
Technology situation in dou abstract. GCD summary using the "Situation" technology lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. in technology "Situation"


Cognition lesson notes


in the senior group "Smile" .


Svirida Elena Vasilievna


January 2017

Topic of the lesson: “ THEATERS AND MUSEUMS OF MOSCOW »

Purpose of the lesson:

introduce children to the famous Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, and throughout the world, the Puppet Theater named after. S. V. Obraztsov and the State Tretyakov Gallery;

introduce the rules of behavior when visiting them;

introduce children to Russian national culture;

contribute to the development of aesthetic taste.

Materials for the lesson:

illustrations depicting the Bolshoi Theatre, Puppet Theatre, State Tretyakov Gallery; recording of an excerpt from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “Iolanta” - “Hymn to the Light”; recordings of excerpts (swan dances)" 2 action "Coda" (end); reproductions from the paintings “Morning in a Pine Forest” by I.I. Shishkina, “Moscow courtyard” by V.D. Polenov.

Progress of the educational situation:

. 1. Introduction to the situation .

Didactic tasks:motivate children to join the playgroundactivity.

Guys, which of you has been to Moscow?

Who was in the Kremlin and Red Square?

Today we will continue our walk around the city. Moscow is beautiful, there are many interesting places in it. You can’t tell us everything. Today we will visit the three most famous sights of Moscow.

Let's make a plan for our excursion. Do you want it? Can you?

- 2. Updating knowledge .

Didactic tasks: update children's knowledge about what can be seen in the theater and what in the gallery.

We must determine what and where we will look.

There are three illustrations on the table: the buildings of the Bolshoi Theater, the Puppet Theater and the Tretyakov Gallery. As well as pictures depicting ballerinas, opera, dolls and reproductions of paintings.

3. Difficulty in the situation

Didactic tasks:

create motivationionic situation to overcome the difficulty;

to form the experience of fixing a difficulty and understanding its causeunder the guidance of a teacher.

Determine where and what to watch.

Children lay out some of the pictures, but have difficulty with others.

Were you able to sort out the pictures and find out what and where you can see? Why?

So what do we need to know? How can we find out? (ask the teacher, look in the encyclopedia, look on the Internet, etc.)

4. Discovery of new knowledge .

Didactic tasks:

form the experience of independent discovery and emotionalth experience of the joy of discovery;

tell children about puppet theater;

listen to an excerpt from the opera;

imagine yourself as a ballerina;

5) organize active recreation for children.

There are many children's theaters in Moscow, for example: the puppet theater named after S.V. Obraztsov. There is a clock on the facade of the theater. Every hour they beat, the windows open and animals appear playing musical instruments: a bear on cymbals, a pig on a drum, a goat on an accordion, a ram on a balalaika... (showing an illustration of a clock).

At 12 noon all windows open, at other times - one at a time. The theater has a museum of dolls that were brought here from many countries around the world.

There are theaters for children, and there are also for adults. Your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers visit them with pleasure. As you grow up, you too will go to these theaters.

Today you will learn about one of the most famous theaters in the world. He is located in Moscow. This is the Bolshoi Theater. Remember this beautiful white building with high columns, at the top of the building there is a sculptural composition: a man in a chariot controls four horses.

The Bolshoi Theater is an opera and ballet theater. Imagine, spectators have gathered in the large auditorium of a large theater. The lights go down, the music plays, and the curtain opens. The actors appear on stage.

There will be music throughout the performance. The actors will sing to it throughout the performance.

I suggest you listen to an excerpt from one very famous opera. It tells about a girl named Iolanta.

Iolanta lived on the seashore in a house that looked like a palace. Near the house there was a marvelous garden in which bushes of beautiful roses grew - white and red. Unfortunately, Iolanta could not see this beauty - she was blind.

……One fine day a young man appears. He tells a blind girl what it means to see. How beautiful is the shine of the sun and the radiance of the stars. Sea in a blue splash." Only in sunlight can you experience and enjoy the beauty of nature!

Now you will hear a conversation between a young man and a girl. But in opera there is no conversation that is familiar to you and me. You will hear music and two people singing to it.

So, listen to “Hymn to the Light.”

Do you know who composes the music? (Composer)

The music for the opera “Iolanta” was written by the famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The opera ends very well. The girl is cured by a doctor. Having regained her sight, she sees the world with amazement and delight, recognizes her father, loved ones and a beautiful young man who will henceforth be her protector.

You can watch ballet at the Bolshoi Theater.

What is ballet? Ballet, like opera, is a performance set to music.

Throughout the performance, music is played, and the ballet dancers dance to it.

I suggest you listen to the music from the ballet “Swan Lake”. And it was written by the same composer - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

“Swan Lake” is a fairy tale about how an evil sorcerer turned beautiful girls into swans. But every night his magic lost its power, and the swans became girls again, and at dawn they turned into swans again. This is the beginning of the fairy tale.

What do you think a ballerina looks like performing a swan dance? This is a thin, flexible girl in a beautiful white dress, similar to the plumage of a swan. When dancing, a ballerina often stands on tiptoes (we are looking at a reproduction of the painting “Ballerina”).

When you listen to ballet music, try to imagine a dancing ballerina - a swan.

