
Love fortune telling. Julia - compatibility in love and marriage with male names Compatibility in love Julia and Seryozha

Vibrating Name Numbers:
Julia: 3 Sergei: 10

Reason for fortune telling

I love this man very much, I cannot live without him! I really want to find out if something can work out between us! My thoughts are about him all the time, I can’t even think about anything else! Cupid, please help me, explain to me, can real, sincere love break out between us!? My love for him is very strong, that’s why I’m writing to you, if I didn’t love him, agree, I wouldn’t write to you! Help me sort out all this confusion in my head! I'm tired of waiting. I need him very much, help me be with him - you are Cupid, you connect hearts! If you help those who love to be together, help me too! I would like to know why we met, it’s difficult with him, but interesting, he’s very suitable in sex, but we decided that there should be nothing between us except sex, but I think that’s not the case. We can’t part, but we can’t be together either, in general, we’re both confused, it’s clear that we’re connected not only by sex, I want to know what’s really going on between us, and what’s going to happen next. We broke up with him, but I don’t know the reason. I feel bad without him. I am sure that this is exactly the person with whom I am ready to live my whole life. I feel like I'm behind a stone wall with him. He is a confident person. I can’t come to terms with the fact that we are no longer together, despite the fact that I don’t know the reasons for our breakup. And the most important reason is that we are the opposite of each other. I am a minus, and he is a plus. We complemented each other.

Appearance and character Beautiful, sexy, not tall, bitchy, nervous, kind.

Work and profession I study in the 10th grade, in physics and mathematics, I am not an excellent student, but I study well. In the future I want to become an economist.

Appearance and character Nice, kind, loves to make people laugh, talented, sexy, calm.

Work and profession He is studying in the 10th grade, but is still doing poorly. He wants to become a military man.

Love compatibility

The love compatibility of birth between Yulia and Sergey was 99%.

Biorhythm compatibility

Compatibility of birth biorhythms Yulia and Sergey show the ratio of compatibility of various personal indicators of each partner.

  • Physical compatibility 50%
  • Emotional compatibility 50%
  • Intelligent compatibility 50%

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Capricorn and Capricorn- Constancy and loyalty to your partner is a positive and distinctive feature of such a union, however, excessive isolation and lack of constant dialogue on the part of both partners often leads to the accumulation of tension in the relationship.

I also love Sergei, I love him more than my life, I have never loved like this before at 29 years old, having two husbands in the past. My Seryozha is 6 years younger than me, but we don’t notice the difference. Will there be a future?? After all, I’m still married and waiting for my EARRING from the army???

  • sent by: No Name
  • Date: 10/07/2010

In this article I would like to tell you about the compatibility of male names with the name Julia. I have been convinced more than once that the fate of a relationship largely depends on how well people suit each other according to this particular characteristic. Thanks to this knowledge, you can understand how your couple will turn out with a certain partner.

Yulia and Sergey

This couple can remain friends for a long time. They are incredibly interested in each other, they have a lot in common. They are able to chat for hours and often engage in the same hobbies. The initiative to start a love relationship usually lies with the girl, because she is more decisive and clearly knows what she wants, unlike a weaker partner.

What can be said about the relationship in such a couple:

  1. They will be very sincere. Partners are not used to hiding anything; they openly express their feelings, talk about desires and what they don’t like.
  2. They are very kind to each other and to the people around them. These are very sunny, bright people who do not spare themselves when helping others. They can create a common project aimed at charity or support for those who need it.
  3. Both are very temperamental, so they will always have enough bright emotions. And it is precisely thanks to this quality that complete harmony reigns in sexual relationships.
  4. Both are adventurers, a boring life in one place and an apartment with a mortgage is not for them. They will travel, engage in active sports and recreation, run a business, and not work for hire.
  5. Yulia and Sergey are very compatible with each other. But relationships can be very unpredictable, with both a plus and a minus sign. Either they spend their evenings calmly and arrange tender romantic dates for each other, or they quarrel violently, sorting things out.

Things may not turn out well in a family. Partners will constantly fight for leadership and compare who is cooler. The woman will not want to give in, and the man will either get tired of endlessly defending his dominance and he will leave, or he will become weak and turn into a henpecked man. Only a mutual desire to seek compromises will help preserve love and stay together.

