
Kinetic wind generator: device, principle of operation, application. Types of wind turbines. New designs and technical solutions Wind generator types

In the twenties of the twentieth century, they only dreamed of electrifying the entire country in the Land of Soviets. The dream, in general, has come true. However, there are also places in the post-Soviet space and throughout the world that are not enmeshed in power lines. So farmers, workers in the taiga, and polar explorers are forced to look for alternative energy sources. One of them, wind generators, will be discussed in the article.

Do you need a wind generator?

So, what is a wind generator or, in common parlance, a windmill? To whom and why can it be useful?

Even if you don't do research in the ice of Antarctica and do not raise cows on a farm, do not cut down forest in the taiga and do not develop various deposits in places where no human has gone before, don't rush to answer negatively to the question: “Do you need a wind generator?” Let's first find out what it is and what its capabilities are.

As mentioned above, a windmill is alternative source energy. More specifically, it is a device that converts wind energy into electricity.

Could such a device be useful not in extreme conditions, but in everyday life? Of course it can. In summer cottages, where there is no electricity, in populated areas where it exists, but is produced with great interruptions and often switches off, a windmill will undoubtedly come in handy.

Recently, there has been a tendency to equip cottages autonomous source energy. In this case, a wind generator is one of the most popular options, because it is environmentally friendly, does not require raw materials and does not generate waste.

How does a wind generator work?

To answer this question, first consider its structure.

Any wind turbine must have:

Scheme device operation in the most simplified form it can be represented as follows: the wind rotates the blades, which, in turn, lead the rotor moves. Next, the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy occurs.

Rotating, the generator rotor produces three-phase alternating current, from which electrical appliances cannot operate, so it needs to be converted.

For this purpose, in the design of a wind turbine controller provided. It will convert the current coming from the generator into direct current. The batteries are charged from the latter. Passing through them current flows to the inverter, where it acquires characteristics acceptable for the operation of our electrical appliances. From constant it again becomes variable, but with the indicators already familiar to us: single-phase, with voltage at 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz.

Are all wind turbines the same?

Despite the fact that the operating principle of all windmills is approximately the same, there is many classifications these energy sources. If we consider devices for the home, then the materials used are of greatest importance. for the manufacture of blades, their number, the direction of the axis of rotation in relation to to the earth's surface, as well as the pitch feature of the screw. Let's briefly consider each type.

Most existing wind turbines (wind power installations) today can be classified as single-, two-, three- or multi-bladed. Small part the most modern does not contain blade devices at all, and the wind in them is caught by the so-called “sail”, in appearance resembling a plate. Behind it are pistons that operate the hydraulic system, which then generates electric current. The efficiency of such installations is higher than everyone else. With blade systems, the trend is that the fewer blades, the more power the generator produces.

Types of wind generators

Wind generators, as noted above, may vary not only by the number of blades, but also by the materials used to make them. The blade system can be rigid, made of metal or fiberglass, or it can be sail-based, cheaper, but less practical.

If we compare wind turbines according to the pitch characteristic of the propeller, then more reliable are devices that the step is fixed. There are windmills with variable pitch, capable of changing the rotation speed, but their bulky design entails additional expenses for installation and maintenance of such a system.

The designs of wind turbines are most diverse, if we consider them from the point of view axis directions rotation relative to the ground.

Devices whose blades rotate relative to the vertical axis, in turn, can be divided into several types.

  1. Savonius wind generators are several halves of hollow cylinders mounted on a vertical axis. Their main advantage is the ability to rotate regardless of wind speed and direction. A significant drawback is the ability to use only a third of wind energy.
  2. A Darrieus rotor is a system of two or more blades, which are flat plates. Such a device is not difficult to make, but it will not be possible to obtain a lot of energy with its help. In addition, to start such a rotor, an additional mechanism is needed.
  3. The helicoid rotor, thanks to specially twisted blades, has uniform rotation. The device is durable, but due to the complexity of its design, it is expensive.
  4. Multi-blade wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation are the most efficient option in their group.

Windmills with a horizontal axis of rotation also have their advantages and disadvantages. Their main advantage is high efficiency. Among the disadvantages of such structures, it is worth noting the need to capture the direction of the wind using a weather vane and change in efficiency depending on the wind direction. In this regard, horizontal installations are most appropriate in open areas. In the same place where the blades will be obscured from the wind of buildings, trees or, for example, hills, it is better to install a wind turbine of a different design.

