
Where do incubi come from. How to recognize an incubus: who is it or what is it? What are incubi afraid of?

Very often, talk about such otherworldly entities as incubi and succubus causes a smile because of associations with sexual adventures. However, not everything is so simple. Incubi and succubi are dark, otherworldly entities that feed on the sexual energy of mere mortals by entering into a sexual relationship with them. Most often, they visit the victim when he arrives half asleep, paralyzing physical body, soul and will. During sexual contact, the victim experiences both the highest degree of pleasure and fear.

Sexual energy is the most important source of nutrition for such energy vampires. They have been visiting people since ancient times under the guise of succubi and incubi. What are these sleep demons?

Difference Between Incubus and Succubus

Incubi are lecherous demons who visit young maidens at night, seduce them and have sexual intercourse with them.

A succubus (from the Latin succuba, concubine) is a demoness who comes to young men at night and induces voluptuous dreams in them. Demonologists believe that a succubus is a manifestation of Satan in a female form. Succubi preferred to seduce and then have sexual intercourse with hermits, monks and priests. However, if you believe the legends, they did not disdain the sinful male population.

What do succubi look like?

It is difficult to answer the question of what succubi look like. They can take on a variety of forms. Often, a succubus is described as a beautiful young maiden, although such a description fits all the goddesses and demonesses of love and fornication of the Middle Ages and ancient world. In the occult scripture Compendium Maleficarum, which was written at the beginning of the 15th century, it is written: “A succubus can take on the appearance beautiful woman, sometimes she appears in the form of a snake or an invisible force.

Night guest. Eyewitness Innokenty tells

I have been experiencing all the actions of this incomprehensible force for ten years since the age of 15. I go to bed at 11 pm. And after an hour I begin to feel a slight trembling of the bed. Then, something barely perceptibly rolls under the covers and it is as if warm air envelops my entire body. This is a “girlfriend”, or maybe already a “wife”, refined in her desires, every night, after midnight, she comes to me on a date. I have not felt fear for a long time - I'm used to it.

The incubus always comes to his victim at night. If he wants, then the woman does not even see who is raping her. Often such connections with otherworldly evil end tragically for the victim.

Not many women know that they can fall prey to incubi. These demonic entities are fueled by a whole gamut of feelings and emotions that the fairer sex gives off during intercourse. An incubus attacks its victim in a dream. When a person begins to fall asleep and falls into a slumber, a demon tempter appears, whose name is incubus.

Signs of an attack by this creature are quite simple to determine. The victim becomes motionless, cannot move, make any sounds. The woman's condition resembles sleep paralysis. But at the same time, the one who was attacked understands that she is not alone in the room. Incubi can be visible or invisible at will. But, the more frightened a woman is, the greater the range of feelings she experiences.

By the way, it is believed that with a demonic essence, the victim experiences unprecedented sexual emotions and she cannot experience such pleasure with an ordinary person. It is this cocktail of feelings and emotions that feeds on the night demon incubus. Not many people know that this is dangerous and fraught with consequences.

A visit to the essence does not pass without a trace for the victim. Invading the human mind, the incubus destroys the protective energy field, negatively affects the psyche. After sexual intercourse with evil spirits, a woman may become depressed, which only worsens after several visits to the incubus. It is believed that when a victim is raped, the aura is literally torn to pieces.

Despite the fact that incubi are independent entities, some magicians can control this evil spirits. Most often, incubi are set on a victim by order so that the woman gradually goes crazy. Also, with constant visits to the essence, a person’s energy becomes thinner and the will to live is lost. Most of the victims end their lives by suicide.

It is not known by what criterion the incubi choose their victims. But, most often, entities attack those representatives of the fair sex who do not shy away from frequent changes of sexual partners and lead a dissolute lifestyle. It is believed that women who are more sophisticated in sex give off more sexual energy. If the goal of the incubus is the emotions of fear and horror, then they attack virgins. There are cases when nuns from monasteries became victims of these entities.

