
How to warm your hands during winter fishing. How to stay warm on winter fishing. Heating a tent with stones



There is an opinion that fishing in winter is a waste of time fighting the cold. Why freeze your nose if you can easily buy it at the market or in a store. But fishing is not a way to get fish for food. It's more of a state of mind. How to achieve peace of mind if it’s cold? Now we’ll talk about how to keep warm while fishing in winter if you don’t have one at hand.

Are folk remedies good?

The most famous and widely used folk remedy to keep warm in severe frost is to drink vodka. As they say, you can kill two birds with one stone: raise your mood and raise your body temperature. Inexperienced amateur fishermen often do this. Yes, it's a good method to have fun. But whether it can be used for fishing is a big question.

Alcohol will help achieve the appearance of warmth. And the more degrees there are in it, the faster the “heating” will be. But the feeling does not mean that the body has warmed up. Winter fishing means, first of all, a long stay in the cold. We must proceed from these conditions. Moreover, this pleasure is sedentary. This means that the body will cool down faster. Whatever brand of alcohol it is, it will not help you here. and here's why.

Human blood vessels first dilate under the influence of alcohol. And then they narrow sharply. This leads to faster hypothermia not only of the extremities, but also of the internal organs. The consequences of such hypothermia can be very sad. In the cold, the effect of alcohol is not so noticeable, so a person loses his sense of normalcy. You can easily get alcohol poisoning.

By the way, while fishing, if you do not maintain hygiene, you can catch rotavirus. Read about how to treat it (if an infection occurs) by following the link.

Science is needed not only to fly into space

Indeed, you don’t need to have the title of professor to keep warm in the winter cold while fishing. The first thing that comes to mind is to dress warmer. The method is not complicated: several pairs of gloves, a padded jacket or a warm fur coat. Felt boots or high boots will keep your feet warm. In addition to clothing, you can use other tricks.

If you put up a small tent at the fishing site, it will reliably protect you from the wind (we already talked about how correctly earlier). The only source of cold will be ice. To protect your feet, you can cover the floor with a travel rug or construction insulation. Don't forget to make holes for holes in them. There are special tents for fishing. Their average cost is 3500-4500 rubles.

The tent can be easily heated using various heating devices. The simplest of them is a paraffin candle. One or two candles are enough for the whole day. The main disadvantage of such a device will be the release of paraffin and carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is necessary to open the top valve in the tent.

Portable gas heaters and stoves, as well as dry fuel mini-stoves, have gained considerable popularity among fishermen. Not only do they provide warmth, but they can also warm water for tea. You can buy them for 1-2.5 thousand rubles.

The thing that freezes the most in the cold is your hands. A special hand warmer will help warm them up. The cost of such a heater is from 150 to 450 rubles. It runs on a coal cartridge. The operating time of one cartridge is several hours.

Safety is not a slogan, but a necessity

You need to follow the safety rules for using heating devices not only at home. Improper use of various heat sources can not only deprive you of, for example, fishing gear, but also cause harm to your health.

Carbon dioxide is very dangerous. Therefore, be sure to open the windows in your tent when the heater is on. In a closed space you can easily get burned or poisoned. One or two breaths are enough. A striking example of this is the notorious Perm club “Lame Horse”.

Comfort is needed everywhere

Let's summarize all of the above. Alcohol is not the way to stay warm. To maintain warmth, we recommend, first of all, a tent and a hand warmer.

Even without heating devices, the tent will protect you from the piercing wind. The heat from your breath will raise its temperature. The walls, although thin, will keep it inside. And you can always keep a manual heater in your pocket.

Successful fishing is not only a catch, but also a rest. Relax in comfort. Good luck to you!


A Siberian proverb says that a Siberian is not the one who does not freeze, but the one who dresses well. This rule is completely true in relation to fishing - in order to feel comfortable while fishing, you should dress correctly.

