
Professor in the plural nominative case. Rzeczownik. Mianownik liczby mnogiej (Noun. Nominative plural)

Directors or directors?

In the modern Russian literary language, variants fluctuating in the form nominative case plural , number over 300 words. The source of the end propagation -a(s) are the spheres of vernacular and professional language. In this regard, the forms on -a(s) They often have a colloquial or professional coloring: contract, mechanic, turner. The forms are on -s(s) more neutral and for most words meet the usual norms literary language. But in some cases the forms on -a(s) have already replaced forms with -s(s).

To resolve the issue of the “controversial” form of a word, you need to consult a dictionary. Apart from this, it is possible to understand a number of patterns, facilitating the choice of the ending of the nominative plural:

  • Declined neuter nouns, the original form of which ends in -KO, have unstressed plural ending im.p. -And : faces, feathers, apples, bellies. The exception is nouns with drums plural endings: troops And clouds.
  • Other neuter nouns in the plural form. have an ending -a(s): swamps, fields, seas, windows.
  • Form on -a(s) for some words it may be the only or predominant: side - sides (sides only in phraseological combination hands on hips); century - centuries (eyelids only in phraseological combinations for once, forever and ever, forever and ever), eye - eyes, meadow - meadows, fur - furs, snow - snow, haystack - haystacks, silk - silk.
  • Shapes can have different meanings: tones(about color) and tones(about sound) bread(about cereals) and breads(about baked bread) workshops And workshops(at the enterprise) and workshops(medieval organizations of artisans).
  • Forms of nouns can differ in stylistic coloring: sides and outdated sides; monastery and outdated houses; stern and outdated stern; horns both outdated and poetic horns; varieties and outdated varieties; volumes and outdated volumes, Also thunder and poetic thunder; coffins and poetic coffin
  • After all, the forms of nouns can be equivalent and interchangeable: year And years(however: years of youth, languid deprivation; nineties, zero years), workshops And workshops(at the enterprise), storms And storms.
  • Unusual plurals appear in words child - children, person - people, bottom - donya and some others.

    See more details: Endings and variant endings in the nominative plural of nouns ( hl would - bread, omissions - omissions etc.).

    How to correctly check the ending of a noun using a dictionary

    The nominative plural form of nouns is checked in the dictionary (for example, see the “Word Check” section on the portal).

  • The search for a word in dictionaries is carried out using its original form (nominative case, singular).
  • The first mark in the dictionary entry after the noun is an indication of the gender ending. units;
  • In that case, further in the article there are no special indications of the plural form (i.e. there is no mark pl.), then to form the shape im.p. plural ending is used -And or -s.
  • In this case, a different ending is required (or options are acceptable), then the appropriate mark is placed: pl. -A or pl. -I .
  • Dictionary entry

    How to read marks after a noun

    director, -A, pl.-a, -ov

    Form gen.p. units - director; correct form im.p. plural - director, b.p. plural - directors

    locksmith, -I, pl.-and, -ey and -I, -ey

    Form gen.p. units - woodworker; correct forms of im.p. plural - sl sari And locksmith,kind.p. plural -slang

    cream, -a and -y

    Form gen.p. units - cream And cream; correct form im.p. plural - kr we(since there is no mark, it means the ending is used -s)

    Exercises for the topic “Noun. Nominative plural"

    Exercise 1. Put the nouns given in brackets into the nominative/accusative plural form. Check yourself in the dictionary.

    1. (Engineer) are needed everywhere.

    2. The fishing vessels (vessel) have not gone to sea for three months.

    3. The (bottom) of the vessels were covered with soot.

    4. (hen) and (chicken) were running relaxed along the country road, and (pig) and (calf) were fiddling around in the dust. 5. At the Historical Museum, I enthusiastically looked at the ancient (guns).

    6. At the border, the border guards very painstakingly inspected our (passports) and luggage.

    7. (Child) often cry at night.

    8. (Citizen), move forward a little!

    9. (Owner) haven’t come in for a long time.