Not many people know how to protect themselves from a demonic entity called an incubus, how to get rid of evil spirits that rape helpless victims. In the old days, for these purposes, they used the collection of "cold" herbs and plants. Those who are cold and have little emotion were thought to be unattractive to night attackers. The collection against evil spirits included a water lily, plantain, celandine, wild garlic, euphorbia. All these plants, dried or fresh, must be laid out around the bed, thus blocking the demon's access to the victim.

It is also believed that night demons do not like the smell of vinegar. In order to protect yourself from violence, you need to arrange bowls with this liquid in the room, you can also soak a towel in vinegar and put it at the head of the bed.

Some stones, precious and semi-precious, also have a negative effect on these night creatures and are able to scare them away. Amethyst, which is the most expensive type of quartz, perfectly protects a woman from the encroachment of an incubus, keeping him at a distance. From this mineral, you can use a pendant or earrings. Not only are these stones very beautiful, they are an excellent protection against entities.

Incubi are fearsome nocturnal creatures that feed on human emotions. Fear, horror, confusion and sexual pleasure - this is the cocktail of feelings that a demonic entity needs.

The most frequent mention of succubus And incubi causes an ambiguous grin due to associations with some kind of forbidden sexual games. But not everything is so harmless. Incubi and succubi are demonic entities that feed on the sexual energy of a person by entering into sexual contact with him.

As a rule, they come when a person is in a drowsy state, and finally paralyze his body and will. During intercourse, the victim of the attack experiences the highest degree of pleasure, but this does not prevent her from simultaneously experiencing fear and confusion.


Sexual energy is the most powerful source of nourishment for energy vampires. It was they who came to people from ancient times under the guise of succubi and incubus to have sexual intercourse with them. So who are they, these sleep demons?

Incubi in medieval Europe were called dissolute demons who visited women at night and seduced them in their sleep. The word "incubus" comes from the Latin "incubare" which means "to lie on". The most delicious prey of the incubi were the nuns. A succubus (from Latin succuba, a concubine) is a demoness in medieval legends who visits young men at night and induces voluptuous dreams in them.

However, another Latin word was used to refer to this creature - succubus ("to lie under"), which refers to the masculine gender. This is probably due to the fact that, according to the view of demonologists, a succubus is a devil in a female form. Succubi preferred to seduce hermits and priests, not disdaining, however, the sinful male population.

It's hard to tell what succubi and incubus look like, as they can take on different forms. The incubus is most often described as a hideous, goat-like creature, although this description fits most of the demons of the Middle Ages. The Compendium Maleficarum, an occult book published in 1608, says: “The incubus can take on both male and female forms, sometimes he appears as a man in his prime, sometimes as a satyr; in front of a woman who is known as a witch, he usually assumes the form of a lustful goat."

In addition, a demon can appear to a person in the form of a dog, cat, deer, bull, crow, stork, snake. However, you must admit that not all of these images are acceptable for sexual intercourse with a woman, therefore in the Middle Ages it was believed that demons could acquire a corporeal shell by moving into another person, or using the bodies of recently hanged people for contact. And sometimes they are forced to come up with the image of a partner and then appear in this image.

As for the succubi, they visit men in the form of beautiful demonesses with clawed feet and membranous wings.


There are several opinions about the nature of the appearance of succubi and incubi among researchers from different eras. Early demonologists believed that these were some kind of dream demons, real beings of another, parallel world. There is no space and time in our understanding. But it is possible that that world intersects at some level with our world, and this makes it possible for otherworldly inhabitants to explore our life and ourselves.

In the Middle Ages, demonologists had the opinion that these entities are the messengers of the devil or he himself, in person. It is in this exquisite way that demons destroy human souls, that is, they lead them to eternal death. This version is also curious: as if the succubi and incubi are the children of Lilith, the first wife of Adam.

