
Why pick beets in a dream? Why do you dream about beets: favorable and unpleasant interpretations. Why does a woman dream about beets?

Dreaming of beets - joyful drinking of beets - troubles from men.

White beets - danger awaits you.

Yellow - you are being pursued.

Red - health, eating beets - unforeseen circumstances.

Collect beets - you will be a good owner.

Chopping and cutting beets means separation.

Feeding cattle with beets is a successful business operation.

Peeling and scraping dirt from beets is a disgrace.

Seeing beet plantations means that as a result of hard, exhausting work you will achieve prosperity.

Beets in piles - things will go well.

Beet salad is a success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Beetroot

Fields where beets grow dream of peace throughout the entire world.

If in a dream you ate beets with other people, then you will receive a lot of good news.

If you ate beetroot salad or beetroot soup in a dream, you will soon have a great opportunity to take revenge on your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreaming of beets - joyful drinking of beets - troubles from men.

White beets - danger awaits you.

Yellow - you are being pursued.

Red - health, eating beets - unforeseen circumstances.

Collect beets - you will be a good owner.

Chopping and cutting beets means separation.

Feeding cattle with beets is a successful business operation.

Peeling and scraping dirt from beets is a disgrace.

Seeing beet plantations means that as a result of hard, exhausting work you will achieve prosperity.

Beets in piles - things will go well.

Beet salad is a success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Beetroot

Fields where beets grow dream of peace throughout the entire world.

If in a dream you ate beets with other people, then you will receive a lot of good news.

If you ate beetroot salad or beetroot soup in a dream, you will soon have a great opportunity to take revenge on your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from

There's a lot of work to be done. Cooking or eating is a material reward; to see rich, abundantly grown beet crops - new work, opportunities.

1 Beetroot Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

Seeing beets in a dream means:

You see beets in the beds in a dream - you will have a good harvest; you will strengthen your material well-being; your health will be excellent; in relationships with loved ones - mutual understanding, with enemies - peace, in the house - peace. You are preparing some kind of beetroot dish - the dream foreshadows good news for you.

1 Beetroot Jewish dream book

Anyone who eats boiled beets in a dream on Friday night will have exciting experiences in the coming days. Anyone who eats boiled beets in a dream on any other night will face difficult times.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Beetroot Slavic dream book

Dreaming about beets means:

Poverty, trouble. Saturn in the 8th house of the horoscope.

1 Beetroot Russian dream book

Beetroot dream meaning:

The image of a father-in-law or mother-in-law; plant - pressure from the husband’s parents, the planting of their ideas.

1 Beetroot Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

A merry feast, troubles, health; white - danger; yes - unforeseen circumstances; collecting - good on the farm; crumble - separation; feeding cattle - success in business; to clean from dirt is a shame; beet field - well-being through hard work; harvested beets - good job; Beet salad is a success.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Beetroot Phoebe's Great Dream Book

A lot of pleasant news awaits you, thanks to which your sorrows will go away and your mood will improve. Imagine a kitchen where there is a large dish of washed and peeled beets on the table. You cut it into strips and add it to the borscht cooking on the stove. Prepare a salad or vinaigrette from the remaining beets, set the table beautifully and invite your loved ones to dinner.

1 Beetroot Danilova's children's dream book

Beetroot in a dream means:

In the near future you will have to pay a lot of attention to your appearance.

1 Beetroot Dream interpretation for a bitch

Prosperity and joyful life, many good friends, good news.

1 Beetroot Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Planting beets is an attempt to make money.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Beetroot according to the 21st century Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about beets:

If you dream of beets, it means that you will be invited to a pleasant party.

In a dream, beets are red - to joy, white - to chagrin.

Picking beets in a dream is a sign that you will have doubts about someone.

1 Beetroot Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing beets in a dream means:

Yes - get confused in court cases; to collect is a dishonest friend.

1 Beetroot Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

A dream with beets in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed that you ate beets, you are about to learn new gossip.

Collecting, weeding, preparing beets means idle chatter.

In a dream, you watch someone eating beets - you are about to learn news that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

You watched one of your relatives or friends picking beets - you will be told news about your distant relatives.

You dreamed that you watched someone prepare beets - unpleasant news awaits you.