Imagine: there is a lake in the tennis forest. The moon is reflected in the blue masonry of water. Beautiful white swans swim across the lake. They swim to the shore and turn into girls. Girls dance on the shore of the lake - sad dances.

Physical education:

Imagine that you are ballet dancers.

How would you dance to the music that is playing?

I hand out ribbons to the children. Children dance to the music.

So, today we learned a lot about the Bolshoi Theater. Besides the Bolshoi, there are many other theaters in Moscow.

Our city is famous for its museums.

Have you ever been to a museum?

What did you see there?

There are many different museums in Moscow. I'll tell you about one of them. It's called the Tretyakov Gallery.

Presentation "Tretyakov Gallery".

Try to remember this beautiful red and white building. in front of the building we see a sculpture - this is a monument to P.M. Tretyakov.

Tretyakov lived a long time ago. He really likes the paintings of Russian master artists, so he collected them.

Tretyakov built a large house and housed his collection in it. He wanted to. So that all people can see the paintings and admire their beauty.

There are many halls in the gallery, and there are many paintings in the halls. To see them all, one will not be enough.

Now I will show you several reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists that are exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery.

The first rays of the sun barely break through the tall pines. Little bear cubs are already frolicking with might and main on the fallen tree. A caring mother bear is watching them. She has a very stern, menacing appearance. Why didn't the kids please her? Maybe they got too noisy? In one of the gallery halls you can see this painting; it is much larger than its reproduction, and the bears in it look like they are alive.

This is what one of the Moscow courtyards looked like more than 100 years ago: low wooden houses, narrow paths.

What do we see in the yard? -What can you see there, in the distance?

There is a conversation about the paintings, questions are asked to the children...

This is all I wanted to tell you about the Bolshoi Theater and the Tretyakov Gallery, which are located in Moscow, and I advise you to visit there and see this beauty with your own eyes.

We now know where and what we can see and will be able to complete the task. Children lay out pictures and talk. (At the puppet theater we watch puppet shows, at the Bolshoi Theater we listen to opera and watch ballet, at the Tretyakov Gallery we watch paintings.)

. 5. Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system .

Didactic tasks:

consolidate children's knowledge of where to see paintings and where to listen to opera.

Open the notebooks to the bookmark and turn the page forward. (Lesson 20 page 36).

Whose portrait are we seeing? What can you say about this person? Connect the portrait with the gallery.

What is the name of the next building? What can you listen to or see there? Connect the Bolshoi Theater and the Opera.

Well done, close your notebooks.

6. Understanding.

Didactic tasks: restore in children's memory what they arelali, create a situation of success.

Children gather around the teacher.

Popular wisdom says: “Who has not been to Moscow. I haven’t seen beauty.” What does this mean?

What theaters and museums did we visit today?

Barynina Irina
Summary of a lesson in technology “Situation” in the senior group

Subject: “Why do the leaves turn yellow?” (cognitive)

Age group: preparatory to school (6-7 years)


1) Develop children’s ideas about the signs of autumn.

2) Teach children to correlate the description of nature in poetry with a certain time of year.

3) Investigate the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, leaf structure, experimentally, and draw a conclusion about the presence of green matter in the leaves.

4) Consolidate knowledge about the shape of leaves and their meaning for a tree.

5) During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.

6) Develop attention, coherent speech, mental operations (reasoning, proof, building sentences, establishing cause-and-effect relationships).

Practice the ability to make applique from leaves.

Foster curiosity and a desire to explore nature.

Progress of the educational situation:

The music of the forest is playing...

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are now going into the forest.

Listen to the poem and tell me which forest we ended up in?

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there through the foliage

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun.

Educator: That's right, we ended up in the autumn forest (slide - forest).

Let's listen to the forest and identify its sounds. Let's close our eyes, it's better to listen and hear. (Audio recording plays "Sounds of the autumn forest").

Updating knowledge and skills.

-Imagine: dry leaves rustle underfoot, the wind blows, leaves fall from the trees and swirl in the air, there is a whole carpet of leaves underfoot.

Why are there so many leaves? (leaf fall has begun) What is leaf fall? (children's answers).

Autumn is a very beautiful time of year, because the trees change their green outfits to multi-colored ones.

Educator: What signs of autumn do you know?

-Children: birds fly away to warmer climes; It often rains, cloudy, cold; people wear warm clothes (boots, jackets, hats); In autumn, the gardens and vegetable gardens are harvested, the days have become shorter and the nights have become longer; Leaves fall from the trees and leaf fall begins.

Educator: Well done!

Severe frosts are still far away, but the trees are already beginning to gradually shed their leaves. Preparations are underway for leaf fall. Amazing transformations occur in the leaves. Leaves begin to turn yellow (slide yellow sheet).

Do you know why the leaves turn yellow? How does leaf fall occur? Why do trees shed their leaves and how do they fall? Would you like to know? (children's answers)

Discovery of new knowledge.

1) Study of the structure of a leaf using a magnifying glass.

Let's look at how a sheet is constructed. And in order to take a better look, we will use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass.

Let's first consider the petiole - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.