Choose clothing that suits your fishing style. For example, when sport fishing, a fisherman moves a lot around a body of water, looking for fishing spots, and he has to put in quite a lot of physical effort to drill holes. It's very easy to sweat in these, which can easily lead to hypothermia later. Therefore, a sports fisherman must be able to take off part of his outer clothing during active physical effort in order to put it on again later.

Completely different clothes are needed for those who prefer to spend a long time in one place. Almost complete immobility at the hole forces you to dress very warmly; the fisherman needs high boots or felt boots, warm cotton pants and an equally warm jacket, a hat with earflaps and mittens. Shoes must be waterproof. If from time to time the angler has to kneel at the hole, he should sew waterproof inserts on his pants, around the knees.

Sit on a special fishing box. Fishermen often make it themselves, sometimes combining it with a sled. The box must be made of wood, since metal or plastic have too much thermal conductivity and it is cold to sit on such materials. If the wind is blowing, protect your fishing spot with a small wall of snow or fish in a tent.

When going fishing, be sure to take a thermos with hot tea with you, it will always help you warm up. But strong drinks while fishing are absolutely contraindicated. Alcohol gives the illusion of warmth by dilating small blood vessels - blood rushes to the skin, and the person seems to stop freezing. But this happens due to heat loss inside the body, so the fisherman finds himself in a rather dangerous situation. He urgently needs to return to warmth or drink hot tea to restore the body's thermal balance. If this is not done, the risk of freezing increases significantly, especially considering that a drunk person can simply fall asleep.

Always take matches or a lighter for winter fishing, or better yet, both. It is quite possible that you will need to warm up urgently - for example, if you fall through the ice. Matches can get wet in this situation, so a lighter can help out. Keep in mind that a wet person freezes very quickly in the cold; you need to light a fire within the first ten to fifteen minutes. Otherwise, it may happen that frozen fingers simply refuse to obey. Even if you have matches or a lighter, you will not be able to use them.

For a real fisherman, winter is not a hindrance, but on the contrary, it is a great time to go fishing. Many people believe that fishing is not leisure or sport, but a real philosophy, and winter fishing has special admirers. However, winter fishing is also an extreme pastime, because the fisherman spends a long time without moving in an open space at a significant subzero temperature.

Let's start with the fact that successful winter fishing can take place at temperatures down to -18. In frostier weather, it is better to refrain from going out to fish under the ice. Also monitor your time on the ice. You shouldn't spend more than three or four hours on this. The main points that you need to focus on when going to the winter river are below.

The most important thing for a fisherman in winter is to dress properly. The main enemy in the open space of a river with low mobility is cold. You can freeze even at -5 degrees. Therefore, clothing must be chosen with discernment. First of all, trousers, and not even trousers, but overalls. This is important to keep your back covered. Otherwise, there is a danger of catching a cold in the lower back; we know what this entails. It is very difficult to get rid of radiculitis, and you will have to forget about fishing in winter. A jumpsuit, the outer fabric of which is Bolognese, filled with two- or three-layer padding polyester, will not only keep you warm, but will also protect you from icy water in the event of a splash from a hole or other accident. The jacket should be long with good insulation and a hood, which in windy weather can be thrown over a warm knitted hat. A wool hat is preferable to a fur hat, as you will sweat faster in fur ear flaps. It is very likely to sweat even in the cold. While the fisherman is preparing for a layover, arranging the place, cutting holes, he quickly warms up, his skin secretes sweat. Underwear gets wet and then cools the body sensitively. Therefore, it is better to stock up on thermal underwear in advance, which will draw out excess moisture and normalize heat exchange.

Feet also need to be protected from the cold. You have to stand on ice, so the shoes quickly cool through the sole. Only good winter boots or boots with thick grooved soles will last you through winter fishing with dignity. They must be thermally insulated, waterproof and have a high top. It is necessary to provide them with thick fur insoles or heated insoles that operate on batteries. Boots should be one size larger so that you can insulate with cotton and wool socks. When putting on your shoes, you need to follow the rule so that your shoes do not pinch, otherwise you can freeze even in good shoes and warm socks.

