
The most poisonous sea snakes. Sea snakes in the Red Sea. Big snakes in the water

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign.

Snakes in a dream mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a dream about snakes predicts illness.

If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures.

If she is aggressive or wiggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you.

Try to take the necessary precautions.

A snake baring its teeth at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for an insult.

If you dream that a snake has wrapped itself in a ring around you and is ready to attack, then your situation is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to free yourself from the snake in your dream. In life, this will help you get out of serious trouble.

If a snake bites you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful.

A dream in which you saw a snake bite someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Beware of enemies and illness. If your conscience is not clear, you face imprisonment.

A dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake ready to attack you means a great danger that you did not see at the very beginning.

If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and escape, then in life you will pass a difficult test with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally come out unscathed. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness.

Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of a quick and successful victory over your ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that a loved one may betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it.

A dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend with snakes visible from behind your back warns: beware of a conspiracy against you.

If in a dream the snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from troubles.

If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should take better care of them so that they do not fall into bad company. Otherwise they are in great danger.

The same thing means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. Some of them may betray you.

Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, the fulfillment of a desire and great honors.

A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they enjoy your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed.

If a dead snake bites you in a dream, then hypocrisy will upset you, and your enemies will triumph.

Seeing a viper in a dream and handling it quite normally foreshadows that you will enter into an arranged marriage, but will not be happy. If you dream that a viper scared you, then beware of the enemy’s revenge.

A dream in which you saw that a snake was relentlessly following you warns that you will be tormented by remorse.

Seeing that a snake has fallen on top of you is a warning about the machinations of a person in power.

Seeing a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will face disputes with partners or discord in the family.

Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you, for the most part, do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and slanderers will not damage your reputation.

Seeing an anaconda (sea boa) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself on all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight to achieve your goal.

Dreams about snakes also include a rare dream about Medusa the Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon is a character Greek mythology. Her image always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could cope with. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. No one could defeat her.

Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. Seeing her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you.

Being the Gorgon Medusa yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over your enemies.

Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity.

If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash actions.

Non-venomous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or a false alarm.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream interpretation of snakes in water

Man has long endowed snakes with unflattering qualities, including danger and envy. Why do you dream about snakes in water? Seeing a reptile in your dreams is most often a bad sign!

A snake is seen as a sign of a bad event, especially if it is in water. In this case, you should pay attention not only to the reptile itself, but also to the feeling that remains.

A calm, peaceful state indicates impending changes and the presence of cautious and cunning enemies. Anxiety and oppression symbolize active opponents and people plotting deceit.

Interpretation according to the dream book

Snake in the water

What you see in dreams can be interpreted in different ways. There are many options that are related not only to the environment, but also to the behavior of the snake.

  • Dream interpretation water snake:
  • To see a reptile curled up in the water in a dream means to find yourself in a very difficult, almost insoluble situation. After such foreshadowings, it is recommended to be patient and try not to make responsible decisions in the near future. Well-wishers, as a rule, will reveal themselves.
  • Snakes swimming underwater mean that a person will be defeated. He will find himself in a serious situation that he cannot figure out without outside help.
  • A reptile biting a person is seen as a loss. A person who had to see such a plot may be accustomed to doing desperate things that will turn against him in the near future.

If you dream of water that is infested with snakes, it means intrigue. As a rule, such dreams indicate confusing situations, especially if you yourself are present in the water. Such a dream also means that a reliable friend has gone over to the enemy side.

Bad and good signs

Dirty water - be careful It has long been believed that if a person saw a snake in water in a dream, then his death is not far off. Perhaps we are talking about the destruction of a family or the loss of valuable property. Reptiles swimming in dirty water - bad sign, foreshadowing involvement in a dangerous adventure due to gossip.

In this case, you need to reconsider your friendships and try not to trust anyone. If you see in a dream a restless snake that swims in clean water , then this is a sign that ill-wishers are acting openly. Often indicates that they will try to confuse you and convince you of good intentions. You shouldn’t trust anyone after such a foreshadowing. A calm reptile in a clean pond swimming towards you promises good things to happen. It's about promoting career ladder or housewarming.