Now look at the top surface of the sheet. You see the veins - thin tubes that run from the petiole along the entire leaf; through these veins the leaves receive moisture. The edge of the sheet is called "edge". Examine the edge of the sheet. The tip of the leaf can be sharp or rounded. Look at it and tell me what it is like on your leaf.

What can be done conclusion: Leaves have a petiole that connects the leaf to the branch and veins through which the leaves receive moisture.

Why do the leaves turn yellow in the fall? The fact is that the leaves are green due to the green substance. Now let's conduct an experiment and see this substance (slide green leaf).

2) Experience “Why is the leaf green?”

Take a piece of paper and place it inside a piece of white fabric folded in half. Now use a wooden cube to firmly tap the leaf through the fabric. What did you discover during the experiment? Green spots appeared on the fabric. This is the green substance from the leaf and colors it green. It's called chlorophyll. (For this experiment it is better to take succulent leaves of indoor plants). With the arrival of autumn it becomes colder, less water enters the leaves, less sunlight, the green substance chlorophyll ceases to be produced and the leaves change color.

Physical education minute.

"We are autumn leaves"

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew. (Hands to the sides.)

We were flying, we were flying (Let's run)

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down.)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves. (Smoothly swing your arms above your head.)

Spun and flew (Let's run)

And they sat down on the ground again. (Children sit down).

3) How does leaf fall occur? (slide leaf fall).

One of the reasons why autumn leaves fall is to prepare the plant for the cold season. In summer, the leaf petioles are firmly attached to the branches. And in the fall? The more the leaf turns yellow or red, the easier it breaks off. And there comes a moment when you just touch the leaf and it immediately falls from the branch along with the petiole.

It turns out that in the fall, a so-called cork layer appeared at the base of the petiole, in the place where it is attached to the branch. He, like a partition, separated the petiole from the branch. Now only a few thin fibers connect the leaf petiole to the branch. Even a slight breath of wind breaks these fibers. Leaves are falling.

Children take a magnifying glass and examine the petiole.

Conclusion: in autumn, leaves fall off easily because a corky layer appears at the base of the petiole, which separates the petiole from the branch (slide).

4) Game "As the Leaves Fall".

On your walks, have you noticed that leaves fall from trees in different ways? Let's conduct an experiment in order to find out which leaves fall quickly and which slowly, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin. To do this, take a sheet of paper in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, watch its flight carefully and remember

Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, watch its flight carefully and remember: Did he fall quickly or slowly, fly straight down or spin?

What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment? Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly spin. Small leaves fall faster and swirl more.

Inclusion of new knowledge into the system of knowledge and skills.

Collective application "Early Autumn".

In front of the children are leaves of different colors and images of trees without leaves.

Where will you glue the green leaves? (on a tree)

Why? (because its petiole is still firmly attached to the branch)

Where will you glue the yellow and red leaves? (on the ground, in the air, depicting leaf fall).

Why? (yellow leaves fall off easily because a cork layer appears at the base of the petiole, which separates the petiole from the branch).


The teacher gathers the children around him.

-Where have you been today?

– What useful things did you do and learn?

The teacher praises the children and says that they had a good walk through the autumn forest, were real researchers, learned to do real experiments and learned how a leaf works, why it turns yellow and falls off in the fall.

Publications on the topic:

Development of a scenario using the “Situation” technology for artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group “Drawing a Bear” Development of a scenario using the “Situation” technology for artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group on the topic “Drawing a Bear” Completed by:

Summary of an integrated lesson in a senior group using gaming technology “In Search of the Golden Key” MBDOU General Kindergarten No. 106 “Lazurny” Municipal formation of the city district of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. Summary of the integrated.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group using the “Situation” technology of the training type “Gift for Maxim” Compiled by the teacher.

Abstract of OOD on artistic and aesthetic development in the “Situation” technology in the senior group “Fair of Painted Toys” Type of situation: discovery of new knowledge. Topic: “Fair of Painted Toys” Goal: to develop the ability to paint a three-dimensional form with Dymkovo elements.

Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts based on the “Situation” technology. Full name of teacher Slepchenko Evgenia Anatolyevn Preschool organization MBDOU D/S 7 “Ivushka” Topic: “Number 10” (Cognitive development) Age.

Summary of a lesson on speech development using TRIZ technology in the senior group “Save the Enchanted Princess” Goal: development of coherent speech Objectives: - teach children to purposefully, sequentially examine individual episodes of the picture; -develop.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group using Voskobovich’s technology “How a spider got a parachute.” Goal: creating conditions for developing the ability to invent, design and name the contours of objects, talk about them; lay out the outline.

Summary of a lesson in technology “Situation” in the senior group “Dunno visiting the guys. Traffic regulations" Lesson notes in technology “Situation” for the senior group

Shmidt Tatyana Nikolaevna


MBDOU kindergarten No. 27 “Beryozka”, Shchelkovo municipal district

Technology of the active method “Situation”


“A teacher is a ray of sunshine for a young soul,

which cannot be replaced by anything else"

Sukhomlinsky V.A.

A teacher working in the technology of the activity method “Situation” does not simply explain new knowledge, but creates a situation where children themselves “discover” it for themselves or gain experience in independently performing individual steps of discovery. And the teacher at the same time ceases to perform simply informational functions, but becomes an organizer, assistant and consultant in the independent cognitive activity of children.

