
How to make an ashtray with your own hands. Do-it-yourself garbage cans, trash cans and ashtrays for your dacha What can be used as an ashtray

What to do if you want to smoke, but there is no ashtray? It is possible to use a jar or box that is on hand, or you can make it yourself - this usually only takes a couple of minutes. From this article you will learn how to make an ashtray with your own hands from scrap materials as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Ashtray from a tin can

After buying soda or other drinks, there are almost always cans left over. Don't rush to throw them away! You can make many useful things out of them. For example, in this problem they can help us out.

Method 1

To work you will need:

  • One tin can.
  • Scissors.

To make the thing you need, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. Cut off the top of the can.
  2. Divide the walls of the jar into strips - you should get about 14 pieces.
  3. Now the strips begin to bend. To do this, the resulting strips need to be passed through each other until the craft is ready.

Important! You need to be careful while working, as the edges of the cut strips are very sharp.

Method 2

Materials for work:

  • Can.
  • Paper tape.
  • Glue.
  • Leg-split.

The progress of the work, so that in the end the ashtray is ready with your own hands, is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the top of the jar as described in the first method.
  2. Wrap the jar with tape.
  3. Lubricate it thoroughly with glue.
  4. Now you need to start wrapping it with prepared twine or rope.
  5. Decorate the finished product as desired.

The end result should be a neat ashtray that will serve you for a long time.

Wooden ashtray

People who know how to work with wood can make quite a beautiful ashtray that can last for many years. You can make an ashtray with your own hands using plywood, a hammer and nails, or you can carve it from a piece of wood.

Important! To make your “helper” heat-resistant, use thermal paint (aluminum or black), which is used to paint stoves and pipes - it can withstand temperatures up to +650 degrees.

We use coconut

Sometimes, when a person eats the contents of a coconut, he leaves behind the hard part of the exotic fruit to use in everyday life. If you still have this part, then you can safely use it as an ashtray. The shape of your craft will depend on how the nut was opened.

So, to make such an exotic ashtray, you need:

  1. Bring the edges in so they are flush.
  2. Press the drill to the edges of the shell and drill out the recesses for the ashtray with your own hands - they will contain a cigarette. The recesses should be no more than 1 cm.
  3. To make your craft fireproof, use a special varnish.

Using paper

To create such a craft, you will need no more than five minutes, as it is made in origami style. The diagram can be easily found on the Internet - there will be a huge number of them.

Important! It is worth noting that paper options will not last as long as those described above. Thus, you will have to make such “boxes” quite often.

Pack of cigarettes

If neither method suits you, then you can use an empty pack of cigarettes as an ashtray. But for this you need to remove the inner foil liner - it will only get in your way.

Important! Do not tear off the closing part of the pack - it is very convenient to put out used cigarettes on it.

Video material

There are many items that can be used for completely different purposes. So, from a coconut or an unnecessary tin can you can make a very necessary thing. From this article you learned how to make an ashtray from paper and other materials that you can always find on hand.

Option one.
One of the most popular is some kind of empty jar.
Small coffee cans are ideal. You just need to remove the cover.

Step 2

But this simple device can be conveniently improved.
Most cans are made of not very durable material. Therefore, we take a knife in our hands and make two parallel slits in the edge of the can. It is necessary that the distance between them is approximately equal to the diameter of your cigarette.
It is very easy to calculate - by holding the cigarette close to the can and making marks along the edges of the cigarette.
After this, you need to bend the resulting “cutouts” outward at an angle slightly less than 90 degrees, i.e. almost perpendicular to the can. You will get a convenient holder for a cigarette, which, moreover, will not fall out and will not go out as quickly as one simply dropped into a jar.

Step 3

Option two.
Plastic bottle. Any volume is suitable.
We cut the neck in a circle, trying to make even edges.
Next, we use the same principle as with a can of coffee to create convenient holders.
And be sure to pour water into the bottle so that the plastic does not melt.

Step 4

Option three.
In a hurry. You can use glasses, cups, mugs.
It may not be very aesthetically pleasing, but it will be difficult for you to burn through the mug and easy to clean.