When snakes float up dead in a dream, it is a good sign. A person who had to see such a dream will defeat the attackers. He is full of strength and sanity and is able to answer for his actions. A good sign is also the killing of reptiles in a dream. Seeing this means that prosperity will soon come. If a person killed a snake, then he will be able to independently defeat his enemies, preventing possible consequences their plans.

Writhing snakes in a dream represent remorse. Don’t plan anything after having a dream like this, and try to avoid crowded places.

Why does a woman dream of a snake in the water?

snake with woman in water

A mature woman dreams of a disgusting reptile as a sign of good changes. Soon she will gain financial independence. For a young girl, this portends happiness with her loved one.

If a girl or woman sees a lot of swimming snakes in a dream, then this indicates the presence of betrayal. Take a closer look at your chosen one, perhaps he is deceiving you. Seeing reptiles in a dream is a bad sign! But this may also indicate victory over enemies. What you dreamed should be interpreted based on the sensations that remained after the dream.

Snakes living in water

Many species of snakes are excellent swimmers, but only some of them have chosen water as their home.

The greatest snake in the world - giant anaconda(Eunectes murinus) - received its second name (“water boa”) precisely because of its love for the water element. The anaconda spends its entire life in or near low-flowing bodies of water. In the water, this giant moves very quickly, dives superbly and can not appear on the surface for a long time; at the same time, her nostrils are closed with special valves. Hidden from prying eyes, it lies for a long time almost motionless in warm muddy water and patiently lies in wait for prey: antelopes, monkeys and other animals that come to drink. The color of the anaconda is similar to a camouflage coat: dark spots are located in a checkerboard pattern on a gray-green background, and on the sides there are a number of small light marks surrounded by a dark stripe. The quiet backwaters of small rivers in the Amazon basin with wide leaves of water lilies floating on the surface and threads of algae swaying in the water column are a real paradise for the hunting water boa. Domestic animals can also be victims of the anaconda: pigs, goats, dogs, as well as geese, ducks, large fish and turtles. As you know, all boa constrictors lack poisonous teeth, so they kill their prey by strangulation.

Particularly dramatic are the fights between water boas and no less serious predators - caimans, with whom they are forced to share the same habitat. The anaconda lies in wait for its prey at the very bottom and, seizing the moment, suddenly attacks the crocodile, “hovering” at the surface of the water in its favorite resting position. If the boa constrictor is lucky, he will wrap the rings of his muscular body around the “nibbler” across the body and will squeeze until he cannot breathe. But if the caiman turns out to be more agile, then its deadly jaws will close on the snake’s body, breaking bones.

Due to the fact that all snakes swallow caught prey whole, anacondas do not attack larger animals. Occasionally you can hear about cases of attacks on people, but even if stretched to the limit, the snake’s mouth will not be able to clasp the shoulders of an adult. When preparing for an attack, snakes perfectly compare the dimensions of a potential victim and their own, but from the aquatic environment they can see a person’s body distorted and, accordingly, underestimate its true size. Only the tragic episode cited by R. Blomberg of the death of a local thirteen-year-old boy, swallowed by a giant anaconda, is completely reliable. However, Indian hunters themselves often kill giant anacondas, without fear of being strangled in their deadly embrace.

Anaconda wrapped its coils around the caiman's body

A well-fed snake loves to bask in the sun, but it never goes far from the water, and when its favorite body of water dries out, it crawls to another creek. During periods of severe drought, snakes can fall into life-saving suspended animation, burying themselves in the bottom silt until the rainy season. Under water, such a complex process as molting occurs; at the same time, the snake diligently rubs against bottom snags and stones and gradually pulls off its old skin - crawls out. The larger the snake, the more difficult it is for it to take off its “worn clothes”, but without water, even if high humidity air, shedding occurs in pieces, hard and for a long time.

The largest reliably measured specimen of a giant anaconda came from Colombia and reached 11.43 m, and the weight of this snake monster, according to calculations, exceeded 300 kg.

However, the most specialized group in this regard are members of the family related to cobras. sea ​​snakes(Hydrophidae), living in the seas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are often found in the middle of the ocean, but their favorite habitat is part of the water area no further than 5–6 km from the coast.

