
Selection of paints and varnishes for interior painting of a wooden house. How to paint the outside of a wooden house: protection and attractiveness (55 photos) Acrylate paint for wooden walls outside

The traditional building material in Russia is wood and wood products - timber, boards, sheet materials. But to extend the life of wooden buildings and wooden parts, they must be protected from external factors - from moisture and wind, temperature changes and mechanical impulse loads - impacts and scratches, from insect pests and fungal diseases. To do this, they use a technique such as painting a wooden house outside and inside with antiseptic, fire-retardant and paint materials. Let’s look at the best way to paint the outside of a wooden house below.

Features of wooden houses

Positive qualities of a wooden house:

  1. The weight of a wooden building is almost 3 times lower than a brick house of the same size. This means that the foundation can be made lightweight and shallow, and the house itself can be built on any soil, saving money and labor costs;
  2. Wood allows air to pass through (breathes) well, so the house will always have a microclimate favorable for living, no matter what colors the facade is painted;
  3. Wooden walls retain heat well, even if the house is painted outside and/or inside. Thus, walls made of 20 cm logs have the same thermal conductivity as brick walls 32 cm thick with double-sided plastering with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. It does not matter how to paint a wooden house - acrylic paint or varnish, oil or.

Disadvantages of wooden buildings:

  1. Any house made of wood must go through a shrinkage process, which takes 1-3 years. At the same time, living in the house is not prohibited, and you can move in 6-8 months after completion of construction;
  2. Due to the fact that wood “breathes”, wooden surfaces cannot be finished with tiles, stone and other hard natural materials. To do this, additional steps are taken, for example, installation of sheathing. But you can paint a wooden house at any time - there are no time or technological restrictions for this;
  3. A wooden house is a fire hazard structure, so all surfaces must be impregnated with fire retardant substances;
  4. Wood is easily damaged by insects. To avoid this, use hard wood and special impregnations.

Taking into account all of the above, the decision on which paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house is made separately for each house. But any paint is applied in several layers - from 2 to 5.

Exterior paints

Paint for interior and exterior work has different characteristics, since external surfaces must withstand exposure to direct sunlight, wind loads, snow and rain, positive and negative temperatures. Therefore, oil, acrylate and alkyd-acrylate compositions are most often used for a wooden house.

Oil paints are distinguished by deep penetration into the structure of wood, increased resistance to atmospheric factors, and can have any color.

Disadvantages of oil paints:

  1. Mandatory application in several layers, followed by annual renewal of the last layer;
  2. If you don’t know how to properly paint the outside of a wooden house, remember: oil paint fades faster than alkyd paint, so it’s better to paint the shadow sides of the house with it;
  3. The time for complete drying of this composition is up to a day.

Acrylate paints are the most optimal option for wood, since, unlike an oil layer, the wood continues to breathe, when a board or beam is deformed, the paint layer does not crack, and the composition itself does not fade in the sun.

Covering antiseptic is an alkyd-acrylate paint that fits perfectly on any wood, even old wood, and can maintain its appearance for more than ten years.

It is better to cover solid surfaces with all of the listed paints, and for calibrated logs, beams and uneven surfaces, use azure and colorless wood varnish. If the varnish is colored, then even several layers will only slightly change the shade of the surface, but will not change the overall tone.

Tikkurila (Finland)Tikkurila - the best composition for coloring, widespread in RussiaGood frost and moisture resistance
Senezh (Russia)The paint is suitable for baths, wooden houses and outbuildings, a wide range of colors (16 colors and shades)Fireproof properties, protection against insects, high moisture resistance
Drevoplast (RF)An acrylic-based emulsion creates a durable coating on a wooden surface with the effect of liquid plastic.High degree of protection against any precipitation, long service life
Tex (RF)Cheap external composition, after drying creates a durable polymer surfaceHigh vapor permeability, resistance to sunlight
Pinotex (Estonia)Polymer facade paint for exterior useProtection against fungal diseases, mold and insect pests, resistance to temperature changes
Olimp (RF)Emulsion linen paint with elastic dried coating surfaceThe ability to strengthen the structure of wood, strength, resistance to cracking, protection from precipitation, mold, insects and fungal diseases

  1. The varnish or paint for the primary layer is selected based on the preferences of the master. Subsequent layers must have the same composition as the primary layer: oil paint is applied to the oil composition, etc.;
  2. To clarify the composition of old paint or wood varnish, you need to make a cut. Dried oil paint breaks easily, the acrylic sample can be bent;
  3. When painting, the outer surface of the walls of the house should not be directly illuminated by the sun, so as not to create islands with different shades;
  4. It is not recommended to use expired varnishes or paints;
  5. Before painting, any wooden surface must first be impregnated with an antiseptic and fire-retardant substances, and also primed;
  6. The paint or varnish must have good resistance to UV radiation and moisture.

