
Political science and law. Political science. lectures for university students. Logistics of discipline….………….87

an integral part of the national policy relating to the organization and use of means of armed violence to achieve political ...
the question of the relationship (economic, territorial, political, state-legal, cultural and linguistic) between nations, national groups and ...
Benjamin (Benjamin) Walter (07/15/1892, Berlin-09/26/1940) - German critic, publicist and sociologist of left-wing radical art; done...
political organizations on the right flank of the political spectrum, striving to preserve the traditional social order in the conditions of ...
a set of areas of activity of the state, its structures and institutions for the organizational, concrete and meaningful expression of the interests of the people ...

§ 4. Politics and law

When analyzing politics, the question of its relationship with law is very important. The problem of correlation between politics and law, their priorities, has existed for a long time. There is even a parable about this. Once an architect, a politician and a lawyer argued about whose profession is ancient. The architect said that, first of all, man learned to build his own dwelling. The lawyer said that any building must initially have a plan and a regulatory framework. The political scientist noted that even before the Existence of the world itself, it was necessary for someone to create chaos, and then lead the process of creation.

Law is one of the normative systems that regulate relations in society, actions and behavior, the functioning of associations and state bodies. Law (other Slavic law - law) - 1) a system of generally binding norms protected by the power of the state; 2) a science that studies legal norms and rules that regulate the relations of people in society (jurisprudence).

The law is characterized by the obligatory nature of its rules, their certainty, the application of a single scale and measure to situations and relations that have the same legal features, support and protection of the authority and power of the state. The specificity and role of law in the life of society and its subjects are due to the close relationship with the state and the nature of this relationship. The right is not only supported and provided by the state, but in turn supports and ensures it. The rule of law state is characterized by the recognition of the connectedness of any of its bodies, as well as the state as a whole, by the prescriptions of law. As long as they are not changed in the prescribed manner.

Law and politics are two interrelated spheres of public life. The relationship between law and the political state is bilateral: on the one hand, the state authorizes and states the system of law, making it public, obligatory, universal, and its violation entails measures of state influence; but on the other hand, the state itself is supported and secured by law.

What is common between politics and law is that they are regulatory, interdependent systems of society.

The differences between them in this sense stem from the fact that these are different regulatory systems. The well-known Dutch lawyer G. Grotsius believed that “the subject of jurisprudence is questions of law and justice, and the subject of political science is expediency and benefit.”

An important difference between politics and law stems from the difference between the political and administrative-legal spheres of government. Law and the administrative-legal sphere are, first of all, laws, decrees, orders; politics, the political sphere of management is the strategy and tactics of the behavior and activities of people and their organizations, the impact of power structures on society with the help of not only, and sometimes not so much legal norms, but many other means and measures (forceful, material, ideological, psychological and others).

Another difference between politics and law is that the rules of law are quite definite and "stable", while politics is more changeable and inconsistent. Different groups of people have different, changing political values ​​and principles, and they are perceived differently. Politics is more flexible and controversial, less definite and permanent than law, the sphere of human interaction.

Another difference between politics and law is that politics is a broader phenomenon than law and the state. It is characterized not only by the quality of omnipresence, but can also extend its field of influence to any spheres, issues and problems of public life. Politics is usually present wherever there is law, but law is not always present in political decisions, relationships and processes. The difference between politics and law also lies in the fact that politics can change very quickly, while law changes more slowly and usually through official rule-making.

A clear separation of the spheres and functions of politics and law can be very significant - to help overcome some dangerous trends in the development of society and its power structures. One of them is an extremely broad interpretation of politics, declaring as political those problems that can be solved by administrative and legal means. It is this tendency of character for totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. At the same time, the importance of politics itself is downplayed - political decisions are made not on the basis of scientific strategy and tactics, but through violence, "pressure", manipulation of public consciousness, etc.

There is another dangerous trend - the reduction or narrowing of political problems to the framework of the administrative-legal system. The desire to absolutize the existing political course of the authorities and law, to remove it from the field of critical analysis, also seems irrational.

The following main options for interaction between politics and law can be distinguished:

1) subjugation of law by politics (for example, due to “revolutionary” or other “political expediency”);

2) absolutization of law and attribution of unrealistic possibilities to it;

3) maintaining a reasonable interaction between politics and law: the coincidence of the course of democratic reforms and the tasks of forming a rule of law state.

The harmonious interaction of politics and law has a beneficial effect both on the phenomena under consideration and on society as a whole. The legal and social state serves as a reliable basis for the implementation of a truly democratic policy in society, and it is, in turn, a necessary condition for the appropriate improvement of legal norms in the prescribed manner.

In the modern era, the question of the relationship and interaction of state policy with law is of paramount importance also because legal law is only fair and humane when it is equally mandatory, and rights and obligations are equal for all citizens, including state officials, deputies, leaders of the state. And such a right will operate only in conditions of a real political course of truly democratic and social reforms.

The fundamental condition for the progressive, democratic development of modern Russia is the observance of the requirements of its Constitution, other laws, norms of international law, the implementation of the “spirit and letter” of these documents in political practice. “The state must strictly observe them in all political decisions. This is the most important and obvious facet of the relationship between state policy and law, legally embodied in laws.

Only a policy based on law will be truly reasonable, stabilizing and uniting society. Outside of law and morality there is no place for humanistic and democratic politics. The ideal is a legal, highly moral policy.


The political system of society is an integral, ordered set

political institutions, political roles, relationships, processes,

principles of the political organization of society, subject to the code

political, social, legal, ideological, cultural norms,

historical traditions and attitudes of the political regime of a particular

society. The political system includes the organization of political power,

relations between society and the state, characterizes the course of

political processes, including the institutionalization of power, the state

political activity, the level of political creativity in society,

the nature of political participation, non-institutional political relations.

The political system is one of the parts or subsystems

overall social system. She interacts with others

subsystems: social, economic, ideological, ethical,

legal, cultural, forming its social environment, its public

resources along with its natural environment and natural resources (

demographic, spatial-territorial), as well as

foreign policy weapon. The central position of the political system in

this structure of its external and internal environment is determined by the leading

organizational and regulatory-control role of the policy itself.

The political system of a particular society is determined by its class

nature, social system, form of government (parliamentary,

presidential, etc.), type of state (monarchy, republic),

the nature of the political regime (democratic, totalitarian,

despotic, etc.), socio-political relations (stable or

no, moderately or acutely conflict or consensus, etc.), political

legal status of the state (constitutional, with developed or not

developed legal structures), the nature of the political, ideological and

cultural relations in society (relatively open or closed),

historical type of statehood (centralist, with hierarchical

bureaucratic structures, etc.), historical and national tradition

way of political life (politically active or passive population,

with or without blood ties, with or without developed

civil relations, etc.).

The political system that governs society should not dominate

it due to the suppression and weakening of other systems (despotic and

totalitarian type of political system) and be sufficiently viable,

in order not to enter into prolonged crisis states that violate

functioning of other systems of society.

The political system exists in the political space of society,

which has a territorial dimension (delineated by the borders of the country) and

functional, determined by the scope of the political system and its

constituent parts at different levels of the political organization of society. IN

In this sense, the spaces of influence of certain associations will differ

(parties, public organizations), actions of political institutions (

authorities of the political center and local self-government), borders

political and economic management, spheres of political life

society and personal life of a person, etc. Defining the boundaries of various kinds

functional spaces of the political system - responsible and complex

political-legal and cultural process. It is formalized, legally

fixed (in the constitution, law), this fixation is one of

tasks of the democratic process, which determines the prerogatives of the authorities, parties,

governing bodies and other elements of the political system, as well as relations

between them, including such significant interactions as the harmonization

management and self-government, centralized

concentrated power and decentralized, etc.

The existence of a political system in time is characterized as

the process of change, development or degradation of political relations and

institutions. It includes the historical scale of the change in forms of power, the formation

state of some new type, for example, the transition from political

systems of feudal society (with relations of personal dependence,

despotic absolutism, the centralized bureaucracy of the monarchical

center) to the political system of bourgeois society (with an impersonal

system of administrative apparatuses, democratic institutions, etc.).

The historical process of the evolution of the political system includes a number of

regularities: tendencies of concentration and deconcentration of power, its

centralization and decentralization, the struggle of these trends, which ends

at the turn of the era when formations were changed by the crisis of centralism, decentralization

power and a new cycle of contradictions between these two principles (during the transition from

ancient empires to early feudal fragmentation, from feudal

monarchies to a bourgeois state, from imperialism end of the 19th

half of the 20th century to the progress of democratization), the general process of complication

system and its subsystems (the appearance and multiplication of parties, the development

associations, etc.), formalization of the system, its legal registration,

increased political participation, i.e. better inclusion of members

society into political life, in particular, the formation of democratic

institutions, general and direct elections, self-government, etc., a more complete

combination of civil and political relations, reorganization of relations

power and people (transition from command-order despotic and conflict

relations from top to bottom to contractual constitutional and consensual),

development of the constitutional process and the system of sovereignties (authorities,

people, law, state-territorial formations, etc.),

formation in the structure of the political system of mass processes (large

political mobilizations in support of social change or against

them, during periods of elections, etc.. The growth of administrative apparatuses, bodies

coercion, army, propaganda, educational, educational

institutions that carry out political socialization, etc.), development

associative forms of political life - the formation of various groups

like-minded people, unions, popular movements, etc.

The concept of the state.

The main elements of the state-va: territory, population, power.

The state is the main institution of the political system of society, created for

organization and management of the life of a certain population on a certain

territory with the help of public authority, which is binding on all its

State functions. Internal:

protection of the existing political system, socio-political structure of society, order and order,

protection of human rights;

household-org, general-ec;


cultural and educational.

defense of the country;

protection of interests in the international arena.

Forms of government.

According to the forms of government, states are divided into:

monarchy (constitutional, absolute);

republics (parliamentary, presidential).

In accordance with the national-territorial organization of the state

subdivided into:




According to the political regime, the states are divided into:



New trends in the development of modern state-in.

the desire to create a truly democratic, legal state-va;

democratic limitation of state sovereignty, the cat is replacing

absolute sovereignty;

decentralization of state power;

integration of economic and political life on the one hand and the revival of national

movements and fragmentation of already existing state-in - on the other;

the desire to have their own ideology that unites society;

reducing the bureaucracy and reducing the cost of its

By the term "state" we designate a special type of social phenomena,

which are characterized by the following features: a) the attitude of power and

subordination; b) the monopoly use of violence by those who own

power; c) the presence of a legal order; d) relative constancy;

e) institutional dimension. Thus, the state is not

education, which is above society and independent of it, and

a certain type of legally regulated social behavior,

existing in specific spatio-temporal conditions. State

It is not a physical phenomenon that can be detected by the organs

feelings, but a social fact that presupposes a legally normalized

hierarchical interaction of its members. When we talk about the state, then

we mean certain relations between people, legally regulated

those authorized to do so.

The state is a collective phenomenon that exists in a particular

spatiotemporal context. Spatio-temporal character

state is conditioned by the fact that the legal order operates

in a specific area at a specific time. legal order

certain state is not valid forever and not in all states. His

applicability is narrowed to a given territory during a given period.

So, the state is a complex social phenomenon, a distinctive feature

which is the forced regulation of people's behavior through

regulatory standards.

The state is a political community, the constituent elements

which are territory, population and power. The territory is

spatial basis of the state. The physical basis is

one of the conditions that make the existence of the state possible. In the end

account without the territory of the state does not exist, although it can change

in time.