    10. Oil stains stood out clearly on the light jacket.

    11. Ancient (mirrors) hung in the large halls.

    12. (The peasant) always treated the cow-nurse with special tenderness.

    13. The admiral gave the command to raise (the anchor).

    14. (The navigator) of the ships were called to the fleet headquarters.

    15. The Pacific and Northern (fleet) conducted exercises.

    16. (The peasant) received an abandoned (farm) for rent.

    17. (The dispatcher) of the airport decided to start a strike.

    18. The (director) of the factories was summoned to the city administration, but the (chairman) of the cooperatives was not.

    19. (Coach) of the Olympic team - universally recognized (master).

    20. Used (syringe) are placed in special (container) and then destroyed.

    21. Only experienced drivers (drivers) can work on taiga routes.

    22. The (valve) on the gas pipeline was immediately closed.

    23. The plant requires experienced workers (accountant, turner, carpenter, painter, security guard).

    24. A weather vane was installed on almost all the roofs of the houses in the fishing village.

    25. Colorful lights (Jupiter) were installed on the sides of the stage.

    26. Everyone (corkscrew) has gone somewhere.

    Exercise 2. Correct errors related to the use of singular and plural nouns. Try to explain the essence of these errors. Check yourself in the dictionary.

    1. Raskolnikov wanted to confess to what he had done, but he lacked the strength and courage.

    2. In the novel “The Master and Margarita” Bulgakov encrypted his views and worldview.

    3. Our factory produces TV sets of the highest quality.

    4. The wife brought a whole tray of teas.

    5. He came to the wedding covered in rags.

    6. The wealthy brother had many cattle, but the poor brother had only one cattle.

    7. They were given the order to immediately surrender all their guns.

    8. The subsoil of the earth is very rich.

    9. My sister and I washed all the dishes, put them in the buffet and began to wait for mom.

    10. I like the profession of a policeman because there are many threats and risks in it.

    11. The boy learned to play all sorts of music on the harmonica.

    12. The guys in the hall screamed and whistled at Barmaley.

    13. I was ordered to take this medicine before all meals.

    14. The swing in our yard is broken.

    15. I wish that for my birthday I would be given a small vice.

    16. Cut the thread with a scissor.

    17. I've run out of ink and I can't write anymore.

    18. We painted the windows with white.

    19. The essay tells an excellent story about the school districts.

    20. Water is also used for economic purposes.

    21. The sky is covered with a continuous grayish cloud.

    22. My friend and I arrived from our dachas on the same day.

    23. This doctor perceives only from preparatory notes.

    24. Drivers carried bread through Ladoga and delivered soldiers to the fronts.

    25. One person cannot do anything here.

    26. Every winter he gets flu.

    27. In the ideas of Tolstoy’s heroes, everything was different.

    28. Heroes of Borodino’s battle, as shown by L.N. Tolstoy, belonged to different social environments.

    29. Incorrect expressions can often be heard in the speeches of children.

    30. At the beginning of the war, our troops were surrounded a couple of times.

    31. At the moment, it is difficult to educate children in the right way to work.

    32. The enterprise has organized work on the exchange of experiences.

    Source of material Internet site

  • Chapter “Difficult plural forms of nouns” in the manual “Russian Grammar”. T. 1: Phonetics. Phonology. Emphasis. Intonation. Word formation. Morphology / N.Yu. Shvedova (chief editor). - M.: Nauka, 1980.
  • Exercises for the topic “Endings and variant endings in the nominative plural of nouns”
  • Additionally on the site:

  • What are some mistakes in the use and formation of nouns?
  • What are the features of forming the plural forms of nouns?
  • Where to find exercises for the topic “ Morphological norms consumption and formation of nouns"?
  • Difficult plural forms of nouns

    Among the forms of nouns, the formation of which may be associated with certain difficulties, include the plural forms of the nominative case ( directors or directors, valves or valve?) and the plural forms of the genitive case of some nouns ( five grams And five grams, five oranges or five orange?)

    1. Plural forms of the nominative case of nouns: directors or directors?

    The nominative plural form of nouns is checked in dictionary order (according to the dictionary). See section "Word Check" on our portal. Please note: searching for a word in dictionaries is carried out using the initial form (nominative case, singular)!

