
Download the prayer to the unfading color icon. Icon of the Virgin Mary of unfading color. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”

One of the rare, but very beautiful icons “Unfading Flower” (Fragrant Flower) is the favorite image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of all believing parishioners in Russia.

Days of veneration of the holy image are held on April 16 in all churches and temples of the Orthodox faith.

Both women and men turn to the face of the Most Holy Mary in prayer, asking for intercession, healing, successful marriage and other needs.

This article tells the story of the appearance of the icon and where it can be found.


Icon “Unfading Color” - the face of purity and purity

The main feature of the image of the Mother of God in the icon is that the Most Holy Mary holds the Son of God with her right hand, and in her left hand a beautiful flower - a white lily. This flower, according to legend, was given to her when he appeared to the Most Pure One with good news. And also the lily is a symbol of the purity and purity of the Mother of God.

Today, the lists of the miraculous icon have not retained their original appearance and can be very different from each other. But they still fascinate with their beauty and awe.

History of the origin of the icon

The origin of the icon, according to ancient legends, originates from the islands of the Ionian Sea. On one of these islands there is a tradition of laying white flowers to the face of the Mother of God. Flowers are used to decorate the Icon of the Most Pure One at the Annunciation and flowers remain until the Orthodox holiday. The flowers are kept without light and moisture for five months. But on the eve of the holiday, they are miraculously filled with life, produce new buds and bloom again. This is where the name "Eternal Color" comes from.

In turn, the ancient monks from the nearby island of Athos were surprised and inspired by this phenomenon. Thus, the first image of the Mother of God appeared with a white lily in her hands. The original version of the face of the Most Holy Mary became the prototype for many versions of the icon, which began to spread among Orthodox Christians around the world.

The appearance of the name of this face can also be attributed to the fact that the Most Holy Theotokos is compared to a flower that does not lose its beauty and can bloom forever.

On the territory of our state, the first mentions of the icon “Fadeless Color” date back to XVII–XVIII centuries. It is known that the pilgrims brought the image to the St. Alexeevsky Monastery, which is located in Moscow. But the origin of the iconography is not known for certain.

Later, various lists begin to appear throughout Russia, which amaze with their beauty. Despite the variety of lists, the “Unfading Flower” icon is considered a festive and even wedding icon among Orthodox parishioners. According to the description, icons depicting the Mother of God painted in ancient times, characterized by a riot of colors and an abundance of flowers. Wreaths, bouquets and even vases with various flowers were often depicted around the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today the image has become somewhat more restrained and laconic. But the main attribute from the prototype remained - the white lily.

The meaning of the ancient face and the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The “Unfading Color” icon represents purity and purity, so initially considered the patroness of young unmarried girls. Often girls, like boys, turned to the Mother of God asking for purity and purity before marriage. What is asked for in front of the image of Saint Mary with the Child of God and a white lily in her hands?

  • They ask for the preservation of chastity and purity before marriage.
  • The prayer of Saint Mary helps in a successful marriage.
  • The ancient face helps in family problems and troubles.
  • About preserving family ties.
  • The older generation asks for deliverance from emotional experiences, as well as carnal passions.
  • Prayer before the face of the Mother of God helps to cope with difficult thoughts and...
  • Women pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the preservation of youth and beauty.

Icon of Unfading Color

Miracles of the “Unfading Color” Icon

There are often miraculous incidents associated with the face of the Virgin Mary “Unfading Color”, which are described by eyewitnesses.

In the Samara region, there is a known case when the image “Unfading Color” appeared on the window of a parishioner’s house. With the onset of darkness, the image disappears, but appears again every morning. This image is not man-made. Orthodox Christians consider this a miracle of the Lord. Pilgrims and clergy come to this miraculous image to ask for intercession and help.

In Ukraine, in the Kherson region, the icon “Unfading Color” began to stream myrrh, which caused a huge stir among believers and skeptics. After this event, many cases are known when inexplicable healings occurred after prayer and veneration of this icon.

Churches and temples of the image “Unfading Color”

Before 1917, there is not a single mention of a temple or church dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color.”

