
SNiPs for heating: basic provisions. Spds. rules for the implementation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning GOST for the installation of heating and ventilation systems

Heating system project includes a text part and a set of drawings in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

The volume of project documentation, i.e. heating project includes:

    at the stage of developing the installation diagram:
  • cover and title page;
  • table of initial data for designing a heating system;
  • basic technical solutions of heating systems (summary);
  • Calculations are made that are not included in the design documentation:
    • performing thermal engineering calculations (determining the heat loss of a building);
    • calculation of the power of heating devices;
    • hydraulic calculation of heating lines and their elements;
    • calculation of main heating equipment (boilers, boilers, etc.);
  • main set of drawings:
    • placement of terminal equipment (heating devices and remote controls);
    • placement of heating lines and their elements;
  • specification of heating equipment without details;
    to receive a complete package of project documentation, i.e. creating a heating project, the following are additionally being developed:
  • added to the main set of drawings:
    • areas of operation and maintenance of main heating equipment;
    • detailing of components of the main heating equipment (piping of boilers, boilers and thermal units);
    • block diagram of the main heating equipment;
    • detailing of the components of the terminal heating equipment system (drawing of manifold cabinets, detailing of the boiler room and chimneys, connections of heating devices);
    • overall dimensions (diameters) and service areas of heating routes;
    • notes for heating system installation;
    • heating system diagrams;
  • added to the explanatory note:
    • table of building heat requirements by system;
    • characteristics of the heating system (dimensions, energy consumption, etc.);
    • design of heating system automation;
  • assignment to related systems (integration table) - issued upon request if other companies are involved in related engineering systems;
  • specification of heating equipment with details;
  • licenses and certificates for design and installation work;
  • coordination of design solutions with architects and designers.

The scope of the heating project allows for the complete implementation of the designed system. Some documents included in the heating project being developed by our company are presented in a typical project for combined heating of a house.

Detailed design documentation

Detailed composition of design documentation for the section of the project on heating, heating networks and thermomechanical solutions for the boiler room at various stages of the work is given in the appendix to the contract for design and survey work.

Here we present this application in its entirety.

Documentation section name Stage of work execution
Sketch design / Sketch diagram Wiring diagram Project
1. Cover* + + +
2. Title page* + + +
3. Approval sheet** - + +
4. Contents* - - +
5. Project composition* - - +
6. Technical specifications** + + +
7. Technical specifications (upon receipt from the customer) - + +
8. Explanatory note, including **: + + +
8.1. Details of the document on the basis of which the decision to develop project documentation was made - + +
8.2. Initial data and conditions for the preparation of project documentation + + +
8.3. Information about the functional purpose of the object + + +
8.4. Information about the facility’s need for fuel, gas, water, electrical energy, thermal energy, the amount of supplied and removed air, cold. Information is provided in text or tabular form - + +
8.5. Technical and economic indicators of the designed facilities - - +
8.6. General information about systems - + +
8.7. General characteristics of the designed systems and their networks - + +
8.8. Information on the availability of developed and agreed upon special technical conditions - if it is necessary to develop such conditions - + +
8.9. Assurance from the design organization that the heating project has been developed in accordance with the design assignment, technical regulations, including those establishing requirements for ensuring the safe operation of buildings, structures, structures and the safe use of adjacent territories, and in compliance with technical conditions - - +
8.12. For the heating and heating networks section, the HVAC project includes the following data:
8.12.1. Information on climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area, calculated parameters of outdoor air - - +
8.12.2. Information about heat supply sources, parameters of heating fluids - + +
8.12.3. Description and justification of installation methods and design solutions, including decisions regarding the diameters and thermal insulation of heating main pipes from the point of connection to public networks to the facility - - +
8.12.4. List of measures to protect pipelines from the aggressive effects of soil and groundwater - - +
8.12.5. Justification of adopted systems and fundamental decisions on space heating - + +
8.12.6. Information on thermal loads for heating, hot water supply, production and other needs - - +
8.12.7. Justification for the optimal placement of heating equipment - - +
8.12.8. Description of automation of heating and heat supply systems - - +
8.12.9. Information on the requirements (according to SP 7.13130.2009) for the following premises: boiler room, heating unit, reserve fuel storage rooms - + +
9. Basic set of working drawings, including:
9.1. Display of adopted technical and other decisions and performed in the form of drawings, diagrams, plans and other documents in graphic form - + +
9.4. The heating and heating networks section includes the following data:
9.4.1. Plan of heating networks with heating lines and their elements marked - + +
9.4.2. Overall dimensions of heating lines and heating network routes - - +
9.4.4. Placement of main heating equipment + + +
9.4.5. Overall dimensions of main heating equipment and heating networks - + +
9.4.6. Operation and maintenance areas of main equipment - - +
9.4.7. Detailing of components of the main equipment of the heating system - - +
9.4.8. Block diagram of the heating system - + +
9.4.9. Notes required for installation - - +
9.4.10. Axonometric diagram of the heating system - - +
9.4.11. Placement of terminal heating equipment - + +
9.4.12. Overall dimensions of terminal equipment of heating systems and heating networks - + +
9.4.13. Areas of operation and maintenance of terminal heating equipment - - +
9.4.14. Detailing of terminal equipment components - - +
10. Assignment to adjacent systems** - + +
11. Specification without details for equipment** - + -
11.3. The heating and heating networks section includes the following data:
11.3.5. Heat generating unit (boiler, heating network, etc.) and its components as a single set - + -
11.3.6. Zone air temperature closers (climatic devices) and their components, as a single set - + -
11.3.7. Water heater tanks and their components as a single set - + -
11.3.8. Expansion tanks and their components as a single set - + -
11.3.9. Main main manifold with mixing units and their components as a single set - + -
11.3.10. Chimney and its components as a single set - + -
11.3.11. Automation of main heating equipment and its components as a single set - + -
11.3.12. Equipment that provides storage and supply of reserve fuel and its components as a single set - + -
11.3.13. Burner equipment and its components as a single set - + -
11.3.15. The lines are indicated with the indication of material, size, type and complete manufacturer - + -
11.3.16. Consumables for each type of heating equipment and lines are indicated completely - + -
12. Specification for heating equipment and materials, made in accordance with GOST - - +
13. Permits for design and survey work - + +


    one asterisk means* - preparation of design documentation in accordance with GOST
    two asterisks indicate** - to the extent and form determined by the Contractor
    The designation “-” corresponds to the fact that the document is not included in the package of documents developed at this design stage
    The designation “+” corresponds to the document being present

Examples of projects with descriptions

Some documents included in the heating project being developed by our company are presented in

GOST 21.602-2003

GOST 21.602-2003


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design, Design and Research Institute "SantehNIIproekt" (FSUE SantekhNIIproekt) and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction" (FSUE CNS)
INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on October 18, 2002.
The following voted for the adoption of the standard:
Name of the state Name of the state construction management body
Azerbaijan Republic State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic
Republic of Armenia Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia
Republic of Kazakhstan Kazstroykomitet
Kyrgyz Republic State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Republic of Moldova Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development of the Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation Gosstroy of Russia
Republic of Tajikistan Komarchstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan
Republic of Uzbekistan State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ukraine State Construction Committee of Ukraine
3 INSTEAD GOST 21.602-79
4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT from June 1, 2003 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 20, 2003 No. 39
1 Application 2
2 Normative references 2
3 Definitions 3
4 General provisions 3
5 General data on working drawings 7
6 System drawings 13
7 System installation drawings 21
8 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products 23
9 Specification of equipment, products and materials 23
10 Questionnaires and dimensional drawings 24
Appendix A Terms used in this standard 25
Appendix B Example of a layout plan for system installations 26
Appendix B Examples of plans and sections of system drawings 26
Appendix D Examples of circuit diagrams for heating systems and heat supply installations 29
Appendix E Examples of ventilation system diagrams 32
Appendix E Examples of plans and sections of system installation drawings 34
Appendix G Example of drawing up specifications for equipment, products and materials 36
GOST 21.602-2003
System of design documents for construction
System of design documents for construction.
Rules for execution of working documentation of heating, ventilation
and air conditioning
Date of introduction 2003-06-01
1 area of ​​use
This standard establishes the composition and rules for the preparation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes.
2 Normative references
This standard uses references to the following standards:
GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings
GOST 2.782-96 ESKD. Conventional graphic designations. Hydraulic and pneumatic machines
GOST 2.785-70 ESKD. Conventional graphic designations. Pipeline fittings
GOST 21.101-97 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation
GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials
GOST 21.112-87 SPDS. Lifting and transport equipment. Conditional images
GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products
GOST 21.205-93 SPDS. Symbols for elements of sanitary systems
GOST 21.206-93 SPDS. Pipeline symbols
GOST 21.404-85 SPDS. Automation of technological processes. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams
GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the execution of architectural and construction working drawings
GOST 3262-75 Steel water and gas pipes. Specifications
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:
3.1 system: A set of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), devices, products, pipelines and (or) air ducts (for example, supply system P1, exhaust system B1, heating system 1, heat supply system for installations P1 - P3).
3.2 systems drawing: A drawing defining the relative location of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), pipelines and (or) air ducts and other parts of the designed systems.
3.3 installation: Conventional name of a complex of interconnected equipment and (or) devices, and, if necessary, pipelines (air ducts) connected to the system installation equipment (for example, installation of the supply system P1, installation of the exhaust system B1).
3.4 installation drawing: A drawing containing a simplified image of the installations, defining their design, dimensions, relative position and designation of installation elements and other necessary data.
3.5 The terms used in this standard according to GOST 21.110 and GOST 21.114 are given in Appendix A.
4 General provisions
4.1 Working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 21.101 and other interrelated standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS).
4.2 The working documentation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as systems) includes:
- working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the OV brand);
- sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, structures, devices, mounting blocks (hereinafter referred to as sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products);
- specification of equipment, products and materials;
- questionnaires and dimensional drawings*;
- local estimate*.
* Perform if necessary.
4.3 The main set of working drawings of the OB brand includes:
- general data on working drawings;
- drawings (plans, sections and diagrams) of systems;
- drawings (plans and sections) of system installations.
The main set of working drawings of the OV brand may also include working drawings of heating points with a coolant input diameter of up to 150 mm.
4.4 Each system is assigned a designation consisting of a brand (Table 1) and a serial number of the system within the brand.
Example - P1, P2.
System installations are assigned the same designations as the systems they are part of.
4.5 Elements of heating systems are assigned designations consisting of a brand (Table 2) and the serial number of the element within the brand.
Example - St1, St2.
It is allowed to index the risers of heating systems in capital letters within the designation of the riser.
Example - St2A, St2B.
Table 1

GOST 21.602-2003







1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design, Design and Research Institute "SantehNIIproekt" (FSUE SantekhNIIproekt) and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction" (FSUE CNS)

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on October 18, 2002.

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan


Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Komarchstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ukraine State Construction Committee of Ukraine

GOST 21.602-2003


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.
Rules for execution of working documentation of heating, ventilation
and air conditioning

Date of introduction 2003-06-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the preparation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings

GOST 2.782-96 ESKD. Conventional graphic designations. Hydraulic and pneumatic machines

GOST 2.785-70 ESKD. Conventional graphic designations. Pipeline fittings

GOST 21.101-97 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.112-87 SPDS. Lifting and transport equipment. Conditional images

GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

GOST 21.205-93 SPDS. Symbols for elements of sanitary systems

GOST 21.206-93 SPDS. Pipeline symbols

GOST 21.404-85 SPDS. Automation of technological processes. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the execution of architectural and construction working drawings

GOST 3262-75 Steel water and gas pipes. Specifications

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:

3.1 system: A set of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), devices, products, pipelines and (or) air ducts (for example, supply system P1, exhaust system B1, heating system 1, heat supply system for installations P1 - P3).

