
DIY paintings from sea pebbles. Pebbles in the interior - ideas for use. Wind chimes made from sea shells

You've probably already seen all but one of the wall art ideas. After all, in this material we want to show you charming scenes made from ordinary sea pebbles! These pebbles are great for this kind of creativity: they are flat, so they can fit under glass. And yet, they are all so different that they just beg to become part of an interesting panel. Look through the examples of work, and you will probably want to create something similar!

Several pebbles of different colors, a good frame, hot glue (from a glue gun) and imagination - that’s what you need to create such a masterpiece. Simply apply glue to the stone and press it into the desired location on the canvas. Add other stones - and you get a laconic but very beautiful plot. For example, this wedding one.

Or an excellent family “portrait”, where the husband, wife and children seem to be sitting on a branch. Of course, in addition to pebbles, you can add other materials to your work: the branch here is made from a dry twig with a branch.

Another wedding story. Newlyweds in beautiful clothes (yes, this can also be conveyed by ordinary pebbles) enjoying each other’s company on the seashore. Please note that the pebbles almost do not step on each other, otherwise the composition may become too voluminous and will not fit under the glass.

Here's another family portrait. The focus is on the couple on whom the whole family depends. This married couple has two children, but despite this they carried their feelings through all the trials of fate. This kind of tenderness can be embodied in stone!

Here, too, additional material was used - a branch and a pencil, with which the birds' beaks were drawn. Stone is a heavy material, but looking at this panel, on the contrary, there is a feeling of lightness, isn’t it?

And even daisies can be made from pebbles! Just choose contrasting colors and arrange the petals with thin white pebbles. Draw the flower stems - and you're done!

But here, for sure, different generations are depicted. You see - one pair of silhouettes is more monumental, and the second is more “alive”. By choosing stones with curves, you can depict younger people.

In the next panel, people are depicted mixed with stones, but for some reason there is no doubt where exactly the people are and where the stones are. It's all about the skill of the artist and the thoughtfulness of the details made from pebbles.

Here's a romantic scene. The lovers stand on the largest stone - perhaps this is a hint of their feelings...

A variation on the same theme, only with a different configuration of pebbles.

And here are the birds again, but not on a branch, but on the stones. Perhaps in nature there are such small pebbles that can be used to represent a beak, but it is easier to draw it.

And this is just a wonderful picture: a father and son flying kites into the sky! The strings stretching from the kites are also drawn in pencil. Everything is simple, but appropriate.

But it’s not birds that are sitting on a branch, but people.

A couple on a walk climbs onto the rocks. Thanks to the figured stones, it is clear who is a guy and who is a girl.

Birds again. The smaller the pebbles, the more birds you can fit on one branch.

But this is just a wonderful idea. The lovers are “cooing” on a bench, and the moon is shining above them. So, thanks to one tiny pebble, the author lets you know that the panel depicts night.

This time the birds are depicted on wires. The birds' legs are drawn, but the wire is real - wire.

Children enjoy balloons made from perfectly oval stones.

Another option for a kite is these textured pebbles. It looks like a small heart and is very suitable for the image of a snake.

The bride and groom have reached the highest level of their relationship.

The bird flew into a nest made from additional materials.

And here is a lonely lighthouse in the darkness of the night. And in the light of the moon, which is represented by a small pebble.

And here it is a sunny day, and the girl is going to climb a tree to pick apples. Even such nuances can be shown in a painting with ordinary pebbles.

Well, did you like the stone panels? There’s just a little bit left: dig up your reserves of pebbles (you bring pebbles from a sea holiday, right?) and make a similar picture on any theme.

During the renovation process, especially when the question arises of creating a unique interior, they often resort to various techniques for altering and finishing purchased finishing materials and using natural resources. One of these is pebbles. Initially, it was used by Western designers to decorate interiors in eco-styles.

Pebbles in the interior are an excellent opportunity to introduce sea notes into the interior. Therefore, for a marine style this will be one of the most suitable finishing materials. But it should be said that today it is used for interior decoration in many styles. Moreover, it can be used to decorate almost any room in an apartment or house. This could be a pebble floor in any room, or it could be wall cladding.

But in addition to the finishing material, it can serve as a material for creating various interior accessories: a rug, a decorative panel made of pebbles, a painting and various other ideas.

