
When to take ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba - beneficial properties and rules of use. Decoction for pathologies of the respiratory system

Ginkgo Biloba is the only representative of the Ginkgo-type gymnosperm division whose imprints have been found in fossils of the Paleozoic era. The height of the tree is up to 30 m, the crown is spreading, pyramidal in shape, the leaves resemble fused needles. The bark is rough and resin never forms on it.

Ginkgo has been cultivated in European countries since 1730. Entire plantations of the plant, which are grown for the pharmaceutical industry, have been established in the USA and the French province of Bordeaux. They are rarely attacked by insects and are resistant to acid rain, smoke, and fungal diseases. The spread is limited only by low frost resistance.

Instructions for use

Both certified medicinal products and biologically active food supplements are produced from dry ginkgo biloba raw materials. When purchasing them, make sure that they contain standardized amounts of flavone glycosides (this is 24%) and terpenolactones (6%).
Standard dosage: 1 capsule/tablet 40 mg 3 times, taken daily after meals for up to 3 months. If ginkgo preparations are prescribed by a doctor, the dosage can be increased to 80-250 mg.

Useful and medicinal properties of the plant

In the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetology, fruits (Japan, China and Korea) and leaves (European countries) of ginkgo biloba are used for the production of tinctures, tea, tablet forms and solutions for mesotherapy. Best period for collection - October-November, when they contain the highest percentage of flavonoids. The leaves contain unique components:

  • Terpene trilactones (ginkgolides, bilobalides) - found only in Ginkgo biloba;
  • Condensed tannins;
  • Propionic, valeric, ginkgolic acids (in the seed coat).
  • Benzoic acid and its derivatives;
  • Bioflavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin, ginkgetin, bilobetin);
  • Amino acids;
  • Superoxide dismutase;
  • Micro- and antioxidant elements (phosphorus, selenium, titanium, magnesium, iron);
  • Timin.

There is scientific evidence that the plant is capable of:

  • Stimulate the dilation of blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure and reducing the risk of stroke.
  • Increases glomerular filtration rate, reducing proteinuria and increasing the reabsorption of water and sodium.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Reduce the risk of stroke caused by blood clot formation.
  • Prevent age-related changes in the brain caused by neuronal damage.
  • Restrain the development of cancer metastases.
  • Reduce the effects of cerebral ischemia due to antioxidant activity.
  • Activate the absorption of glucose in the parts of the brain responsible for coordinating movements, performing complex actions and processing sensory information.
  • Stimulate the production of adrenaline, thereby reducing symptoms of depression.
  • Prevent blockage of the bronchi during allergy attacks and asthma.
  • Combat sleep disorders in old age, including in people who cannot take sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • Activate mental activity, improve memory, which has worsened with age;
  • Smooth out the consequences of tobacco and alcohol intoxication.
  • Relieve the main symptoms of venous insufficiency and increase venous tone, reducing the manifestations of hypoxia.
  • Inhibit the growth of pneumococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli (applies to fruit extracts, pulp and peel).
  • Improve potency.
  • Relieve itching, pain and bleeding from hemorrhoids.
  • Restore the structure of connective tissue, fighting the aging process of the skin.
  • Relieve headaches of vascular origin.
  • Slow down the processes of vision deterioration.
  • Even out skin color, lighten pigment spots.

Thus, due to its biochemical composition and the presence of unique active substances, ginkgo biloba can be used for treatment and prevention various diseases. Research continues, so the range of applications may expand in the coming years.

Indications for use

Thousands of years ago, ginko leaves were already used to treat a number of diseases in Eastern countries. Today, an extract from them is practically used to treat Alzheimer’s disease in the USA and dementia in Germany. But the scope of use of the plant is not limited to these diseases. Clinical studies have proven that ginkgo extract can be used to treat the following conditions and diseases:

  • Poor blood supply to the arms and legs;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • The initial stage of Alzheimer's disease;
  • Migraine;
  • Age-related cognitive impairment;
  • Impotence;
  • Dizziness;
  • Diseases of the hearing aid and hearing loss;
  • Diabetes;
  • Toxic shock;
  • Allergy;
  • Intermittent claudication syndrome;
  • Asthma.

The list of diseases that ginkgo preparations can cope with is constantly expanding, because in the course of research, scientists are discovering new properties and capabilities of this plant. For example, the possibility of using ginkgo to relieve symptoms of acute mountain sickness is currently being explored.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations with ginkgo biloba extract are classified as highly safe. However, taking generic drugs and dietary supplements with insufficiently purified raw materials can cause the development of hemorrhagic complications. They can be caused by a high concentration of ginkgo acids. Even strictly dosed intake of plant-based tablets and capsules can pose a certain threat. In rare cases, you may experience:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • Dizziness and headache.

People suffering from epilepsy may experience epileptic seizures while taking ginkgo.