The territory of states includes land, subsoil, airspace and

territorial waters; it cannot be reduced to the so-called solid

earth. This means that the state supports in the listed environments

its sovereign power and has the right to protect them from external intrusion from

by other states and individuals.

The second constituent element of the state is the population, that is

human community living on its territory and subject to it

authorities. The people as a generic concept can be characterized as

a relatively broad social group whose members have a sense of

belonging to it due to the common features of culture and historical

consciousness. People belonging to any people have more or

less pronounced consciousness of entering into a community distinct from others.

National consciousness involves identifying oneself with common cultural

values, as well as the presence of emotional solidarity ties between persons

belonging to the same nation.

The population of the state may consist of one people or be

multinational. Even when the various national

groups existing on the territory of one state, is distributed by its

political power, relations between them are often tense, and in

special cases and conflict. In multinational states, internal

conflict can pose a threat to political stability because

separatist national movements arising in such cases

aspire to create an independent state. In some cases

separatist movements are waging armed struggle in the form of terrorist

activities for achieving national independence.

The third constituent element of the state is power, other

in other words, the relations of domination and subordination that exist between the political

elite and the rest of society.

Thus, the state is a political entity formed by

national or multi-national community, fixed on a certain

territories where the legal order established by the elite is maintained,

which monopolizes institutionalized power, having a legitimate

the right to use coercion.

The concept of power

Power is the relationship of domination and subordination that exists between

political elite and the rest of society.

The political elite forcibly imposes power, using for this purpose

legal rules. The coercive nature of legal norms affects

to the extent that their violation allows public authorities to apply

sanctions. Power is exercised through these norms. Legal regulations

set out exactly what to do, although this is never done in

to the fullest. To the extent that the majority of the population of a particular

states comply with these rules. So political power

is a regulator of the behavior of the population of a given state, since

norms determine his behavior.

For the state to exist, those who are dominated

must recognize the power of those who dominate at the moment. If to

power is disrespected, rulers rely on

institutionalized apparatuses of violence, can apply sanctions,

provided by the political system. The political elite is forced

use institutionalized violence on a permanent basis only in

exceptional cases, since it is sufficiently effective for

management of collective behavior by means of direct and indirect

beliefs. Institutionalized violence is the final argument

resorted to by the political elite when social habits

subordination and its sociological legitimation are weakened and there is

the possibility of overthrowing the elite.

The members of the elite change, but institutionalized power

state does not disappear from this, except in cases where these

changes are accompanied by the destruction of the state due to other reasons,

such as civil war or subjugation by another state.

The state is controlled by an elite, consisting of specific people, however

due to its institutionalization, it has a relative

stability, which, as a rule, goes beyond the lives of individuals

and acquires a historical dimension.

State power exercised by the political elite has two

functions: intermediary and management function.

The elite is also responsible for resolving external conflicts, for

regulation of relations with foreign countries, for organizing

national defense and diplomatic relations. Skill

elites to direct national defense, regulate international

relationship is so important that it can strengthen or lose its

power depending on success or failure in this matter. Political

sovereignty of their state in the world community.

So, in fulfilling their mediating function, the political elite

regulates potential and real conflicts both within the state and

The political elite performs the function of governing the state, regulating

the course of public affairs in general. For this, special bodies are created and

norms are formed to regulate the development of society. To tasks

elite includes not only ensuring the preservation and reproduction

the existing social order, but also the control exercised with

more or less efficiency and impartiality, for the implementation

certain types of activities necessary for society as a whole. IN

any society has problems related to the economy, defense,

judiciary, control over natural resources, public health,

provision of food, education, communications, etc.;

political elites are trying to mitigate them and, if possible, resolve them. Prestige

elite is closely related to the success or failure of these attempts. Therefore, in

What matters to political life is not what the elite says about their actions, but what

what she actually does. Between the goals that it claims or that

really sets itself the elite, and their implementation in the political

life usually lies a lot of obstacles. In doing so, there may be

the following types of situations: full achievement of the set goals, their partial

achievement, their non-achievement, and, finally, the appearance of unforeseen and

unwanted consequences.

Types of power

Each state has its own political regime. Political regime

means a set of techniques, methods, forms, methods of implementation

political state power in society, characterizes the degree

political freedom, the legal status of the individual in society and a certain

the type of political system that exists in the country.

Mode - management, a set of means and methods of implementation

economic and political power of the ruling class.

In the modern world, we can talk about 140-160 regimes that

differ slightly from each other.

The ancient philosopher Aristotle gives two criteria by which one can


1) by the one in whose hands the power;

2) by how this power is used.

“Correct” forms of state: monarchy (power of one person),

aristocracy (power in the hands of a few “best”), polity (power

most of the average people in terms of property).

The “wrong” forms of state are those in which the people in power

act in their own interests, not caring about the welfare of society. TO

“wrong” forms include: tyranny (power in the hands of a tyrant), oligarchy

(the ruling minority in power) and democracy (the control of society

(majority) over power)).

Democracy was understood as a form of state in which power

belongs to all or the majority of free citizens subject to the law.

This idea of ​​democracy persisted until the end of 1868.

year, and since the Great

French Revolution, the concept of democracy began to apply not to forms,

but to the principles of the political structure of the state. There are two main

democratic principles: freedom and equality.

One of the fairly simple, widespread, classifications

political regimes - dividing them into totalitarian, authoritarian and

democratic. Typology of political regimes:

a) democratic political regime;

b) liberal political regime;

d) a totalitarian political regime.


Politics is a field of activity related to the relationship between social

groups, the core of which is the problem of conquest, retention and

use of state power.

Any problem acquires a political character if its solution

associated with class interests, the problem of power. Politics has

a large degree of independence and has a strong impact on the economy

and other spheres of society.

Political activity is one of the forms of social activity. But

it is a special, specific field of activity. She represents

a set of actions of public groups and individuals, as well as parties

for the realization of their political interests, and above all about

conquest, use and retention of power.

Forms of political activity within political parties are different:

Disputes, disputes, a wide exchange of opinions both in the audience and in the media

mass media; The purpose of the dialogue is to clarify points of view, achieve

agreement on the issues under discussion, and most importantly, the implementation of the agreed


Political activity, like any other, is divided into

theoretical and practical.

Theoretical activities are characterized by the following types: cognitive,

prognostic, value-oriented.

For practical activities: a wide range of types, depending on

particular sphere of political life where political

actions: these are foreign policy and international relations, development and

implementation of the internal policy of the state, participation in the life of parties, military

politics, etc.

Politics and law

The legal status of an individual is determined by the totality of human rights and

citizen, reflected in the norms of all branches of the law in force.

The basics of the legal status of the individual cover constitutionally

enshrined rights and freedoms. The concept of fundamental human rights and freedoms

citizen can be formulated as follows: Constitutional

(fundamental) rights and freedoms that belong to him from birth (in due

cases by virtue of his citizenship), protected by the state, constituting

the core of the legal status of the individual:

Enumeration in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of fundamental rights and freedoms

should not be construed as a denial or derogation of other generally recognized rights

and freedoms of man and citizen. This is stated in Article 55 Part 2 of the Constitution

R.F. Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, dedicated to human rights and freedoms and

citizen, includes 48 articles (from 17 to 64).

For the first time, the scientific classification of these powers was carried out by M.P. Kareva

Taking as a basis the most important spheres of human activity. Her

the classification included the following components: a) socio-economic

the rights; b) equality of citizens; c) democratic freedoms. Further

state-legal science, using classification bases,

proposed by M.P. Kareva, developed a system of fundamental rights and freedoms, where

1) socio-economic rights and freedoms of citizens;

2) political rights and freedoms of citizens;

3) personal rights and freedoms of citizens.

This problem is studied in most detail by L.D. Voevodin. author

successfully combined the name of the elements of the system of constitutional rights and

duties with the basis of the above classification. The scientist singled out

the following groups of fundamental rights, freedoms and duties:

1) the rights and obligations of citizens in the sphere of socio-economic and

cultural life;

2) the rights and obligations of citizens in the sphere of state and public

political life;

3) the rights and obligations of citizens in the sphere of individual freedom.

However, the system of fundamental rights and freedoms is characterized not only by their

grouping, but also the priorities that the Constitution adheres to in their

sequential location.

Administrative law

Management of society, ensuring public discipline and law and order

is carried out with the help of active methods of purposeful influence on

consciousness and behavior of people, as these methods are such

methods of state and public activity, as persuasion and

compulsion. Persuasion and coercion as methods of the state

management, social phenomena, as they find their manifestation in

“Coercion exists in every human community and is

necessary element of any social organization. In a pre-class society

society - on the power of the state. Consequently, coercion by the closest

way connected with state power and determines the quality of this


The decisive role in the fight against offenses belongs to the state. It

has a special apparatus of coercion. The legal regulations determine what

state bodies can apply the method of coercion "(grounds

coercion), types and sizes of coercive means (sanctions) and the procedure for their

application." State coercion, "mediated in law,

acts in the form of legal coercion and, as a rule, is expressed in

specific coercive measures applied by authorized

then state bodies (officials) in connection with non-fulfillment

legal regulations." In law, there are 4 types of measures of legal (legal)


Disciplinary, Material (civil law), Criminal,


Administrative coercion is a special, independent

kind of legal coercion. “Administrative coercion plays

important role in law enforcement, includes a large number of means

suppression (detention of citizens, prohibition of operation of mechanisms, etc.),

use stops antisocial acts, prevents

the onset of socially harmful consequences. Application of administrative

coercion is due to: firstly, the need for statutory

cases to punish offenders, secondly, the need to suppress and, secondly,

third, to prevent crime. "Administrative offense

(misdemeanor) is a negative social and legal phenomenon, since it does not

damage to protected norms of administrative law... public and private

interests (goods). Because of this, society (the state) is forced to

combating them by establishing appropriate legal prohibitions.”

Therefore, the purpose of applying measures of administrative coercion is "protection

legally protected public relations.

Measures of administrative coercion can be applied both, if available,

and in the absence of offenses (for example, in case of emergency

circumstances, if necessary, to prevent the commission of an offense).

There is also a different opinion in the literature. So, D.N. Bahrach believes that

“administrative coercion is a special kind of state

coercion, consisting in the use by subjects of functional power,

coercive measures established by the norms of administrative law in connection with

administrative offences." D.N. Bahrakh notes that "any

coercive measure should be considered as permitted as an exception

violation of the inviolability of the person and his rights. ... a measure of coercion

there can only be an individual act that has a specific addressee.

“Administrative coercion applies only to offenders in

cases and in the manner prescribed by law. He points out that "just like

all means of state coercion, administrative measures

applied in connection with offences. But they apply in connection with

the presence of a special reason - an administrative offense. Insofar as

misdemeanors are less harmful than the crimes of that measure of administrative

coercion is generally less severe than criminal punishment.”

Sevryugin V.E. notes that “administrative coercion is

a kind of legal (legal) coercion and consists in the application

authorized administrative and jurisdictional bodies

(officials), people's courts (judges) established by the norms

administrative law enforcement measures against offenders

due to non-compliance with legal regulations.” Administrative coercion

has its own individual characteristics. Sevryugin V.E. Highlights the following

characteristic features of administrative coercion:

"one. The basis for the application of measures of administrative coercion is

administrative offense, and in cases expressly provided for

legislation - a crime that does not represent a large public


2. Measures of administrative coercion are applied to persons and bodies, in

in respect of which the subject of administrative power is not superior in

order of subordination and does not have administrative authority over them.

3. The subject of administrative power and the violator are not members

one team and the latter is not directly subordinated to those

who applies measures of administrative coercion to him.

