
1s housing and communal services purpose of heating services. Homeowners' association accounting. Production services for which a planned cost has been established

A fairly common main activity of organizations is the provision of various types of production and non-production services to customers. Doctor of Economics, Professor S.A. talks about the classification of services, the methodology for accounting for operations for their implementation, and the formation of the cost of services provided in 1C: Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0). Kharitonov. Practical recommendations are given for setting up analytical accounting programs by types and names of services.

Classifications of services and their accounting in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0)

In “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), services provided to customers are divided into the following types:

  • production services for which a planned cost has been established;
  • services for the manufacture of products from customer-supplied raw materials;
  • other services, the costs of providing which are recorded on account 20 “Main production”;
  • trade services;
  • other services.

The above classification is based on the accounting account, which summarizes information about the costs of providing services.

Production services for which a planned cost has been established

Production services for which the planned cost has been established include services the cost of which is formed on accounts 20.01 “Main production” or 23 “Auxiliary production” (hereinafter referred to as account 20.01). In this case, the cost may include costs accounted for in account 25 “General production expenses” and 26 “General operating expenses” (if provided for by the accounting policy). To reflect transactions for the sale of such services in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), the document is intended . When posting a document in accounting, the recognition of revenue is reflected (Debit 62, 76 Credit 90.01 “Revenue”), the accrual of VAT (Debit 90.03 “Value Added Tax” Credit 68.02 “Value Added Tax”) and the write-off of the planned cost of services (Debit 90.02 “ Cost of sales" Credit 20.01). When performing routine month-closing operations, additional entries (with a plus or minus) are entered for the amount of the difference between the actual and planned cost for the Debit of account 90.02 and the Credit of account 20.01. If in the current month the services for which the planned cost was established were not actually provided (a document was not entered for them Act on the provision of production services), but for these services there were turnovers on the debit of account 20.01, the costs incurred are recognized as work in progress (WIP), i.e. they are not written off to account 90.02.

Services for the manufacture of products from customer-supplied raw materials

A type of production services for which a planned cost is established is the provision of services for the manufacture of products from customer-supplied raw materials. The cost of such services is formed on account 20.02 “Production of products from customer-supplied raw materials.” To reflect transactions for the sale of such services in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), the document is intended Sales of processing services. When posting a document, accounting records the recognition of revenue (Debit 62, 76 Credit 90.01 “Revenue”), the accrual of VAT (Debit 90.03 Credit 68.02) and the write-off of the planned cost of services (Debit 90.02 Credit 20.02). When performing routine month-closing operations for the amount of the difference between the actual and planned cost, additional entries (with a plus or minus) are entered in the debit of account 90.02 and the credit of account 20.02. If processing services were not provided in the current month (a document was not entered for them Sales of processing services), but for these services there were turnovers on the debit of account 20.02, the costs incurred are recognized as work in progress, i.e. they are not written off to account 90.02. Work in progress is assessed taking into account the number of products that are manufactured but not presented to the customer for payment.

Other services - costs are included in account 20

Other services, the costs of providing which are accounted for on account 20, include production and other types of services, the cost of which is also formed on account 20.01 or 23 (hereinafter referred to as account 20.01), but in accordance with the adopted accounting policy for each product item is not calculated (see below - Analytical accounting of services by service names). Documents are intended to reflect the implementation of such services in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0) Sales of goods and services and Provision of services. The second document is used when the same services are provided to a group of customers. When carrying out these documents, only the recognition of revenue and the accrual of VAT are reflected in accounting. The costs of providing these services are written off not at the time the sales are reflected, but when performing routine month-end closing operations. In this case, the procedure for writing off expenses from account 20.01 to the debit of account 90.02 is determined by the setting Accounting policy. By default, costs from account 20.01 are written off to account 90.02 in full, regardless of whether revenue for the corresponding item group is reflected in account 90.01. If the document Inventory of work in progress If work in progress is recorded, then the amount of costs minus the cost of work in progress is written off.

The program also supports an option in which costs on accounts 20.01, 23 will be written off to account 90.02 only for those item groups for which revenue is reflected on account 90.01 in the current month.

For other services, costs are not written off. They form work in progress. To support this option in the settings Accounting policy it should be indicated that costs are written off from account 20 “Main production” including revenue.

Trade services

Trade services are understood as services, information on the costs of providing which is summarized in account 44.01 “Distribution costs in organizations engaged in trading activities.” Such services include delivery of goods to customers, provision of intermediary services for the sale of goods, etc. Documents are intended to reflect transactions for the sale of such services in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0) Sales of goods and services, Retail sales report, Report to the principal. When posting these documents, accounting records reflect the recognition of revenue and the accrual of VAT. Costs for the provision of trade services are not required to be taken into account separately. They are part of distribution costs recognized as expenses for ordinary activities of the current period. In “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), these costs are written off from account 44.01 to the debit of account 90.07 “Sales expenses” when performing a routine operation . No settings Accounting policy There is no need to do this to write off the costs of providing trade services.

Other services

Other services are understood as services, information on the costs of providing which is summarized in accounts 44.02 “Business expenses in organizations engaged in industrial and other production activities” (delivery of products to customers) or 26 “General business expenses” (provision of intermediary services for the purchase of goods, brokerage services , dealers, etc.).

