
What a description of appearance. How to describe a person's appearance in Russian. Full description. Examples of describing a person using the verbal portrait method

Good day everyone!

Today I received a letter from a blog reader “ Russian word" She writes that when creating a text describing appearance, it would be good to have helper words in front of you: epithets, metaphors, synonyms, adjectives, participles, etc. Something like dictionary...(Look in D. N. Ushakov’s dictionary: “A dictionary is a list of words for a dictionary”; or in a dictionary of synonyms: a dictionary is a cadastre, catalog; glossary, list, register, dictionary, list.)

I’ll try to help my reader and everyone who writes

Today I will start creating A dictionary of useful words when describing a person's appearance. I really hope that you will also actively make additions to this dictionary. Let's call it “Verbal Portrait”.



Figure(Latin figura - appearance - image) is the outline of the human body, physique. The human figure is formed not depending on gender, but depending on the ratio of height, skeletal structure and deposition of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, in an essay describing a person one can note:


low (up to 160 cm); medium (161-175 cm); tall (176-190 cm); very tall (over 190 cm).

Body type:

Thin / average / plump / corpulent / chubby / well-fed / stocky / stooped / hunched / athletic / slender / thin / skinny

Broad-shouldered / broad-shouldered / narrow-shouldered / sloping shoulders


Type: European / Mongolian / Caucasian /

Form: oval/round/rectangular/triangular/diamond-shaped

Color: pale / dark / red / yellow

Peculiarities : thin / wrinkled / ruddy / dimples / prominent cheekbones / pimply / flabby / pockmarked / freckled


Height (in profile): high / medium / low

Position (in profile): beveled / vertical / forward inclined

Width: narrow / medium / wide

Peculiarities: frontal ridges/prominence of brow ridges


Form: straight / arched / curved

Width: narrow / medium / wide

Height (relative to eyes): high / medium / low

Color: dark / light / red / gray

Peculiarities: no eyebrows / very long / very wide / fused / thick


To size: large / medium / small

Color: light / blue / gray / green / yellow / black / brown

Peculiarities: wears glasses / squint / bulging / deep-set / multi-colored /

Height (in profile): large / medium / small

Along the contour of the back of the nose: straight /

Peculiarities: flattened / upturned (snub) / curled / forked tip / sharp


Size: large / medium / small

Peculiarities: crooked


Thickness: thick / thin

Peculiarities: protruding / cleft lip / drooping lower lip


Size: large / medium / small

Peculiarities: sparse / crooked / chipped / yellow / uneven / wears crowns


Size: large / medium / small

Position: protruding / vertical / beveled

Peculiarities: forked / fossa /


Size: large / medium / small

Form: triangular / square / round / oval

Peculiarities: protruding / fused lobes / presence of a puncture in the lobe /


Form: straight / wavy / curly

Length: short / medium length / long (for men more than 10 cm, for women more than 30 cm)

Color: light / blond / light brown / gray / red / dark brown / dark / black /

Peculiarities: with gray hair / dyed / multi-colored / sideburns / trimmed / braid / bald / receding hairline


waddles / with a stick / limps / clumsily shuffles his feet


modest / dissolute / silent / aggressive / cruel / hot-tempered / easy to trust / brave / cowardly / cautious /

Facial expressions

squints / twists mouth / cheek twitches / eye twitches / head twitches /

In my essay I will talk about my friend Marina. Marina and I have been friends since first grade and even sit at the same desk.

Marina has a beautiful round face. Small, slightly convex forehead. Her skin is fair and her cheeks are rosy. The eyebrows are dark, in an even semicircle.

The nose is small, straight, slightly turned up. When Marina laughs, she wrinkles her nose, and it looks funny.

The eyes are large, gray-blue, with long thick eyelashes. The expression in the eyes is always friendly and kind. But sometimes, when Marina is angry, her eyes become dark and green. And when they are not angry, they are radiant. If Marina thinks, she squints her eyes a little and turns them to the side.

Lips are pink and smooth. Teeth white. When Marina smiles, funny dimples appear on her cheeks. She laughs often and with pleasure. The laughter is loud and cheerful.

The ears are small and pressed to the head. She wears silver heart-shaped earrings on her earlobes.