Pebbles in the bathroom

Perhaps the bathroom is the room in which pebbles are most often used, which is understandable because it is directly connected with water. These natural stones with rounded, smoothed edges owe their appearance to water.

Pebbles in the interior of a bathroom most often play a functional role, because they are used to decorate the walls of the bathroom, shower area, and also make a pebble floor. The widespread use of this natural material in bathroom interiors is explained by the fact that it is absolutely not afraid of water, therefore it is ideal for finishing rooms with high humidity.

Pebble tiles are perfect for finishing a bathroom. This finished tile is made from decorative pebbles. But if you are doing the finishing with your own hands, then an ordinary sea or river one is also suitable for this. The technology for finishing walls or floors is as follows:

  • Pebbles are glued onto a special mesh or backing
  • The finished canvas is then attached to the prepared surface of the walls or floor
  • At the third stage, the surface is treated with grout, thereby sealing the cavities between the stones

It should be said that today on sale you can find a ready-made canvas made of pebbles, which can simply be fixed in the appropriate place and treated with grout.

You can also decorate the floor or walls with pebbles in the bathroom using another technology if you are planning a major renovation in this room. You can get walls made of pebbles later at the stage of leveling and plastering the walls. At this stage of repair, immediately before plastering, it is necessary to add a colored tint to the solution, stir it to obtain a single, monochromatic consistency, and then apply it to the walls. After the mortar is applied and leveled on the wall, you should immediately proceed to the next step - pebbles are applied to the surface, this is done very easily, pressing each stone into the mortar.

This way you can create entire wall paintings in the bathroom interior. But it is possible to line the walls with pebbles without any pattern, arranging the stones in a chaotic manner. The only thing you need to worry about in advance is to collect a sufficient number of stones, and this should be done before mixing and applying the plaster to the wall.

If you decide to make pebble tiles with your own hands on a special substrate, then there are a lot of options for its further use in the bathroom. It can be used to decorate not only the floor and walls; it can also be used, for example, to close the cavity under the bathtub, under the sink. Moreover, you can make a rug with your own hands. Pebbles can also be used as a decorative element, for example, decorating the sink area with it.

Using pebbles in the kitchen

Just like in the case of a bathroom, pebbles for the kitchen can serve as a finishing and decorative material. This can be wall or floor cladding. But it should be said that most often it is used to decorate a kitchen apron and countertop. True, the countertop is most often made in a factory if it is necessary to obtain a smooth surface. Very often, in such rooms, pebbles are additionally treated with colored varnish to match them with the overall style of the room.

Pebbles in the living room photo

If your living room is made in a modern eco-style, in a minimalist style, or in a country or Provence style, then the use of pebbles in the living room will be very appropriate. For eco-styles, it would be quite appropriate to use a mound of pebbles to decorate an eco-fireplace, or such a mound is often used in a special recess in the floor. Places for home flowers are often decorated in the same way.

For the medieval style, or country style, it would be very relevant to use decorative pebble stones to decorate an arch, part of a wall; it can also be used to decorate the design of a corner fireplace. In the living room, it can be used to decorate niches and other parts. Living room interior with pebbles is a very modern trend that is increasingly gaining popularity.

Pebbles in the interior - craft ideas

In addition to using pebbles in large-scale repair work, it can be used, as mentioned above, for the manufacture of various accessories, attributes and crafts. It should be said that not only adults, but also children can take part in their production, because it is often a very creative and joyful process. Just collecting pebbles on the seashore or river can bring a lot of joy and positive mood.

DIY pebble paintings

This is the most creative process, for this it is enough to select pebbles of the appropriate size, wash them from dirt, dry them and you can start working. Ordinary acrylic paints and brushes are suitable for this. Most often, various characters, portraits of people, animals, etc. are painted on them. After the masterpiece is ready, they can be placed in a frame, but to prevent the stones from falling off, they will need to be glued to the back wall of the frame . Then it will be possible to create an entire art gallery. By the way, a corridor can be a great place for this.

Pebble panel in the interior

This is another opportunity to build an excellent attribute that can perfectly decorate the interior of any room. For this, pebbles of different sizes and colors are used, sometimes supplemented with shells, thereby expanding the creative possibilities for creating panels. Thanks to this, you can get a whole work of art. Sometimes it is enough to show a little imagination and in the end you can get a completely creative interior accessory.

