
How many candles to put in the temple. Who in church should I light a candle for health and peace: which saint and how correctly? How to handle church candles

Nowadays, many people attend churches only when absolutely necessary. And very often the question arises, which saint to turn to to get help.

IN modern world we simply do not have enough time to study all church traditions. Therefore, when we come to church, it can be very difficult for us to get our bearings and decide who to light the candles to. Of course, there is a general prayer, to the Lord God or the Holy Trinity, which can be addressed in any situation. But there are also other saints who can help in a specific matter.

To whom and in what situations should candles be lit?

Of course, everyone's situation is individual. But still they can be divided into several general topics.

Family life and love issues arise for almost all of us. Moreover, situations can be completely different and sometimes practically impossible to resolve.

In such cases, it is customary to pray Saint Matrona, which most often responds to requests for marriage and pregnancy. Contacting her is quite simple. The main thing is that your desire is sincere and comes from the heart: “Matronushka, mother. Hear my request and help me improve my personal life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Another strong assistant in love affairs is Saint Xenia of Petersburg. She is mainly approached by young girls and wives whose marriage is on the verge of breaking down. This saint helps quite quickly, and after turning to her, everything is successfully resolved in the shortest possible time: “Blessed Ksenia, I stand before you and pray for help. Send sincere, pure and mutual love into my life. So that happiness and harmony reign in the family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The icon is also known for its miraculous powers Murom Saints Peter and Fevronia. They are the role models for happy and harmonious relationships and also fulfill requests for marriage: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I trust in your mercy and ask for help in a happy marriage. Send me mutual love and let me experience happiness family life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Many people very often have questions about monetary abundance and wealth. For financial situations you can contact Saint Spyridon of Trimyfutsky, who during his lifetime dealt with financial issues and financially helped those in need. But even after death, his support is felt, and the relics of the saint never cease to amaze and work miracles.

“Oh, Wonderworker Spyridon of Trimyfutsky. You were famous for your kindness and generosity during life and after death you never cease to help everyone who needs you. I pray you, deliver me from poverty and poverty, help me improve my situation and attract wealth into my life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you come to church asking for your recovery or your loved ones, then you need to contact Saint Panteleimon the Healer. He is the patron saint of all doctors and heals even the most serious illnesses.

“I turn to you, Saint Panteleimon, for help. Please grant health to me and all my loved ones. Protect us from illness and disease and give us strength and joy. Amen".

If you do not have the opportunity to attend church often, then you can pray at home. All you have to do is light a candle and turn to a saint who can help you. There are also universal prayers that help in all areas of life. Be open to the world and for love and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2016 05:57

Prayers are a way known to every believer to get closer to Heaven and ask...

Orthodox prayers help to attract success in work and get rid of financial difficulties. Believers turn to...

For health or for any need, candles are usually lit for the Savior, the Mother of God, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, as well as those saints to whom the Lord gave special grace to heal illnesses and provide help in various needs.

When praying for yourself or for the health and well-being of your loved ones, after lighting the candle, you must definitely invoke the name of the saint or saint in front of whose icons you place the candles.

How to light candles in church for yourself

1. Approaching the icon that suits your spirit (the Mother of God, St. Nicholas or another saint), we cross ourselves 2 times.

4. Lighting a candle for the health of ourselves (and/or loved ones), we say the following words (whatever we like):


“Holy servant of God (name of the saint), pray to God for me, a sinner (or the name for whom you are asking).”

“Most Holy Mother of God, save me!”– If we light 1 candle for ourselves and those close to the saint:

“Reverend St. (name), pray to God for me and for the servants of God (name1, name2...)”

*to his patron saint:


*Guardian Angel:

“To the angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection, I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen."

*To the Saint:


1. After reading the prayer, stay close to the person(s) for whom you prayed. Remember their faces, their speech... Don’t be shy about tears if you cry.

2. If you have prayed slowly, crossed yourself and bowed, you can also say another one, or carefully move away to a place convenient for you.

Usually, they light a candle for themselves at the end, after everyone else has lit a candle.

How to light candles in church for loved ones:

1. Light a candle from a lamp (make sure that wax does not drip there) or from other people’s candles.

2. Place the candle in a free place and secure it so that it does not fall and come into contact with another candle next to it.

3. Lighting a candle for the health of loved ones, we say the following words:


*Or we turn in prayer to the saint who is on the icon with the words:

*“Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), relatives and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.”

