, wicker rods, chain-link mesh, hedges, etc. The degree of closure also varies: from a low, very conventional fence to a blank high fence.

Closed front gardens are often called “Russian” because this is the type that is typical for our country. The arrangement of such courtyards is aimed, first of all, at creating an attractive view from the window or porch of the house. The entire landscape design will be focused primarily on perception from the inside: such a front garden should please the eyes of the owners, and not passersby from the street. Often all the beauty and charm created by densely planted plants and shrubs will be hidden behind the fence.

It’s not difficult to weave a fence for a front garden from vines

The open front gardens do not have a fence and are very clearly visible both from the side of the house and from the roadway. It is easy to guess that it is the open look that is characteristic of foreign countries and is otherwise called “European”.

It is traditionally represented by perfectly trimmed vegetation - from the lawn to trees, neat flower beds and impeccable paths leading to the house. The open front garden is primarily aimed at creating a beautiful view from the road, so that you can begin to admire it from afar.

An open front garden is most often typical for foreign countries In addition to the two types, front gardens have many stylistic designs.

  1. It’s worth getting to know the most popular ones better:
  2. The rustic (or country) style is characterized by simplicity and the use of a large number of wooden elements in the decor, for example, a low perimeter fence and fencing for flower beds. It is better to choose plants that are perennial and easy to care for.

    The Mediterranean style assumes mobility - all plants are planted in large containers and tubs that can be rearranged depending on your mood. This style welcomes the creation of a relaxation area with furniture made from natural materials - wicker chairs, forged tables, wooden sun loungers. The decor includes a variety of lamps and ceramic crafts.

  3. Mobile planters and containers are the main characteristic of the Mediterranean front garden
  4. Romantic design speaks of beauty and tenderness. Therefore, it contains forged elements, from fences and arches to garden furniture, and always climbing plants, for example, climbing roses and clematis.
  5. Modern style involves the use of original plants, unexpected shapes and colors, bold ideas and modern technologies.

    An interesting idea - the continuation of the front garden on the roof of a nearby building

How to choose the right design for your site

Open or closed? The degree is strictly individual for each building. Here it is worth considering:

  • the location of the house - far or close to the roadway, whether it was built on a hill or in a lowland, how close neighboring buildings are located on both sides, etc.;
  • specific features of the building - number of floors, dimensions, presence of a veranda or small porch, etc.;
  • dimensions of the plot;
  • initial degree of landscaping of the site;
  • traffic intensity.

Brick fencing became the starting point for choosing a design

The choice of style depends on:

  • architecture of the house - they must be harmoniously combined with each other;
  • such as a fence - sometimes it can become an inspiration;
  • initial stage of landscaping of the site - perhaps when designing the front garden you will want to leave some bushes and trees;
  • size of the territory - competent ergonomics allows you to arrange all the desired zones even in a very small area;
  • the functional purpose of the future front garden (whether it will be a recreation area with a barbecue, parking for vehicles or something else);
  • personal preferences (listen to yourself and decide which of the existing styles is closest to you).

The front garden will tell about its owner. Therefore, no matter which type and style you choose, the main thing is to keep everything in a well-groomed and untidy condition.

The main function of this garden is to decorate the porch

Plants in the front garden will perform several important functions:

  1. Decorative - decorate the territory;
  2. Economic - many plants produce tasty berries and fruits;
  3. Ecological - maintaining the correct soil composition.

All these functions are performed to one degree or another by flowers, shrubs and trees.

For decoration, it is best to choose flowers that will bloom from early spring to late autumn, gradually replacing each other. A bright front garden is always a guarantee of a positive mood! Asters, dahlias, peonies, phloxes, hollyhocks - go well with the rest of the greenery. Try to use several varieties of perennial herbaceous plants. For example, lavender, geranium and foxglove look good together. The rounded leaves and umbrella inflorescences of geranium in combination with small lavender flowers are a good background for foxglove spikelets.

Lavender will decorate any area, except, perhaps, Asian

To divide the front garden into several zones, use climbing plants - climbing roses, honeysuckle, wisteria, campsis.

The most successful option is clematis, which produces large and bright flowers. And if you choose “yellow Tangut” among them, then its flowering will delight you from May to October.

Petiolate hydrangea looks very impressive - its vines are incredibly lush and voluminous. But keep in mind that the result will be noticeable only after a few years from the moment of planting.