Yulia and Alexey

These people understand each other perfectly. That is why they are more likely to be friends than to date and start families. And if they nevertheless decide on marriage and love, the couple will be very strong and harmonious, because the partners have common goals, values ​​and beliefs.

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Yulia and Alexey will spend a lot of time in philosophical conversations, enjoying the leisurely flow of conversations.
  2. At the same time, there is no storm of emotions and intense passions in a couple. Sex is far from the first place for them; they strive primarily for spiritual intimacy. It is important for them to get to know each other as much as possible before getting close.
  3. Fate will constantly test the strength of their relationship; they need to go through many tests to stay together. And if they endure this with honor, their marriage will be very strong and happy.
  4. They are cautious about meeting new people and take a long time to get used to people. Therefore, their family’s social circle, as a rule, consists of long-known and trusted friends; random individuals do not stay nearby for long.
  5. Both are rational, have a balanced approach to decision-making, so they will not have any sudden “roller coasters” both in relationships and in life.
  6. Conflicts may arise from time to time, but solely due to the girl’s temperamental nature. Her incredible activity can tire her partner, so he will have to learn to be more loyal to this.

She may lack attention, so a man should give it more if he does not want a divorce. It is also important that the distribution of roles in a couple be traditional: the man is the breadwinner, the woman is the homemaker.

Dmitry and Yulia

These people are very attracted to each other from the first minute they meet. A powerful attraction is created that they are unable to resist. Therefore, almost immediately a whirlwind romance begins, full of emotions and passion.

What happens in the relationship next:

  1. They are never bored, they are tireless and always have a fun, varied time. Constantly together, because they cannot tear themselves away from each other for a minute.
  2. Both love adventures and an unconventional life, so they periodically violate social and moral norms, go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, for which they are often reproached and condemned by others.
  3. The love that first arises between them increases every day and reaches extraordinary strength. At the same time, there is no place for romance in a relationship, but there is a lot of passion, mutual understanding and the feeling that the partner is a “soulmate” and they are destined for each other.
  4. They can quarrel violently, but quickly make up after letting off steam. They do not attach much importance to scandals; for them it is simply an emotional release that does not affect the relationship in any way.

In the family, these are two very strong personalities with the makings of leaders. But at the same time, they do not compete with each other at all, but learn to negotiate, which works out great.

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Many couples are extremely concerned about who matches who by name or zodiac sign. These little things are worth paying attention to, but you don’t need to make them decisive in your destiny. After reading such horoscopes and predictions, you can think about what mistakes should not be made, what is better to avoid in a relationship, and what points to add. In this article we will analyze the compatibility of Yulia and Sergei. This is not to say that this is an ideal couple, but experts are not against their union either.

Yulia's character

Even at a young age, Julia is a very wise woman and very capricious. She lacks a little independence. Therefore, you need to choose a reliable and strong person as your chosen one, so that he can guide her throughout her life. In this case, the girl will be successful. Yulia's mood changes very quickly. If now she is full of vitality and charges everyone with positivity, then in five minutes she may be quietly crying in the corner. You need to be careful with her, because she is a very touchy person.

Julia is a very beautiful girl who always follows the latest fashion trends. Men cannot just pass by, and women give envious glances. But for Yulia this is not at all important, since the opinions of others are of little interest to her. Now let's look at the compatibility of the name Sergei with the woman Julia.

Sergei's character

Sergey is a very gifted person. It contains several talents at once. He does not like leadership too much, and in general prefers to work alone. It is extremely rare to ask someone for help, but he is in no hurry to help himself. In the team, this man is often disliked, mainly because of his habit of always telling the truth to everyone’s face. Some Sergei are very fond of alcohol and, sometimes, this passion develops into something big.

Positive traits include his diligence, which begins to manifest itself from school. The teachers are always happy with this boy. He is also a very calm man. He is often offended, but never admits it, and keeps all the grievances to himself. He is able to listen to others and sympathize with them, but he rarely tells anyone about his problems.

Sergei was lucky with his intuition. Literally at first glance, he can understand what kind of person is standing in front of him and whether he can be trusted. Now let's talk about the compatibility of Sergei and Yulia in different aspects of life.

