
Ordnung - what is it? Translation of the word from German. Ordnung muss sein - There must be order New order in German

Ordnung muss sein

From the time of service in Germany

“Ordnung muss sein” translated from German “There must be order” is a favorite proverb of the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, and the Reich President of Germany, Paul von Hindenburg.
In every municipality and city in Germany there were, and perhaps still exist, so-called Order Services, which, as their name implies, monitor violations of order.
There must be order - this is the norm of German behavior, their way of thinking, what is now called mentality.

This is the introduction to my story about a small incident that I witnessed. It happened in the city of Naumburg.

The city of Naumburg was part of the district of Halle, Saxony-Anhalt. It was an ancient town (founded in 1029) on the Saale River with a population of about 30 thousand people, cozy, green and environmentally friendly, since there were no industrial productions in it. The city was decorated with the 12th-century Gothic Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and a well-preserved medieval fortress, around which a tram ran along the ring strictly on schedule.
Everything in the city indicated that its Order Service was working perfectly.

Behind the fortress walls hid the old city with narrow streets and houses the same age as the fortress. The new city outside the fortress was decorated with cozy mansions with front gardens in which roses bloomed. They said that Naumburg was a city of retired generals, and this was probably true. A neat, clean, patriarchal town that had preserved its centuries-old way of life was conducive to living the rest of your life there after a hectic military service.

The central square, Markplatz (renamed Wilhelm-Pieck-Platz), on which the city hall was located, turned into a market on Sundays. On carts and three-wheeled cars (our jokers nicknamed them “great Germany”) residents of the city and its environs brought their goods to Markplatz for sale: vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers, mushrooms and other goods.

In the evening, the city died out, and you could rarely see passers-by on the streets, unless you met policemen patrolling the streets. They performed their service excellently. One late evening I was returning from a visit, I was dressed in civilian clothes, the streets were empty, there was no light visible in the windows of the houses - the Germans were sleeping. Suddenly a policeman called out to me. I stopped, he came up to me and demanded to see my documents. I had to explain to him that I was a Soviet officer and show him my service ID. The policeman’s actions were clear: don’t wander around the streets when decent burghers are already asleep! Ordnung muss sein!

And now about the incident.

I was returning from a business trip, and when I left the platform on the station square, a noisy group of tipsy Germans followed me there. Talking loudly and laughing, they began to relieve themselves right in the square, apparently the beer they had drunk was asking to come out.

Mess! And someone immediately called the police. Before the outrageous people had time to finish their work, a “Schnell-kommando” (quick team) police car flew into the square. The car had no sides, and the police spilled out of it onto both sides like peas. They quickly grabbed the troublemakers, forced them into a car and took them to the police station.

Watching this picture, I thought: if this happened here, I don’t think anyone would call the police. Many would, of course, be outraged by such disgrace, while others would simply laugh. Not that mentality.

However, isn’t it time for us to put things in order too! Ordnung muss sein!

About the German order, read another miniature and my review of it from Vladimir Baykov at the link -

In the photo - Naumburg, Marktplatz.

See the story "The Sistine Madonna" -


Good day, Vadim!
I read and immediately remembered the stories about how those same “terribly neat and civilized” Germans get so drunk during Oktoberfest and do things that even our drunks might envy. And the English sirs, by the way, are no better...
Thanks for such a funny story. And a special thank you for your literacy - it’s not very often that you come across such a “clean letter” on the site...
All the best to you! With regards to A.T.

Yes, there is a country there - a good woman... will cover it with her palm. The population is slightly larger than in Moscow: three bubbles of “Royal” - the whole country is in smoke... By the way, the current king, Willy-Sanya, is there... With a smile, A.T.

Alexander! I served in Germany and I know how the Germans drink at other people’s expense, they get drunk until the pigs squeal. As for the British, they already showed up yesterday in Marseille with drunken brawls, smashing windows and cars.

But still read Vladimir Baikov’s miniature about the German order. It is also about low need in German.

Peace and goodness to you and your family.
Sincerely -

Germans take life incredibly seriously ( Ernsthaft). Outside of Berlin, even humor is not perceived as something funny, and if you decide to make a joke, first get written permission to do so.