4. Administrative coercion is carried out by state bodies

administration and only in some special cases by the people's courts

(judges), bodies of public organizations (comrades' courts,

technical and legal inspectors of trade unions, etc.), but in order,

established by the rules of administrative law.

5. Are the result of the implementation of state power and

consists in compelling citizens and officials to perform

legal obligations established by law.

6. It is used to stop illegal actions, punishment

administrative offenders, ensuring public

security and established law and order.

7. It is carried out within the framework of administrative procedural norms.

8. Promotes crime prevention.

9. Carried out on a strictly legal basis.”

As already noted, the right to apply administrative-coercive measures

not all, but only specially authorized bodies use

government controlled. This makes it easier to control and supervise the application.

coercive measures. Arbitrary Assignment of Entitlement by Application

administrative coercion is a gross violation of the law.

Measures of administrative coercion have a preventive

orientation, are a means of preventing crime, since

apply to persons who do not have well-established antisocial attitudes,

making minor deviations from legal requirements. Exactly this

and causes the multiplicity and multiplicity of applied by various

subjects the right to use administrative and legal means of influence.

Administrative coercion is a broad concept, the forms of its specific

expressions are very diverse, which is due to the variety of tasks

government bodies and the environment in which they operate.

Administrative coercion serves the purpose of ensuring the state

discipline, law and order.

Measures of administrative penalty are a type of legal

(administrative) liability, is applied for the commission of certain

offenses. “Administrative penalty is a measure of responsibility

and is used for the purpose of educating a person who has committed an administrative

offense, in the spirit of ... hostel, as well as warnings of new

offenses both by the offender himself and by other persons.

Administrative penalty occupies a special place in the system of measures

administrative coercion. Their feature is as follows:

“- they are of a pronounced sanctions nature, which is how they differ from

other types of measures of administrative coercion, which this quality does not


The educational impact of their use is the highest,

because it is achieved in a simple, fast and visual way;

Penalties can be applied not only by state authorities

management, but also other subjects of law enforcement;

All administrative penalties are imposed on the basis of a special

individual act of management - resolutions or decisions;

The imposition of administrative penalties is carried out by authorized

for that by the police in a certain procedural order, in which

taking into account the nature of the offense committed, the identity of the offender,

the degree of his guilt, property status, circumstances mitigating and

aggravating liability;

They are an effective means of implementing the institution of responsibility

(which is understood as the obligation of a citizen or official to give

report on your misconduct in public administration and

be punished by an administrative penalty.

“The system of administrative penalties is understood as a list of various

according to the severity and legal consequences of the types of punishments.

Currently, the following administrative and penal


« 1. Measures of moral influence. They are associated with minor

misdemeanors usually committed by people accidentally and without any

persistent antisocial attitudes. These include a warning and

public censure.

2. Measures of personal influence. They consist in limiting subjective

rights and the investment of certain sufferings on the violator.

In accordance with Art. 24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation distinguish the following types

administrative penalties:

Warning (Art. 26);

Fine (art. 27);

Compensatory seizure of an object that was an instrument for committing or

the direct object of an administrative offense (Article 28);

Confiscation of an object that was an instrument for committing or

the direct object of an administrative offense (Article 29);

Deprivation of a special right granted to a given citizen

(rights to drive vehicles, hunting rights (art. 30);

Correctional labor (art. 31);

Administrative arrest (art. 32);

Expulsion from the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons

for committing administrative offenses (art.).

So, an administrative penalty is “a measure of punishment applied

authorized state bodies (officials), and

cases provided for by law - by people's courts (people's judges), and

as well as public organizations and their legal representatives to persons

guilty of committing an administrative offense."

Constitutional state

The rule of law is a term that has appeared in our country quite

recently. There is nothing surprising in this. its meaning is that

the state must obey the law, which in fact means the predominance

universal human values ​​over class values. And in the state of the "victorious

proletariat" creators, founders and ideologists of which determined the law

as a secondary phenomenon in relation to the state, as elevated to the law

the will of the ruling class - the proletariat to suppress resistance

bourgeoisie, this was out of the question. After the victory of the revolution, it was believed

Marx, Engels, Lenin right, as a typical product of bourgeois society,

will gradually die off. The concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat

the rule of the proletariat over


However, already in the first post-October days and weeks, Lenin began to talk about

the need to comply with the law. Another thing is that it was already so

called socialist legality, which supposedly embodied

the will of the working class, of all working people, of the entire people, but in fact expressed

interests of the party-state leadership. The established social

the economic and political situation in the country led the leadership to

the need to create certain legal guarantees for citizens in their

relationships with each other and with authorities and management in order to

"Pravda" against open and unrelated terror. He approved

decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the abolition of order No. 1 M.A. Muravyov (commander-in-chief

for the Defense of Petrograd), providing for reprisals without trial. In 1918

The first Soviet constitution was adopted. In the early 20s they begin

act the first codes of laws. The role of the judiciary and advocacy is increasing,

narrowing the scope of state coercion. The principle of uniform legality was

declared to be fundamental. But already from the end of the 20s, the refusal began

from the scientific theory of the Leninist course of building socialism, a departure

which is essentially counter-revolutionary.

The practical implementation of this counter-revolutionary policy was carried out by

Stalin. Those deformations of socialism, which are associated with his name, reduced to

there is no basis for a socialist legal state, erected

V.I. Lenin.

The return to the idea of ​​a rule of law occurred after the XX Party Congress,

when a fundamental break with the lawlessness of Stalinism took place, the

socialist legality, a wide rehabilitation of innocent

convicts, bodies of extrajudicial repression were abolished,

essentially simplified, inquisitorial, procedure for considering cases about, so

so-called counter-revolutionary actions. New opportunities have been opened

in Soviet state-legal construction. But the implementation of these

opportunities were hindered by the situation and conditions of the time of stagnation, when

the former political system of governing society more and more revealed

its inconsistency and unsuitability, and a new one was not created.

Back in the 70s, in our legal science and literature,

discussed, albeit very timidly, the problem of the Soviet legal state

as a direction of development and legal registration of the nationwide state.

The development of this theme in the conditions of perestroika received not only

theoretical, but also practical significance, especially after the decisions of Х1Х

Conference of the CPSU On the formation of a socialist state.

Forgotten, the former, it seemed, unshakable attitudes about the priority of the state

in the political sphere, about the inadmissibility of putting law over the state.

It became obvious that our society would not put an end to the horrors of Stalin's

totalitarianism, if it does not follow the path of recreating a just

civil society and the realization of its values.

The adoption by our society of the formula of the rule of law means

a revolution in the idea of ​​the relationship between state and law. Legal

the state presupposes, first of all, the rule of law over

state. In addition, the rule of law in all areas

public life, separation of powers, pluralism of opinions, publicity,

high role of the court (including the constitutional one), mutual responsibility

citizen and state.

Only in the presence and wide development of all the above signs, it is possible

speak with confidence about the creation of the rule of law.

The rule of law involves a combination of two aspects:

1. institutional and legal (in the form of a legal organization of the system


2. normative-legal (in the form of the rule of law)

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the legality and legal

organization must be such not only in name, but also in

R.Z. Livshits as “normatively fixed and realized justice”.

Otherwise, law and legality may degenerate into auxiliary means.

organization, maintenance and justification of anti-legal orders.

The relationship between law and the state is very complex. On the one side,

the main way of objectification of law passes through the law - the state

Act. At the same time, the state, through the system of bodies - the judiciary,

investigative and other - ensures the actual implementation of legal

establishments. Moreover, it is clear that in this way the state strives

to realize their will, political interests, which have a class

that the first as an original phenomenon, characterized by significant social

strength and independent value, acquires its properties of a special

institutional formation through state-legal acts, i.e.

what is called a source of law or a form of law.

The fact that law exists and develops in a certain confrontation

with the state, with sufficient completeness and clarity, reveals itself when

democratic decision. Law as a phenomenon of civilization and culture

is formed and improved insofar as it is in accordance with

principles of democracy limits state power, establishes

for the activities of state bodies consistently permissive

order, streamlines this power through the worked out procedural and

procedural forms.

Labor Law (Labor Code of November 24, 1996)

Article 1. Tasks of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates labor

relations of all employees, contributing to the growth of labor productivity,

improving the quality of work, increasing the efficiency of public

production and the rise on this basis of the material and cultural level

life of workers, strengthening labor discipline and gradually transforming

labor for the benefit of society in the first vital need of everyone

able-bodied person. Labor Code of the Russian Federation

establishes a high level of working conditions, all-round protection of labor rights


Article 2. Basic labor rights and obligations of employees

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation - Russia, everyone has

the right to work which he freely chooses or to which he freely

agrees, the right to dispose of their abilities to work, to choose

profession and occupation, as well as the right to protection against unemployment.

Forced labor is prohibited. Every employee has the right:

To working conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene;

For compensation for damage caused by damage to health in connection with

To equal pay for equal work without any

discrimination and not below the minimum amount established by law;

For rest provided by the establishment of a maximum duration

working hours, shortened working hours for a number of professions and jobs,

provision of weekly days off, public holidays, and

paid annual leave;

To join trade unions;

For social security by age, incapacity for work and in

other cases established by law;

For judicial protection of their labor rights.

The employee is obliged to: conscientiously fulfill his labor duties;

observe labor discipline; take care of company property

institutions, organizations; comply with established labor standards.

Article 4. Labor legislation Legislation of the Russian Federation

on labor consists of this Code and other acts of the labor

legislation of the Russian Federation and the republics within the Russian

Federation. On the territory of the Russian Federation until the adoption of the relevant

legislative acts, the norms of the former USSR are applied in part, not

contrary to the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as

international agreements (contracts) with the participation of the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Invalidity of the terms of labor contracts that worsen

the situation of workers / Conditions of employment contracts that worsen the situation

workers in comparison with labor legislation are

invalid. Administration of an enterprise, institution, organization

together with the council of the labor collective and the relevant elected

the trade union body has the right to establish at its own expense

additional in comparison with the legislation labor and social

household benefits for employees of the team or individual categories


Criminal law

The presence of elements of a crime in the actions of a person does not mean that

that this person must in all cases be held criminally liable with

application of punishment. If the act or the person who committed it,

lose for some reason social danger by the time

investigation or trial, or the danger of a guilty person

turns out to be insignificant and he can be re-educated without the use of measures

criminal punishment, Russian criminal law allows for the possibility of

in accordance with the procedure established by law, to release a person or from criminal

responsibility or punishment. It is also possible to

exemption from serving certain types of punishment, if until full

after serving the sentence imposed by the court, the person will prove his correction.

If we consider all the legal grounds for exemption from

criminal liability and punishment by stages, then you can

classify in the following order:

1. A person is completely released from criminal liability until

bringing in as a defendant.

In this case, the perpetrator practically does not bear any negative

consequences of his crime.

This item may include not the initiation or termination of criminal

cases due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, as a result of the act of amnesty, in view of

pardons of individuals, for the use of the victim and the accused, or for

the absence of a complaint from the victim.

2. A person is involved as an accused, but before being convicted by a court

exempt from criminal liability.

There are some negative consequences for the guilty person here, but

terminate before conviction.

This is the expiration of prescription (Article 48), as a result of an act of amnesty, from the fall

public danger of an act or person due to a change in the situation

(Article 50), transfer of a case to a comrades' court (Article 512), transfer of a person on bail

(art. 52), referral of a juvenile case to the Commission on

minors (art. 10).

3. A person is convicted, convicted, but without an appointment


In this case, we mean Article 50 Part 2 - falling away of public

face danger.

4. The person is convicted, a guilty verdict is issued with the appointment

punishment, but with a delay in its execution (Article 46).