Love and marriage

Women are drawn to Sergei like a magnet, and Yulia, too, will not be able to pass by this attractive and charming man. They will definitely make a good couple. With him, the girl will become cheerful and carefree. Sergei will like Yulina’s seriousness and determination. However, he must take the initiative, and if this does not happen, then the relationship will remain at the initial stage and things will not go beyond flirting. But most often the meeting of these two ends in a wedding. Family life is full of surprises that are not always pleasing. Sergei is the kind of man who can go to the left, but Yulia will not tolerate this. Serious quarrels and disagreements will begin. Therefore, either Sergei needs to be more careful, or remain faithful to his chosen one.


The compatibility of Yulia and Sergei in friendship is so high that they can become best friends, as if they complement each other. She can guide an uncontrollable man in the right direction, can support him when he especially needs it, helps him when necessary.

Sergei is not at all against the fact that such an authoritative girlfriend is next to him. There are moments in his life when he doesn’t want to make any decisions at all, and then it’s the serious Yulia who can choose the right path. To carry yours throughout your life, you need to try to please your loved one more often, and not forget about him, even if you are very far away.


In work, the compatibility of Sergei and Yulia is at the highest level. It's like they were made for each other. Sergei likes it when he always has an obligatory assistant in the person of Yulia at hand. She has good organizational skills and always completes all tasks on time. Despite the fact that Sergei usually makes a good leader, he does not mind if a responsible employee takes the place of the boss.


So we found out who matches who by name and who doesn’t. Yulia and Seryozha can make a great couple, but two people must work on this relationship. If one of the partners lets everything take its course, then this relationship will not last long. We can talk a lot more about the compatibility of male and female names, but you should not rely on such predictions. In each couple, relationships develop individually. And it doesn’t matter at all what the wife’s name is and under what zodiac sign the husband was born.

Coincidence: 88%

Coincidence: 88%

Coincidence: 88%

Coincidence: 88%

Coincidence: 88%

Coincidence: 87%

Coincidence: 83%

Coincidence: 83%

Coincidence: 83%

Coincidence: 82%

Coincidence: 82%


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Male names

The union of Sergei and Yulia is striking in its harmony. Both partners are good-natured and sincere people. It is easy and pleasant for them to be in each other’s company. Compatibility of the names Sergey and Yulia - 80%.

Both men and women are adventurers to some extent. They love danger and risk, monotony is alien to them. Sergey and Yulia cannot stand a boring, gray life and loneliness. The couple loves to spend evenings in the company of friends; they constantly go out somewhere with friends, be it a picnic in nature or going to a club.

Compatibility of Sergei and Yulia is good, and partners know this from the very beginning. Yes, a woman can be annoyed by her lover’s indecisiveness, because she doesn’t like to take the first steps. Yes, touchy Sergei is often upset by his partner’s intemperance; her words, spoken not out of malice, are imprinted in his memory for a long time. But sincere and mutual feelings usually help save relationships Sergei and Yulia.

Compatibility It’s not for nothing that the pairs are so high. A woman immediately looks for a reliable, strong man, because in the long term she sees him as a future husband. Sergey is a committed person, he is a responsible worker, and will be able to provide for his family if necessary. A man is attracted to Julia by her intelligence and spiritual wealth. Despite her frivolity, she is a woman with a sharp mind and high moral principles. Her passion can turn Sergei’s head, he will be crazy about his partner.

In the intimate side of life, the couple does not face any special problems. Mutual attraction and passion will help them get rid of all their complexes, Sergei and Yulia, and become ideal lovers.

If something goes wrong in the partners’ relationship and they break up, they will remain good friends. Sergey and Yulia will not throw mud at each other; on the contrary, they will begin to praise the virtues of their former lover.

But most often such a couple registers their relationship. And for good reason: compatibility Sergei and Yulia married just as high - 80%.

People with these names have an excellent family. The woman tries in every possible way to please her husband and does her best to do housework. A man not only provides for his family, but also helps his wife with household chores without any problems. However, Yulia rarely asks him for help, and then only so that Sergei feels needed.

A couple is one of those rare ones when everyday life does not destroy the relationship, but, on the contrary, strengthens it. Both spouses work for the improvement of the family; this common interest brings them very close. Life in such a family is ideal: the house is perfectly clean and very cozy, there is always something tasty in the refrigerator. The spouses do not speak in a raised voice; the atmosphere of goodwill always improves the mood of the guests. Friends of the couple know: the place where they will always drink tea and listen is the house in which they live Sergey and Yulia.

