
Anna Grachevskaya: photos before and after plastic surgery. Grachevskaya Anna: biography, personal life and plastic surgery Anna Grachevskaya daughter

Grachevskaya Anna is a young and pretty girl who gained all-Russian popularity after she became the legal wife of the founder of Yeralash, Boris Grachevsky. Do you want to know how her life is going now? Did Anya turn to plastic surgeons for help? The answers to these questions are presented in our article.

Anna Grachevskaya: short biography

She was born in 1986 (September 6) in one of the largest Ukrainian cities - Kharkov. Her maiden name is Panasenko. Anya was raised in an ordinary family. His father worked at a local factory, and his mother was a housekeeper. Our heroine has a younger brother.

After receiving a school certificate, the girl left her native Kharkov and went to St. Petersburg. She managed to enter the University of Culture and Arts on her first try. After 5 years, she received a diploma in the specialty “director and producer of theatrical show programs.”

Wedding and television career

After graduating from St. Petersburg university, Anya moved to Moscow. For a long time the girl was looking for her place in the sun. She worked as an animator in the entertainment centers of the capital, and managed to try herself in the modeling industry. Our heroine does not hide at all the fact that for some period of time she had to perform as a stripper in nightclubs.

After meeting Boris Grachevsky (in 2010), the life of the Kharkov native changed for the better. The creator of the TV magazine “Yeralash” fell in love with a young and charming brunette. And a few months after they met, he proposed to her. Anya agreed. Their wedding took place in May 2010. This event was loudly covered in the Russian press.

In September 2012, Anna Grachevskaya gave her famous husband a tiny daughter. The baby was named Vasilisa. 5 months after the birth of the heiress, Boris Grachevsky helped his beloved wife start a television career. Our heroine was hired by the Humor TV channel. TV presenter Artem Sotnik taught Anya the basics of the VJ profession. And when information appeared in the media about a romance that had broken out between them, he had to urgently resign from the TV channel.

Anya managed to become a successful presenter. The bright brunette has shown herself in several projects. Grachevsky’s wife hosted the program “Caution, Anna Grachevskaya.” Then she became one of the participants in the TV show “Only Girls in the Ring.”

After her divorce from Boris Yuryevich, her TV career continued. Anechka moved to the Russian Musicbox TV channel, where she was assigned to host a music program. She stood confidently in the frame. The girl also often acted as a presenter at social events and parties in nightclubs.

Anna Grachevskaya: biography, personal life

The marriage with the creator of the TV magazine “Yeralash” turned out to be short-lived. Anya lived with him from 2010 to 2014. During this time, the spouses accumulated a lot of mutual claims. They failed to find a compromise solution. Then Anna and Boris Yuryevich filed for divorce. Grachevsky acted like a real man. He left his ex-wife and daughter Vasilisa an apartment in the center of the capital, and also promised to pay child support.

Now the founder of Yeralash is happy in his third marriage with Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya. Our heroine also did not suffer from loneliness for long. Soon after her divorce from Grachevsky, she met a young and impressive man. We are talking about former basketball player Artem Kuzyakin. Anna Grachevskaya captivated him with her kindness, spectacular appearance and amazing sense of humor.

In June 2016, the TV presenter and her chosen one legalized their relationship. Artem Kuzyakin gave a luxurious wedding gift to his beloved - an island in Malaysia worth 3 million rubles. Anya’s daughter from her first marriage warmly accepted her mother’s new chosen one. In the near future, the couple are planning to have a child together.

All for the sake of beauty

Working on television means looking impeccable. And Anya knows this very well. Many people accuse her of being unnatural and being overly enthusiastic about beauty procedures. Let's figure out together how Grachevskaya has changed her appearance recently.

Let's start with the fact that the girl enlarged her breasts to size 3. This operation was done before his career took off. Anya also regularly plumps up her lips with hyaluronic acid. But this is not a surgical, but a cosmetic procedure.

At the beginning of December 2016, the TV presenter decided to have gluteroplasty. What it is? The operation involves transferring fat from the abdomen and sides to the buttocks. Kim Kardashian once had gluteroplasty done. After that, she became the owner of lush buttocks, which brought her popularity all over the world.

