
How to play custom maps (cases) GTA Online. How to play custom maps (cases) GTA Online How to create maps in GTA 5

This map editor for GTA 5 reminiscent of MTA:SA Map Editor days, it will allow you to freely move around the map, spawn objects with preview, move them. You can save/load the result using supported formats: XML and Simple Trainer format (objects.ini).


F7 or R3 + LB- Open main menu

WASD or Left Stick- Fly around the map, or if an object is selected - move and rotate it

Q/E or LB/RB- If an object is selected - move it up / down or rotate it

F or Controller Y- Open object spawn menu

P or Controller Pause- Open people spawn menu

V or Controller Back- Open vehicle spawn menu

Arrow Up or DPAD Up- Spawn Marker

Shift or Controller A- Fast flight or fast travel/ object rotation

Alt or DPAD Down- Slow flying or slow moving/rotating object

Control or L3- If an object is selected - change the mode of movement / rotation. When you change the mode, the color of the object changes. Yellow for movement and red for rotation.

Mouse Left Click or RT- Select object

Mouse Right Click or LT- move object

Mouse Wheel or RB/LB- Rotate object

C or R3- Copy selected object

Del or Controller X- Delete object

Saving and loading a map

You can save created maps and load them into the game as XML or object.ini files. When loading/saving a map in the main menu, you will be prompted to enter a file name. Please note that when loading a map, it will be added to the current map (i.e. if you created some objects, they will be compatible with the loaded map), so before loading the map, create a new map in the menu.

You can also automatically load the created maps when you enter the game, for this, create the "AutoloadMax" folder in the folder with scripts. Any file from this folder with .xml and .ini format will be automatically loaded when the game starts.

Map Editor GTA 5 - this mod for GTA 5 allows you to display objects on the map, and then save, load information to a file.xml or in Simple Trainer format (objects .ini ).

In GTA 5 there are about 5000 different objects, bags, boxes, bottles, toys, poles, fences, basically everything that you can interact with a little, for example, hit by a car. These objects make game world much more realistic, with the help of the Map Editor mod, you can add all these objects in any place. When you enter edit mode, your camera is able to move in three dimensions, just like in a video editor.

Script Map Editor GTA 5

You can move quickly - fly around the map and place various objects, ramps, stones, fences.
You can also put people and cars in the places you need. In this way, you can diversify the game, prepare a map or terrain for jumps or other tricks. It is possible to save and load your own developments, that is, to exchange built maps.

How to install

  1. You need an installed .
  2. You need installed plugin.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive to a folder scripts, which is located in the root folder of the game.


  • F7 - open mod menu
  • Z -, Q,S,D (or W,A,S,D) - move in the editor or move/rotate the object when it is selected.
  • A/E (or Q/E) - move an object up or down, or rotate it when it is selected.
  • F - open the menu to see the items.
  • P - open pedestrian menu
  • V - open vehicle menu
  • SHIFT - move/rotate object faster
  • ALT - move/rotate object more slowly
  • CTRL - With the object selected, change between offset mode and rotation mode
  • Left mouse click - select object
  • Right mouse click - move the object with the mouse
  • Mouse wheel - rotate object
  • C - copy an object when it is selected, or when you select it
  • DELETE - delete an object when it is selected

There are more not only players, but also the works they create. Considering that up to 30 people can play in the same session in the updated version at the same time, it can sometimes be difficult to create a map where none of them will be bored.

Therefore, the developers decided to teach beginners the basics "map making" and gave some good advice that will be useful to anyone who wants to make their creations more interesting, whether it's racing, deathmatches or captures. But most of all they focused on creating intense maps for battles to the last team (Last Team Standing).

Raise the stakes - make the card available to 30 people

If you have already created maps on PS3 or Xbox 360, you can change them to allow 30 players to play at the same time. (Note that after being modified and published on the new generation of consoles, the map will be available only on them). To do this, simply load the Online Editor, load the previously created map and change the settings depending on the type of map.


AT "Race Settings"(Race Details) Increase the maximum number of players. If the corresponding field is not available, you need to change starting grid to accommodate more cars. Go to Placement > Control Points and select it. Now you can change the number of players, its size and style. If you want to move the grid to a different location on the road, you will also need to move trigger to be close enough to her.

Deathmatches and captures

In Deathmatch and Conquest, in addition to increasing the maximum number of players, you need to simultaneously increase the number of starting points and respawn points.

Make sure everyone has enough

Of course, just because you've set the maximum number of players to 30 doesn't mean it's going to be more fun to play. It is necessary to make sure that there is enough space for everyone - and not only.


Players should not huddle together - yes, sometimes it's interesting to push around, but more often than not, crowding is annoying. reconsider control point position and make sure all the dangerous turns are good marked: the more people play, the more likely it is that unexpected and difficult turns form "congestion", especially at the beginning of the race when the gap is small.


Here, too, you may need to add places, but some sections should stay tight- the most violent and interesting clashes often occur in them. However, this does not mean that it is worth collecting in them 30 people at once. Also don't forget to post enough weapons to suffice for the whole honest company.


Consideration should be given to increasing number of captured objects. And the more space the map occupies, the more it should be "scattered" machines for those who are a little lost.