Documents are intended to reflect sales operations in 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) Sale of goods and services, Report to the principal, Provision of services. When posting these documents, accounting records reflect the recognition of revenue and the accrual of VAT.

Costs for the provision of other services in organizations engaged in industrial and other production activities are not required to be accounted for separately in account 44.02. They are part of business expenses, recognized in full as expenses for ordinary activities of the current period. In “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), these costs are written off from account 44.02 to the debit of account 90.07 “Sales expenses” when performing a routine operation Closing account 44 “Distribution costs”. No settings Accounting policy There is no need to do this to write off the costs of providing such services.

There is also no need to configure Accounting policy, if account 20 “Main production” is not used, and the costs of providing services are taken into account on account 26 “General business expenses”. When performing a routine operation Closing accounts 20, 23, 25, 26 the amount of costs for the provision of such services as part of general business expenses for the month is written off to the debit of account 90.08 “Administrative expenses”.

Analytical accounting by types and names of services

In accounting for service sales transactions in 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0), subaccounts play an important role Nomenclature groups And Nomenclature.

The first sub-conto is used for analytical accounting of sales revenue and cost of services on account 90 “Revenue”, analytical accounting of costs on accounts 20 “Main production” and 23 “Auxiliary production”.

Subconto Nomenclature used for analytical accounting of sales revenue on account 90.

As program objects, both subcontos are independent, that is, they are not subordinate to each other. But for accounting purposes, a one-to-many relationship is established between them, where “one” is a nomenclature group, and “many” is a nomenclature. In other words, for each item item in the program, the item group to which the item item belongs or is included is indicated.

When choosing the name of analytical accounting objects by subconto Nomenclature groups(directory elements Nomenclature groups) as a basis, you can use the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2007 and the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population OK 002-93. For example, “Software development and consulting in this area” (OKVED code 72.20), “Shoe making” (OKUN code 011109).

  • services for which it is required to keep separate records of income and expenses (for the purposes of UTII for certain types of activities, for VAT when carrying out sales transactions, taxable and non-taxable to value added tax);
  • services taxed at a reduced tax rate of tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system;
  • services for which reduced rates of insurance contributions have been established for compulsory pension, social and medical insurance of employees engaged in their provision.

Also, you should not take into account services for one product group, the costs of which are taken into account:

  • on different accounts, for example, production services (accounted for in account 20) and trade services (accounted for in account 44.01);
  • on one account, but related to different elements of the classification given at the beginning of the article, for example, production and other services, the costs of which are recorded on account 20.

Deciding what to include in the directory Nomenclature, each organization accepts independently, guided by the essence of the contract with the buyer and the organizational and technical features of doing business.

For example, for the product group “Software development and consulting in this area,” the product units could be “Software development” and “Consulting in the field of software development.” At the same time, the product units can be the following: “Software development under contract No. 1 from XX.XX.XXXX”, “Software development under contract No. 2 from XX.XX.XXXX”, etc. For the product group “Tailoring of shoes” product units can be “Tailoring of dress shoes” (code according to OKUN 0113027), “Tailoring shoes according to customer sketches” (code according to OKUN 0113083), etc.

When deciding what to include in a directory Nomenclature, it should also be taken into account that the name of the item is substituted by default in Invoices for payment, Certificates of services rendered, Invoices and other documents.

Note that in a particular case, a nomenclature group can include only one nomenclature unit, and its name coincides with the name of the nomenclature group. For example, if an organization provides sauna services (OKUN code 0191021), then it can assign the name “Sauna Services” to both a product group and a product unit. From the point of view of application of the program, this is not a violation. It is important in this case in the form of a directory element Nomenclature with the name “Sauna Services”, indicate that this nomenclature unit is part of the nomenclature group (i.e., it belongs to the directory element Nomenclature) with the name “Sauna Services”.

Please note that in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0) there is no analytical accounting of costs for each item, i.e. there is no way to obtain information about the actual cost of services and cost calculation directly from accounting data. For trade and other services such information is not required, but for production and other services accounted for in accounts 20 and 23, it may be required for management accounting purposes. If such information is necessary, then services should be assigned a planned cost and their implementation should be reflected using a document Act on the provision of production services.

When performing routine month-end closing operations, the program calculates the actual cost of such services and stores them in a special register. To determine the actual cost of the service for each item (each product unit), the total cost of the division for the product group to which the services belong is divided between the items in proportion to the planned cost. You can view the calculation results using program reports Help-calculation: Cost of manufactured products and rendered production services (accounting) And Costing.

If the organization does not require such information, then the sale of services should be reflected using a document Sales of goods and services.

The document “Registration of payment” is used to register payment for services in the 1C program: Accounting in housing and communal services management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives, ed. 3.0.

Let's consider creating a document “Registration of payment” with the type of operation “Receipt to a bank account”. The document is available in the section Service charges – Payment – ​​Payment registration.

The following fields are automatically filled in the document header:

    Number– the document number is entered automatically after recording/posting the document;

    date– the document date is set automatically; if necessary, you can change it manually;

    Organization– filled in by default by the main organization from the “Organizations” directory.

For field Type of operation select the type of operation “Receipt to a bank account” from the list:

    “Receipt at the cash desk”;

    “Receipt from automated payment acceptance systems”;

    “Refund of payment from the cash register”;

    “Refund of payment from current account.”