In the process of evolution, these reptiles turned into real submariners, rising to the surface only to breathe air. Science knows about 50 species of sea snakes, grouped into 16 genera. Representatives of the subfamily of pintailed sea snakes are able to swim tail first, and even bring their few offspring (1-2 cubs) here, in the water element. The leathery shells of the eggs rupture while still in the female’s birth canal, releasing the babies, who slip directly into the water. The clutch in the water would certainly die, so ovoviviparity allows swallowtails to lead an exclusively aquatic lifestyle and frees them from the need to go to land to lay eggs, as sea turtles do. Interestingly, many representatives of the subfamily have a primitive placenta that connects the embryo with the mother’s body.

The appearance of sea snakes is very peculiar and resembles eel-like fish rather than land-based relatives. A small head with small eyes with a round pupil, covered with round shields and smoothly transitions into the body. The front part of the body is almost cylindrical, and the back is laterally flattened, ending in a wide flat tail that acts as an engine. All representatives of the family are characterized by a decrease or complete absence of expanded abdominal (“walking”) scutes, which were important when moving on a solid substrate, but turned out to be a hindrance when swimming. To improve gliding in the water column, the body of most species of sea snakes is covered both above and below with small identical scales, making the skin soft and elastic. Being excellent swimmers and divers, sea snakes cannot move on land and, when pulled ashore, helplessly writhe and squirm.

In the salty sea ​​water the legendary forked tongue can no longer fulfill its olfactory-tactile role, therefore in sea snakes it is greatly shortened and only its tip is able to protrude from the mouth. The oral mucosa is rich in capillary blood vessels and can absorb oxygen directly from water. This additional aquatic breathing organ allows the snake to stay under water for a long time.

The nostrils are located at the top of the muzzle, which allows reptiles to breathe unhindered, with only the very tip of the nose sticking out of the water. When diving, the nostrils are closed with special valves that prevent water from entering the respiratory tract. The left lung is completely lost, but the right one is so elongated that it continues through the entire body right up to anus and ends with a special bag that serves as a kind of spare container. In addition to the main respiratory function, this unusual lung plays the role of a hydrostatic apparatus, similar to the swim bladder in most fish. Its maximum filling with air reduces specific gravity body of a sea snake and increases its buoyancy.

Sea hunters feed on all kinds of fish, primarily eels.

In addition to actively hunting, snakes can lie in wait for prey using bait. To do this, they spread out on the surface of the water and wait for curious fish to gather around an unfamiliar object, approaching close enough. Then a sudden movement follows - and one of the fish is captured. An interesting fact is that when eating fish with sharp fins, their spiny rays are not digested or excreted by the digestive system, but are pushed out directly through the wall of the snake’s body. Often, a mass of aquatic creatures (for example, barnacles) are attached to the skin or even to the eyes, which the snake can only get rid of by shedding its old skin during molting.

Sea snake

Like land adders, sea snakes have venom glands located in the front of their mouths. The venom of sea snakes is highly toxic - it is stronger than the venom of the viper, king cobra and rattlesnake. This fact is a hunting adaptation to feeding on cold-blooded animals (fish), which are relatively resistant to poisoning. The paired venomous teeth of sea snakes are located at the anterior end of the maxilla. Behind the poisonous fangs on the upper jaw there are small teeth, their number is different types- from 1 to 18. Such “toothiness” allows marine reptiles to more tightly hold slippery and nimble prey. To capture prey, a snake only needs to inject a very small amount of poison into the victim - from 1 to 20 mg in dry weight (0.06–0.12 ml of liquid poison). The poison has a neurotoxic effect, like cobrotoxin, and the prey fish is killed almost instantly.

Sea snakes are not the first to attack divers and do not bite people without special provocation. Asian fishermen who catch fish with nets handle sea serpents without any ceremony, pulling them out with their hands without fear. You can get a poisonous bite if you accidentally step on a snake in the water or grab it sharply, causing pain. Pathological phenomena occur several hours after the bite and are accompanied by moderate dizziness, nausea, weakness and depression. Diagnostic signs are spasm of the masticatory muscles, drooping eyelids, dilated pupils, dryness and burning in the throat. In case of severe intoxication, paralysis of the eye muscles and face occurs, loss of coordination of movements progresses, and signs of respiratory and cardiac dysfunction appear. The victim's skin becomes moist and bluish. If emergency measures are not taken, then after 5–10 hours convulsions begin, and without regaining consciousness, the victim dies from paralysis of the respiratory center. Fortunately, the percentage of fatalities from bites is low, due to the fact that the doses of poison injected into the wound are designed for the size of the fish and are small for humans.