Step 5

Option four.
Empty pack of cigarettes. Not everyone could sometimes guess such a simple solution.
But in my opinion, it is more convenient to first make the structure more stable, because The pack in its original form sometimes closes and can easily fall.
To do this, you just need to carefully tear off the lid and insert it into the pack so that there remains one slot (extra wide) on the top side.

Step 6

Option five.
“Walking”. If you need to move (let's say while walking), you hate shaking ashes on the ground, and even more so, throwing cigarette butts, and besides, there are no trash cans nearby.
A simple paper bag can save you. But it needs to be rolled up from several thick sheets, so that it is not easy to burn them. The edges should be folded several times so that they become denser and you can safely put out cigarettes on them.
Fighters for the purity of nature will rejoice.

Step 7

If you still find these methods inconvenient, then make it simpler - buy several ashtrays and take them with you if necessary.
This will help keep your surroundings clean.

An ashtray is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. It can become an unusual gift or interior decoration.

Making your own ashtray from a beer can

To make an ashtray from a beer can, as in the photo above, we will need:

  • Metal can for beer or any other drink
  • Metal carving scissors
  • Work gloves
  • Pliers

So, to make an ashtray, you need to decide on the choice of drink can. Using metal scissors, cut off the top and lid from the can. She won't be needed anymore.

The walls of the remaining part of the jar are cut into strips with scissors. The more stripes, the more “petals” you will get in the end. You need to wear gloves when working with metal, because it is very sharp after scissors.

When the wall of the jar is cut, the strips can be folded in half and slightly diagonally. It turns out that each strip ends at the next one. This is how you need to proceed with all the segments, as shown in the step-by-step photo instructions below.

The end result should be a flower-like cup. The metal ashtray is ready!

Ashtray made of shells.

An ashtray made of salt dough or shells can decorate not only a room, but also

its owner's office. This ashtray will be made using the reverse decoupage method. The decor of the ashtray consists of natural shells or shells made of wood.

For work we will need:

  • Transparent glass ashtray
  • Leg-split
  • Natural or artificial shells
  • Card for decoupage
  • Acrylic paints and varnish
  • Hard brushes
  • Putty
  • Nautical themed pendants

Before starting work, the surface of the glass ashtray base must be cleaned and degreased with alcohol. Next, you need to glue a printout of the sea map face down to the bottom of the ashtray. Excess paper is removed using dry sandpaper.

To give the ashtray the appearance of an antique item, you will need to cover it with a craquelure substance. Thanks to this coating, cracks will appear on it.

To make the cracks more visible, after the craquelure has dried, they are filled with bitumen. Now they are noticeable and have become visually deeper.

The instructions for the craquelure may indicate that its top layer must be washed off. There is no need to do this because the yellowness from the top layer matches the vintage style of the ashtray.

Now you need to make the entire ashtray the colors of the applique on its bottom. To do this you need to mix several acrylic paints. You will need a light olive color.

The sides of the ashtray need to be painted with a thick layer of the resulting primer.

The bottom of the ashtray needs to be painted with white. Work should be done with gloves in a place prepared for this, otherwise there is a risk of staining things in the room.

The sides of the ashtray are again primed with putty. It is desirable that the layer be dense. When the putty is applied, the ashtray needs to be rolled in sea sand and small shells.

Already at this stage the thing turns out to be very beautiful. After all the walls are covered with sand, they can be coated with transparent acrylic varnish. The layer of acrylic varnish should be dense and uniform, then the sand and putty will be tightly bonded to each other and the ashtray can be picked up without fear.

When the glue has dried, the walls of the ashtray should be painted with gold acrylic paint. Since the surface is not flat, but three-dimensional, it is better to paint the walls with a hard brush using point movements.

Now you need to take a hard and dry brush. You need to brush it over the protruding parts of the ashtray with black, green, white and mother-of-pearl colors. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because the main color is golden. This is what the ashtray looks like at this stage.

For further work you will need glue. A glue gun is best. They should glue decorative elements to the walls of the ashtray: larger shells and pendants with a marine theme.

Next you will need a hard brush again. Using it, using dotted movements, you should paint the shells on the walls of the ashtray, first green, and then yellow, gold and mother-of-pearl. There is no need to fill objects with paint, just add an interesting color to them. When the walls are painted, they need to be covered with final layers of acrylic varnish and allowed to dry. There should be several layers of varnish so that the relief of the ashtray merges with it.