Besides, such a wind generator is expensive, and its appearance in the surrounding area will definitely not cause much delight among your neighbors. Its blades can easily knock down a flying bird and make a lot of noise.

What other wind power plants are there? Well, of course, ours, domestic and imported. Among the latest Europeans are leading, Chinese and North American units. At the same time, the presence of domestic wind generators on the market cannot but rejoice.

The price of such devices is determined, first of all, their power and the presence of additional elements, for example, solar panels and varies within very wide limits - from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles.

We design a wind generator ourselves

Of course, this price makes wind generators not affordable for everyone. If you decide that a windmill is for you simply necessary But you don’t have the opportunity to buy it, or you don’t want to spend money on installing it, you can try to make such an energy source yourself. For this you will need device diagram, drawing and, of course, a set of necessary parts.

Description of work with all diagrams, drawings and step by step instructions(sometimes even with a photo) any search engine will give you. However, do not rush to start working on the first instruction you come across. Better first study in detail operating principle and assembly process of several structures, choose the one that suits you in terms of power, availability of parts and manufacturing difficulties, and only then start working.

So, every homemade windmill should have:

  • blades;
  • generator;
  • mast;
  • as well as an installation that converts electric current.

Each of these parts can be made independently or remake from an existing one. For example, pipes made of PVC or aluminum are suitable for making blades. There are also plans for making them from wood or fiberglass. All of these blade manufacturing methods are suitable for horizontal wind turbines, which are recommended by experts for a homemade home or country windmill. The blades of the vertical device easy to make from a plastic or metal barrel.

There are also many ways to make a generator. One of the most common is self-assembled disk generator based on neodymium magnets. Its disadvantage is the high price of magnets and their large number, but its advantage is ease of assembly.

Another way - remake a finished generator asynchronous electric motor. In this case, it is enough to regrind the rotor and rewind the stator coils. The latter is the most difficult part of the process. However, she too quite feasible at home.

Ready-made car or bicycle generators are also suitable.

Will serve as a mast steel pipe at least five and a half meters long.

Assembling parts into a single structure carried out according to the scheme which is not difficult to find using search engines. The main thing is to be able to understand it.

Of course, assembling a wind generator with your own hands is a task that Not everyone can do it. For some, it is much easier to buy it than to understand the process of gluing neodymium magnets or rewinding stator coils.

How to make the right choice?

So what should you pay attention to when choosing a wind turbine?

Do not assume that the most expensive and imported a wind generator will be the best. First of all, you need to proceed not from the price, but from your needs. Before you make a purchase, calculate how much electricity you you plan to spend.

It is clear that you need to choose the model that is capable of producing the quantity you need energy. However, be careful. Each wind generator is designed to certain speed wind. This means that it is capable of delivering the power declared by the manufacturer at the speed specified in the instructions for it.

If the wind turbine develops its maximum power at a speed wind 10 -12 m/s, and in your area the average does not exceed 4−5 m/s, then you should not expect the device to generate the stated amount of electricity. You'll end up paying extra money for something you don't get.

The power of a wind generator is directly dependent from the wheel diameter, formed by blades. With an error of 20%, it can be calculated using the formula: square of the diameter multiplied by the cube average wind speed and divide the resulting value by 7000. That is, with a wheel diameter of two meters and the average wind speed in your area 3 m/s you will get about 0.015 kW of electricity. If the diameter is doubled, then the wind generator at the same wind speed will produce 4 times more electricity - 0.6 kW. Thus, with all other characteristics being the same, a windmill with larger blades is more productive.

It is equally important to pay attention when choosing a wind generator on battery capacity. If you do not live in a coastal zone, then calm in your area is not uncommon. In this case, the system will operate on battery power. And it tends to discharge. Therefore, it is desirable that in addition to it there is backup source energy.

For this purpose, you can purchase the installation immediately with solar panels, or connect the windmill to the network. In this case, it will only compensate for the lack of electricity if necessary.

How much energy does the average family need?