Approximate scheme for arranging flower beds and planting trees

Among the shrubs you can plant barberry, hawthorn, elderberry, shadberry, chokeberry, currant, raspberry, rose hip, gooseberry, linden. If you do not want to spend a lot of time caring for your front garden, then you need to choose bushes with a natural spherical crown. For example, white acacia. She has a naturally lush crown that does not need a haircut.

Of the trees, it is best to choose coniferous species that are easy to trim - thuja, yew, juniper, dwarf spruce, boxwood. One of the advantages of such plants is that they look great in winter. You can also create a hedge from them. Tall crops are not suitable for a front garden, as they will block the entire yard and house with their crowns.

As a rule, a closed space is formed around the house - a rectangle, square, circle or oval. It is advisable to plant shrubs along this perimeter. Near the walls they should be slightly higher than the top of the plinth. You can plant flowers at the entrance to the house, and their height should decrease as you approach the porch.

When there is no other territory, many different zones can be located in the front garden

The diagram above shows one of the options for zoning a small front garden in front of the house. Since the site no longer has any other territory, it was decided to arrange a pond, flower beds, barbecue and recreation areas in the front garden, and partially fence all areas and delimit them with hedges. The paths are lined with decorative concrete tiles. Maiden grapes were used as a hedge. Mountain pine, thuja, and boxwood are planted along the perimeter of the site. Astilbe, bergenia, hydrangea, iris, calendula, daylily, lily, fern, phlox, and hosta are planted in the flower beds and near the pond.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating a beautiful front garden with your own hands

  1. We decide how much of the territory you will allocate for it. The scale directly depends on the size of the house. The ideal depth is 2/3 of the height of the building.
  2. Determine what functional load the front garden will perform - after all, you can do anything here - from a recreation area with hammocks, a playground with a sandbox and a slide, to a place for meditation and contemplation of the surrounding nature (a more detailed list is given at the beginning of the article).
  3. Choice of fencing. If this is your first experience in arranging a front garden, then first you should use some simple option, for example, planting a hedge or making a fence from vines. Or build a light decorative fence from a picket fence, which will serve as decoration and zoning.

In order to try our hand, we choose a simple version of the front garden: an indoor flower garden in a rustic style.

Making a picket fence

  • shovel;
  • hand saw or chainsaw;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • concrete solution;
  • beams 100×100 mm (for pillars);
  • boards 25×80 mm (for vertical planks) and 40×100 mm (for horizontal planks);
  • special impregnation against mold and mildew;
  • paint (based on mineral pigments and alkyd resins);
  • brushes

Picket fence zones and decorates


  1. Starting from the corners, at equal distances from each other, dig out the ground for the pillars.
  2. Cut the beams and boards to the required sizes (we decide on them ourselves - depending on how high the fence you want to install).
  3. Treat all wooden parts with a special compound that will protect them from rotting.
  4. Insert pillars into the dug holes and concrete them. Wait until the solution hardens.
  5. Nail horizontal strips to the posts. Attach vertical strips to them at a height of more than 15 cm from the ground surface. This is due to the fact that wood absorbs moisture well and can become unusable much faster. For the same reason, it is necessary to regularly remove grass along the fence.
  6. Paint the resulting structure. Once every three years it will need to be updated: dry cracks will need to be filled with putty and rubbed with sandpaper, and repainted.

Diagram with dimensions of one of the simplest options for making a fence

Now it is necessary to arrange the paths. It is better to make them wooden, since the rustic style is characterized by the use of elements from this material. A simple and effective solution is to cut logs.

Wooden paths

Required tools and materials

  • logs (different types are suitable: they can be leftovers from construction work, from trees broken by bad weather);
  • hand saw or chainsaw;
  • shovel;
  • special impregnation against mold and mildew or stain;
  • wide brush.


  1. Mark paths on the ground: where they come from and where they lead, how wide they will be.
  2. Saw the logs into round pieces about 5–6 cm thick.
  3. Treat all wooden parts with a special impregnation or stain. These compounds will help protect the wood from rotting.
  4. Place the parts over the entire area of ​​the marked paths. Try to place large circles in the center, and small ones to fill the remaining space.
  5. When you are completely satisfied with the layout plan, dig up the ground under each detail. The depth of the holes should be equal to the thickness of the cuts (i.e., about 5–6 cm).
  6. Press all the parts into the ground so that their surfaces are at the same level.