Interaction with other drugs

  • If, among other components of the drug, there is heptaminol hydrochloride, then a sharp increase in blood pressure, tachyarrhythmia and increased heartbeat are possible.
  • Ginkgo-based preparations are not recommended for people who constantly need to take anticoagulants and acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Concomitant use of ginkgo and efavirenz may result in a decrease in plasma concentrations of the latter.

Like any medicine, preparations based on ginkgo biloba may have contraindications for use. Therefore, they are not recommended for use without consulting a doctor.

Main contraindications

  • Pregnancy (possible hemorrhage in fetal tissue);
  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer during the period of exacerbation;
  • Age 12-18 years (depending on the drug);
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Tendency to bleeding (cases of severe bleeding have been documented in people who simultaneously took drugs to reduce blood clotting and dietary supplements with ginkgo biloba);
  • Individual hypersensitivity to drug components (lactose, dyes, etc.).

Also, ginkgo preparations are not prescribed before operations, because they tend to increase bleeding. You should also not take several dietary supplements containing extract or crushed ginkgo leaves at the same time. Side effects caused by overdose are the most common.

Tablets and capsules based on Ginkgo biloba

Plant-based preparations are becoming increasingly popular. Some of them are certified, clinical trials are medicines. Dietary supplements do not pass such tests, but the biologically active additives included in their composition must be approved by the Ministry of Health.

Let's list both of them:

  • Tanakan– a herbal medicine prescribed for intermittent claudication, hearing and vision impairment, loss of strength in the limbs, tremors, and Raynaud’s syndrome. Available in the form of tablets and solution. Dosage – 3 times a day, 1 tablet, with ½ glass of water during meals (price from 450 to 1900 rubles).
  • Evalar– A dietary supplement containing, in addition to ginkgo extract, glycine. Effective for attention disorders, decreased memory and mental development indicators, and cerebral blood supply. It is recommended to take one tablet once a day for at least 3 weeks. The course is repeated three times a year (from 160 rubles).
  • Doppelhertz– a complex bioactive supplement recommended for older people suffering from dizziness and tinnitus. Improves the condition of cerebral circulation disorders. The tablets, in addition to the dry extract, contain riboflavin, thiamine and pyridoxine hydrochloride. The course of treatment is 2 months, during which you should take 1 tablet every day (from 300 rubles).
  • Ginkgo Biloba company Now Foods – vegetarian capsules in dosages of 60 and 120 mg, containing Eleutherococcus, ginkgo and gotu kola extracts. Indications for use include previous stroke and heart attack, headaches, impaired potency, stress and venous diseases. Take 1 capsule per day, preferably in the morning, because... the drug may affect the quality of sleep (from RUB 1,300).
  • Ginkgo Biloba from Doctor's Best– a complex vegan herbal medicine in capsules, consisting of more than 40 ingredients. Among them are ginkgo biloba, phosphorus, potassium salts, calcium, thymine. The drug, taken 1-2 capsules per day, reduces blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and memory at any age. (from 470 rub.).
  • Ginkgo Biloba from Jarrow Formulas– vegetarian food supplement rich in ginkgolides. The manufacturer recommends the drug for cardiovascular diseases, taking one capsule with food, unless a specialist recommends otherwise.
  • Ginkor Fort, IPSEN PHARMA company– capsules indicated for impaired venous circulation in the legs, hemorrhoids. Contains gentaminol chloride (can give a positive test during doping control) and troxerutin. Dosage: capsule in the morning and evening for problems with veins, 3-4 capsules twice a day for hemorrhoids (treatment duration 5-15 days) (from 550 to 980 rubles).
  • Memo Plant (Germany)– tablets of 120, 40 and 80 mg. Recommended for dysfunction of the middle ear and problems of peripheral circulation. Dosage and frequency of administration depends on the diagnosis. Tablets are taken swallowed whole (from 520 rubles).
  • Revital ginkgo (India)– tablets, capsules and solution recommended for use for numbness of the hands, vasoconstriction, dyscircular encephalopathy, diabetic retinopathy. Dosage: 3 months, 1 tablet three times a day. An improvement in the condition is observed after 1 month of taking the drug.
  • Bilobil (Slovenia)– capsules presented in three dose forms – bilobil 40 mg, bilobil forte – 80 mg, bilobil Intense – 120 mg. They have antioxidant, antihypoxic and angioprotective effects. They are swallowed whole with water. The dosage is determined by the doctor based on the disease (from 310 to 1000 rubles).
  • Hoat Hiet (Vietnam)– a combination drug produced in the form of capsules. In addition to ginkgo seeds, they contain nothopanax extract. The capsules restore brain function and improve blood circulation in it, restore coordination of movements in Parkinson's, and also fight intracranial pressure, stimulate appetite and improve memory. Dosage: adults – 2-3 capsules, children – 1 capsule once a day for at least 3 weeks.
  • Rökan® plus (Germany)– when taking 1-2 tablets at a dose of 80 mg. twice a day, the severity of headaches and ringing in the ears decreases. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of dementia (costs about 100 euros).