  1. In a city apartment, 0.5 kW will be enough. To make it clearer, the meter in this case will show 360 kWh.
  2. A 5 kW wind turbine can provide this amount of energy even if the wind speed is low.
  3. If any heating device is constantly running in the apartment, then the same wind generator can ensure its operation only at a wind speed that is only possible near the coastline.

Which location should I choose to install a wind generator?

Of course, you need to install a windmill in places as open as possible for the wind. The most suitable for these purposes are hills, coastal zones, steppes, and open spaces away from buildings. You should not locate a wind power station where there is even low trees. You will be using the windmill for a long time, during which time the trees will have time to grow and create interference.

An important factor in choosing a place to install such a device is presence of neighbors near. The fact is that wind generators are by no means silent devices. In addition, about their blades, as mentioned above, sometimes birds crash. Not every neighbor is ready to endure such inconveniences. In this regard, it is better to install wind turbines at a distance at least 250 meters from the nearest residential buildings.

In general, a wind turbine is the most environmentally friendly source energy, unlike, for example, a diesel station. Compared to solar panels, which also do not emit waste into the environment, it is more affordable. In addition, the wind blows both day and night.

However, the price of a wind generator is still high, so installing it must be expedient. If you purchase such a unit for environmental reasons alone or in the hope save crazy money This device will bring you nothing but disappointment. However, a wind generator will be the best solution for you if:

  • the wind in the area where you plan to install a windmill blows many days a year at a speed of at least 4 m/s;
  • your home is not connected to the power grid or your energy costs are very high;
  • there is enough space on your site to install such a bulky device;
  • the fact of installing a wind generator has been agreed upon with the neighbors;
  • you have sufficient funds to purchase and maintain a wind power device.

Whether to use electricity from a regular network, purchase an autonomous source, or try to make it yourself - the choice is yours. If you make a choice in favor of a wind generator, remember that this decision must be dictated by necessity and not just be a fashion trend. Only after carefully thinking through everything down to the smallest detail, weighing all the pros and cons, can you purchase the most profitable source alternative energy.

Types of wind generators

Wind turbines can be distinguished by:
- number of blades;
— type of blade materials;
— vertical or horizontal location of the installation axis;
— step-by-step version of the blades.

By design, wind generators are divided according to the number of blades: single, two-bladed, three-bladed and multi-bladed. The presence of a large number of blades allows them to rotate with very little wind. The design of the blades can be divided into rigid and sail. Sailing wind turbines are cheaper than others, but require frequent repairs.

One of the types of wind generators is horizontal

Vertical wind generators begin to rotate at low winds. They don't need a weather vane. However, they are inferior in power to wind turbines with a horizontal axis. The pitch of wind generator blades can be fixed or variable. The variable pitch of the blades makes it possible to increase the rotation speed. These windmills are more expensive. Fixed pitch wind turbine designs are reliable and simple.

Vertical generator

These windmills are less expensive to maintain because they are installed at a low height. They also have fewer moving parts and are easier to repair and manufacture. This installation option is easy to make with your own hands.

Vertical wind generator

The design of a wind generator with optimal blades and a unique rotor provides high efficiency and does not depend on the direction of the wind. Wind generators of vertical design are silent. The vertical wind generator has several types of design.

Orthogonal wind generators

Orthogonal wind generator

Such windmills have several parallel blades that are installed at a distance from the vertical axis. The operation of orthogonal windmills is not affected by wind direction. They are installed at ground level, which facilitates installation and operation of the unit.

Wind generators based on the Savonius rotor

The blades of this installation are special semi-cylinders that create high torque. The disadvantages of these windmills include high material consumption and low efficiency. To obtain high torque with the Savonius rotor, a Darrieus rotor is also installed.

Wind turbines with Daria rotor

Along with the Darrieus rotor, these units have a number of pairs of blades with an original design to improve aerodynamics. The advantage of these installations is the possibility of their installation at ground level.

Helicoidal wind generators.

They are a modification of orthogonal rotors with a special blade configuration, which gives uniform rotation of the rotor. By reducing the load on the rotor elements, their service life increases.

Wind generators based on the Daria rotor

Multi-blade wind turbines

Multi-blade wind generators

Wind turbines of this type are a modified version of orthogonal rotors. The blades on these installations are installed in several rows. The first row of fixed blades directs the wind flow to the blades.