5. A person is convicted, a guilty verdict is issued with an appointment

punishment, but with release from serving it.

judicial trial; amnesty if the fact that the acts fall

under amnesty, is found in the stage of trial.

Constitutional law

Constitutional (state) law in jurisprudence is considered in

three aspects: as a branch of the law of specific states, as a science and as

academic discipline in the system of higher legal education. Terms

"constitutional law" and "public law" are often considered

synonyms. Indeed, taking a formal approach, it is not difficult to find that the circle

regulated by the relevant branch of law of public relations in

countries where one or the other of these terms is used, approximately

the same. The choice of the term is usually dictated by national tradition.

word usage. Thus, the Anglo-Saxon and Romanesque legal systems

traditionally use the term "constitutional law", while for

The German system is characterized by the use of the term "public law".

On closer examination, however, it can be seen that

the difference in terminology reflects (not always, but often enough) the essential

difference between the respective concepts. So in the UK, USA,

France, by the beginning or at the beginning of the 19th century, a constitutional system was established,

minimum features of which are the judicial protection of human rights and

separation of powers. In Germany, this happened later. It is noteworthy that

now the term "constitutional law" has begun to be used in Germany as well.

However, to designate an academic discipline in German law schools

the term “public law” is often used, which covers and

administrative law, and judicial law, and some other branches of law.

State law is considered as a fundamental part of public

Independence of constitutional law in the legal system of any country

primarily due to its special subject of regulation.

Constitutional law regulates social relations that form

the basis of the entire structure of society and the state and are directly related to

exercise of state power. It is a relationship between a person

society and the state and the fundamental relationships that determine

structure of the state and its functioning.

An additional basis for delimiting constitutional law from others

branches of law is a method of legal regulation, that is, a set

techniques and methods of legal influence on social relations.

The predominant form of constitutional and legal regulation of public

relations is the binding method. It is in this form that

most of the norms of constitutional law relating to the organization of power:

“All bodies and state enterprises are obliged to provide deputies

necessary assistance in the performance of their duties” (art. 8.5

Constitution of the Republic of Cuba of 1976); "The government should get

confidence of the chambers” (Article 94 of the Italian Constitution of 1947).

Along with this, in constitutional law one can often find prohibiting

norms: “Discrimination based on race, color, sex and national

origin is prohibited and punishable by law” (Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic

Cuba); "Every imperative mandate

is invalid” (Article 27 of the Constitution of the French Republic

Constitutional law also knows the method of permission applied according to

advantage to the regulation of human status and

citizen, which is natural in itself, but also sometimes

determining the powers of state bodies.

In general, the constitutional and legal method of regulating public

relations is based on imperious-imperative principles. This is explained

the nature of those social relations that fall under the influence of norms

constitutional law. Power relations determine the content of significant

parts, if not most, of these rules. At the same time, a large part of them

democratic states establishes the content and guarantees of the rights

person, which means appropriate restrictions for the state

contradictions, the struggle of classes and other social groups for their interests.

In a democratic state, constitutional law inevitably represents

is an expression of social compromise. As for the form of certain

constitutional and legal institutions, it is often the fruit of

subjective choice of the ruling forces in the country. If, for example, the presence of

parliament of one or two chambers most often depends on the positions

interested political forces, especially political parties, then

the number of deputies, say, in the House of National Representation

often determined simply by the preference of the immediate compilers

constitutional text, which may have nothing to do with their political

party affiliation.

Constitutional law is a system of legal norms of a particular country,

regulating the position of a person in society and the state, the foundations

social system, the basis of the organization and operation of the system

government bodies, as well as self-government bodies.

This is the most general definition covering the most essential objects.

regulation. Naturally, it ignores some of the more

private objects, such as state symbols.

In the literature, one can often find a more concise definition, given

usually Soviet state law. Said it was an industry

law that regulates social relations related to

exercise of state power. Constitutional law is

a complex system that includes many interacting parts and

elements that characterize its internal structure and separate it.

The main parts and elements of the system of constitutional law are its general

principles, its institutions and norms.


Democracy - (from the ancient Greek DEMOS - people and CRUTOS - power)

Democracy is one of the main forms of organization of any organization,

based on the equal participation of its members in the management and adoption of

majority decisions; ideal of social organization: freedom,

equality, respect for human dignity, solidarity, etc.;

social and political movement for democracy. Since

the emergence of democracy is associated with the state, and therefore with coercion, and

at best is the power of the majority over the minority, and most often

form of government of a well-organized privileged minority, in

more or less controlled by the people.

Democratic regime - characterized by a high degree of political

human freedom, the real exercise of his rights, allowing him

to influence the public administration of society. Political

the elite, as a rule, is rather narrow, but it relies on a broad social

Characteristic features of a democratic regime:

1) Sovereignty of the people: it is the people who choose their representatives

authorities and may change them from time to time. Elections must be fair

competitive, regularly held. Under "competitive"

refers to the existence of various groups or individuals, free

submit your candidacy. Elections will not be competitive if

some groups (or individuals) have the opportunity to participate, and

others are deprived of it. Elections are considered fair if there are no frauds and

there is a special fair game mechanism. Elections are dishonest

if the bureaucratic machine belongs to one party, even if this

the party is tolerant of other parties during elections.

By exploiting the media monopoly held by

the power of the party can influence public opinion to such an extent that

that elections can no longer be called fair.

2) Periodic election of the main bodies of the state. Government

is born out of elections and for a definite, limited period. For

development of democracy, it is not enough to hold regular elections,

it must be based on an elected government. IN

Latin America, for example, elections are frequent, but many

Latin American countries are outside of democracy, tk. most

a common way to remove a president is a military coup, and

not elections. Therefore, a necessary condition for a democratic state

The persons exercising supreme power are elected, and

elected for a definite, limited term, change of government

should take place as a result of elections, and not at the will of some


3) Democracy protects the rights of individuals and minorities. Opinion

majority, democratically expressed in elections, is only

a necessary condition for democracy, however, is by no means insufficient.

Only a combination of majority rule and protection of the rights of the minority

constitute one of the basic principles of a democratic state.

If, however, discriminatory measures are applied against a minority,

regime becomes undemocratic, regardless of the frequency and

honesty of elections and change of legally elected government.

4) Equality of the rights of citizens to participate in government: freedom

creation of political parties and other associations to express

of one's will, freedom of opinion, the right to information and to participate in

competition for leadership positions in the state.

Depending on how the people participate in governance, who and how

directly performs power functions, democracy is divided into direct,

plebiscitary and representative.

In a direct democracy, all citizens themselves participate directly in

preparation, discussion and decision-making. Such a system may have

practical sense only with a relatively small number of people, for example,

in community or tribal councils or in local trade union bodies, where everyone

members can gather in the same room to discuss issues and adopt

decisions by consensus or majority vote. The first democracy in the world

in ancient Athens carried out direct democracy through meetings, in

which involved 5-6 thousand people.

An important channel for the participation of citizens in the exercise of power is

plebiscite democracy. The difference between it and direct democracy is

that direct democracy implies the participation of citizens in all major

stages of the process of ruling (in preparation, making political decisions

and in monitoring their implementation), and in a plebiscite democracy

the possibilities of political influence of citizens are relatively limited,

such as referenda. Citizens through voting are given

approve or reject this or that draft law or other decision,

which is usually prepared by the president, government, party or

initiative group. Opportunities for participation of the general population in

preparation of such projects are very small.

The third, most common in modern society, form

political participation is representative democracy. Its essence is

citizens elect their representatives to the authorities, who are called

express their interests in political decision-making, in the adoption of laws and

implementation of social and other programs. Election procedures can

be the most diverse, but whatever they are, elected persons in

representative democracy hold office in the name of the people and

accountable to the people for all their actions.

Democracies are different, but they all have something in common.

unifying features:

1. Democracy - i.e. recognition of the people as a source of power, sovereign (from

French SOUVERAIN - the bearer of supreme power in the state);

2. Government is based on the consent of the governed;

3. Guarantees of fundamental human rights;

4. Free and fair elections;

5. Equality before the law;

6. Fair trial;

7. Constitutional limitation of the government;

8. Social, economic, ideological and political pluralism;

9. Values ​​of cooperation and compromise.

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation (From the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12.12.93)

1. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state.

2. The President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution

Russian Federation, rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In established

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, he takes measures to protect

sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state

integrity, ensures coordinated functioning and interaction

public authorities.

3. President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution

Russian Federation and federal laws

determines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy


4. The President of the Russian Federation, as head of state, represents

Russian Federation within the country and in

international relations.

1. The President of the Russian Federation is elected for four years by citizens

Russian Federation on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage

2. A citizen may be elected President of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation not younger than 35 years old, permanently

living in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years.

3. The same person cannot hold the office of the President of the Russian

Federation for more than two terms in a row.

4. The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Federation is determined

federal law.

1. Upon taking office, the President of the Russian Federation brings

people the following oath:

“I swear when exercising the powers of the President of the Russian Federation

respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, observe and

to defend the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to defend the sovereignty and

independence, security and integrity of the state, faithfully serve

2. The oath is taken in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of members

Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma and judges of the Constitutional

Courts of the Russian Federation.

a) appoints, with the consent of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation;

b) has the right to chair meetings of the Government

Russian Federation;

c) decide on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;

d) submit to the State Duma a candidate for appointment to

position of the Chairman of the Central Bank

Russian Federation; puts before the State Duma the question of

dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian


e) at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

appoints and dismisses Vice Presidents

Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministers;

f) submit to the Federation Council candidates for appointment to positions

judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian

Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration

of the Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the candidacy of the Prosecutor General

Russian Federation; submits to the Federation Council a proposal to release

from the office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; appoints judges

other federal courts;

g) forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation,

whose status is determined by federal law; h) approves the military

doctrine of the Russian Federation;

i) forms the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

j) appoints and dismisses plenipotentiaries of the President

Russian Federation;

k) appoints and dismisses the high command of the Armed Forces

Russian Federation;

l) appoints and dismisses after consultations with the relevant committees

or commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of diplomatic representatives

Russian Federation in foreign states and international


President of Russian Federation:

a) call the elections of the State Duma in accordance with the Constitution

Russian Federation and federal law;

b) dissolve the State Duma in the cases and in the manner provided for

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

c) call a referendum in accordance with the procedure established by the federal

constitutional law; d) submit bills to the State Duma;

e) signs and promulgates federal laws;

f) addresses the Federal Assembly with annual messages about

situation in the country, on the main directions of domestic and foreign policy


1. The President of the Russian Federation may use conciliatory

procedures for resolving disputes between

public authorities of the Russian Federation and bodies

state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as between

state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. When

failure to reach an agreed decision, he may refer the dispute to

review by the relevant court.

2. The President of the Russian Federation has the right to suspend the operation of acts

executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the event of

contradictions between these acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal

laws, international obligations of the Russian Federation or violations

rights and freedoms of man and citizen until the solution of this issue

by the relevant court.

President of Russian Federation:

a) directs the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;

b) negotiates and signs international treaties of the Russian


c) signs the instruments of ratification;

d) accepts letters of credence and revocable letters accredited to him

diplomatic representatives.

1. The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. In case of aggression against the Russian Federation or direct

threats of aggression The President of the Russian Federation introduces on the territory

the Russian Federation or in some of its areas, martial law with

3. The regime of martial law is determined by the federal constitutional

The President of the Russian Federation under the circumstances and in the manner

provided for by federal constitutional law, introduces on the territory

the Russian Federation or in some of its areas, a state of emergency with

immediately reporting this to the Federation Council and the State

President of Russian Federation:

a) solves the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and granting

political asylum;

b) awards state awards of the Russian Federation,

assigns honorary titles of the Russian Federation, higher military and higher

special ranks;

c) grants pardon.