DIY pebble rug

It's a great idea to make a rug, it's very creative and easy to implement; all you need is the appropriate backing, glue and of course the pebbles themselves. To make it beautiful and neat, it should be selected the same size and in such a way that the distance between individual pebbles is as small as possible.

Pebbles in the interior photo ideas

Below we invite you to find out how else you can use pebbles in the interior.

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Making original crafts, accessories and souvenirs from natural materials with your own hands is a fairly popular hobby. For handmade work, both ordinary utilitarian objects and natural materials (stones, wood, etc.) are used.

Sea stones and river pebbles are an ornamental material with inexhaustible possibilities, the use of which is huge.

More suitable for handicrafts river pebbles or artificial stones. Sea pebbles are suitable Not for all types of work, as a white coating may appear on its surface. Simple pebbles can be purchased at a hardware store.

Pebble rugs

Rugs for the bathroom or hallway, made from pebbles, look beautiful and at the same time have health-improving effect– You can use them to massage your feet.

To make such a rug from stones with your own hands, you will need a base made of rubber or carpet. To create an original pattern or mosaic, stones need to be selected according to color and size. First, prepare the substrate - thoroughly clean it and give it the required shape.

To facilitate the work, the stones are first laid out on the base in accordance with the pattern, and then each element is secured separately in the same order. The pebbles are glued using transparent waterproof glue. The stones are placed in such a way as to completely cover the base, and the gaps between the elements are not too noticeable.

Rubber base It’s better to use it for a bathroom rug, so it won’t slide on the tiles. For a massage mat, you can use more convex stones.

Flowers made from sea stones

Flowers made from decorative stones look original. They are very practical - they decorate the interior and do not require personal care. For example, you can paint large pebbles to look like cacti and place them in flower pots filled with small crumbs. A mosaic in the shape of flowers made from sea pebbles is a beautiful decoration for any interior.

One of the interesting ideas is creating a topiary(“tree of happiness”) made of small pebbles. The following material is required for work:

  • bottle with sand;
  • branch or tube (diameter up to 1 cm);
  • a foam ball, twice the diameter of the bottle;
  • glue gun.

The sand is pre-dried in the oven and poured into a bottle or small container.

Then the tube or branch is attached to the ball with glue, for which a hole is made in it. The tree trunk (tube) can be decorated with ribbons or twine.

To create a tree crown, small pebbles are glued onto a foam ball. To get a beautiful product with an unusual decor, you need to specially select the color scheme and shape of the parts for the crown.

The crown and trunk can be secured with a pin instead of glue. The tree of happiness is placed on a shelf next to photographs or decorative candles.

Garden ideas

Stylish garden lamps made of pebbles. Lamps are made very simply - stones are poured into ordinary glass jars, into which decorative candles are then placed. The jars are covered with metal lids on top and hung on chains.

Large stones make fairy houses, colorfully painted in the form of a magical palace or hut. They are located on the playground, in secluded corners among the greenery or near a stream in the reeds.

Round lying stones can be converted into figurine of an animal or insect, supplemented with details from auxiliary materials. For example, paws, tail and whiskers are made from pieces of reinforcement or wire.


Pebble paths laid out on the site not only look decorative, they are practical and can last for many years with proper use. In the process of work, both natural river and sea pebbles and artificial ones are used.


To create paintings, medium or small stones of the appropriate shape are used; a base is selected in the form of a piece of plywood or wood. The sketch of the painting is first drawn onto paper and determined with stones for decoration and color shades of the material.

After the preparatory work, the pebbles are painted and glued to the base with a glue gun. To increase the decorative effect, you can add other natural materials (shells, branches, etc.) to the pattern. The finished painting is framed.

A panel of decorative pebbles can be made on any surface - a fence, a flowerpot, plastic, cardboard. To create panels, stones of different sizes and shades, as well as other natural materials, are taken. The varied shape of the working elements makes the picture more impressive and original.

Pebble painting. The simplest crafts made from sea stones are painting pebbles with acrylic paints and gouache with images of people, fairy-tale characters, animals or any objects.

Pebbles in the shape of beautiful fish and other animals can be used to decorate a bathtub, pool, aquarium, or make a mosaic for a garden plot. To keep the image longer, the drawing is coated with varnish.


Thanks to its streamlined shape, small sea pebbles are a convenient material for making original jewelry.

Holes are made in the stones using a drill and thus an elegant necklace or bracelets are assembled. To make earrings, you can purchase a base, glue and paint in craft stores. Two identical pebbles are selected and glued to the base. The joints are pre-treated with alcohol.