More objects - more fun

In the updated version of the Editor, you can use on the map more than 2 times more objects. Also, you can now post "props" in the air by pressing the analog sticks. And it can be bridges between skyscrapers, and ramps, and just closed spaces. On the other hand, you don't need "flood" them a map - remember that the objects must be in place.

Be aware of the "new" and test

Check map after any major changes. Even if there were no changes, after porting to a new generation of consoles, the feel of the game may change- there are more leaves road traffic denser, there was a game mode from the first person and so on. Also try to test the map with different meanings settings available to players: it should be interesting to play from the third - and from the first person, and in sunny weather - and in the rain. And by the way, don't forget that you can lock camera mode so that players can only play the work you created in first or third person.

Righteous bloodshed?

As with deathmatches and captures, in Last Team Standing (battles to the last team), balance is key. However, in LTS there may be several rounds, and commands can change places. Therefore, it is appropriate to create both balanced and intentionally « asymmetrical» maps to give players a different experience of playing for each side.

Teams, rounds and borders

In the LTS Editor you can set the number of rounds However, a sober calculation is also needed here. For example, if the game is on on a small map, the rounds are likely to be short, so you can increase the number of rounds. Number of teams is also configurable, and here you should follow the same rule: choose the maximum number of teams based on the size of the map.

Also, remember that these two values connected. For example, if a team needs to win in 4 rounds to win, and there are 4 teams playing, it may take up to 13 rounds. Too much, don't you think? Concerning borders, their placement will allow you to clearly define the dimensions of the playing space to make the game tense enough for the selected number of players, teams, and rounds.

Weapons and transport

A game of imposed weapons(Forced Weapon) can greatly change the feel of the game. Note that for each card, the most suitable options your own: for example, playing with sniper rifles indoors can be not very fun.
In general, this mode fits well with balanced cards - players are on an equal footing. When unbalanced maps, it is recommended to place more weapons and vehicles on the map to enable "oppressed" team to equalize in strength with rivals.

And more about transport: now you can place various offensive weapons on the map - tanks, helicopters, and so on. And while it can tip the balance, sometimes it's that element of chaos that makes the game exciting.


Creating a good unbalanced map can be a difficult task. Perhaps the key here is how big gap between teams. It must be such that "outsiders" they felt that they had a chance, but at the same time they were forced to use all their ingenuity and skill to win.
For example, if the stronger team has a tank, the weaker team can be given sticky bombs. You can also try giving one team only sniper rifles and the other team only knives. Then put more covers on the map - and let the fastest win.

How to install and play custom GTA ONLINE maps

Hello! You must have already played GTA Online Custom Cases. Usually it's crazy races with wild ramps or a team of survivors, where they are with RPGs and grenades, while others are in armored vehicles. In this article I will tell you how to choose and add case to GTA Online .

Go to your page Social Club and from the top menu select " Games".

Select GTA V game ( Grand Theft Auto 5 ).

Here is a search for all cases of GTA Online. But we only need custom ones, so in the search filter we put " SC members".

Select "Type of case", the picture was selected " Race".

We also filter out unpopular custom maps.

And finally, to add the case you like to the game, click the " Add to game". A corresponding success window should appear.

Ready! To play custom cards GTA Online, go into the game, through the menu go to " Affairs" -> "start a business" -> "Marked"and start the job you need.

You can also take a look at my GTA Online streams on twitch channel zakrutTV which take place almost every day :)

Map Editor is a tool that will allow you to edit maps in Grand Theft Auto V. You have a free camera in your arsenal to move around the city, and you can summon any game objects (with a preview function!), move them to any place using the keyboard or mouse. All editable maps are saved in XML format or in a simple trainer format (objects.ini).


  • F7 - call the modification menu;
  • W, A, S, D - rotate the camera around, and inside the map editor menu, if there is an active object - drag / expand the object;
  • Q / E - move up / down, or rotate along the axis (with an active object);
  • F - call the menu for creating objects;
  • P - call the menu for creating pedestrians;
  • B - call the menu for creating cars;
  • Arrow up - put a marker;
  • Shift - speed up camera rotation, drag or rotate an object faster;
  • Alt - slow camera movement, drag or rotate an object more slowly;
  • Ctrl - when the object is selected, switches the move mode to rotation, and the arrow above the object will change color: yellow for moving, red for rotating;
  • LMB - select an object;
  • RMB - drag an object using the mouse;
  • Mouse wheel - rotate the object when the cursor is hovered;
  • C - copy the selected object;
  • Delete - delete the selected object.

At any time, you can save or load the map in XML or as object.ini files. When you select Load or Save from the main menu, you will be prompted to give the map a name. Please note that all downloaded maps will save all changes, so create new maps to edit the GTA 5 game world.

You can use the Autoload Maps feature by creating an "AutoloadMaps" folder in GTA 5\scripts. All files with the extension .xml or .ini will be loaded with the start of the game.

Map Editor Installation Instructions

  1. The ScriptHookV.Net plugin must also be installed on the computer.
  2. Download the archive with the mod.
  3. Copy all files from the archive to the Grand Theft Auto V\scripts folder.
  4. Start the game!

Updated to version v2.13:

  • added new transport
  • bugs fixed
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