The largest representative of the subfamily is spiral swallowtail(Hydrophis spiralis), reaching a length of 2.7 m. Slightly inferior to it in size graceful swallowtail(N. elegans) lives in the waters of Northern Australia and off Aru Island. The length of large individuals often exceeds 2 m. Other species living in the Indian Ocean and seas South-East Asia, smaller sizes (up to 1–1.5 m). Wonderful spread Luzon swallowtail(N. semperi), which lives in the freshwater Lake Tal, located in the crater of an extinct volcano in the south of the island of Luzon (Philippines). This species is the only sea snake that has adapted to life in fresh water.

Two-color bonito(Pelamis platurus) has the widest distribution range, often found in the open ocean, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest shore. The dark brown, almost black color of the upper side of the body contrasts with the light yellow color of the belly, and on the sides these two colors sharply replace each other. The tail is covered with large dark spots on a light background. In the Indian Ocean, from the Persian Gulf to the Malay Archipelago, there are two species enhydrine(Enhydrina). These snakes, about 1 m long, are very numerous in the eastern part of their range and often stay in large groups, dozens of them ending up in fishing nets. One and a half meter individuals, bright red with black rings astrology(Astrotia stokesii) can be found in giant clusters - for example, in the Strait of Malacca, the length of such a living conglomerate reached 100 km with an average width of 3 m.

Representatives of the second subfamily - flat-tailed sea snakes - still retain some connection with land and are often found far from water. They are oviparous and come ashore to procreate. Most beautiful ringed flattail(Laticauda laticauda), which has a bright blue body with alternating wide black rings. This snake is a frequent visitor to coral reefs and lives in coastal seaweed thickets and in the surf. Two-meter great flattail(L. semifasciata) is hunted by Japanese fishermen. Sea snakes are hunted for their skins and are also used as food, served smoked and fried in Japanese restaurants.

About 30 species of snakes, united in a subfamily, also went into the water element freshwater snakes(Homalopsinae). However, even on land these creatures feel confident due to the fact that the scales covering the body have not undergone significant changes and are similar to those of terrestrial forms. The teeth of the posterior pair of the upper jaws are enlarged, have a groove on the front edge and communicate with the venom-producing gland. Freshwater snakes hunt fish, crustaceans and amphibians, which are instantly paralyzed by poison, but such a bite is harmless to humans.

One of the representatives, called herpeton, or tentacled snake(Herpeton tentaculatum), at the end of the snout there is a pair of scaly tentacles, extended forward in the calm state of the animal. The body of freshwater snakes is often overgrown with filamentous colonies of algae, forming a continuous swaying green cover that hides reptile hunters among the vegetation at the bottom of the reservoir. Such picturesque camouflage persists for a very long time, since the herpeton sheds very rarely. Having been caught and brought ashore, the snake falls into a kind of stupor, freezing and becoming straight and hard, like a stick.

Representatives of another subfamily of snakes - warty snakes(Acrochordinae) - found in swampy estuaries, lagoons, coastal areas and mangroves. On land, these reptiles are even more helpless than sea snakes. Their body is covered with small, non-overlapping triangular scales, loosely adjacent to each other. In the spaces between them, bare skin is noticeable, covered with such a dense network of blood vessels, which suggests that these snakes have the so-called “skin respiration” characteristic of amphibians.

The most common type is Javan warty snake(A. javanicus) - reaches a length of more than 2 m, and for its thickness it is nicknamed “elephant trunk snake” by the population of the coastal regions of Thailand. Females, which are significantly larger than males, produce up to 72 young individuals.

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In interpretations of dream books, a snake in a dream represents not only hidden enemies, but is also a source of wisdom and knowledge. Water is considered a symbol of eternity, emotions, and intuition. To understand why snakes in water dream, you should recreate the dream plot and try to understand secret meaning night message.