Buy - for a letter with important news.

Selling means trouble.

If you dreamed that you planted beets, the most amazing things will be told about you in the near future.

1 Beetroot Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Dreaming about beets means:

It will be good.

1 Beetroot ABC of dream interpretation

Beetroot dream meaning:

It means short-term joy, liberation from worries.

White or unripe beets are a nuisance.

1 Beetroot according to the Online Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of beets:

According to the dream book, beets are a reflection of the fact that you will live in abundance.

If you eat it, you will receive good news.

The dream in which you collected it suggests that doubts may interfere with you.

Cutting it is a warning that problems at work may befall you.

If you dreamed of boiled beets, be prepared for a series of small problems to befall you, because of which you will have to worry a lot and spend a lot of your energy.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Beetroot Culinary dream book

What can beets mean in a dream:

Eating beetroot salad or beetroot soup in a dream means that soon you will have a great opportunity to give justice to your enemies.

1 Beetroot according to the Small Dream Book

Beetroot in a dream means:

If in a dream you see beets growing in a garden bed, then this year will be rich in harvest. A dream in which you eat beets with someone means that good news awaits you. However, a dream in which you see cooked beets on a dirty plate is unfavorable, since such a dream foreshadows a lot of troubles and troubles.

1 Beetroot To the newest dream book

If a girl dreams of beets, it means:

For chronic constipation, a dream tip: treat this ailment with boiled beets.

1 Beetroot Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about beets:

Seeing beets growing in a dream is a harbinger of a bountiful harvest and peace on earth.

Eating beets with other people is an omen of good news.

If cooked beets are served on a dirty dish, trouble will cause you a lot of trouble.

1 Beetroot Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing beets in a dream means:

A secret ill-wisher has set a goal to seriously harm you.

Planting beets - knowingly or unwittingly, but you will bring harm to someone.

1 Beetroot Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Interpretation of a dream about beets:

1 Beetroot Dream book alphabetically

Interpretation of a dream about beets:

Seeing a beet field in a dream foretells false hopes and disappointment in a loved one. Weeding beets - to a skin disease, rash on the body and other similar misfortunes. Sugar beets - in reality you will do something that will bring concern to your loved ones, fodder beets - you will find yourself in bad company and get into a lot of trouble.

Cutting beets means a misunderstanding at work. Eating raw means you will add to the family, boiled means you will get by with odd jobs. Making a vinaigrette from it means fear of getting pregnant, beetroot soup is a headache from the authorities. Rommel’s Dream Book

Excellent beet crops are a sign of peace and a good harvest in your region.

Eating beets with someone means receiving a lot of good news.

If you eat beet salad or beetroot soup, you will take revenge on your ill-wishers.

1 Beetroot according to Miller's dream book

Seeing rich, abundantly raised beet crops in a dream means harvest and peace on this land; Eating beets with other people promises a lot of good news. Beets - poverty, trouble. Saturn in the 8th house of the horoscope. Beets - there is a lot of work to be done. Cooking or eating is a material reward; to see rich, abundantly grown beet crops - new work, opportunities.

I dreamed of Beetroot - Anyone who eats boiled beets in a dream on Friday night will have exciting experiences in the coming days. Anyone who eats boiled beets in a dream on any other night will face difficult times. Beetroot - Lots of good news. Imagine adding beets to every dish. You dreamed of Beetroot - you saw beets in the beds in a dream - you will have a good harvest; you will strengthen your material well-being; your health will be excellent; in relationships with loved ones - mutual understanding, with enemies - peace, in the house - peace. You are preparing some kind of beetroot dish - the dream foreshadows good news for you.

1 Beetroot Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

In the near future you will have to pay a lot of attention to your appearance. Beets - A cheerful feast, troubles, health; white – danger; yes – unforeseen circumstances; collecting - good on the farm; crumble - separation; feeding cattle - success in business; to clean from dirt is a shame; beet field - well-being through hard work; harvested beets - good job; Beet salad is a success.

Beetroot - Eating beetroot salad or beetroot salad in a dream means that soon you will have a great opportunity to give justice to your enemies. Beets – Dreaming of beets – joyful drinking of beets – troubles from men. White beets - danger awaits you; yellow - you are being pursued.