And someone saw in them the spirits of nature. For example, in 1801, Francis Barrett's The Magus said: "When the forest nymphs and fauns saw that they were superior in beauty to other spirits, they began to procreate and began to marry men, imagining that by such intercourse they would gain immortality." soul for himself and his descendants. Interestingly, in the pre-Christian era, kinship with any spirit was a source of pride for the family.

Scientists also have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that the appearance of these entities is associated with erotic experiences against the background of prolonged abstinence, flowing into erotic dreams. This version can be confirmed by the fact that monks appear most often in various stories about encounters with succubi. Perhaps their psyche is thus trying to compensate for the deprivations of an ascetic lifestyle.

Perhaps the most interesting is the story of Pope Sylvester II (999-1003), described by Walter Mapes in De Nugis Curialium (circa 1185). According to her, the future dad once met a girl of amazing beauty named Meridiana, who promised the young man wealth and her magical services if he agreed to be with her. The young man agreed. Every night he enjoyed the company of his mysterious mistress. And it was she who helped his rapid ascent in the Catholic hierarchy.


If succubi and incubi are not real creatures, then the question arises about the origin of their seed. In the Middle Ages, most experts were inclined to think that succubi kidnap the male seed and either pass it on to the incubi, or turn into them themselves in order to spend the night with a woman and conceive another devilish offspring. This, for example, is mentioned in the treatise "Hammer of the Witches".

All stories about the sexual adventures of these demons speak of the cold seed of incubi. At the same time, it is emphasized that the demon, although it tries to warm it up, cannot overcome this lack of its sexual nature.

The Holy Inquisition collected a lot of information about sexual contacts with the devil. So, in 1660, the witch Isabelle Gowdy testified: “The devil was cold inside me like spring water". Another "victim", Jeanne Abadie, admitted to the demonologist that the devil's seed was unusually cold, so that she could not get pregnant from him.

A logical question arises: if the seed is cold, that is, already unsuitable for conception, then why do the incubus partners still become pregnant? Demonologists puzzled over the answer for a long time, until they finally came to the conclusion that demons have the ability to move so fast that the stolen seed does not have time to lose its vitality.


So, some myths claim that the father of the legendary sorcerer Merlin was just an incubus who seduced a nun. The same treatise says that the children of incubi and earthly women are stronger and more capable than ordinary offspring, since “demons can know the power of the poured out seed” and choose the most suitable partner for procreation, and even at the most favorable time. Paradoxically, it turns out that they contribute to the improvement of the human race.

An example of the offspring of incubi is Gilles de Laval de Retz, commonly known as Bluebeard. An associate of Joan of Arc, he was already a marshal of France at the age of 25. This notorious scoundrel accounted for 800 tortured and killed children. True, shortly before the execution to which he was sentenced by the court, he repented and even received absolution.

From this we can conclude that the offspring of demons can count on the salvation of the soul, unlike their parents. Perhaps that is why the incubi, jealous of immortality human soul, through union with people, they strive to give the same soul to their children.


Encounters with succubi and incubus still occur today. Ufologist G. Belimov, who lives in the city of Volzhsky, spoke about one of these cases. One day, the mother of a 34-year-old woman approached him. She was worried that, despite her youth, her daughter had already been married four times.

She believed that her daughter's personal life was not working out because of some creature visiting her and having sexual contact with her. The first meeting of the daughter with the incubus took place when the girl was 17 years old and men began to appear in her life.

The young woman said that at night she felt cold, heard footsteps and felt that someone was lying down next to her. Moreover, in whatever position she lay, he always picked up from the back, so she could not see the demon. Since the victims of the incubus always fall into a stupor, there was no way to turn and look at the voluptuary: “Once I saw his hand when he put it in front of me.

An ordinary male hand, sparse hair is clearly visible, the hand is cool. I tried to turn around, but he put pressure on my shoulder, preventing me from looking. And he removed his hand. Sexual intercourse always takes place only in the position from the back. The weight of a normal large man is felt. One could write it off as a dream, but she clearly heard the creaking of the bed, his breathing and other accompanying noises.

