
Cleaning your home from negativity. How to cleanse your home of negative energy. List of what you need to take for the ritual of cleaning the apartment from negativity and the evil eye

Everything around is filled with energy, every person, food, it lives even in rooms - residential buildings, offices and abandoned buildings. For a comfortable life, energy must be positive and kind, and also beat in the same rhythm as yours. It often happens that you don’t feel comfortable at home, everything falls out of hand, and there are constant quarrels with family members.

The cause of poor health may be the presence of negative energy in the apartment. It could be brought by people who were your guests and could be jealous of your well-being, or even worse, they could damage your home. We will learn how to cleanse your apartment of negativity on your own, cleanse your aura and return harmony and balance to your home.

Signs of negative energy in the home

How to recognize that the cause of family troubles was the negative energy introduced by one of the ill-wishers? There are several reasons that indicate that the apartment was damaged, among them the following:

  • An inexplicable feeling of anxiety and fear appeared, which were previously absent. Moreover, the sensations become stronger with every hour of stay in the home
  • Sleep is disturbed, insomnia appears, you cannot put your child to bed for a long time, pets cannot find a place for themselves, dogs whine at night
  • You began to hear inexplicable sounds at night, for example, the sound of rattling dishes in the kitchen, footsteps, although at that moment everyone was sleeping
  • Thoughts at home are in the clouds, far from family and comfort

However, not every person can immediately feel the negative energy in the house; only sensual natures are capable of this. The majority of people find the root cause of problems too late, when the damage has time to cause a lot of trouble.

How to clean your home

People have come up with many ways to cleanse an apartment of unfavorable energy, let’s consider effective and easy-to-use means:

  • House cleaning
  • With a candle
  • Incense
  • Amulets

Let's look at each method in more detail.

General cleaning of the house

Regular cleaning involves cleaning the house from dirt, dust, scattered items and clothes. If you want to get rid of negativity in your apartment, you need a general cleaning, preferably with at least a minimal rearrangement of furniture.

You need to have your carpets dry cleaned or beat them out yourself. Clean out your closets, fold your clothes neatly, and put any shoes you're not currently wearing in boxes. You need to get into those places where you were always too lazy to put things in order, for example, wash the baseboards, wash the curtains, wash the shades on the chandelier.

However, general cleaning in the presence of negativity has some differences from ordinary cleaning. You must clean with the thought that along with the dirt and dust you are getting rid of other people's thoughts, envy and ill will.

It is worth throwing out old things, chipped dishes, a burnt frying pan or unnecessary soft toys; perhaps they are not the subject of negativity, but they carry dead and stagnant energy, blocking the filling of the apartment with fresh, clean energy.

Cleaning the house with regular salt

Who would have thought that ordinary table salt could help in getting rid of negative energy inside the house. Why is salt endowed with this property? In magic, salt plays the role of a kind of sorbent that can absorb negative energy, which is what we need to get rid of damage. Magicians and sorcerers use salt in an unchanged state, as well as in the form of a saline solution.

Let's look at the most effective cleaning methods using salt:

  1. You need to put jars of salt in every corner of the apartment, without missing a single one. Particular attention should be paid to the living room and bedroom, where household members spend the most time. The salt should be effective for at least 2 months, and ideally there is no need to remove it, so that it serves as some kind of prevention against infection with negativity.
  2. If the apartment has carpets or carpeting, sprinkle coarse table salt over the entire area and leave it for 3 hours for an energetic effect. Then use a vacuum cleaner to collect it from the floor; the dust bag must be destroyed.
  3. A popular way to combat negativity in apartments is wet cleaning with saline solution. It is very simple to prepare, you just need to add 4-5 tablespoons of salt to a bucket of plain water.

Table and sea salt are widely used not only for cleansing homes, you can also personally cleanse yourself of possible evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to take a full bath of warm water, dissolve a handful of sea salt in it, lie in it for at least 20 minutes, thinking about a bright future, getting rid of negativity and current problems, restoring your biofield.

Clearing negativity with sound

Sound is an integral part of human life. We can feel equally comfortable in a noisy atmosphere or in complete silence, it will depend on our mood and the environment. However, few people know that a loud, sharp sound can destroy negative energy and transform dead zones into living ones.

Cleaning an apartment from negative energy using sound can be done as follows:

  1. Walk around the perimeter of the apartment, loudly clapping your hands or banging a spoon on a frying pan. In the corners, clap especially loudly until you hear an echo. After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands under running water and soap.
  2. Using a small bell, go around the house, ringing every corner, paying special attention to dimly lit areas such as the pantry, closets, etc. It is desirable that the ringing sound be continuous.
  3. For the third method, you will need a special magical object - a Tibetan bowl, which has long been used to expel evil spirits and cleanse the home of negativity. You need to determine the central point in the apartment, sit in this place and play the bowl until you yourself feel the changes around.
  4. To prevent negativity from entering the house, you can hang a special pendant above the front door - a wind chime.