3.2 systems drawing: A drawing defining the relative location of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), pipelines and (or) air ducts and other parts of the systems being designed.

3.3 installation: Conventional name of a complex of interconnected equipment and (or) devices, and, if necessary, pipelines (air ducts) connected to the system installation equipment (for example, installation of the supply system P1, installation of the exhaust system B1).

3.4 installation drawing: A drawing containing a simplified image of installations, defining their design, dimensions, relative position and designation of installation elements and other necessary data.

3.5 The terms used in this standard according to GOST 21.110 and GOST 21.114 are given in the appendix.

4 General provisions

4.1 Working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 21.101 and other interrelated standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS).

4.2 The working documentation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as systems) includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (basic set of working drawings of the OV brand);

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, structures, devices, mounting blocks (hereinafter referred to as sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products);

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings*;

Local estimate*.

* Perform if necessary.

4.3 The main set of working drawings of the OB brand includes:

General data on working drawings;

Drawings (plans, sections and diagrams) of systems;

Drawings (plans and sections) of system installations.

The main set of working drawings of the OV brand may also include working drawings of heating points with a coolant input diameter of up to 150 mm.

4.4 Each system is assigned a designation consisting of a brand (table ) and the serial number of the system within the brand.

Example - P1, P2.

System installations are assigned the same designations as the systems they are part of.

4.5 Elements of heating systems are assigned designations consisting of a brand (table) and the serial number of the element within the brand.

Example - St1, St2.

It is allowed to index the risers of heating systems in capital letters within the designation of the riser.

Example - St2A, St2B.

Table 1

Name of systems and system installations

With mechanical urge:

supply systems, system installations

exhaust systems, system installations

air curtains

heating units

With natural urge:

supply systems

exhaust systems

table 2

4.6 Hatches for measuring air parameters are designated by the brand “LP”, hatches for cleaning air ducts - by the brand “LV”.

4.7 Pipelines and their elements in the drawings are indicated by conventional graphic symbols and (or) simplified images in accordance with GOST 21.206. When constructing pipelines in a simplified manner, as a rule, the general designations provided for by GOST 21.206 are used (Table 1, paragraphs 6a and 7a).

Graphic designations of individual pipeline elements (an isolated section of a pipeline, a pipeline in a pipe (case), a pipeline in a gland, a water seal, a compensator, a shock-absorbing insert, a resistance point in the pipeline (throttle washer), a pipeline support (suspension)) are taken according to Table 6 of GOST 21.205.

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines are accepted according to table 8 GOST 21.205.

4.8 Graphic designations of elements of general use (filter, heater, cooler, heat exchanger, air dryer, air humidifier, condensate drain, selection device) are taken according to Table 1 GOST 21.205.

Graphic designations of heating system elements (smooth heating pipe, smooth pipe register, ribbed heating pipe, ribbed pipe register, heating convector, heating radiator, ceiling heating device, air heating unit, mud pan) are accepted according to Table 3 GOST 21.205.

Graphic designations of elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems (air duct, hole (grid) for air intake (exhaust), air distributor, local exhaust (suction, shelter), deflector, umbrella, damper (valve), damper, check valve, fire-retarding valve, hatch for measurements of air parameters and (or) cleaning of air ducts, ventilation shaft passage unit, supply ventilation chamber (air conditioner), noise muffler, underground duct) are taken according to Table 3 of GOST 21.205.

Graphic designations for the direction of flow of liquid, air and drive elements are taken according to table 4 GOST 21.205, tanks, pumps and fans - according to table 5 GOST 21.205, pipeline fittings - according to table 7 GOST 21.205.

Instead of the graphic designation of the axial fan given in the table, paragraph 66 of GOST 21.205, the designation according to the table * should be adopted.

* The designation is adopted according to GOST 2.782.

Table 3

Examples of images of an axial fan on a diagram made in an axonometric projection are shown in the figure.

Picture 1

4.9 Conventional graphic images of the main lifting and transport equipment are taken in accordance with GOST 21.112 and are made to the scale of the drawing.

Lifting and transport equipment, the conventional graphic images of which are not given in the specified standard, are depicted in a simplified manner by analogy, taking into account the design features of the specific equipment.

4.10 When depicting a pipeline in a drawing (diagram), alphanumeric designations are indicated on the shelves of leader lines in accordance with the drawing and (or) in breaks in pipeline lines in accordance with the figure b.

Figure 2

4.11 When indicating the diameter size, the sign “Æ " The designation of the diameter of the pipeline or air duct is applied on the shelf of the leader line in accordance with the figure A.

In the case when the alphanumeric designation of the pipeline is applied on the leader line flange, the diameter of the pipeline is indicated under the leader line flange in accordance with Figure b, c.

Figure 3

For pipelines made of steel water and gas pipes (GOST 3262), the nominal diameter and wall thickness are indicated. For pipelines made of electric-welded steel pipes, the outer diameter and wall thickness are indicated. For pipelines made from other pipes, similar information is indicated in accordance with the requirements of pipe standards (range, technical specifications).

In the designation of the cross-section of rectangular air ducts marked on the plan of system drawings and located in a horizontal plane, the first number indicates its width, the second - its height.

4.12 Examples of constructing conventional graphic symbols of system elements are given in Appendix A of GOST 21.205.

Examples of constructing symbols and simplified graphic images of system elements in diagrams performed in axonometric projections are given in Appendix B of GOST 21.205.

4.13 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines should be taken according to GOST 21.404.

An example of a schematic flow diagram of a ventilation system indicating instruments, automation equipment and communication lines is given in Appendix B of GOST 21.205.

The letter designations of measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices indicated in the diagram and table (Appendix B GOST 21.205) are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404.

Examples of letter designations of measured quantities (GOST 21.404) are given in the table.

Examples of letter designations of functional characteristics of devices (GOST 21.404) are given in the table.

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6

Image name


1 Layout diagram of system installations

1:400; 1:800

2 Plans and sections of system drawings

1:50; 1:100; 1:200

3 Diagrams of systems in axonometric projection

1:50; 1:100; 1:200

4 Plans and sections of system installation drawings

1:50; 1:100

5 Fragments of plans and sections of system drawings

1:50; 1:100

6 Nodes of plans and sections of system drawings

1:20; 1:50

7 Nodes of plans and sections of system installation drawings


8 Nodes in detail

1:2; 1:5; 1:10

9 Nodes of system diagrams in axonometric projection

1:10; 1:20; 1:50

10 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50; 1:100

4.15 If an image (for example, a plan of drawings of ventilation systems) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets (GOST 21.101).

4.16 When performing working documentation for heating and ventilation systems, one should also be guided by the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD), given in Appendix 3 of GOST 21.101, which complement and do not contradict the standards of SPDS and this standard.

If necessary, use separate symbols established by ESKD standards (classification group 7), if these symbols are not provided for by GOST 21.205 (for example, the designation of an automatic air valve (plunger) according to GOST 2.785, the designation of a pump based on functional characteristics, according to GOST 2.782).

4.17 On drawings and diagrams, the sign “Ð ", the acute angle of which should be directed towards the slope. The slope value is indicated as a decimal fraction accurate to the third digit.

The slope designation is applied directly above the contour line (Figure a) or on the shelf of the leader line (Figure b).

Figure 4

4.18 The list of permitted word abbreviations is given in GOST 2.316 and GOST 21.101.

4.19 On sections (sections) of drawings of systems (installations) and diagrams made in axonometric projection, marks (GOST 21.101) are indicated on extension lines (Figure a) and (or) contour lines in accordance with Figure b.

On plans of drawings of systems (installations), marks are indicated in a rectangle in accordance with figure c.

Drawing 5

5 General information on working drawings

5.1 The composition of general data on working drawings ( GOST 21.101 ) heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems include:

a) list of working drawings of the main set;

b) list of reference and attached documents;

c) list of main sets of working drawings;

d) symbols;

e) general instructions;

f) layout diagram of system installations;

g) characteristics of systems;

i) main indicators according to the working drawings of the OV brand.

5.2 List of working drawings of the main set (item, listing A) are compiled according to form 1 GOST 21.101.

5.3 List of references and attached documents (item, listing b) are compiled according to Form 2 GOST 21.101.

5.4 List of main sets of working drawings (item, listing V) are compiled according to Form 2 GOST 21.101 in the presence of several main sets of working drawings of the OV brand and are shown on the general data sheet for each of these sets.

5.5 On the general data sheet for working drawings, symbols are given (clause, listing G), not established by state standards, the values ​​of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings of the OB grade.

5.6 In general instructions (, listing d) give:

Basis for the development of working drawings of the OB brand (design assignment, approved feasibility study (project) of construction, approved (approved) justification for investments in construction for technically simple objects);

A record of the results of testing for patentability and patent purity of processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and products used for the first time or developed in the project, as well as the numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for inventions used in the working documentation;

A record that the working drawings have been developed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and standards;

Information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

Calculated parameters of external and internal air;

Data about the coolant, refrigerant (name, flow, parameters);

Requirements for manufacturing, installation, testing, anti-corrosion protection, thermal and fire insulation, fire-retardant coating of air ducts and pipelines, as well as the composition of insulating structures;

Special requirements for installations (explosion safety, acid resistance, etc.);

List of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up inspection reports for hidden work.

In general instructions, you should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings of the OB brand, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

5.7 On the layout diagram of system installations (item, listing e) apply:

Outline of the building (structure);

Coordination axes of the building (structure) and general dimensions between the extreme coordination axes;

System installations;

Coolant input;

Thermal point.

System installations on the plan diagram are depicted by dots with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm, indicating on the shelf a leader line indicating the installation designation and under the shelf - the number of the sheet on which the installation drawing is shown.

The name of the plan diagram for the placement of system installations is indicated in abbreviation - “Plan diagram”.

An example of a layout plan for system installations is given in the Appendix.

5.8 Characteristics of systems (item, listing and) are performed in the form of a table according to the form. If there are no certain types of equipment in the systems, the corresponding columns are excluded from the table.

If the table is divided into parts, then at the beginning of each subsequent part the column “System designation” is placed.

In standard projects, the characteristics of air heaters and, if necessary, other equipment are indicated for the design outdoor air temperatures adopted by the project.

5.9 Main indicators according to the working drawings of the OV brand (clause, listing And) are performed in the form of a table according to the form. If necessary, additional columns are included in the table (for example, specific heat consumption).

6 System drawings

6.1 Plans and sections of system drawings

6.1.1 Images - plans and sections, fragments of plans and sections and nodes (details) on system drawings are made to scale.

6.1.2 Plans for drawings of heating systems (heat supply to installations) may be combined with plans for drawings of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Sections of drawings of heating systems, as a rule, should be combined with sections of drawings of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

6.1.3 Deflectors, roof fans and other system elements located on the roof of a building are usually marked with a thick dash-dotted line (superimposed projection) on the plan drawings of the systems of a single-story building or the top floor of a multi-story building. In this case, complex ventilation installations (for example, air conditioners, supply and (or) exhaust units) located on the roof of the building should be carried out on a separate roof plan. An example of an image of a deflector (BE1 system) located on the roof of a building, on the plan of drawings of the systems of a one-story building, is shown in the figure.

6.1.4 In case of a complex multi-tiered arrangement of air ducts and other elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems on one floor, plans are made at different levels within the floor to illustrate their relationships.

6.1.5 Pipelines made with conventional graphic symbols (in one line) in accordance with GOST 21.206 and located one above the other in the same plane (Figure a), on plans of drawings of systems they are conventionally depicted by parallel lines in accordance with Figure b .