For a path in the front garden, you can use not only concrete slabs or gravel, but also wood cuts

The final stage of arranging a front garden is planting plants. A beautiful and simple solution for a rustic flower garden, which does not require the manufacture of flower beds, would be a Moorish lawn - a meadow consisting of forbs, cereals, and simple wildflowers. Most of these plants are honey plants, so there will always be a lot of butterflies and bees on such a lawn.

The classic composition of the Moorish meadow is oriental poppy, meadow chamomile, field cornflower, large-flowered flax, nemesia, and echinacea. Such a lawn will delight you from early spring to late autumn, since the plants have different flowering periods. A ready-made mixture for Moorish meadow can be purchased at a flower shop. Or you can compose it yourself, adding some other plants to your taste.

Bulbous flowers - daffodils, tulips and crocuses - also go well with the Moorish lawn.

Required tools and materials

  • Arrangement of the Moorish lawn
  • shovel;
  • seed mixture for Moorish lawn (the amount is calculated at a rate of 10 grams per 1 square meter);
  • rake;


  1. watering can with a fine sieve.
  2. Prepare the soil for sowing: dig to a depth of 15–30 cm, clear of debris, stones, rhizomes and weeds, fertilize (with humus and nitrogen-containing compounds), level, compact.
  3. Let the prepared area stand for two weeks. During this time, remove new weeds regularly.
  4. Sow seeds in the first half of May or in autumn (winter). The weather during sowing should be calm and the soil moist.
  5. A mixture of forbs and simple wildflowers will please the eye for a long time

    Photo gallery: ideas for inspiration

    Where can you get non-trivial ideas for inspiration? Watch nature more often. She so often tells us interesting shapes and combinations. You can also be inspired by photographs from books about famous gardens and parks of the past, such as Peterhof or the Tuileries in Paris.

    Flowers in the Tuileries Park are planted in the form of a complex horizontal pattern. Flower beds in the form of beautiful curls in front of the Monplaisir Palace. The arrangement of flower beds around a small pond in Peterhof. For flower beds in the front garden, you can use the remains of building materials. An interesting flower garden - a bathroom painted in a bright color, and unpretentious petunias Flower beds can be made from old things - chairs, for example. A fence for the front garden can be made from the most unexpected materials, for example, old cart wheels

    Everyone can create a beautiful front garden with their own hands. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and not be afraid to use your imagination. Try your hand at landscape design with the implementation of such a small project - what if you are a born gardener?

Landscaping in front of the house is one of the first things your guests pay attention to, so every owner of a country cottage pays attention to the proper design of the local area...

The landscape design in front of the house undoubtedly attracts attention, because it is the front side of the entire property and is located in the most visible place. Therefore, the front garden should have an attractive and representative appearance. The creation of compositions there depends on the size of the area allocated for this.

The correct design of the local area allows you to distinguish between private property and a public street.

Thoughtful site design decorates the house

Where to start decorating a front garden

Designing a front garden near a house is a creative, exciting process that begins with studying the area and drawing up a plan.

When studying the territory, the sides of the horizon are determined and the depth of groundwater deposits is determined. To detect water, make a 1.5 m hole, wait a little, and measure the degree of water rise. If less than a meter of space is free of water, it will be necessary to drain the area by making drainage grooves.

Planning a site involves dividing it into zones with separate projects and determining the overall design style of the entire place. They come up with decorations in the form of flower beds, ponds, paths, and lamps.

In areas of any size, you can provide a comfortable corner for relaxation.

Decorating a small front garden near the house

There are ways to make a small front lawn look bigger, just like there are when planning small areas.

One method involves making a longer path with bends. This method is also applicable to large areas.

Curves and lighting “revive” the garden path in front of the house

Another method involves a narrower path to give the bend a visual effect.

A path with bends zones the area in front of the house

You can also use intersecting paths

If a small lawn is full of interesting objects, it will look larger. By adding all the details gradually, rather than all at once, originality will be present.

Judging by experience, the weekly addition of an item will slightly embellish the overall picture of the design of the garden area. At these intervals there will be time to think through every nuance.

Additional decoration of the site can turn into an exciting hobby

Water in small containers, gravel framing, and ceramic elements will add individuality to your home lawn.

You can provide a mini fountain, a beautiful stone decoration, rose bushes, which will not require a lot of space, but will deserve attention.