The Germans are very disapproving of any manifestations of frivolity, any accidents and surprises. In their language there is no such concept as light sadness, since it cannot be called serious. The very idea that great ideas can arise spontaneously and be expressed by unqualified people is impossible and also highly undesirable. Ultimately, Germans are more likely to give up intelligent invention than to come to terms with the idea that creativity is largely a spontaneous and uncontrollable process.

It is precisely because they take life so seriously that Germans are so committed to rules. Schiller wrote that “obedience is the first duty,” and not a single German would allow himself to doubt this. This is entirely consistent with their ideas of duty and order. Therefore, the Germans prefer not to break even those rules that greatly complicate their lives, guided by the principle that everything that is not permitted is prohibited. If smoking or walking on the grass is allowed, you will be notified by a special sign.

As for the professional side of life, the desire to take everything seriously means that you cannot afford to make a drastic change in your life, quitting, for example, your job as an accountant or computer engineer and becoming a free-lance farmer or doing aromatherapy. Such thoughts should be ruthlessly rejected as frivolous and doubtful.


Germans pride themselves on being efficient, organized, disciplined, neat and punctual. After all, this is what order is made of ( Ordnung), which contains not only such concepts as cleanliness, but also correctness, decency, purpose and many other wonderful things. Not a single phrase warms the heart of a German as much as: “ alles in Ordnung”, meaning that everything is in order, everything is as it should be. The categorical imperative, which every German honors, sounds like this: “ Ordnung muss sein", - which means: "Order is above all."

If there's one thing the Germans like, it's work. He is the foundation. A breakdown of a car or washing machine six months after purchasing it is perceived by Germans not just as a nuisance, but as a violation of the social contract.

When they get abroad, Germans are amazed at the dangers of smoke-stained buildings, littered streets, and unwashed cars. While waiting for a long time on the London Underground for a train, they wonder how these crazy Englishmen can put up with this state of affairs instead of arranging everything properly. And everything about these British is somehow dubious: the language with all sorts of tricks, and the fans who chant the names of their idols, imitating the cries of birds, and the names of cities that you can’t really remember.

The Germans are much better at dealing with this sort of thing at home. Words can be just as complex and pronounced gutturally, but there are no tricks with pronunciation - as you hear, so do you write. The streets are clean, the houses are freshly painted, the garbage is where it should be - in the trash cans. In general, complete " ordnung».

Put everything into pieces

If you tell a German something like “they don’t look for good from goodness” or “a finished thing doesn’t need repairing,” he will decide that either you are a foreigner or you need the help of a psychiatrist.

It is well known that in Germany, before getting down to business, everything should be put in its place: the good should be separated from the bad, the necessary from the unnecessary, the accidental. Everything that belongs to you must be clearly separated from what belongs to me; the public must be protected from attempts to confuse it with the private; the true must be recognized at all costs so as not to confuse it with the false. A clear definition should be developed for words that belong to the masculine and feminine genders (although in German the word “Germans” is neuter), and so on and so forth.

Only after everything is put in its place can you say with a clear conscience that everything is in order. This is the famous “categorical imperative” - a concept introduced by Kant because he could not come to terms with the lack of order in the world order.

Kant decided to do something that no German before him could do: to give everything certainty, dividing it into separate categories. He was famous for driving his friends crazy with his passion for dividing everything into groups and subgroups. Each volume of his library was allocated to a special section and stored separately so that not a single random book would disturb this well-thought-out system. He went even further, hatching a grand plan in which all his books were to be cut into pieces and processed in such a way that the words that made them could be taken apart and put back together again - the volumes inside were neatly marked "this...", "and this ...", etc. However, he never completed his grand masterpiece of embodied order.

Modern Germans are not so radical in their aspirations, but only because such extremes have long been considered the hallmarks of “nuts,” a term used to describe extremists and the few who share their views.


Now let's imagine that in that Garden of Eden, which is called Germany, a snake appears: doubt. The Germans are torn by doubts and constantly try to prevent the onset of chaos. They don't know how to brush aside their doubts or drown out troubles in a glass of beer and fun.