    The dictionary entry is read as follows: if the entry does not specifically indicate the plural form (mark pl.), then to form the nominative plural, the ending is used -And or -s. If a different ending is required (or options are acceptable), then a note is placed: pl. -A. For example:

    In the modern Russian literary language, variants fluctuate in the form named after. p.m. hours, number over 300 words. The center of the spread of inflexion -a(s) are the areas of vernacular and professional language. In this regard, the forms on -a, (-i) often have a colloquial or professional connotation: contract, mechanic, turner. The forms are on -s(s) more neutral and for most words meet the traditional norms of the literary language. However, in some cases the forms on -a, (-i) have already replaced forms with -s(s).

    In addition, you can remember a number of patterns that make it easier to choose the inflection (ending) of the nominative plural:

      Declined neuter nouns, the initial form of which ends in -KO, have an unstressed plural inflection. h. them. p. -And (faces, feathers, apples). The exception is nouns with stressed plural endings. h.: troops And clouds.

      The remaining neuter nouns are in the plural form. h. accept the ending -a(s): swamps, fields, seas, windows.

      Form on -a, -i for some words it may be the only or predominant: side - sides (sides only in phraseological combination hands on hips); century - centuries (eyelids only in phraseological combinations for once, forever and ever, forever and ever), eye - eyes, meadow - meadows, fur - furs, snow - snow, haystack - haystacks, silk - silk.

      Shapes can have different meanings: tones(about color) and tones(about sound) bread(about cereals) and breads(about baked bread) workshops And workshops(at the enterprise) and workshops(medieval organizations of artisans).

      Forms of nouns can differ in stylistic coloring: sides and outdated sides; Houses and outdated houses; stern and outdated stern; horns and outdated and poet. horns; varieties and outdated varieties; volumes and outdated volumes, and also thunder and poet. thunder; coffins and poet. coffin

      Finally, the forms of nouns can be equivalent and interchangeable: year And years(But: years of youth, severe hardships; nineties, zero years), workshops And workshops(at the enterprise), storms And storms.

      To resolve the issue of the status of a “controversial” form of a word (non-normative, variant, stylistically colored, etc.), in any case, you need to consult a dictionary.

    Non-standard plurals are formed for words child - children, person - people, bottom - donya and some others.

    2. Plural forms of the genitive case of nouns: five grams or five grams?

    For most masculine nouns ending in a hard consonant ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, sock), the ending is typical -s in the genitive plural form: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, socks etc. A wide range of exceptions can be identified from this rule - similar nouns, but having a zero ending in the genitive plural form: one stocking - no stockings, one Ossetian - five Ossetians, one gram - five grams And five grams etc. Such words include:

      Names of people by nationality and by belonging to military units, mainly used in the plural forms in the collective meaning: Magyars - Magyars, Turkmens - Turkmens, midshipmen - midshipmen and midshipmen, partisans - partisans, soldiers - soldiers; this also includes the form p. p.m. h. Human.

      Names of paired items: boots - boots, eyes - eyes, cuffs - cuffs, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, stockings - stockings, epaulettes - epaulettes, boots - boots.

      Names of measures and units of measurement: 220 volts, 1000 watts, 5 amps, 500 gigabytes. If such names are used outside the “measuring” context (in other words, the genitive case form is not countable), then the ending is used -s: live without excess kilograms, not enough gigabytes.

    It should be noted that the names of fruits, fruits and vegetables, which are masculine nouns, ending in a hard consonant ( orange, eggplant, tomato, tangerine), in the genitive plural form. hours have an ending -s: five oranges, a kilogram of eggplants, New Year without tangerines, tomato salad.

    For some nouns, plural forms are formed. h. birth n. difficult; these are words dream, prayer, head. On the contrary, the words shchetz And firewood have no other forms except the plural form. h. birth case.

    See: "Russian Grammar", M., 1980.