Red - health, eating beets - unforeseen circumstances; collect beets - you will be a good owner; crumble, cut beets - separation; feeding beets to cattle - successful business operations; to clean, scrape beets from dirt - disgrace yourself; see beet plantations - as a result of hard, exhausting work you will achieve prosperity; beets in piles - things will go well; Beet salad is a success.

Dream book online Beetroot

In our dreams there is no doubt that things familiar to us carry some mysterious message. What we see every day and do not pay attention to it, in night visions is accepted as something big and valuable. And it’s difficult to say what exactly they mean, because you may not even guess what deep meaning is hidden in the inconspicuous object you dreamed about.

But why do you dream about beets? By itself, it contains many vitamins, is available throughout the year and is an important ingredient in the preparation of all kinds of dishes.

In a dream, beets most often foreshadow good health, beauty, material wealth, good luck and other pleasant things.

In order to correctly interpret your dream, it is worth remembering its details.


In order to get a complete and unique interpretation, let’s first consider why this root vegetable is dreamed of, which you haven’t touched with a finger. In itself, it promises fun with people close to you.

Not ripe

If you dreamed of beets

Basically, this is a harbinger of some dangerous and unpleasant situations. It can also promise deception, sadness and protracted experiences. During this period of time, extreme caution must be exercised.


If ripe, red beets appeared in a dream, it means that happiness, changes and good health await you. It is these aspects that you will pay considerable attention to, being satisfied with both the process and the result. If it is also food, it means that not only you will feel good, but also your loved ones.

Lots of beets

Seeing a lot of these vegetables, for example, in a garden bed, symbolizes immense happiness and prosperity. And henceforth you will live in luxury and abundance, and peace and harmony will come in your abode. This is an absolutely joyful moment in life.


In the dream there was a beet salad

Seeing a red vegetable salad in your dreams is a favorable symbol. Luck will fall from the sky on you at the most opportune moment.

do anything

Most likely, in our dreams we not only observe this sign, but also somehow interact with it. If in your night visions you had to collect, plant, cook or eat a lot of beets, then rest assured, this is not without reason.

Buying beets

According to Miller's prediction, if in a dream you happened to buy a ripe root vegetable at the market or anywhere else, then it is worth remembering which one you bought:

  • Ripe beets - to profit.
  • Green - perhaps you are starting to rush too much on the way to your reward. It’s worth reducing your ardor a little and calmly waiting. Nothing bad will happen, you will still get what you wanted.
  • A spoiled vegetable means deception. Most likely, you will not receive a penny for your work, but there is still an opportunity to get what you deserve. We advise you to discuss your salary again with your superiors.


If you had to eat it in a dream, then this is a favorable sign, foreshadowing good luck and luck.

You will also experience many pleasant moments, and your household will not complain about health problems. But if you happen to see in the arms of Morpheus not only that you are eating this vegetable, but also sharing a meal with someone, then this is a harbinger of the fact that incredible surprises, good news and a lot of pleasant events await you soon.

Working in the beet bed

If you worked with beets in the garden

According to the dream book, you should be more diligent in business and not complain about fate. Good luck awaits you, and all your affairs will bring even greater success than expected.


This symbol is more direct than you might imagine. If you happen to pick this red vegetable from the garden, then soon expect a reward for your hard work.


According to Miller's dream book, seeing you feed livestock with this vegetable promises you absolute success in business.


Cooking various dishes in dreams is a symbol of immense luck that you can take advantage of. Don't miss this chance.

According to the dream book, beets are a difficult sign and in many cases are extremely friendly.

Other interpretations

For a more detailed interpretation of your dream, you can contact other dream interpreters.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dream of beets, it means that pleasant gatherings with friends await you. But there are also other interpretations, depending on the type and actions with this vegetable:

  • red beets - fortunately;
  • white beets - to sadness;
  • collecting it means doubts in the near future.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of beets, according to Miller’s interpretation? Seeing a good beet harvest means good fruits on this piece of land. Seeing how you eat it with other people is a lot of good news.

Dream book alphabetically

Seeing a beet field in a dream means false hopes. Weeding it promises you skin diseases, fodder beetroot means that you will soon find yourself in bad company, which does not bode well.