The touching belief of other peoples that “the morning is wiser than the evening” or “everything will change” is not for the Germans. Rather, on the contrary, the Germans are convinced that doubts and anxiety become stronger the more you think about them. They are sincerely perplexed why the world has not yet fallen into tartarar, and are absolutely convinced that this will happen in the very near future.

Undoubtedly, Germany is a country where Fear rules ( Angst).

They say that the result of such pervasive fear is a reluctance to do anything, but when action is needed, the Germans rush to attack.

It is fear that drives the Germans in their desire to organize, regulate, control everything again and again, monitor, insure, check, document. In their hearts they believe that it is necessary to have the highest intelligence in order to truly understand how dangerous life really is.

The Germans are convinced that the degree of anxiety is directly related to the intellectual potential of the nation.

Life is a beach

Nowhere is the Germans' desire to achieve what they want more evident than during a seaside vacation. On various coasts, they have gained a bad reputation because of the frantic energy that they develop when settling on the world's best beaches.

No matter how early you appear on the beach, the Germans will still be there before you. It remains a mystery how they manage to do this, considering that they party in bars and taverns well after midnight and on the same basis as everyone else.

Having occupied a coastal bridgehead, the Germans immediately began to dig in and erect fortifications. It's safe to say that the Germans are occupying the beaches, because the entire area is covered with huge, flag-topped sand castles - one per family - several feet high, decorated with seashells and washed up starfish.

Unlike others, the Germans prefer to stay inside their creations, which, among other things, also serve as a sign that the place is occupied. Often these structures are piled so close to each other that there is simply no free space left for passage. In extreme cases, all non-Germans have to camp right on the bare rocks, since the Germans take all the beach sand to build their fortresses.


When the surrounding reality becomes unbearable, the Germans flee to the world of fantasy. Failures and defeats force one to seek salvation in the metaphysical realm, and the Germans love to dream. If an Englishman is teased as “John Bull”, and an American as “Uncle Sam”, then the nickname of a typical German is “Sonya Michel” (derived from St. Michael, the patron saint of Germany).

The poet Heinrich Heine assessed this weakness of the Germans in his “Winter's Tale”:

“The French and Russians got the land,
The Briton owns the sea,
But in the airy kingdom of dreams
We will argue with anyone."
(Translation by V. Levik)

Sometimes the Germans' desire for escape from life, that is, the thirst for divine revelation, leads to the fact that they are perceived as impractical people, not of this world. As Goethe sadly noted: “While we Germans are struggling to solve philosophical problems, the English with their practical mind are laughing at us and conquering the world.”


“None of us can be called perfection, but we strive for it,” said the German Field Marshal General, Baron von Richthofen, optimistically. The pursuit of excellence is the main distinguishing feature of the German character. She has proven to be an invaluable boon to their auto industry, but she doesn't hold up when she comes out during fun parties. And here it is useless to seek a compromise and argue whether this is good or bad. Strictly speaking, the Germans only need an ideal.

Not a single German doubts that the ideal, or rather the Ideal, exists, but only in heaven. Naturally, here on earth there cannot be an Ideal - at least, a pale semblance of it. Although Plato was a Greek, he thought like a German. And it should not be surprising that most Germans are closer to ideas than people. As Goethe wrote: “Reality is almost always a parody of an idea.”

Ideas are always great and never let you down; people are unpredictable and do this all the time. The conflict between ideas and reality is inevitable, and the Germans have already come to terms with this. It gives life a sense of tragedy.

At the heart of German literature and German mythology lies the same conflict. Most heroes die because they, remaining true to their ideals, fight to change the world and their own nature. Mourning this sad circumstance is a purely German activity. Choosing the lesser evil and calmly enduring the hardships of fate - this is difficult to fit into the consciousness of the Germans.

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When we recall Germans and German culture in conversation, we often immediately imagine an orderly society in which nothing supernatural happens, since people are not accustomed to breaking laws. Where does this German love for order come from and what is hidden in the mysterious word “Ordnung”?