    When we are talking about several (two or more) objects or living beings, we must use the plural noun. The choice of the desired ending depends on the gender of the word and the stem with which the word ends in the nominative case. In some cases, not only the stem of the word is important, but also the last letter.

    There are three types of stems in Polish:

    1. Hard: b, d, f, ł, m, n, p, r ,s ,t, w, z, k, g, ch/h
    2. Soft: ć, ś, ń, ź + j And l
    3. Hardened: all digraphs without ch (sz, cz, rz/ż, dz, dż) + s

    Since Polish often has alternating vowels and consonants, adding a plural ending can be difficult. After all, in this case you still need to remember which sounds change.

    Rodzaj nijaki (neuter gender)

    In Polish, neuter nouns are in the nominative plural Always have an ending a. For example:

    Windowwindow(window - windows );

    Polepola(field – fields);

    Muzeummuzea(museum – museums).

    Thus, we only need to change the last letter in the word. There are no alternations.

    However, there are several neuter nouns that deviate from this rule. You just need to remember their forms. For example:

    Dzieckodzieci(child – children);

    Zwierzę – zwierzę ta(animal – animals);

    Imię – imiona(name – names);

    Cielę – cielę ta(calf - calves) and other neuter nouns in –ę ( most often they refer to children of animals ).

    By the way, in the Russian language these same nouns are also declined according to a special principle.

    Rodzaj żeński (feminine)

    In the nominative plural, feminine nouns have the ending i, — y or e.

    So, ending i we write in words whose stem ends in soft consonants ć, ś, ź, dź And k, g. For example:

    Nauczycielkanauczycielki(teacher - teachers);

    Noganogi(leg - legs);

    Powieść – powieś ci(story - story);

    Gęś – gę si(goose - geese);

    Odpowiedź – odpowiedzi(answer - answers).

    End y write after hard consonants(t, d, p, b, m, n, r, ł, w, s, z, f), as well as after the digraphs sz and cz, followed by a null ending . For example:

    Szmataszmaty(rag – rags);

    Koł drakoł dry(blanket - blankets);

    Kró lowakró lowy(queen - queens);

    KasaKasy(cash desk – cash desk);

    Szafaszafy(cabinet – cabinets);

    Rzeczrzeczy(thing – things);

    Myszmuszy(mouse - mice).

    End e have feminine nouns that end in s, ż,dż, ja,ia,nia, sza,rza, cza, ca,ni. Here we are not talking about the base, but about the whole word. For example:

    Nocnoce(night - nights);

    Podróż – podróż e(travel – travel);

    Babciababcie(grandmother - grandmothers);

    Sesjasesje(session – sessions);

    Duszadusze(soul - souls);

    (BUT: myszmuszy, because it has a null ending )

    Pralniapralnie(laundry – laundries);

    Burzaburze(storm - storms);

    Ulica – street(street - streets);

    Sprzedawczyni – sprzedawczynie(female salesperson - salespeople).

    Rodzaj męski (masculine)

    Masculine forms of nouns cause the most difficulty. When forming them, you need to pay attention not only to the final sound in the stem, but also to the meaning of the word in the plural.

    Masculine words are divided into two groups:

    1. Personal-male(corresponds to the pronoun oni - denotes a group of people in which there must be at least one man)
    2. Impersonal-masculine(corresponds to the pronoun one - denotes a group of people in which there are no men).

    It is often difficult to figure out whether a word refers to a group with men or not.

    There is a simple explanation. We check the required word according to two parameters; if at least one of them does not fit, it is an impersonal masculine form.

    1. The word is masculine in the singular.
    2. The word means a person.

    For example, the word ludzie came from the word człowiek and corresponds to two parameters - it is masculine and human. Hence, ludzie– personal male form.

    Word osoby is a synonym for the word ludzie, and also denotes a group of people (most likely with men), but it does not correspond to the first parameter (in the singular it is feminine - osoba). Therefore, it is an impersonal masculine form.

    Let's take an example when the second parameter is not suitable: word koty derived from the word kot masculine, but does not denote a person. This means also an impersonal masculine form.