Preparing house walls for painting

To create a surface prepared for painting you must:

  1. Remove dust and dirt from the wooden surface. This can be done dry or wet;
  2. Destroy traces of mold using special means;
  3. Destroy traces of tree resin and paint the area with varnish;
  4. If there are nails, screws, staples and other metal hardware in the wall, their surfaces are coated with a metal primer;
  5. After all these measures, the wooden surface should be left for two weeks to dry completely.

Painting a wooden house

After figuring out which paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house, you can begin painting the house. The process begins with applying a primer. After the wood has completely dried from the primer and other compounds, the walls can be painted. The paint is applied to dry walls in 2-4 layers, and each layer must be dried.

Important: It is imperative to apply a layer of primer so that the paint does not begin to peel off over time. The primer is applied after the wood has been impregnated with an antiseptic and fire retardant compounds.

Paint is applied to wooden walls as follows:

  1. During the painting process, the paint must be constantly stirred;
  2. It is better to apply paints and varnishes with a brush - this way the composition will be distributed over the surface more evenly;
  3. To obtain a uniform and rich color, use a primer color;
  4. Wood should not be painted in direct sunlight. Painting is carried out at positive air temperatures, in calm and cloudy weather;
  5. All compounds (primer, paint, fire retardants, antiseptic) must be applied along the fibers;
  6. The end surfaces of logs or beams must be impregnated with preliminary compounds several times, with each layer completely drying. Each end should be painted from top to bottom, without smudges.

Staining old wood

Before painting, wooden surfaces are inspected for damage and repairs. Most often, the western and southern walls are damaged due to exposure to natural factors. When renovating, you can paint only those areas that are worn or damaged the most. When completely painting walls, use paint of the same composition and approximately the same color or shade.

If you don’t know what paint the house was previously painted with, you can determine its type visually, on your own:

  1. Acrylate compounds are tactilely and visually similar to a layer of thin leather. Dried acrylate paint can only crack along the wood grain;
  2. Oil paints lose their gloss; if you run your finger over the surface, it will leave a chalky mark. Oil compounds crack across the fibers, and cracks may also look like small rectangles;
  3. Glazing antiseptic compounds become thinner with prolonged use. Wooden walls can be impregnated with an antiseptic of the same color or darker. In addition, instead of a new layer of antiseptic, you can use oil paint. If the wood has not previously been impregnated with an antiseptic, you can immediately use acrylate-based paint.

The time comes when it becomes necessary to carry out renovation work both inside and outside the house. I was interested in the question of how to paint the outside of a wooden house, what materials are better, how to choose the right one and how to paint the house. All these issues are important for housing built from logs or laminated veneer lumber. Let's figure out how to properly paint a wooden house and how to prepare the surfaces yourself, as well as what materials are best used for painting the foundation and pediment. In addition, I will tell you how to paint with water-based paint, what is special about the water-based mixture, why you need a compressor, and how to decorate the ceiling of a wooden house.

Color palette

Color palette

I decided to touch on this topic first, since everyone is interested in what color the façade of a home can be painted. The choice of color depends on your taste preferences, as well as on the color of the roof of a wooden house.

You can choose a color according to standards not only for houses made of laminated veneer lumber or logs, but also for brick or concrete houses. So:

  • Light colors can be combined with dark ones. For example, for a dark roof, light coffee and beige shades of the facade are used
  • If your private house is surrounded by greenery, then you can safely improvise with the design. The color can be rich and bright, but even here do not forget about the combination of details. You shouldn't paint your house green if there is a lot of vegetation around it.
  • A painted house can stand out thanks to small details, that is, against the background of a light facade, contrasting window frames, cornices and slopes will look very nice. By the way, all additional elements, such as drainpipes, are also matched to the color of the overall design
  • The style in which you plan to decorate the facade will play a huge role. Therefore, stop your choice on those shades that accompany this style. Sample catalogs from manufacturers will help you choose a color.