Compatibility The couple is still not ideal. A woman is an emotional person; she can start a quarrel for no reason and say a lot of unnecessary things. Sergei, as mentioned above, is very touchy. After this, he can instantly pack his things and get away from his wife as quickly as possible. In order for everything to be normal in the relationship, Julia should be more restrained, and her husband should be calmer about the events happening in life.

Analyzing the compatibility of qualities will help bring harmony to your relationship with a loved one. The science of numerology will help us with this. You will learn even more about compatibility from numerology than from psychology.

The ability to build and maintain relationships is the basis of our lives. With the help of numerology, the science of the magic of numbers, you can calculate the compatibility of two people with each other, and understand whether they can exist peacefully and happily together. Numerology will help you find out your partner’s true impulses, hidden abilities and needs - you just need to find out his digital code and compare it with yours.

Using the personal compatibility map, you can conduct a quick analysis of the possibilities of your partnership. In close relationships, a diminutive name is often used, therefore, calculations should be made based on these forms.

Enter names

Compatibility Sergey and Yulia

Compatibility number 8

Such a couple has every chance to succeed, because where the number eight is, there is fame, power and wealth. The members of the union strive to achieve all these benefits in an honest way: the number uniting such a couple does not allow them to commit low, immoral acts. When implementing their projects, the couple strives not to violate either the spirit or the letter of the law, therefore they enjoy well-deserved respect and are considered respectable and trustworthy.
The desire for justice, the desire to help those in need, to support those in trouble, often drives a couple under the influence of the number eight, so such people are willing to do charity work and are partial to power, which allows them to change the world for the better. Legal and legislative activities attract the G8; They are also interested in insurance and financial activities.

The number of the name Sergey is 1

It symbolizes the beginning of everything; the unity of the Universe rests on it.
People of the Sun are leaders, strong personalities who never remain in the shadows. This is the number of a person who is full of energy and desire to act, enthusiastic, impulsive, businesslike. In situations requiring immediate decision-making, success accompanies him. He is characterized by generosity, a desire for novelty, physical and spiritual strength, a desire for power, initiative, practicality, a sense of responsibility and justice. Risky activities and doing business are not the best way to realize the rich internal potential of people whose name number is 1. “One” is associated with courage and perseverance, confidence in one’s own strengths and capabilities. But the nature of these people is more imitative than creative. He earns money easily and spends it just as easily. They should avoid rash decisions.

The number of the name Julia is 7

Symbolizes impressionability, contemplation, subtle mental organization. People under the patronage of Saturn should direct their talent into the field of exact sciences, philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy. If they decide to engage in commerce, then they need to enlist the support of reliable and competent partners. But whatever they do, the success of any activity largely depends on a deep analysis of the results of what has already been achieved and on real planning for the future. Their characteristic philosophical attitude to life can be expressed in religiosity or passion for esoteric sciences. They have a compliant character and never refuse to help people if something depends on them. They often suffer from an unstable financial situation, money literally melts in their hands, and besides, the tendency to gamble is not complemented by luck on the green cloth.
They often come up with great ideas, but rarely follow through. They have difficulty making decisions. These are subtle, sensitive natures, merciful and sensitive to the mood of others. They do not tolerate conflicts and quarrels.

The meaning of the name Sergey on the site meaning-name.rf/Sergey →
The meaning of the name Yulia on the site meaning-name.rf/Yulia →

Compatibility of male and female names
Compatibility Sergey and Yulia. Such a couple has every chance to succeed, because where the number eight is, there is fame, power and wealth. The members of the union strive to achieve all these benefits honestly..

Source: xn—-ctbjbnbb0accmcf9aedne4q.xn--p1ai

Julia – compatibility in love and marriage with male names

The fate and character of a person depend on the name given at birth. To know who is suitable for communication and family, it is enough to analyze the compatibility of names. Energetic Julia surrounds herself with active people, like herself. Name compatibility will give an idea of ​​who she enjoys communicating with and with whom conflicts are possible.

Relationship between Yulia and Sergei

The friendship of Yulia and Sergei is built on common interests. They communicate for hours if they are united by a hobby or passion. Yulia is more decisive than Sergei, so she initiates all the undertakings.

Character traits that they have:

  • sincerity;
  • kindness;
  • temperament;
  • adventurism.