Even the smallest fountain will decorate the site, but it is advisable to design it together with the house

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

If there are trees in the local area, you can place a birdhouse and some decorative figures on their branches.

A little imagination and the tree becomes a decoration of the site

One of the easiest ways to make a beautiful front garden near your house is to decorate it with tubs of plants, framed with pebbles or gravel. Stumps or stones are also used to lift plants to make them stand out from the entire composition.

If necessary, such plants can be moved to the other end of the site

Enthusiasts can start growing bonsai

The next technique for transforming a front garden is the use of tiers. Plants of one tier will rise slightly above the others, and some decorative stone drops will be replaced by others, giving originality to the lawn.

If the site is located on a slope, then the landscape should be designed in several tiers

Mirror option - the lawn remains sloping, and the paths turn into stairs

The most important thing is that the design of a small plot in front of the house should include the idea of ​​composition, and the lawn will then become a decoration of the garden area.

Design of a large front garden

A large lawn provides a large space for the implementation of design ideas in the form of a lawn, shrubs, trees, flower beds, and ridges.

If you want to equip this corner of your garden area as a patio, it won’t hurt to fence this place off from prying eyes. A hedge of climbing plants and a camouflage net are used for this.

A patio near the house can become a real decoration of the site

The garden lawn should blend harmoniously into the overall landscape of the house and garden, forming a single whole.

There are different methods for this. The main thing is to follow the design style of your home and garden.

It is also important in the design of the area in front of the house to use the same building materials in the design of the lawn as during the construction and finishing of the house, as well as similar colors.

The brick walls of the house will be harmoniously complemented by a path in the garden made of clinker bricks. Flowers in a flowerbed can be selected in accordance with the color scheme of the house design; interesting driftwood decorating the lawn will match the style of the log house.

Vegetation and trees on the backyard lawn should be of a size not exceeding the permissible size so that their shadow does not fall on the house. Bushes should not interfere with the passage or block windows.

A long period of flowering vegetation on the lawn will allow you to decorate the local area for a long time. A successful combination of flowers in the front garden is also important; you can choose plants with a pleasant smell and plant them closer.

Most front gardens have a path, because this part of the property turns out to be a walkway. The optimal choice is to use an all-weather covering on the path in the form of paving stones, bricks, tiles. Someone makes a path on a lawn with a soft gravel surface, crushed stone, or granite chips. The path is made around 1.5 m wide, slightly widened at the entrance, and curbs are installed at the edges.

Beautiful decorative path in front of the house

Important household properties of garden flower beds

Along with an attractive appearance, the beautiful design of the front garden near the house has important household properties:

    possibility of placing a mailbox;

    location of a small playground;

    growing various fruit and berry crops;

    You can cover a bag of garbage.

What plants to plant in the front garden

To maintain an attractive appearance of the flower garden, it is recommended to use unpretentious perennial plants and ornamental shrubs, adding annual crops to them.

Woody plants and shrubs that form the basis of the design of the front garden in front of the house:


    common barberry;

    boxwood evergreen;

    Norway maple;

Another technique for maintaining the attractiveness of a flower garden is the presence of at least one flowering plant. In April, daffodils, crocuses, and tulips begin to bloom, and end with late autumn chrysanthemums and asters.

If you choose the right plants for your front garden, at least one type of flower will always bloom in front of your house.

An example of a combination of plants in a flowerbed:

    Purslane is a perennial plant that blooms from June until frost.

    Marigold rejected is an annual unpretentious plant that begins to bloom in June and ends in September.

    Salvia brilliantis - begins to bloom in July, before frost.

    Viola wittrocka - blooms from May to June.

    Tiger lilies - the flowering period begins in June and ends in August.

Rules for planting plants

To give the landscape design of the pre-house area an attractive and original look, there are certain rules:

    For a large area, large-leaved plants are suitable, for a small front garden - vegetation with small leaves.

    To prevent the front garden from being empty in winter, it is planted with conifers and shrubs with bright bark in the form of rose hips, barberry, and maple.

    When the front garden is located on the north side, shade-loving plants are planted there, because the vegetation on the south side must be resistant to bright sun and aridity.

    Design ideas for a small lawn involve planting flowers with cool tones near the house: blue, lilac, purple.

    The flowers closest to the house should match the shades of the walls.