It must be said that the demon did not appear in the presence of her husband. He came only when the woman was alone. Moreover, sexual intercourse always ended with an orgasm, which she received when she wanted. The woman noted that the sensations are much sharper than with an ordinary man. She suggests that her marriages fell apart due to the fact that she unwittingly compared partners.

In addition, her relationships with men ended due to strange force majeure that happened to her partners. Either problems with work, then moving, then illness, then arrest, then alcohol. There is always something new, but it happened, however, too naturally to be mistaken for random coincidences.

At the request of Belimov, she tried to talk with the guest, but the dialogue did not work. When the woman began to persistently ask him the question: “Why are you coming?”, the demon left and returned only a few days later, and for some time did not have sexual contact with her. She noted that, although she felt that his body was cold, it did not cause discomfort.

She did not feel her partner's seed. After he left, she immediately fell into a deep sleep. Nevertheless, after every night of love, the woman felt weakened and sleepy. The demon appeared spontaneously, could come several times a week, and it happened that only once a month, that is, the initiative came solely from him. But he never appeared on "critical days."

The Anomaly newspaper once told a story that happened to a woman from St. Petersburg in March 1982. Once, while spending the night with a friend, she woke up from an unpleasant sound - iron gnashed on glass:

“I suddenly felt that, starting from my feet, something heavy began to fall on me, to press down. On the wall, against the background of the carpet, I saw how a loose shadow finds, and on my back lies a figure with a large head and a broad back. And suddenly the act began. My fear suddenly passed, since you are doing this, then be kind ... The feeling was wonderful. Much better than with an earthly being. Then there was a feeling that I was wrapped in warmth, bliss and affection. Then the shadow and heaviness began to evaporate, as it were, from the sides to the middle of the back.

The stiffness of the neck, head, hands disappeared. No fear, no stiffness. I sat up in bed, stunned, wondering if I was dreaming or not. But the feeling was very real, still not a dream. A friend nearby was sleeping deeply, she did not even move. I have never seen erotic dreams before. She told her mother what had happened. She replied that this happened to her twice in her youth.

It turns out that both women describe the same sensations from contact with the incubus, which means that this cannot be fiction.

Dissolute demons visit not only women, they also come to men, however, much less frequently. Demonologists believe that there are ten times fewer succubi than incubi. And if earlier they, seducing a man, came to him in the form of a captivating beauty, then today they are invisible.

A certain Moscow artist talks about his meetings with a succubus in the following way:

“I experience all the effects of this force at night. I go to bed at exactly 23:00. But then, after five to ten minutes, I begin to feel a slight, but frequent vibration, trembling of my bed.

Then, barely perceptibly, something rolls under the covers and, as if elastic air, envelops my body. The blanket begins to float above me... This is a “girlfriend”, “bride”, and possibly a “wife” (I live alone), mysterious, more refined in her feelings and desires, daily, without delay, at 23:00 10 minutes comes to see me on a date. She immediately, as if bored from the daytime separation, begins to caress me with light, airy touches.

Feelings of fear have long been gone - caressed, got used to these "tenderness", but still disgusting, unpleasant. But the most unpleasant thing for me is that after all the gentle touches, I begin to feel the impact on the sexual center ... I never allow myself to be brought to a climax - I sharply throw up the blanket and say seven times: “Do not touch!”. Everything stops, but after about an hour it starts again. And so three or four times a night you have to take up a shield and a sword ... "


At all times, communication with an incubus was equated with bestiality, and with a succubus - with sodomy, since a succubus is the same devil, only in a female form. In essence, an attack by an incubus or succubus is rape, because most often a sexual act is performed without the consent of the victim. And the state of a person after such a visit is very similar to the state of a raped person: a feeling of weakness, devastation, the body aches, one does not want to live.

