
Their bad heads give them peace. A bad head gives no rest to your feet: meaning and use. Patting on the feet

A bad head gives no rest to your legs

adv., number of synonyms: 1

the unlucky head does not give rest to the legs (1)

  • - "" figurative expression reflecting the rule of marginal utility: the same good is more important at the moment; than in the future. One of the reasons for the higher discount rate for short-term loans...

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  • - a figurative expression reflecting the rule of marginal utility: the same good is more important at the moment than in the future. One of the reasons for the higher discount rate for short-term loans...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - whose. Simple Neglected About a stupid, clueless person. - There wasn’t enough bread until the next harvest, there’s nothing to bite at home - not a speck of dust in the bottom of the barrel... So you’ll have mercy on my bad head, don’t tell Voronin...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - From Latin: Bis dat qui cito dat. This is a paraphrase of the saying of the Roman writer Published Sir: Duplex fit bonitas, silum accesit celeritas - He who shows it quickly shows doubly a benefit to the poor...
  • - From Latin: Bis dat qui cito dat. This is a paraphrase of the saying of the Roman writer Publilius Sira: Duplex fit bonitas, silum accesit celeritas - He doubly benefits the poor. who renders it quickly...

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  • - SQUIRREL, -i, f. . A fussy, clueless person. Like a sick squirrel doing something - fussy, nervous, stupid, unsuccessful...

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  • - GOD, god, plural. gods, -ov, name. God,...

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  • - He who helped soon helped twice. Wed. He who gives quickly gives twice, because after some reflection he would, perhaps, give only half. *** Aphorisms. Wed. It is necessary to hurry to do good. Suvorov...

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  • - Those who give quickly give twice. He who helped quickly helped twice. Wed. He who gives quickly gives twice, because, on some reflection, he would, perhaps, give only half. *** Aphorisms...

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  • - See Bad disease...
  • - Priamur. Same as big water 1. SRGPriam., 43...

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  • - Zharg. narc. A den for drug addicts. UMK, 259; Grachev 1994, 34; Grachev 1996, 74...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 unlucky head does not give rest to the legs...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 bad head does not give rest to the legs...

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"a bad head doesn't give rest to your feet" in books

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Bad head...

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The Russian language has many expressions and established phrases that enrich the speech and culture of the people. All of them are taken from literary texts, statements of politicians, artists, writers, come from oral folk art or from ancient records. The meaning of these and phraseological units is known in the culture of the people, but for those who study Russian or English, these established expressions can cause enormous difficulties in understanding and correct use. The proverb “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” is a good example of such sentences, taken from folk art, and its author is unknown.

Genre of proverbs

One of the brightest representatives of established expressions is the proverb. This is a short saying that often fits into one sentence and carries a certain semantic load. “A bad head gives no rest to your feet”, “The ABC is science, but the kids are a beech” - these are proverbs that are known in the Russian language.

It is very rich in such expressions that can be classified as speech genres of folklore, because their use is not planned and they are not performed on any specific occasion. They briefly and often figuratively show a person’s attitude to the current situation. The proverb reflects the experience that people have accumulated over many centuries. The themes of proverbs are varied and specific; for example, the concept of rash actions is well described by the saying “A bad head gives no rest to your feet.” The genre of phraseological units, aphorisms or another genre of folklore does not so clearly reflect the essence of life.

Meaning of the proverb

The meaning of all proverbs often needs to be looked up in a dictionary, since they convey the life and worldview of people in society, react to religious, everyday and moral phenomena and views. If we consider the statement “A bad head gives no rest to your feet,” then you can find some explanations:

  • Incorrect, devoid of logic orders, thoughts, movements to find a solution to the problem, which practically do not bring the desired result, but only create new worries and difficulties, bringing vanity and confusion into the house.
  • Haste and stupidity in business do not lead to a successful resolution of the problem.
  • If you don’t think before you say or promise, you will strain yourself and your whole body, especially your legs.

Usage and conclusion

The statement “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” reflects the conclusion that a person can bring into his life a heap of worries and troubles that will then have to be resolved. This expression can be used in relation to any person.

This proverb reflects the cry of the soul, the despair in which a person finds himself when he realizes that all previous actions did not bring the desired results, but only added more work. “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” is a saying that has been known for a long time, passed down from generation to generation and spelled out in many folk tales and epics. Using it in relation to oneself, a person often condemns his haste or forgetfulness with irony and bitterness.

A bad head gives no rest to your legs

About unnecessary actions, extra work, efforts due to thoughtless behavior.

Burning verb: Dictionary of folk phraseology. - Green Age. V. Kuzmich. 2000.

See what “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” is in other dictionaries:

    bad head gives no rest to the legs- adverb, number of synonyms: 1 unlucky head does not give rest to the legs (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    the unlucky head does not give rest to the legs- adverb, number of synonyms: 1 bad head does not give rest to the legs (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms


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The Russian language has many expressions and established phrases that enrich the speech and culture of the people. All of them are taken from literary texts, statements of politicians, artists, writers, come from oral folk art or from ancient records. The meaning of these sayings, proverbs, sayings and phraseological units is known in the culture of the people, but for those who study Russian or English, these established expressions can cause enormous difficulties in understanding and correct use. The proverb “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” is a good example of such sentences, taken from folk art, and its author is unknown.

Genre of proverbs

One of the brightest representatives of established expressions is the proverb. This is a short saying that often fits into one sentence and carries a certain semantic load. “A bad head gives no rest to your feet”, “The ABC is science, but the kids are a beech” - these are proverbs that are known in the Russian language.

It is very rich in such expressions that can be classified as speech genres of folklore, because their use is not planned and they are not performed on any specific occasion. They briefly and often figuratively show a person’s attitude to the current situation. The proverb reflects the experience that people have accumulated over many centuries. The themes of proverbs are varied and specific; for example, the concept of rash actions is well described by the saying “A bad head gives no rest to your feet.” The genre of phraseological units, aphorisms or another genre of folklore does not so clearly reflect the essence of life.

Meaning of the proverb

The meaning of all proverbs often needs to be looked up in a dictionary, since they convey the life and worldview of people in society, react to religious, everyday and moral phenomena and views. If we consider the statement “A bad head gives no rest to your feet,” then you can find some explanations:

  • Incorrect, devoid of logic orders, thoughts, movements to find a solution to the problem, which practically do not bring the desired result, but only create new worries and difficulties, bringing vanity and confusion into the house.
  • Haste and stupidity in business do not lead to a successful resolution of the problem.
  • If you don’t think before you say or promise, you will strain yourself and your whole body, especially your legs.

Usage and conclusion

The statement “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” reflects the conclusion that a person, through rash actions, can bring into his life a heap of worries and troubles that will then have to be resolved. This expression can be used in relation to any person.

This proverb reflects the cry of the soul, the despair in which a person finds himself when he realizes that all previous actions did not bring the desired results, but only added more work. “A bad head gives no rest to your feet” is a saying that has been known for a long time, passed down from generation to generation and spelled out in many folk tales and epics. Using it in relation to oneself, a person often condemns his haste or forgetfulness with irony and bitterness.

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