My friend's hair is dark and wavy, cut evenly. Length - just below shoulders. She has a straight bang on her forehead. Most often she wears her hair in a ponytail at the back of her head. But sometimes she braids two braids and secures them with beautiful elastic bands. On holidays, Marina lets her hair down and gathers it under a headband.
Marina's height is average. She is slim. Posture is straight, shoulders slightly thrown back. Marina never slouches and always sits or stands straight. She has a long slender neck. This is especially noticeable when she makes a ponytail on her head and her neck is open.

Marina has very beautiful, smooth, long fingers, probably because she plays the piano.

When talking, Marina does not gesticulate very much and does not wave her arms. But when he wants to highlight some point in his speech, he raises his index finger up.

The girlfriend dresses neatly and beautifully. She especially likes to dress up in skirts and blouses. Sometimes she wears jeans and sweaters, they suit her too. He wears a beautiful watch or a plastic bracelet on his wrist.

I really like being friends with Marina. I like her attractive appearance and her kind, sympathetic character.

Description of a person's appearance Girlfriends essay

Frankly speaking, I have many good, loyal friends. They are my classmates, boys and girls from my city. But my best friend for more than 5 years has been Elizabeth. She looks nice and is 17 years old. Lisa is not very tall, but she has a very attractive body. She plays sports every day and attends yoga classes twice a week, so her figure is beautiful, athletic, and toned. Of course, an ideal figure is only part of beauty. It's just a combination beautiful body, spirit and mind can make a person beautiful, even if the facial features are generally ordinary.

Elizabeth has straight, long, blonde hair, which she often wears in a bun. She has blue eyes and long dark eyelashes, as well as large lips, which she always wears with clear gloss. She has an oval-shaped face and a small nose. Lisa is always very elegant, she wears clothes in accordance with fashion. I can say her charm is irresistible.

In short, Elizaveta is a beautiful, attractive girl. But in my opinion, inner beauty is more important than physical beauty. Lisa is a well-mannered, cheerful and kind person. She is very tactful, sensitive, moderately emotional, witty, generous and with a very kind heart.

Essay Description of a person’s appearance (Friend)

The most unusual-looking of my friends is Vlad. He is twelve. He's pretty skinny. Of course, he describes himself as “slim.”

He has black hair, a little longer than normal. This is what I think, of course. They are a little frizzy. His eyes are dark blue. Unusual color!

The girls envy his eyelashes - they are quite long and curved. They piss him off!

He really likes to sunbathe. In fact, he's even allergic to the sun. I myself saw that his skin was turning red. And even if a ray of sunlight hits his nose, Vlad sneezes.

His face is a little elongated. The fingers are also long. He's a little taller than me.

In general, we joke that he should write poetry, because he looks like some kind of gothic poet. He is offended.

Pimples haven't bothered him yet, he's lucky. In general, he looks healthy, although he is thin and pale. My grandma loves feeding him!

I think he will gain weight over time.

So, he prefers to dress in dark clothes. (It’s more practical!) He has his favorite black jeans. Sneakers, of course. And some dark T-shirt, for example, blue. Definitely with your favorite hieroglyphs. I always tell him that it’s not clear what is written there. And he pretends that he understands.

He often has headphones in his ears. He really likes to listen to music. Sometimes he even dances a little. In general, he loves heavier music - rock, not pop or classical.

I have a stupid habit that spoils my appearance a little. The habit of chewing a pencil. Rodent! And then he twirls it in his hands constantly. And the main thing is that he doesn’t need this pencil at all. I'm afraid that when he grows up, he will start smoking cigarettes.

He rarely smiles. But he smiles well! The teeth are white and straight. And his lips are thin, by the way.

What else? Appearance is generally pleasant. And he looks very cool in the photo. Sometimes I don’t even recognize him right away. So serious.

He definitely doesn’t spend hours in front of the mirror, but he always tries to be clean and neat. In this he is an example to me. I sometimes forget to comb my hair. And even wash your face.

That is, he is a neat guy. The school uniform suits him very well, as well as the tie. It turns out to be representative. The main thing is the size.

His appearance attracts attention, although he does not accept anything bright. But there is some kind of depth to everything.