In pharmacies you can purchase both expensive ginkgo-based drugs and their cheap analogues. If the composition includes the same components, then regardless of the price, the drugs will have the same effect.

Relict specimens of ginkgo are fraught with many secrets. Only a few of them are known to mankind, and scientists continue to study this unique representative of the flora. Let's list just a few interesting facts about Ginkgo biloba.

  • The first tree to turn green since the extinction of the dinosaurs grows in the botanical garden of Utrecht (Netherlands). He was imprisoned in 1730.
  • Ginkgo biloba is the only living thing that was revived after the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
  • Herbalist Varro Tyler has described ginkgo as the "most important" plant sold in Europe in recent decades.
  • The ginkgo tree can live for more than 1000 years. At Japanese temples there are relics more than 4000 years old. Their height is more than 30 m.

In Germany, drugs based on it are included in the standards of insurance medicine for people with dementia. A patent has also been received for a product made from dry ginkgo extract, which is used to treat metastatic tumors.


Trade name of the drug: Ginkgo biloba

Generic name: Ginkgo biloba leaf extract&

Dosage form:

film-coated tablets


1 film-coated tablet contains:

active substance: ginkgo biloba leaf dry extract - 40 mg (standardized for the content of ginkgo flavone glycosides (24%) and terpene lactones);

excipients: lactose (milk sugar); corn starch; povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone 25000); sodium carboxymethyl starch (Primogel); magnesium stearate; colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil); shell: Opadry II [hypromellose (hyroxypropyl methylcellulose), lactose monohydrate, crimson 4R dye (E 124), solar yellow dye (FD&C No. 6) (E 110), macrogol (polyethylene glycol 3350), triacetin, titanium dioxide].


The tablets are brick-red, round, biconvex, coated.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: angioprotective agent of plant origin

ATX Code: N06DX02

Pharmacological properties

The biologically active substances of the ginkgo biloba leaf extract help strengthen and increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, improve the rheological properties of the blood and, as a result, improve microcirculation and the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain and peripheral tissues. The drug improves cerebral circulation and has cerebroprotective properties. Reduces the permeability of the vascular wall (anti-edematous effect - both at the level of the brain and at the periphery). The drug normalizes metabolism in cells, prevents erythrocyte aggregation, and inhibits platelet activating factor. Prevents the increase in fibrinolytic activity of the blood.

Prevents the formation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. It has a dose-dependent regulatory effect on the vascular system, dilates small arteries, increases the tone of the veins, and regulates the blood supply to blood vessels. The drug increases the body's resistance to hypoxia, especially brain tissue, and inhibits the development of traumatic or toxic cerebral edema.

Indications for use

  • Discirculatory encephalopathy (stroke, traumatic brain injury, old age), manifested by the following symptoms: decreased attention, weakened memory, decreased intellectual abilities, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disturbances.
  • Disorders of peripheral circulation and microcirculation (including arteriopathy of the lower extremities), Raynaud's syndrome;
  • Neurosensory disorders, manifested by dizziness, ringing in the ears, unsteady gait.


Hypersensitivity to ginkgo biloba leaf extract and other components of the drug, hypocoagulation, gastric ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage, erosive gastritis, pregnancy, lactation, childhood (up to 12 years), acute cerebrovascular accident, acute myocardial infarction.

With caution- arterial hypotension.

Directions for use and doses

For the symptomatic treatment of cerebrovascular disorders
1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 8 weeks.

For peripheral circulatory disorders
1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

For neurosensory disorders
1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

Repeated courses of treatment are possible after consultation with a doctor.


Film-coated tablets should be taken orally, without chewing, with a small amount of water. Take the drug in the morning, afternoon and evening, regardless of meals.

If a dose of the drug was missed or an insufficient amount was taken, the subsequent dose should be taken as indicated in these instructions without any changes.

Side effect

Possible allergic reactions(skin rash, itching), gastrointestinal disorders (dyspepsia), decreased blood clotting, headache, dizziness, insomnia.


Currently, no cases of overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other drugs

Special instructions

Improvement usually appears 1 month after the start of treatment.

If there is a sudden decrease in hearing or hearing loss, you should seek medical help immediately. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary if you experience frequent dizziness and tinnitus.

Release form

Film-coated tablets, 40 mg.

10 tablets in a blister pack. 20 or 30 tablets in a light-protective glass jar; or 20 or 30 tablets in a polymer jar or polymer bottle.

Each jar or bottle, 2, 3, 5, 9 or 10 blister packs, along with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard pack. A polymer jar or polymer bottle without packs is provided with adhesive instructions for use and placed in a group package.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

over the counter.