    “Receipt from a payment card”

From the “Payment Sources” directory, select the source of payment receipt:

Note: The program implements the ability to automatically fill in the “Source of payment” field for the selected value in the “Type of transaction” field. The setting is available by clicking the “Payment Sources” button:

For field Building Let’s select a house from the “Buildings, Structures” directory, in which a personal account is opened that makes the payment.

For the field, select the payment distribution option “Services, except cap. repair" from the following possible values:

    “Services, except cap. repair";

    "Capital repair services."

Note: The Distribution for major repairs field is available only if the organization specified in the document maintains separate accounting for major repair services. Accounting settings for major repair services are set in the corresponding directory “Accounting settings for major repairs” (section Main).

On the “Payment Registration” tab in the “Housing and Communal Services Accounting Policy” the following settings are located:

Field Distribute payments is intended for selecting an option for distributing amounts:

    “First of all, for accruals for services, then for debts” - when specifying the payment amount or clicking on the “Distribute” button in the “Payment Registration” document, the payment amount is distributed for services for which accrual was made last month in the amount of this accrual. The rest of the amount goes to pay off debts.

    “First of all for debts, then for charges for services” - when you specify the payment amount or click on the “Distribute” button in the “Payment Registration” document, the payment amount is distributed to pay off the debt. The rest of the amount goes to repay accruals made last month.

    “Proportionally for debts and charges for services” - When specifying the payment amount or clicking on the “Distribute” button in the “Payment Registration” document, the payment amount is distributed to pay off debts and charges made last month, in proportion to the amounts of debt and charges.

Field Distribute the advance allows you to choose the option of distributing amounts, if there is no basis for distribution (no debt), for all services assigned to the personal account in the following ways:

    “Equally for existing services” - the amount will be divided equally between all existing services of the personal account;

    “Proportional to accruals” - the amount will be divided between existing services in proportion to accruals for the specified number of previous months (starting from the month preceding the date of the payment document).

Filling out the table section Procedure of services for distribution of payments allows you to specify the types of services for which priority debt repayment will be performed. The distribution of payment for the specified types of services will occur in accordance with the order specified in the tabular section.

Check box Take into account the accrual month when reading the payment from the barcode determines that payments recorded via a barcode will first fall within the month specified in the barcode. If the payment exceeds the accrued amount for a given month, the difference will be distributed to other months according to the corresponding settings.

On the tab Main There are two tabular parts:

    Payments on personal accounts

    Filling out the table part is possible manually using the button Add or automatically by button Fill, for which the following automatic filling options are possible:

    “Current personal accounts”;

    “Current personal accounts in debt.”

Let's add a personal account to the tabular part. Below the table you can see background information about the current debt on your personal account broken down by accrual amounts, penalties and installments:

We indicate the payment amount in the column, and the payment amount for debt for services will be automatically distributed according to the settings from the “Housing and Utilities Accounting Policy”:

In a collumn Setting up distribution The hyperlink shows how the distribution was made for the current pay line:

    “automatically” - distribution will be performed automatically in accordance with the settings of the organization’s “Accounting Policy for Housing and Communal Services”;

    “by services” - distribution will be made according to the specified services;

    “by month” - distribution will be carried out according to the specified months;

This setting means that the entire payment amount will be distributed only to the “Antenna” and “Maintenance” services.

Close the form using the button OK.

In the tabular "Payments on personal accounts" in a collumn Setting up distribution the hyperlink will take the value "by services" and the payment amount will be automatically distributed for the selected services in Payment settings form:

Using the “Payment Documents - Reflect Payments” button, we will automatically generate a payment document:

As a result, a document “Receipt to the current account” will be created for the amount of the received payment:

Using the “Payment Documents - Clear Documents” button, you can automatically clear links to payment reflection documents in all rows of the tabular section and mark the reflection documents themselves for deletion.

At the same time, for different types of operation of the “Payment Registration” document, different types of payment documents are created:

    For the transaction type “Receipt to bank account”, “Receipt to current account” is created;

    For the type of transaction “Receipt at the cash desk” - “Cash receipt”;

    For the type of operation “Receipt from automated payment acceptance systems” - “Debt adjustment”;

    For the type of operation “Return of payment from the cash register” - “Cash withdrawal”;

    For the type of operation “Return of payment from the current account” - “Write-off from the current account”.

    For the type of operation “Receipt from a payment card” - “Operation by payment card”

Explanation of current payment

The tabular section displays a breakdown of payments for personal accounts. The tabular part “Deciphering the current payment” is displayed if the button is pressed in the document:

The tabular part of the payment breakdown consists of the following columns:

    “Month/Service” – month and service for which payment was distributed;

    “Accruals-Amount” – the amount for which the accruals were paid in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Accruals-Debt” – the amount of debt accrued in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Peni-Amount” – the amount for which the payment of penalties was made in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Peni-Debt” – the amount of debt on penalties in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Instalment-Amount” (displayed only if there is arrears on the installment plan) – the amount for which the installment payment was made in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Instalment-Debt” (displayed only if there is an installment debt) – the amount of installment debt in the specified month for the specified service.

There are buttons for automatic distribution of amounts:

    “Distribute by current line” – distributes amounts along the current line with the personal account;

    “Distribute across all lines” – distributes the amounts of all lines with personal accounts.