The color of the roof should be combined with the design of the facade, so if you have the opportunity, then immediately opt for more compatible finishing materials. As a small example, here are some possible colors:

  1. Bright red and soft yellow
  2. Rich gray and canary
  3. Cream color or cool yellow harmonizes perfectly with dark blue

A small table of shade combinations that will help you successfully paint your house:

Color of the walls below, roofs on the right Blue Dark blue Dark green Brown Chocolate Orange Red Cherry Dark gray
Light blue 4 5 3 5 5 2 3 5 5
Turquoise 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 4
Light green 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 4 5
Yellow 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Beige 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Pink 4 5 5 3 5 2 2 5 5
Pearl gray 4 4 2 4 3 3 4 5 4
White 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The table is very simple to decipher: 5 is excellent, and 2 is bad. Give due consideration to the choice of color, since in the future the facade design will serve you for many years.

Important! Dark color attracts heat, so for northern regions you can cheat and install a roof of exactly that color. This will help, at least a little, to improve the microclimate in the house.

Selecting paint and preparing surfaces

Everyone knows that wood is a natural material that tends to age. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to paint the outside of a wooden house with your own hands if it is already old and has lost its appearance. But first, you should remember that the key to successful painting is surface preparation.

Surface preparation consists of preliminary cleaning the walls from dirt and dust. This is very easy to do by hosing down the base with water. If mold or mildew appears on the base of the log, then the walls of the house should be treated with special impregnations. And if you notice resin in some areas, remove it with a spatula and cover the area with varnish.

Important! Preparing surfaces with your own hands is a rather labor-intensive process, but with quality work done, you will forget for a long time about the need to repair the facade again.

All fastener caps must be coated with metal primer solutions. When surface preparation is completed, you should leave the walls of the wooden house alone for several weeks. This is necessary for complete drying and subsequent high-quality painting.

For a log house and structure made of laminated veneer lumber, you can choose compositions from the following list:

  • Antiseptic
  • Acrylate paint
  • Oil paint

Painting the outside of a wooden house allows you to protect the structure from the effects of external negative factors. This allows you to slow down the aging process of the log. With the help of antiseptics, they achieve excellent protection against mold. It is better to use a glazing antiseptic, which is transparent and can highlight the texture of the log. Acrylate paint is quite weather-resistant and allows the material to breathe. A good advantage is that this type is elastic, which means that during thermal deformations of logs and even laminated veneer lumber, the coating does not crack and retains its appearance.

Oil-based paints absorb well and have excellent characteristics, but a painted house will take a long time to dry and ultimately the surface may become more matte.

Protecting wooden surfaces with paints

We paint a wooden house with our own hands

It doesn’t matter if your wooden dacha house is built from laminated veneer lumber or other material, it still loses its original appearance over time. The old look negatively affects the mood of the residents of the house, so don’t delay updating the facade. There are several reasons why houses made of laminated veneer lumber become gray and unattractive:

  1. Firstly, water has a negative effect on wooden walls - they can be affected by mold and mildew
  2. Secondly, ultraviolet radiation contributes to the destruction of the integrity of laminated veneer lumber, and this leads to a deterioration in the properties of the material

In order to update the facade of a wooden house made of laminated veneer lumber, you should follow these instructions. Do-it-yourself surface preparation and painting occurs in the following sequence:

  • Sanding - sometimes this is simply necessary for laminated timber, as it may not have a perfectly smooth surface
  • Sealing - acrylic sealant is suitable for these purposes, which is used to process the ends
  • Primer of laminated timber
  • Applying paint - it is best to paint the facade in at least three layers

We paint the outside of a wooden house with our own hands

Very often, preparation and basic work can be done with the help of qualified specialists. Since many people want to know in advance how much such services might cost, I decided to make an approximate table of the cost of all work separately:

All services can be performed separately, which means you can save money and carry out some work yourself.