And it is the “Situation” technology that allows you to create conditions for the self-development of a preschooler’s personality, develop communication skills, and activate children’s speech activity. In accordance with this, the main result of education is the mastery of universal learning activities (ULA), which are defined as “the ability to learn, the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.”

In our institution, we have been using this technology since September 2016. At the beginning of the year, after conducting diagnostics, we saw that children were not good at setting “children’s” goals. And when faced with a difficulty, not all children can fix it and find the reasons. This is very important, because the child’s difficulty in his own activities gives him the opportunity: to understand what he does not yet know, cannot do; learn to deal constructively with difficulties; translate problems into tasks; gain experience in successfully overcoming difficulties in everyday life; develop positive self-esteem; learn to correctly formulate the causes of various difficulties; develop a sense of responsibility for your actions.

The entire scientific basis of the program and methodological complex “World of Discovery” is the system of didactic principles of the activity method of Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson:

  • psychological comfort
  • activities
  • minimax
  • integrity
  • variability
  • creativity
  • continuity

Each of these principles is unique, but they all act as an integral system that allows you to create a single developing educational space.

The principle of psychological comfort

The principle of psychological comfort is fundamental, since the emotional atmosphere prevailing in kindergarten directly affects the psychophysical health of children. This principle involves creating a trusting atmosphere and minimizing stress factors in the educational process.

The teacher acts as an older friend, mentor, partner, organizer, and assistant. Its task is to develop and maintain in children curiosity, keen interest, initiative, independence, and a sense of the importance of everyone in the large and small matters of the group.

Operating principle

The principle of activity is as follows: the main emphasis is on organizing children's “discoveries” in the process of various types of children’s activities (play, communication, research, etc.); The teacher acts, first of all, as an organizer of the educational process.

Minimax principle

By simulating various educational situations, the teacher offers children tasks at a fairly high (but feasible for them) level of difficulty. Some of the children will be able to solve the problem (complete the task) independently; some will need leading questions; and some of the children will still be able to complete the “showing” task.

Each child, trying to reach his maximum, will certainly master the basic part of the educational program, which is mandatory for further movement forward, in the optimal version for himself.

Principle of integrity

When talking about a preschooler, it is important to keep in mind that he learns not only and not so much in class, but in free activity. Therefore, when organizing the educational process, one cannot limit it only to classes, ignoring communication with family, leisure, holidays, and independent activities of preschoolers.

The principle of integrity ensures the systematization of the child’s ideas about the world around him and about himself.

The principle of variability

The principle of variability provides for the systematic provision of children with the opportunity to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication, information, methods of action, behavior, evaluation, etc.

The teacher listens to all the children’s answers and does not deprive the child of the right to make mistakes. When creating problematic situations, the adult encourages children to put forward more and more new hypotheses, inviting everyone to speak out. At the same time, it is important that children not just offer different solutions, but try to justify their choice.

The principle of creativity

The principle of creativity orients the entire educational process towards supporting various forms of children's creativity, co-creation between children and adults. Playing, singing, dancing, drawing, appliqué, designing, theatrical performance, communication - all this is not just the everyday reality of kindergarten life - these are necessary conditions for the development of the creative abilities and imagination of every child. Children participate in individual or group activities where they invent and create something new.

The principle of continuity.

The implementation of the principle of continuity is necessary to ensure continuity in content, technology, and methods not only between kindergarten and primary school, but also the formation of common approaches to the upbringing and development of a child at the level of public and family educational institutions.

Technology of the activity method “Situation”

"You can't teach a person something, you can

just help him make a discovery for himself"

Galileo Galilei

The essence of this technology is to organize developmental situations with children based on the use of general cultural knowledge about the laws of effective activity, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers. Hence the name of the technology – “Situation”, since it is based on the various situations that children encounter during the day.

Stages of classes for “discovering” new knowledge

in technology "Situation"

1. Introduction to the situation

At this stage, conditions are created for children to develop an internal need (motivation) to participate in activities. Children record what they want to do, the so-called "children's" goal .

To do this, the teacher, as a rule, includes children in a conversation that is necessarily related to their life experience and is personally significant for them.

The key phrases for completing the stage are the questions: “Do you want to?”, “Can you?”.

It is important to understand that a “children’s” goal has nothing to do with an educational (“adult”) goal.

By asking questions in sequence (“Do you want?” – “Can you?”), the teacher purposefully builds children’s faith in their own strengths. As a result, the child learns important life attitudes: “If I really want something, I can definitely do it,” “I believe in my strength,” “I can do anything, I can overcome anything, I can do anything!”

Thus, at the “Introduction to the situation” stage, a methodologically sound motivation mechanism (“need” – “want” – “can”) is fully activated.

2. Updating knowledge and skills

At this stage, in the course of joint activities with children, built within the framework of the implementation of the “children’s” goal, the teacher directs the children’s activities, in which the mental operations, as well as the knowledge and experience of the children, which they need for a new “discovery,” are purposefully updated.

Children develop experience in understanding the purpose of an activity, interacting with peers, coordinating actions, identifying and correcting their mistakes. At the same time, children are in their own semantic space (a game plot, for example), moving towards their “childish” goal and do not even realize that the teacher, as a competent organizer, is leading them to new “discoveries.”