*If we turn to the Mother of God:


If we light 1 candle for all those close to the saint:

After reading the prayer, stay close to the person(s) for whom you prayed. Remember their faces, their speech... Don’t be shy about tears if you cry.

If you prayed slowly, crossed yourself and bowed, you can also say another one, or carefully move away to a place convenient for you.

We always light candles for ourselves and our loved ones when we come to church, either at will or if there is a need.

How to light candles in church for enemies:

1. Approaching an icon that suits your spirit (it’s better if it’s St. Nicholas - he loves your enemies), we cross ourselves twice.

2. Light a candle from a lamp (make sure that wax does not drip there) or from other people’s candles.

3. Place the candle in a free place and secure it so that it does not fall and come into contact with another candle next to it.

4. Lighting a candle for the health of our enemies, we say the following words...

what's in spirit:

*“Lord Essus, Son of God, have mercy on the sinner (name of the enemy), he (she) has sinned without number, Lord, forgive him (her)”

You can add words of your own while looking at the candle:

“I forgive him (her) everything and wish him/her well, happiness and health”

*Or we turn in prayer to the saint who is on the icon with the words:

“Holy servant of God (name of the saint), pray to God for the sinner (m) (name for whom you are asking).”

*If we turn to the Mother of God:

“Most Holy Theotokos, save (name for whom you are asking)!”

*If we light 1 candle for all enemies of the saint:

“Reverend St. (name), pray to God for the servants of God (name1, name2...)”

5. After reading the prayer, stay close to the person(s) for whom you prayed. Remember their faces, their speech... Don’t be shy about tears if you cry. The main thing is to forgive everyone who has offended you.

6. If you prayed slowly, crossed yourself and bowed, you can also put another candle, or carefully move away to a place convenient for you.

Enemies are those who do not love us, hate us, those who constantly harm us, or those with whom we want to make peace. In other cases, it is better to avoid “bad people,” if you feel, and not provoke conflicts, try not to react.

And remember: “ pray for others and you will be rewarded” - this is how one can briefly characterize the statements and instructions of the holy fathers of the Church of all times. The same applies to our ill-wishers and enemies:

“Pray for those who use you and persecute you,” said Jesus Christ (Matt. 5.44).

When should you light candles in a temple for your enemies for protection?

There is a custom of lighting candles for enemies 3 days in a row, or 3 days after 3 days (or after 7 days for 3 weeks in a row, etc.), or when they go to church, from time to time.

They also recommend - in 1 day in 3 temples... It all depends on your desire. But remember, lighting a candle for an enemy is not magic and not a “tool against the enemy,” it is only your sincere desire to turn the enemy (usually someone outside the church) to the Lord God or to bless him for good deeds towards you.

Candles have been lit during prayer since the times of the ancient Christians. Each icon in the temple has a place to place candles. Pure wax of a candle means the purity and innocence of people praying to God, the softness and pliability of the wax shows our readiness to follow the Lord's commandments, and the burning of a candle expresses our fervent prayer, the flame of love for the Lord, the Mother of God, the saints - those whose sacred images we honor by lighting a candle .

This is how Saint Simeon of Thessalonica, who lived in the 15th century, explained the meaning of the candle. But a burning candle is not only a symbol of our ardent love for God, but also a sign of the Creator’s love, addressed to all of us, liberation from sin through the action of the fire of Divine love.

There is a certain order for placing candles in the temple. Light a candle from a lamp or other candle and place it on a free place on the candlestick, scorching its lower part for stability, so that the melted wax strengthens it in its place.

It happens that all the places on the candlestick are occupied. Then you can simply put the candle on a candlestick or nearby - the people keeping order in the temple will later put your candle in the vacant place. You can’t take out other people’s candles yourself. Sometimes there are a lot of people in the temple and it is impossible to go to where you would like to put a candle. Then you can pass it on to those in front and explain where you need to put this candle.

Among some parishioners there is a superstition that it is “sinful” to pass a candle with your left hand; you should only take a candle right hand. This is not a church requirement. There are also no rules about where and how many candles should be placed. God pleases any candle: both large and small. Of course, if a rich man puts out cheap candles, then this shows his stinginess. But if a person is poor, then his fervent prayer and reverent standing are more pleasing to God than the most expensive candle, lit with a cold heart.