1. The President of the Russian Federation issues decrees and orders.

2. Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation are obligatory for

execution throughout the territory of the Russian


3. Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation must not

contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

The President of the Russian Federation enjoys immunity.

1. The President of the Russian Federation begins to exercise his powers with

from the moment of taking the oath by him and terminates their execution with the expiration of the term

his tenure in office from the moment of taking the oath by the newly elected

2. The President of the Russian Federation terminates the exercise of powers

ahead of schedule in case of his resignation, permanent

inability for health reasons to exercise his

authority or dismissal. At the same time, the elections

of the President of the Russian Federation must be held no later than three

months from the date of early termination of the exercise of powers.

3. In all cases when the President of the Russian Federation is unable to

perform their duties, their temporarily

performed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Performing

duties of the President of the Russian Federation has no right to dissolve

State Duma, call a referendum, and also make proposals on

amendments and revision of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

1. The President of the Russian Federation may be removed from office

by the Federation Council only on the basis of the

by the State Duma charges of high treason or committing

other grave crime, confirmed by the conclusion of the Supreme Court

of the Russian Federation on the presence in the actions of the President of the Russian Federation

signs of a crime and the conclusion of the Constitutional Court of the Russian

Federation on compliance with the established procedure for bringing charges.

2. The decision of the State Duma to bring charges and the decision of the Council

Federation on the removal of the President from office

chambers on the initiative of at least one third of the deputies of the State Duma and

if there is a conclusion of a special commission formed by the State

3. Decision of the Federation Council on the dismissal of the President of the Russian Federation

from office must be accepted no later than

within three months after the State Duma charges

against the President. If within this period the decision of the Federation Council is not

accepted, the charge against the President is dismissed

Political parties

An integral part of the political system of the modern democratic

societies are political parties.

Etymologically, “party” means “part”, “separateness”, element

political system.

PARTY is a political public organization that

fights for power or for participation in the exercise of power. Rivalry

political groups united around powerful families or

popular leaders, for many centuries has been a characteristic,

essential feature of political history. But such organizations

which we call political parties, arose in Europe and in the USA in

early nineteenth century

There are many approaches to defining the essence of political

1) understanding of the party as a group of people who adhere to one ideological

doctrines (B. Constant).

2) interpretation of a political party as a spokesman for the interests of certain

classes (Marxism).

3) institutional understanding of a political party as an organization,

operating in the state system (M. Duverger).

Other approaches to defining parties:

the party is the bearer of ideology;

a party is a long association of people;

the purpose of the party is the conquest and exercise of power;

The party seeks to enlist the support of the people.

The boundaries between parties and other political associations are

indistinct character and are often erased.

The formation of parties was quite lengthy and complex.

process. Initially, the parties were active only during periods

election campaigns, they did not have permanent local

organizations, did not hold regular congresses or conferences, their

supporters were not bound by party discipline.

The first mass and permanent party was the Liberal Party

in England (since 1861). Reasons for the emergence of mass political parties

promoted the spread of universal suffrage.

Each party was created to protect the interests of certain

population (usually economic or national).

Parties, as a rule, are not homogeneous and have factions within them -

groups putting forward programs somewhat different from the general, main

party programs. The existence of various factions in the party makes it

policy more flexible because it helps it to maintain its

influence among different groups of voters.

Party policy is developed in the course of intra-party political

struggle between different factions and currents. Governing Bodies

many parties are formed on the basis of representation from

various factions. Party programs usually emphasize their

intention to serve the interests of certain social groups, the majority

citizens of the whole country. In practical politics, the parties strive to take into account

win democratic elections.

According to the nature of the doctrines, the parties are divided into:





According to the place and role of parties in the political system, they are divided into:

state (party ideology becomes state, the party

forms the state management system);

political regime and enjoying its support);

parliamentary (operating in competitive political systems).

There is a classification of parties according to the criterion of organizational structure:





parties with formally defined membership principles;

parties with free membership.

According to the type of party leadership, parties are:

collective leadership;

collective leadership with a clearly expressed supremacy of the leader;

personal guidance;

charismatic leadership;

consensual leadership.

Political parties in modern societies perform the following functions:

representation - expression of interests of certain groups of the population;

socialization - the involvement of a part of the population in the number of its members and


ideological function - the development of an attractive for a certain part

political platform societies;

participation in the struggle for power - the selection, promotion of political personnel and

ensuring the conditions for their activities;

participation in the formation of political systems - their principles, elements,


In modern political history, there are four types of party

bourgeois democratic party system

Formed in Europe and North America in the 19th century. In his

activity is guided by the following rules:

there is a legal struggle for power in society;

power is exercised by a party or group of parties that have secured

support for a parliamentary majority;

legal opposition constantly exists;

there is agreement among the parties within the party system regarding

compliance with these rules.

In the bourgeois system, many types of party coalitions have formed:

multi-party coalition - none of the parties is able to achieve

competent majority;

bipartisan coalition - there are two strong parties, each of which

capable of exercising authority independently;

modified two-party coalition - not one of the two main parties

does not collect an absolute majority and they are forced to cooperate with

third parties;

two-bloc coalition - two main blocs are fighting for power, and the parties

standing outside the blocks do not play a significant role;

dominance coalition - one party independently exercises power over

over a long period;

coalition of cooperation - the strongest parties for a long time and steadily

cooperate in the exercise of power.

socialist (fascist) party system

there is only one legal party;

the party leads the state at all levels of the state apparatus;

The emergence of such a political system is associated with a crisis

This type of government is intermediate, while the dominant

the factor is the state, not the party, which plays a secondary

role in the exercise of power. It is also allowed to exist

other parties.

Government of the Russian Federation (from the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12.12.93)

1. The executive power of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Government

Russian Federation.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman

Government of the Russian Federation, deputies

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers.

1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed

President of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma.

2. Proposal for the candidature of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian

Federation is paid no later than two weeks after joining

position of the newly elected President of the Russian Federation or after

resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation or within a week from the day

rejection of the candidacy by the State Duma.

3. The State Duma considers the proposal submitted by the President

Russian Federation candidacy for the Chairman

Government of the Russian Federation within a week from the date of

nomination proposals.

4. After rejection of the nominations of the Chairman three times

Government of the Russian Federation State Duma President

of the Russian Federation appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian

Federation, dissolves the State Duma and calls new elections.

1. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation no later than a week

term after the appointment submits to the President of the Russian Federation

proposals on the structure of federal executive bodies.

2. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation proposes to the President

Russian Federation candidatures for the positions of Vice-Chairmen

Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees

of the President of the Russian Federation determines the main directions

activities of the Government of the Russian Federation and organizes its work.

1. Government of the Russian Federation:

a) develops and submits to the State Duma a federal

the budget and ensure its implementation; presents to the State Duma

report on the execution of the federal budget;

b) ensures the implementation in the Russian Federation of a unified financial,

credit and monetary policy;

c) ensures the holding of a unified

state policy in the field of culture, science,

education, health care, social security, ecology;

d) manage federal property;

e) takes measures to ensure the defense of the country, state

security, implementation of foreign policy

Russian Federation;

f) takes measures to ensure the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of citizens,

protection of property and public order, the fight against crime;

g) exercise other powers assigned to him by the Constitution

Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian


2. The procedure for the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation is determined

federal constitutional law.

1. Based on and pursuant to the Constitution of the Russian Federation,

federal laws, regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation

The Government of the Russian Federation issues resolutions and orders

ensures their implementation.

2. Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation

binding in the Russian Federation.

3. Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation in

if they conflict with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal

laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation may be canceled

President of the Russian Federation.

Before the newly elected President of the Russian Federation, the Government

The Russian Federation resigns its powers.

1. The Government of the Russian Federation may resign, which

accepted or rejected by the President of the Russian Federation.

2. The President of the Russian Federation may decide to resign

Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The State Duma may express no confidence in the Government

Russian Federation. Decree of no confidence

Government of the Russian Federation is adopted by a majority of votes from

the total number of deputies of the State Duma. After expression

State Duma of no confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation

The President of the Russian Federation has the right to announce the resignation of the Government

Russian Federation or disagree with the decision of the State Duma. IN

if the State Duma re-expresses within three months

no confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian

Federation announces the resignation of the Government or dissolves

State Duma.

4. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation may put before

State Duma the issue of confidence

Government of the Russian Federation. If the State Duma is in confidence

refuses, the President decides on his resignation within seven days

Government of the Russian Federation or on the dissolution of the State Duma and

calling new elections.

5. In the event of resignation or resignation of powers, the Government of the Russian

Federation on behalf of the President of the Russian

Federation continues to operate until the formation of a new Government

Russian Federation.

Separation of powers

An important element of the rule of law, in addition to the rule of law, is

separation of powers. The theory of separation of powers is at the heart of Western

concept of the rule of law.

The rigid framework of the absolute monarchy in Russia did not contribute to

theoretical perception and practical implementation by Russian scientists of the idea

separation of powers, forced researchers to take a compromise

position, expressed in the denial of the possibility of "divisibility" of the state

power, limited only by the distribution of functions of state power.

Russia entered the period of revolution, not having fully passed the era

parliamentarism. The idea of ​​the Soviets completely supplanted this idea. New concept

state power proceeded from its unity. Belonging to power

workers and peasants was expressed in the fullness of the functions of the Soviets. The concept of "power

workers" was accompanied by a clear demarcation of the functions of the Soviets, bodies

administration, court, prosecutor's office.

However, the separation of power and control proved unsuccessful. Supreme

The council was not supposed to decide questions of state administration.

The government did not become an organ of our representative body,

becoming the highest executive and administrative body of power. On the

In practice, this led to a decrease in the role of Soviets at all levels and a sharp

strengthening the administrative apparatus in the form of a party elite.

The Constitution of the USSR of 1977, with the expansion of formal democracy, gives

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR and other broad functions, in addition to legislative ones. But

and she did not prevent the deformation of power and concentrated it in the hands

party and government leaders. did not play an independent role

law enforcement agencies. Changes in the constitution of the USSR in 1988. allowed

introduce new moments, strengthening the two-pronged legislative power, raise

the role of the law through the loss by the Presidium of the right to issue decrees of the normative

character, introduction of the institute of constitutional supervision, strengthening

accountability of the executive bodies to the Soviets, increasing the role of the court. AND

yet the principle of "separation of powers" in the traditional sense was not accepted,

since this would not correspond to the increased role of representative bodies and

deepening democracy. But when building a legal state, the division

authorities is inevitable. Through the separation of powers, the rule of law

organized and operated legally.

The principle of separation of powers has two aspects. First, this division

power between the organs of the state. None of the organs

all state power belongs to it in its entirety. Forbidden

carry out functions belonging to another body. But the separation of powers

not absolutely. It is an operating mechanism, achieving unity on the basis of

coordination and special legal procedures provided for, among other things,

in case of conflict and emergency situations.

At the same time, some kind of power should still come out on top, take

supreme position. From the point of view of the logic of the rule of law, such

The legislature has power because it forms the legal

the scope and legal norms of public and state life, the main

directions of domestic and foreign policy. the only representative and

the legislative body of the Russian Federation is the Federal

parliament. It is politically stable, permanent

body. It is formed on the basis of general and direct elections. Election order

established by federal law. represented in the Supreme Council as

all citizens of the Russian Federation, and all subjects of the federation. It consists of two chambers:

State Duma and Federal Assembly. With the exclusive right

adoption and amendment of laws, the Federal Parliament determines on the basis of

constitution, the framework within which both the legislative and the executive operate,

and the judiciary.