Essay on the topic Description of the appearance of Mom for 7th grade

In this essay I want to talk about my mother. She is my dearest and close person, her name is Anastasia Sergeevna. In my opinion, my mom is the most beautiful in the world.

She is of average height, but at the same time very slender, feminine and charming. Her wheat-colored hair is always styled in beautiful curls, her eyes illuminate the world with bright green rays, a light blush plays on her cheeks, and a cheerful round dance of freckles dances on her nose. The voice is filled with warmth, and the manner of speech is always friendly and calm. Mom always takes care of her appearance, dresses tastefully, fashionably and stylishly; her favorite clothes are elegant dresses, they make her slender figure look like a real actress.

I love my mother’s hands very much, they are the most caring and gentle in the world. She does every task with a smile, which is probably why everything goes well in her hands. Her gait is always graceful, like that of a cat, and all her movements are full of friendliness. My mother is a very kind and sympathetic person, always ready to help anyone in need. He tries to notice only the good in every person, and looks at any situation with optimism.

I owe everything good that is in me to my mother. In any situation, I know that there is a person who will find the right words and help me understand life’s difficulties. My mom is very versatile developed person: loves to read, travel, often goes to the theater or museum. She is also a real athlete, leads a healthy lifestyle - she rides a bicycle and rollerblades in the summer, and skis or skates in the winter, and plays tennis well. My mother loves animals, and therefore we have a small home zoo in our apartment - a dog, a cat, a parrot and hamsters.

Anastasia Sergeevna is engaged in a very important and noble work - she works as a teacher in kindergarten. At work, her colleagues appreciate her professionalism and responsibility, and her young students adore her for her cheerful disposition, activity and kindness.

I am proud of my mother and try to follow her example in everything

Essay My grandmother (description of appearance)

Zinaida Pavlovna stood silently at the window and stroked through the slightly open window the old ginger cat, who was basking in the gentle, last this year, autumn sun.

This woman, despite her far from young age, looked beautiful. Brownish freckles huddled on her dark and rough skin, and her wrinkles looked like kitten whiskers. When she smiled, her eyes were practically hidden among the wrinkles, but they still sparkled. Everyone saw the radiance and sparkle of her eyes. But her eyes were green-yellow, beautiful and bright, like ripe gooseberries, and also large and kind.

Her hands were “tired”: these hands were not smeared with aromatic creams every day, but it was with these hands that the most delicious cabbage and mushroom pies in the world were prepared. The skin on her hands was slightly cracked and rough from work. After all, Zinaida Pavlovna was never afraid of hard work in the house, in the field or in the garden, and she is not afraid now, although she probably should have.

This woman is very petite, short and thin. If it weren't for her age-related stoop, from behind she could have been mistaken for a girl. But this fragile woman gave birth to and raised 3 children and raised 5 grandchildren. The sixth is waiting and will definitely wait. And how fervently she laughs! Anyone will be jealous.

A lilac scarf with small flowers and a fringe hides her short, ashy hair, which was once jet black and curly. I love watching her take off her headscarf, turn on the radio on the wall, and comb her sleek hair with a large wooden comb in front of the mirror. At such moments it is as if she becomes young again. She still has to live and live. How else?

Zinaida Pavlovna turns to me and speaks in her quiet and incredibly kind and calm voice. He talks about the good weather today, that the cat is probably sick, and that the pies in the oven have been cooling for a long time. And I sincerely smile and hug her tightly. Because this sweet woman is the best and most beautiful in the whole world. Zinaida Pavlova is my beloved grandmother.

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When we talk about a person, what exactly? That he is good, kind, cheerful, tall or handsome? A person can be described in two senses - by qualities of character and appearance. We can say that a person is welcoming and carefree, or angry and gloomy, or we can describe him as a tall and blue-eyed blond or a short boy with green eyes. In any case, we are describing a person. And here you can’t do without specialized vocabulary. Let's say right away that the description of a person's appearance is English languagehuge section It will take several lessons to learn it.