The importance of the Ordnung in the life of the Germans

What distinguishes Germany from other European countries is its order. It is with the intricate word “Ordnung” that the famous German order is called in the language of its speakers. The German Ordnung is a distinguishing feature of the entire German people that has been developed over the years and has become the pride of an entire nation. They say that the Germans are so proud of their order because they secretly envy other representatives of European states for their ability to relax and enjoy life to the fullest. In Germany, such a culture of relaxed pastime does not exist.

Origins of order

The importance of order in the life of Germans has existed since time immemorial, but in the modern sense, the German Ordnung began with the rise to power of Bismarck and then Hitler, who placed order at the forefront of their philosophy on the development of the state. The Germans themselves are quite skeptical about such a stereotype regarding their nationality, so there is no point in praising German hard work and love of order once again - this is a natural state for Germans that does not need praise and close attention.

The world of the Germans is distinguished by rationality and orderliness: every thing has its place. This rule regarding order applies to everything, including the rather complex German language. The love of organization is reflected in all aspects of life, so the word “ordnung” can be found in many catchphrases, as, for example, “odnung uber alles” - order in everything.

German understanding of the Ordnung

For organized and efficient Germans, Ordnung is not only discipline and orderliness, but also correct and polite behavior that does not violate other people's boundaries, decent behavior and cleanliness. When you hear the phrase “alles ist in ordnung” from a German’s mouth, rest assured that everything is going according to plan.

Worldview mismatch

Treating all matters in which he is involved with extreme responsibility, a resident of Germany expects the same behavior from others. Having received a low-quality product that lasted less than the promised period, a German will perceive this situation as deception on the part of the seller, a violation of public order and inappropriate behavior towards the buyer. This is why good service is so valued in Germany and high-quality products are produced.

Finding themselves abroad surrounded by chaos, Germans wonder why nothing is being done to change the current situation. They cannot understand why transport is delayed, why people take away their personal time from others, because all this is illogical and violates the rights of each individual person. At home, Germans do not face such problems: the streets are always clean, the houses are in order, the garbage is in the trash can, pre-sorted, and the language is as logical as the behavior of the Germans themselves.

The concept of "ordnung"

When considering the concept of the word "ordnung", one should turn to its etymology. The word itself comes from the Latin word "ordo", meaning weaving and marking material. From the very beginning, the concept of "ordnung" meant something precise, according to the rules, and was present in the German language since the 11th century. Examining the texts of popular authors who lived in the Middle Ages, one can notice that the word “order” (“Ordnung” in German) existed inextricably with words such as “discipline”, “hard work”, and became one of the distinctive features of the German people.

Ordnung is often used as part of set expressions, an example of which is "ordnung uber alles" ("Ordnung uber alles" in German means "Order above all"). The phrase itself is a reflection of the type of thinking of the Germans, who prefer that order be fully present in any field of activity and respected by all members of a given society.

The presence of a large number of expressions using the concept of order reflects the value that the Germans put into this word, because for them it is not just a reflection of the temperament and character of the inhabitants of Germany, but also a concept of political and social structure: ordnung is a tool for achieving goals, a characteristic of the situation.

In the process of analyzing the etymology of the word "ordnung" several main concepts can be identified:

  • concept of regulation method;
  • lifestyle characteristics;
  • discipline;
  • obedience to general rules;
  • law;
  • system of relations;
  • way to achieve well-being.

Influence of religion

German order (ordnung) appeared repeatedly in German literature and the speeches of famous religious and political figures, such as, for example, Martin Luther: he used the concepts of order and orderliness as that feature of the German people that does not allow the Germans to commit such sins as murder, theft and infidelity. For Martin Luther, the concept of order was fundamental to the life of the people.

Also, ordnung often in sermons referred to the division of responsibilities between men and women. The order was for each spouse to perform their functions properly. Thus, the concept of order refers to hierarchy. In the event of a violation of such a hierarchy, the concept of chaos appears opposite to order, which is incomparable with the normal functioning of society.

The great German poet and philosopher Goethe believes that order is a fundamental element of the prosperity of a developed society.