The strongest means of parliamentary influence on the executive branch

is the approval and control over the execution of the budget, participation in

appointment of the head and members of the government, and, if necessary,

removal of individual members of the government; activity control

special services and foreign intelligence.

The head of state plays a role in the system of checks and balances. Without

this mechanism of separation of powers will be imperfect. The president

exercises general direction, appointed by him with the consent of the Federal

Parliament, the Government, which is simultaneously under the control

parliament. The President heads the executive branch and represents

Russian Federation in internal and external relations. Under the direction of

of the President, carrying out the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, acts

the government of the Russian Federation. Structure, composition and competence of the government

determined by federal law. Without proper restraint, the executive

power inevitably crushes the legislative and judicial. That's why

special guarantees are needed against it. The executive branch is formed

representative bodies, controlled and accountable to them, acts on

basis and for the implementation of laws.

The judiciary is the third necessary branch of government in

mechanism for the separation of powers. It is an arbitrator who decides disputes about law. IN

In a constitutional state, justice is carried out only by the courts. In that -

the most important guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens, legal statehood in

in general. The court should not replace the legislator or the executor. But not

the legislator, nor the executor, should not appropriate the functions of the court.

In this regard, the most important thing is to ensure real independence

court from various kinds of bodies and persons who would dictate their will and

actually usurped the judiciary. Therefore, judges other than magistrates

judges are irremovable. They retire at the age of 70

age. Judges must be appointed by higher authorities. Expression

equality of citizens before the law is the jurisdiction of the general court,

the inadmissibility of expanding the jurisdiction of special courts. system of general courts

heads the Supreme Court of the Federation - the highest judicial authority in the field

civil, criminal and administrative proceedings. He can

supervise the judicial activities of the highest courts of the republics,

territories, regions, district courts. Authority, organization and order

activities of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is established by federal law.

It is also advisable to consider economic disputes in court

enterprises, organizations and institutions, since the judicial procedure gives

disputing parties have more legal opportunities to make a reasonable

and fair decision.

Political culture

Polit culture is an integral part of the national culture. This

first of all, the experience of mankind, social communities, large and small social

groups obtained in the course of historical development. existing in certain

forms, this experience has an impact on the formation of political consciousness

people and is ultimately expressed in their political orientations and attitudes,

The cat, in turn, determines the watered behavior of people.

Functions of political culture.

Cognitive function - the formation of the necessary common-policy among citizens

knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and political competence.

Integrative - achievement on the basis of generally accepted polit-cult values

consent within the existing political system and politically elected by society

Communicative function allows you to establish communication between participants

watered the process both “horizontally” and “vertically” in accordance with

hierarchy of the political system.

The function of ensuring social progress is closely connected with the communicative function. This

means that political culture creates conditions for effective development

political system and society as a whole.

Normative-regulatory function in the formation and consolidation of

public consciousness of the necessary political values, attitudes, goals,

motives and norms of behavior.

The educational function makes it possible to form a personality,


Political subculture. The political culture of a society cannot be absolutely

homogeneous. The diversity of interests of different communities gives rise to

models of political culture differing from each other - subcultures, cat

exist in all countries. Among the most significant in political science

the following types of subcultures are distinguished: regional, socioeconomic,

ethnolinguistic, religious, age.

Typology of political culture. Differentiation of watered cultures implemented in

according to one criterion or another.

One of the criteria is the degree of consistency in the interaction of political

subcultures in a given country. On this basis, there are two types

watered culture: integrated (homogeneous) and fragmented (diverse).

Another criterion for distinguishing types of political culture is the basic values, on

the cat is guided by this or that community in political activity or in political

process. In accordance with this, three types of political culture can be distinguished.

A culture of high citizenship. The basic value is a person with his

needs and interests. Polit system as a whole and all its structural

elements are democratic in nature. People have a sense of responsibility for

everything that happens, and therefore the high polit activity of the participants of the polit


Elite political culture. Basic political value - power or powerful

structures (state, elites). Man acts as a means to achieve

goals set by the watered elite.

Archaic political culture. The main value is the interests of the ethnic group, to the cat

they belong to (clan, tribe, nation). Here the individual is not aware of himself as

personality and does not separate itself from the ethnic community.

Another criterion is the orientation of society towards certain

other regulatory mechanisms within the political system (market, state).

The priority use of one or another mechanism in political life gives rise to

corresponding types of political culture - market or bureaucratic.

The main ways of formation of political culture. The condition for the formation of polit

culture of people is their involvement in the political process, interaction with the political

reality. Various spheres of public life interact with the political system.

life, all of them, to one degree or another, participate in the formation of political

cultures determine the main directions of this process. Imi yavl:

purposeful educational and educational, spiritual and ideological

activities of the state, political parties, public organizations and movements,

churches, media, impact of business, science, educational institutions, families,

labor collective, clubs and organizations of interest.

Factors influencing the formation of political culture. It is known that countries

having similar socio-political systems can differ significantly from each other

friend in the political-cult relation. These differences are predetermined, in addition to everything

other things, and so-called “external”, non-political, factors: the specifics

historical development, the geopolitics of the position of the country and in particular

economic factors.

Modern concepts of political culture. Psychological approach (school

G. Almond): political culture is seen as a set of psychological

orientations towards socially watered objects and processes.

An integrated, generalizing approach (D. Merwick, R. Tucker, L. Dittmer): watered

everything that happens in politics is attributed to culture. She either

is identified with the political system, or is reduced to political relations, and in

ultimately has no specific content.


© Yurkovsky A. V., 2007

A. V. Yurkovskiy - Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Institute of Law of ISU

Law and politics are two social phenomena, the study of which, historically conditioned, is continuously relevant to this day and is immanent to the objective realities of their emergence, development, prospects for their existence and transformation. The particular relevance of the designated issue is also confirmed by the lack of a unified approach to the consideration of these definitions. The proposed study does not pretend to identify and evaluate all or even the main approaches that interpret and characterize the relevant concepts. The paper will discuss the mutual influence, interaction, differences and contradictions between law and politics from the point of view of comparing the meanings of the concepts generally recognized in science.

First of all, it is necessary to single out two main equivalents of the studied terms.

1. Law as a fact of objective reality is usually considered in four main meanings - this is law in the natural sense, objective law, positive law and subjective law.

Politics as a fact of objective reality appears in two main senses. Politics as a purposeful activity of people in the sphere of power, state, class relations. Politics as a characteristic of the attributes of the existence of state institutions and other political formations1.

2. Law as information subject to research, assimilation and interpretation is a legal science or, according to individual scientists, the theory of state and law in a broad sense, or jurisprudence in one of its meanings.

Politics has the same characteristics. For example, R. Schneider formulated politics as the study of the acceptance of socially significant phenomena, and G. Lassawell - as the study of influence and influencing. In any case, the considered equivalent is usually denoted by the term "political science".

The proposed context of the study involves a comparison of law and politics through the prism of the two designated equivalents.

Law and politics are facts of objective reality that arise, develop and are conditioned in connection with volitional actions and the consciousness of people (participants in social relations). The presence of individual and group interests predetermines the existence of contradictions, which are the source of the development of the entire set of social interactions. “Political does not mean any subject area of ​​its own, but only the degree of intensity of association or dissociation of people whose motives may be religious, national (in the ethnic or cultural sense), economic or other motives, and in different periods they entail different connections and divisions." Approximately, we can also talk about the two main meanings of the concept of "law". Law in the natural sense does not depend on anyone's discretion and even knowledge about it. In turn, objective law, being the result of the volitional and conscious activity of people, it would seem,

is famous for the interests of certain social groups and even individuals, but, nevertheless, exists in any content, is predetermined by the normative nature or character of the human psyche and is the most important factor in the existence of mankind as a biological species. From this it can be assumed that both law and politics, as functioning, transforming, but invariably immanent to society in a broad sense, circumstances can be considered as social dogmas or objective social laws.

It is necessary to single out the unconditional priority of natural law, since it determines the essence of human nature in general, and it is the totality of natural rights that forms the identity and individuality of each person in particular.

At the same time, one should take into account the inviolability of the postulate that progressing qualitatively and fully, comprehensively and effectively, a person can develop only within the framework of a community with other people.

It is the presence of natural rights that ultimately predetermines the existence of contradictions between individuals and their groups, and the presence of contradictions, in turn, encourages people to enter into various kinds of relationships that are formed to ensure the realization of their own interests or to resolve existing in connection with personal or social interests of other people contradictions. At the same time, the forms of realization of one's own interests, in the context of resolving contradictions in public relations, can be very different, from joint concessions to total or permanent violence.

It seems that in the contradictions between individual and collective interests lie the prerequisites for the objectification of both politics and law.

There are specific features of political contradiction: involvement

the subject of political action into the mechanism of development of political contradiction; equal position, equivalence in the political contradiction of the political forces that form this contradiction; the existence of the possibility of mutual transition of political opposites,

the possibility of exchanging roles in the political process; the existence of a specific phase, a stage in the development of a political contradiction: antagonism as an untimely resolution of a political contradiction3.

In the proposed segment of the study, it is advisable to consider politics as a broader concept. Politics differs from law in the quantitative coverage of social spheres and the dynamics of their evaluation. Sometimes political relations affect the level of intuitive perceptions of a person, categories that cannot be logically assessed (likes, dislikes, authority, charisma, devotion, patriotism, faith, justice, and the like). In turn, law is the result of the long-term existence of well-established evaluation categories that are firmly embedded in the structure of the social mentality. In other words, there are areas of social relations that are certainly understandable and acceptable on an intuitive or sensual level, but not accessible to legal regulation, but which can be the object of political relations.

At the same time, politics is a purposeful activity. A certain result is the main condition and motivating circumstance that turns the intention into active action. Where a person can achieve results without interacting with other people, there is no politics. Where politics arises, the interests of many people collide, forming solidary interests. The war of all against all is nonsense, the path to self-destruction. Therefore, despite the different content of the interests of people and societies that differ from each other, we can say that any system of political relations ultimately implies the establishment of a certain regulation (order) in relations between people, whether it be slavery, socialism of the Juche type or liberal democracy. Of course, politics operates with a wide variety of social norms - morality, morality, customs, traditions, corporate norms and religious norms; ethical and aesthetic norms are even included in the arsenal. Nevertheless, the most effective regulator of social relations has been and remains objective law. Therefore, the most obvious object of political relations is law. When

The power of law creates norms of behavior of a universally binding nature, which, due to interim measures on the part of the state, can be considered as a real weapon in the hands of those who have access to it, both at the stage of formation and at the stage of application. In other words, it is necessary to consider law, first of all, in the political dimension. Law is a political phenomenon and requires political reflection. At the same time, it seems that it is impossible to talk about the unconditional superiority of politics over law, since cases of building political will in its pure, original form into law are extremely rare, as a rule, are associated with dictatorship, and mainly demonstrate, from the point of view of history, short viability. The current level of development of public consciousness involves the legal mediation of politics. The totalitarian-statist type of legal understanding is increasingly becoming a thing of the past in more and more countries of the modern world. Modern law is a complex alloy, a complex combination and multi-level coordination of the wills of various persons involved in political relations. After all, each individual person has the same number of natural rights, along with other people. The number of applicants for participation in political relations is steadily increasing, and politics is increasingly being implemented within the framework of the legal field. In the realm of law, as well as politics. What matters is not someone's subjective intentions, even the kindest ones, but their objective consequences4.