Important! If you are interested in how to paint the lining outside the house, then you should also choose all of the above options. But if you stop at using glazing antiseptics, then you will not need further painting. By the way, facade paints that are resistant to atmospheric influences are also used for the gable of the house.

Paintwork for the foundation

Tool for painting a wooden house

The foundation of any building, be it a brick, wood or concrete house, needs good protection. This is due to the fact that the foundation experiences heavy loads and has the greatest impact on it, since water tends to accumulate at the base of the house.

It is best to use water-based acrylic paints, as well as latex paints, which are also water-based paints. In addition, epoxy and polyurethane mixtures can be used for the foundation. If you paint the foundation surface with water-based paint, you get the following benefits:

  • Acrylic and latex paint dries quickly and is not afraid of moisture
  • Acrylics become hydrophobic after drying, while latex ones are very easy to clean
  • Quite economical consumption of the water-emulsion mixture: for acrylic - 0.3-0.4 kg/m2, and for latex - 1 liter per 8-10 m2

Despite the fact that the use of a water-based mixture is in great demand not only for the foundation, but also for the general facade, attention should also be paid to epoxy compounds. Although a water-based paint finish will last you quite a long time, epoxy manufacturers claim that their materials have a service life of up to 25 years. To properly protect the foundation, it is best to paint it in two layers, each of which will dry within 24 hours.

Important! If a spray gun and compressor are used to cover the foundation with a water-based mixture, then choose paint with viscosity parameters not exceeding 20-25 St.

The surfaces of a plastered house, if it is brick or concrete, can also be painted using water-based paint. If you have a compressor, the speed of work can increase significantly.

A compressor is an indispensable assistant if you need to paint something.

Painting the outside of a wooden house yourself

A painted house will look even more attractive if a compressor and a spray gun were used to decorate it. If you often do painting work, then select both the compressor and the nozzles at the same time.

For domestic use, it is best to take a compressor with a continuous operating time of 15-20 minutes and a pressure of up to 8 bar. A semi-professional class compressor can operate for up to 40 minutes and is used more often at service stations.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that for home use it is better to have a mobile compressor that is not installed on a platform, but has special wheels.

How to decorate the ceiling of a wooden house

Painting a wooden house

Very often, the ceiling of a wooden house allows your imagination to run wild. This is due to the fact that attics are often not used in wooden structures. As with any finishing work, the ceiling needs preparation, so it should be covered with an antiseptic mixture. Next, the ceiling is insulated regardless of the insulation during the construction of the house.

You can decorate the ceiling in a wooden house using materials such as:

  1. Wooden cladding, which occurs using lining boards, wooden panels, MDF panels
  2. The ceiling can be decorated with more budget options: plywood panels with a decorative coating that imitates wood
  3. Often a wooden ceiling is finished with sheets of plasterboard. After such covering, the wooden ceiling can be painted or wallpapered

Wood - used for construction work and as a finishing material. This is both a popular and expensive material, but, like any other, it has its drawbacks.

The main enemies of the tree are:

  • Moisture is what causes mold and mildew to appear.
  • Insects (carpenters) that destroy wood (feed on it).

Without protection from these “enemies,” the tree will not last very long, and damaged areas will need to be repaired forever.

When it comes to painting, you need to keep in mind that exterior paint and interior paint are two different paints.

The outer part of the walls experiences all the “delights” of bad weather (sun rays, precipitation, and so on). Therefore, you need to choose paint so that it does not fade from sunlight, protects the wood from moisture, and does not need to be updated too often.

The best way to paint a wooden house outside is the best paints


Their main advantage, perhaps, is only their low cost, although the paint also has a number of other advantages.

Drying oil paints tend to penetrate deeply into the material and are quite resistant to changing weather conditions.

But the paint will need to be renewed (repainted) every 4-5 years (of course, this depends on weather conditions).

Also, this paint is not suitable for the sunny side of the house; it will quickly fade in the sun.

Also keep in mind that oil paint takes several hours to dry (take into account the temperature outside) and if you paint in windy weather, the entire freshly painted surface will be covered in dust and will need to be repainted again; it is better to paint when there is no wind.


Perfect for both exterior work and wood.

They have all the necessary qualities.

First of all, they allow the wood to breathe, unlike other paints that hermetically cover the entire surface.