Anna Grachevskaya followed Kardashian’s example. The operation was carried out in a St. Petersburg clinic and lasted 7 hours. Then our heroine was put on compression garments. She had to stay on a drip and take special anti-inflammatory drugs. But it was all worth it. Anna Grachevskaya, after plastic surgery, showed her followers on Instagram the results of the surgeons’ work. What can you say when looking at the latest photographs of the TV presenter? Her legs became slimmer, her waist became smaller, and her buttocks gained volume.


Grachevskaya Anna is a bright, active and purposeful girl. She has no problems either financially or in her personal life. Let's wish her a successful career and endless family happiness!

Before her marriage to the famous creator of the film magazine “Yeralash,” few knew about Anna Panasenko. The girl studied in St. Petersburg to become a producer of television show programs, and after graduating from university she set off to conquer the capital. In 2010, she married Boris Grachevsky and ended up on television.

The sultry brunette looked great on the screen and gradually gained fans. After the birth of her daughter Vasilisa, Anna briefly fell out of creative process, but soon returned with renewed vigor.

Unfortunately, the marriage with the artistic director of Yeralash did not last long, and the couple divorced in 2014. Journalists relished the scandalous details of the separation and regularly provided information of interest to readers.

The noisy showdown in public and the claims of her ex-husband did not unsettle Anna, and she continued her career. For some time, Grachevskaya (after the divorce she left the surname of her famous ex-husband) raised her daughter alone and hid her personal life from prying eyes.

But the closely watching paparazzi soon declassified the TV presenter. In June 2016, Anna walked down the aisle with her lover, basketball player Artem Kuzyakin.

The happy bride appeared in a chic dress with a deep neckline and a decorated train. Anna prepared for the wedding ceremony for a long time and visited beauty specialists.

They pumped out 3.5 liters of fat from me, which haunted me. The notorious riding breeches, sides, belly, as soon as I started eating, everything came back.

Anna Grachevskaya: photos before and after plastic surgery

Working on TV requires an impeccable appearance, and Anna is busy with her appearance. Due to her passion for “beauty injections” and other beauty procedures, fans often criticize Anna and accuse her of being unnatural.

The presenter herself responds to criticism with humor and devotes entire posts on Instagram to her lips, which many consider to be pumped up with hyaluronic acid. The beauty insists on natural lip volume and regularly posts “duck” selfies.

The good figure of Anna Grachevskaya was also discussed. Many believe that even before her career took off, the girl enlarged her breasts, but Grachevskaya ignores such statements and continues to wear revealing outfits.

She speaks openly about her eating disorder and posts shocking videos from her cosmetologist's office.

Anna's path to slimness is difficult and thorny: she went through bulimia and thousands of diets, gained and lost weight, starved and relapsed. To maintain a stable weight and get rid of cellulite, Grachevskaya regularly undergoes radiolifting, which tightens the skin.

At the beginning of December 2016, Anna Grachevskaya decided to undergo gluteoplasty. Popularity haunts many, and TV presenter Anna Grachevskaya, after buttock surgery, published a video with the caption “my Kardashian.”

Fans wondered why the young woman needed such radical interventions in her body instead of sports. Anna Grachevskaya, in the photo after plastic surgery, hastened to explain the reason for going to the doctor: childbirth and sharp fluctuations in weight affected her figure. The girl wrote in social network: “I was tired of the moral and emotional struggle for beautiful contours and therefore resorted to radical methods of plastic surgery.”

Anna had the operation at a St. Petersburg plastic surgery clinic: the doctor used implants and fatty tissue from problem areas for a smoother transition and camouflage of endoprostheses.

Gluteoplasty was performed under general anesthesia in two stages and lasted 7 hours. Immediately after the operation, Anna posted a video on Instagram and talked about her husband’s support. For some time after plastic surgery, Grachevskaya wore compression garments, lay under IVs and took anti-inflammatory drugs.

Now, despite the rehabilitation period, the TV presenter already appears at public events.

Fans hope that Anna will stop at this operation and maintain her individuality.

Anna Grachevskaya (Panasenko) was born on September 6, 1986 in Kharkov. She became famous thanks to her marriage to Boris Grachevsky.

Biography facts

Also in school years Anna began her journey as a writer. At the age of 14, the girl was already writing poetry, prose and essays. At the very beginning, Anna’s writing talent could only be appreciated by close people, but then, thanks to the Internet, it became public knowledge. Subsequently, Anna Grachevskaya began to compose fairy tales intended for the adult generation.

After graduating from school, Anna went to St. Petersburg to continue her studies. The girl chose the profession of director and graduated from the University of Culture and Arts.