The dependence of politics on law is commonly referred to as the politics of law. Along with the term "policy of law", there is also the term "legal policy". Legal policy is a set of goals, measures, tasks, programs, installations implemented in the field of law and through law5.

The policy pursued by any state is, on the one hand, the result of the struggle for the realization of the interests of individual social groups within the country, and on the other hand, a statement of the role and place of a particular state in the system of international relations. As a fact, both politics and law, and the politics of law and legal politics are divided into levels - internal and external. Obviously, any political form is realized through

law, its norms. Particularly important norms that predetermine the social significance of law are constitutional norms. It is the norms of constitutional law that establish the main definitions, vectors of legal regulation, strategic and tactical boundaries and ideas of justice. In the constitutional and legal norms, politics takes on distinct forms and is based on the possibility of coercion by the state apparatus.

The policy is also based on international legal principles and standards developed by the world community.

Despite the wide range of facets that make it possible to compare law and politics, defining their similarities, differences and contradictions, in an objective context, the main thing can be said: law and politics are social values. These circumstances are the leading driving factors in the progressive and dynamic change of societies in civilized forms.

Another equivalent of the concepts under consideration involves the vision of law and politics as systems of knowledge about the state, legal and political reality. We can safely say that the idea of ​​objective reality and objective reality itself are not quite the same thing. This postulate can be fully compared with the concepts under consideration. That is why modern science still cannot give exhaustive answers to the questions it faces.

That is why, when studying law and politics, it is important to determine the general criteria for both scientific knowledge and science of science, therefore, the relationship, mutual influence and interdependence of political science and jurisprudence should be stated.

Political science is a complex, diversified, universal, unified, methodological humanitarian science. Modern political science has a number of features and properties that have raised it to a very high level among the humanities. The role and significance of political science in modern society can only be judged by analyzing the main directions of research and its methodological basis.

The connection of political science with the theory of state and law has been studied in the most detail. The theory of state and law is the single, most general, fundamental, complex, methodological, political-legal humanitarian science. The theory of state and law is a system of generalized knowledge about the most general patterns of the emergence, development and functioning of the state, law and various state-legal phenomena related to them6.

The subject of political science is much broader than the subject of the theory of state and law. Political science claims to know the entire political universe, the boundaries of which are difficult to establish7. Nevertheless, questions about the state and law are included in the subject of political science. Therefore, political science in relation to the theory of state and law acts as a general science, since it studies more general issues. In turn, the theory of state and law acts in relation to political science as a private science, since the subject of the theory does not go beyond the framework of state-legal phenomena. However, due to the fact that state-legal phenomena are not isolated from other social, political circumstances, but, on the contrary, interact with them, when studying these connections, the theory of state and law is widely based on political science research. In turn, the theory of state and law develops concepts, categories, constructions, provisions and conclusions about state-legal phenomena that are used by political science, for example, “the mechanism of legal regulation”, “implementation and application of law”, “state apparatus”, “presumption” , "immunity", etc. Such information of political science is necessary. And it is provided by theory.

At the same time, one can say that political science considers more particular political circumstances. For example, the concept of "political development" was introduced in Western political science in the 2nd half of the 20th century. to reflect the dynamics of political life, designate the processes of its change, as well as to determine the level of political development of society. Political development is measured by such criteria as the electoral system in the broad sense, political parties, mass media, professional

national unions, churches, etc. These concepts are concretized and acquire an official interpretation in the norms of constitutional law. Moreover, in various states of the modern world, these constructions acquire their own content and individual characteristics. It is the science of constitutional law that provides the richest empirical material for political science generalizations. At the same time, the subject of constitutional law, as well as the subject of the theory of state and law, is private in relation to political science. It can even be said that the subjects of these disciplines are included in the subject of political science.

The constitutional law of foreign countries is a dynamic, sectoral and at the same time historical and theoretical, general, complex, political and legal science. The question of its characteristic features is the subject of another scientific research. We can only assume that this is a kind of average, universal enumeration of the characteristic features of the constitutional law of the countries of the modern world as a science. In relation to this study, it is necessary to turn to the signs that were not included in the proposed formulation, but with a high degree of confidence, enlisting the support of a large number of scientists involved in constitutional comparative studies, should be included. The constitutional law of foreign countries is, like the theory of state and law, a fundamental and methodological science.

The fundamental nature of the constitutional law of foreign countries lies in the specifics of the object or subject of legal regulation of national branches of constitutional law. In constitutional law, the branch in question in relation to other branches of law is considered precisely as fundamental. Its task is to form fundamental, fundamental definitions, goals, objectives and principles and fill them with content that corresponds to the will of the power holder of a particular state.

In this context, both applied, professional, constitutional and legal, and political contexts are faced. We believe that in this case, political science should ensure constitutional law, but qualitatively this

neither political science nor the science of constitutional law can do this without a universal assessment of the world as a whole.

Another characteristic feature inherent in the science of constitutional law in foreign countries8 is its methodological nature. It is customary to refer to the methodological sciences the spheres of knowledge that form a view of the world, of the surrounding facts of objective reality. It is for constitutional law that the philosophical principles of assessing the world, the criteria for world perception or world understanding are important. For example, the concept of "constitutionalism" can be viewed through the prism of liberal democratic, socialist, or any of the clerical approaches. The result will be different, just as the national political systems of the countries of the modern world differ.

In addition, the methodological tools, techniques, means, methods, in general, the methodology for assessing the modern world, in our opinion, is the section of constitutional law that needs serious elaboration and unification. The results of many studies suggest the possibility of their use to ensure certain goals that pursue individual political interests instead of striving to comprehend objective truth.

In the context of the proposed topic, interesting, in our opinion, is the question of the relationship between international law and political science.

International law is a universal, interstate, unified, complex, branch and at the same time historical-theoretical, political-legal, humanitarian science. The science of international law is a set of objective knowledge about the norms created through agreements between states, including those with different social systems, and other entities in the process of implementing international relations.

One of the most important categories of international law is "recognition", which operates political science. At the same time, recognition is based on such features as will and power, which are not regulated in international law.

In any case, the given examples of interconnection, interdependence, influence and mutual complementation of such sciences as political science, theory of state and law, constitutional law of foreign countries, international law can be clearly traced.

We believe that the presence of an unusually large amount of materials on the comparison of law and politics as objective phenomena of social reality and a very limited amount of comparative materials on the unity and mutual influence of jurisprudence and political science is a circumstance that is relevant for scientific initiatives. Of course, there is a need to fill the existing gaps in scientific knowledge. It will take a significant amount of time to complete such a voluminous task. W


1 Demidov A. I. Politics: concept and nature // Russian legal policy: a course of lectures / ed. A. V. Malko. M., 2003. S. 3.

2 Schmidt K. The concept of the political // Questions of sociology. 1992. No. 1. S. 45-46.

3 Konovalov VN Dictionary of political science. M., 2001. S. 56.

4 Matuzov N. I. Law in the political dimension // Russian legal policy: a course of lectures / ed. A. V. Malko. M., 2003. S. 55.

5 Matuzov N. I. Legal policy: essence, concept, reality // Russian legal policy: a course of lectures / ed. A. V. Malko. M., 2003. S. 77.

6 Pianov N. A. Consultations on the theory of state and law: textbook. settlement Part 1. Irkutsk, 2004. P. 7.

7 Theory of state and law: a course of lectures / ed. M. N. Marchenko. M., 1998. S. 13.

8 Which is sometimes called general constitutional law.

Political science performs its complex functions in close connection with other sciences. At the heart of the relationship and interaction of political science with other social sciences are two main circumstances.

Firstly, this is a close interweaving of the processes of social development (economic, political, cultural) in life itself.

Secondly, problems arise in society related to the most important social values, the study of which is occupied by all social sciences. Chief among these values ​​are: the material well-being of society and its stability; National security; freedom and constitutional order.

The interaction of the social sciences has other reasons as well. In particular, many vital economic, social, cultural and other problems often become political ones. This happens if the solution of the problem by means of the sphere where it arose becomes impossible. There is a need for political

The basis of interaction is that political science is significantly enriched by the results of the study of other sciences, at the same time, other sciences use the achievements of political science to solve their problems.

An example of the interaction of political science and other social science can be economic theory. Specialists in this field study not only the laws of the development of a market economy, its self-regulation, but also the methods of state economic policy. This circumstance allows economic theory to draw conclusions that are important for political science. One of them is that at the heart of many economic processes one should see the struggle for the realization of political goals. For example, a well-thought-out economic program of a presidential candidate becomes a powerful tool for conquest of power.

There is a close relationship between political science and sociology. Political sociology, which studies the interaction of politics with the social environment, has become an integral part of the system of political science. For political science, sociological data on the motives of the behavior of people and social groups are of interest. Modern political science borrows a lot from sociology in terms of methods of scientific knowledge.

History, in particular, political, provides factual material and conclusions for the study of contemporary political problems. The correlation between political science and political history is determined by the fact that the theoretical conclusions of political science are verified by history. Ignoring historical experience, as practice has shown, is fraught with disastrous consequences.

There is a great connection between political science and philosophy, whose component it, along with other areas of knowledge, was in the conditions of the Ancient World, the Middle Ages. The differentiation of philosophy led to the isolation of other sciences from it. Philosophy, now possessing its own subject of study, analyzes the philosophical foundations of politics.

Political science uses materials legal science : the legal substantiation of political institutions, processes, relations provides guarantees for their normal development and functioning. The closest in terms of object and research methods to political science is state-legal science, which studies the legal mechanisms for the development and implementation of political decisions. The close relationship between legal and political sciences is due to the important role of political power in the practical implementation of legal norms. At the same time, political power cannot function normally without legal formalization.

Political science develops in close interaction with other humanities. They are all united by a common object of study - the life of society in all the diversity of its specific manifestations. They have many common categories. But, of course, the subject of study is significantly different.

The construction of a new democratic Russia is connected with the need to teach the citizens of our country, young people in the first place, the basics of world and domestic political culture. The fleeting "rewiring" of communist ideology to liberal spiritual and political values ​​created a political and cultural vacuum in the minds of Russians.

Most of them have not yet mastered the minimum of scientific information about the market economy, the rule of law and civil democratic society. The frame of politics is viewed by ordinary Russian citizens more as a way of manipulating them on the part of certain leaders and the opposition in conflict with the new government. A democratic political formation is capable of greatly accelerating the process of forming a mass mentality adequate to the new political system. In developed democracies, it is recognized as an important area of ​​activity for society. Therefore, the states of the West take upon themselves the brunt of the organization and costs associated with the enlightenment of society. Moreover, the countries of the European Union (EU) are coordinating efforts in the field of political education in order to form among their citizens a sense of a Western European community, belonging to one, common homeland - Western Europe. This strengthens the political basis of Western European integration. For modern Russia, concern for the development of political science and the formation of a new system of political education should also become a common cause of the state and the scientific and pedagogical community. The proposed textbook is focused on the political needs of the Russian general education school in the formation of modern political culture among high school students. It was developed taking into account the curriculum "Politics and Law" prepared at the Institute of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. What is the modern science of politics - political science? Political science translated into Russian means the doctrine (science) of politics. The name of this science was born in our country, which few people know about yet. This term was chosen to distinguish between Marxist and bourgeois political science. In American and Western European social science literature, the term "political science" is used quite rarely. Traditional in it is the concept of "political science", which in 1952 was proposed for this branch of political knowledge by the American political scientist and sociologist G. Lasswell. However, modern political scientists disagree not only about the name of their science. They stand on different positions, put forward different concepts from each other regarding the subject of this science. If we try to group all of them somehow, we can note the following three approaches. Supporters of the first approach adhere to the point of view according to which political science is the science of the state. The origins of this understanding is the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle, who reduced politics to the study of the state, its structure, government, participation in solving state and public affairs.