You can strengthen this method with prayers and reading special spells so that the effect is more lasting.

Fragrances in the fight against negativity

This method is available to anyone, even men often resort to it. In your home you can burn special incense sticks that came to us from distant India, use aroma lamps, or drop a few drops of essential oil on upholstered furniture and carpet.

It is worth saying that not every oil can cope with the task and save you from other people’s negative energy. The most effective oils are presented in the table:

House plants against negativity

House plants and flowers not only serve as home decoration, but can also contribute to better circulation of energy in the house, preventing it from stagnating. There are many plants that can become effective protectors from ill-wishers and bad words, such plants include: geranium, cactus, dracaena, cyclamen, aloe vera and others. These properties are in no way possessed by vampire plants, which, on the contrary, suck positive energy from their owners. These include fern, ivy and some types of palm trees. It is also worth getting rid of sick or dying plants and flowers.

Monstera is a dangerous plant for the human aura. It looks cute, with large green leaves, but it can drain all the energy from the people living in the house.

Magical and sacred items

The most effective among magical professionals are paintings, images of saints, and mandalas painted in a special way. These objects themselves are charged with strong attributes that carry a considerable charge of energy.

To be more precise, they are a kind of conductor of energy flows. Therefore, be responsible when choosing a seemingly harmless image. You should at least study the meaning on the Internet before hanging it on the wall.

Clearing stagnant energy with candles

Candles are an indispensable attribute of almost any magical ritual, as they represent the element of fire, which is a source of inexhaustible energy.

To clean the room, it is better to use church candles, but if you don’t have any, use those that are on hand. The meaning and mechanics of the ritual are similar to sound cleansing. You need to walk around the entire area of ​​the house with a lit candle in your hand. Particular attention is paid to the so-called portals - doorways, places under the bed, sofa or behind the closet. Pause in those places where the candle flame burns hotter or you hear the crackling sound of the fire. This signals negative clots of energy that the candle flame successfully fights. After completing the ritual, the candle cannot be extinguished; it must burn out on its own, preferably on the altar while reading a prayer.

After you have cleared your home of negativity and foreign energy, it’s time to think about protection and prevention of re-infection.

How to protect your home from negativity

To protect yourself, you can take several simple measures at home so that the energy in your home remains constant and is not negatively affected. The following techniques are used:

  • Use purple color in your interior. It is believed that negative energy does not take root in his environment
  • Place an imaginary protection at the input by connecting an image. This is best done during meditation.
  • You can try the old method that our great-grandmothers used. Place an inverted birch broom near the front door. There is evidence that he is able to keep negativity out of the house, acting as a security guard.
  • place candles near the apartment

Of course, it is better if a shelf or permanent place on the table is allocated for the altar with candles, but it is possible that the altar will be created only as needed.

Now you are familiar with popular methods of combating negative energy at home, and you will be able to clean your apartment yourself, and forewarned is forearmed. Clean your home as needed, but no more than 4 times a year.

The techniques presented in this article can help you cope with cleaning your home of negative energy.

How to cleanse the aura of your home from negativity and damage

You can cleanse the aura of your home from negative energy or induced damage with the help of a candle purchased in church on Easter days. They light a candle and walk around the whole house clockwise with it, not forgetting to look into the most hidden corners, including closets. While walking around, read the Lord's Prayer. If Easter is far away, try cleaning the house by doing a general cleaning with water in which a silver item has been lying for at least 24 hours. This noble metal will give your home positive energy.

How to cleanse your house of negativity with incense yourself

On your own, without inviting a priest, it is possible to cleanse the house of negativity with the help of incense only at Epiphany. Incense is set on fire and carried throughout the house in a clockwise direction, fumigating corners and hidden nooks of the house with special care.

How to clean negativity from your home with a candle

Candles to cleanse the house of negativity must be purchased from the temple. Before you begin the ritual, you need to do some general cleaning and mercilessly throw away all old and unnecessary things. Cleaning is done when no one is in the house. One end of the candle is wrapped in a handkerchief so that the wax does not drip onto the hand, the second is set on fire and smoothly, from left to right, they go around the entire house, crossing its corners three times. After cleaning, the scarf with the remaining wax is taken outside.