6.1.6 Elements of heating and heat supply systems of installations, except equipment, are indicated on plans and sections of drawings of systems with conventional graphic symbols; elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment of heating and heat supply systems of installations (for example, heating units, pumps) - in the form of simplified graphic images.

Figure 6

Figure 7

6.1.7 On fragments of plans, sections and assemblies (remote elements), pipelines, fittings and other devices are depicted in simplified or conventional graphic symbols, depending on the scale of the drawing and the diameter of the pipeline. Pipelines with diameters of 2 mm or more in the drawing are depicted in a simplified manner with two lines. When a pipeline is constructed in a simplified manner with two lines, fittings and other devices are also depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their overall dimensions (Figure ).


Figure 8

On fragments of plans, sections and nodes (extension elements), the intersection of pipelines without a connection, as well as pipelines located above each other in the same plane and made with conventional graphic symbols (in one line), are depicted in accordance with the figure.

Figure 9

6.1.8 On plans and sections of drawings of systems, the following is applied and indicated:

Coordination axes of a building (structure) and the distances between them (for residential buildings - the distances between the axes of sections);

Building structures, technological equipment with local suction, as well as border (adjacent) other utilities and equipment that affect the laying of pipelines (air ducts) systems;

Markings of clean floors of floors and main areas;

Dimensional references of system installations, air ducts, main pipelines, process equipment, fixed supports and compensators to the coordination axes or structural elements of the building (structure);

Designations of systems (system installations);

The number of radiator sections, the number and length of finned pipes, the number of pipes in the register and the length of the register of smooth pipes or register designation, as well as designation (type) for other heating devices;

Designations of risers, compensators, horizontal branches of heating systems.

The plans, in addition, indicate the names of premises (types of premises - for residential buildings) and categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard (in a rectangle of size 5´ 8 mm), and on the sections - level marks of the axes of pipelines and round air ducts, the bottom of rectangular air ducts, support structures of system installations, the top of exhaust air ducts of exhaust systems.

It is allowed to list the names of premises and categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazards in the explication of premises in Form 2 GOST 21.501.

Examples of plans and sections of system drawings are given in the appendix.

6.1.9 In standard projects (standard design solutions) of buildings and structures for two or more design temperatures of outside air and (or) for two or more floors, the floor number, design temperature of outside air, data on heating devices indicated on the plans are given in table (figure).

If there are several tables in the drawing, it is allowed to give the name of the column only on one of them (Figure).

In standard projects (standard design solutions) of buildings and structures for two or more design temperatures of outside air, the diameters of pipelines, if necessary, are indicated in the table.

Figure 10

Figure 11

If there are several tables in the drawing, it is allowed to give the name of the column only on one of them, as well as exclude individual columns of repeating indicators (Figure).

Figure 12

6.1.10 On the sheet of plans for system drawings, place a table of local suction from process equipment, made in the form. It is allowed to provide a table of local suctions on separate sheets.

6.1.11 On plans, sections and their fragments, equipment, installations, air ducts, pipelines and other elements of systems are depicted with a thick main line.

Building structures and technological equipment, as well as border (adjacent) other engineering communications that affect the laying of pipelines (air ducts) systems (p.), are depicted in plans, sections and their fragments in a simplified way with a thin line.

6.1.12 In the names of plans of system drawings, indicate the mark of the finished floor of the floor or the floor number.

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000; Plan at elevation +3,600; 4th floor plan.

The names of sections of system drawings indicate the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.

Example - Section 1 - 1.

When two or more plans are executed at different levels within a floor, the names of the plans indicate the designation of the horizontal section plane of the systems.

Example - Plan 3 - 3.

When executing a part of a plan, the name indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan.

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000 between axes 1 - 8 and A - D.

6.2 System diagrams

6.2.1 System diagrams and nodes (extension elements) of diagrams are performed in an axonometric frontal isometric projection on a scale. For small buildings, the scale of system diagrams is 1:50.

6.2.2 On diagrams, system elements are usually indicated by conventional graphic symbols. If necessary, individual elements of the system on the diagram, performed in an axonometric projection, are depicted in a simplified form in the form of contour outlines (GOST 21.205, appendix).

6.2.3 If the air ducts and pipelines are long and/or complex, it is allowed to depict them with a break in the form of a dotted line. Places of ruptures in air ducts and pipelines are indicated in lowercase letters (Figure).

Figure 13

6.2.4 On the diagrams of heating systems (heat supply of installations) indicate:

Pipelines and their diameters;

Graphic designation of isolated sections of the pipeline (if necessary);

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines;

Level marks for pipeline axes;

Pipeline slopes;

Dimensions of horizontal sections of pipelines (if there are breaks);

Fixed supports, compensators and non-standard fasteners indicating the element designation on the leader line on the shelf and the document designation under the shelf;

Shut-off and control valves indicating on the shelf the leader line of the diameter (type) of the valve and under the shelf - the designation of the valve according to the catalog (document designation);

Risers (horizontal branches) of heating systems and their designations;

Heating appliances;

The number of radiator sections, the number and length of finned pipes, the number of pipes in the register and the length of the register of smooth pipes or register designation, as well as designation (type) for other heating devices. For simple heating systems, information on heating devices is not given in the diagram (for example, in the diagram of a heating system of a building of a simple shape with a single-row (in plan and height) installation of heating devices);

System installation designations;

Embedded structures (selection devices for installing instrumentation) indicating the designation and document. Embedded structures on pipelines and other system elements are indicated by dots with a diameter of 2 mm;

Instrumentation (if necessary) and other system elements. In this case, the letter designations of the measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices (items) are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404.

Pipelines and other elements of heating systems (heat supply to installations) are depicted in the diagrams with a thick main line.

Examples of diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations are given in the appendix.

6.2.5 For residential buildings, it is allowed to carry out heating system diagrams only for the underground part of the building. For the above-ground part of the building, diagrams of risers and, if necessary, wiring diagrams in the attic are made. When performing riser diagrams, the rules for executing the specified diagrams should be given on the diagram sheets.

6.2.6 On the sheet showing diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations, as a rule, the following is given:

Diagrams of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations;

A table of compensator sizes made according to the form;

Units (remote elements) of heating systems and heat supply systems.

Dimensions of compensators, mm

Form 4

In the names of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations, the unit number is indicated.

Example - Control unit 1; Control node 2.

Examples of diagrams of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations are given in the appendix.

On control units for heating and heat supply systems, as well as on units (remote elements) of system diagrams for shut-off and control valves, the diameter (type) of the valve is indicated on the leader line shelf and under the shelf - the designation of the valve according to the catalog (document designation). Similar information is provided on the nodes for other elements of the system.

If necessary, a specification in accordance with Form 7 GOST 21.101 or drawings (plans, sections, diagram and specification) of the system control unit should be added to the diagram of the control unit for heating and heat supply systems.

An example of the implementation of a diagram of a node (extension element) of the system is given in the Appendix.

6.2.7 The diagrams of ventilation and air conditioning systems indicate:

Air ducts, their diameters (sections) and the amount of passing air in m 3 / h (Figure);

Graphic designation of isolated sections of the air duct (if necessary);

Graphic designation of air duct sections with fire retardant coating;

Level marks for the axis of round and bottom of rectangular air ducts;

Equipment for ventilation units;

Contours of technological equipment with local suction (in difficult cases);

Hatches for measuring air parameters and cleaning air ducts with an indication on the shelf of the leader line of the hatch brand (item) and under the shelf - the document designation (Figure);

Local suctions, their designations and document designations. For built-in local suction units supplied complete with technological equipment, the designation of the local suction unit and the designation of the document are not indicated;

Regulating devices, air distributors, non-standard fastenings (supports) and other elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems, indicating on the shelf a leader line designation of the system element and under the shelf - designation of the document. At the same time, for non-standard products on the shelf, leader lines indicate the name and alphanumeric designation of the product (item) and under the shelf - the designation of the sketch drawing.

Examples of ventilation system diagrams are given in the appendix.

Figure 14

Figure 15

6.2.8 In the name of the heating system diagram for two or more systems in a building, indicate the system number.

The designation of the installations is indicated in the name of the heat supply system diagram of the installations.

In the main inscription, the names of the diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations are indicated in full.

Example - Heating system diagram 1; Diagram of the heat supply system for installations P1 - P3.

Above the diagrams, the names of the diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations are indicated in abbreviated form.

Example - Heating system 1; Heat supply system for installations P1 - P3.

6.2.9 In the names of ventilation and air conditioning system diagrams, indicate the designations of the systems.

In the title block, the names of the ventilation and air conditioning system circuits are indicated in full.

Example - Schemes of systems P5, V8.

Above the diagrams, the names of the ventilation and air conditioning system diagrams are indicated in abbreviations.

Example - P5, B8.

7 System installation drawings

7.1 Drawings of installations of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as installation drawings) should be made if there are two or more components (installation elements) in the installation, there is a need to show methods of fastening the installation components to each other or to supporting structures, there are no standard installation drawings or manufacturer's installation drawings. In other cases, installation drawings are not performed.

7.2 Images - plans, sections and assemblies (details) on installation drawings are made to scales.

7.3 On plans and sections of drawings of installations, elements of installations are depicted in a simplified manner. If it is necessary to show methods of fastening the components of an installation or connecting them to each other, the corresponding elements are depicted in detail, as a rule, on nodes (details) of plans and sections of installation drawings.

7.4 The rules for depicting pipelines, fittings and other devices on plans, sections and units (details) of installation drawings are accepted according to.

7.5 On plans and sections of installation drawings the following shall be marked and indicated:

Coordination axes of the building (structure) and the distances between them;

Markings of clean floors of floors (platforms);

Dimensional references of installations to coordination axes or to structural elements of a building (structure);

Main dimensions and level marks of installation elements;

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines;

Diameters (sections) of air ducts and pipelines;

Position designations of equipment, fittings, embedded structures and other devices.

On plans and sections of installation drawings, in addition to installation elements, building structures are indicated.

7.6 On plans, sections and units of installation drawings, equipment, installation structures, air cooler and air heater piping, fittings and other devices are depicted with a thick main line, building structures - with a thin line.

Air ducts located above the equipment (structures) of the installation are usually depicted on plans as a thick dash-dotted line (superimposed projection).

Examples of plans and sections of installation drawings are given in the Appendix.

7.7 If necessary, as part of the main set of working drawings of grade OV (item), drawings (plans, sections, assemblies (remote elements) and, as a rule, a schematic diagram) of the heating point are made in accordance with section. In this case, the schematic diagram is not drawn to scale; the actual spatial arrangement of equipment and pipelines is taken into account approximately.

Equipment, pipelines, fittings and other devices in the diagram are indicated by conventional graphic symbols. If necessary, the equipment in the diagram is depicted with simplified external outlines. Embedded structures (selection devices for installing control and measuring instruments) are indicated in the diagram by dots with a diameter of 2 mm.

The designed pipelines, fittings and other devices are shown in the diagram as a solid thick main line. Equipment, as well as pipelines, fittings and other devices supplied complete with the equipment or existing, are depicted with a solid thin line.

7.8 The following is indicated on the diagram:

Equipment, pipelines, fittings and other devices;

Instrumentation (if necessary). In this case, the letter designations of the measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices (items) are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404;

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines, as a rule, in breaks in pipeline lines;

Pipeline diameters;

Position designations of equipment, fittings, embedded structures and other devices;

Direction of flow of the transported medium.

7.9 On the sheet showing the schematic diagram, if necessary, the nodes (extension elements) of the diagram and text explanations are given.

7.10 Elements of installations are assigned positional designations, consisting of the designation of the installation and the serial number of the element within the installation.

Example - P1.1, P1.2, V5.1, V5.2.