It is difficult to resist the harassment of demons, it requires willpower and the ability to switch your thoughts to other topics without returning to the sexual topic.

According to the believers, during the period of exorcism of the demon, it is strictly forbidden to eat meat food and drink alcoholic beverages. Every day from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m., a lamp should be lit in front of the image of Jesus Christ.

Before going to bed, the bedroom should be ventilated and fumigated with incense. On the east side is an image Holy Mother of God, in front of which a pure wax candle is lit. The prayer "Our Father" and other prayers are read to help get rid of uninvited guests.


Let's talk about the demon of seduction. The incubus comes to women and with his charms can easily seduce them. In the article, we will reveal the methods of summoning, the consequences of the visit of the incubus and the types of protection from this creature. The incubus demon takes the form of the ideal man that a woman dreams of. He feeds on female energy in the process of seduction. It is important to understand the difference between incubi and succubi. Unlike the incubus, the succubus demon comes to men and has a female form. These demons are controlled by Lilith, considered the first wife of Adam.

An incubus is a demon that comes to women in their dreams to drain their energy through kissing and sex.

An incubus is a demon that takes the form of an impeccable man that exists in the head of every woman. Images can differ significantly in appearance, disposition, smell, and even the timbre of the voice. Demons easily get the information embedded in the head of every woman. It will not be difficult for him to take on any appearance, and sometimes even remain invisible, but a woman will be able to feel his closeness.

The interpretation of what incubi look like in the Middle Ages was somewhat different. In those days, it was believed that a woman is a sinful creature that is easily influenced by demons. According to the notes of the inquisitors, incubi often came to women in the form of animals. But even such an unattractive image did not become an obstacle to physical communication with a woman.

The demon knows perfectly well what his victim wants, he does everything in such a way that the woman cannot and does not want to resist. Often the visits of a demonic entity are repeated, they know how to make a woman dependent. Sex with an incubus is a pleasure that cannot be compared with an ordinary earthly man.

Therefore, victims automatically, against their will, want repeated visits from the demon. An addiction develops that is out of control. The woman remembers the kiss with the incubus, in her thoughts she wishes for a meeting with the demon, who willingly responds. Sometimes these meetings become daily.

What do they come for

Incubi feed on female energy, without it they cannot exist for a long time. A woman cannot stop, even her character can change. Such visits have a negative impact on the woman's health, because every time she loses energy. Women constantly get sick, there are difficulties with pregnancy, the desire to work, creativity, and communication with others disappears.

There are legends that from communication with an incubus, you can conceive a child. The child will receive a human form from the mother and paranormal tendencies inherited from the father. There are other theories according to which incubi and succubi are basically the same thing. The genetic material is taken by the demon from the seduced man, then transferred to the seduced woman. For what purpose he does this, no one knows.

Signs of people attracting the attention of a demon

  • Demons have their favorites. They are not indifferent to extremes. Most of all they like to seduce ascetics or very licentious, prodigal people. They saw sinners as allies who would do things in the physical world that demons couldn't, and there was very little chance they would resist. The demon has a deep knowledge of the desires of its victims, the probability of refusal is reduced to zero.
  • Ascetics and the righteous are also a favorite target of demons, but for a different reason. The Incubi believe that if they manage to seduce a nun who will actively resist the forces of hell, then the world will lose another pure soul. It can be very difficult to persuade the righteous, the only way is a complete change of character. The incubi love this and do everything they can to win the nuns and ascetics over to their side.
  • Asceticism does not only apply to nuns, but also to girls who keep their virginity until marriage, as well as widows. This category can also be victims of demons who are constantly looking for new sources of energy.

Signs of the presence of a demon

Recognizing the appearance of an incubus is very easy. It usually appears at a time when the woman has not yet fallen into a deep sleep, but is no longer awake. Most visits are made at night or early in the morning before dawn.