According to history, as soon as church persecution subsided and people gained freedom of belief, two chapels and four churches were built on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Construction of the temple, in honor of the image of the Most Pure Mary, began in 1998. It is located in the Moscow region. Temple address: Rublevo village, st. Vasily Batyleva, house 45.

This temple is the most famous throughout Russia. A huge number of pilgrims visit the walls of this monastery every year.

In Krasnoye Selo there is also the icon “Fadeless Color”. There is a chapel of the same name located here.

In the center of the capital, the Assumption Church was erected, in which was the most beautiful face of the Virgin Mary. On the icon, the Most Holy Mary is depicted with the Son of God, who stands on a flower, and above the head of the Mother of God Angels are depicted holding a royal crown. And of course, in the hands of the Blessed Mother is an irreplaceable flower - a lily. Unfortunately, the icon has not survived to this day and disappeared during the Soviet era.

In 2012, a small temple was erected in the Ruzsky district, in the village of Sumarokovo.

How to pray in front of the “Unfading Color” icon

If you become the owner of the image of the Mother of God, you need to choose the right place to place the icon.

It is better to place the face in the right corner of the room, on a special shelf. The best place for the icon is the bedroom of the spouses or the room of a girl in need of the help of the Most Holy Mary.

How to pray to the “Unfading Color” icon?

  • Before prayer, you need to clear your thoughts of unnecessary things.
  • You need to do this alone and make sure that no one interrupts the prayer.
  • It is better to pray to the Blessed Virgin in the morning.
  • The prayer can be learned or come from the heart in your own words.

It is worth remembering that only true faith and sincere prayer can perform a real miracle and help with your problems.

Sincere prayers said in front of the “Unfading Color” icon can not only restore the spiritual strength of believers and guide them on the path of righteousness, but also help preserve youth and beauty.

Turning to the Mother of God in front of the miraculous icon helps preserve loving relationships between spouses, helps close people find understanding, strengthen family relationships, and solve serious problems that household members face. Girls resort to prayers in front of the icon, turning to the Most Pure One for help in finding a reliable and loving spouse. Those who need consolation also come to the Virgin Mary; the icon is revered among people who have experienced some kind of grief. Prayers to the Mother of God in front of the “Unfading Color” icon help to gain faith in the future, strength to continue life, and inspire to fight dark thoughts , and also allow you to forget about mental anxieties.

There are many miracles associated with the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”. It happened more than once that after praying in front of the shrine, young girls found a life partner, finding harmony and happiness in family life. The sufferers also testified that the Virgin Mary helped them, after turning before the icon, to find peace of mind, find the meaning of their existence, and reevaluate their lives. Other Christians came to the shrine in moments when sadness gripped their souls and thoughts, and only the Queen of Heaven was able to guide them on the true path, indicate a righteous way of life, find happiness and accept themselves as a person is.

The Orthodox know that the Most Pure One cannot leave to the mercy of fate those who need her affection. Many miracles associated with the “Unfading Flower” happened in the old days; the appearance of the image of the Mother of God saved thousands of Christians from mental burdens. But even today miraculous phenomena are happening.

For example, on Mount Kefalonia, located near the island of Athos in Greece, something amazing happens every year. One very interesting tradition is maintained here: on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christians bring white flowers to the temple, similar to those that Gabriel appeared with them to the Virgin Mary. These flowers are stored until the celebration in honor of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Moreover, there is no need to water the plants.

And every year a bright miracle is observed - the dry stems of flowers after 5 months are filled with new strength, without knowing either moisture or solar heat. Not only do the plants not die, but new snow-white buds appear on the stems. According to some beliefs, it was this event that became the reason for the creation of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”. The authors of the creation were the Athonite monks, inspired by the miracle.
The flowers held in the hands of the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus are a symbol of the virginity and purity of the Virgin Mary, Her spiritual perfection and righteousness. From this, the Orthodox Church began to address the Most Holy One: “You are the Root of Virginity and the Unfading Flower of Purity.”