    Non-personal male form

    Letter i we write in words that end in - k, -g. For example:

    Macmaki(poppy - poppies);

    Ró grogi(horn, corner - horns, corners).

    End y have words with a solid base:

    Piespsy(dog - dogs);

    Kotkoty(cat - cats);

    Wyrazwyrazy(word, expression – words, expressions).

    End -e have nouns that in the nominative singular case end in soft and hard stems, as well as some words in b, p, w(most of them refer to birds, fish and other representatives of the animal world):

    Koń – konie(horse - horses);

    Liść – liś cie(leaf – leaves);

    Kockoce(plaid - blankets);

    Krokodylkrokodyle(crocodile – crocodiles);

    Struś – strusie(ostrich - ostriches);

    Koszkosze(basket - baskets);

    Kluczcool(key – keys);

    Nóż – noż e(knife - knives).

    Forms of words ending inb , p , w things to remember:

    Ż uraw – ż urawie(crane - cranes);

    Karpkarpie(carp – carps);

    Gołą bgołę bie(dove - pigeons);

    Pawpawie(peacock - peacocks);

    Jastrzą bjastrzę bie(hawk - hawks);

    Żół w – żół wie(turtle – turtles);

    Jedwab – jedwabie(silk - silk).

    Pay attention! Here the hard final consonant alternates with a soft one.

    Moreover, the ending -e has a small group of words in ans: financial, romance. Although in Polish speech one can often hear the forms finance, romance.

    Personal-male form

    These words can also have the ending - i, — y, or e. Plus, there is a small list of nouns that in the plural nominative case end in wie.

    End -i we write if the word in the singular has a solid basis. In this case, alternation (alternation) occurs: t//ci, d//dzi,ch// si, st//ś ci.

    Studentstudents(student – ​​students);

    Są siadsą siedzi(neighbor - neighbors);

    Mnichmnisi(monk - monks)

    FrancuzFrancuzi(French - French).

    End -y have words that in the nominative singular case end in k, r,g,ec,. At the same time k//c, r//rz,g// dz.

    Gó rnikgó rnicy(miner – miners);

    Aktoraktorzy(actor - actors);

    Starzecstarcy(elder – elders);

    Pedagogpedagodzy(teacher – teachers).

    End -e write after a soft and hardened base . For example:

    Lekarzlekarze(doctor – doctors);

    Listonosz – listonosze(postman - postmen);

    Nauczyciel - nauczyciele(teacher - teachers);

    Kibic – kibice(fan - fans);

    Złodziej – złodzieje(thief - thieves);

    Gość – goście(guest – guests).

    In addition, the endings e have words on -an, -anin: Amerykanie, Rosjanie, Cyganie.

    End -owie have words denoting the degree of relationship, prestigious and honorary positions, ranks, titles, as well as some nationalities:

    Synsynowie(son – sons);

    ArabArabowie(Arab - Arabs);

    Panpanowie(man, owner – men, owners);

    Kró lkró lowie(king – kings).

    It should also be taken into account that in the Polish language there are words that have two equal forms in the plural:

    Profesor – profesorowie/profesorzy(professor - professors);

    Dyrektor – dyrektorowie/dyrektorzy(director – directors);

    Reżyser – reżyserowie/reżyserzy(director – directors);

    Kró lkró lowie/ kró le(king – kings (in cards));

    Geolog – geolodzy/geologowie(geologist - geologists);

    Burmistrz – burmistrze/burmistrzowie(burgist - bailiffs);

    Rektor – rektorzy/rektorowie(rector – rectors);

    Senator – senatorzy/senatorowie(senator – senators).

    The point is that the language is trying to get rid of the ending –owie, therefore, words denoting the degree of relationship, rank, titles, etc., acquire an ending depending on the sound of the stem.

    Some masculine words in the nominative singular case end in a vowel -A. Such plural nouns have the ending -i or- y. In this case, alternation also occurs:

    Męż czyznamęż czyź ni(man – men);

    Dentystadentyś ci(dentist – dentists);

    Artistaartyś ci(artist, artist - artists, artists).