Parishioners usually try to light several candles. First of all, a candle is placed for the holiday icon, which is located on a lectern in the middle of the church, and only then candles are placed for health or for repose. For health, candles are lit for the Savior, the Mother of God, and saints to whom the Lord has given the grace to heal illnesses. For the dead, candles are placed on the eve of the crucifix.

You can light a candle to any icon of the saint to whom you pray, or whom you especially reverence. For example, they often pray for the health of the sick and light candles in front of the icon of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon. If you have questions, you can contact the people serving at the church. They will be happy to answer and tell you where and what icon is located in the temple.

If the required icon is not in the temple, then you can put a candle in front of any image of the Lord, Holy Mother of God or in front of the icon of All Saints and say a prayer. You can pray in your own words, as long as they are sincere. Let the clear fire of candles help build a warm, bright prayer in your heart!

Sometimes, standing in church, I understand: this Christian woman came here only to pray and “light a candle for God.” Why is this so noticeable? A woman stands in a church and looks around restlessly, clutching a newly purchased candle to her chest, looking at icons, candlesticks... Yes, many people get confused here: how many candles to buy, where to put them, is it possible to bring candles with you, and most importantly, what will happen if the candle goes out ? But there is no one to ask or it is inconvenient... In this article you will find answers to all your questions - even those that you have not yet thought about. Moreover, we did not collect popular superstitions, but made inquiries from the priests themselves. And this is what they can tell you and advise...

In the Old and even New Testaments you can find many stories about offering sacrifices to the Lord. Our ancestors brought fruits and ears of corn, doves and lambs to the temples to express their respect, gratitude or ask for something to Heaven. The modern church has abandoned such offerings, and the only form of sacrifice (other than money that can be left in the temple for charity) remains lit candles.

They symbolize your burning heart, filled with Christian warmth and light of love for the Lord, Christ, the Mother of God - and of course, your neighbors.

How not to make mistakes - public and unspoken church rules

  • It is advisable not to push your way to the candlestick during the service - this will only disturb the priest and those praying. It is better to either come to the temple before the service begins, or wait until it ends.
  • Place the candle level, it should not “bow” and interfere with other people.
  • Is it possible to pray with a burning candle in your hand? In some cases (say, during a wedding) this is done, but for ordinary health or funeral prayers such a “ritual” is not suitable. It is only beautiful in movies or in photos, but in reality wax will drip onto your hands, and if there are a lot of people in the church, there will be an increased likelihood of accidentally setting fire to the clothes of the person standing in front. It’s better to use a candlestick right away.
  • How many candles can you buy? From one to... In general, at your discretion.
  • This should not be an automatic action “for show”. This must be done sincerely, with pure prayer (you can use your own words).
  • It is not necessary to bypass absolutely all icons or choose exclusively miraculous or beautiful ones. You can only stand next to one, but “yours” (for example, the image of your heavenly patron; “Assistant in childbirth” if you are pregnant; Saint Panteleimon, if there is a sick person in the house).
  • However, many parishioners adhere to this tradition: first they place a candle near miraculous icon Lord and Mother of God (located in the church) or another icon that is most revered in this temple; further - near the relics of the Saint (though not every church has them); after that - to your “name” saint; and only at the very end - for health or peace.
  • Candles must be purchased in this temple. Even if it is cheaper outside (say, at a funeral agency), do not bring candles from there. You don’t come to church to save money. In addition, the proceeds from the sale will go to good causes.
  • All superstitions associated with this little action are nothing more than human speculation. That is, the flame can be lit not only with the right, but also with the left hand; The lower end of the candle is not only not prohibited, but it is also allowed to scorch (this will make it more stable); besides, don’t be alarmed if the candle goes out - there’s nothing wrong with that, just light it a second time.
  • But if you light your own candle from someone else’s, try not to extinguish it - of course, by doing this you will not harm anyone, but you may upset the person who lit this candle.
  • It is possible to put candles on pregnant women during menstruation. In general, women in “these days” are even allowed to receive communion, confess, and get married. The fact that during this period they cannot enter the church is very outdated information. Previously, before the invention of hygiene products, they really were not allowed to cross the church threshold... But everything changed at least 50, or even 100 years ago.
  • If the entire candlestick is occupied, you should not put your candle in the same cell as someone else’s, or throw away someone else’s candle. Just place your candle next to the others. The maid watching over the candlesticks will light it when she sees that the other candles have burned out.
  • Is it possible to light a candle as a form of repentance, for the remission of sins? No. Confession exists to cleanse the soul.
  • But you can pray for well-being in the family. There are even special icons for this: Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, Saints Samon, Aviva and Guria, Saints Peter and Fevronia, and of course, the Mother of God.
  • It is also not forbidden to pray for success in work (to any saint), study (to Saints Naum, Cyril and Methodius).
  • And finally, many light candles as a thank you to the Lord for his help in a difficult matter, asking for blessings on a long journey, an expensive purchase or some significant event.