Video description

For rules for planting coniferous plants in the area in front of the house, watch the video:

Style and shape of the flower bed

Creating a flowerbed is not too easy; it is necessary to follow the style, taking into account the scale of the lawn in relation to the architectural style of the main building. Color schemes should not look provocative throughout the design, but they should not be invisible either.

First we need to consider the input space. A wide straight or narrow curved path is laid to the door, along which there are flower beds on both sides. The contents of these flower beds are determined in accordance with the type of house: for a laconic, restrained architectural structure, a brightly colorful flower bed is suitable, and for a building with excessive decorations, a modest flower bed is suitable.

A properly chosen flower garden can refresh the landscape design of the garden in front of the house and smooth out the architectural omissions of the building. Such a complex flower garden as a mixborder has now gained wide popularity. Thanks to the variety of outlines, placement of vegetation, and elegant frame of the structure, the mixborder deserves such high popularity. A rabatka (a stripe of flowers along the path), alternating in size, will look no worse.

On a large area, low dense plantings are used, growing on the sides of the path.

Video description

For a few more examples of designing the area in front of the house, watch the video:


The landscape design of a personal front garden has many options. While studying the advice of professional designers and new-fangled design trends, property owners should also take into account their individual preferences, because this is their property, they will live here.

In short, front gardens also have their own classification, which is based on two main definitions:

When developing the front garden project itself, you need to focus on what it is being done for. Either for yourself, or to “show off” in front of others. In this regard, there are two important types of design:

However, these are all conventions - the design can be very different. Both romance and Japanese style are applicable here. Mediterranean exotic is often used. But in many cases, older people gravitate towards the rustic style, which is most accessible to those who are ready to create a wooden front garden in front of the house with their own hands.

First you need to build a fence. The simplest option is a small wooden picket fence, which can be easily created by hand. Such a low fence has a purely decorative function, separating the area where the front garden will be laid out from the rest. That is, it performs the function of zoning. It is important to maintain style, evenness and accuracy.

Anyone can make it with basic tools and some wood. The fence can be figured, or it can be completely simple.

The process of making a picket fence is very easy. You need bars 100x100 mm, boards 25x80 mm, as well as planks that will be used for horizontal fastening, measuring 40x100 mm. Everything else is a matter of technique. Self-tapping screws, hammer, shovel, concrete mixture for posts, screwdriver and the desire to work! The main thing is not to forget about the opportunity to paint this work, using a special impregnation to save paint, which should withstand external climatic influences.

Front gardens near the house - we plant plants with our own hands

The correct choice of plants for this area should be based on the tasks assigned to the front garden itself. It is possible to make it practical rather than decorative. And here you need to correctly use existing fruit trees and shrubs.

Front garden of an apartment building... Just plant a tree, bush or flower seed and watch its growth and development. Garden flower beds can be quite simple, not requiring significant care and hassle associated with them. Decorating a front garden 45 photos of design ideas.

The greenery of the trees and flowering plants delight the eyes of those passing by and those living in the building. This is much nicer than seeing, in bald areas around the house, mountains of flying and moving garbage in the form of bags, empty boxes of cigarettes, cookies, sweets, ice cream and empty bottles.

So...Is planting large trees suitable? It all depends on the quality of the land, the amount of sunlight illuminating the area, and the funds you can invest. Depending on this, plants that require specific parameters of these indicators develop well in the flowerbed. Designing a front garden in front of the house - the soil can be light, heavy, nutritious, loamy, sandy, rocky, and so on. Front garden design photo:

Areas can be well-lit and shaded, with shadow, partial shade, sparse shade, deep shade. Shade, if sunlight is less than three hours a day, partial shade - more. Sparse shadow - the sun's rays penetrate between the edges of the trees and foliage, deep shadow - the light does not penetrate at all or there is very little of it. The most unpretentious plants for the front garden “without hassle”, flowers in the front garden design are discussed in this article.

Evergreen and deciduous

You can protect the adjacent land from dust, gases and transport waste by planting evergreen or deciduous bushes of privet and boxwood in a row. Their advantage is their beautiful simplicity, drought resistance, frost resistance, and not being demanding on the type of soil. Such bushes are trimmed to create the desired hedge shape, creating a beautiful front garden design.