    And this is not all the difficulties that can be encountered when forming plural forms. It is also necessary to remember words that do not obey the above rules:

    Rocklata(year – years/years);

    Człowiek – ludzie(person – people);

    Brat – bracia(brother – brothers);

    Ksiądz – księża(priest - priest);

    Książę – książęta (prince, princeprinces, princes);

    Ręka – ręce (handshands);

    Oko – oczy (eyeeyes);

    Ucho – uszy (earears);

    BUT: Oka(loops, cells), ucha(eyes on a needle).

    The state of language culture in modern Russia leaves much to be desired. And the reason for this is not an orientation towards Western culture or a lack of desire for reading, as the media lament.

    A wide range of dictionaries in which you can find different spellings of the same word, heated debates among linguists over the spelling of individual words, a huge flow of literature that has not been reviewed by a competent proofreader, the clogging of speech with inappropriate slang words - this is the true reason for the flourishing of illiteracy. Language norms exist not for their own sake, but, first of all, so that people understand each other, avoid ambiguity and, finally, preserve the national linguistic wealth.

    How often in offices can you hear ringing instead of ringing, catalog instead of catalogue, etc. Moreover, more and more often interlocutors are beginning to think about the pronunciation of words in the plural: director or directors, accountant or accountants, agreements or agreements? All this is slowly but surely shaking the traditional literary norms of the Russian language and leading to a general decline in culture.

    In modern Russian there are approximately 300 words in which the nominative plural is “fluctuating”, with variations. Moreover, the norm of stress in some words has changed over time, reflecting the development of the system of declensions of Russian nouns. So, for example, at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, directors were called directors, and professors were called professors. Over the past century, irreversible changes have occurred. Endings with -а (-я) began to reign in common speech and “professional” jargon, and forms with -ы (-и) turned out to be more neutral, more traditional for the literary language (editors, instructors, proofreaders). But do not forget that there are exceptions to all rules.

    Directors, contracts, accountants - these are the norms that have become the ONLY POSSIBLE ones!

    • The directors of large factories arrived, the directors gathered, we wrote a letter to the directors.
    • Our company has concluded agreements.
    • The accountants calculated the estimate, etc.

    The spelling (ending and stress) of the words director, accountant, contract, etc. is subject to the rule “Endings of the nominative plural of masculine nouns -ы(-и) – -а(-я)”. This rule is quite complicated. If the ending -or/-er/-er is stressed, then it is often preserved in the plural form, i.e. gives -ers, -ors: contracts, drivers, gliders, engines, fences, engineers, gentlemen. In other cases, nouns, especially animate ones, with -or/-er in the plural have a strong tendency to shift the emphasis to the ending: doctor, cadet, boat, etc. But there are also a lot of opposite examples, in particular, accountants, coaches, etc. In addition, there are a number of factors that directly influence the spelling of one or another ending in a word. All this is described in detail (with numerous examples) in spelling reference books.

    However, it will be difficult for an ordinary person (not a philologist) to form the plural form of the nominative case, guided by the points of the rules. Therefore, take my word for it - it’s better to just remember some words. Otherwise, you can easily “confuse” the desired rule. Better yet, at least occasionally, look into the dictionary.

    A little humor

    When memorizing, you can be guided by association rhymes:

    • directorA – masterA
    • contracts are thieves
    • accountants - planners

    With the plural, not everything is as simple as it seems. And if you disagree, then you probably just haven't tried to deal with the genitive case. Georgians or Georgians, tomatoes or tomatoes and key rings instead of key chains.

    For those preparing for the main school exam

    Right: kilogram tangerines / oranges

    You will most likely read tips on how to choose the sweetest tangerines before the New Year. Well, or a little earlier. In the meantime, we’ll tell you how not to screw up the correct pronunciation or, even worse, the spelling. The next time you find yourself at a fruit stand, listen to who says it and how. We bet that you will definitely hear a couple of mistakes (depending on how long it takes you to carefully select fruits). Remember: the names of masculine fruits and vegetables that end in a hard consonant (just like “orange” and “mandarin”) will have the ending –s in the genitive plural: a ton of oranges, tangerines, bananas, pomegranates. Saying “a kilogram of tangerine” and “weigh a couple of oranges” is also possible. But only in colloquial speech and when no one hears. The only exception to the rule is for “apples” - the option “ten apples” is considered colloquial. It would be correct to say “we don’t have green apples, only red ones."