7.11 When making drawings of heating points as part of the main set of working drawings of grade OV ( ) they are considered as installation drawings. Each heating point (installation) is assigned a designation consisting of the brand “TP” and the serial number of the installation within the brand.

Example - TP1, TP2.

7.12 Elements of a heating point (installation) are assigned positional designations, consisting of the designation of the installation and the serial number of the element within the installation.

Example - TP1.1, TP1.2, TP2.1, TP2.2.

7.13 If necessary, technical requirements for installation of installations are shown on the installation drawings.

7.14 A specification is drawn up for the installation drawings in Form 7 GOST 21.101 and is placed, as a rule, on the sheet where the plans for the installation drawings are shown. It is allowed to carry out the specification on separate sheets.

7.15 The specification for installation drawings includes equipment, installation structures, fittings, embedded structures and other devices, as well as pipelines for each diameter.

Pipeline elements (bends, reducers, tees, crosses, flanges, bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets) are not included in the specification.

7.16 In the column “Pos.” indicate the positional designation of the product (the serial number of the product entry in the specification) within the brand of the installation.

For pipelines, the column is not filled in.

In the “Name” column, for each installation, write down the alphanumeric designation in the form of a title and underline it.

7.17 In the product specification, write down the groups in the following sequence:



Other products;

Embedded structures;

Pipelines for each diameter.

7.18 In the names of installations (in the main inscription) indicate the alphanumeric designations of installations by , .

Example - “Installation of P1, B1 systems.”

8 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

8.1 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products (hereinafter referred to as sketch drawings) are carried out in accordance with GOST 21.114

8.2 Sketch drawings are developed for non-standard products that are not difficult to manufacture (structures, devices, mounting blocks (except for individually manufactured heating and ventilation equipment), structures for fastening pipelines, air ducts, etc.) in the absence of their mass production, standard documentation, standards or other documents for these products.

8.3 A sketch (group sketch) drawing defines the initial design of a non-standard product, contains a simplified image, basic parameters and technical requirements for the product in the amount of initial data (tasks) necessary for the development of design documentation.

The volume of initial data required for the development of design documentation for a non-standard product is established by the developer of the sketch drawing in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.114.

8.4 The name of the non-standard product indicates the alphanumeric designation within each type of non-standard product. The product name, as a rule, does not include information about the purpose of the product and its location.

Example - Register made of smooth pipes GT1, Register made of smooth pipes GT2.

8.5 The names of the components of a non-standard product in the sketch drawing are indicated on the shelves of the leader lines. The approximate weight of the product is given in the technical requirements for the sketch drawing.

8.6 Sketch drawings are made to scales. It is allowed to make sketch drawings without exact adherence to scale, if this does not distort the clarity of the image and does not make the drawing difficult to read.

An example of a general sketch drawing of a non-standard product is given in Appendix B of GOST 21.114.

9 Specification of equipment, products and materials

9.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the Specification) is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

9.2 If there is a part or structure attached to the production building (structure) in which auxiliary premises are located, the Specification is carried out in parts:

Production part;

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building has an extension or outbuilding in which public service enterprises are located, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

Residential part;

Auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in column 2 and underlined.

9.3 The specification or its parts are divided into sections:


Heat supply for system installations;

Ventilation or ventilation and air conditioning (if equipped).

The name of each section is written as a heading in column 2 and underlined.

9.4 System elements (equipment, products) and materials in the Specification sections are recorded in groups in the following sequence:

in the sections "Heating" and " Heat supply for system installations»:

Heating equipment;

Pipeline accessories;

Other system elements;

Embedded structures (selection devices for installation of instrumentation);



Pipelines in the Specifications sections are recorded for each diameter. Pipeline elements (bends, reducers, tees, crosses, flanges, bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets) are not included in the Specification;

in the “Ventilation” section (“ Ventilation and air conditioning»):

Ventilation equipment;

Other system elements;

Embedded structures;

Air ducts;

Thermal insulation structures;


Air ducts in the Specifications section are recorded for each diameter (section).

Elements of systems (equipment, products) and materials within the specified groups are placed in ascending order of their main parameters (for example, type, brand, diameter, section).

In column 2 “Name and technical characteristics” of the Specification, before the name of equipment, products and materials, indicate their serial number of entry in the Specification within the section. In this case, column 1 “Position” is not filled in.

An example of drawing up specifications for equipment, products and materials is given in the Appendix.

9.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the Specifications:

Equipment (installations), fittings, air distributors, dampers, local suction (shelters), supports (fastenings) of pipelines and air ducts, embedded structures (selection devices for installing instrumentation) and other elements of systems - pcs.;

Radiators - sections/kW (pcs/kW);

Convectors, ribbed pipes, registers made of smooth pipes - pcs/kW;

Pipelines and air ducts - m;

Insulating materials - m 3;

Coating and protection materials - m2;

Other materials - kg.

10 Questionnaires and dimensional drawings

10.1 Questionnaires and dimensional drawings are made in accordance with the data of the equipment manufacturers and are completed in the form of a separate issue with the name “Questionnaires”.

The release “Questionnaires” is assigned an independent designation, consisting of the designation of the main set of working drawings of the OB brand and through the code point “OL”. The designation is indicated on the title page of the release of questionnaires.

Example - 2345-11-OV.OL.

10.2 After the title page of the release of questionnaires, the contents are placed. The content is carried out according to Form 2 GOST 21.101. The content is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the release of questionnaires and the code “C”.

Example - 2345-11-OV.OLS.

Sheets of contents are decorated with the main inscription. On the first sheet of contents, the main inscription is made according to Form 5 GOST 21.101 and on subsequent sheets - according to Form 6 GOST 21.101. In column 5 of the main inscription indicate “Contents”.

In the content columns (Form 2 GOST 21.101) indicate:

In the “Designation” column - the designation or serial number of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing);

In the “Name” column - the name of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing) in full accordance with the name indicated on the questionnaire (dimensional drawing);

In the “Note” column - information about changes made to the questionnaires (dimensional drawings).

10.3 The name of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing) indicates the designation or serial number within the release.

10.4 Changes to questionnaires (dimensional drawings) are made in accordance with GOST 21.101, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

Changes to questionnaires (dimensional drawings) are made independently within each questionnaire (dimensional drawing).

Information about changes made to the questionnaires (dimensional drawings) is given in the “Note” column of the contents of the questionnaire release.

The change registration table (Form 10 GOST 21.101) is not fulfilled.

10.5 The release of questionnaires is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings of the main set of grade OB.



Terms used in this standard

A.1 The terms used in this standard and their definitions are given in table.

Table A.1



Document on which the definition is based

Specification of equipment, products and materials

Text design document defining the composition of equipment, products and materials intended for acquisition, preparation and implementation of construction

GOST 21.110

Sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product

A document defining the initial design of a non-standard product, containing a simplified image, basic parameters and technical requirements for the product in the amount of initial data (tasks) necessary for the development of design documentation

GOST 21.114

Group sketch drawing

GOST 21.114



An example of a layout plan for system installations

B.1 An example of the layout of system installations is shown in the figure.

Figure B.1



Examples of plans and sections of system drawings

B.1 Examples of plans for drawing systems are shown in the figures

GOST 602-2003

Group Zh01


System of design documents for construction



System of design documents for construction.

Rules for execution of working documentation of heating,

ventilation and air conditioning

OKS 01.100.30

OKSTU 0021

Date of introduction 2003-06-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design, Design and Research Institute "SantehNIIproekt" (FSUE SantekhNIIproekt) and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Methodology, Standardization and Standardization in Construction" (FSUE CNS)

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on October 18, 2002.

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan


Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Komarchstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Gosstroy of Ukraine

3 INSTEAD GOST 21.602-79

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on June 1, 2003 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 20, 2003 N 39

A typo was made by the legal bureau "Kodeks"

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the preparation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes.

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings

GOST 2.782-96 ESKD. Conventional graphic designations. Hydraulic and pneumatic machines

GOST 2.785-70 ESKD. Conventional graphic designations. Pipeline fittings

GOST 21.101-97 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.112-87 SPDS. Lifting and transport equipment. Conditional images

GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

GOST 21.205-93 SPDS. Symbols for elements of sanitary systems

GOST 21.206-93 SPDS. Pipeline symbols

GOST 21.404-85 SPDS. Automation of technological processes. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the execution of architectural and construction working drawings

GOST 3262-75 Steel water and gas pipes. Specifications

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:

3.1 system: A set of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), devices, products, pipelines and (or) air ducts (for example, supply system P1, exhaust system B1, heating system 1, heat supply system for installations P1-P3).

3.2 systems drawing: A drawing defining the relative location of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), pipelines and (or) air ducts and other parts of the systems being designed.

3.3 installation: Conventional name of a complex of interconnected equipment and (or) devices, and, if necessary, pipelines (air ducts) connected to the system installation equipment (for example, installation of the supply system P1, installation of the exhaust system B1).

3.4 installation drawing: A drawing containing a simplified image of installations, defining their design, dimensions, relative position and designation of installation elements and other necessary data.

3.5 The terms used in this standard according to GOST 21.110 and GOST 21.114 are given in Appendix A.

4 General provisions

4.1 Working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 21.101 and other interrelated standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS).

4.2 The working documentation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as systems) includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (basic set of working drawings of the OV brand);

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, structures, devices, mounting blocks (hereinafter referred to as sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products);

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings*;


Local estimate*.


* Perform if necessary

4.3 The main set of working drawings of the OB brand includes:

General data on working drawings;

Drawings (plans, sections and diagrams) of systems;

Drawings (plans and sections) of system installations.

The main set of working drawings of the OV brand may also include working drawings of heating points with a coolant input diameter of up to 150 mm.

4.4 Each system is assigned a designation consisting of a brand (Table 1) and a serial number of the system within the brand.

Table 1

Name of systems and system installations


With mechanical urge:

supply systems, system installations

exhaust systems, system installations

air curtains

heating units

With natural urge:

supply systems


exhaust systems


Example - P1, P2.

System installations are assigned the same designations as the systems they are part of.

4.5 Elements of heating systems are assigned designations consisting of a brand (Table 2) and the serial number of the element within the brand.

table 2

Example - St1, St2.

It is allowed to index the risers of heating systems in capital letters within the designation of the riser.

Example - St2A, St2B.

4.6 Hatches for measuring air parameters are marked with the brand “LP”, hatches for cleaning air ducts with the brand “LV”.

4.7 Pipelines and their elements in the drawings are indicated by conventional graphic symbols and (or) simplified images in accordance with GOST 21.206. When constructing pipelines in a simplified manner, as a rule, the general designations provided for by GOST 21.206 are used (Table 1, paragraphs 6a and 7a).

Graphic designations of individual pipeline elements (an isolated section of a pipeline, a pipeline in a pipe (case), a pipeline in a gland, a water seal, a compensator, a shock-absorbing insert, a resistance point in the pipeline (throttle washer), a pipeline support (suspension)) are taken according to Table 6 of GOST 21.205.

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines are accepted according to table 8 of GOST 21.205.

4.8 Graphic designations of elements of general use (filter, heater, cooler, heat exchanger, air dryer, air humidifier, condensate drain, selection device) are adopted according to Table 1 of GOST 21.205.

Graphic designations of heating system elements (smooth heating pipe, smooth pipe register, ribbed heating pipe, ribbed pipe register, heating convector, heating radiator, ceiling heating device, air heating unit, mud pan) are accepted according to Table 3 of GOST 21.205.

Graphic designations of elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems (air duct, hole (grid) for air intake (exhaust), air distributor, local exhaust (suction, shelter), deflector, umbrella, damper (valve), damper, check valve, fire-retarding valve, hatch for measurements of air parameters and (or) cleaning of air ducts, ventilation shaft passage unit, supply ventilation chamber (air conditioner), noise muffler, underground duct) are taken according to Table 3 of GOST 21.205.