In the Wanderer's dream book there is an explanation of why you dream of seeing water snakes in the water. So, according to the dream interpreter, the image seen indicates a danger associated with the past of the sleeping person. To dream of a large white reptile symbolizes destructive, dangerous knowledge.

The noble dream book, a plot about a large floating water viper, is associated with the danger of plunging into melancholy; if there are many of them, be prepared for stressful situation. At that time, watching a large water snake crawl out of a reservoir promises recovery and improved health.

Seeing that there are many small snakes swimming in the river or a whole brood of aggressive creatures means that unexpected problems will appear in the current enterprise. It is possible that their occurrence will be associated with the machinations of ill-wishers.

Snake bite - warns of conflicts

If you dreamed that an aquatic reptile bit you, it means that danger from the water element is coming. Snakes in the water bite your leg - someone is trying to manipulate you. Moreover, the influence is extremely bad and destructive.

Fighting in a dream with a huge anaconda that has bitten you several times warns of negative emotions. Perhaps the coming emotional outburst will prevent the plans that the sleeping person has been preparing for a long time from being realized. In some cases, the image of a huge snake symbolizes an authoritative person, and if in a dream the animal was able to make several bites, it means that a conflict with an employer or business partner is likely.

If a man dreams that a snake sank under water while swimming in a pond, it means that on the eve there will be an opportunity to significantly increase capital or get a promotion.

The state of the reservoir as an indicator of the environment

Some dream books are sure that most often a woman or girl dreams of snakes in water as a favorable sign. If these creatures swam in a clean and transparent river, get ready to gain independence (financial, emotional). If you saw a cobra in a dream, take a closer look at your chosen one.

But swimming in a muddy, dirty river with reptiles swimming in it promises retribution for making a mistake in a relationship with a man. In a dream, many small reptiles warn a young lady about evil envious women who spread false information about the dreamer, which can greatly damage the relationship with her lover.

What color were the vipers?

Interpreting what dreams of snakes in water mean, the Modern Combined Dream Book pays close attention to the color of reptiles. So:

  • a dream about a black snake indicates the dreamer’s fears. Sometimes similar plot symbolizes the betrayal of a loved one.
  • cutting off the head of a black adder in a dream means overcoming obsessive phobias.
  • a green viper in a dream, according to the dream book, is considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, getting rid of illness, addiction, and bad habits. Married girls, a green snake in water (clean and transparent), broadcasts pregnancy.
  • seeing a yellow reptile predicts illness, malice and deception.
  • If you dreamed that you were bitten by a red adder, get ready to suppress negative emotions.

Interpretation of sleep in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller associates the image of snakes in the water with the dreamer’s worries, which will soon be replaced by bright joy. A dream in which creeping creatures managed to sting a character, according to the dream book, indicates that your concern is not groundless.

Night vision of a snake in the water - not a good sign. The dream warns of future events, which, for the most part, will negatively affect the dreamer's life.

The exact interpretation of a dream is influenced by details such as appearance, her actions, as well as the feelings that overwhelmed the person in the dream. It is necessary to try to remember everything you saw down to the smallest detail, and, based on the meaning, prepare to meet possible difficulties.

Snake in the water for a woman

A snake that swims in the water means for an adult woman independence from her husband in the financial sphere.

In addition, the dream indicates a previously made mistake in a relationship with a man, for which you will have to pay dearly.

If in a dream a woman steps on a reptile under water, she is destined for happy moments in her personal life.

Snake in the water for a girl

A young girl who sees a snake in the water should be wary of her chosen one. Probably, the man betrays her.

Snake in the water for a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a snake in the water, she needs to prepare for.

Snake in the water for a man

For a representative of the stronger half, a dream where he sees a snake under water is considered a good harbinger. A quick career advancement or to more favorable conditions is possible.

If there are several snakes under water, then in this case a man should be on his guard - there is an unfaithful woman around him who will stop at nothing to achieve her insidious goals.

A large fish swimming peacefully underwater warns a man about presence of a strong enemy, which is capable of emotionally destroying the dreamer.

Snakes in the water bite

Warns a person about possible great danger associated with water. It is worthwhile to avoid bodies of water, water and anything related to the element of water for a while.

If a snake bites a sleeping person in one of the limbs (or several at once), then the sleeping person should pay attention to the behavior of his loved ones. It can be argued that there are individuals who skillfully manipulated the dreamer and have a negative impact on him.