    Right: two kilograms tomatoes And eggplant

    It's the same with tomatoes and eggplants. Vegetable? Yes. Masculine? Yes too. Does it end in a hard consonant? Yes again! This means that in the genitive plural we write the ending -ov. Therefore, your salad will be made from tomatoes and eggplant (not tomato and eggplant).

    Right: we have 150 cans pickles in the cellar

    It’s also very tasty when tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots are salted. True, it can be difficult not to make a mistake in the same genitive case of the same plural. If you brag to someone about how many pickles (not pickles) you have in your pantry or your parents’ cellar, do it right too.

    Right: three pairs stocking

    Let's remember the basics. But at the same time, a common and annoying mistake: how to write “socks”, “socks” and “stockings” in the genitive plural. Adults suggested memorizing this way: stockings are actually long - the ending is short (“stockings”), knee-highs and socks are short - the ending is long (“socks”, “socks”).

    Initially, all words were written with the same ending -ov: stockings, socks, boots (the word “stockings” still exists in some dictionaries with the mark “obsolete”). But later “stockings” lost their ending, and the spelling “stockings” began to be considered the only correct one.

    Right: we no longer have clean socks and knee socks

    We have already described in detail about knee socks and socks just above. But we would like to draw your attention to the fact that recently there has been a tendency towards numerous changes in dictionaries. For example, in the “Russian Spelling Dictionary” edited by Lopatin, the usual version of “socks” coexists with the genitive case form “sock”. There is a possibility that soon the “sock” will become acceptable norm(like “five kilograms of tomatoes” in colloquial speech), but for now we recommend writing and saying only “socks” and “socks” in the genitive plural.

    Right: without shorts

    Right: without shorts

    First of all, shorts is a noun that can only be used in the plural. Previously, there was only one correct option in the genitive case: (without) shorts. Although now the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences gives that both options - shorts and shorts (emphasis on the first syllable) - are equivalent. So if you are going to tell someone such important information about shorts, choose the option that you like best. Although (without) shorts sounds, it seems to us, more familiar. But don't be shy anyway.

    Right: large selection jeans

    “I have five pairs of jeans.” We’re terribly happy, but everything about this sentence is wrong. Some nouns that denote paired objects and are used exclusively in the plural may also have a zero ending in the genitive case. Trousers - trousers, shorts - shorts (although there is also an equal option “shorts”). But besides them, there are also “jeans” and “pants”, which have -ov at the end. So choose your jeans wisely. And if you want to talk about denim, then you don’t even have to think about the accent. Equal options: denim and denim.

    Right: crafts from macaron

    We're talking about food again. But no vegetables and fruits. It is worth remembering one more form of the genitive case of a noun, which is used only in the plural: crafts from what? - pasta. And no “pasta” please.

    Right: I ate a plate pancakes And waffles

    And for those who are no longer into chips, salted fish and pickles. We tell you how to have intelligent conversations in coffee shops. Although “pancakes”, “waffles” and “cookies” are not far from “pickles” in grammatical terms. Remember: the correct genitive (plural) forms are “pancakes,” “cookies,” and “waffles.” And if suddenly in some dictionary (Ushakov’s, for example) you came across the option “pancakes” - don’t believe it. This form is incorrect. And no one has recommended using it for a long time.

    Right: five kilogram / gram

    Right: five kilograms / grams

    There is variability not only in shorts and shorts, but also in units of measurement. If they are combined with numerals, then you have two equal options to choose from - seven kilograms and seven kilograms. But if the genitive case is not used for conditional counting, then the number of options is reduced to one: I want to lose a few extra kilograms (or grams).