Sometimes temple servants remove candles that have not completely burned out from the candlestick. This is not scary: your sacrifice has already been accepted by the Lord, and other people also want to pray. So don't be upset by the actions of the servants.

Candle for health

They are placed in front of one of these icons:

  • Jesus Christ,
  • Our Lady (especially if the image is considered miraculous),
  • Great Martyr Panteleimon,
  • other holy healers (for example, Matrona of Moscow, Holy Unmercenary Doctors Cosmas and Damian),
  • patron saint (if you are praying for a child or godson).

Although you can pray for health near any icon.

First, go to the icon and cross yourself three times. Afterwards, light a candle from the lamp (but be careful so that the wax does not drip and extinguish it), although other candles can also be used. It is believed that if candles are burning in the temple, you should not light your own with a match or lighter. Install it in any free place. After lighting the “little star” you can begin the prayer. At the end, sign yourself with the sign of the cross, bow, and only then leave.

By the way, the priests say: if a person has not been baptized (this is a newborn), you can pray for his health and light candles. The only thing: you cannot write his worldly name (even written on the birth certificate) in the church note.

They also pray for health if a person is overcome by an “illness” such as alcohol or drugs. Look for the image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, as well as the icons of Righteous John of Kronstadt and Saint Boniface.

For myself

It is customary to place such a candle at the very end, when the “lights” have already been lit for the health of relatives and even enemies. At the same time, the “Our Father” is most often read. This candle can be placed near any icon - a healer-miracle worker, the Mother of God, your “name” saint.

For the enemies

Traditionally, they pray for their health near the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (although, of course, this is not necessary). This is done in the same way as described above: make the sign of the cross three times, light and fasten the candle, and after prayer, remember your enemy, trying to sincerely forgive him for everything he has done to offend you.

Candle for the repose of the soul

They are placed on a kanun - a rectangular or square table with a crucifix (also known as a funeral table). Traditionally it is placed to the left of the entrance.

  • Is it possible to light such a candle for a pregnant woman? Yes, such a prayer will not harm her baby in any way.
  • What if a person died unbaptized? You can pray and light candles for him, but you can’t submit notes.
  • When should you not pray for the dead? For Easter. But it is not forbidden to light candles for health on this bright holiday. And by the way, it could even be a candle that you took from a blessed Easter cake (if, of course, it was bought in this very temple).

What if you made a mistake and placed the candle in the wrong place?

Many unchurched believers are afraid of mistakenly sticking a candle purchased for health near the “dead” eve, asking a logical question: will this harm the person for whose health you came to pray? The priests answer to this: it will not harm. After all, the main thing here is not to “put a tick” in the right place, but to pray. And if you turned to the Lord, asking Him for deliverance from illnesses, He will definitely listen to you.

In addition, there is a superstition: unkind people, wanting to destroy someone, purposefully place a candle near the “funeral” icon, praying for the death of this (still living) person. How does the church view this? Negatively, and here’s why: such “magic” cannot harm a true believer, but the soul of a newly-minted “witch” may be in danger, because witchcraft is a sin.

Well, if you simply ignorantly mixed up the icons, God will not punish you for this. But to prevent this from happening in the future, when you find yourself in an unfamiliar church, just in case, ask the servants again (after all, if in one church, for example, they light a candle for the repose only near one icon, then in another - near many). These women, or the priest, will happily tell you where to put the candle correctly.

And at the end we offer you an educational video. You will learn how church candles are made in the monastery. There is no “China”, everything is done by believers, with prayer and soul!

Good day. Not everyone knows how to properly place candles in a church according to church canons. Read the article to the end, you will find many answers to your questions.

Why do they put candles?

This is a symbol of the aspiration of a person’s soul towards its Creator, turning to God through prayer and sincere repentance for one’s sins. Fire is a symbol of turning to God and all the saints.

The essence of lighting a candle is that the divine light emanating from it, brought into the world by Jesus Christ, drives away darkness and ignorance. People often live in ignorance that they are committing sin. Their souls are in darkness, which the Savior helps to dispel. The light emanating from it expels spiritual ignorance and brings purification to the soul.