3. Difficulty in the situation

This stage is key. Here we model a situation in which children are faced with a difficulty and in order to achieve their “childish” goal the child needs to perform some action that is based on that new knowledge (concept or method of action) that the child has yet to “discover” and which he currently has it is still missing. This raises a difficulty. The teacher, using a system of questions (“Could you?” - “Why couldn’t you?”) helps children gain experience in recording the difficulty and identifying its cause.

Since the difficulty is personally significant for each child (it interferes with the achievement of his “childish” goal), children have an internal need to overcome it, that is, now a new goal associated with cognition (an educational task correlated with an “adult” goal ).

In early preschool age, at the end of this stage, the teacher himself voices the goal of further cognitive activity in the form “Well done, you guessed correctly! So, we need to find out...” On the basis of this experience (“we need to know”), in older groups the formation of the ability to learn appears - the question: “What do we need to learn now?” It is at this moment that children acquire the primary experience of consciously setting an educational goal for themselves.

4. “Discovery” of new knowledge (way of action)

At this stage, the teacher involves children in the process of independent search and “discovery” of new knowledge, solving problematic issues.

First, the teacher encourages the children to choose a way to overcome the difficulty. In early preschool age, the main ways to overcome difficulties are to “try to guess for yourself” and/or “ask someone who knows.” In older preschool age, a new method is added - “look in a book,” “come up with it yourself, and then test yourself using a model.” The teacher organizes the construction of new knowledge (way of action), which is recorded by the children in speech and, possibly, in signs. Thus, children gain experience in choosing a way to overcome a difficulty, putting forward and justifying hypotheses, and “discovering” new knowledge - for now by guessing.

5. Inclusion of new knowledge (method of action) into the child’s knowledge system

At this stage, the teacher offers various types of activities in which new knowledge or a method of action is used in conjunction with previously mastered ones, or in changed conditions.

At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the children’s ability to listen, understand and repeat the adult’s instructions, and plan their activities (for example, in older preschool age, questions like: “What will you do now? How will you complete the task?”).

The use at this stage of such forms of organizing children's activities, when children work in pairs or small groups for a common result, allows preschoolers to develop cultural communication skills and communication skills.

6. Reflection

At this stage, the achievement of the goal is recorded and the conditions that made it possible to achieve this goal are determined.

Using a system of questions: “Where were you?”, “What were you doing?”, “Who did you help?” – the teacher helps children comprehend their activities and record the achievement of the “children’s” goal. And then, with the help of questions: “How was it possible?”, “What did you do to achieve the goal?”, “What knowledge (skills, personal qualities) were useful?” – leads children to the conclusion that they achieved their (“children’s”) goal due to the fact that they learned something, learned something, showed themselves in a certain way, that is, brings together the “children’s” and “adult” goals (“Succeeded ... because they found out (learned)...").

To summarize, we can say that the “Situation” technology is a tool for the systematic and holistic formation of preschoolers’ primary experience in performing the entire complex of universal educational actions.

As a result of using the technology of the activity method “Situation”, children began to be able to record what they want to do (set a “children’s goal”). It should be noted that a “children’s” goal is something that the child “wants” to do and has nothing to do with an educational (“adult”) goal. And with the help of the teacher and the system of questions “Could you?” - “Why couldn’t they?” We help children gain experience in identifying difficulties and identifying their causes.

Children are happy to be involved in the process of independently searching and discovering new knowledge that solves a previously encountered difficulty. They offer various options where you can gain new knowledge. Choose the one that is best suited at the moment. Gain this new knowledge or way of acting. And they continue their movement towards the goal from the moment where they had difficulty.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the use of the technology of the activity method “Situation” has a beneficial effect on the educational process in our group. We see the shining eyes of our children, full of desires to learn something new and interesting. And if the children like it, it means we are doing everything right!

Literature used:

  1. Methodological recommendations for the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “World of Discovery” // Scientific director Peterson L.G. / Under the general editorship of Peterson L.G., Lykova I.A. – M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2012. – 240 p.
  2. Approximate basic educational program for preschool education “World of Discovery”. Scientific hands L.G. Peterson / Under the general editorship. L.G. Peterson, I.A. Lykova. - M.: Publishing House "Tsvetnoy Mir", 2015. - 336 p. 3rd edition, revised. and additional

Educational situation scenario

Full name teacher: Blinova Olga Alekseevna, physical education instructor.

Type of educational situation:"Discovery of new knowledge"

Educational area:"Physical development"

Age group: second junior group

Subject:"The little hare got lost"

Target: introducing children to a new type of exercise: “Throwing objects into the distance with the right and left hand”



1. Learn to throw bags (cones) into the distance with your right and left hands.

2. Improve children’s ability to walk in a column by completing the teacher’s tasks

(raising your legs high, walk around objects like a snake); outdoor switchgear implementation skills.

3. Strengthen the ability to maintain balance when walking on a limited surface; ability to step over bars.


Develop basic physical qualities: agility, coordination, endurance, balance; need for physical activity; positive emotional reaction to physical activity.


To foster in children friendly relationships with each other, a desire to help those in difficult situations.