Among the clergy of the church on Mount Kefalonia, there is a widespread belief that the dried flowers, which anyone can see under the icon case, symbolize human souls. We, like plants, often lose that divine spark that the Lord God gave us. It’s not just our body that is wasting away (that’s not so scary). Our soul is desolate, because we forget about what the life of a true Christian should be like, and we resort to sinful acts. But just like flowers, we can always return, having set foot on the path of a righteous life. To blossom spiritually - to believe and trust in Christ our Savior. For everyone who resorts to the Mother of God with fervent prayer, the merciful God is always ready to help.

The icon where the Mother of God is depicted with a flower in her hand is called “Unfading Flower”. One interesting story in my life is connected with this icon. My unbelieving friend had large pimples on her face, which caused her great suffering. No medications or ointments helped, and acne left scars on my face. The girl suffered a lot. And so one believing grandmother told the girl that the icon of the Unfading Color could heal her terrible acne. At first she didn’t believe it, but the old woman’s words sank into her heart. Now the girl has clean and delicate skin, like a lily - white and beautiful. The Mother of God helped her get rid of her ugly face, because she sees pure and faithful hearts.

History of the icon

The Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos published Tales of the Mother of God, which records the story of one miraculous healing. The healing took place with the help of the Mother of God flower growing on Mount Athos. This flower is considered immortal and life-giving. According to legend, the Archangel Gabriel gave the Virgin Mary a flower as a symbol of purity and innocence when he announced the miraculous conception of a baby from the Holy Spirit.

The flower symbolizes the spiritual purity and holiness that the Virgin was endowed with. This woman surpassed the ethereal angels by the grace of God. She was chosen to become the mother of the Lord made man in the flesh.

This image appeared on Mount Athos in the 17th century. The motive for painting the holy image was the words from the akathist to the Mother of God, where she was called the unfading color of purity.

On the Annunciation, it is customary to offer white flowers to the icon of the Mother of God of the Unfading Color, reminiscent of those brought to the Mother of God by the Archangel Gabriel. In Athos, flower arrangements brought on the feast of the Annunciation are kept fresh until the Dormition of the Mother of God, and they are not watered at all.

Variety of icons

In Tsarist Russia, girls often turned to the icon of the Mother of God of the Unfading Flower with a prayer to preserve their virgin purity until their wedding. So we can say that the icon was especially revered by girls of marriageable age. The oldest example of the saint is kept in the Alekseevsky Monastery (Moscow). It depicts the Infant of God in full growth, resting his elbow on his mother’s shoulder. The flower branch was depicted in a picturesque vase and placed on the throne.

In the Assumption Church in Mogiltsy there is another image of the icon, where the Mother of God holds a white lily in her right hand. The icon depicts angels located above the head of the Mother of God. Angels hold a crown over the head of the Virgin Mary. Unfortunately, the original icon disappeared during the reign of Soviet power, and now there is a copy of the icon in the monastery.

In Ryazan there is an amazing copy of the icon, which was given to the monastery of the town of Kadom by a certain Bogdanov. This icon was brought from Georgia; it always accompanied Bogdanov on military expeditions. This miraculous image was especially revered by Elder Seraphim of Sarov.

In the city of Kungur, Perm Territory, there was a miraculous image in which the Mother of God is depicted waist-deep, framed by flowers. A copy of the holy image is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Photo of the icon Unfading Color:

Sometimes the Mother of God may have a blossoming rod in her hands. The image of the rod is associated with the biblical story of Aaron, in which flowers miraculously bloomed on a wooden rod as a symbol of the high priesthood.

In later icons, many attributes disappear, and the Mother of God remains with a modest flower in her hand. Icon painters focused the attention of believers on the main images - the Mother of God and the Infant.

Help icons

What is the meaning of the Unfading Color icon and how does it help? Prayers are offered before the holy image:

  • about a happy marriage;
  • about preserving chastity and spiritual purity;
  • about the right choice of spouse;
  • about saving marriage;
  • about women's well-being;
  • about resolving family problems;
  • about prolonging beauty and youth.