After drying, the paint resembles an elastic film, and if the wooden surface begins to gradually deform, the coating will not crack. The coating retains its original appearance for a long time (up to 8 years).

Covering antiseptic

This coating is an acrylic-acide based paint.

This is a fairly new product, but it has already proven itself well and only needs to be updated once every 10 years.

But the choice of helmet most often depends on the wood that is used.

After all, if you have expensive wood, then it doesn’t make sense to simply paint over all this beauty; painting makes sense if the outer part of the house is finished with ordinary boards.

If the house is lined with expensive types of wood, use varnishes or azures.

What is the best way to paint the outside of a wooden house using old paint?

If your house is old and its appearance leaves much to be desired, and you have found mold or peeling paint (as well as other defects), it is worth repainting (updating) the exterior of the building.

Fresh paint will refresh the appearance of a building, giving it a new lease of life and you can change the design of a building simply by changing the paint color.

Before you start painting, first carefully inspect the painted surface, in case somewhere in addition to painting, repairs are first needed (some part is boiled, something is rotten and it is recommended to replace it).

Also keep in mind that parts of the building that are located in the south and west fade faster (natural influences).

There are two options for repainting: either only the two sides most susceptible to fading, or the entire house (in the second option, you can change the color).

If you are going to repaint, keep in mind the main rule - use the same paint (manufacturer, brand) that was applied last time.

Let’s consider this scenario: you bought a house and don’t know what the previous owners used to paint it.

You can try to determine by type:

  • Acrylic feels like a second skin (it cracks along the fibers).
  • Oil paint – over time it acquires a matte tint; after touching, a white mark may remain on the skin (like chalk). It usually cracks along the fibers, although it can also crack along the cells.
  • With antiseptics, the top layer wears off over time. If it has a shiny surface, then you can repaint the house with an antiseptic of the same shade (or a little darker) or simply paint over it with oil paint.

If the surface of the wood is not visible that an antiseptic has been applied, then it is worth applying acrylic paint on top.

You can also lift or break off a piece of old paint and try to roll it up; if it rolls well, it’s acrylic; if it crumbles, it’s oil.

Paint the outside of a wooden house with your own hands

Before painting the wood, you need to prepare it in advance.

You can also paint with a spray bottle, how to do it -

  • Old rotten boards need to be removed and new ones put in their place.
  • First of all, use a spray bottle to wet the surface.
  • Then go over it with a stiff brush.
  • If you notice that there is mold or blue stains on the wood, you need to remove it and treat it with a special product.
  • We also remove the resin (you need to apply varnish for knots to the place from which the resin was removed).
  • Coat various metal objects with a metal primer.
  • Then leave the surface to “rest” for 10 days, covering it with film; if the weather is hot and sunny, remove the film (make holes in the film for ventilation).
  • If the surface is damp and there is no way to dry it, the surface is coated with an antiseptic primer and left until the wood dries.

Sequence of painting work:

  1. First, we apply a primer (we use an antiseptic primer that will protect the wood from mold and blue fungi). The use of antiseptics significantly increases the life of the coating.
  2. Apply paint (on a completely dry surface), it is better to apply in 2-3 layers.
  3. Let each layer dry.

Rules for applying paint:

  • The paint needs to be stirred.
  • It is better to apply with a brush.
  • For best coverage, use primer dye.
  • Do not paint in hot weather or under the scorching sun (it is better to choose warm, cloudy, windless weather).
  • The septic tank is applied in the longitudinal direction.
  • Carefully treat the ends of the boards or logs with primer and paint (several layers).

Painting a house is not a difficult task, the only thing is that it takes a lot of time to remove the old paint and apply new one. If you're doing it alone, it makes sense to paint in sections (the sides of the house, for example) as it will take longer than painting with a group of people.

Wood is a general construction material with a centuries-old history. Despite many positive qualities - ease of processing, widespread use, environmental friendliness, spectacular appearance, wooden houses need protection from negative atmospheric influences.

In this part of the training course we will talk about what nuances need to be taken into account when painting wood and answer the following questions:

  • What does a violation of wood coloring technology lead to?
  • Why is it necessary to prepare a wooden surface before painting it?
  • What are the most common mistakes made when painting a wooden house?

Basic principles of wood staining

As construction practice shows, defects in the painted decorative coating of a house built of wood are caused by violations of work technology, as well as incorrectly selected materials.