When you double-click on any line with the payment amount, it opens, in which you can manually change the distribution of payments:

On the tab Additionally The following fields are located:

    Section “Documents of receipt of funds”, where you can indicate the documents “Receipt to the current account”, on the basis of which payments are entered. This field is available only for the transaction type “Receipt to bank account”.

    “Comment” – a field for entering a comment on the document;

    “Responsible” – filled in with the “Users” directory element and set automatically by the current user of the program;

The following fields are available for the transaction type “Receipt from automated payment acceptance systems”:

    “Operator” - a payment operator is selected from the “Counterparties” directory;

    “Operator Agreement” - select the payment operator agreement from the “Agreements” directory;

    “Settlement document with the operator” - from the list of documents “Receipt to the current account”, select the settlement document with the payment operator, according to which payment is made.

In the document, in the “Print” submenu, the “Print transcript” button is available to print a payment (refund) transcript:

In the document, in the “Receipts” submenu, buttons for printing receipts are available in two versions:

    “Print on all lines” - checks will be printed for all personal accounts.

    “Print by current line” - the check will be printed for the selected personal account.

Settings for generating checks are located on the “Payment registration” tab in “Setting up accounting parameters (housing and communal services)” (Main section):

    From the documents “Receipt cash order”/“Cash outflow order” – when setting the settings for printing checks from the document “Registration of payment” with the type of operation “Receipt to the cash register”/“Return of payment from the cash register”, the document must be specified in the tabular part payment - “Incoming cash order” / “Outgoing cash order”, respectively.

    From the document “Registration of payment” - with the setting set for printing checks from the document “Registration of payment” with the types of operations “Receipt at the cash desk”, “Return of payment from the cash register”, it is not necessary to indicate the payment document in the tabular section. Also, when you select this printing method, you can set the following settings:

      “Allow printing of checks when paying with a bank card” - if the checkbox is checked, then for the document “Registration of payment” with the types of operations “Receipt to a bank account”, “Return of payment from a current account”, printing of cash receipts becomes available, which may be required in case of payment services with a plastic card, and the owner is given a cash receipt with a note indicating receipt of non-cash payment.

      “Print checks with breakdown for services” - if the checkbox is checked, then when printing a check from the “Payment Registration” document, checks with breakdown for services will be printed. Otherwise, checks will be printed for the total amount.

Automation of accounting and financial activities in housing and communal services based on familiar 1C: Accounting tools

The industry solution "1C: Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" is developed on the basis of the standard configuration "1C: Enterprise 8. Enterprise Accounting" edition 3.0 and uses all the advantages of the 1C: Enterprise 8 technology platform, which ensures scalability, openness, and ease of administration.

The solution implements business processes specific to the housing and public utilities sector and takes into account the current requirements of regulations and regulatory authorities. Calculation of rent and utilities, generation of receipts and reports, accounting of buildings and communal infrastructure, house-to-house accounting, work with debtors in housing and communal services, passport accounting and many other everyday tasks are solved quickly and efficiently. The versatility and flexibility of settings allows you to use this program for calculating rent, utilities and accounting for housing and communal services in all regions of Russia.

The software product contains several basic subsystems that are closely interconnected and provide automation of the main activities of housing and communal services enterprises.

Calculation, recalculation of charges and accounting for payments for housing and communal services provided - simple, convenient, transparent and in accordance with legal requirements.

In the program "1C: Calculation of rent and housing and communal services accounting" all automatic calculations are made in accordance with the current Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, 344. This guarantees the correctness of accounting and settlement information.

The most important part of the software product is the subsystem of the settlement department, designed to automate the accounting of charges for rent and utilities and has the following capabilities:

  • calculation of housing and communal services in various ways:
    • by area (total, residential, heated, additional and other);
    • by the number of residents (registered, living and others);
    • fixed tariffs (in general per personal account, fixed amount and others);
    • depending on additional objects of calculation (parking lots, garages, personal transport, animal watering, subsidiary farming and others);
    • according to consumption standards;
    • in accordance with the rules configured by the user;
    • calculation of rent and utilities using metering devices: individual, multi-tariff (for example, day-night electricity meters), communal meters;
  • calculation of services taking into account changes in tariffs, consumption standards, and composition of residents during the billing period;
  • possibility of flexible configuration of consumption standards accounting;
  • flexible configuration of benefits:
    • accounting for the benefit period;
    • registration of benefits for an individual and personal account;
    • flexible configuration of the method for calculating benefits by service;
    • the possibility of providing several benefits under one personal account, one beneficiary;
    • the ability to calculate monetary compensation (“monetization of benefits”);
  • automatic recalculation of rent and utilities:
    • when information on personal accounts changes (changes in the characteristics of residential premises, temporary non-occupancy of residents, assignment of benefits retroactively, etc.);
    • due to failure to provide a service or provision of a service of inadequate quality;
    • mass recalculations of the cost of services for previous billing periods when tariffs change;
  • manual correction of services: accrued amounts, provided benefits and subsidies, penalties;
  • calculation and accrual of penalties;
  • calculation of housing subsidies;
  • mass printing of forms of payment documents for the population (receipts);
  • accounting for payments received from the population:

      registration of the method of receipt of payment (through the cash register, banks, mutual settlements and others);

      automatic “splitting” of payments for supplier services;

      possibility of connecting fiscal registrars and barcode scanners.