Love compatibility between Julia and Seryozha is high. Their relationship is unpredictable, meetings are filled with romance and tenderness, and their sex life is passionate. Love does not subside over time, but on the contrary acquires brighter colors and gains new momentum. Conflicts occur in couples, accompanied by stormy showdowns. Read how the couple Anastasia and Sergei look like in the previous publication.

Two people of similar character get along well with each other. But when it comes to family life, everyone takes the lead, which leads to disagreements.

Read also Which stone is suitable for a Scorpio woman?

The compatibility of Seryozha and Yulia in marriage is not ideal. There is a constant struggle for the dominant role in the family. A woman is not inferior to a man, and he tries in every possible way to preserve his male pride and defend his leadership position. Due to frequent conflicts, the couple may separate. However, if both learn to compromise, then the marriage promises to be long.

Tandem of Yulia and Alexey

Compatibility in love between Yulia and Alexey is not high. When communicating, they do not experience storms of emotions. Sex does not come first for them; a platonic connection is more important. Only by getting to know each other better can they understand that they are connected by something more than just friendship. Before they decide to start a family, they will conduct long-term tests of the strength of the relationship.

Both are picky in choosing their environment, so relationships between them are possible only after a serious test of time.

The family compatibility of the names Yulia and Lesha is sufficient to create a strong union. Relationships are characterized by a balanced approach to all issues and prudence. Conflicts are possible mainly due to Yulia’s excessive activity, which irritates the man. Lesha needs to pay more attention to his wife, and then her time will be occupied by him. If a couple correctly distributes roles in the family, then the marriage can be long. A man should take on the role of breadwinner, and a woman should take care of the house and children.

Dmitry and Yulia: family and friendship

Compatibility in the friendship of Yulia and Dmitry is based on a magnetic attraction to each other. Initially, it seems to them that they are different, but out of curiosity they decide to continue communication. After a short time they can no longer tear themselves away from each other.

The attraction between these women and men is visible almost immediately. This couple is never bored; both love extraordinary pranks and adventures.

Great love arises between Yulia and Dima. They do not need romance, they have more important emotions - mutual understanding and kinship of souls. The couple is happy with each other both morally and physically. Their love story is bright and unforgettable, and the relationship from the outside looks very harmonious.

The advantages of the union of Dima and Yulia:

  • both are easy-going;
  • have common values;
  • strive for diversity in everything;
  • bright, they know how to brighten up their leisure time with an interesting pastime.

In marriage, Yulechka and Dima’s compatibility is not as good as in love. Both are strong personalities and cannot always give in to each other. This provokes quarrels and leads to misunderstandings. In the family, Yulia does not pay much attention to the house, which causes indignation in Dima. But all differences are quickly forgotten thanks to the positive moments in their relationship.

Names Andrey and Yulia: relationships in a couple

The friendly compatibility of Yulia and Andrey is based on interesting communication and curiosity. When they meet together, the conversation can drag on for a long time, in which everyone will vigorously express their point of view.

They have a lot in common:

  • both are passionate and vibrant personalities;
  • they have a heightened desire for independence;
  • they love freedom and are not ready to obey anyone;
  • constantly strive for leadership.

The compatibility of the names Yulia and Andrey on the love front is characterized by passionate feelings and the rapid development of relationships. Both perceive love with enthusiasm and show assertiveness towards their partner. Intimate life is accompanied by passion and a storm of emotions.

The union of two independent people is good until it comes to family. The desire for leadership and the inability to give in aggravate already “heated” relationships.

The family relationship of Andryusha and Yulechka is far from ideal. Their desire to surpass their partner in everything brings discord to the family. Their marriage is accompanied by scenes of jealousy, quarrels and disputes about whose point of view is correct. A marriage can only be saved if both learn to compromise. Find out about Andrey's compatibility with other female names.

Development of relations between Yulia and Evgeniy

Love compatibility between Yulia and Evgeniy is good. The couple has romance, love, and passionate sex. In the event of a quarrel, both may shout, but they literally immediately move away and begin communicating as if nothing had happened. While their relationship is non-committal, they enjoy each other and are in no hurry to move to the next level.

In a couple, everyone has too much ambition, which interferes with building relationships. If a woman is ready to give up the role of leader to a man, then the union can be long-lasting.