Sailing wind generator

The main advantage of this installation is the ability to work in light winds of 0.5 m/s. The sailing wind generator can be installed anywhere, at any height.

Sailing wind generator

The advantages include: low wind speed, quick response to the wind, lightness of construction, availability of material, maintainability, and the ability to make a windmill with your own hands. The disadvantage is the possibility of breakage in strong winds.

Wind generator horizontal

Wind generator horizontal

These installations may have a different number of blades. For a wind generator to operate, it is important to choose the correct wind direction. The efficiency of the installation is achieved by the small angle of attack of the blades and the possibility of their adjustment. Such wind generators have small dimensions and weight.

The use of wind energy to generate electricity is one of the promising forms of development of alternative energy. A vertical wind generator is a promising direction for the development of the industry, because has a number of advantages compared to horizontal analogues.

Principle of operation

A vertical windmill is a cylinder mounted on a base. Thanks to its shape, it works regardless of wind direction. Regardless of the type of vertical wind generator, it is designed in such a way that the pressure of the air flow on one of its sides is higher than on the other.

Thanks to this difference in pressure, the generator axis rotates and electricity is generated. Due to the fact that the wind force is directed to both sides of the wind generator, the starting wind speed is slightly higher than that of horizontal wind turbines, but with the proper quality of the parts, there is self-propulsion - i.e. a significant increase in generator speed even with a small (from 3.5 m/s) wind.

Which design is better?

There are several fundamentally different designs of vertical wind generators, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Savonius windmill - semicircular blades

    Savonius rotor. The model of such a vertical windmill includes two or more blades made in the shape of a semicircle. In this case, the pressure exerted on the “open” part of the circle significantly exceeds that exerted on the opposite side. The design is quite simple to manufacture, therefore it is most popular among homemade vertical wind generators. Flaws:

    • Large "windage". The impact of wind tilts the entire structure, creating stress in the axle and damaging the bearing on which the entire rotor rotates.
    • The design is not capable of starting to rotate on its own if there are two or three blades, so two such rotors must be fixed on the same axis, one under the other at an angle of 90°
  1. Additional static screens are installed on the orthogonal rotor to increase productivity

    Darrieus or orthogonal rotor. There are many modifications of such a vertical wind generator, but the operating principle remains unchanged. Rotation occurs due to the wing-shaped shape of the generator blade. When exposed to air flow, a lifting force is created, due to which the axis rotates. Flaws:

    • Low, even by the standards of wind generators, efficiency.
    • To fully spin up such a generator, the wind speed must be at least 4 m/s. At the same time, until such a rotor reaches full rotation speed, the load cannot be connected to the windmill - it will stop.
    • Noisy. If in other models only the moving parts (bearings) make noise, then a vertical wind generator of this type makes noise from the blades. Very much.
    • Due to vibration, bearings and all supporting structural elements quickly fail.
  2. The helicoid rotor has a complex design

    Helicoidal rotor. This vertical wind generator has an intricate shape, but in essence it is an orthogonal wind generator with a vertical axis, only its blades are twisted along the load-bearing axis, which significantly increases the service life of the entire structure, because ensures uniform load on the bearing and mast from all sides. Flaws:

    • Difficult to manufacture, hence the high cost of a vertical windmill.
  3. Multi-blade wind turbine

    Multi-bladed vertical wind generator. If we consider only commercial samples, this type of rotor is the most productive and puts the least load on the load-bearing parts. Inside this vertical windmill there is an additional row of static blades that direct the air flow in such a way as to maximize the efficiency of the rotor. Flaws:

    • The high cost of the device due to the large number of parts.

Pros of the vertical axis

Positive qualities of all vertical wind generators:

  1. They are not directed by the wind, they work in any direction.
  2. Unlike wind generators with a horizontal axis, it has only one axis of rotation, hence a longer service life.
  3. Installation at a low height is possible - from 1.5 m, depending on the model.
  4. All important moving parts are located at the bottom of the generator, making it easy to service.

    Important. If necessary, the rotor shaft is increased to the required length for ease of access to the stator, without significant loss of efficiency.