Easy access to information necessary for payments from your personal account card

Centralized and prompt access to all information necessary for calculations reduces the time spent servicing subscribers, avoids queues, increases the efficiency of operators and reduces their staff.

The program "1C: Calculation of rent and housing and communal services accounting" maintains a convenient card index of personal accounts, owners and tenants of housing, metering devices, recipients of benefits and subsidies. The personal account card clearly presents the information used when calculating services and containing information about the services provided:

  • data about the premises (address, type of premises, etc.);
  • additional characteristics of the personal account (types of property, types of amenities, common and living areas, and others);
  • information about the responsible person;
  • a list of services for which charges are calculated with the possibility of temporarily disabling/enabling them;
  • a list of settlement objects to which the calculated services are assigned (residents, transport, farmsteads, animals, parking lots, garages and others);
  • information about metering devices, information about the date of their installation and state verification;
  • information about recipients of subsidies and information necessary for calculating subsidies;
  • information about recipients of benefits and their validity periods;
  • information on the amounts of accruals, benefits provided for rent and utilities, subsidies, payments, initial and final balances is grouped by services and presented in one table.

In the personal account card, you can change data that affects the calculation of fees for services during the billing period: register/deregister residents, change residence statuses, record the fact of temporary absence/presence of a resident, record meter readings, add/remove services. You can create various printed forms directly from your personal account card.

Full passport registration and automated creation of printed forms

Maintaining passport records and a database of personal accounts in one system allows you to avoid double data entry. Thanks to the unified information environment of the 1C: Rent Calculation and Housing and Communal Accounting program, changes in apartment cards are automatically displayed in personal account cards.

The passport office subsystem allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • electronic accounting of apartment cards;
  • registration of individuals;
  • registration of the fact of changes in passport data of individuals;
  • registration of family relationships;
  • registration of property rights;
  • generation of reporting documentation in various sections;
  • automatic generation of various printed forms and passport office certificates.

Automation of the work of the legal service for effective work with debtors

Convenient access to operational payment data allows the legal department to easily monitor the status of residents’ debt for services provided and conduct claims work more efficiently. As a result, active and regular work with debtors helps to significantly reduce the level of receivables.

Main capabilities of the legal department subsystem:

  • a sample of debtors according to different conditions: by the period the debt arose, by the amount of debt, and others;
  • automatic recording of debtors' compliance with the debt repayment schedule;
  • calculation of state duties and penalties;
  • crediting state fees and penalties to the personal account;
  • accounting of contracts with subscribers;
  • analysis of the state of affairs of debtors.

Statistics and analysis of profitability in house-to-house accounting

Clear and open accounting of income and expenses for each house (house-to-house accounting) allows not only to identify problem areas of the housing stock under management, but also to increase confidence in the company’s activities on the part of residents.

The functions of the house-to-house accounting subsystem allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • accounting of the housing stock by types of housing, types of property, types of improvement;
  • accounting of income and expenses by house;
  • distribution of costs for houses between personal accounts.

Working with resource providers

Correct accounting and control of settlements with resource suppliers increases the transparency of financial flows in the management company, allowing you to establish flexible and open relationships with suppliers. In addition, the company's chances of maintaining the balance of its assets and liabilities in the presence of inevitable receivables and payables, avoiding a sharp deterioration in its financial position and, as a result, successfully compete in the market increase.

The program "1C: Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" provides the following capabilities for working with service providers:

  • accounting of services by suppliers;
  • accounting for payments received from the population by resource providers;
  • accounting and analysis of settlements with resource suppliers and registration of the organization's debt to suppliers.

Accounting and preparation of regulated reporting in accordance with Russian legislation

The program "1C: Rent calculation and accounting for housing and communal services" includes functionality for generating regulated reporting, as well as specific reporting for the housing and communal services industry. Indicators of financial and economic activity are formed promptly and in accordance with current legislation. In addition, the program allows you to obtain analytical or information-analytical data for the implementation of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 731 of September 23, 2010 (disclosure of information).

The industry solution includes the full functionality of the standard “Enterprise Accounting” configuration and has the following main features:

  • accounting of banking and cash transactions;
  • accounting of settlements with counterparties;
  • accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • accounting of main and auxiliary production;
  • inventory accounting;
  • inventory control;
  • accounting of trade transactions;
  • accounting for indirect income;
  • support for different taxation systems;
  • tax accounting (VAT accounting, income tax accounting, simplified taxation system, accounting for activities subject to a single tax on imputed income);
  • payroll accounting, personnel and personalized accounting;
  • maintaining records of several organizations in a single information base;
  • automatic generation of accounting transactions based on the results of the work of the settlement department;
  • standard accounting reports;
  • regulated reporting;
  • other service options.

Sending reports via the Internet

This software product includes functionality for working with the 1C-Reporting service, which allows you to send regulated reporting to regulatory authorities: Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie and Rosprirodnadzor via the Internet directly from 1C: Enterprise programs without switching to other applications and refilling forms.