Common privet is a deciduous shrub; its leaves grow on densely branched dark green, silvery, glaucous stems with a white border. Privet fruits are white balls. Japanese privet is an evergreen shrub with variegated leaves edged with pink or white stripes. Decorating the front garden in front of the house with flowers photo:

Deciduous plants for the front garden

Front garden design ideas for fencing include bushes of maple, acacia or other deciduous trees that grow everywhere from falling seeds and are transplanted in a row. When the required height is reached, a haircut is made, and they branch well, growing in width.

Perennial shrubs in the design of the front garden

Perennial shrubs have a variety of foliage colors: whitish, green with a border, yellow, golden, burgundy, red, which will help create a beautiful design for the front garden. Turf (of different types) is suitable for composing compositions; black elderberry (prefers soil with humus); Thunberg barberry, boxwood with glossy leaves, jasmine. Front garden design photo:

Unpretentious perennial shrubs, diverse in species and flowers, are successfully used in decorative landscaping of the front garden. A small list of perennials for house flower beds: lilac, currant, hydrangea, meadowsweet, forsythia, rosehip.

Ideas for decorating a front garden, for example, lilac - a fragrant shrub with flowers of unusual shapes of flowers and inflorescences, of various colors. The plant is resistant to dust and air pollution, frost-resistant, and can be used as a hedge.

Currant is a shrub with openwork leaves, which is used as a hedge or border in group plantings. Decorating the front garden in front of the house, the decorative perennial grows successfully in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Hydrangea is a beautiful bush that adds a touch of picturesqueness to the decor in a private household and the front garden of a high-rise building. The plant is very responsive to attention and care. Soils must be fertilized during planting and, periodically, during growth, but can be grown without fertilizers, on black soil. Hydrangea is demanding on watering and light-loving. Decorating the front garden in front of the house with flowers photo:

A frequent pest of it and other bush plants is aphids, which eat all young shoots at the beginning of their development. They fight aphids by spraying bushes, infusion of garlic and laundry soap.

Beautiful design of the front garden will help create this fact - the color of hydrangea flowers can be changed. To do this, prepare a solution of 50 g of aluminum alum and 12.5 liters of water and water the plant with it 2 times, 2 buckets each, with a break of 10 days. White hydrangeas turn blue and pink hydrangeas turn purple.

Meadowsweet or spirea is a shrub. Its value lies in its abundant and long-lasting flowering and many species. People call her the bride. The plant species do not require special soil, are gas-resistant, and frost-resistant. Spreading bushes are used in hedges, in borders, and with them flowers in the front garden.

Also used in decorative landscaping is planting forsythia - a fast-growing shrub with yellow flowers that bloom before the leaves. In urban conditions, it is resistant to frost and wind, but requires fertilized and moist soil. Front garden design photo:

Rosehip is a rose, a beautifully flowering tall shrub with red fruits for loamy soils with moderate watering. Used as a hedge, for compositions inside flower beds.

Honeysuckle plants for front garden decoration

The honeysuckle plant family includes viburnum. The genus Viburnum has a large number of species. The most common of them is the common viburnum, which is desirable in any front garden and is representative of the beauty of its leaves, flowers and fruits all year round.

Use ideas for decorating your front garden, there is a barren, decorative viburnum of the Buldenezh variety. When the plant is still young, it needs sunlight and watering, mineral and organic fertilizers. The shrub prefers slightly acidic, neutral, light soils.

The castor bean plant, reminiscent of a palm tree, looks interesting in a landscaped landscape. This is a perennial that came to us from southern latitudes, but is grown as an annual because it is not winter-hardy. Castor beans require watering and do not tolerate rocky soils.

Datura or datura is a shrub with huge white flowers, grown as an annual because it is not cold-hardy. Datura grows, spreads along the ground and at the same time is quite tall and can fill a large area of ​​land, which is very good when you need to decorate a large area of ​​land. It grows well in sunny places, likes moderate watering, in any soil, and is poisonous, so it is better to limit the design of the front garden in front of the house if there are a lot of children going for walks in the yard.

Decorative deciduous trees

Decorative deciduous trees for planting in front of the facade of a house, company, enterprise, having a variety of colors and leaf shapes, beautifully harmonizing with standard plantings, are quite expensive, but do not require special care. These include: Norway maple, Nigra plum, horse chestnut, compact ash create different ideas for front garden design.