In winter, a fisherman’s hands are also exposed to cold, and with a good catch, also to icy water. Therefore, increased protection will not hurt. Before leaving the house, you need to lubricate your hands with a thick protective cream and take it with you. Woolen double gloves or leather ones with fur lining go well with fur or large knitted mittens that are worn on top. Bring a mandatory spare set of gloves. You can purchase a portable hand warmer that runs on charcoal cartridges. The cartridge is ignited, the coal begins to smolder and heats the metal body.

You can warm your hands quite quickly this way. The cartridge is designed for 30-40 minutes. But there is one inconvenience: changing the cartridge and setting it on fire is not a very convenient task, especially in the cold.

The traditional idea of ​​staying warm, associated with drinking strong alcoholic drinks, is not suitable for fishing. The effect of alcohol is rapid, it quickly dilates the blood vessels, causes some sweating, and then the blood vessels also quickly constrict, and it becomes cold again. In addition, if you add alcohol in portions to maintain a feeling of warmth, in the cold it is very easy to miscalculate the dose and end up in a state where it is difficult to assess the situation, and this is doubly dangerous on ice. Therefore, it is better to grab a large thermos with hot broth or herbal tea.

Even if the clothes are chosen correctly, when the temperature drops, windy weather or snowfall, there is still a danger of hypothermia. A small tent, which is used as shelter, will help.

The “floor” of the tent is covered with construction insulation or a camping mat to further separate the feet from the ice, and holes must be provided for holes. Then set up the tent, leaving only the top flap ajar. The walls of the tent will even retain the heat of your breath. Additionally, you can heat the space with a mini-stove using dry fuel or gas.

You can also heat tea on this stove. Some people use the most ordinary household paraffin candles, but still an open fire in a small space releases carbon dioxide and poses a fire hazard. It is necessary that the tent have transparent windows so as not to be isolated without a view of the surroundings.

Don't forget to move from time to time and do simple exercises. This will help you warm up and warm up. Happy biting!

Winter fishermen know very well that in the cold the feet are the first to freeze. This happens due to the fact that in cold weather blood circulation slows down and blood flows poorly to the extremities. In this case, the feet become hypothermic faster. Well, as a result of this there are unpleasant (to put it mildly) consequences...

Namely, various types of colds, kidney diseases, cystitis - this is a small list of what hypothermia of the feet is fraught with. Maybe there is a way to prevent your feet from freezing? After all, it happens that the fish are biting very actively, you really don’t want to go home, but your feet are unbearably cold. And just in everyday life in winter, your feet can freeze while waiting for a long time for public transport or on a long walk.

Then even boots with thick soles and woolen socks cannot keep you warm. Special clothing for winter hunting or fishing helps you stay warm for a longer time. But after a few hours, one way or another, your toes begin to numb, and you gradually feel the cold gradually spreading throughout your body.

Insoles made of this miracle material will not allow your feet to freeze

But we hasten to please our readers, there is a simple and effective way to warm your feet during winter fishing, hunting and other situations.

For this you will need:

  • winter shoes;
  • regular scissors;
  • marker of any color;
  • heat reflector - this is a life-saving material for frozen feet.

This material, namely a foil heat reflector, is designed for installation behind batteries and can be purchased at any hardware store.

Sequence of actions

  1. We take out the insoles from our boots (felt boots) and apply them to the heat reflector.
  2. We outline the edges of the insoles with a marker.
  3. Using scissors, we cut out the insoles from the heat reflector and place them inside the shoes.
  4. We place shoe insoles on top of these insoles.

That's the whole secret. As we never tire of repeating, everything ingenious is simple! And one more important nuance from an experienced fisherman! To help your feet “breathe” better, you should make several small-diameter holes in the insole. Then the reflector can return warmth to your feet, preventing the cold from entering from outside.

Now your feet will always be warm and comfortable during winter fishing!

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