In addition to submitting electronic reporting, the 1C-Reporting service supports:

  • Unformalized correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Rosstat;
  • Reconciliations with the tax office (requests ION);
  • Reconciliations with the Pension Fund of Russia (IOS requests);
  • Sending registers of sick leave to the Social Insurance Fund;
  • Receive requests and notices;
  • Sending electronic documents in response to Federal Tax Service requirements;
  • Receiving extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Possibility of generating packages with reporting format for banks and other recipients;
  • Retroconversion (the process of converting the Pension Fund of Russia paper archive into electronic form);
  • Sending notifications about controlled transactions;
  • Online verification of regulated reports

To use 1C-Reporting, users of all versions except the basic ones must have a valid 1C:ITS agreement.

Users who have entered into a 1C:ITS PROF level agreement can connect the service for one legal entity or individual entrepreneur without additional payment.

To connect to the 1C-Reporting service, contact your service organization (partner of the 1C company).

The combination of the advantages of the advanced technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8", the basic capabilities of "1C:Accounting" and the advanced capabilities of the industry configuration allows you to get the maximum return on investment in software, simplify the process of implementing and using the system, and increase the efficiency of the housing and communal services enterprise. As a result, the level of satisfaction with the company’s work increases significantly, both on the part of homeowners and on the part of government agencies.


Is it possible to calculate services depending on meter readings?

The program allows you to calculate charges for rent and utilities based on the readings of individual, multi-tariff (for example, day-night meters) and general house metering devices in accordance with the requirements of the law (RF Government Decree No. 354 and others).

Does the program implement calculations for housing and communal services in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354?

Yes, the software product implements the calculation of services in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services, including the calculation of general house needs, as well as in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 344 of April 16, 2013.

Is it possible to recalculate rent for past billing periods in connection with the revision of tariffs by court decision?

The program provides the ability to automatically perform a mass recalculation of housing and communal services due to changes in tariffs, standards, etc., recalculation of rent when information on personal accounts changes (for example, due to the temporary absence of residents), recalculation of services when services are not provided by suppliers or services are provided inappropriately quality in accordance with legal requirements. For these purposes, the documents “Recalculation” and “Recalculation due to quality/lack of services” are used.

How many personal accounts can be maintained in the program?

For the basic version of the program, you can calculate no more than 1000 personal accounts. For the main delivery and delivery for 5 users, the number of personal accounts is not limited.

Composition of the product

1C:Enterprise 8. Calculation of rent and housing and communal services accounting (article 4601546083951) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platforms "1C:Enterprise 8";
  • ITS disk of the current release;
  • Envelope with PIN codes for the software license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
  • Hardware protection key for the "Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" configuration;
  • Licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, the Enterprise Accounting configuration and the Rent Calculation and Housing and Public Utilities Accounting configuration on one workplace.

1C:Enterprise 8. Calculation of rent and housing and communal services accounting, Delivery for 5 users (article 4601546085672) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platforms "1C:Enterprise 8";
    • standard configuration "Enterprise Accounting" ed. 2.0;
    • industry configuration "Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" ed. 2.0;
  • ITS disk of the current release;
  • A set of documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
  • A set of documentation for standard and industry configurations;
  • Coupon for a six-month subscription to ITS;
  • Envelope with PIN codes for the software license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform for 5 workstations;
  • Hardware protection key for the “Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting” configuration for 5 workstations;
  • Licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, the Enterprise Accounting configuration and the Rent Calculation and Housing and Public Utilities Accounting configuration on five workstations.

The "Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" configuration is protected and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 workstations) and client licenses for the configuration "Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" ( for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 jobs).

The number of purchased licenses to use the "Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" configuration and the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform is determined based on the need for the maximum number of simultaneously working users with the "Rent calculation and housing and communal services accounting" configuration on the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform.

To work in the client-server version, you must purchase a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

This article will discuss in detail step-by-step instructions for accounting salaries in 1C: preliminary setup, direct calculation and payment of wages in 1C 8.3 Accounting, as well as a salary project. If you figure it out, everything turns out to be quite simple.

Before accruing and paying wages in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program, you need to configure it correctly. To do this, select “Accounting Settings” in the “Administration” menu.

In the window that appears, select “Salary Settings”. This section allows you to set up not only salaries, but also personal income tax, insurance contributions and personnel records.

Let's look at these settings in more detail step by step:

  • General settings. In this example, we selected the “In this program” item, since otherwise some of the documents we need will not be available. The second setup option involves maintaining personnel and payroll records in another program, for example, in 1C ZUP. The “Salary Accounting Setup” subsection specifies the method of reflecting salaries in accounting, the timing of salary payments, vacation reserves, territorial conditions, etc.
  • Salary calculation. Here we indicate that we will take into account sick leave, vacations and executive documents. It is important to remember that this functionality will only work if the number of employees does not exceed 60 people. The types of accruals and deductions are also configured here. For convenience, we will also install an automatic recalculation of the “Payroll” document.
  • Reflection in accounting. In this section, accounts are set up to reflect salaries and mandatory contributions from the payroll in accounting. Let's leave the default settings.
  • Personnel accounting. In this example, full accounting was selected so that basic personnel documents were available.
  • Classifiers. We will leave the settings in this paragraph as default. Here you configure the types of income and deductions used in calculating personal income tax and the parameters for calculating insurance premiums.