Graphic designations for the direction of flow of liquid, air and drive elements are taken according to table 4 of GOST 21.205, tanks, pumps and fans - according to table 5 of GOST 21.205, pipeline fittings - according to table 7 of GOST 21.205.

Instead of the graphic designation of an axial fan given in Table 5, paragraph 6b of GOST 21.205, the designation according to Table 3* should be adopted.


* Designation adopted according to GOST 2.782.

Table 3

Examples of images of an axial fan on a diagram made in an axonometric projection are shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1

4.9 Conventional graphic images of the main lifting and transport equipment are taken in accordance with GOST 21.112 and are made to the scale of the drawing.

Lifting and transport equipment, the conventional graphic images of which are not given in the specified standard, are depicted in a simplified manner by analogy, taking into account the design features of the specific equipment.

4.10 When depicting a pipeline in a drawing (diagram), alphanumeric designations are indicated on the shelves of leader lines in accordance with Figure 2a and (or) in breaks in pipeline lines in accordance with Figure 2b.

Figure 2

4.11 When indicating the diameter size, the sign “ ” should be written before the size number. The designation of the diameter of the pipeline or air duct is applied on the shelf of the leader line in accordance with Figure 3a.

In the case when the alphanumeric designation of the pipeline according to 4.10 is applied on the leader line shelf, the diameter of the pipeline is indicated under the leader line shelf in accordance with Figure 3b, c.

Figure 3

For pipelines made of steel water and gas pipes (GOST 3262), the nominal diameter and wall thickness are indicated. For pipelines made of electric-welded steel pipes, the outer diameter and wall thickness are indicated. For pipelines made from other pipes, similar information is indicated in accordance with the requirements of pipe standards (range, technical specifications).

In the designation of the cross-section of rectangular air ducts marked on the plan of system drawings and located in a horizontal plane, the first number indicates its width, the second - its height.

4.12 Examples of constructing conventional graphic symbols of system elements are given in Appendix A of GOST 21.205.

Examples of constructing symbols and simplified graphic images of system elements in diagrams performed in axonometric projections are given in Appendix B of GOST 21.205.

4.13 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines should be adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404.

An example of a basic flow diagram of a ventilation system indicating devices, automation equipment and communication lines is given in Appendix B of GOST 21.205.

The letter designations of measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices indicated in the diagram and table (Appendix B GOST 21.205) are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404.

Examples of letter designations of measured quantities (GOST 21.404) are given in Table 4.

Table 4

Examples of letter designations of functional characteristics of devices (GOST 21.404) are given in Table 5.

Table 5

Table 6

Image name


1 Layout diagram of system installations

1:400; 1:800

2 Plans and sections of system drawings

1:50; 1:100; 1:200

3 Diagrams of systems in axonometric projection

1:50; 1:100; 1:200

4 Plans and sections of system installation drawings

1:50; 1:100

5 Fragments of plans and sections of system drawings

1:50; 1:100

6 Nodes of plans and sections of system drawings

1:20; 1:50

7 Nodes of plans and sections of system installation drawings


8 Nodes in detail

1:2; 1:5; 1:10

9 Nodes of system diagrams in axonometric projection

1:10; 1:20; 1:50

10 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50; 1:100

4.15 If an image (for example, a plan of drawings of ventilation systems) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets (GOST 21.101).

4.16 When performing working documentation for heating and ventilation systems, you should also be guided by the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD), given in Appendix 3 of GOST 21.101, which complement and do not contradict the SPDS standards and this standard.

If necessary, use separate symbols established by ESKD standards (classification group 7), if these symbols are not provided for by GOST 21.205 (for example, the designation of an automatic air valve (plunger) according to GOST 2.785, the designation of a pump based on functional characteristics, according to GOST 2.782).

4.17 On drawings and diagrams, in front of the dimensional number that determines the magnitude of the slope, a “ ” sign is applied, the acute angle of which must be directed towards the slope. The slope value is indicated as a decimal fraction accurate to the third digit.

The slope designation is applied directly above the contour line (Figure 4a) or on the shelf of the leader line (Figure 4b).

Figure 4

4.18 The list of permitted word abbreviations is given in GOST 2.316 and GOST 21.101.

4.19 On sections (sections) of drawings of systems (installations) and diagrams made in axonometric projection, marks (GOST 21.101) are indicated on extension lines (Figure 5a) and (or) contour lines in accordance with Figure 5b.

On plans of drawings of systems (installations), marks are indicated in a rectangle in accordance with Figure 5c.

Figure 5

5 General information on working drawings

5.1 The general data on working drawings (GOST 21.101) of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems include:

a) list of working drawings of the main set;

b) list of reference and attached documents;

c) list of main sets of working drawings;

d) symbols;

e) general instructions;

f) layout diagram of system installations;

g) characteristics of systems;

i) main indicators according to the working drawings of the OV brand.

5.2 The list of working drawings of the main set (5.1, item a) is compiled according to Form 1 GOST 21.101.

5.3 The list of reference and attached documents (5.1, listing b) is compiled according to Form 2 GOST 21.101.

5.4 The list of main sets of working drawings (5.1, listing c) is compiled according to Form 2 GOST 21.101 if there are several main sets of working drawings of the OV brand and is shown on the general data sheet for each of these sets.

5.5 On the sheet of general data for working drawings, symbols are given (5.1, listing d), not established by state standards, the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings of the OB brand.

5.6 The general instructions (5.1, item d) provide:

Basis for the development of working drawings of the OB brand (design assignment, approved feasibility study (project) of construction, approved (approved) justification for investments in construction for technically simple objects);

A record of the results of testing for patentability and patent purity of processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and products used for the first time or developed in the project, as well as the numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for inventions used in the working documentation;

A record that the working drawings have been developed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and standards;

Information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

Calculated parameters of external and internal air;

Data about the coolant, refrigerant (name, flow, parameters);

Requirements for manufacturing, installation, testing, anti-corrosion protection, thermal and fire insulation, fire-retardant coating of air ducts and pipelines, as well as the composition of insulating structures;

Special requirements for installations (explosion safety, acid resistance and others);

List of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up inspection reports for hidden work.

In general instructions, you should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings of the OB brand, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

5.7 On the layout diagram of system installations (5.1, item e) the following is indicated:

Outline of the building (structure);

Coordination axes of the building (structure) and general dimensions between the extreme coordination axes;

System installations;

Coolant input;

Thermal point.

System installations on the plan diagram are depicted by dots with a diameter of 1-2 mm, indicating the installation designation on the leader line on the shelf and the number of the sheet on which the installation drawing is shown under the shelf.

The name of the plan diagram for the placement of system installations is indicated in the abbreviated form “Plan diagram”.

An example of a layout plan for system installations is given in Appendix B.

5.8 Characteristics of systems (5.1, listing g) are performed in the form of a table in Form 1.

Characteristics of systems

Form 1

Continuation of Form 1

Continuation of Form 1

End of Form 1

If there are no certain types of equipment in the systems, the corresponding columns are excluded from the table.

If the table is divided into parts, then at the beginning of each subsequent part the column “System designation” is placed.

In standard projects, the characteristics of air heaters and, if necessary, other equipment are indicated for the design outdoor air temperatures adopted by the project.

5.9 The main indicators for the working drawings of grade OB (5.1, enumeration and) are performed in the form of a table in Form 2. If necessary, additional columns are included in the table (for example, specific heat consumption).

Main indicators according to the working drawings of the OV brand

Form 2

6 System drawings

6.1 Plans and sections of system drawings

6.1.1 Images - plans and sections, fragments of plans and sections and nodes (details) on system drawings are made on a scale according to 4.14.

6.1.2 Plans for drawings of heating systems (heat supply to installations) may be combined with plans for drawings of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Sections of drawings of heating systems, as a rule, should be combined with sections of drawings of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

6.1.3 Deflectors, roof fans and other system elements located on the roof of a building are usually marked with a thick dash-dotted line (superimposed projection) on the plan drawings of the systems of a single-story building or the top floor of a multi-story building. In this case, complex ventilation installations (for example, air conditioners, supply and (or) exhaust units) located on the roof of the building should be carried out on a separate roof plan. An example of an image of a deflector (BE1 system) located on the roof of a building, on the plan drawings of the systems of a one-story building, is shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6

6.1.4 In case of a complex multi-tiered arrangement of air ducts and other elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems on one floor, plans are made at different levels within the floor to illustrate their relationships.

6.1.5 Pipelines, made with conventional graphic symbols (in one line) according to GOST 21.206 and located one above the other in the same plane (Figure 7a), are conventionally depicted on the system drawing plans as parallel lines in accordance with Figure 7b.

Figure 7

6.1.6 Elements of heating and heat supply systems of installations, except equipment, are indicated on plans and sections of drawings of systems with conventional graphic symbols; elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment of heating and heat supply systems of installations (for example, heating units, pumps) - in the form of simplified graphic images.

6.1.7 On fragments of plans, sections and assemblies (remote elements), pipelines, fittings and other devices are depicted in simplified or conventional graphic symbols, depending on the scale of the drawing and the diameter of the pipeline. Pipelines with diameters of 2 mm or more in the drawing are depicted in a simplified manner with two lines. When a pipeline is made in a simplified manner with two lines, the fittings and other devices are also depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their overall dimensions (Figure 8).


Figure 8

On fragments of plans, sections and nodes (extension elements), the intersection of pipelines without a connection, as well as pipelines located above each other in the same plane and made with conventional graphic symbols (in one line), are depicted in accordance with Figure 9.


Figure 9

6.1.8 On plans and sections of drawings of systems, the following is applied and indicated:

Coordination axes of a building (structure) and the distances between them (for residential buildings - the distances between the axes of sections);

Building structures, technological equipment with local suction, as well as border (adjacent) other utilities and equipment that affect the laying of pipelines (air ducts) systems;

Markings of clean floors of floors and main areas;

Dimensional references of system installations, air ducts, main pipelines, process equipment, fixed supports and compensators to the coordination axes or structural elements of the building (structure);

Designations of systems (system installations);

Diameters (sections) of air ducts and pipelines;

The number of radiator sections, the number and length of finned pipes, the number of pipes in the register and the length of the register of smooth pipes or register designation, as well as designation (type) for other heating devices;

Designations of risers, compensators, horizontal branches of heating systems.

In addition, the plans indicate the names of premises (types of premises - for residential buildings) and categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard (in a rectangle measuring 5x8 mm), and on the sections - level marks of the axes of pipelines and round air ducts, the bottom of rectangular air ducts, support designs of system installations, tops of exhaust air ducts of exhaust systems.

It is allowed to list the names of premises and categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazards in the explication of premises in Form 2 GOST 21.501.

Examples of plans and sections of system drawings are given in Appendix B.

6.1.9 In standard projects (standard design solutions) of buildings and structures for two or more design temperatures of outside air and (or) for two or more floors, the floor number, design temperature of outside air, data on heating devices indicated on the plans are given in the table (Figure 10).

Figure 10

If there are several tables in the drawing, it is allowed to give the name of the column only on one of them (Figure 11).

Figure 11

In standard projects (standard design solutions) of buildings and structures for two or more design temperatures of outside air, the diameters of pipelines, if necessary, are indicated in the table.

If there are several tables in the drawing, it is allowed to give the name of the column only on one of them, as well as exclude individual columns of repeating indicators (Figure 12).

Figure 12

6.1.10 On the sheet of plans for system drawings, a table of local suction from process equipment, made according to form 3, is placed. It is allowed to provide a table of local suction on separate sheets.

Local suction from process equipment

Form 3

End of Form 3

6.1.11 On plans, sections and their fragments, equipment, installations, air ducts, pipelines and other elements of systems are depicted with a thick main line.