Snakes in dirty water

A dream in which an animal swims in - bad sign.

The dreamer may very soon find himself drawn into a dangerous adventure, and his life will be entangled in gossip and intrigue.

Such a dream indicates to a person that, without knowing it, he has allowed false friends into his life, who in fact cannot be trusted under any circumstances.

Snakes in clear water

The dream draws the dreamer's attention to the fact that his enemies and enemies are waging an open fight. As a rule, a vision warns of the imminent appearance of a person who will strongly convince the sleeper of his good intentions.

However, such a dream warns that you can't trust this person. It is better to limit communication with him as much as possible.

Swim with snakes

A dream in which a person is sleeping or is simply in any body of water, and snakes are swimming around him, predicts confusing situations, misadventures at work, conflicts in the family or team.

Anyone who has seen such a dream should take a close look at the attitude of those around him towards his person.

Another interpretation of such a dream is the betrayal of a close friend.

The more snakes there are in the water next to the dreamer, the larger his troubles will be.

Kill a snake in the water

If in a dream a person is floating in a pond, in reality the person will find himself involved in a conflict with someone close to you. During the collision, casualties are possible on the part of the sleeping person in the form of loss of friends, deterioration of well-being, and emotional disorders. However, over time, there is a chance for reconciliation.

Snakes in water and on land

Snakes that appear in a dream, some of which are in the water and others on land, speak of approaching depression associated with betrayal.

Snakes in different elements talk about hypocrisy and lies from the closest people. Perhaps, in the distant past, a person committed an act that his best friend or closest relative still cannot forget and seeks revenge.

A snake curled up in a ring underwater

This vision predicts the emergence complex, confusing situation, from which it will be incredibly difficult to get out.

It is likely that the dreamer’s reputation will be under threat and to preserve it it will be necessary to show maximum tolerance, not commit rash acts and temporarily not make fateful decisions.

Many snakes in the water

under water indicates sadness, melancholy and apathy that the dreamer will experience in the near future.

It will seem that those around have lost interest in the person and have ceased to understand him. Such a dream is a stern warning for a person that he needs to consult a specialist for help in overcoming depression.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of serious mental and psychological disorders.

Green snake underwater

A dream that floats peacefully underwater promises the dreamer a quick getting rid of bad habits and troublesome worries.

A green snake entwined around the dreamer’s body under water indicates the impossibility of further development because of the harsh principles of life. The dream suggests that you need to reconsider your established views on life and start moving on.

The green snake foreshadows the spiritual healing of a person.

Dead snake

Lying on the surface of the water, allows the dreamer take a break from troubles. The danger was over, the enemies retreated, the emotional state returned to normal, and the troubles and problems were resolved.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream interpreter, the snake, in any of its manifestations, is a warning about the imminent appearance of an enemy in the dreamer’s life, and the result of such an acquaintance directly depends on whether the snake was poisonous.

If you dreamed of a poisonous snake, it means that you will not be able to defeat your enemy, but if the snake did not pose a danger, then the person will be able to deal a crushing blow to the enemy.

According to Vanga’s dream book, it indicates the betrayal of a friend or relative, whom the dreamer unconditionally trusts. Perhaps this person’s duplicity has been trying to break out for a long time, but the sleeper does not want to accept it under any pretext.

A ball of snakes, whether on land or under water, indicates the envy of others and their desire to harm the sleeping person.

A dream in which there is huge snake, according to the clairvoyant, portends a fatal illness of a loved one or loved one dreamer. In addition, it may portend dramatic changes throughout the world towards chaos and evil.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's interpretation of dreams in which this animal is present always comes down to to something bad. Often, such visions warn a person, indicating to him the possible occurrence of negative and, at times, dangerous events in his life.

Being in water or on land in a circle of snakes indicates that the dreamer is in the center of hypocrisy, lies and deceit.

Pass or swim past a snake means a subconscious, and sometimes justified fear for one’s own health and well-being. The person who sees such a dream should pay maximum attention to his physical and emotional state, preventing the development of any serious diseases.

In a dream, it prepares the dreamer for a situation where he will have to show maximum determination and confidence, which will help in the future to win the respect of others.

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