And today, representatives of this approach believe that the science of politics is the knowledge of everything that is related to the art of governing the state and maintaining relations with other states. According to the second approach, political science is the science of politics, political activity in general, that is, of all processes and phenomena occurring in the political sphere of society. We can say that with this understanding, the subject of political science is already defined in the very name of science. Representatives of the third approach argue that political science is the science of political power and management of society. In their opinion, the subject of political science is the patterns of emergence, functioning and development of political power, ways, forms and methods of its conquest, retention and use. The already mentioned American political scientist H. Lasswell remarked on this: "When we talk about science in the field of politics, we mean the science of power." This approach is the most common at present, has the most supporters - both among domestic and foreign policy researchers. If we compare the above approaches, we can see the following: the first one limits the subject of political science only to the state, the second one expands its boundaries to the entire political society, and the third approach singles out the core problem of politics, political relations - political power and management of society as the subject of political science. Despite all the differences in the definition of political science as a science, its representatives focus on the study of basically the same problems. The most important place among them is occupied by the following fundamental questions: the essence and content of politics, political relations, the political life of society; their historical and socio-economic roots, forms of manifestation; correlation with economic, social, legal, spiritual and other spheres of public life; subjects of political activity, their place and role, goals and forms pursued by them, methods and means of achieving them; conditions and features of the current stage of development of politics and political relations. A special area and, accordingly, the research problems of political science are political power, power relations. These are the specifics, signs, structure of political power, ways and forms of its conquest and implementation, the ratio of constitutional and unconstitutional forms of political struggle, the place and significance of political revolutions, ways of exercising political power (from totalitarian to democratic), organizational forms of political power, etc. e. The subject of constant attention of political science is the political systems of society, their modern types, the main institutions. Political science is interested in: the place and role of the state, political parties, public organizations and movements in the political system of society, their relationships, political norms and principles; political consciousness as an element of the political system; patterns of formation and functioning of political systems of industrialized and developing countries; the place and role of the church in the political system; the interaction of civil society and the political system, etc. The range of problems of political science as a science also includes the political process, both international and within national boundaries, political behavior with various forms of its manifestation, political leadership, political culture, participation of the masses in solving the most important political problems , international politics, global political problems of our time. An important place in political science is occupied by the history of political ideas, doctrines, theories, starting from antiquity, including the Middle Ages, modern and recent times, and ending with the present. The history of political science as a doctrine of politics has more than two millennia. Already in the 5th century BC e. it was singled out by Aristotle as one of the most important sciences of his time, along with philosophy. However, even then, and for many subsequent centuries, until the second half of the 9th century, it existed and developed not as an independent branch of scientific political knowledge, but within the framework of other social sciences - philosophy, history, law. The French political scientist R. Aron noted on this occasion that political science was either a favorite hobby of specialists in other disciplines, or a matter of amateurs. Representatives of literature, psychology, anthropology, etc., often dealt with political topics. As an independent science, political science made itself felt only at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1903, the Political Science Association was first established in the USA. But political science finally emerged from the social sciences into an independent one, both in the United States and in other democratic countries, only at the end of the 1970s. In Soviet social science in those years, political science was just beginning to take shape. In the mid-70s, in the universities of the country, primarily at the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, departments and laboratories for the study of political sciences were created. Today in Russia, political science is given a priority place in social science. The very word "political science" has firmly entered the scientific, journalistic and social lexicon. Political scientists gradually began to be treated as very necessary specialists in society. The time has come for the introduction of "Fundamentals of Political Science" as an academic discipline in the final grades of secondary school. What is this course? What is he talking about? What is its difference from other disciplines that study the political sphere of public life? The answer to these questions can be an acquaintance with the subject, its structure and content, goals and objectives. The subject of the course, that is, the area of ​​his special interest, is politics and law, their origin, functioning and development, political and legal relations, the sphere of interaction between politics and law, political power as the core of all political and legal processes and phenomena, ways, forms and means its implementation, the organization of political power. The concepts that make up the course "Fundamentals of Political Science" can be divided into three main groups. The first of them includes actually political (political science) concepts that are directly related to the sphere of politics, political power and reflect their specifics. Let's name the key ones: politics, political power, political life of society, political relations, political system, political institutions, political party systems, political regime, political leadership, political process, political activity, political culture, international politics, political structure of the modern world, etc. The second group can include concepts that express the specifics of the legal sphere of public life. Among them, for example, such as law, law, legal system, law-making, legal relations, legality, law and order, legal consciousness, legal culture, legal status, legal responsibility, law abidance, offenses, human and civil rights, constitution, rule of law, and a lot others. If the concepts of the first two groups for our course are "native", then those related to the third group are borrowed from philosophy and sociology. Such can be considered, for example, political consciousness, political socialization, political behavior, political being, etc. The course "Politics and Law" consists of five sections, each of which includes a certain number of topics. First, a general theoretical understanding of politics and law is given, then the central subject of politics and law is considered - political power, then the structure of state power and local self-government are characterized, after that - the political system with its institutions, and, finally, the course ends with showing the place and role of the individual in system of political and legal relations as their main subject. Section I “Politics and law as a phenomenon of public life. General characteristics” is devoted to the study of the foundations of the general theory of politics and law. Within its framework, the first topic is devoted to clarifying the concept of politics, its connection with the economy, social and spiritual spheres of society, the relationship between politics and law, politics and morality, characterizing domestic and foreign policy as the main elements of its structure, subjects and objects, policy goals, methods and the means to achieve them. The second topic introduces law, its place and role in the system of regulation of social relations, the laws of law, the role of the state in this process, the relationship between law and law. An important problem is the relationship between law and politics, ways and forms of expression of political interests in law, the relationship between law and power. Section II "The Structure of Political Power" includes three topics. Firstly, about power as a phenomenon inherent in the nature of human society, about its versatility, about the relationship between such concepts as "power", "state", "will", "influence", "management", about the need for power, its functions, spheres of manifestation, scale of implementation, holders of power and DR- Secondly, about political power as one of the forms of manifestation of power in general, about the specifics, features and mechanism of political power, law as its basis, about the relationship between the concepts of "political power" and “state power”, about the exercise of political power by political parties, public organizations, associations of citizens, etc., about individual and collective subjects of political power, authority, persuasion, law, coercion, violence as methods of exercising political power, about the technology of political power , ways and forms of its conquest and use, about the division of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches, etc. Thirdly, about the political regime as about the totality of methods, methods, techniques for the exercise of political power, about the typological features of political regimes, about modern political regimes - totalitarian, authoritarian, democratic, about the features of political regimes in the capitalist, socialist and developing states of the modern world, about the political regime in Soviet society and in modern Russian Federation. Section III “The system of state power. Local Self-Government” sets as its main task to characterize, firstly, the structure of state power, its main elements; secondly, a non-state form of organization of power - local self-government. In accordance with this, the section discusses: 1) the legislative power, the system of its representative bodies, the main forms of organization and principles of their activities, the legal regulation of the procedure for their elections, the legislative process, modern electoral systems, the practice of their implementation in various countries; 2) the system of executive power, its place and role in the separation of powers, the functions of executive power, the institution of presidency, the government, their place in the system of executive power, the system of public administration (administration); 3) the judiciary, the procedure for the formation and structure of its bodies, the role of the court in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens in a constitutional state. Much attention is paid to the peculiarities of the organization and functioning of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at the present stage in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world. Questions about local self-government, its legal foundations, the principles of its implementation, about the relationship between local self-government and state authorities, local self-government and public self-government, local self-government and civil society, about ways and means of implementing local self-government by the population are included in an independent topic. Section IV "The Political System of Modern Society: Organizational Structure and Basic Institutions" is intended to help understand and assimilate three groups of problems. The first is the essence of the political system of society, the correlation of social, economic, political and legal systems in society; legal consolidation of the general principles of organization and functioning of the political system; the main groups of elements of the structure of the political system; types of modern political systems, their features and diversity; features of the Soviet political system and the political system of the modern Russian Federation. The second - the state as the main institution of the political system of society, its functions, legal regulation of the organization and activities of state bodies; state and political parties, state and church; unitary, federal, confederate and other forms of government, monarchical and republican forms of government; the rule of law and the main directions of its formation in various countries of the modern world; civil society and the state; dependence between market relations, civil society and the rule of law. The third is the place and role of political parties, public organizations in the political system of society, their legal status; the main directions of activity and the most important development trends in modern conditions; conditions and factors for the formation and functioning of modern party systems, the specifics of one-party, two-party and multi-party systems; the process of formation of a multi-party system in the modern Russian Federation. Section V "Personality, Politics and Law" is devoted to the place and role of the individual in the system of political and legal relations, the issues of political and legal socialization of a person, the formation of his political and legal image. In this plan, four groups of problems are considered. The main attention in the first of them is focused on the problems associated with the participation of the individual in the political process. These are questions about the essence of the political process, its participants, their goals, the nature and characteristics of the relationship between them; about the technique and technology of the political process, its continuity; about the political activity and political activity of the individual, the forms of their manifestation, the constitutional foundations of the political activity of the individual; about the features of inclusion in the political activity of youth. The next group of problems is devoted to the political behavior of the individual. Among them: the social conditionality of the political behavior of the individual, its socio-psychological mechanisms; the main forms and types of political behavior of the individual, their diversity and features; extreme and deviant forms of political behavior among youth and adolescents; psychology of political behavior of a person in a crowd; features and significance of the behavior of a political leader, the main types of political leaders of our day. The third group includes problems that characterize the political rights of a person and a citizen: political rights and freedoms as an integral part of the legal status of an individual; the need for political rights and freedoms of the individual, their foundations, principles, scope, completeness and significance, the content of political rights and freedoms of the individual, state-legal guarantees of political rights and freedoms of the individual, the practice of their implementation in various types of political regimes, modern human rights movement, UN activities and other international organizations for the protection of human and civil rights. The fourth group includes problems related to the formation and level of the political and legal culture of the individual. Among them are such as political and legal culture, their specificity, components, levels and content, correlation with other types of culture; features of youth, teenage political and legal subculture; approval and development of political and legal culture of a democratic nature; the place and role of the family, school, self-education, interpersonal contacts in the political and legal socialization of the individual (youth, the younger generation). The construction of the course and the range of problems included in it are subordinate to its main goal - to give high school students knowledge about politics and law, political power, the organization of the political life of society and the corresponding political systems. The proposed course is designed to help you correctly navigate the ongoing political events both in our country and in the international arena, to have your own point of view on these events, to understand the decisions and statements of certain politicians, to understand the difference between one political regime and another. The latter is especially relevant in the context of the politicization of Russian society, its transition to democracy and a civilized way of life. An important task of the course is to increase the level of political and legal culture of secondary school graduates. The knowledge gained by schoolchildren in the course "Politics and Law" can be used by them as citizens of Russia in building a modern legal state and civil society. The textbook was prepared by Doctor of Historical Sciences M. I. Shilobod (supervisor), Candidate of Historical Sciences A. S. Petrukhin, Doctor of Historical Sciences V. F. Krivosheev. Candidate of pedagogical sciences N. G. Suvorova (topic 8), candidate of historical sciences G. M. Boyko (Dictionary of concepts and terms) took part in the preparation of individual materials. Questions and tasks 1. When did political science emerge and what is its place today among other social science disciplines? 2. What is the subject and range of problems studied in the course of the basics of political science "Politics and Law"? 3. Think about and reveal the difference between political science as a science and political science as an academic discipline.

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