But! The lessons will be very exciting and educational. You will learn how to say that a girl has green eyes, and a boy has red hair, that a man has thick and shaggy eyebrows, and a woman has well-groomed eyebrows, and much more. We will also tell you in what cases the words pretty, enough, quite etc are used. Forward for another portion of knowledge! And stock up on a pen and notepad: we recommend writing down interesting words and phrases and putting them into practice every day. How exactly? We will tell you about this and much more in more detail. Go!

Speech constructions and words pretty, enough, quite, rather, too, very

Talking about yourself is very good. A story about appearance in English is the first thing that is asked at an interview (if the job requires knowledge of English) or an exam. But to do this, you must first understand what you were asked. So, when you are asked to talk about your external data, you will hear:

  • What do you look like?(What do you look like?) or
  • How would you describe your physical appearance?(How would you describe your appearance?)

But! Do not forget that describing a person does not mean talking only about yourself, the one and only. You may be asked to describe another person or group of people, then you will hear:

  • How does he/she look like?(What does he/she look like?) or
  • How do they look like?(How do they look?)

But we can talk on this topic ad infinitum. Let's give examples with translation to find out how you can beautifully, colorfully and impeccably describe yourself or others. Let's start with the basics - speech structures, since it is very important for children to understand the construction of a sentence.

If we want to construct a primitive sentence ->to be + sign :

  • I am slim - I am slim.
  • She is tall - She is tall.
  • He is fat - He is fat.
  • The child is red-headed - The child is red-headed.

note that to be varies depending on the pronoun with which we use it. But you should have already covered this topic; it is basic. If you forgot something, we strongly recommend repeating it. Your speech must be correct!

Another speech construction is used, which is more suitable for conversational style. But in any case, you need to know about it:

pronoun+to have got+adjective (attribute)

  • She has got big green eyes - She has big green eyes.
  • I have got dark hair - I have dark hair.
  • You have got red hair - You have red hair.
  • They have got long noses - They have long noses.

Please note that with he/she we use has got, not have got. And one more thing: do not translate the construction literally! The phrase must be translated as one whole so that the translation is beautiful and literate. You have got red hair - You have red hair; I have got dark hair - I have dark hair. Also note that red hair translated as Red hair , A not red.

Reference: Often characteristics of a person are described with words such as pretty, enough, quite, rather; too, very, which translates as enough (pretty); too much.

Here are some examples:

  • They are rather tall - They are quite tall.
  • She is quite lanky - She is quite thin.
  • She is rather delicate - She is of rather fragile build.
  • They are quite fat - They are quite full (thick).
  • You are pretty neat - You are quite slim.

Description of a person's appearance in English - Physique

Let's talk about the characteristics of a person's physique, and give examples:

  • She is so small I doubt whether she is 15 - She is so small (small build) that I doubt if she is 15.
  • He is quite fat and our trainer will not take him in our group - He quite complete and our coach will not take him to our group.
  • This girl is skinny but she really could be a model. But the problem is – she has got some problems with her skin. No one will be eager to take her in model agency – This girl thin , and she really could be a model. But the fact is that she has skin problems. No one will want to take her to a modeling agency.
  • She is so graceful that she really could be an actress! - She's so graceful that she could really become an actress!
  • Your children are quite chubby . Why don’t you give them at some dancing group? — Your children quite plump . Why don't you send them to some dance club?
  • This man is so heavy I'm afraid even to come close to him - This man is so heavy that I'm afraid to even come close to him.
  • This group is with those who are overweight . They are to be provided with special menu – no fat, fried meat, smoked food and cookies! — In this group there are people with overweight . They need to be offered a special menu - no fat, fried meat, smoked meats or cookies!
  • This young man is really sturdy ! I’m not afraid to come home with him late at night - This young man really strong (hefty ) ! I'm not afraid to come home with him late at night.
  • These athletes are wellbuilt . I'm sure they will win. But… the other athletes are also muscular . So, good luck to everyone! — These athletes well built . I'm sure they will win. But... other athletes too muscular . Well, good luck to all of them!
  • This boy is a little bit stocky … I don’t like him. I like tall boys - This guy is pretty stocky… I do not like him. I love tall guys.
  • These guys are so funny! They are chubby ! - These guys are so funny! They potbellied !
  • Your uncle is plump . It is not healthy - Your uncle full . It's not healthy.