Building structures and technological equipment, as well as border (adjacent) other engineering communications that affect the laying of pipelines (air ducts) systems (6.1.8), are depicted in plans, sections and their fragments in a simplified way with a thin line.

6.1.12 In the names of plans of system drawings, indicate the mark of the finished floor of the floor or the floor number.

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000; Plan at elevation +3,600; 4th floor plan.

The names of sections of system drawings indicate the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.

Example - Section 1-1.

When two or more plans are executed at different levels within a floor, the names of the plans indicate the designation of the horizontal section plane of the systems.

Example - Plan 3-3.

When executing a part of a plan, the name indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan.

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000 between axes 1-8 and A-D.

6.2 System diagrams

6.2.1 System diagrams and components (extension elements) of diagrams are performed in an axonometric frontal isometric projection on a scale according to 4.14. For small buildings, the scale of system diagrams is 1:50.

6.2.2 On diagrams, system elements are usually indicated by conventional graphic symbols. If necessary, individual elements of the system on the diagram, performed in an axonometric projection, are depicted in a simplified form in the form of contour outlines (GOST 21.205, Appendix B).

6.2.3 If the air ducts and pipelines are long and/or complex, it is allowed to depict them with a break in the form of a dotted line. Places of ruptures in air ducts and pipelines are indicated in lowercase letters (Figure 13).

Figure 13

6.2.4 On the diagrams of heating systems (heat supply of installations) indicate:

Pipelines and their diameters;

Graphic designation of isolated sections of the pipeline (if necessary);

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines;

Level marks for pipeline axes;

Pipeline slopes;

Dimensions of horizontal sections of pipelines (if there are breaks);

Fixed supports, compensators and non-standard fasteners indicating the element designation on the leader line on the shelf and the document designation under the shelf;

Shut-off and control valves indicating on the shelf the leader line of the diameter (type) of the valve and under the shelf - the designation of the valve according to the catalog (document designation);

Risers (horizontal branches) of heating systems and their designations;

Heating appliances;

The number of radiator sections, the number and length of finned pipes, the number of pipes in the register and the length of the register of smooth pipes or register designation, as well as designation (type) for other heating devices. For simple heating systems, information on heating devices is not given in the diagram (for example, in the diagram of a heating system of a building of a simple shape with a single-row (in plan and height) installation of heating devices);

System installation designations;

Embedded structures (selection devices for installing instrumentation) indicating the designation and document. Embedded structures on pipelines and other system elements are indicated by dots with a diameter of 2 mm;

Instrumentation (if necessary) and other system elements. In this case, the letter designations of the measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices (4.13) are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.404.

Pipelines and other elements of heating systems (heat supply to installations) are depicted in the diagrams with a thick main line.

Examples of circuit diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations are given in Appendix D.

6.2.5 For residential buildings, it is allowed to carry out heating system diagrams only for the underground part of the building. For the above-ground part of the building, diagrams of risers and, if necessary, wiring diagrams in the attic are made. When performing riser diagrams, the rules for executing the specified diagrams should be given on the diagram sheets.

6.2.6 On the sheet showing diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations, as a rule, the following is given:

Diagrams of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations;

Table of compensator sizes, made according to form 4;

Units (remote elements) of heating systems and heat supply systems.

Dimensions of compensators, mm

Form 4

In the names of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations, the unit number is indicated.

Example - Control Node 1; Control node 2.

An example of the implementation of diagrams of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations is given in Appendix D.

On control units for heating and heat supply systems, as well as on units (remote elements) of system diagrams for shut-off and control valves, the diameter (type) of the valve is indicated on the leader line shelf and under the shelf - the designation of the valve according to the catalog (document designation). Similar information is provided on the nodes for other elements of the system.

If necessary, a specification in accordance with Form 7 GOST 21.101 or drawings (plans, sections, diagram and specification) of the system control unit should be added to the diagram of the control unit for heating and heat supply systems.

An example of a diagram of a node (extension element) of the system is given in Appendix D.





Official publication

Rtmnform 2016 stand

GOST 21.602-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Joint Stock Company "Center for Technical and Estimated Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated November 22, 2016 No. 93-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 25, 2016 No. 1802-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.602-2016 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2017.

5 83AMEN GOST 21.602-2003

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted on the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

©Standardinform. 2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 21.602-2016

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....1

3 Terms and definitions................................................... ..2

4 General provisions................................................... .....2

5 General data on working drawings...................................................4

6 Drawings and diagrams of systems.................................................... ...7

6.1 Plans and sections of systems.................................................... .7

6.2 System diagrams................................................................. .....eleven

7 System installation drawings.................................................... 13

8 Sketch drawings of general types of non-tile products....................................15

9 Specification of equipment, products and materials....................................15

10 Questionnaires and dimensional drawings...............................................16

Appendix A (for reference) Example of a layout plan for system installations.....16

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of implementation of plans and sections of systems..................................19

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of circuit diagrams for heating systems and heat supply installations.................................................... ................22

Appendix D (for reference) Examples of ventilation system diagrams................................25

Appendix E (for reference) Examples of drawings of system installations.................................27

Appendix E (for reference) An example of a sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product. 28

GOST 21.602-2016


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of heating, ventilation and air conditioning working documentation

Date of introduction - 2017-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the preparation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.317-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Axonometric projections

GOST 21.001 -2013 System of design documentation for construction. General provisions

GOST 21.101-97* System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Hardware Specification. products and materials

GOST 21.112-87 System of design documentation for construction. Lifting and transport equipment. Conditional images

GOST 21.114-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

GOST 21.205-2016 System of design documentation for construction. Symbols for elements of pipeline systems of buildings and structures

GOST 21.206-2012 System of design documentation for construction. Pipeline symbols

GOST 21.208-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Automation of technological processes. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

GOST 21.501-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation of architectural and structural solutions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If a reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part not affecting that reference.

* GOST R 21.1101-2013 is in force in the Russian Federation.

Official publication

GOST 21.602-2016

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST 21.001. GOST 21.110. GOST 21.114. as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 system: A set of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units). devices, products, pipelines and (or) air ducts.

3.2 ventilation and air conditioning system: The engineering system of a building that ensures the technological process of maintaining a given air exchange and (or) microclimate in the premises.

3.3 heating system: An engineering system of a building that provides artificial heating of premises in order to compensate for heat losses in them and maintain the required temperature regime at a given level.

3.4 systems drawing: A drawing defining the relative location of functionally interconnected equipment, installations (units), pipelines and (or) air ducts and other parts of the designed systems.

3.5 installation: Conventional name of a complex of interconnected equipment and (or) devices and. if necessary, pipelines (air ducts) connected to the system installation equipment.

3.6 installation drawing: A drawing containing a simplified image of the installations, defining their design, dimensions, relative position and designation of installation elements and other necessary data.

4 General provisions

4.1 Working documentation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard. GOST 21.101 and other interrelated standards of the System of Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS).

4.2 The working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as the systems) includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (hereinafter referred to as the main set of working drawings of the OV brand):

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, structures, devices, mounting blocks (hereinafter referred to as sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products);

Specification of equipment, products and materials:

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings (if necessary);

Local estimate (if necessary).

4.3 The main set of working drawings of the OB brand includes:

General data on working drawings:

Drawings (plans and sections) of systems;

System diagrams;

Drawings (plans and sections) and system installation diagrams.

The main set of working drawings of the OB brand may include:

Rectangular isometric projections of systems obtained by visualizing an electronic model of a building (structure);

Working drawings of built-in heating units with a coolant input diameter of up to 150 mm.

4.4 Working drawings of the system for cleaning dust-air mixtures and dust removal may be carried out in the form of a separate main set of working drawings of the PU brand (dust removal).

4.5 Systems and installations of ventilation, air conditioning and air-heating systems are assigned a designation consisting of a brand accepted according to Table 1 and the serial number of the system (installation) within the brand.

Table 1

GOST 21.602-2016

End of TVBPIYY 1

System name (system installation)

Air (air-thermal) curtain

Heating unit (air heater)

Air conditioning system*

Supply smoke ventilation system*

Exhaust smoke ventilation system*

Dust removal system*

With natural urge:

Supply ventilation system

Exhaust ventilation system

Supply smoke ventilation system

Smoke ventilation system

* System installations are assigned the same designations as the systems they are part of.

Priter - P1.V1. BE1, K1

4.6 System elements are assigned designations consisting of the brand accepted according to Table 2 and the serial number of the element within the brand.

table 2

Priter-St1. Cm2, LP1. LV1.01

It is allowed to index the risers of heating systems in capital letters within the designation of the riser.

Priter - St2A. St2B

If necessary, system elements not included in Table 2 are assigned designations consisting of the system designations in 4.5 and, through a hyphen, the serial number of the element within the system.

Priter - KZ-1. KZ-2

4.7 Pipelines and their elements are indicated in the drawings by conventional graphic symbols and/or simplified images in accordance with GOST 21.206. Pipelines in the diagrams are indicated by conventional graphic symbols.

4.8 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines are accepted in accordance with GOST 21.205 and indicated on drawings and diagrams in accordance with GOST 21.206. An example of applying alphanumeric designations is shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1

GOST 21.602-2016

4.9 The diameter of the pipeline or air duct and the cross-sectional dimensions of the rectangular air duct are marked on the leader pin shelf.

In the case when the alphanumeric designation of a pipeline or system is applied on the shelf of the leader line, it is allowed to indicate the diameter of the pipeline or the diameter (sectional dimensions) of the air duct under the shelf of the leader line (see Figures 2e. 2d).

When indicating the nominal diameter (nominal diameter) of fittings in drawings and diagrams, the symbol “DN” is given before the size number.

When indicating the nominal diameter of pipelines, air ducts and their elements in drawings and diagrams, the sign “0” is given before the dimensional number in accordance with Figure 2a or the symbol “DN” in accordance with Figure 26. When indicating the outer diameter and wall thickness, the sign is given before the dimensional number sign “0” (see Figure 2f).


Figure 2

When specifying the cross-sectional dimensions of rectangular air ducts marked on system plans and located in a horizontal plane, first give the width of the air duct and, after the “x” sign, its height.

4.10 Symbols of graphic symbols for equipment, fittings, and other elements of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.11 Conventional graphic images of the main lifting and transfer equipment are accepted in accordance with GOST 21.112 and are carried out to the scale of the drawing. Lifting and transport equipment, the conventional graphic images of which are not given in the specified standard, are depicted in a simplified manner by analogy, taking into account the design features of the specific equipment.

4.12 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines, letter designations of measured quantities and functional characteristics of devices are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.208.

Table 3

4.14 Designations of slopes on sections and diagrams are applied in accordance with GOST 21.101. in this case, the numerical value of the slope is indicated in the form of a decimal fraction accurate to the third decimal place.

5 General information on working drawings

5.1 Includes general data on working drawings of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in addition to the information provided by GOST 21.101. include:

GOST 21.602-2016

Layout diagram of system installations;

Characteristics of systems;

Main indicators of air conditioning systems.

5.2 List of specifications provided for by GOST 21.101. OB grades are not included as part of general data on working drawings.

5.3 On the layout plan of the system installations the following is indicated:

Outline of the building (structure);

Coordination axes of the building (structure) and general dimensions between the extreme coordination axes;

System installations;

Heating point:

Coolant input.

System installations and a heating point on the plan diagram are depicted by dots with a diameter of 1-2 mm, with a leader line indicating the installation designation on the shelf and in parentheses - the number of the sheet on which the installation drawing is shown.-

The name of the plan diagram for the placement of system installations is indicated in the abbreviation “Plan Diagram”.

An example of the layout of system installations is shown in Figure A. 1 (Appendix A).