And the wax from which they are poured personifies a person’s repentance for sins, his willingness to follow God’s commandments.

A candle lit in front of the saints signifies the desire of a person’s soul for God, turning to Him through prayer. And burning itself means repentance. The softness of the wax indicates that a person is ready to follow the Lord.

By purchasing a candle in a temple, you make a voluntary donation, and it becomes a sign of your love for God and faith in Him.

Before you perform this church ritual, you need to fill your heart with love for the one in whose honor you are performing it. There is no need to do this without soul and love, that is, automatically. Before entering the temple, say words of repentance for your sins, then cross the threshold of the holy place.

How to perform this action correctly? Candles are lit for health and peace. “For the repose” must be placed on a special memorial table, which is called the eve. In this way, you will honor the good memory of the person who left this world.

To put “For Health”, a person finds many reasons:

  • As gratitude for a good deed in relation to him.
  • For help in difficult circumstances.
  • Before a long journey on serious matters.
  • Before starting a dangerous business.
  • For the health of loved ones.

Which saint?

The question often arises: which saints should we light candles for? Without a doubt, this action is carried out with good thoughts towards the person for whom you are interceding before God. With love in your soul and good thoughts, you can turn to the images of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary. Kind wishes will definitely be heard.

If you want to make special requests, then you need to know which saint you can turn to.

  • If your close person If you are seriously ill and you wish him recovery, then light a fire in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Healer” and pray.
  • If a person is sick, then pray at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. All holy images are endowed with healing powers, therefore, knowing which of them you need to approach, you will definitely receive help.
  • To save your children, protect them, or help your loved ones who find themselves in a difficult life situation, you can turn to their defender. Candles are often lit for the guardian angel. If you have the names of guardian angels, then also place a candle in front of them and say a prayer.
  • To prevent your husband from leaving the family, to return prosperity to the family, kneel before the image of the Mother of God, pray to Saint Gurias, Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg or Samon and Aviv. Try to understand your guilt before your husband, ask him for forgiveness, try to make peace.

The question is often asked: Is it possible to light a candle in church about your health?? Certainly! Necessarily, because a candle is a symbol of turning to God through prayer. Most prayers are pronounced in the first person.

What is the meaning of church candles?

A candle is a sign of reverent burning before the Savior, His Most Pure Mother, and before all the saints. This is a sacrifice to God, sent to His temple from a pure soul, and also a sign of a person’s involvement in the divine light.

A tangible sign in the form of fire expresses complete love, a good attitude towards the one for whom it is intended.

If a ritual occurs without love and favor, then it has no meaning, the sacrifice is useless.

Therefore, it is impossible to approach this good action formally, with a cold soul. You must not only perform an action, but also say a prayer - in your own words.

What does a burning candle “say”?

Divine fire is a symbol of eternity, turning to God, to the Mother of God, to all saints through prayer. The flame of a candle always rushes upward, no matter how it is tilted, so a person should direct all his thoughts to God with faith in help in any life circumstances.

When should you light candles?

This must be done before the start of the service. You should not violate decorum by your behavior, that is, passing candles through people while the service is going on, or making your way to the candlestick yourself, thereby distracting those who came to the service.

If you are late for a service, then wait for it to end, then do what you came for.

How should you place a candle correctly?

In church you cannot use a lighter or matches, you cannot light from a lamp, so that wax does not drip into the lamp and extinguish it.

Candles are lit one from the other. When it lights up, place it in the candlestick socket. It should stand straight and not lean to the sides.

How much, to whom and how should I bet?

There are no such rules about where and how much to bet. Their purchase is your voluntary donation to His temple.

First, go to the lectern, which always stands in the center of the church. Light a candle for the “holiday” or saint honored that day. Then go to the relics of the saint, bow to them (if they are in this temple), then go to any icon, say good health to the one to whom you wish or for the repose (on the eve or on a square table with the Crucifixion).

Is it possible to put a candle on a candlestick if all the cells are occupied?

Can. You shouldn’t try to put a candle in the nest if it’s already occupied, and you shouldn’t remove it to install your own.

Important to remember that you should not leave immediately after you have lit a candle. Stand in front of the icon, read the prayer, state your request mentally or in a whisper. Address the saint as if he were next to you. Stand by the icon so that the fire burns out to the end, or most of it. Therefore, take small candles.

Is it possible to hold a burning candle in your hand and stand with it during a service?