If a couple gets married, then they have conflicts. Yulechka, being an independent woman, does not seek to leave her career for the sake of her family. Her chosen one perceives this with dissatisfaction, because Zhenya dreams of a cozy home, a delicious dinner and the mischievous laughter of her children. Different ideas about family life can even lead to a break in relationships. If a couple finds the strength and wisdom to eliminate the contradictions that exist between them, then the marriage will be strong.

Couple Denis and Yulia: relationships and marriage

Julia's compatibility with Denis in friendship is good. Their communication is soft and tactful. Having found a common language, they do not feel any barriers in conversation and act as if they have known each other all their lives. Both are artistic natures and love to go to the cinema and theater.

The compatibility of the couple Denis and Yulia in love is not bad. Feminine Julia and romantic Denis look harmonious together. They show care for each other, try to give more to their partner than to receive. The desires of the other half come first. Their relationship is calm, sensual, filled with tenderness and touching.

Love and tenderness characterize the union of Yulechka and Denis. Both have a rich inner world and love to spend time engaging in interesting communication.

The marriage of Yulia and Denis is built on the mutual complement of each other. They are like two halves of one whole. With the advent of children, Yulia and Denis become good parents who strive to surround them with kindness and affection. When conflicts arise, everyone tends to blame themselves first. Rarely do violent quarrels occur in this union, which usually end in the same passionate reconciliation.

The union of Sergei and Yulia is striking in its harmony. Both partners are good-natured and sincere people. It is easy and pleasant for them to be in each other’s company. Compatibility of the names Sergey and Yulia - 80%.

Both men and women are adventurers to some extent. They love danger and risk, monotony is alien to them. Sergey and Yulia cannot stand a boring, gray life and loneliness. The couple loves to spend evenings in the company of friends; they constantly go out somewhere with friends, be it a picnic in nature or going to a club.

Compatibility of Sergei and Yulia is good, and partners know this from the very beginning. Yes, a woman can be annoyed by her lover’s indecisiveness, because she doesn’t like to take the first steps. Yes, touchy Sergei is often upset by his partner’s intemperance; her words, spoken not out of malice, are imprinted in his memory for a long time. But sincere and mutual feelings usually help save relationships Sergei and Yulia.

Compatibility It’s not for nothing that the pairs are so high. A woman immediately looks for a reliable, strong man, because in the long term she sees him as a future husband. Sergey is a committed person, he is a responsible worker, and will be able to provide for his family if necessary. A man is attracted to Julia by her intelligence and spiritual wealth. Despite her frivolity, she is a woman with a sharp mind and high moral principles. Her passion can turn Sergei’s head, he will be crazy about his partner.

In the intimate side of life, the couple does not face any special problems. Mutual attraction and passion will help them get rid of all their complexes, Sergei and Yulia, and become ideal lovers.

If something goes wrong in the partners’ relationship and they break up, they will remain good friends. Sergey and Yulia will not throw mud at each other; on the contrary, they will begin to praise the virtues of their former lover.

But most often such a couple registers their relationship. And for good reason: compatibility Sergei and Yulia married just as high - 80%.

People with these names have an excellent family. The woman tries in every possible way to please her husband and does her best to do housework. A man not only provides for his family, but also helps his wife with household chores without any problems. However, Yulia rarely asks him for help, and then only so that Sergei feels needed.

A couple is one of those rare ones when everyday life does not destroy the relationship, but, on the contrary, strengthens it. Both spouses work for the improvement of the family; this common interest brings them very close. Life in such a family is ideal: the house is perfectly clean and very cozy, there is always something tasty in the refrigerator. The spouses do not speak in a raised voice; the atmosphere of goodwill always improves the mood of the guests. Friends of the couple know: the place where they will always drink tea and listen is the house in which they live

Compatibility The couple is still not ideal. A woman is an emotional person; she can start a quarrel for no reason and say a lot of unnecessary things. Sergei, as mentioned above, is very touchy. After this, he can instantly pack his things and get away from his wife as quickly as possible. In order for everything to be normal in the relationship, Julia should be more restrained, and her husband should be calmer about the events happening in life.

The couple raises their children without much difficulty. Julia pampers them in every possible way and loves them very much, but due to her frivolity, she may not look after her offspring. Sergey makes up for this lack of a partner: he is attentive and caring, although not so emotional. The children of the spouses know that if they need to have a lot of fun, then mom is the first assistant in this, but for sensible advice it is better to turn to dad.

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