If the varnish has dried, you can start decorating the bottom of the ashtray. To do this, you should take a thread twine and attach it to the bottom like a snail, not forgetting to glue each section of it.

Now you can remove excess paint using alcohol. The ashtray is ready when the layers of varnish and paint are completely dry. The result was a stylish and unusual gift.

Video selection on the topic of the article

And the video on this topic clearly demonstrates the making of an ashtray. Enjoy watching!

If a smoker lives in the same living space as you, then you know firsthand that there are never too many ashtrays. They can wear out over time, lose their attractive appearance, break, break and crack, and sometimes simply disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to have a couple of these accessories in reserve. Buying such a thing is very simple. Stores are replete with goods of this kind. But I want the object not only to serve its owner, fulfilling its direct function, but also to evoke pleasant emotions or eloquently testify to silent feelings. Therefore, it is much more pleasant not to buy a soulless finished product, but to make an ashtray with your own hands.

Ashtrays are made in various shapes and configurations: convex, flat, rectangular, round, square, curly. They can be with a lid so that the smell of cigarette butts does not spread throughout the room, or without it.

The material for the manufacture of this household item can be wood, stone, metal, shells and even thick plastic.

Some ideas for homemade products

The most common option for a DIY ashtray is to make it from a beer can or drink. By cutting off an empty carbonated drink container, you get a primitive urn for cigarette butts. To make the product more cultured and elegant, you will have to work a little.

The step-by-step master class, shown in the illustration below, explains in detail how to get a cute ashtray with sides from an ordinary metal can.

Salt dough is an excellent material for making various crafts from it. It is plastic and can take on any shape when sculpted. After drying in the oven, salt dough products harden and do not change their shape. All these qualities are perfect for creating an ashtray from it.

You can fantasize about the shape and size of the smoking attribute made from dough forever. Experienced craftsmen can handle the presented specimen, but beginners need simpler models.

Properly kneaded dough is half the success when making crafts from it. There are many recipes on a given topic: based on glue, vegetable oil, baby cream. The best is the classic method, thanks to which the dough is moderately elastic, plastic, and does not crack when dried. This mass contains only fine “Extra” salt, water and wheat flour.

A more spartan and simple version of a wooden ashtray can be made from four boards. Even a schoolboy can cope with this work.

To do this, the blanks are glued together. Next, the product is dried for at least 4 hours. After this, the craft is sanded with sandpaper, optionally tinted with stain or a special dye and covered with a mordant.

As a gift for some event or holiday, decor lovers can decorate an ordinary glass ashtray. Compositions made of shells on such an accessory will look not only stylish, but also sophisticated. Such a gift will take its rightful place in the interior of its owner and will become a real decoration of the room.

Instructions for decoupage are given below:

  1. Degrease the glass surface with an alcohol-containing liquid;
  2. The selected design is glued to the bottom of the ashtray using acrylic varnish. It is better to use a marine theme so that the item is executed in the same style;
  3. Next, the ashtray is tinted with white or blue acrylic paint;
  4. Using a glue gun, shells, rhinestones, beads, and other small parts made of polymer clay, prepared in advance, are glued onto the prepared surface;
  5. If necessary, the finished craft is painted in the desired colors.

Options for professionals

Wooden ashtrays are less durable due to the holes that form in them, and there is always a risk of fire from an unextinguished cigarette. And yet, a smoking accessory carved from wood is in great demand and respect.

It is quite difficult to make such a model. To work, you will need special sawing and lathes, as well as specialized tools such as chisels, clamps and files. But this will not scare true masters, and the end result will delight them with its spectacular appearance.

Masters of chasing and artistic forging can create a masterpiece from metal.

With the help of a welding machine, the golden hands of craftsmen produce exclusive original works presented in the photo.

Video on the topic of the article

Even more ideas for inspiration are contained in a selection of videos that reveal the secrets of craftsmen and contain various master classes on making ashtrays with your own hands from glass jars, ceramic tiles, gas cylinders and other materials.

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