Logical basis of the educational situation:

1.The main educational goal. Learn to throw into the distance with your right and left hands.

  1. New knowledge = childhood discovery - the ability to throw with the right and left hand into the distance.
  2. What concepts and methods of action need to be updated?- various types of walking, exercises in maintaining balance, stepping over bars.

4.The reason for the children's difficulty- ignorance of the method of throwing with the right and left hands into the distance.

  1. Purpose of activity children to overcome difficulties- learn to throw with your right and left hands into the distance.

Materials for the lesson:

Demo: bunny toy, mother bunny, house, basket with carrots

Handouts: multi-colored leaves, throwing bags.

Equipment: 20 cm wide board, stepping stones, rope, racks, soft modules.

Sound design: phonogram “crying”, music to accompany the productive activities of children.

Progress of the educational situation

1. Introduction to the situation

Target. Motivate children to participate in activities.

Children enter the hall, the physical education instructor gathers around him.

Guys, have you been to the forest? (Yes)

Who lives in the forest? (hare, fox, bear, squirrel, etc.)

Guys, I hear that someone is crying, but do you hear? (Yes)

Let's find out who's crying? (Let's)

Follow me, you must walk quietly so as not to scare me.

Walking one after another in a column one at a time.

They go and find a bunny.

Hello little bunny! Guys, say hello to the bunny. Little bunny, why are you the only one who has gone so far from your mother? The bunny told me that it had become difficult to get food in the forest. And the magpie spread throughout the forest that there were a lot of carrots and cabbage growing in the garden. So the little bunny decided to run for vegetables.

Guys, is it really possible to go on such a long journey alone? (No)

And without telling anyone about it, without asking permission? (You can't do that)

That's not right. Bunny - the mother can’t find a place for herself, the little bunny is looking for you. Run home to the forest quickly. How come you don't know the way home?

Guys, can we help the bunny find his way to the forest? (Yes)

Can you? (Yes)

2. Updating knowledge

Target. A to actualize the skills to perform different types of walking on toes, “snake”, running in a column, and performing outdoor switchgear.

Guys, since we are going to the mother hare, and it’s customary for people to bring gifts when visiting, I think you won’t mind if we take a basket of carrots? (Yes)

Everyone stand behind me.

Walking one after another.

The path is becoming narrower.

Walking on toes.

The little bunny ran far, it's a long way to go. The closer to the forest, the more trees. And we will go around them: birch, oak, pine.

Snake walking.

What's on the path?

Can't you see? (No)

Let's go quickly and see what's there.

Run after each other. Normal walking. Exercise to restore breathing.

Guys, it was the wind that scattered the leaves on the path. Let's show the bunny how we can play with leaves.

Do you agree? (Yes)

Outdoor switchgear complex with leaves.

Let's show you our leaves.

I.p.: legs together, hands with a leaf below.

1 - raise your hands with the leaf up, stretch, look at the leaf;

2—i. p. (5 times)

Little naughty leaf.

I.p.: feet hip-width apart, hands behind the back, leaf in the right hand.

1—hands with a leaf up through the sides;

2— return to i. p., transfer the leaf to the other hand. (5 times)

Leaf, get our legs.

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, leaf in bent arms near the chest.

1 - tilt to the right leg, touch with a leaf;

2—i. p. (6 times)

Let's hide the leaf.

I.p.: sitting legs apart, leaf in bent arms near the chest.

1 - bend forward, put a leaf, move your legs;

2—i. n. No leaf

3 -spread your legs, bend over and take a leaf.

4 - i. p. Here he is.

Let's sit down with a leaf

1 - sit down leaf forward;

2—i. n. (4 times)

Let's jump with the leaf.

I.p.: o. p., leaf in bent arms near the chest.

Jumps on two feet with legs turning around. Alternating with walking in place. Let's blow on a leaf. What great guys, the leaf liked to play with us, but it’s time to go. We need to hurry, otherwise it will soon become dark, and we will not be able to find the bunny’s house, and in order not to litter in the forest, we will collect the leaves in a basket.

Walking one after another.

3. Difficulty in the situation

Target. Organizing an analysis by children of the situation that has arisen, developing the experience of children identifying difficulties in their own activities and identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.

What are we going to do? (Let's try to quit)

Try it, did it work? (No)

Why didn't it work? (Because we don't know how to throw high over a branch)

(Because this exercise is unfamiliar, we have never done it)

4. Discovery of new knowledge

Target. Mastering the exercise “Throwing at a distance with the right and left hand”, forming the primary experience of successfully overcoming difficulties through identifying and eliminating their causes, creating a situation of success.

What do you need to do to learn how to throw? (You need to ask someone who knows how to show and teach how to throw)

I agree with you, in order to learn to throw high you need to show

The one who knows how.

Throwing bags at a distance with the right and left hands through a cord.

Take the pine cone in your right hand. (The physical education instructor stands facing the children, shows in the mirror image) In the right hand.

Right leg back. Well done Sasha, the right leg is not too far back.

Reach your right arm back and throw. Only the hand moves; we do not bend the arm at the elbow. Well done!

If children have individual difficulties, the physical education instructor helps them take the correct starting position and comments on the children’s actions during the exercise.

