
Decoupage of a wooden comb. Decoupage is the best way to make ordinary things beautiful. Decorating a wooden comb for a girl using decoupage technique. Creating the effect of antiquity in decoupage

The master class was conducted by Elena Palenaya.

It would seem like a banal thing. It's in every lady's purse. But a comb made by yourself carries a completely different energy than one bought in a store. For decoration we will use the technique of “implanting a printout”, popularly called “muzzle in varnish”.

wooden hair brush;
printout on regular office paper;
white acrylic paint;
colored acrylic paints;
acrylic varnish;
structural paste.

flat synthetic brush (for varnishing);
foam sponge;

Sanding block;
toothbrush (for spraying);
foam roller.

How to decoupage a comb.

We sand the hair brush and paint it with white acrylic paint. We are waiting for it to dry.


We cover the hair brush (the place where we will glue the printout) and the cut out motif (the front side) with acrylic varnish. Glue the front part to the workpiece! We need to smooth the printout so that there are no bubbles; for this purpose I use a roller. We wait for it to dry, about three to four hours, depending on the room temperature.


We take a foam sponge (I use regular ones for washing dishes) and carefully begin to wet the surface to be decorated. We try with the same sponge and sometimes with our finger to carefully roll up the wet paper. If it dries out, wet the surface again and roll up the paper until the design is completely revealed. Then we cover it with acrylic varnish, dry it and we can start painting.


To give our product a noble look, we make a three-dimensional design using a stencil and structural paste. Carefully sand the reliefs. We mix acrylic paints, trying to achieve a color identical to the base of the drawing. And with a brush, using point movements, we paint the unpainted surface of the comb in the main tone. Cover with varnish and dry. Using a sponge and brown paint, we age the sides of the comb using tamponing movements.


In this work I use spray (I want to achieve an antique effect). We dilute brown acrylic paint to the consistency of liquid sour cream, put paint on a brush, the brush should be at an angle to the product, run your finger along the bristles, achieving a spray. We varnish again several times (with mandatory drying between layers).



After we decoupage the comb, it will become much more interesting than it was. The decoupage technique allows you to make cute and practical items and accessories with your own hands. A little about the decoupage technique. Decoupage is the decoration of familiar things. The work involves cutting out or marking a design from paper, cardboard, or fabric. The pictures needed for decoupage can be found on napkins, in magazines, on postcards, wrapping paper or on fabric. Then we apply the design to the base (wood, glass, metal, ceramic, plastic, porcelain). Next we paint and varnish the surface.

Decoupage will allow you not only to decorate objects, but also to give them a second life. With the help of this technique, even the oldest and most ugly thing is transformed into beautiful and new, becoming a real work of art. On the contrary, you can turn a new thing into an old one, that is, artificially age it. This is done thanks to the craquelure coating. The most popular pictures for decoupage are made from napkins. This is why decoupage is also called the napkin technique.

Required materials:

  1. Wooden comb.
  2. Napkin for decoupage.
  3. White matte primer for decoupage.
  4. Decoupage glue or liquid PVA.
  5. Universal acrylic varnish.
  6. Wide brush (preferably fan-shaped).
  7. Sponge or piece of foam rubber.
  8. Alcohol.
  9. Cotton wool.

Getting the job done

Soak cotton wool in alcohol or nail polish remover and thoroughly wipe the comb with it on all sides to degrease it and ensure good adhesion of the primer to the surface of the comb.

Now, using a sponge or a piece of foam rubber, you need to cover the entire surface of the comb with white matte primer for decoupage. The primer can be applied with a brush or sponge or a piece of foam rubber using the tamponing method. After applying the primer, wait until it is completely dry and then proceed to the next steps.

Take a decoupage napkin and apply it to the comb. Choose the most successful placement of the design on the comb and use chalk to trace the contours of the comb on a napkin. Trace very lightly to just outline the boundaries.

Now you need to cut out the design along the outlined contours. But it’s best not to cut it with scissors, but to carefully tear it off with your hands. If the prepared napkin does not cover the entire surface of the comb, tear out a few more suitable-sized pieces with a pattern from the remaining napkin and place them on the comb.

After remembering the location of all the pieces of napkin, remove them from the comb and separate the top layer of the napkin with a pattern from the two lower white layers.

Place the napkin on the comb. Dip a wide brush (preferably a fan brush) into decoupage glue and begin to coat the napkin on the comb with glue. Take enough glue so that the brush is not semi-dry. Carefully smooth out the wrinkles formed on the napkin with a brush from the middle to the edges. It is advisable to do this quickly, but carefully; if you press hard on the brush and move it over the same place many times, the napkin may tear.

If large folds have formed, then to smooth them out, you can carefully lift the napkin, holding its dry edges, then lower it and continue smoothing with a brush.

Coat the edges of the napkin well with glue so that they stick securely to the comb and do not protrude.