    Right: she doesn't have boot And shoes

    It's sad to live without boots and shoes. But usually what is put on (or shoes) on the feet is used with a zero ending. For example, stockings, boots, sneakers, boots, felt boots, shoes. Unless the sneakers distinguished themselves: in the genitive plural there will be “kedov”. By the way, about the shoe. The correct form is only (no) “shoes”, with the emphasis on the first syllable. “Shoes” is not an acceptable option, although some try to recognize it in colloquial speech. Well, let’s immediately talk about accents. No “shoe” - just “shoe”.

    Right: there's so much around the house nursery

    The place where serious socialization and preparation for the harsh kindergarten and school life begins. The first thing you need to know about the word “manger” is that it does not have a singular number (just like swing). The second is the complex genitive case, which fails many. The correct word would be not “nursery”, but “manger”. And thirdly, the emphasis in all cases falls on the first letter “I”: a child in a manger.

    Right: in Sochi Georgian more than Armenians

    It can also be difficult with nationalities. Try to remember whether you need an ending or not. First, let's deal with the Georgians and Armenians. If you Google “Georgians” you will find 314,000 results. Of these thousands, somewhere they probably explain the mistake, and somewhere they talk about the owner of the surname Gruzinov, but still. If we want to name the number of representatives of Georgia or Armenia, then “five Georgians” or “three Armenians” would be correct.

    Right: in the company Turk

    Friends from Turkey left not far from the Georgians and Armenians. There is one more trick that will help you remember the correct options. Very often, in the names of nationalities, the genitive plural case coincides with the nominative case form in the singular: Turks, Georgians, Ossetians, Romanians. You can check it in the dictionary.

    Right: I have many friends - Bashkir(And Tatars)

    Another common mistake that actually follows the previous rules. We decided to repeat it once again so that you remember once and for all. But you should not think that all nationalities, without exception, have zero endings. Not really. For example, in the genitive case, the literary norms are: Abkhazians (not Abkhazians), Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Kalmyks, and so on.

    Right:coaches Spartak and CSKA are unhappy with the match

    And now no genitive case - plural nouns in pure form using the example of football coaches. Nouns ending in a consonant form the plural using the ending -ы: “trainers”, “editors”, “creams”, “contracts”. This is a literary norm, so just remember. And about another literary norm ending in –a - read below.

    Right: your eyes - How bottom of the oceans

    Agree, the compliment is so-so. Especially if they say “bottoms”. But if you use the correct plural form, then your interlocutor (a secret grammar Nazi at heart) will certainly be conquered. Well, by the way, no jokes. The word “bottom” actually has a plural form (although even the candidate of philological sciences Marina Koroleva did not immediately find out about this) - “donya”. Just like an address from Latin American soap operas (“Good morning, Doña Rosa!”). So the oceans still have bottoms, just like bottles of champagne.

    Right: at your place key rings more than keys

    Until recently, dictionaries had the only correct declension scheme for a word: brelok, brelok, trinkets, trinkets, and so on. This spelling (and pronunciation) is due to its French origin. True, if in the letter, perhaps someone else remembered the captive letter “o” in the suffix, then in speech we often listened to how friends brought “keychains” from travel, and their keys were always “with a keychain.” But dictionaries surrender to the onslaught of spoken language. Now in Lopatin’s spelling dictionary the form of the word “trinkets” is considered equal to “trinkets”, although other dictionaries make a note that this is a colloquial version.

    Right: not enough nerves

    At the modern pace of life, nerves are sometimes truly lacking. The main thing is not to be “nervous”. Still, parting with one is not as sad as parting with the entire nervous system.

    Right: the best directors Moscow schools

    In the modern Russian language there are approximately 300 words in which the nominative plural is, so to speak, variable. Endings in -ы (-и) are more familiar to us and are considered literary (trainers, as in the example above). But over the years, forms in -a (-я) have managed to supplant some literary variants. More precisely, take their place. Now the only thing the right options“Directors”, “Professors”, “Doctors” are considered.

    Right: five poker

    We hope that in childhood everyone was familiar with the poker, and maybe you were even trusted to use it. If there are several of them, then you need to write it like this: two pokers, five pokers.

    Photo: Winslow Homer’s painting “Fog Signal”

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