If desired, sea pebbles are painted with gold paint, preferably using a spray bottle. This must be done in advance before attaching the pebbles to the base. You can make a ring to go with the earrings using the same technique. The base for it is chosen with a flat surface to make it easier to select the stone in size.

If you glue a small magnet to a small pebble and paint the other side, you will get a refrigerator magnet.

Home accessories

A shoe stand is a useful and practical item for use in the hallway. It is made according to the principle of a rug, but unlike the latter, the stones can not be glued, but simply placed in a tray.

Unusual stone floor lamp in the shape of a pyramid. Several round stones of different sizes are drilled and placed on a metal stand. Larger ones are installed from below so that the structure is stable.

You can make a stylish mirror for the hallway or bathroom by decorating a wooden frame with multi-colored sea pebbles. The free space between the pebbles is diluted with small shells and stone chips.

Small pebbles are used to decorate flowerpots and flower pots. For large flowerpots, large stones are used. The pebbles are glued with transparent “Moment” glue and a glue gun. It is better to fix large stones with tile adhesive or concrete mortar. If the surface of the pot is smooth, then the base is made of reinforcing mesh. Caskets, boxes, various containers and coasters for hot items in the kitchen are decorated in the same way.

Sea stones: crafts made from stones and river pebbles

The use of pebbles allows you to create unique decor in almost any room, quickly and inexpensively transform the interior of your home and garden. Due to its practical properties, the material can retain its decorative qualities for a long time.

Summer is a wonderful time. And not only because the sun pleases us with its warmth. During this period, most people go on vacation, which is often spent at sea. The sea is not only a source of health and good mood. We often bring beautiful shells and stones from the sea. Today we will talk about what wonderful crafts can be made from ordinary sea pebbles. This publication was inspired by the paintings of Canadian artist Sharon Nowlan, who makes stunning paintings from flat sea pebbles. It would seem that interesting things can be made from stones. But just look at these pictures!

She started practicing this art 14 years ago. One day, while walking with her three-year-old son, she noticed how he collected small pebbles that he liked. The pebbles were carefully put in a pocket and brought home. The kid collected the stones so carefully that Sharon decided not to throw them away, but to do something special. And that same day she made several paintings from those small pebbles that her son collected. Each of her works is unique and so far not a single painting has been repeated. Sharon studied environmental science and fine arts at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. And the combination of these two hobbies led to the creation of environmental paintings.

Composing a painting using several objects is not as simple as it seems at first glance, the artist moves the pebbles back and forth until an image appears that carries the mood. She sometimes uses pieces of glass, shells and branches in her paintings.

"I find ideas in life. I try to capture feelings I've had or special moments I've glimpsed in the lives of people around me. My friends, family and three children are a constant source of inspiration. Strangers whose lives surround me also give me inspiration. Often the smallest moments in everyday life are the ones worth remembering."

Do you want to try yourself in this art? Take out the pebbles that you brought from the sea and make the simplest picture. Believe me, this is a very exciting process. When the picture is complete, secure the pebbles with any glue and insert them into the frame. Sharon's paintings sell for $70-100, but the painting you make with your own hands from ordinary sea pebbles will be priceless! And if you haven’t been to the sea yet, but already want to make your masterpiece, then you can simply

DIY stone paintings are not only a wonderful and unusual decoration for your home, but also a fantastic gift! Surprise your loved ones with this stunning piece of art! Check out our selection for examples or make something similar yourself!

You can paint the canvas in advance and make the necessary background that will suit the chosen theme for the image with stones. This example examines the motif with birds. Since they are celestial beings, a blue background color was chosen. And the addition was the blue sea.

Add colors!

It will be simply wonderful if, upon arriving from vacation, you take a handful of stones with you! From which you can later make your own painting! The result will definitely please the eye! Firstly, a memory from a vacation, and secondly, a job done with your own hands!

DIY family paintings made of stones

The cohesion of your family can be depicted in a similar picture! Great idea with the added lettering! A picture like this will add a little warmth and romance to your family!

Paint the stones to make the picture more colorful!

A wonderful gift for your other half!

Real 3D effect!

Romantic landscape

Stunning peacock

Funny pictures

Source: German interior and decor magazine "Deavita"
Author of the translation: Chvanova Maria. Especially for the site

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