Any mistake made at the preparation stage can negate all the work done and lead to the need for expensive repairs in the future. The photograph below shows typical problems that can arise if the technology for painting the walls of a wooden house is violated.

As you can see, the decorative coating is peeling off, and the wood has begun to turn grey. If the work technology is violated and the wrong tool is chosen, after 2-3 years the paint layer may begin to deteriorate. At the same time, an unprotected layer of wood is exposed under the peeling paint.

As a result, the wooden surface, under the influence of UV radiation, first turns gray, then turns blue and can begin to rot, because the antiseptic is washed away by rain, and the wood is no longer protected from the harmful effects of moisture. The facade of the house loses its attractive appearance and its performance characteristics.

To avoid this, you must follow the recommendations of specialists.

Adverse atmospheric conditions - rain, snow, wind, ultraviolet radiation, as well as mold and fungi, can lead to accelerated destruction of wood. To protect the facade of a wooden house, it must be treated with special means, while adhering to a certain procedure.

The first mistake that an inexperienced builder can make is improperly preparing the surface before painting it or completely ignoring this stage.

The need to prepare a wooden surface

Often, novice developers do not think about the need to pre-prepare a wooden surface before applying protective and paint materials, for example, antiseptic or protective oil for exterior use.

The user reasons that if he purchased a quality product, then the product will work on its own. This opinion is wrong. Before applying special products, the wooden surface must be prepared.

The fact is that when sawing wood and its subsequent planing (planing), defects remain on the surface: microcracks, nicks, mechanical damage. In addition, because the workpieces were processed on machines, the pores of the wood were jammed with metal and closed.

Because of this, the antiseptic will not be able to penetrate deeply into the wood, as a result, its concentration will decrease, which leads to a decrease in the service life of the coating. Subsequently, when finishing the wood, processing defects may also appear on it, and the texture of the wood will not be expressed as clearly as planned.

Conclusion: preliminary surface preparation is a necessary and important part of the wood painting system.

To prepare the surface before applying protective and finishing agents, it must be sanded. Moreover, this is done according to a certain scheme.

Sereda Evgeniy

  1. First, we grind using a coarse abrasive material with a grit size of P 60-80. This will help us level the surface, remove the old layer of wood and eliminate roughing defects.
  2. For final grinding of the surface we use abrasive with grit P 120.

The letter “P” is expressed by numbers from 12 to 5000. The larger the number in the designation, the smaller the grain size, and vice versa.

The better we sand the wood, the deeper the antiseptic will penetrate into its structure. In this case, such a mistake is often made as using abrasive with P 80 grain instead of the recommended P 120 for finishing grinding.

If these parameters are neglected, the roughly sanded surface will strongly absorb oil. As a result: its consumption will increase, the product will lie unevenly, which will lead to the formation of stains. Also, most of the oil will simply be absorbed into the wood, so the treated surface will be poorly protected from adverse weather conditions.

Typical mistakes made when painting a wooden house

Sanding the surface is only part of the correct technology for painting a wooden facade. After sanding, before final painting, the wood must be treated with a special antiseptic that will protect the wood from the development of fungus, blue stains and mold.

In this case, such a mistake may be made.

Sereda Evgeniy

When choosing a water-based antiseptic primer for its application, the ambient temperature should be at least +12 °C. But many people forget that this temperature also refers to the drying temperature. If the work on applying the product was completed in the evening, then at night the temperature may drop to +5 - +8 ° C, which is a violation of technology.

An alternative to aqueous antiseptics can be an oil-based antiseptic primer, because... In addition to protecting wood, the product can be applied to the surface at a minimum temperature of +5 ° C and a maximum humidity of 40%. This allows you to extend the construction season rather than wait for favorable weather conditions.

After the antiseptic primer has dried, we proceed directly to painting the surface of the wood. In addition to choosing a quality product that meets the stated characteristics, to ensure high-quality painting it is necessary to adhere to certain technological processes.

The coloring agent must be combined with the product used to preservative the wood. If you do not follow this rule and use products to protect the wood that form a film on the treated surface, then when the oil is applied finally, it will not be able to penetrate the pores of the wood and will peel off over time.