In the Middle Ages, with loss of consciousness, convulsions or epilepsy, it was believed that an incubus appeared to people. In our time, it is known that with convulsions, fainting and similar symptoms, you need to call a doctor.

One of the signs of the presence of an incubus is a loss of appetite and mood. The girl may be half asleep, not communicating with anyone. It may seem that she is somewhere in her own fantasy world. Girls dream about their demon, think only about him, other thoughts simply do not come to mind, and when parting with him, she can completely wither away.

Incubi can take on human form. Very experienced demons can take on the appearance of a familiar to their victim, even her husband or friend. Seduced women may think that they spent the night with a friend and expect the relationship to continue - it is very often difficult to distinguish a colorful dream from reality. The victims of the incubi subsequently develop depression, they suffer from loneliness and loss of health.

eyewitness accounts

How to recognize an incubus demon in a dream.

Many notes of witnesses about incubi have come down to us. The most ancient were created in the Middle Ages by monks and inquisitors. If the demons managed to get to the representatives of the clergy, for them it was a huge achievement. Nuns were often victims of incubi. From the documents it becomes clear that the connection with the demon was considered more sinful than the connection with an earthly person.

The inquisitors left materials that tell how to protect themselves from the incubus and succubus. Inquisitors got most of their information from demonic victims, and they were almost never burned at the stake.

Of particular great interest were those women who had a child after an alliance with a demon. These children were also subjected to research by the inquisitors. They tried not to leave the woman to whom the demon appeared alone, to spy on her to get answers to many questions about evil spirits.

IN modern world there are also stories of eyewitnesses who had to meet with incubi not so long ago. According to eyewitnesses, incubi appeared during sleep or a half-asleep state. Almost no one saw the face of the demon, some spoke of vague images or only a tangible image, but everyone agreed on the desire for return visits.

Basically, most of the victims of demons were engaged in magic, had paranormal abilities, that is, they showed interest in otherworldly forces. After parting with the incubus, they began to experience depression. Protections held in the church helped very rarely, and visits could continue for many years.

Teenagers who have not yet had sexual relations need to be especially careful, as they can often be the choice of incubi. Usually teenagers do not tell their parents about the connection with the demon. Those who dare to tell, many will not believe.

Summoning a demon at home

There is a way to call an incubus at home, but first you need to understand that the success of the ritual depends on the degree of your interest in the dark world. The incubus loves libertines, but after his appearance, you will fall into complete dependence on him. These factors must be taken into account and evaluated before proceeding with the rite of summoning a demonic being.

The incubus responds only to the call of a single woman who has not had a physical relationship with a man for a long time. She must have a strong libido and energy. The Incubus feels this very well, only such a woman can interest him. A man should call a succubus.

Appeal to Asmodeus

You can ask the demon Asmodeus for this service. He also rules over these demons. To summon an incubus, before going to bed, create an image in which you want the demon to appear. Relaxing in bed and closing your eyes, you need to repeat the following words that you need to learn by heart in advance, you won’t be able to read them.

O great Asmodeus, prince of all succubi and incubi! I urge you to send me an incubus to fulfill my most passionate desires.

Appeal to the incubus

Instead of Asmodeus, you can try to contact the incubus himself. If he is not far away, then most likely he will not miss his chance, especially if the victim herself calls him voluntarily. To do this, repeat the following phrase three times in a row:

I, (name), call you, incubus.

After that, try not to fall asleep, but stay with your eyes closed. It should appear quickly enough. You will notice the presence of an incubus immediately without having to open your eyes.

Incubus Defense

Although religious people and priests advise having icons and hung crosses in the bedroom, many eyewitnesses testify that this very rarely works. A strong and sincere faith in the Almighty, as well as willpower and a strong desire to resist the spell of the temptation of demons, can protect against demons.