Take the pine cone in your left hand. (The physical education instructor stands facing the children, shows in a mirror image) In the left hand.

Left leg back. Well done Lisa, your left arm is straight.

Reach your left arm back and throw. Well done for your efforts! We took the starting position (posture) correctly. The swing was strong.

Now I can be sure that you will be able to perform this exercise correctly yourself.

CONCLUSION: - To make a throw, you need to stand correctly (take the correct starting position or pose) and swing strongly, without bending your arm.

5. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform the exercise “throwing with the right and left hand at a distance”; creating a situation of success in joint activities; improving familiar motor skills.

There is a fallen tree ahead, walk carefully, arms to the sides. Well done, Olya, she doesn’t lower her head, her back is straight.

Walking along a straight, limited path, arms to the sides.

Yes, the wind did it... I covered the entire path with branches, now I have to step over them. Walk carefully, don't stop, raise your knees high.

Walking while stepping over bars.

Well done Ksyusha, Vanya, Dima, etc. they stepped over all the branches and didn’t step on a single one.

Look, here is the bunny’s house and the bunny’s house - mom is meeting us. Let's all say hello. Let's give away our gift, a carrot. The hare was so worried that her little hare disappeared. I looked for him everywhere, I turned everything over in the house, it was such a mess.

Can we help the bunnies clean up? (Yes)

Game exercise “Throw the trash in the trash can”

Throwing at a distance with the right and left hand.

The hare's mother is so grateful to us. Offers to play a game.

Outdoor game "Silence"

Walk in a column, one at a time, around the hall behind the teacher and say the words:

Silence, silence,

The grass doesn't sway

Don't make noise in the bushes

Go to sleep, kids.

At the end of the words, the children stop, squat, bow their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the instructor says loudly “Chick-chirp!” - explains that the birds woke up the guys, and they woke up, got up and stretched.

I am sure that now the little bunny will never run so far alone. The hare's mother showed us a short path between these bushes and trees.

Snake walking(to the original place where the lesson began)

  1. Understanding.

Target. Recording the achievement of the goal and identifying the conditions that allowed it to be achieved.

Where have you been today? (In the forest)

Why did we decide to go to the forest? (To help the bunny)

So who did you help? (To the little bunny)

Did you help the bunny? (Yes)

What helped you get this job done? (We learned to throw cones)

What have you learned? (throw cones)

Did you like it? (Yes)

Today you really showed your strength and agility and good physical fitness. I'm glad that you learned to throw cones, you liked this exercise.

Well done guys. You were able to help the bunny get home because you learned to throw pine cones high over a branch.

Marina Marina
Summary of direct educational activities with children 5–6 years old using the “Situation” technology



1) form an idea of ​​a rectangle, the ability to recognize a rectangle in objects in the environment, distinguish rectangular shapes from other shapes;

2) to form the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher (based on the reflexive method, to consolidate the ability to overcome difficulties in a way "ask someone who knows";

3) consolidate geometric and spatial concepts, counting to five, the ability to correlate a figure with a quantity, the ability to determine and name the properties of objects and figures, compare objects by properties;

4) train your thinking operations: analysis, comparison and synthesis; develop attention, memory, speech, fine motor skills, imagination, logical thinking, creative abilities.

Materials for the lesson:

Demo: square, rectangle, image of a Christmas tree, squirrel, magpie, cards with numbers 1-5, pictures with rectangular and non-rectangular objects.

Dispensing: cards with geometric shapes, counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introduction to the game room situation.

Didactic tasks: motivate children to join the playroom activity.

Guys, do you like to travel?

Would you like to go on a trip with me?

2. Updating knowledge.

2.1 game "Train Tickets"

Didactic tasks:

1. actualization of ideas about a circle, square, triangle, oval, the ability to recognize them among geometric shapes;

2. consolidate counting skills, the ability to correlate a figure with a quantity;

3. train your thinking operations: analysis, comparison; develop attention, memory, speech.

Guys, how can you travel? (by transport or on foot)

What kind of transport do you know? (plane, train, bicycle, car)

What transport do you want to travel by? (train)

What do you need to buy to travel by train? (ticket)

Where can I buy a ticket? (at a special cash desk)

Well done, then I'll be a cashier. Come to me, stand in line, and buy tickets.

Children approach the teacher, he sells them tickets (cards depicting identical geometric shapes from 1 to 5). Depending on the number of children, the set of cards is repeated, only the color of the geometric shapes changes. Once all the children have purchased tickets, the teacher invites them to take seats on the makeshift train. Cards with numbers of the same color as the figures on the children’s cards are attached to the chairs. Children need to take a seat. On which is written a number showing the number of figures on the ticket and corresponding to them in color. After everyone is seated, we check the tickets.

Why did you take this place? (because on my ticket there are 2 red squares, and on the chair there is a card with the number 2 in red, etc.)

Well done, everyone has settled in their places and you can hit the road, but do you know how to behave correctly in public transport? (do not make noise, do not litter, do not dirty the seats, do not disturb other passengers)

“The locomotive began to hum and the carriages began to move.

Chug-chug, chuk-chuk! I’ll take you far!”