5.4 Characteristics of systems are performed in the form of a table in Form 1.

Form 1 - Characteristics of systems








/explosion protection addition



Continuation of Form 1

Air heater


Heating temperature, °C

Air consumption, m*A"

Heating temperature, °C

Heat consumption, W


warmth. W

End of Form 1

air cooler





Cooling temperature, °C

Cold consumption, 8t

Electric motor

GOST 21.602-2016

GOST 21.602-2016

If there are no certain types of equipment in the systems, the corresponding columns are excluded from the table.

If the table is divided into parts, then at the beginning of each subsequent part the column “System designation” is placed.

8 standard projects, characteristics of air heaters and. if necessary, other equipment is indicated for the accepted design temperatures of the outside air.

5.5 The main indicators of heating systems are given in the form of a table in Form 2. If necessary, additional columns are included in the table (for example, specific heat consumption).

Form 2 - Main indicators of air conditioning systems

5.6 In general instructions in addition to information. specified in GOST 21.101. lead:

Design parameters of external and internal air:

Data about the coolant, refrigerant (name, flow, parameters);

Requirements for manufacturing, installation, testing, anti-corrosion protection, thermal and fire insulation, fire-retardant coating of air ducts and pipelines, as well as the composition of insulating structures;

Special requirements for installations (water safety, acid resistance, etc.).

8 general instructions should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings of the OB brand. and provide a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

6 Drawings and diagrams of systems

6.1 Plans and sections of systems

6.1.1 Images - plans, sections and detailed elements (fragments and nodes of plans and sections) on system drawings are made to the scales according to Table 3.

6.1.2 Plans for heating systems (heat supply to installations) may be combined with plans for ventilation and air conditioning systems. Sections of heating systems are usually combined with sections of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

6.1.3 On plans and their fragments, equipment, installations, air ducts, pipelines and other elements of systems are depicted with a thick main line.

Building structures and technological equipment, as well as border (adjacent) utilities that affect the laying of pipelines (air ducts) of systems, are depicted in plans, sections and their fragments in a simplified way with a thin line.

6.1.4 Deflectors, roof fans and other system elements located on the roof of a building are usually marked with a thick dash-dotted line (superimposed projection) on the systems plan of a single-story building or the top floor of a multi-story building (Figure 3). In this case, complex ventilation installations (for example, air conditioners, supply and/or exhaust units) located on the roof of the building should be carried out on a separate roof plan.

GOST 21.602-2016

6.1.5 In case of a complex multi-tiered arrangement of air ducts and other elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems within one floor, plans are made at different levels of this floor to illustrate their relationships.

6.1.6 Pipelines, made with conventional graphic symbols (in one line) and located above each other in the same plane (Figure 4a), are conventionally depicted on system plans as parallel lines in accordance with Figure 46.

Figure 4

6.1.7 Elements of heating and heat supply systems of installations, except equipment, are indicated on plans and sections of drawings of systems with conventional graphic symbols; elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment of heating and heat supply systems of installations (for example, heating units, pumps) - in the form of simplified graphic images.

6.1.8 On fragments and nodes of plans, sections, pipelines, fittings and other devices are depicted in simplified or conventional graphic symbols, depending on the scale of the drawing and the diameter of the pipeline. Pipelines with diameters of 2 mm or more in the drawing are depicted in a simplified manner with two lines. When a pipeline is made in a simplified manner with two lines, the fittings and other devices are depicted in the same simplified manner, taking into account their overall dimensions and location in space.

6.1.9 On plans and sections of systems the following is applied and indicated:

a) coordination axes of the building (structure) and the distances between them (for residential buildings - the distances between the axes of sections);

b) building structures, technological equipment with internal pumps, as well as border (adjacent) utilities and equipment that affect the laying of pipelines (air ducts) systems are depicted in plans, sections and their fragments in a simplified way with a thin line;

c) marks of clean hollow floors and main areas:

GOST 21.602-2016

d) dimensional references of system installations, air ducts, main pipelines, process equipment, fixed supports and compensators to the coordination axes or structural elements of the building (structure);

e) designations of systems (system installations);

f) alphanumeric designations of pipelines:

g) diameters (sections) of air ducts and pipelines;

i) designations of risers, compensators, horizontal branches of heating systems:

j) heating appliances indicating on the shelves the number of radiator sections, the number and length of finned pipes, the number of pipes in the register and the length of the register of smooth pipes or register designation (for other heating appliances indicate similar information). When installing an automatic thermostat on a heating device under a leader line shelf, it is allowed to indicate the calculated value on the setting scale (Figure 5).

Figure 5

On the plans, in addition, the names of the premises are indicated and under them in a rectangle - the categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard, and on the sections - the level marks of the axes of pipelines and round air ducts, the bottom of rectangular air ducts, the supporting structures of system installations, the top of exhaust air ducts of exhaust systems. For residential buildings, the names of premises and categories of premises in terms of explosion and fire hazards are not indicated.

It is allowed to list the names of premises and categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazards in the explication of premises in the form 2 of GOST 21.501. In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated on the plans. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out.

6.1.10 In standard projects (standard design solutions) of buildings and structures for two or more design temperatures of outside air and (or) for two or more floors, the floor number, design temperature of outside air, data on heating devices indicated on the plans are given in tables (Figure 6). The tables are placed outside the outline of the plan opposite the images of heating devices.

a - for one floor. 6 - for two or more floors Figure in

If there are several tables in the drawing, it is allowed to give the names of the columns only on one of them (Figure 7).

GOST 21.602-2016

Figure 7

In standard projects (standard design solutions) of buildings and structures for two or more design temperatures of outside air, the diameters of pipelines and the corresponding design temperatures of outside air are indicated on the shelves with leader lines (Figure 8).

Figure 8

6.1.11 On the sheet with plans for ventilation systems, place a table of local suction from process equipment in Form 3. It is allowed to provide a table of local suction on separate sheets.

Form 3 - Local suction from process equipment

End of Form 3

6.1.12 8 names of system plans indicate the level of the finished floor of the floor, the floor number or the designation of the cutting plane.

GOST 21.602-2016

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000; Plan at elevation *3,000; Plan of the 4th floor.

8 names of system sections indicate the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.

Example - Section 1-1

When executing part of a plan, the axes are indicated in the name. limiting this part of the plan.

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000 between axes 1-8 and A-D

When plans for heating systems and plans for ventilation and air conditioning systems are carried out separately, the designations or names of the systems are also indicated in the names of the plans.

Example - Heating system. Plan at elevation 0.000

Examples of the implementation of plans and sections of systems are shown in Figures B.1-B.Z (Appendix B).

6.2 System diagrams

6.2.1 System diagrams and circuit components are made in an axonometric oblique frontal isometric projection on the scales according to Table 3. It is allowed to make diagrams in a rectangular isometric projection in accordance with GOST 2.317.

6.2.2 On diagrams, system elements are usually indicated by conventional graphic symbols. If necessary, individual elements of the system on the diagram, performed in an axonometric projection, are depicted in a simplified form in the form of contour outlines.

Pipelines, air ducts and other system elements are depicted in diagrams with a thick main line.

6.2.3 If the air ducts and pipelines are long and/or complex, it is allowed to depict them with a break in the form of a dotted line. Places of ruptures in air ducts and pipelines are indicated in lowercase letters (Figure 9).

Figure 9

6.2.4 On the diagrams of heating systems (heat supply of installations) the following is applied and indicated:

a) pipelines and their diameters.

b) graphic designation of isolated sections of the pipeline (if necessary);

c) alphanumeric designations of pipelines;

d) level marks of pipeline axes;

e) pipeline slopes;

c) dimensions of horizontal sections of pipelines (if there are breaks);

g) fixed supports. compensators and non-standard fastenings by indicating the element designation on the leader line on the shelf and the document designation under the shelf*;

i) pressure control valves by indicating on the shelf a leader line of the diameter (type) of the valve and under the shelf - the designation of the valve according to the catalog (document designation);

j) risers (horizontal branches) of heating systems and their designations;

k) heating devices and information about them in accordance with listing j) 6.1.9. For simple heating systems, information about the heating devices is not given in the diagram [for example, in the diagram of the heating system of a building of a simple shape with a single-row (in plan and height) installation of heating devices];

l) designations of system installations (on diagrams of heat supply systems of installations);

m) embedded structures (selection devices for installation of control and measuring instruments) indicating the designation of the structure and the document. Embedded structures on pipelines and other system elements are indicated by dots with a diameter of 2 mm;

n) instrumentation (if necessary) and other elements of the system in accordance with 4.12.

* If there are several elements in the diagram with the same designation, it is allowed to indicate the document designation for only one of them.

GOST 21.602-2016

6.2.5 In the name of the heating system diagram for two or more systems in a building, indicate the system number. In the main inscription the names of the scheme are indicated in full.

Example - Heating system diagram 1.

The designation of the installations is indicated in the name of the heat supply system diagram of the installations. In the main inscription, the names of the diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations are indicated in full.

Example - Diagram of the heat supply system for installations A1. A2. U1. U2.

Above the diagrams, the names of the diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations are indicated in abbreviated form.

1 Heating system 1.

2 Heat supply system for AT installations. A2. U1, U2.

Examples of a heating system diagram and a heat supply diagram for installations are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

6.2.6 It is allowed to provide detailed design diagrams of the systems instead of axonometric diagrams of the heating system.

For residential buildings, it is allowed to carry out heating system diagrams only for the underground part or technical floor of the building. For the above-ground part of the building, diagrams of risers and if necessary, a wiring diagram for the attic.

6.2.7 On a sheet showing diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations, as a rule. lead:

* diagrams of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations. In the names of control units for heating systems and heat supply installations, the unit number is indicated.

Support unit 1.

Control unit 2;

Table of compensator sizes according to form 4;

Form 4 - Dimensions of expansion joints

Units of circuit diagrams of heating systems and heat supply installations.

On the diagrams of control units for heating and heat supply systems of installations, as well as on the nodes of diagrams of heating and heat supply systems of installations for the hall control valves, indicate on the shelf the leader lines the diameter (type) of the fittings and under the shelf - the designation of the fittings according to the catalog (document designation).-

If necessary, a specification in form 7 GOST 21.101 is applied to the diagram of the control unit for heating systems and heat supply of installations.

Examples of the implementation of the circuit diagram for control systems of heating and heat supply systems and the circuit diagram for heating and heat supply systems for installations are shown in Figures B.3 and B.4, respectively (Appendix 8).

6.2.8 On the diagrams of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the following is applied and indicated:

Air ducts, their diameters (sections) and the amount of passing air ((.), in cubic meters per hour (Figure 10):

Heat-coolant or refrigerant pipelines and their diameters (if necessary):

GOST 21.602-2016

Equipment systems and installations:

Contours of technological equipment with local suction (in difficult cases);

Graphic designation of isolated sections of air ducts, pipelines (if necessary);

Graphic designation of air duct sections with protective coating;

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines;

Level marks for the axes of round and bottom rectangular air ducts, axes of pipelines;

Hatches for measuring air parameters and cleaning air ducts with indication on the shelf of the leader line of the hatch designation (see 4.6) and under the shelf - document designation* (Figure 11);

No. 1 "A1K14v 000-04

Figure 10 Figure 11

Local suctions indicating their name and designation on the shelf, leader lines and document designation* - under the shelf. Under the conventional graphic designation of local suction from process equipment, indicate the position number according to the table of local suction from process equipment (see 6.1.11). For built-in local suction units supplied complete with technological equipment, the designation of the local suction unit and the designation of the document are not indicated;

Regulating devices, air distributors, fastenings (supports) and other elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems by indicating on the shelf a leader line designating the system element and under the shelf - document designation*. At the same time, for non-standard products on the shelf, leader lines indicate the name and alphanumeric designation of the product (8.4) and under the shelf - the designation of the sketch drawing;

Embedded structures (selection devices for installation of instrumentation) in accordance with listing n) 6.2.4;

Instrumentation (if necessary) in accordance with C4.12.