There is nothing fantastic or surprising in dreams. However, you should not ignore them, they can predict harmful events, and you can prevent and change them for favorable periods of life.

Each of us knows from our own experience that anything can be seen in a dream - both objects and familiar and unfamiliar people, as well as various images, phenomena and events. For a long time, people wanted to know about the meaning of night dreams and believed that they were harbingers of some positive or, on the contrary, negative events. Today we propose to answer together the question of why beets are dreamed of. To do this, we will resort to the help of several of the most complete and trustworthy collections of interpretation of night dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

First, let’s find out how the famous American esotericist interprets the appearance in night dreams of the image of such a vegetable as beets. Gustav Miller's dream book contains information that if you dreamed of rich, abundant crops of this vegetable, then peace will reign in your home. Also, such an image can predict a good harvest for those who are in one way or another connected with agriculture. If you dreamed that you were eating beets or a dish made from them with other people, then a lot of good news awaits you. Rotting vegetables can be a harbinger of sad events. If a young representative of the fair sex dreams that she is preparing beets for dinner, then as a result of a disagreement she risks forever losing the person she loves very much. However, in the end she will marry a man worthy and devoted to her.

Ukrainian dream book

What else is predicted for us related to the one under consideration? Red beets, according to the authors of this collection, portend a cheerful feast. However, such an image may also be associated with a number of troubles, the cause of which will be male representatives. There is another interpretation of this vision. It lies in the fact that red beets are considered as a symbol of the dreamer's health and well-being. But this white vegetable acts as a warning of impending danger. Yellow beets may indicate the fact that you may be subject to persecution. Eating this vegetable means unforeseen circumstances will arise. If you dream that you are harvesting beets, then you will be a good owner. Cutting this vegetable means separation, feeding it to livestock means good luck in business, making a salad out of it means success. Peeling beets in a dream means a situation in which you will look stupid. Perhaps someone will seriously embarrass you. Seeing entire plantations of this vegetable crop means well-being, which you can achieve as a result of hard and persistent work. We suggest finding out what else dreamed beets can mean.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Let us find out how this collection interprets the image in question. A large beet field is considered by the authors of this dream book as a warning that you risk being disappointed in your loved one. Weeding beds with these vegetables means a possible skin disease. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your own health and if any rash or irritation appears, immediately go to the doctor.

The dream in which it appears indicates that you will be doing something that will cause your loved ones a lot of concern. Feed beetles are seen as a warning that you risk falling into bad company and end up with a lot of problems and troubles. Cutting beets means a misunderstanding and subsequent problems at work. Eating this vegetable raw means adding to the family.

A dream in which you remember boiled beets more than other images warns that in the near future you will probably have to, as they say, survive only on odd jobs. To change the situation, you must make every effort and constantly work on yourself in terms of self-improvement. Preparing a vinaigrette means fear of having offspring. Beetroot soup may be a warning of an impending reprimand from your superiors.

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed that you were eating beetroot salad or soup, then in the near future you will have an excellent opportunity to give justice to your enemies and enemies. Growing vegetables in the garden means having a pleasant time with your loved ones. Spoiled beets hint at possible problems in business.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do we dream of beets, according to the compilers of this collection? The authors consider such a vision as a quick invitation to a fun party in pleasant company. A red vegetable promises joy, while a white vegetable promises problems and difficulties. Collecting beets means raising reasonable doubts about a person from your inner circle. What other interpretations do visions in which beets appear in?

The 21st century dream book contains information that if you dreamed that you were eating vegetables raw, then you have a thankless job ahead of you. You also run the risk of experiencing blues or even depression, which will not have a serious reason. Cutting beets is a sign of favorable events. If you dream that you are planting vegetables, digging up beds or harvesting crops, then the business you are currently undertaking is unlikely to be successful. Spoiled or rotten beets warn that some of your undertakings will turn into complete failure and collapse.

A collection of tips received in a dream

What else can dreamed beets symbolize? The dream book considers this vegetable as a harbinger of success and prosperity. It is also associated with joyful events in the house. Abundant beet crops promise good profits from the business you have started.

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