3. Difficulty in the game situations

3.1 game "Rectangle and Square"

Didactic tasks:

1. create motivational situation to form an idea of ​​a rectangle;

3. consolidate the idea of ​​a square, train thinking operations: analysis and comparison, develop logical thinking and speech.

Guys, look out the window, what do you see there? (children fantasize: houses, forest, trees, fields, etc.)

Look how beautiful the forest is. Let's make a stop, get out quickly and come to me.

The teacher has a square or rectangle attached to his easel. The short side of a rectangle is equal to the side of a square.

Guys, look at this forest. Funny little squirrels live there. One little squirrel was such a naughty boy that he jumped far away from his brothers and got lost. Hear him cry. Because he can't find his house. What do you think he needs to do to see your house? (children's answers)

The teacher places the baby squirrel on a square. The height of a baby squirrel standing on a square does not exceed the height of a spruce tree.

Guys, look, did the little squirrel see his house? (No)

Why didn't he see the house? (because the tree is taller than the little squirrel standing on the square)

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

4.1 game "Rectangle and Square" (continuation)

Didactic tasks:

1. form an idea of ​​a rectangle as a general shape of some objects, introduce some properties of a rectangle;

2. to form the experience of independent discovery and emotional experience of the joy of discovery;

3. consolidate spatial relationships "higher"-"below", "longer"- "Briefly speaking", the ability to identify, name and compare the properties of objects;

4. train your thinking operations: analysis and comparison, generalization; develop speech and creative abilities.

What to do now? (children's answers)

The teacher listens to all the answers, asks clarifying questions, and creates an atmosphere of searching. With the help of questions, the teacher leads the children to the fact that they can turn the rectangle on its side.

Let's try to rotate the square? What has changed?

Yes, a square has all sides equal (same). Does the other figure have the same sides?

What happens if you turn it? How will this help?

Well done! That's how wonderful you came up with everything! How are both figures similar? How many sides do they have? How many angles?

Together with the teacher, children come to conclusion: Both figures have 4 corners and 4 sides. Why were we able to help the little squirrel? Because two sides are short and two sides are long.

5. Difficulty in the game situations

5.1 game "Rectangle and Square" (continuation)

Didactic tasks:

1. create motivational situation to introduce children to the name of a rectangle;

2. to form an experience, under the guidance of a teacher, of recording the difficulty and understanding its cause;

3. train your thinking operations: analysis and comparison, develop speech, logical thinking.

A magpie flew past and asked little squirrel: “Well, have you seen your house? Can you find your way back? What figure helped you?”

A difficulty arises because the children do not know the name of the rectangle.

Were you able to help the little squirrel? (No)

Why couldn't they? (we don't know what the other figure is called)

6. Overcoming a difficulty.

6.1 Game "Rectangle and Square" (end)

Didactic tasks:

1. introduce the name of a new geometric figure - a rectangle;

2. consolidate the ability to overcome difficulties in a way "ask someone who knows";

3. train mental operations, analysis and comparison; develop logical thinking and speech.

What should you do if you don’t know something? (you need to ask someone who knows)

Little squirrel, what is the name of the figure who helped you? see your house? (rectangle)

The teacher focuses the children's attention on the fact that they have become acquainted with a new figure - a rectangle.

7. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system

7.1 Physical exercise

Didactic tasks: organize active recreation for children, develop imagination, speech, memory.

Guys, the little squirrel invites you to visit him. While we go to his house, let's warm up a little.

And blueberries grow in the forest,

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry,

You need to squat deeper. (Squats.)

I took a walk in the forest.

I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walk in place.)

7.2 game with counting sticks

Didactic tasks:

1. consolidate ideas about a rectangle and its properties, the ability to make a rectangle from counting sticks, use words "longer", "Briefly speaking";

2. train your thinking operations: analysis and comparison, develop fine motor skills, logical thinking and speech.

The teacher invites the children to sit at the table. Draws children's attention to a set of counting sticks. Invites everyone to make a square out of sticks, then think and add sticks to make a rectangle.

Which figure was laid out first? (square)

What did you do to get a different figure? (added sticks)

What has changed? (two sides became longer)

Which shape has long sides? (rectangle)

How are the figures similar? (4 sides and 4 corners)

How are they different? (long sides)

Children, with the help of the teacher, once again record what they received earlier. conclusion: a square has all the same sides, but a rectangle has two long sides and two short ones.

7.3 game “Choose by shape”

Didactic tasks:

1. develop the ability to find rectangular-shaped objects in the environment;

2. train your thinking operations: analysis and comparison, develop attention and speech.

Children approach the teacher. In front of him on the table there are object pictures that have different shapes. The teacher asks to select only rectangular pictures for the baby squirrel.

Has everyone completed the task? (Yes)

After everyone has taken one picture, the teacher asks the children to tell what is drawn on it, agreeing the adjective with the noun (rectangular cabinet, rectangular window, rectangular picture, etc.)

Why didn't you take other pictures? (because they are not rectangular)

8. Summary of the lesson

Didactic tasks: restore in the children’s memory what they did in class, create situation of success.

Children gather around the teacher.

Where have you been today?

How did you help the little squirrel?

What do you remember and like most?

The teacher praises the children and says that they were able to help the little squirrel because they know the difference between a rectangle and a square.

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