Norway maple, pyramidal, grows even on clay soils and is frost-resistant. The leaves of the tree are bright crimson when they bloom, and turn purple in summer.
The Nigra plum is a very tall tree with dark burgundy leaves. It stands out against the background of its green counterparts.

The colors of the flowers and inflorescences, leaves of this tree make it a good background for coniferous trees. Plum is drought-resistant, not afraid of gas and dust. Decorating the front garden in front of the house with flowers photo:

A front garden created with your own hands is the calling card of a private home, the first thing that attracts attention. It should be unique and attract attention. To achieve such a result you will have to spend a lot of effort and learn a lot. So, how to decorate the front garden in front of the house? Let's consider the main points and recommendations of design professionals.

The front garden is the first thing people pay attention to

The garden should be beautiful and attract attention

To decorate your front garden beautifully, use the recommendations of experts

The front garden can be either open or closed. The open one is visible to all people passing by, and the closed one is designed to delight the owners of the house and their guests. If you want to make the front garden in front of your house beautiful both inside and outside, then you should consider an original transparent fence.

First of all, you will need to decide on the size of the ornamental garden. Here you will have to take into account the area of ​​the house. A front garden with a width of 2/3 of the height of the building looks ideal.

The next stage will be planning. It is better to draw a small plan of the garden indicating the dimensions. You should not miss this moment, since the entire area must be thought out completely.

It is better to plant shrubs and tall plants closer to the front of the house. The garden as a whole should resemble a river valley, in the role of which there is a path or path. The bush can also be used as a fence around the front garden. The enclosed space can be of any shape. If you have a blank wall, you should beat it by planting a tall tree nearby.

The garden can be open or closed

What does the front garden consist of?

Now it’s worth figuring out what can be located in the front garden. It most often includes:

  • flower beds;
  • shrubs;
  • arches of flowers;
  • design compositions;
  • original picket fence.

All elements should be organically combined with the architecture of the house and become its unique decoration.

Flowers are a mandatory attribute of the garden

The front garden should be harmoniously combined with the house

The front garden should be a unique decoration of the house

Style selection

After the front garden plan has been determined, you need to choose a design style. Let's look at a few popular destinations.




The style is characterized by delicate light floral compositions. A beautiful wrought-iron fence decorated with climbing plants would be a good addition.


The focus is on coniferous plants and compositions made from natural stones. They should differ in shade and size.


Such a flower bed is characterized by dim colors and multi-tiered shapes. The main fencing is stones.

The easiest style to implement is characterized by the presence of perennial plants. A wooden fence is often used as a fence.


The main feature of such a front garden is the ability to move. This is explained by the fact that almost all plants are planted in tubs or containers. A lamp would be a good addition. Such a front garden will be a good addition to the recreation area. Plants can be used to surround chairs, tables, and children's playgrounds.

The choice here should be made on unusual plants and natural stones.

The picket fence adds coziness to the front garden, but in some cases you can do without it. It all depends on the chosen style and the content of the garden. The picket fence can be replaced with a hedge.

In addition to the fact that the garden has a certain style, front gardens are divided into two types according to their design.

  1. Russians are distinguished by rich colors, bright appearance, and are decorated with painted motifs, artistic elements, and figurines.
  2. European design is characterized by neat, strict lawns and clearly defined garden paths.

First of all, you need to choose the style of the garden

Russians prefer bright flowers

Plant selection

There are several rules for choosing plants for front garden design. First of all, qualified specialists advise paying attention to the following factors.

  1. Determine the sun exposure of the front garden. Some flowers are considered light-loving (daisies, phlox, asters, peonies), while others bloom well in dark areas (forget-me-nots).
  2. Consider the timing of plant flowering. If you want to have a blooming front garden for the entire summer season, then you should choose flowers that bloom at different times.
  3. For a harmonious appearance of the garden, you should choose plants of different heights. At the same time, the taller ones are planted closer to the fence or wall of the house.
  4. It is also worth paying attention to the life expectancy of plants. There are annual, biennial and perennial.

Competently following the described rules will allow you to get a beautiful front garden that will delight the owners with its blooming appearance all summer long. However, it is not recommended to plant perennial plants very densely, as they have the ability to grow over time. First, annual flowers can be planted between them to take up space.

There are several rules for choosing plants for front garden design.

When choosing plants, consider their flowering time

Perennial plants should be diluted with annuals

It will not be difficult to choose flowers that bloom all summer. These can be phlox, roses (including bush roses), hydrangeas. These plants are perennial. You can plant petunias and cosmos for one season. The main thing is to choose a color scheme and provide the flowers with timely care.