6.2.9 In the names of ventilation and air conditioning system diagrams, indicate the designations of the systems. In the title block, the names of the ventilation and air conditioning system circuits are indicated in full.

Example - System diagrams /15. 65. KZ.

Above the diagrams, the names of the ventilation and air conditioning system diagrams are indicated in abbreviations.

Example - /75.65. KZ.

Examples of the implementation of ventilation and air conditioning system diagrams are shown in Figures D.1 and D.2 (Appendix D).

7 System installation drawings

7.1 Drawings of installations of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as installation drawings) are made if there are two or more components (installation elements) in the installation, there is a need to show methods of fastening the installation components to each other or to supporting structures, there is no standard installation drawings or installation manufacturer's drawings. In other cases, installation drawings are not performed.

7.2 Drawings of heating points made as part of the main set of working drawings of the OV brand (see 4.3). are considered as installation drawings. Each heating point is assigned a designation. consisting of the “TP” brand and a serial number within the brand.

Example - TP1. TP2.

7.3 Images (plans, sections and components) on the drawings of installations (heating points) are made to the scales according to Table 3.

* If there are several elements on the diagram with the same designation, it is allowed to indicate the document designation only for one of them.

GOST 21.602-2016

7.4 On plans and sections, elements of installations (heating points) are depicted in a simplified manner. If it is necessary to show methods of fastening the components of an installation or connecting them to each other, the corresponding elements are depicted in detail, as a rule, on the nodes of plans and sections.

7.5 The rules for depicting pipelines, fittings and other devices on plans, sections and units of installations (heating points) are adopted in accordance with 6.1.8.

7.6 On plans, sections and units of installations (heating points) equipment, installation designs. pipelines, fittings and other devices are depicted with a thick main line, building structures - with a thin line.

Air ducts located above the equipment (structures) of the installation are shown on the plans. usually a thickened dash-dotted line (superimposed projection).

7.7 On plans and sections of installations (heating points) the following is applied and indicated:

Coordination axes of the building (structure) and the distances between them;

Markings of clean floors of floors (platforms);

Dimensional references of installations to coordination axes or to structural elements of a building (structure);

Main dimensions and level marks of installation elements;

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines;

Diameters (sections) of air ducts and pipelines:

Position designations of equipment, fittings, embedded structures and other devices.

The plans and sections indicate both the elements of installations (heating points) and construction


7.8 Examples of plans and sections of installations are shown in Figures D.1 and D.2 (Appendix D).

7.9 In addition to plans, sections and components, the drawings of a heating station usually include a schematic diagram of a heating station (hereinafter referred to as the diagram).

7.9.1 The diagram is not drawn to scale; the actual spatial arrangement of equipment and pipelines is taken into account approximately.

Equipment, pipelines, fittings and other devices in the diagram are indicated by conventional graphic symbols. If necessary, the equipment in the diagram is depicted with simplified external outlines. Embedded structures (selection devices for installing control and measuring instruments) are indicated in the diagram by dots with a diameter of 2 mm.

The designed pipelines, fittings and other devices are shown in the diagram as a solid thick main line. Equipment, as well as pipelines, fittings and other devices supplied complete with the equipment or operating, are depicted with a solid thin line.

7.9.2 The following is indicated on the diagram:

Equipment, pipelines, fittings and other devices:

Instrumentation in accordance with 4.12 (if necessary);

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines:

Pipeline diameters;

Position designations of equipment, fittings, embedded structures and other devices;

Direction of flow of the transported medium.

7.9.3 On the sheet showing the circuit diagram, if necessary, the circuit components and textual explanations are given.

7.10 Elements of installations are assigned positional designations, consisting of the designation of the installation according to 4.4 and through the point of the serial number of the element within the installation.

Example - A1.1. P1.2. B5.1. 85.2.

7.11 The elements of a heating point are assigned positional designations, consisting of its designation according to 7.2 and through the point of the serial number of the element within each heating point.

Example - TP1.1. 7771.2. TP2.1. 7772.2.

7.12 On the drawings of installations (heating points), if necessary, technical requirements for their installation are given.

7.13 A specification is drawn up for drawings of installations (heating points) in accordance with Form 7 GOST 21.101. which is placed, as a rule, on a sheet where installation plans are depicted. It is allowed to carry out the specification on separate sheets.

Above the specification placed on the sheet with images of the installations is its name. for example “Specification of installations P1. P2, A1. A2".

GOST 21.602-2016

7.14 8 specifications for the drawings of installations (heating points) include equipment, installation structures, fittings, embedded structures and other devices, as well as pipelines for each diameter.

Pipeline elements (bends, reducers, tees, crosses, flanges, bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets) are not included in the specification.

7.15 8 column “Pos.” indicate the positional designation of equipment, fittings, embedded structures and other devices within the installation.

For pipelines, the column is not filled in.

8 in the “Name” column, for each installation, write down the alphanumeric designation according to 4.5,7.2 in the form of a title and underline it.

7.16 8 specifications elements are written in groups in the following sequence:



Other products:

Embedded structures:

Pipelines for each diameter.

7.17 8 the main inscription before the names of the images indicate the names and alphanumeric designations of the installations according to 4.5 and 7.2.

1 Installations of P1.B1 systems.

2 Heating point TP1.

8 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

8.1 Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products (hereinafter referred to as sketch drawings) are drawn out and designated according to GOST 21.114, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

8.2 Sketch drawings are developed for non-standard products that are not difficult to manufacture (structures, devices, mounting blocks (except for heating and ventilation equipment of individual manufacture), structures for fastening pipelines, air ducts, etc.) in the absence of their mass production, standard documentation, standards or other documents for these products.

8.3 A sketch (group sketch) drawing determines the initial design of a non-standard product. contains a simplified image, basic parameters and technical requirements for the product in the amount of initial data (tasks) necessary for the development of design documentation.

The volume of initial data required for the development of design documentation for a non-standard product is established by the developer of the sketch drawing in accordance with GOST 21.114.

8.4 The name of the non-standard product indicates the alphanumeric designation within each type of non-standard product. The product name, as a rule, does not include information about the purpose of the product and its location.

Example - A register made of smooth pipes G T1. Fastening KP2. Suction OT.

8.5 Sketch drawings are made to the scales according to Table 3. It is allowed to make sketch drawings without exact adherence to scale, if this does not distort the clarity of the image and does not make the drawing difficult to read.

8.6 An example of a general outline drawing of a non-standard product is shown in Figure E.1 (Appendix E).

9 Specification of equipment, products and materials

9.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) is carried out and designated in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

9.2 The specification or its parts are divided into sections:


Heat supply for system installations;

Ventilation or ventilation and air conditioning (if equipped).

9.3 System elements (equipment, products) and materials in the specification sections are recorded in groups in the following sequence:

In the sections “Heating” and “Heat supply of system installations”:

Heating equipment.

GOST 21.602-2016

Pipeline accessories.

Other system elements.

Embedded structures (selection devices for installation of control and measuring instruments).


Thermal insulation structures.


Pipelines in the specification sections are recorded for each diameter.

Pipeline elements, the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to current technological and production standards, are not included in the specification. Such elements may include bends, reducers, tees, crosses, flanges, bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets, etc.;

In the “Ventilation” section (“Ventilation and air conditioning”):

Ventilation and air conditioning equipment.

Other system elements.

Embedded structures.

Air ducts.

Thermal insulation structures.


Air ducts in the specifications section are recorded for each diameter (section).

Elements of systems (equipment, products) and materials within the specified groups are placed in ascending order of their main parameters (for example, type, brand, diameter, section).

9.4 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

Equipment (installations), fittings, air distributors, dampers, local suction (shelters). supports (fastenings) of pipelines and air ducts, embedded structures (selection devices for installing instrumentation) and other elements of systems - pcs.;

Radiators - sections/kW (pcs./kW);

Convectors, ribbed pipes, registers made of smooth pipes - pcs./kW;

Pipelines and air ducts - m:

Insulating materials - m 3;

Coating and protection materials - m2:

Other materials - kg.

10 Questionnaires and dimensional drawings

10.1 Questionnaires and dimensional drawings are made in accordance with the equipment manufacturers’ specifications and are completed in the form of a separate issue with the name “Questionnaires”.

The release “Questionnaires” is assigned an independent designation, consisting of the designation of the main set of working drawings of the OB brand and through the code point “OL”. The designation is indicated on the title page of the release of questionnaires.

Example - 2345-11-08.0/7.

10.2 Each questionnaire (dimensional drawing) is assigned a serial number or. if necessary, an independent designation consisting of the designation of the main set of working drawings and, through the code point “OL” and the serial number of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing) within this main set.

Example - 2345-f 1-OV.OL1.

10.3 If there are two or more questionnaires (dimensional drawings), the contents are placed after the title page of the questionnaire. The content is carried out according to Form 2 GOST 21.101. The content is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the release of questionnaires and, through a hyphen, the code “C”.

Example - 2345-11-OV.OL-S.

GOST 21.602-2016

In the “Designation” column - the designation or serial number of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing);

In the “Name” column - the name of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing) in full accordance with the name indicated on the questionnaire (dimensional drawing);

In the “Note” column - information about changes made to the questionnaires (dimensional drawings).

10.4 8 The name of the questionnaire (dimensional drawing) indicates the designation or serial number within the issue.

10.5 Changes to questionnaires (dimensional drawings) are made in accordance with GOST 21.101, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

Changes to questionnaires (dimensional drawings) are made independently within each questionnaire (dimensional drawing).

Information about changes made to the questionnaires (dimensional drawings) is given in the “Note” column of the contents of the questionnaire release.

10.6 the release of questionnaires is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of referenced and attached documents, which includes general data on the working drawings of the main set of grade 08.

GOST 21.602-2016

Appendix A


An example of a layout plan for system installations


Figure A.1

Appendix B


GOST 21.602-2016

Examples of implementation of plans and sections of systems

Plan 2-2

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Plan 3-3

Figure B.2 - Example of a captive heating and ventilation system

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Cut 1-1

Figure B.Z - Example of a cross-section of systems

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Appendix B


Examples of circuit diagrams for heating systems and heat supply installations

Heating system

Heat supply system for installations A1, A2. P1, P2

GOST 21.602-2016

Control node 1

To the heating system

Figure 8.3 - An example of a diagram of a control unit for heating systems and heat supply installations

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Figure B.4 - Example of a unit diagram of a heat supply system for installations

Appendix D


GOST 21.602-2016

Examples of ventilation system diagrams

Figure D.1 - Example of design of the supply ventilation system diagram

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Figure D.2 - Example of an exhaust ventilation system diagram

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Examples of drawings of system installations Plan at elevation +4,600

Figure D.1 - Example of installation captivity


Figure D.2 - Example of an installation section

GOST 21.602-2016

Appendix E


An example of a sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product

Figure E.1

UDC 691:002:006.354 MKS01.100.30

Key words: system of design documentation for construction, implementation rules, working documentation, heating and ventilation systems, air conditioning, system diagrams

Editor N.V. Terentyeva Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector L. S. Lysenko Computer editor A.N. Zolotareva

Submitted on 11/30/2016, signed and stamped on 12/26/2016. Format 60<84^£. Гарнитура Ариап.

Uel. oven l. 3.72. Uch.-iad. l. 3.37. Circulation 130 aka. Zach. 3321.

Compiled based on the electronic version provided by the standard developer

Iadaio and printed by FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 12399S Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4 m(o@goslinfo ru

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