Paints based on natural oils, which penetrate into the wood structure, cannot be applied over varnishes and paints, which form a polymer film and prevent the oil from penetrating into the wood structure.

A similar mistake is to use water-based antiseptics in combination with oils for external work. You can get a completely different shade of the painted facade.

Of course, it is important to follow all technological steps, but in addition, to apply antiseptics and oil-based finishes, you must use the right tools.

Brushes are most often chosen for applying antiseptics, oils and glazes.

Sereda Evgeniy

Despite the ease of use and accessibility of this tool, there are a number of tricks that you need to know about in advance. It is better to choose brushes with mixed or natural bristles and dense filling, about 10-20 mm .

It is also a mistake to paint wood after rain. It is necessary that the surface is completely dry, otherwise the oil will curdle from the wet wood.

The final touch when painting a wooden surface is to ensure a sufficient volume of air in the area where the work is being done (especially when working indoors). The fact is that the process of polymerization (drying) of oil occurs when it interacts with oxygen. If there is not enough air, the surface will take a long time to dry. Therefore, we adhere to the recommended drying time. This is 7-10 days. Moreover, all this time you need to regularly ventilate the room.

Summing up

Sereda Evgeniy

When choosing paint for exterior or interior decoration, one significant mistake is often made. The calculation of the estimate for painting the surface should not be based on the price for 1 liter of product, but based on the cost of processing 1 sq. m. m of finished surface and the cost of updating it in 10-15 years.

At a low price for traditional film-forming compositions, their processing consumption is 1 sq. m can reach up to 200-300 g, and the consumption of oil-containing products is 2-3 times less, which ultimately leads to a reduction in costs in the long term.

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and comfortable housing, which is characterized by durability and reliability, aesthetic appeal and a cozy indoor environment.

But do not forget that wood is a living natural material. Therefore, it is susceptible to negative environmental influences. These are high humidity and dampness, ultraviolet rays and insects, temperature changes and other harmful factors. During use, wood gradually ages, darkens or turns yellow and loses its original appearance.

Special protective and decorative compounds for wall treatment will help preserve wood. In this article we will look at how to paint the outside of a wooden house. Painting the external walls of a wooden house is a mandatory stage in the construction and finishing of a country log home!

It is necessary to paint a house not only after construction and shrinkage, but also during operation. Experts recommend painting wooden buildings once every 5-8 years, depending on the type of paint and varnish materials, and it is advisable to treat an old house more often.

Which painting products to choose

Today, manufacturers offer various paints and varnishes. For external wood processing, resistant and rough compounds are suitable. Let's look at which ones are best to use for a log house.

Antiseptic varnishes come in glazing (transparent) and covering (opaque) varieties. The first type preserves the natural color and emphasizes the texture of the wood, while the second will help achieve the desired shade and shine. Such products penetrate deep into the wood and protect the material from rot and mold, the negative effects of water and humidity. When choosing, please note that coating compositions will last 6-7 years, but glazing varnish will have to be renewed every 4-5 years.

Acrylic (acrylant) paints are the most popular products among owners of country houses. They are best suited for natural wood as they are absolutely safe. Such paints allow the wood to “breathe” and guarantee good air exchange. The acrylic composition creates an elastic, dense coating that protects the wood from moisture, cracking and fungus.

Acrylic paints are expensive, but they create a durable and reliable coating that will last a long time. You won’t have to renew your paint more often than once every 8-10 years!

Oil paints are well absorbed and penetrate deep into the wood structure. They effectively protect log walls from dirt and moisture. But today such products are losing popularity because they take a long time to dry. In addition, over time, painted wood changes color and shade, and yellow spots appear on the surface. To avoid this, you will have to repaint more often than every four years.

Yacht varnish is best suited for regions with high rainfall and high humidity. It provides reliable protection against temperature extremes and moisture. This varnish does not fade and prevents the appearance of yellowness on the surface. The product is durable, but when painted it emits an unpleasant odor.

Using wax or stain is an old, tried-and-true method for painting your home. Wax is a natural and safe product that will not disturb the environmental friendliness of a wooden structure. It is deeply absorbed into the material and effectively protects log walls from dirt and moisture. After waxing, the surface will become translucent with a matte shine.