Before you start decoupaging the bottom side of the comb, wait until the napkins on the top side are dry, otherwise you may accidentally tear them in the process. When the top side is dry, prepare a suitable piece of napkin for the handle, separate the lower layers of the napkin and glue the design in the manner described above. Leave the comb for 30-40 minutes to dry. Next you need to tint the edges of the comb with acrylic paint. The paint color should match the main drawing.

You can add gold paint to some elements on top of the comb. For example, you can outline the edges of the petals on flowers, etc. with gold paint.

Girls love to fix their hair at every opportunity. It will be nice to comb your hair with such a beautifully decorated comb and an antique effect (with scuffs). You can do decoupage on wood with your own hands after studying our master class.

For decoration, take a regular wooden massage brush.

Sand the wood with sandpaper. It is imperative to move the sandpaper “along the course” of the fibers in order to smooth out the roughness.

First we prime the comb. The primer will “close” the pores of the wood and saturate it so that the paint adheres better to the surface.

When the primer dries, paint the entire comb with white acrylic paint. It is best to apply the paint using a special foam brush so that strokes are not visible.

When the acrylic is thoroughly dry, you need to sand the surface again. This way we will remove excess paint and make the surface for decoupage on wood perfectly smooth.

Now you need to mark the places of future “old” abrasions. We take blue acrylic paint (the color of the paint should be in harmony with the color scheme of the napkin design), and paint over all the roundness on the comb, all the protruding parts and those places where we want to “age” the comb a little.

For example, this is how paint is applied. It is here that in the future there will be a manifestation of antiquity.

Then, exactly in those places where the contrasting paint was applied, we rub it with a candle.

When this layer of paint has dried, take the sandpaper again and start rubbing it over the comb. In those places where there are traces of candle wax on the blue paint, the top, light beige layer is peeled off. And beautiful abrasions appear, which create the effect of a “grandmother’s comb.”

Let's select a design for decoupage on wood. I liked the bouquet of violets in the basket; you need to tear it out of the napkin and separate only the top layer.

Now we glue the fragment torn from the napkin. We place it on a comb and coat the top with special glue for decoupage.

After the decoupage glue has completely dried, sand it a little with sandpaper to remove the smallest irregularities.

At the end of decorating the comb, you need to cover the wood decoupage with several layers of acrylic varnish. In this case, you need to use a matte varnish; it is more suitable in style to the scuffs on the comb.

Any fashionista will be pleased to show off such a comb.

2. Decorating a wooden comb for a girl using decoupage technique. Creating the effect of antiquity in decoupage

Author MK zanzibar
To massage your head while combing, you need to use massage brushes. However, a regular wooden comb is boring. In order to diversify the contents of your handbag, a wooden comb can be decorated using your favorite decoupage technique. However, we will learn how to create an antique effect in decoupage without using craquelure.

Prepare an image that you want to see every day. For example, you can take these dull roses and decorate your comb in an antique style.

For decoupage you will also need: acrylic paint of several colors (white, ivory, burnt umber, light gold), acrylic varnish and decoupage glue.

Before painting wood with acrylic, you need to remove the layer of varnish that was applied industrially. To do this, sand the wood with sandpaper, first with coarse grain No. 100, then No. 230.

Cover your work area with film. Cover the sanded comb with white acrylic paint in several layers.

The acrylic must dry for at least 30 minutes. In this case, the paint will act as a primer.

Then, sand the comb with sandpaper to remove any uneven paint.

Let's start applying the main tone, it will be burnt umber, this color is suitable for creating the effect of antiquity in decoupage. You can apply the paint with a brush; it is not necessary to make a perfectly uniform layer.

Set the comb aside to let the umber dry.

Now apply the top tone of the comb. For an antique effect, ivory color is suitable. We will create the effect of darker paint showing through from under light paint. Use a brush to paint the comb with ivory color, do not try to apply the paint in a thick layer.

While the paint is drying, tear out the roses and small butterflies with your hands. The edges of the torn fragments of the napkin should not be smooth.

After the light paint has dried, you should see with your own eyes the antiquity showing through in the decoupage: the umber should be visible from below, as if, over time, the top layer of paint had simply become thinner.

Arrange the pieces of napkin compositionally and glue them with a soft brush onto decoupage glue.

When the glue has dried, cover the wooden comb with one layer of acrylic varnish so as not to damage the design or stain it.

Next, we will do the “old look” and enhance the worn-out effect of the comb. Mix a drop of burnt umber with gold and apply it to the sides of the comb with your finger or sponge (and then be sure to rub the paint with your finger). The important thing here is to get the effect of old worn gold. It was possible to use the “old gold” color, but there is a way out when this color is not available. Rub the same mixture of paints around the hole on the comb handle. You can even make a few strokes along the pasted rose (just apply the strokes with an old hard brush, and then wipe the paint almost dry).