If you don’t have time to tinker a lot with flower beds, then you can plant unpretentious plants. For example, irises, peonies, calendulas.

But in any case, a lot of attention will have to be paid to composing the composition. In a front garden created with your own hands, there must be a central element, which is the focus of the entire flowerbed. More often, shrubs, beautiful trees, and sculptures are chosen for this role. Smaller components are placed around the lead plant to create the desired background. Do not forget that background plants should not overshadow the main ones.

It will not be difficult to choose flowers that bloom all summer

The flowerbed should have a central element on which all attention is concentrated

Creating a fence

The appearance of flower beds also depends on the fence. Do not lose sight of the correct selection of the fence. Most often it also performs a decorative function. Landscape designers offer a large selection of fences that allow you to complement the overall composition in an original way.

  1. Forged bars on the windows of the house will go perfectly with a low metal fence.
  2. A wooden picket fence will add coziness to any front garden.
  3. A wicker fence will decorate a garden in a rustic style.
  4. A neat wooden fence will always look stylish and original. Especially if it is evenly painted and complemented with decorative elements.
  5. In specialized stores you can buy interesting plastic fences.
  6. Natural stone always makes stylish fences that do not require special care.

When choosing a picket fence, you should remember: creating a beautiful front garden is not only possible for trained professionals. To get a good result, it is enough to carefully think through each element, approach the choice of plants wisely and devote time to them.

Background plants should not overshadow the main ones

The main thing is to choose a color scheme and provide the flowers with timely care

The appearance of flower beds often depends on the fence

Front garden decoration

As a rule, when decorating a front garden, planting flowers, trees, and shrubs is not enough. An excellent addition could be an original path from the gate to the porch of the house and various buildings on the territory. If it is decided to plant lush flower beds around the path, then they are placed so that the width of the path is not visually reduced and no one touches the flowers while walking through the garden.

An important stage in the design of a site is lighting. It would be nice if soft lighting turned on in the evening. Devices can be placed directly in flower beds.

Figurines and garden figurines can be an excellent addition. But they must be combined with the overall style.

Decorating a garden does not end with planting flowers. You can make a small lake

Figurines and garden figurines can be an excellent addition.

Sculptures in a garden plot can be made of stone, wood, or clay. Instead of sculptures, you can simply use compositions made of natural stones of different sizes. Often, when decorating a front garden, figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters are used. They are available in a large variety in garden supply stores. You can also make them yourself from scrap materials.

There should not be a lot of decorations on the site. They should complement the overall composition, and not overload with the number of shapes and bright colors. Plants remain the focus.

Sculptures in the garden can be made of stone, wood, clay

There should not be a lot of decorations in the garden. They should not overshadow the main picture

Plants must be the focus

Advantages and disadvantages

Sometimes owners of private houses do not understand why front gardens are needed and what their benefits are. Let's look at their main advantages.

  1. A decorative garden in front of the house will allow you to hide the building from random passers-by.
  2. You can install a mailbox in the flowerbed area.
  3. In the front garden you can find a place for a children's playground. Sometimes a swing and, for example, a playhouse or a sandbox are enough (you will have to think about its installation so that the sand does not crumble).
  4. Among the plantings you can successfully camouflage garbage containers.
  5. You can also plant fruit and berry plants in the front garden.
  6. The ability to hide certain imperfections on the facade of the house and emphasize the chosen style.

There is only one drawback to creating a front garden: the need to constantly care for the plants and keep the garden in order.

With the help of a front garden you can hide the shortcomings of the site

Wicker flowers will perfectly complement the overall picture of the garden

Small front garden

If the area on the territory for the front garden is small, then do not be upset. It is also possible to make it beautiful and effective. The emphasis can be placed on the original wicker fence or wooden fence and set up a miniature peasant courtyard on the site.

A small artificial pond will help visually increase the space. But the tree will act in the opposite way.

Whatever decision is made regarding the design of a personal plot, the main thing to remember is that all vegetation requires timely care. Otherwise, all the beauty will look neglected and overgrown with weeds. The style of the garden must necessarily be combined with the architecture of the house and be its continuation.

Video: How to design the area in front of the house

50 photos of design ideas for the front garden of a private house:

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