OJSC "Veropharm" for CJSC "Pharmacies 36.6", Russia, 111250, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st., 14

Address of production and acceptance of claims

308013 Belgorod, st. Rabochaya, 14

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Ginkgo Biloba. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Ginkgo Biloba in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Ginkgo biloba in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of memory disorders in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Ginkgo Biloba- a product of plant origin. The action is due to the nature of its influence on metabolic processes in cells, the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation, as well as on the vasomotor reactions of large blood vessels. Improves cerebral circulation and supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain. It has a vasodilating effect and prevents platelet aggregation. Normalizes metabolic processes and has an antihypoxic effect on tissues. Prevents lipid peroxidation and the formation of free radicals in cell membranes. It has a pronounced anti-edematous effect at the level of the brain and in peripheral tissues. At different pathological conditions prevents increased proteolytic activity of serum.


Dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves + excipients.


  • attention and/or memory disorders;
  • disturbances in mental activity;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • encephalopathy, unspecified;
  • feeling of fear;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • sleep disorders (excessive drowsiness);
  • general malaise resulting from cerebrovascular disorders.

Release forms

Film-coated tablets 40 mg.

Capsules 40 mg and 80 mg.

Homeopathic granules.

Ginkgo biloba leaf (as a raw material for the production of dietary supplements).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen


Orally 40 mg 3 times a day.


Inside, with a small amount of water, regardless of meals.

Unless your doctor prescribes a different dosage regimen, you should adhere to the following recommendations when taking the drug:

For the symptomatic treatment of cerebrovascular disorders

Dosage 40 mg. 1-2 capsules 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment is at least 8 weeks.

For peripheral circulatory disorders

Dosage 80 mg. 1 capsule 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment is at least 6 weeks.

For vascular or involutional pathology

Dosage 40 mg. 1 capsule 3 times a day or 2 capsules 2 times a day.

Dosage 80 mg. 1 capsule 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

If a dose of the drug was missed or an insufficient amount was taken, the subsequent dose should be taken as indicated in these instructions without any changes.

Side effect

  • digestive disorders;
  • headaches;
  • allergic reactions.


  • decreased blood clotting;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children's and adolescence up to 18 years old;
  • hypersensitivity to ginkgo biloba preparations.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Ginkgo biloba is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Special instructions

The use of ginkgo biloba preparations should be avoided in the presence of risk factors for the development of intracranial hemorrhage.

Drug interactions

There are reports that when using ginkgo biloba preparations and simultaneous thrombolytic therapy (taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, including acetylsalicylic acid), the risk of developing cerebral hemorrhage increases.

When used with antihypertensive drugs, the antihypertensive effect may be potentiated.

Analogues of the drug Ginkgo Biloba

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Bilobil;
  • Bilobil forte;
  • Vitrum Memory;
  • Gingium;
  • Ginkgo biloba leaf dry extract;
  • Ginkgo Biloba Evalar;
  • Ginkyo;
  • Ginkum;
  • Ginos;
  • Memoplant;
  • Tanakan.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Ginkgo biloba(also known by its Latin name Salisburia adiantifolia) is a natural extract obtained from the leaves of the Chinese ginkgo tree, also called maidenhair tree. EGb761 and GBE are the scientific terms for a standardized green Ginkgo biloba extract known for its positive effects on the brain. ()

Ginkgo has been studied for decades in France, Germany and China. Although both dried leaves and seeds of ginkgo have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, today's clinical research is focused on the effectiveness of standardized liquid extract Ginkgo biloba, made from dried green leaves. ()

According to traditional Chinese medicine and today's clinical studies, ginkgo biloba is safe, effective and beneficial for the body in many ways. This is thanks to its protective effects and ability to resist mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress. ()

In traditional Chinese medicine, this extract has been used since ancient times to treat a wide variety of diseases, in particular circulatory problems and disorders associated with memory loss. ()

What makes ginkgo so powerful? Ginkgo biloba extract contains two components (flavonoids and terpenoids) that have powerful... They are thought to help slow the progression of age-related diseases by counteracting oxidative stress, which tends to increase with age.

Ginkgo biloba's ability to dilate blood vessels and improve vascular health means that this extract supports brain activity and development, detoxification mechanisms and immune function. Many of the most outstanding benefits of ginkgo relate to brain function, particularly concentration and memory, as well as intellectual potential. According to a report published in international magazine International Journal of Phyotherapy and Phytopharmacology, Ginkgo biloba "is currently the most studied herbal remedy approved for the treatment of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease." ()

One theory is that ginkgo helps increase brain cells' uptake of glucose (broken-down sugar), potentially improving the transmission of nerve signals involved in memory, mood, task completion, heart rate regulation and eye health - in addition to many other vital functions. important functions.

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