Both girls and young people who dream of creating a strong Orthodox family offer prayers in front of the icon. The Mother of God answers sincere and pure prayer and helps young people find family harmony.

The significance of the Unfading Color icon for family happiness cannot be overestimated. The face of the Mother of God was used to bless the bride before the wedding. Orthodox believe that a blessing with an icon will help a girl find a happy marriage in harmony and understanding with her husband. This icon should always be in the spouses’ home; it will protect the family hearth from unforeseen troubles and temptations.

Older people offer prayers to overcome the passions of the flesh and mental confusion. The Mother of God helps to find peace of mind and harmony, fills hearts with quiet joy and happiness. During family quarrels, the image of the Most Pure One helps restore peace and understanding between spouses.

Icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color"...

April 16
Memorial Day

Icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color"

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” takes place on April 3/16, and in honor of the related image of the Mother of God “Fragile Flower”, which is almost completely close to it today, on November 15/28.

In more ancient images the difference was as follows. On the icon “Unfading Flower” the Infant God sat on the right hand of the Mother of God, and on the icon “Fragile Flower” - on the left. In modern icons these distinctions are often not respected.

How does an icon help?
The image of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is the iconographic embodiment of chastity and purity, first of all, as spiritual properties, therefore the Mother of God grants help to those praying before her in acquiring and preserving these wonderful and saving qualities for each of us. Chastity is the integrity of wisdom, inner peace, spiritual silence, humility and meekness; they give the female nature that fortitude that cannot be found anywhere else.

Prayer in front of this image helps in saving a marriage, strengthening a family, resolving family problems, and overcoming sorrows that sometimes happen in our everyday life.

Sincere and earnest prayer in front of the “Unfading Color” icon guides those who are spiritually suffering on the right path, helps to find the strength to endure deep sorrows, not to become weak from disappointment, and relieves them of despondency and heavy thoughts.

First prayer
Blessing my Arita, my hope, the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and the strange to the Representative, the grieving, Joy to the offended, to the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for may we preserve and cover forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer
ABOUT, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer. Mistress and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, for our murmuring. Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins.
Oh, Mother Mary, our most offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who retaliate against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the icon
R Hail, Bride of God, secret rod, unfading blossoming flower, rejoice, Lady, with Her we are filled with joy and inherit life.

About the history and meaning of the icon

Our Lady of Unfading Color,
XVIII century, Tretyakov Gallery
The history of the origin of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is touching and at the same time majestic. For a long time, on the island of Kefalonia, located near Athos, a very beautiful and largest island in the Ionian Sea, there is a tradition - it is preserved even now: on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, white flowers are brought here, similar to the lily with which the archangel appeared in his hand to the Most Pure One. Gabriel, to reveal to Her the will of God about Her. Flowers are reverently and carefully placed under the icon case, to Her face, and there they remain until the very holiday of Her Assumption without water and without sunlight. But a miracle happens: after almost five months, their stems, dried out and in the twilight, are incredibly filled with moisture, come to life, new buds appear instead of dried inflorescences and bloom into white lush flowers - here it is, “unfading color”!

Brought from Fr. Rhodes Greece.
Located in Moscow
It is believed that from the first Athos list, which spread in the Orthodox world, three main ones arose - Greek, Russian, Bulgarian. From them, in turn, came subsequent variants, which gave rise to this amazing iconographic diversity. In terms of time, the creation of the first, Greek original of this icon dates back to the 16th–17th centuries, and its appearance in Russia dates back to the 17th–18th centuries. One of the first revered lists came through pilgrims to the Moscow St. Alexeevsky Monastery, the first mention of which dates back to 1757, and it is in her honor that the celebration is held on April 3/16. It is not known for certain where the iconography of the image came from, but there is an assumption that it was from the Balkans.