From the examples you should notice that there are especially many synonyms for the word complete:

  • fat - fat man, thick,
  • plump - plump, plump, plump,
  • chubby - chubby, chubby, chubby,
  • overweight - excess weight,
  • heavy - heavy, heavy,

Pay attention to similar words sturdyAndstocky, which mean strong, sturdy, stocky.

They also have synonyms:

  • powerful - strong, strong, powerful,
  • wellbuilt - well built,
  • strong - strong

There is also an adjective solid, which means dense. But the sign means wrong thick, How stocky, shot down. And in general, the English language is rich in synonyms. This allows you to make your speech colorful and varied.

To adjective thin You can also select several synonyms at once :

  • underweight - with lack of weight,
  • slim - thin, slender, thin, skinny, skinny,
  • slender - slender, thin, slender, slender, thin, skinny, slender,
  • skinny - skinny,
  • and even anorexic, which means anorexic

There are similar words that mean elegant, graceful:

  • slight - light, weak, thin, thin,
  • graceful - graceful, graceful, elegant,
  • neat - neat, tidy, clean, tidy, clean, tidy

We need to choose a word based on the situation, the age of the person we are describing, mood, etc.

Description of appearance - Eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows:

Eyebrows – Eyebrows

Now let's talk about eyebrows. Eyebrows mean a lot in a person's appearance, especially for girls. They make the face more expressive and attractive. Let's look at the main adjectives that are used to describe eyebrows:

  • She wants to be beautiful. She likes attention and that is why her eyebrows are always pencilled with dark pencil - She wants to be beautiful. She loves attention and that's why her eyebrows are always let down dark pencil.
  • I can't stand that girl! Her eyebrows are always mocking ! - I can’t stand that girl! She always has mocking brows!
  • When I looked at him his eyebrows were querying — When I looked at him, his eyebrows were raised questioningly .
  • Children laugh at him because his eyebrows are thick and shaggy — The children laugh at him because he has thick And shaggy brows.
  • She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always well-shaped — She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always Fine issued .

The remaining adjectives that can be applied to eyebrows are given in the table:

Remember also that eyebrows can be thin (thin), straight (straight), thick (bushy or thick), arched (arched) etc.


  • She is so funny. She wants to be like a doll, that is why she always wear false lashes - She's so funny. She wants to look like a doll, so she always wears invoices eyelashes.
  • She is lucky one. Her lashes are long and thick from nature, she does not need any mascara - She is lucky. Her eyelashes long And thick naturally, so she doesn't need mascara.
  • I have got rather short eyelashes so I need very good mascara to make my look more dramatic - I have quite short eyelashes, so I need a really good mascara to make my eyes pop.
  • I want my lashes to be more curling . Give me please another mask. This gives no effect - I want my eyelashes to be more twisted . Please give me another mascara. This doesn't have any effect.

Eyes: describing the mirror of the soul

Any description of a person in English would be incomplete without talking about his eyes. The next category of adjectives to describe a person is the eyes. This subtopic is very voluminous, but we will give basic examples and try to reveal it as much as possible.

  • Her eyes were so lustrous at first I thought she cried, but then I understood – she was shining with happiness - She had so much shiny eyes that at first I thought she was crying, but then I realized that she was glowing with happiness.
  • He is really very angry. His eyes are blooshot - He is really very angry. His eyes bloodshot .
  • Your sister is so pretty and her eyes are mesmerizing - Your sister is very pretty and she has fascinating eyes.
  • He is quite strange man. He has got pale eyes - He is a rather strange person. Him colorless eyes.
  • She is sick and her eyes become puffy and redrimmed => She is sick and her eyes have become swollen And inflamed (flushed).
  • That old lady has cold and piercing eyes - This old lady's eyes cold And shrill eyes.
  • Your eyes are something bleary . And what? You have got piggy ones! - Your eyes are something cloudy . And what? But you piggy eyes!

Eyes can also be:

  • bright - bright,
  • mad - crazy,
  • beady - beady eyes,
  • sharp - sharp (this is about the look),
  • enormous - huge,
  • dry - dry,
  • deep-set, downcast - deep-set,
  • slanted - slanted,
  • soft - gentle,
  • expressionless, hollow, vacant - empty,
  • sad - sad,
  • round - round,
  • cruel - cruel,
  • curious - curious,
  • bbrilliant- shiny, etc.