Stain is the cheapest and most accessible option for treating a home, both outside and inside. It will also protect the tree from pests and fungus, while preserving the pattern and color of the logs. But after staining, you must apply varnish to enhance the properties and increase the service life of the material.

In addition to the type of paint or varnish, it is important to choose the right color. You can choose transparent compounds to preserve the structure and color of the log, choose a darker or lighter shade, matte or glossy sheen. In addition, today there are also means for painting a wooden house with colors that have nothing to do with the color of the wood.

You can paint your house purple, green, red and any other colors. It all depends on your preferences. Designers recommend using warm shades in northern latitudes and cold regions of the country. And in warm regions, on the contrary, use cool colors.

If you cannot find the right materials, turn to professionals for help! Experienced experts of the MariSrub company will select high-quality products and calculate the volume of paint, reliably and quickly paint a wooden house, bathhouse or gazebo. Let's find out how to properly paint a wooden house.

The best facade paints for wood

Brand Description Advantages Price
Tikkurila (Finland) The most popular products that have received positive reviews from both professional craftsmen and ordinary owners of wooden houses High water-repellent properties; wide range; good frost resistance from 600 rubles for 0.9 l
Senezh (Russia) High-class antiseptic and renewing compositions suitable for baths, homes and gazebos, with a large selection of colors (16 colors and shades) Difficult to wash out and compositions with a service life of 10 years; protection not only from moisture and pests, but also from the spread of fire during a fire from 240 rubles for 0.9 kg
Drevoplast (Russia) A durable acrylic emulsion that creates a durable decorative coating on the surface of the walls and gives the effect of “liquid plastic” High resistance to precipitation and humidity, easy application, long-lasting protection from 350 rubles for 0.9 kg
Tex (Russia) Universal inexpensive paint for exterior work, which creates a durable polymer film on the surface of the walls High vapor permeability, resistance to light and ultraviolet radiation, fits well on walls from 300 rubles for 0.9 kg
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based decorative products for exterior painting of the facade of a house, gazebo or bathhouse, fences and fences, wooden canopies Protects against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstands sudden temperature changes from 490 rubles per 1 l
Olympus (Russia) Elastic emulsion based on flax oil for new and old surfaces, suitable for wooden facades, garden furniture, ceilings and floors inside the house Versatility;

strengthens wood and does not crack, protects against moisture and insects, mold and mildew

from 200 rubles for 0.9 kg

How to paint a house

  • The initial stage is preparing the walls. Remove dust and dirt from the logs, level the surface if necessary;
    Then a primer is applied to the surface. It will protect the walls from mold, blue stains and fungus. Without a primer, after two years the house will have to be painted again;
  • After the primer has completely dried, proceed to painting. Remember that you can only paint dry wood and in dry weather! If you are using oil paints that take a long time to dry, it is advisable that there is no rain in the next few days. Therefore, before the procedure, check the weather forecast;
  • It is better to paint with a roller and brush, since when using a spray gun it is difficult to obtain a perfectly even, smooth and painted coating, especially if you have little experience in painting;
  • Before coating, thoroughly stir the paint composition;
  • The paint is applied with a roller evenly in two or three layers. It is better to use a brush for painting hard-to-reach places. Some companies produce special paints with enhanced protective composition for ends and corners, since these places are most susceptible to the negative effects of moisture;
  • Apply each new layer only on the dried previous layer. This takes 3-4 hours; Stir the composition of the paint and varnish periodically;
  • The last layer of paint is applied from top to bottom in a thin layer;
  • Finally, the paint can be coated with clear varnish. This will consolidate the result, increase the service life of the coating and better protect the wood. But you can get by with just one paint.

How to paint an old house

Remember to renew the paint at intervals depending on the type of paint or varnish. Before painting, it is important to carefully prepare the old house for the procedure. When repainting, experts recommend using the same type of product that was used previously.

After purchasing the necessary materials, the old paint coating is removed from the surface of the logs and dirt is removed. Mold is removed with a special solution and the damaged areas are additionally treated with an alkaline detergent. It is better to replace old, crooked and rotten boards with new ones.

Sand the walls if necessary. How to properly sand walls, read the link After the preparatory work, painting is carried out according to the same scheme as painting a new wooden house. If you have any problems painting your house, contact the MariSrub company!

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