In the Middle Ages, incubi were very fond of studying. The inquisitors tried to understand the goals and desires of evil spirits, to invent methods of protection against it. If he came to a woman, it was believed that she was to blame for this, so her punishment was imprisonment in a monastery, where she had to be cleansed of sins. Sometimes, instead of a monastery, women became participants. During this rite, the demon was cast out so that he could not receive the energy of a woman, but this did not always end in success. Often, the confession of a woman was also needed, who had to tell all her sins.

There are several other methods of protection against incubi that are recommended by modern magicians. The simplest is moving to another apartment, and preferably to another city or country. Constantly say the prayers of the Our Father and the Virgin Mary.

It is also advised not to fall asleep alone, although this does not interfere with the incubus, since he can lull everyone except the victim. Use frankincense and garlic, which evil spirits do not like. You can also use vinegar or amethyst.


It is useful for everyone to know about incubi, so as not to fall victim to it. Some of you may want to meet an incubus. Depending on the attitude and interest in dark mania, for some the rite will be crowned with success, for others it will not. You should be aware of the consequences. Depression and health problems are serious things and should not be trifled with.

Video "Who are Incubus and Succubus"

Many of us have come across people who are called "energy vampires". These are the people who unconsciously suck energy out of a person, good mood and lust for life.

This happens on some intuitive level: the "vampire" can talk, touch, carry out the usual activities, but when interacting with him, a breakdown occurs.

It happens that you often have to contact such people, and not everyone knows how to resist them. In this case, the person who is an "energy vampire" is not to blame for his actions.

However, there are those who deliberately behave in this way. But this is all about people, and besides them, there are real demons that are able to suck energy out of a person.

Demon incubus capable of sucking out female sexual energy, a similar creature that sucks out male energy - demon succubus. Their history is interesting and even frightening.

Demon story

In the Middle Ages, almost all demons were described as terrible ugly creatures with a hairy body, horns, tails and hooves. However, the true appearance did not at all prevent them from transforming into beautiful young people in order to achieve their goals.

The plans of the demons are simple - to harm a person and take his soul to the underworld. Demon incubus is described in much the same way as everyone else - a terrible creature, often in the form of a goat.

There are descriptions in the form of other animals - snakes, dogs, bulls and others. In addition, there are different versions of the essence of this creation.

Some sources say that he has an ugly appearance, but with some magical abilities attracts women to sexual relations. Other sources claim that the demon incubus can create a beautiful human body for himself from everything that comes to hand. And that's his too magical ability.

Well, the third version is the most terrible - they simply moved into ordinary people, taking on their appearance, but the essence remains demonic. And the horror lies in the fact that most often the demons used corpses - the bodies of recently dead people, mostly hanged.

The version, of course, is also controversial - if the demon took the form of a hanged man, then his body must be terrible - a blue neck with bruises, protruding eyes ... In a word - horror. But, apparently, with their abilities, in any form, they can persuade a woman to have a sexual relationship.

Aims and means

What does an incubus demon do?

As already mentioned, he seduces women and persuades them to have sex. The demon does this in order to survive. He feeds on sexual energy and the power of love, without which he is not able to live for a long time.

There is another version that after the demon leaves the victim, he continues to feed on the power of the suffering of the victim, who managed to become attached to the incubus.

It is noteworthy that you can get pregnant from an incubus. Children born from such relationships have a human appearance and the paranormal abilities of the father. The incubus demon sucks energy out of a woman, as a result of which she becomes weak, loses interest in life, becomes apathetic, and in especially severe cases, she may even die.

How to recognize an incubus

In order not to fall for the tricks of the demon, it is important to know the signs by which you can recognize it. The incubus comes when the girl is half asleep - before going to bed or just after sleep.

When it appears, everyone except the victim falls asleep soundly. These beings come to two types of people - to harlots and to those who reject any sexual relations. Particularly skilled demons can take the form of close people in order to quickly persuade a girl to have sex and take her energy.

To believe or not in the existence of these creatures is everyone's business, but it is better to know the signs of appearance incubus demon to be able to defend against it.

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