After moving to Moscow, the girl searched for her path in life for some time. Her bright appearance allowed her to get a job in a modeling agency. Anna also worked as an animator in various clubs in Moscow.

and Boris Grachevsky

At the presentation of the film "Hipsters" in 2008, where Anna was an animator, she met the creator of the film magazine "Yeralash" Boris Yuryevich Grachevsky. This meeting radically changed her fate.

Boris Grachevsky liked the attractive girl and they began a whirlwind romance. For the sake of Anna, Grachevsky divorced his wife, with whom he had been married for 35 years, and soon married his young lover. The age difference between the newly-made spouses was 40 years.

According to Boris Grachevsky himself, his young wife was a muse for him, inspiring creativity. He began performing songs and even recorded his solo album, which he dedicated to Anna.

A lovely daughter, Vasilisa, appeared in the Grachevsky family, and it seemed that Anna Grachevskaya was completely happy. She has a wealthy husband who is in love with his wife, a little daughter, life in the capital and the status of the wife of a famous person.

Reasons for divorce

The marriage of Anna and Boris Grachevsky lasted only three years. According to Anna, the main reason for the divorce was the fact that her husband did not provide her with support in the field of professional growth. According to friends of this couple, the woman sought to build a career, shone at various parties and began to devote little time to her family. Boris Grachevsky was jealous of his young wife.

Anna Grachevskaya also told reporters that Grachevsky himself gave reasons for jealousy, which was the root cause of constant quarrels between spouses. Near Boris Yuryevich there was a large number of beautiful women, and this drove Anna crazy.

The couple's divorce was like a soap opera, which was watched by many viewers from the Internet. Boris Grachevsky was extremely determined and even demanded that his ex-wife no longer bear the name Grachevskaya. Anna Grachevskaya (biography testifies to this fact) demanded living space in Moscow and allowance for her little daughter.

During the divorce, Anna received cash for the purchase of an apartment and decent alimony. She bought an apartment in the capital, where she began to live with her daughter and mother.

Life after divorce

After the official separation, Anna Grachevskaya had a long conflict with ex-husband, accusing him of indifference to his daughter Vasilisa. The head of the humorous film magazine "Yeralash" himself stated that Anna herself forbids him to communicate with her daughter.

Anna and Boris managed to regulate their relationship, and Vasilisa began to often communicate with her father and visit him.

After the divorce, Anna Grachevskaya plunged headlong into work, striving for creative self-realization. Anna hosted a music program on television and social events, and promoted the Pink Rabbit chain of stores to strengthen family relationships. She treated male representatives with a degree of cynicism, since she had an unsuccessful marriage behind her.

A fateful meeting with promising basketball player Artem Kuzyakin in May 2015 forced Anna to radically change her attitude towards men. She met the man of her dreams, and the lovers soon began to live together.

Living together could not influence the development of the relationship between Anna and Artem, and they decided to get legally married. Anna got married for the second time and enjoys happiness.

When Anna married Boris Grachevsky, they simply registered the relationship in the registry office. Getting married for the second time, she organized a beautiful wedding celebration according to all the rules: with a wedding dress, numerous guests and a gorgeous cake.

The room where the wedding celebration took place was decorated with white and pink balloons and flowers. The bride prepared two white dresses for her wedding. She spent the first part of the evening in a lush dress with a deep neckline, and the second in a bustier dress. Anna and Artem danced a touching dance for the guests.

Currently, Anna Grachevskaya is improving her body using plastic surgery. She made herself new buttocks and is not going to stop there.

Anna Grachevskaya is a bright brunette who became famous throughout the country after her marriage to the creator of the children's humor magazine "Yeralash". Even after the divorce, the woman did not let go of the attention of the audience, as she began to radically change her own appearance. The star tells fans in detail about all the manipulations on her Instagram.

Biography of Anna Grachevskaya

Anna Panasenko was born on September 6, 1986 in the city of Kharkov. All that is known about her family is that her mother worked as a housekeeper, and Anna had a younger brother born in 1989. Higher education The young lady received her degree from the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, where she mastered the profession of producer and director of theatrical show programs. Having moved to Moscow, the girl searched for herself for a long time. She worked as an animator, a model, and there are rumors that she even worked as a stripper in clubs.