  5. The ability to assemble a working wind generator with your own hands from scrap materials.
  6. Thanks to the ability to create a rigid structure with multiple support points, vertical wind generators operate at higher maximum wind speeds.
  7. Higher resistance to the damaging effects of wind.
  8. In these windmills it is possible to create their own air circulation, due to which a high-speed effect is formed when the linear speed of the blades is 20 or more times higher than the wind speed.


  1. Cumbersome design. The lightest vertical wind turbines weigh at least 300 kg including the stand.
  2. Low efficiency compared to horizontal.
  3. Noisy. The windmill makes noise from its blades during operation.

Video. Helicoid wind generator

The video clearly shows the operation of a helicoidal windmill mounted on a special mast

Electricity today is considered something commonplace, because it is in every home. And no one wonders where it comes from. Electricity is mostly generated by power plants that burn oil, natural gas, nuclear fuel or coal. These traditional sources pose a certain danger to the environment, as a result of which more and more attention is being paid to alternative types of energy. The latter include wind generators, which only need wind to generate electricity.


Structurally, wind generators in most cases require the presence of the following elements:
  • Turbine blades (propeller).
  • Turbine (rotating part).
  • Electric generator.
  • Electric generator axis.
  • An inverter that converts alternating current into direct current to allow charging the battery.
  • Blade rotation mechanism.
  • Turbine rotation mechanism.
  • Mast.
  • Rotation controller (anemometer).
  • Damper.
  • Wind sensor and anemoscope.
  • Anemoscope shank.
  • Gondola and a number of other elements.

Depending on the type of wind generator, the design and elements included in it may vary. For example, industrial devices also include a lightning protection system, a power cabinet, a rotating mechanism, a reliable foundation, a fire extinguishing system, a system for changing the angle of attack of the blade, a telecommunication system for transmitting information about the operation of the wind generator, and so on.

Operating principle

A wind generator is a device that converts wind energy into electrical energy. The ancestors of modern types of wind generators are windmills, which were used to produce flour from grains. And the principle of their operation has not changed much: the blades rotate the shaft, which transfers the necessary energy to other elements.

  • The wind rotates the blades, transmitting torque through a gearbox to the generator shaft.
  • When the rotor rotates, a three-phase alternating current is generated.
  • The resulting current is sent to the battery through the controller. Batteries are used to create stable operation of a wind generator. The generator charges the batteries when there is wind. In its absence, you can always take energy from the battery so that the consumer does not stop receiving electricity.
  • In order to protect against hurricanes, wind generators use a system that moves the wind wheel away from the wind by folding the tail or braking the wind wheel with an electric brake.
  • To charge the batteries, a controller is placed between the windmill and the battery. It monitors battery charging so as not to damage the batteries. If necessary, it can dump excess energy onto a certain ballast, for example, a large resistor or heating elements.
  • The batteries only have a constant low voltage of 12/24/48 volts. However, the consumer needs a voltage of 220 volts, which is why an inverter is installed. This device converts direct voltage into alternating voltage, creating a voltage of 220 volts. Naturally, you can do without an inverter, but you will have to use electrical devices specially designed for low voltage.
  • The converted current is sent to the consumer to power heating batteries, lighting, TV and other devices.

Industrial windmills can also use other elements that ensure autonomous operation of the device.

Types and types of wind generators

Windmills can be classified according to materials, number of blades, propeller pitch and axis of rotation.

There are two main types of wind generators along the axis of rotation:
  1. With a horizontal axis of circular rotation, that is, vane-shaped.
  2. With a vertical axis of rotation, that is, “blade” orthogonal, “carousel”.

Horizontal classic wind generators have a propeller (in most cases three-bladed), and vertical wind turbines have a wind wheel that rotates vertically.

Based on the number of blades, windmills can be:
  • Three-blade and two-blade.
  • Multi-lobed.

Multi-blade wind turbines begin to rotate in light winds, while two-blade and three-blade devices require stronger winds. However, each
an additional blade creates additional
resistance of the wind wheel, as a result of which it becomes more difficult to achieve the operating speed of the generator.

Based on blade materials, windmills can be:
  • Sailing generators.
  • Rigid wind generator blades.

Sail blades are cheaper and easier to manufacture, however, when stable and reliable operation is required for autonomous power supply, they are not suitable.