At the memorial service and during the service of Matins of Great Heel, it is customary to stand with lit candles. The tradition of burning polyeleos has been preserved for clergy.

Usually worshipers do not hold candles in their hands. When this cannot be avoided, for example, during a wedding or unction, you must be very careful with fire:

  • prevent wax from dripping onto the floor,
  • Make sure that the clothes of the person in front of you do not catch fire.

In the temple, you must follow the established order, that is, put candles on a candlestick, which is intended for these purposes. In church you cannot do as anyone wants.

Who should I light a candle for remission of sins to? What prayer should I read for the remission of sins?

Come to Confession, where, sincerely repenting, confess in detail in the presence of a priest. He will read a prayer of permission over you. Only at Confession can you repent of your sins; a candle by itself will not free you from them.

Is it possible to light a candle for a newborn child who has fallen ill but has not yet been baptized?

A sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If due to illness it is impossible to baptize in church, then call the priest to the maternity hospital or home.

During the Sacrament of Baptism, a special grace will fall on the baby, which will give him great help. If a child leaves this world unbaptized, then the sin for this will remain on the parents.

You can give communion, order prayer services and magpies for health. And this is the first aid for illnesses.

Who should light a candle for a person who is being destroyed by drugs?

For a person to get rid of drug addiction, kneel before the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, or before the image of the martyr Boniface, righteous John Kronstadt.

Who should light a candle if a child is very ill?

Can be placed next to any icon: Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the holy saints of God. Order a magpie for health on one day in three churches. will pray simultaneously in three churches.

It is important to remember that a child’s illness is a time of repentance, tireless prayer of all family members, and also a call for spiritual growth. Let the child drink, wash him with holy water.

The main thing is that a sick child must receive communion in church, at home or in a hospital, depending on his condition.

If a child knows how to pray himself, then let him pray; if he does not know how, then his parents and godparents should bow down for him. And, of course, there is no need to refuse treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Which icon should I light a candle for before surgery?

You can do this and kneel before the image of St. Panteleimon, before the icons of the holy unmercenary doctors Cosmas and Damian.

Do not forget to confess, take communion, and also order a prayer service for the successful outcome of the operation. It is necessary to find out the doctor's name and ask God to control the doctor's hands.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to light candles for her repose?

Everyone can pray and light candles.

Who should light candles for prosperity in business?

In order to receive from the Lord or from the saints what you ask, you must not only pray, but also live according to their commandments. The Creator, through the Gospel, turns to people with a prayer to fulfill His simple commandments, but people often do not hear His requests. But when they need it, they immediately turn to Him with requests and seek help in their affairs.

For God to hear you, pray sincerely, with words coming from the heart. The prayer must contain faith that the Lord will definitely hear your request.

But the Lord will be able to fulfill only what is useful for a person, what leads to the salvation of his soul. Therefore, many things seem unfair to people. Everything is God's will!

Is it possible to light candles for the tragically dead unbaptized and for the repose of the unbaptized?

Yes, you can, you can pray for the unbaptized, but submitting church notes with the names of the unbaptized is prohibited.

Is it possible to light candles for health and peace on Easter?

Yes, this is not forbidden, but the Church does not offer prayers for the departed on Easter and Bright Week; they are moved to the 2nd Tuesday after Easter.

Is it possible to light candles purchased in another temple?

You came to the temple, so buy them in the temple where you came to pray, because this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple.

What to do with a candle after blessing eggs and Easter cakes? Can I take it home?

Take her home. When you pray, light it or place it in the church in front of any image.

Why do they remove candles that have burned down to half, because money was paid for them...

Often there are not enough cells on candlesticks due to large quantity parishioners, so they are removed without burning to the end. There is no need to worry about this, or about the fact that a candle that was not completely burned out was extinguished after the service. The Lord has already accepted your sacrifice.

When is incense used? Can I use it at home?

Incense is used during worship, funeral services for the dead, and the consecration of a home by a priest. During home prayer, incense can be used by each person praying.

Is it possible to use candles during menstruation?

Lighting candles, taking blessings, and praying are not prohibited. But you can participate in the Sacrament of Communion only on the recommendations of your confessor.

No one can give a definite answer to this question. In the West, women never think about this issue, because modern means hygiene does not allow the church to be desecrated with uncleanness.

Dear friends. I am sure that you have received answers to many of your questions and now you know how to light candles in the temple. Visit church often and contact your confessor for answers.

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