Rapid career growth

A dizzying career growth occurred after his marriage to Boris Yuryevich Grachevsky. It was the connections of her influential husband that helped her get a job on the Humor TV channel. Artem Sotnikov was chosen as a mentor, and soon a scandal broke out: the couple was having an affair. Artem immediately resigned from the TV channel so as not to provoke further conversations.

Afterwards, the girl worked in the projects “Beware, Anna Grachevskaya” and “Only Girls in the Ring.” During breaks, she took part in a music program on the Russian Musicbox channel and periodically hosted social events. In addition, the ex-wife of Boris Grachevsky promoted the Pink Rabbit chain of stores, which are aimed at preserving family relationships and among the products there are many intimate things.

Plastic surgery by Anna Grachevskaya

Appearing on television in 2010, Anya slowly acquired a mass of fans. The sultry brunette looked very attractive. The birth of her daughter did not derail the young mother, and she soon returned to her profession. Working on TV requires impeccable appearance, the beauty also began to work closely on improving her body and face.

  • Liposuction. Childbirth had a negative impact on a woman’s figure, as stretch marks, extra pounds and additional volume appeared on her body. Having lost faith in diets (Anna suffered from bulimia), the woman took radical measures.

“They pumped out about three and a half liters of fat from me, and it bothered me so much. And before that, the riding breeches area, sides, stomach - everything began to grow, as soon as I started eating,” said the thinner lady. Anna Grachevskaya after the operation tries to post candid photos, which fully demonstrate the beautiful curves of the figure. The presenter herself is very pleased with the results of the procedure; she admits that she completed the rehabilitation period ahead of time and began to go out into the world.

  • Lip surgery It is believed that Anna Grachevskaya looked more natural before plastic surgery. Internet users are inclined to think that the new lips turned the woman into a surprised fish. However, the star herself defiantly posts a selfie with duck lips. And other provocative photos of Anna Grachevskaya systematically appear on the network, for example, pictures where the ex-wife of the founder of Yeralash has bare breasts or bare buttocks.

  • Breast augmentation. It is difficult to find materials showing Anna Grachevskaya before and after breast surgery. The manipulation was carried out long before the birth of Vasilisa’s daughter. Now a rich neckline has become the main feature of the popular TV presenter. Even the wedding dress for the second husband amazed the audience with its frank protrusion.

  • Buttock enlargement. Before the operation, Anna Grachevskaya was unhappy with the size of her butt. Popularity has clouded the consciousness of every second Russian star. To enlarge the buttocks, artificial implants and own adipose tissue were required to mask endoprostheses and smoother transitions.

The girl even had to gain weight specifically to enlarge her buttocks. But after some time, the star was showing off on the beach in a skimpy swimsuit and posing with her updated butt in front of the camera lens. After that, photos with the tag “My Kardashian” appeared on the Internet.

After disapproving comments from subscribers, the girl wrote, “I am absolutely happy with my huge silicone ass.”

Cosmetic procedures

Anna Grachevskaya after plastic surgery continues to zealously take care of herself. Every day the presenter comes to the cosmetology office, where she undergoes the following procedures.

  • – the presenter undergoes an injection skin rejuvenation procedure to improve its tone, normalize its color and general condition. The star performs biorevitalization on the face, neck and upper limbs.

  • - a procedure in which old collagen is destroyed by waves, and new collagen is formed in its place. Anna Grachevskaya, before and after fat removal surgery, tries to combat the manifestations of cellulite in this way.

  • – injection of carbon dioxide under the skin. It is this gas that stimulates the release of oxygen in the tissues. Oxygen promotes skin rejuvenation, its firmness and elasticity. Despite her age, there is not a single wrinkle on the skin of the ex-wife of the creator of Yeralash from all the manipulations.

  • – one of the types of vacuum massage, in which low pressure is created in the area of ​​the skin being sucked in, to which blood, lymph and intercellular fluid rush. This normalizes blood circulation, smoothes the surface of the skin and strengthens its turgor.
  • - one of the weight loss methods that the TV presenter tried on herself; in the struggle for slimness, the star inserted a needle in order to control appetite and regulate metabolism. The girl was not particularly pleased with the result of the needle, which is why she went for plastic surgery.

Anna Grachevskaya's plastic surgeries led to the fact that the appearance of the still young lady lost its naturalness, but acquired an impeccable doll-like quality. Subscribers react to the star’s changes ambiguously; some like the innovations, while others are concerned about the course towards extreme rejuvenation.