By screw pitch:
  • Variable propeller pitch.
  • Fixed propeller pitch.
Variable propeller pitch makes it possible to increase the range of effective operating speeds. At the same time, this mechanism is inevitable:
  • Complicates blade designs.
  • Reduces the overall reliability of the wind generator.
  • Makes the wind wheel heavier and requires additional structural reinforcement.


The devices can be used in various places. In most cases, in open spaces where there is a high potential for winds:

  • Mountains.
  • Shallow water.
  • Islands.
  • Fields.

At the same time, wind generators of modern designs make it possible to harness the energy of even weak winds - from 4 m/s. Thanks to them, it is possible to solve problems of power supply and energy saving of objects of any power.

  • Stationary wind power plants in the form of alternative energy sources, they are capable of fully providing electrical energy to a small production facility or residential building. During periods of no wind, the required supply of electricity will be drawn from the batteries. They can be perfectly combined with photovoltaic batteries, a gas or diesel generator.
  • Wind generators can also be used to save money if there is a central power grid.
  • Wind turbines of medium and low power are often used by owners of farms and houses remote from centralized power grids as an autonomous source.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages include:
  • Wind energy is a renewable energy. Wind is created freely and continuously, without harming the environment. Wind energy is available anywhere on the planet.
  • Wind energy is quite cheap.
  • Wind turbines are located on masts and require minimal space. Thanks to this, they can be installed together with other objects and buildings.
  • Wind generators do not produce harmful emissions during operation.
  • Wind energy is especially needed in remote places where it is difficult to deliver electricity by other conventional means.
The disadvantages include:
  • Wind strength is very variable and unpredictable, as a result of which an additional buffer is required to accumulate electricity or duplicate the source.
  • High initial cost of creating and installing wind generators.
  • Wind turbines create noise comparable to that of a car traveling at 70 km/h. This scares away animals and creates some discomfort for people.
  • Rotating blades pose a potential hazard to birds.

Among all the available designs of wind wheels, there are two large groups that are fundamentally different from each other. These are also designs. Both groups have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and have a lot of features and specific properties. Let's consider rotary (vertical) samples, the most numerous group.

What is a rotary wind generator?

is a device for receiving rotational motion. The axis of rotation of such structures is located vertically, which significantly changes the physics of rotation and gives the device a lot of features:

  • vertical structures do not need to be pointed into the wind. The flow moving from any direction equally affects the blades of the device
  • the impact of the flow occurs simultaneously on the working and reverse sides of the blades, which somewhat reduces the efficiency of the impeller
  • vertical types of wind generators are not used for industrial energy generation, being used primarily for private purposes

The most significant feature of vertical structures is the vector of application of the flow force. If for horizontal impellers the wind force falls on an inclined surface and works in shear, then vertical devices in the majority receive an impulse directed at the blade in the frontal direction, which allows the flow energy to be used to the maximum extent.

In this case, simultaneously with the beneficial effect, the flow also comes into contact with the back side of the blade, which creates a counteracting force that inhibits rotation. This is the reason for the lower efficiency of vertical turbines compared to horizontal ones.

Externally, most rotor structures resemble a children's carousel - they are located around a vertical axis, numbering from 2 or more. The shape of the blades can be different, from the likeness of vertically installed gutters to planes in the shape of an airplane wing, located vertically tangential to the circle of rotation.

All varieties have their own names, most of them have been developed a long time ago and are modifications and reinterpretations of each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rotary structures have a number of advantages:

  • there is no need to point the structure into the wind. This greatly simplifies the windmill mechanism and increases its reliability.
  • devices are capable of receiving wind currents located low above the surface of the earth. They are not afraid of turbulence. This makes it possible to avoid the use of high masts, which complicate repairs or maintenance
  • There are many varieties of vertical designs available to provide the most suitable device for given specific conditions
  • vertical devices are the most convenient to make with your own hands

The disadvantages of rotary wind generators include:

  • less efficient compared to horizontal devices
  • the impellers are quite heavy, which makes them difficult to rotate, especially in light winds
  • during hurricane or squally winds, installations need protection from destruction

The most significant advantage of rotary windmills is the possibility of self-production from scrap materials.