How to calculate and pay salaries in 1C

The second step is that the employee must be hired. In this case, we will look at an example of an employee who has a minor child. As you know, in such cases a tax deduction is applied. You can indicate an application for it in the employee’s card by going to the “Income Tax” section. Please note that tax deductions are cumulative. If they are not applied in one month, then in the next they will be taken into account for both periods.

Once all personnel documents are completed, you can proceed directly to payroll. To do this, select the “All accruals” item in the “Salaries and Personnel” menu.

In the list of documents that opens, select “Payroll” from the “Create” menu. Fill in the accrual month and department in the header and click on the “Fill” button.

The program will fill in all the necessary data. Manual adjustments are allowed. It is important to remember that the 1C: Accounting program does not maintain the “Timesheet” document. All absences from work (vacations, sick leave) must be filled out before the salary is calculated in order to correctly reflect the actual time worked in this document.

The “Employees” tab displays a summary table of the document broken down by employees.

The next tab displays accruals and deductions for employees and the amount of time actually worked. These data can be adjusted manually if necessary. You can also print a payslip on this tab.

The “Deductions” tab in this example is empty, since the employee did not have any. We'll let her through.

The next tab reflects personal income tax and tax deductions. This employee has a deduction for children, which we previously introduced. The data on this tab can be corrected by checking the appropriate flag.

The “Contributions” tab details contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Manual adjustment is also available here.

The very last tab displays manual adjustments.

Click “Post and close” and here we will finish calculating the salary.

Statement for salary payment to the bank

Once wages have been successfully accrued, they must be paid. Let's consider payment through a bank, since this method is the most common in organizations.

In the “Salaries and Personnel” menu, select “Statements to the Bank”.

Create a new document from the list form. In its header, indicate the month of accrual, division, type of payment (per month or advance). There is also a field for indicating the salary project. It will be discussed later.

See also video instructions for paying in advance:

And the calculation and payment of wages in 1C:

Salary project in 1C 8.3

In the “Salary and Personnel” menu, in the “Directories and Settings” section, select “Salary Projects” and create a new document. It requires you to provide your banking information.

The salary project for an employee is indicated on his card in the “Payments and Cost Accounting” section.

In the window that opens, indicate the employee’s personal account number, the start period and select the salary project.

After this setting, when you select “Statement for salary payment through the bank” in the document, the employees’ personal account numbers will be entered.

The document “Registration of payment” is used to register payment for services in the 1C program: Accounting in housing and communal services management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives, ed. 3.0.

Let's consider creating a document “Registration of payment” with the type of operation “Receipt to a bank account”. The document is available in the section Service charges – Payment – ​​Payment registration.

The following fields are automatically filled in the document header:

    Number– the document number is entered automatically after recording/posting the document;

    date– the document date is set automatically; if necessary, you can change it manually;

    Organization– filled in by default by the main organization from the “Organizations” directory.

For field Type of operation select the type of operation “Receipt to a bank account” from the list:

    “Receipt at the cash desk”;

    “Receipt from automated payment acceptance systems”;

    “Refund of payment from the cash register”;

    “Refund of payment from current account.”

    “Receipt from a payment card”

From the “Payment Sources” directory, select the source of payment receipt:

Note: The program implements the ability to automatically fill in the “Source of payment” field for the selected value in the “Type of transaction” field. The setting is available by clicking the “Payment Sources” button:

For field Building Let’s select a house from the “Buildings, Structures” directory, in which a personal account is opened that makes the payment.

For the field, select the payment distribution option “Services, except cap. repair" from the following possible values:

    “Services, except cap. repair";

    "Capital repair services."

Note: The Distribution for major repairs field is available only if the organization specified in the document maintains separate accounting for major repair services. Accounting settings for major repair services are set in the corresponding directory “Accounting settings for major repairs” (section Main).

On the “Payment Registration” tab in the “Housing and Communal Services Accounting Policy” the following settings are located:

Field Distribute payments is intended for selecting an option for distributing amounts:

    “First of all, for accruals for services, then for debts” - when specifying the payment amount or clicking on the “Distribute” button in the “Payment Registration” document, the payment amount is distributed for services for which accrual was made last month in the amount of this accrual. The rest of the amount goes to pay off debts.

    “First of all for debts, then for charges for services” - when you specify the payment amount or click on the “Distribute” button in the “Payment Registration” document, the payment amount is distributed to pay off the debt. The rest of the amount goes to repay accruals made last month.

    “Proportionally for debts and charges for services” - When specifying the payment amount or clicking on the “Distribute” button in the “Payment Registration” document, the payment amount is distributed to pay off debts and charges made last month, in proportion to the amounts of debt and charges.

Field Distribute the advance allows you to choose the option of distributing amounts, if there is no basis for distribution (no debt), for all services assigned to the personal account in the following ways:

    “Equally for existing services” - the amount will be divided equally between all existing services of the personal account;

    “Proportional to accruals” - the amount will be divided between existing services in proportion to accruals for the specified number of previous months (starting from the month preceding the date of the payment document).

Filling out the table section Procedure of services for distribution of payments allows you to specify the types of services for which priority debt repayment will be performed. The distribution of payment for the specified types of services will occur in accordance with the order specified in the tabular section.

Check box Take into account the accrual month when reading the payment from the barcode determines that payments recorded via a barcode will first fall within the month specified in the barcode. If the payment exceeds the accrued amount for a given month, the difference will be distributed to other months according to the corresponding settings.