Word grammar

Ordnung is a word with many cognates in German, among which one of the main ones is the verb "ordnen", meaning to put in order, arrange something, or distribute. Due to the great importance of prefixes in German words, attaching them to a given verb changes the meaning of the word, practically without changing its basic meaning.

The concept of order has an invariably positive connotation. Even in the speech of politicians one can repeatedly find an emphasis on the important role of order in the life of Germans, which becomes almost synonymous with the state. In this case, ordnung reflects a system that makes it possible to regulate social life and relationships in society.

Regarding the importance of the concept of the German word "Ordnung", a study was conducted to reveal the attitude of the Germans themselves towards this concept, as a result of which more than sixty percent of citizens expressed a positive attitude towards it.

"Ordnung muss sein" (translated from German as "There must be order")

There is a similar German proverb, Ordnung ist das halbe Leben - Order is half of life.

Let us draw a logical conclusion - order is very important for a German; it is an integral component of a German’s life, literally part of his life.

Let's take this into account and say a word about German order.

Having become a household name, the notorious “German order” turned into a kind of fetish, a kind of standard of accuracy, clarity, punctuality.

Where did this standard come from and what exactly is it? I noticed that beauty and perfection among the Germans is also part of “order”.

It is clear that the Germans have historically developed proverbs about order, i.e. order is part of German culture, but where exactly did it appear?

Let's Google it and see what the Internet gives us. I didn’t see anything special, but I noticed a lot of photographs from the Great Patriotic War, as well as a large number of phrases like “How the Germans restored order in Belarus, Ukraine...”, and God knows where else. Moreover, the bulk of the photographs are of German soldiers in the occupied territories. So to speak, they taught us barbarians to order, or rather to their own, German order.

What is typical is that very often in old photographs you can see inscriptions that a violation of order means execution. In addition, I came across this:

As I understand it, there are many rumors like this:

“….In 1939, Hitler issued an order for Berlin: to shoot stowaway passengers on trams. The order was announced throughout the city five days before it was put into effect. The Berliners didn't believe it. Over the course of a few hours, about forty people were shot. SA stormtroopers stopped the tram, took all the passengers out, lined them up, put all the stowaways against the wall and shot every tenth one. There is a memorial near Frankfurt dedicated to the victims of the exemplary shooting of stowaways arrested on several commuter trains and trams...”

but there is no confirmation of this, I also rummaged around on the Internet, trying to find a photo of this memorial, but found nothing. There are also allegations that stowaways were not shot in Germany, but only in the occupied territories, but somehow I’m tired of searching now and I will be glad if you, my inquisitive reader, send me a link or another...

But let’s google photos on the topic “Prisoned Germans in the Soviet Union”

This is Chelyabinsk, a quarter built by the Germans, what can I say - beautiful!

In general, you can find plenty of photographs, but let’s return to our days, to our, so to speak, modernity. And you, dear reader, you ask me, why all this nonsense about the German order?

Instead of answering, I will offer you a few more photos for comparison.

We also google, the topic is “Refugees in Germany”

Tell me, can you somehow explain this?

Personally, no, I have no explanation for this. I know for sure that this is not the same people who, just 70 years ago, tried to teach us order and contemptuously called us -Russisch Schwein.

Well, now after the “first course and second”, let’s move on to dessert, because it will be the main topic of this article.

In response to the photographs of refugees posted above, some will tell me:

“What can you do, after all, these are refugees, and some time must pass for their settlement and assimilation,” with which I, of course, agree, but the following reasoning will be dissonant for me.

So I'll start:

In my article “Middle Eastern Olivier...”, trying to analyze the latest events in Syria, I wrote: “...First of all, this is a powerful signal to the Pindos in the person of Erdogan...”

Why is this signal to all Pindos, in the person of Erdogan, you, my inquisitive reader, ask?

Well, I’ll answer.