Personal life of Grachevskaya

The biography of a famous person became interesting to the public only because his personal life was initially intense and scandalous.

  • The couple lived together with Boris Grachevsky from 2010 to 2014, and the marriage produced a daughter, whom they call Vasya at home. The family broke up, the divorce turned out to be very stormy, with mutual claims and accusations. After the separation, the ex-wife received a luxury apartment in Moscow and a monthly allowance for her daughter.

  • In 2016, the paparazzi declassified the presenter's new lover. It was basketball player Artem Kuzyakin. For his wedding, the basketball player gave his beloved an island worth 3 million rubles in Malaysia. The young man’s children Margarita and Mark from their first marriage have a nice conversation with their father’s new wife and little Vasilisa. Anya loves spending time with her husband, the couple travels a lot, and the newlyweds admit their unconditional happiness. A beloved husband supports his wife in everything, accompanies her on all trips and tolerates every whim.

Fans of the star express fears that this will be the end of the path of plastic surgery, and Anna Grachevskaya will not turn into another mukla or become a victim of unscrupulous doctors.

Video: Beautiful wedding of Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Kuzyakin

Anna Evgenievna Grachevskaya (nee Panasenko). Born on September 6, 1986 in Kharkov. Russian TV presenter, actress, director and writer.

Anna Panasenko, who became known under the name Grachevskaya, was born on September 6, 1986 in Kharkov.

She graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts with a degree in director and producer of theatrical show programs and performances.

She worked in Moscow as an animator in clubs. She also has experience as a model. Some media outlets wrote that Anna also worked as a stripper, but she categorically denied this.

She gained fame after meeting with the famous author of the film magazine “Yeralash” Boris Grachevsky. He featured her in several issues of his humor magazine. In addition, he helped launch a career as a TV presenter.

She became a TV presenter for the MusicBox group of TV channels (Humor TV, Russian MusicBox). Host of the programs “Caution, Anna Grachevskaya”, “Planet of Humor”.

She was a participant in the unreality show “Only Girls in the Ring.”

In 2012, she played a small role in the comedy “Stepanych’s Mexican Voyage.”

She received some recognition as a writer and was nominated for the “Writer of the Year” award from

Hosts corporate and social events. She took part in the promotion of the Pink Rabbit chain of stores.

He is the face of the “Academy of Love” - this is the All-Russian Center for Strengthening the Family. He also works there as one of the leading trainers.

She opened her own TV presenter courses for children at the Music Stars school.

Anna Grachevskaya's height: 161 centimeters.

Personal life of Anna Grachevskaya:

In September 2012, the couple had a daughter, Vasilisa Grachevskaya.

In February 2014, the couple separated. On May 27, 2014, the court officially approved their divorce. The parties gave completely different reasons. Anna claimed that her husband underestimated her creative success. He mocked her attempts to make a career and did not help in any way. Boris, in turn, claimed that after the birth of the child, his wife plunged headlong into club life. He complained: “Little Vasenka saw more of her grandmother - my mother-in-law, and also of me. Sometimes he would wake up at night and babble: “Mom, Mom.” And my mother is walking at this time. I had a hard time rocking and calming my daughter.”

Second husband - Artyom Kuzyakin, basketball player. They announced their engagement in the fall of 2015. Artem proposed to her while they were flying in a hot air balloon. Kuzyakin was previously married and has a daughter, Margarita, and a son, Mark.

Anna's personal life is widely covered in the media. A number of talk shows were devoted to her divorces and weddings.

Anna Grachevskaya - “Two divorces and one wedding” (“We talk and show”)

She repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery. IN different time she enlarged her lips, did mammoplasty, and corrected her nose and cheekbones. She also had gluteoplasty - she enlarged her buttocks using silicone implants.

Regarding the secret of her spectacular body, she said: “My path to slimness is thorny and many people know that I am “always losing weight” and constantly limiting myself, I tried different methods, procedures, etc. They gave both good and bad results I don’t hide the fact that I experienced anorexia and bulimia, starved myself and went on the most severe diets, but these are mistakes of the past. But in this difficult struggle for slimness, the one who can not just lose weight, but live in harmony with it, wins! yourself and at a weight that’s comfortable for you!”

Filmography of Anna Grachevskaya:

Jumble "Glutton" - teacher
Yeralash "Knight's Tournament" - journalist
Yeralash "Scream" - nurse
2012 - Mexican voyage of Stepanych - Grachita

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