Moscow, Armory Chamber,
end of the 17th century Salary - silver
Around the same time, other lists appeared in Central and Southern Russia, and their variety is simply enormous, they are all magnificent, and their indispensable attribute is white, pink, red flowers in flowerpots, garlands, trellises, in other images these are lushly blooming wands in hand of the Mother of God. Sometimes flowers are woven into halos around the head of the Infant Jesus or form a pedestal on which the Most Pure One stands with the Child of God in her arms. In the marvelous inflorescences, stylized to one degree or another, one can discern roses, lilies, and immortelle flowers, which grow abundantly on the slopes of the Holy Mount Athos and are considered a symbol of not only immortality, but also purity.

Our Lady of Unfading Color
from the Church of the Intercession in Fili, Moscow, 18th century
Also, this image arose from the Orthodox iconographic heritage: in the Benaki Museum, in Athens, there is an icon of St. Anne with little Mary, dating from the 15th century. The Blessed Virgin has a white flower in her hand, and in this symbolism one can clearly read the prototype of the white lily that the Archangel Gabriel will one day hand to Her. In the State Historical Museum there is an icon of the 16th century “The Virgin and Child with a Flower”, where the flower is in the hand not of the Virgin Mary, but of Jesus, as in the icon of the first half of the 17th century “The Virgin and Child” created in Belarus. It is believed that this list became the source for images of the crown on the heads of the Mother of God and the Infant and organically fit into the canonical principles of Orthodox icon painting.

Yaroslavl regional public organization
artists, icon painters, restorers -Sofia-
By the 19th century, the most complex compositions of the icon were simplified, the abundance of attributes was gone, except for the crown, flowers were often indicated by one branch in the hand of the Mother of God, the icon became less colorful both in composition and in color, therefore, according to historians and art historians of church painting, later lists are inferior ancient. From this point of view, the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, created by the icon painter Marina Filippova, continues the original, ancient tradition, although the basis for the image is a later canon, not overflowing with attributes.

Icon of the Mother of God Unfading Color

Icon of the Mother of God Unfading Color. Prayer. Meaning.

Icon of the Mother of God Unfading Color is of great importance for Orthodox believers. People turn to the Mother of God for help in consolation, because prayer in front of the icon helps to cope with grief. Young girls turn to the Most Pure One for help in finding a life partner.

In the image, the Mother of God holds the Son of God in her hand, and in her second hand she has a white lily, which personifies the symbol of the purity and virginity of the Unbrided Bride. On individual lists there is a difference: instead of a lily, the Virgin Mary holds a rose branch, and the baby can be either on the left hand or on the right. The miraculous power and meaning of all images are the same.

How does the Fadeless Color icon help?

Turning to the Mother of God before the miraculous image helps close people find understanding among themselves, helps solve the family problems of spouses, and preserves their loving relationship. This image is considered female, but any believer can pray.

On the wedding day, young brides were blessed with the face of the Mother of God for a happy marriage. Married women ask the face to protect the family hearth from adversity.

The Most Holy One helps believers get rid of temptations on the path of family life.

Women ask the Mother of God to make the marriage happy, as well as save the family.

Believers say that this image can give those who turn to it peace of mind, as well as preserve the beauty and youth of the body of those praying.

Prayers in front of the icon of the Unfading Color drive away the dark doubts that torment the soul and give faith and strength in the future. Most often, young girls turn to the image with a prayer for marriage. Sincere prayer will help them not to make a mistake in choosing a life partner who will be with her in sorrow and in joy.

Young girls ask the Heavenly Mother to find the true path in life, ask for protection from vicious temptations, ask her to pass on to them her knowledge and instructions for a righteous life.

Until 1757, the original icon was in the St. Alekseevsky Monastery of Krasnoye Selo in Moscow. But this image was lost, it was replaced by a copy that also had the power of healing.

In Voronezh, in the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is a list of the icon; many parishioners turn to it. In the village of Kadom, Ryazan region, there is a list that Seraphim of Sarov revered and loved very much.

In the Samara region in 2012, an image of the Mother of God of the Unfading Color appeared on the window of the house of one parishioner of a local church, to which many believers and worshipers began to come with prayers and requests.

In many museums, in the Tretyakov Gallery there are lists of the miraculous icon.

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God Unfading Color

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