To make the design stronger, cover the comb with layers of acrylic varnish. After every three layers of varnish, sand and varnish again.

Please note, it seems that this comb was used by a girl from a rich family many years ago. Noble rubbed gold on the sides of the comb, brown paint showing through under the noble ivory color, delicate, not bright roses - all this adds a touch of mystery and paints in the imagination the history of the former owner. And it all started with an ordinary wooden Chinese comb.

To accompany your comb, try making decoupage with an antique effect without craquelure on an object, for example, a photo frame.

To massage your head while combing, you need to use massage brushes. However, a regular wooden comb is boring. In order to diversify the contents of your handbag, a wooden comb can be decorated using your favorite decoupage technique. However, we will learn how to create an antique effect in decoupage without using craquelure.

Prepare an image that you want to see every day. For example, you can take these dull roses and decorate your comb in an antique style.

For decoupage you will also need: acrylic paint of several colors (white, ivory, burnt umber, light gold), acrylic varnish and decoupage glue.

Before painting wood with acrylic, you need to remove the layer of varnish that was applied industrially. To do this, sand the wood with sandpaper, first with coarse grain No. 100, then No. 230.

Cover your work area with film. Cover the sanded comb with white acrylic paint in several layers.

The acrylic must dry for at least 30 minutes. In this case, the paint will act as a primer.

Then, sand the comb with sandpaper to remove any uneven paint.

Let's start applying the main tone, it will be burnt umber, this color is suitable for creating the effect of antiquity in decoupage. You can apply the paint with a brush; it is not necessary to create a perfectly uniform layer.

Set the comb aside to let the umber dry.

Now apply the top tone of the comb. For an antique effect, ivory color is suitable. We will create the effect of darker paint showing through from under light paint. Use a brush to paint the comb with ivory color, do not try to apply the paint in a thick layer.

While the paint is drying, tear out the roses and small butterflies with your hands. The edges of the torn fragments of the napkin should not be smooth.

After the light paint has dried, you should see with your own eyes the antiquity showing through in the decoupage: the umber should be visible from below, as if, over time, the top layer of paint had simply become thinner.

Arrange the pieces of napkin compositionally and glue them with a soft brush onto decoupage glue.

When the glue has dried, cover the wooden comb with one layer of acrylic varnish so as not to damage the design or stain it.

Next, we will do the “old look” and enhance the worn-out effect of the comb. Mix a drop of burnt umber with gold and apply it to the sides of the comb with your finger or sponge (and then be sure to rub the paint with your finger). The important thing here is to get the effect of old worn gold. It was possible to use the “old gold” color, but there is a way out when this color is not available. Rub the same mixture of paints around the hole on the comb handle. You can even make a few strokes along the pasted rose (just apply the strokes with an old hard brush, and then wipe the paint almost dry).

Nowadays many people prefer to use wooden combs. Such combs are environmentally friendly, do not damage the scalp, and do not electrify the hair, unlike plastic ones. But more often than not, these combs are simply polished well, without applying any decoration. A wooden hair comb can be decorated in an interesting way using decoupage. This technique requires accuracy and precision in work. If you do everything correctly, the result will definitely please you. The work does not require expensive materials or special skills.

wooden comb;
acrylic paints;
PVA glue;
acrylic varnish.

1. First you need to disassemble the comb. Separate the brush from the wooden body. For our work we will only need its wooden part; we put the brush aside.

2. We will make a comb for a girl, so we select a suitable thematic picture. The picture can be on a napkin or postcard. We cut out the design, giving it an oval shape and the appropriate size - we make it slightly smaller than the body of the comb.

3. Cut out the second picture – a small heart. It will be located at the end of the wooden handle.

4. Now let's start coloring the comb. Apply several layers of pink acrylic paint. This can be done with a brush, sponge or a piece of foam rubber. Apply a new layer only after the previous one has completely dried. To make the color bright and saturated, you need to apply at least three layers of paint.

5. While the paint on the wooden base of the comb dries, we begin preparing the pictures. They are cut from a card, so they need to be thinned out. Place both pictures in warm water for 10 - 15 minutes to soak. Then we separate the top layer, which we will use in further work. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the picture, since wet paper tears easily.

6. On the reverse side, coat the pictures with glue diluted with water. Apply a little glue so that it does not protrude beyond the edges of the picture. To avoid the formation of wrinkles and unevenness, glue the picture, starting from the middle, and carefully smooth it out. If the picture shifts or a wrinkle appears, you can lift the edge of the picture and straighten it out.

7. Add yellow dots to the combs. We dip the back side of the brush in yellow paint and put dots around the pasted pictures, then all over the comb. You can apply dots with a toothpick or a wooden stick, the main thing is that they are the same size. After the applied paint has dried, we open the surface with varnish. It's better to open it several times.

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