On the tab Main There are two tabular parts:

    Payments on personal accounts

    Filling out the table part is possible manually using the button Add or automatically by button Fill, for which the following automatic filling options are possible:

    “Current personal accounts”;

    “Current personal accounts in debt.”

Let's add a personal account to the tabular part. Below the table you can see background information about the current debt on your personal account broken down by accrual amounts, penalties and installments:

We indicate the payment amount in the column, and the payment amount for debt for services will be automatically distributed according to the settings from the “Housing and Utilities Accounting Policy”:

In a collumn Setting up distribution The hyperlink shows how the distribution was made for the current pay line:

    “automatically” - distribution will be performed automatically in accordance with the settings of the organization’s “Accounting Policy for Housing and Communal Services”;

    “by services” - distribution will be made according to the specified services;

    “by month” - distribution will be carried out according to the specified months;

This setting means that the entire payment amount will be distributed only to the “Antenna” and “Maintenance” services.

Close the form using the button OK.

In the tabular "Payments on personal accounts" in a collumn Setting up distribution the hyperlink will take the value "by services" and the payment amount will be automatically distributed for the selected services in Payment settings form:

Using the “Payment Documents - Reflect Payments” button, we will automatically generate a payment document:

As a result, a document “Receipt to the current account” will be created for the amount of the received payment:

Using the “Payment Documents - Clear Documents” button, you can automatically clear links to payment reflection documents in all rows of the tabular section and mark the reflection documents themselves for deletion.

At the same time, for different types of operation of the “Payment Registration” document, different types of payment documents are created:

    For the transaction type “Receipt to bank account”, “Receipt to current account” is created;

    For the type of transaction “Receipt at the cash desk” - “Cash receipt”;

    For the type of operation “Receipt from automated payment acceptance systems” - “Debt adjustment”;

    For the type of operation “Return of payment from the cash register” - “Cash withdrawal”;

    For the type of operation “Return of payment from the current account” - “Write-off from the current account”.

    For the type of operation “Receipt from a payment card” - “Operation by payment card”

Explanation of current payment

The tabular section displays a breakdown of payments for personal accounts. The tabular part “Deciphering the current payment” is displayed if the button is pressed in the document:

The tabular part of the payment breakdown consists of the following columns:

    “Month/Service” – month and service for which payment was distributed;

    “Accruals-Amount” – the amount for which the accruals were paid in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Accruals-Debt” – the amount of debt accrued in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Peni-Amount” – the amount for which the payment of penalties was made in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Peni-Debt” – the amount of debt on penalties in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Instalment-Amount” (displayed only if there is arrears on the installment plan) – the amount for which the installment payment was made in the specified month for the specified service;

    “Instalment-Debt” (displayed only if there is an installment debt) – the amount of installment debt in the specified month for the specified service.

There are buttons for automatic distribution of amounts:

    “Distribute by current line” – distributes amounts along the current line with the personal account;

    “Distribute across all lines” – distributes the amounts of all lines with personal accounts.

When you double-click on any line with the payment amount, it opens, in which you can manually change the distribution of payments:

On the tab Additionally The following fields are located:

    Section “Documents of receipt of funds”, where you can indicate the documents “Receipt to the current account”, on the basis of which payments are entered. This field is available only for the transaction type “Receipt to bank account”.

    “Comment” – a field for entering a comment on the document;

    “Responsible” – filled in with the “Users” directory element and set automatically by the current user of the program;

The following fields are available for the transaction type “Receipt from automated payment acceptance systems”:

    “Operator” - a payment operator is selected from the “Counterparties” directory;

    “Operator Agreement” - select the payment operator agreement from the “Agreements” directory;

    “Settlement document with the operator” - from the list of documents “Receipt to the current account”, select the settlement document with the payment operator, according to which payment is made.

In the document, in the “Print” submenu, the “Print transcript” button is available to print a payment (refund) transcript:

In the document, in the “Receipts” submenu, buttons for printing receipts are available in two versions:

    “Print on all lines” - checks will be printed for all personal accounts.

    “Print by current line” - the check will be printed for the selected personal account.

Settings for generating checks are located on the “Payment registration” tab in “Setting up accounting parameters (housing and communal services)” (Main section):

    From the documents “Receipt cash order”/“Cash outflow order” – when setting the settings for printing checks from the document “Registration of payment” with the type of operation “Receipt to the cash register”/“Return of payment from the cash register”, the document must be specified in the tabular part payment - “Incoming cash order” / “Outgoing cash order”, respectively.

    From the document “Registration of payment” - with the setting set for printing checks from the document “Registration of payment” with the types of operations “Receipt at the cash desk”, “Return of payment from the cash register”, it is not necessary to indicate the payment document in the tabular section. Also, when you select this printing method, you can set the following settings:

      “Allow printing of checks when paying with a bank card” - if the checkbox is checked, then for the document “Registration of payment” with the types of operations “Receipt to a bank account”, “Return of payment from a current account”, printing of cash receipts becomes available, which may be required in case of payment services with a plastic card, and the owner is given a cash receipt with a note indicating receipt of non-cash payment.

      “Print checks with breakdown for services” - if the checkbox is checked, then when printing a check from the “Payment Registration” document, checks with breakdown for services will be printed. Otherwise, checks will be printed for the total amount.

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