Let's sum it up

Describing a person in English is an interesting and exciting activity. First, try to describe yourself in as much detail as possible. When describing yourself, use all possible characteristics to create the most detailed portrait possible. Then start describing others. To begin, take the images of your family and friends, and then begin to mentally describe people on the street. Expand your knowledge and constantly learn new things! The limits of your possibilities are endless!

Good luck and inspiration!

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It is known that his gestures can tell a lot about a person. But even without knowing “sign language” one can characterize different people by their appearance.


The structural features of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about a person’s character and preferences. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and short-sightedness, while a long neck is usually found in melancholic people. A “bull” neck indicates a person’s fearlessness. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of your interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and are able to win over people.


Massive and Wide hips usually indicate an unyielding person. Round shaped hips have soft and weak-willed personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs “speak” about the ability to achieve your goals.


Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine a person’s character by his facial features. So, an intelligent person is distinguished by a high and slightly convex forehead. But those with a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive temperament. High receding hairlines often occur in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the interlocutor's forehead is square, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


His eyebrows can also “tell” about a person’s character. Thin eyebrows indicate arrogant and ambitious people. Fusing eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, while wide eyebrows are a clear sign sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. True dreamers usually have wide eyes. And those with small eyes are distinguished by their eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can betray a cruel person, a usurper.


Some character traits can be identified by the shape of the nose. Yes, sharp and a long nose indicates the severity and temper of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates a person’s rudeness.


Small mouths often occur in weak-willed people. If a person's upper lip is slightly larger than his lower lip, he is a real egoist. A protruding lower lip characterizes a person who is accustomed to getting what he wants from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of secrecy. Well, plump lips indicate a person’s laughter and courage.


Often strong people who independently achieve their goals have a large and well-defined chin. On the contrary, modest and insecure people have a small and inexpressive chin.

First of all, I would like to say that the problem of describing the hero is quite serious. Indeed, how to make sure that the description of the character does not cause negativity on the part of the reader? I’ll tell you about some techniques that are used not only by me, but also by other ficwriters.

There are a few things to consider when describing a hero. Appearance, clothes, character, emotions. I think the author of the application will not mind if I expand it a little and write not only about appearance hero, but also about the internal “content”, so to speak.

The first part is devoted to the main issue.

In order for the reader to easily perceive the description of appearance, and, at the same time, he has a picture-image, you can use several methods.

1) Reflection in a mirror (or in water).

It's like a first person description. The hero/heroine sees his reflection, and the author describes what appears before his eyes (either from the third person or from the first).
Elizabeth went to the mirror. It, as always, reflected the ruthless truth: a short, rather plump girl; expressionless gray eyes; unruly ash-colored hair, carelessly lying on the shoulders; the snub nose turned up, and thin lips were compressed into a narrow strip.

So the reader got his first idea of ​​the heroine. Moreover, note that the description is not overloaded with unnecessary details. But still they are present and help to judge what the author kept silent about. An image appears of a plump woman with shoulder-length hair and an expressionless face. But it’s not a Mary Sue, which is nice (isn’t it?).

2) Description on behalf of another character.

Here you should take into account who the character is being described on behalf of. If this is a friend, then the description should be quite dry, but succinct. A friend will not describe small details; he has no need for it.
- Well, look at yourself. You're tall, slender, you go to the gym, blond with blue eyes... Every girl's dream. So why are you alone?

If this is a partner or someone who hopes to become one, then the description can be given a more romantic character, with epithets and comparisons.
Katya glanced furtively at Maxim. His eyes were so black that they resembled two coals. Dark brown curls softly framed her face and fell to her shoulders. Plump lips seemed to invite a kiss. His slightly upturned nose gave his face a sly expression. But most of all Katya liked the small mole on her left cheek. It seemed to her that she resembled a small heart.