Have you, dear reader, by chance crossed the border, not at the airport, but as an intruder, through the security control strip? No? So, I’ll probably surprise you if I say that the border guards shoot in this case. Especially if the border guard is German or Italian. As you saw above in the military photos, they are clearly not humanists, and when they are called upon to defend the border, they shoot. And this, I will tell you 100% here, even “don’t go to grandma.” And they, the Italians or the Spaniards or the Germans, don’t give a damn whether you are a refugee or not. If you are a refugee, then go to the station, on a plane or train, but at the border you are either a violator or a terrorist. And for them, due to their mentality, there is no third option. So, by sinking a dozen vessels in the Mediterranean Sea, or towing them back to Africa, the whole problem would be solved overnight. Or maybe you forgot about the signs with the word “execution”? Do you think the Germans have become different, more humane since then? Of course not, as they say - “The grave will correct the hunchback”!

You and I see that the border guards do not shoot in this case. Don't they shoot?



refugees dreaming of getting into the “German order”

And behind this hype, ARTIFICIAL BUZZ, they tried to hide from us the true goals of this I’m not afraid of this name


And these goals are just part of a common goal called -


But more on that in the next article.

P/S. If you have any thoughts, you are welcome!

Ordnung, die Seele des Geschäftslebens, eine Zierde des Hauswesens, der schönste Schmuck der Frauen; sie ist die Goldwage der Empfindungen, der Anker für das Schifflein Häuslichkeit, die Grundbedingung der Wohlhabenheit. Ordnungssinn ist das… … Damen Conversations Lexikon

ordnung- òrdnung m N mn nzi DEFINICIJA reg. strog red, disciplina (ob. kao asocijacija na prusku, njemačku i austrougarsku vojničku disciplinu) ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Ordnung … Hrvatski jezični portal

Ordnung- Ordnung, 1) überhaupt die Regelmäßigkeit in der Zusammenstellung gleichartiger Gegenstände od. in der Reihenfolge der Ereignisse u. Thätigkeiten, gleich viel, ob sie aus innerer Nothwendigkeit hervorgeht, wie z.B. die O. der Zahlen in der… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

Ordnung- Ordnung, im allgemeinen eine nach bestimmten leitenden Gesichtspunkten geschehene, regelmäßige und zweckmäßige Folge einer Reihe von Dingen und Handlungen. In naturwissenschaftlichen Systemen versteht man unter O. gewöhnlich die den Klassen… … Meyers Großes Conversations-Lexikon

Ordnung- (lat. ordo), in der Naturgeschichte eine Hauptabteilung zwischen Klasse und Familie; im jurist. Sinne (ordinatĭo) ein eine ganze Materie umfassendes Gesetz (z.B. Gerichts O., Prozeß O., Städte O.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

Ordnung- Ordnung, zweckmäßige Zusammenstellung oder Aufeinanderfolge; Hauptabtheilung in einem naturwissenschaftlichen Systeme; im Rechtswesen der Inbegriff rechtlicher Formen bei dem Verfahren in Sachen der Justiz od. Verwaltung …Herders Conversations-Lexikon

Ordnung- Ordnung, Ordo, 1) in der Systematik Kategorie, die einem ⇒ Taxon zugeordnet wird und die eine oder, aufgrund ihrer Ähnlichkeit oder Verwandtschaft, mehrere Familien umfasst. Beispiele: Violales (mit den Familien Violaceae, Veilchengewächse,… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie

Ordnung- 1. Akkuratesse, Disziplin, Klassement, Regime, System, 2. Kollokation, Nomos … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

Ordnung- Auch: Reihenfolge Folge Bsp.: Die Wortstellung (= Wortordnung) in dem Satz ist falsch … Deutsch Wörterbuch

Ordnung- Anordnung; Regelmäßigkeit; Ordnungsprinzip; Systematik; Priorisierung; Bewertung * * * Ord|nung [ɔrdnʊŋ], die; , en: 1. ohne Plural (durch Ordnen hergestellter oder bewahrter) Zustand, in dem sich etwas befindet: eine mustergültige,… … Universal-Lexikon

Ordnung- 1. Alles nach der Ordnung, sagte der Amtmann Schlosser zum Itzik, da lebt er noch. (Emmerdingen in Baden.) – Willkomm, 138. 2. Auss guten Ordnungen werden gemeiniglich Lasstafeln. – Petri, II, 29. 3. Die Ordnung herrscht in Warschau. Nach der... ... Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon


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