It is noteworthy that there are relatively few industrial models of rotary units, most of the developments are still in the state of projects, working drawings. This is explained by the weak interest in wind energy on the part of Russian manufacturers and the high prices of foreign models, which are inaccessible to the mass buyer in Russia.

Types of devices

There are many types of rotary units. The most famous include:

  • orthogonal rotor
  • heliocentric rotor
  • Daria rotor
  • etc.

Most of the designs were created at the beginning of the last century, but were not widely used due to low interest in household installations, which included rotary windmills. In Europe, there was a growing need for greater capacity, which required the use of large installations.

Large rotor devices are inoperative due to the large rest mass and significant resistance to wind flow. Therefore, primacy was given to horizontal types of construction, as they are more efficient.

In Russia, the attitude towards wind energy was initially purely scientific; the direction was considered as applied and not of high importance. The abundance of powerful, full-flowing rivers has made it possible to develop hydropower, which is much more efficient than using wind energy, at least at the current level of technology development.

Interest in wind generators has appeared literally in recent decades and is caused by a lack of network resources and the general deterioration of networks. A large number of developments and home-made devices have appeared that have demonstrated their suitability for private use to secure a home or estate.

Is a rotary wind generator profitable or not?

Rotary devices can only be considered from the point of view of benefits in comparison with any other energy supply options. If we compare network energy and rotary wind generators, then the networks will clearly win. They supply energy stably and are not affected by the presence or speed of wind. The only drawback is the frequent interruptions that occur due to the general dilapidation of the network infrastructure, outdated equipment and the growth of consumers.

If we consider rotary installations in comparison with solar batteries, we can note their independence from the time of day or weather. Wherein often combine solar panels and wind turbines for reasons that at least one source will be available.

For households or remote villages that do not have the ability to connect to the grid electricity, there is no point in talking about benefits, since there is nothing to compare with. The situation is simple - either there is no energy, or there is.

DIY assembly

Purchasing a ready-made windmill manufactured at a factory is beyond the means of most potential users. Even relatively cheap Chinese models are quite expensive, and European models have a price several times higher. Considering the relatively short service life of the installations - about 25 years - it becomes clear that purchasing ready-made kits is not a suitable option for the Russian user.

The solution to the problem is self-production of a rotary wind generator. When using improvised materials, it is quite possible to keep it within a relatively low amount; 20,000 rubles will be enough for everything. This circumstance has caused an increase in the production of various models of wind turbines, which has a positive effect on the development of the field as a whole and on the development of design features of different types of rotary wind turbines.

To create a functioning wind generator, appropriate materials are required. Some elements of the kit will have to be purchased. For example, batteries and some devices (charge controller or inverter) that you cannot assemble yourself will also have to be purchased.

Almost all elements of the impeller can be created from scrap materials. The generator can be used ready-made, for example, a wheel motor, car or tractor generator. You can remake an asynchronous motor, or assemble an axial generator using neodymium magnets. The abundance of options contributes to the development of home-made devices in Russia, many of which successfully fulfill their tasks in practice and contribute to the movement of wind energy among the population.


Before starting work, you should decide on the choice of windmill design. The most successful models, capable of providing energy to a sufficiently large number of consumers, are considered to be carousel installations, popularly nicknamed “barrel-raking”. They consist of several blades, similar to longitudinally cut halves of metal barrels, mounted vertically around the axis of rotation.

You can indeed use cut barrels, but the best solution would be to make the blades from sheet aluminum to lighten the impeller.

The shaft is mounted on the hubs and the impeller is mounted on the projecting upper end. To limit the rotation speed during sudden gusts of wind, centrifugal limiters are usually used, which are weights suspended on chains. As the rotation speed increases, they increase the pressure on the blades and fold them, reducing the area affected by the flow and, accordingly, the rotation speed.

Generator installation It is carried out either directly on the shaft in the lower part, or by means of a V-belt drive on a separate support platform. It is recommended to install a protective cover to protect the device from rain or snow, dust and other unwanted influences.

The windmill is installed on a hill. High masts are not required for such structures, however, such devices are often found on the roofs of houses. This is an undesirable option, since vibrations from the operation of a windmill have not yet been completely eliminated, which can create some inconvenience for the residents of the house.

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