If this is a person who has a negative attitude towards the character, then the description will turn out to be a little rude, expressing his attitude towards the hero.
Her always carelessly styled hair looked especially disgusting today. When was the last time she washed them? Her eyes, not particularly beautiful anyway, were swollen from crying, and her nose resembled something between a tomato and a potato - a sort of blushing potato. The nail polish was cracked and half gone, and the nails themselves were chewed to the bone. They don't feed her, or what?

3) Description from words.

Slightly different from the previous description. By and large, this is another variety, but I decided to highlight this as a separate item.
- Listen, Pashka, they say that Lenka looks simply disgusting today. I did my hair, put on makeup, glued on false nails and painted them...
- What did you put on?
- I don’t know, I haven’t seen it myself, but it looks like some absolutely amazing dress.

So what's the difference? And the fact is that this is a description “through third hands.” The one who describes has not seen the character himself, only heard it, and now he tells it to others, omitting unnecessary (in his opinion) details and adding something of his own. Usually, after such descriptions, the characters appear to have “shapes and sizes” that do not correspond to reality (size 5 breasts, legs from the ears, disheveled hair, etc.)

4) Photography (painting).

It looks like a description in a mirror, but if a mirror is like a description of oneself, then photography provides broader possibilities. Anyone can describe a hero from a photograph.
David picked up the photo standing in a frame on the table. “How beautiful she is here,” he thought, running his fingers over the gloss. Indeed, the girl in the photo was beautiful: long chestnut curls fluttered slightly in the wind, expressive eyes the color of a stormy sea sparkled like two diamonds, and a happy smile wandered on her lips. The hem of her white sundress lifted up cheerfully, apparently by a gust of wind, and revealed her slender, tanned legs.

5) Memories.

This method differs from the previous one in that the described image is already imprinted in memory. And how he was imprinted there can be found out from the description.
Dima once again closed his eyes and tried to remember what Lisa was like a year ago. She burst into his life like a whirlwind, and her cheerful laughter changed everything. Her deep brown eyes beamed with happiness, pulled - sometimes carelessly - into a ponytail. long hair They puffed up funny on the top of their head, and their lips were constantly smiling. She laughed often. Not because she was stupid and carefree, no. She just knew how to enjoy life, and this made her face so happy that one could only envy.

The same technique is used when you need to draw some parallel between what happened before and what is now. Remember, as in Pushkin:
Evening, do you remember...
And now, look out the window...

The same technique, but in the description of nature (which, in fact, has no meaning).

6) Internal dialogue.
It's like an argument or just a conversation with yourself or your inner voice. Quite an interesting technique that, when correct delivery makes the reader smile. After all, most of us like to “talk to an intelligent person,” i.e. with myself.
“Something needs to be done about this,” Diana thought for the umpteenth time, thoughtfully fingering the strands of her blond hair. “Maybe I should get a short haircut? Dan should like it. He’s been telling me for a long time to change my look. But I, in general, , I like long hair. Oh well, I didn’t, I’ll cut my hair. But that’s not enough?” The girl looked around herself. It's time to stop wearing trousers, we need to switch to skirts and dresses. After all, they sway so seductively around the ankles. Diana ran her hands along her entire body. The tanned skin was soft and velvety to the touch. “It’s decided: I’ll get a short haircut, put on a dress, heels... Oh, I need to change the color of my lipstick,” the girl touched her lips, which were a little plump and beautifully defined, with her fingers. “They say that this season it’s fashionable to use the shade “Rose of May.” I’ll have to try it.” . It should suit me. And such dim shades are more suitable for gray eyes...

7) Imagination and fantasy.
This technique is used when one character has no idea what the other looks like. And he begins to fantasize.
“What is she like? Quite young, like many of the fans who fell in love with him after his “death,” or a completely grown-up, respectable mother of the family, who has been cherishing her dream of him since childhood?” Images of a variety of girls flashed through my head, each of which could turn out to be her... “Lips... I wonder what her lips are like? And the color of her eyes? What if she’s as scary as mortal sin?” He imagined how he was inviting her on a “blind” date, and when she arrived, he saw in front of him a sort of “nymph”: stocky, with plump legs, plump, with sparse dyed strands and crooked teeth... He shuddered. “No, this can’t be. Fate can’t laugh at me like that...”

These, in my opinion, are the main techniques for describing appearance. Now let's move on to the second part.

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