How to clean your house of bad negativity with salt

Thursday salt helps protect the house from the penetration of negativity and cleanse it of all kinds of evil spirits. Thursday salt is prepared on Maundy Thursday from ordinary salt. First you need to clean it - heat it in a frying pan. Then the purified salt is pounded in a mortar, prayers are said over it, and taken to the altar for consecration. Thursday salt is a powerful amulet. If you sew a pinch of it into a linen bag and constantly carry it with you, you will not be afraid of any negative influences not only in the house, but also away from it.

How to clear your yard of negativity

Clear the yard of debris. Take a new pack of salt and scatter it in the corners of the yard and near the gate, where it should lie for at least a day. Then scoop the salt back up so you don't have to touch it with your hands and pour it into a paper bag. The bag of used salt should be thrown into the trash or buried away from home. When pouring salt, ask it to absorb all the bad things, and when collecting it, thank it for the help provided.

How to properly cleanse yourself and your home of negativity

You can effectively cleanse yourself and your home of negativity with the help of consecrated water - it is sprinkled on the house and added to the water intended for bathing. The water collected at the Epiphany has a special healing and cleansing power. However, without faith, mechanically performing a cleansing ritual, even with Epiphany water, you will not get the desired result.
True believers go to church not so much for Epiphany water, but in order to glorify the Lord for his blessings, take part in divine services and cleanse themselves, then the need to cleanse the house automatically disappears.

How to clean a house from negativity and damage using water, salt, onions

Water, salt, garlic or onion can cleanse the house of negativity, absorbing it from the surrounding space. Therefore, if you suspect something is wrong, place them in the place that needs to be cleaned and ask for assistance in getting rid of the negativity. After a day, the products used in the ritual should be taken out of the house and thrown into the trash.

How to clean a new mirror for your home from negativity

If you doubt its cleanliness, sprinkle a new mirror with holy water or cross it with a lighted candle bought in church. This ritual will remove all the negativity that has accumulated in the mirror until it reaches your home.

How you can clean your house from negative energy with Orthodox prayers

To cleanse the house of filth, it is customary to invite a priest. The priest will read the necessary prayers, apply consecrated oil to the walls with an image of a cross, and sprinkle the entire house with consecrated water. If it is not possible to invite a clergyman, read the Prayer Book out loud and strengthen your faith, then the question of the negative impact of ill-wishers on you will not arise.

How to cleanse yourself and your home from negative energy the Muslim way

You can cleanse your home and yourself of negativity by reading the Koran. It is not necessary to do this yourself; you can include an audio recording of the surahs. The main thing is that before reading the house is in proper order and there is silence.

How to properly clean an apartment with a church candle and holy water

According to popular beliefs, if you sprinkle the corners of your apartment with holy water or cross them with a lit church candle while reciting the Lord’s Prayer, you can cleanse yourself of negativity. But it would be more correct to invite the priest for this purpose.

Cleaning an apartment from negative influences does not require serious preparation. This is a fairly simple ritual that can be performed every month. How to clean an apartment using a church candle, salt or prayer?

Energy waves permeate all space. Positive and negative vibrations affect a person’s well-being and his relationships with others. Simple cleaning of the living space with salt, candles, and prayer will help eliminate negative influences.

Why clean the apartment?

Every room has the ability to accumulate energy. For an apartment or workplace, it is necessary that the energy be positive. This will have a beneficial effect on interpersonal relationships and the general condition of a person.

Frequent quarrels, scandals, and conflicts create a depressing atmosphere in the apartment. Negative energy contributes to the deterioration of health (physical and mental). It will negatively affect relationships between relatives.

Guests and strangers come into the house, objects appear in it - all of them are carriers of mental information. To prevent stagnation of negative energy-informational background in the apartment, it should be cleaned regularly. This can be done once every six months or every month.

How to clean an apartment with salt? First you need to purchase them. You can take blessed candles, but this is not important. Salt is better coarse.

Preparing for cleansing

Before you start cleaning your apartment, you should prepare yourself. Negativity can be generated independently or absorbed from strangers. The neighbor looked askance, they were rude in the store - and now a bundle of negativity ended up in the house.

You can clean yourself with running water. A shower will help wash away all negative manifestations. For better cleaning, magicians advise rubbing yourself with salt - applying it to a damp body. This should be done carefully so as not to injure the skin, and then wash off the salt in the shower.

Remove all jewelry - chains, rings, bracelets. Metal objects attract energy. They should also be cleaned occasionally.

Open the windows. Wear simple, comfortable clothes. Send your household members for a walk. Collect unnecessary things, old trash and throw away. Energy should circulate freely throughout the house.

The easiest way to clean an apartment using a church candle and salt is to walk around the entire apartment with a burning candle, then scatter a little salt in the corners, and after half an hour wash the floor.

Cleansing with salt

Salt has the ability to absorb negative energy. Magicians recommend pouring a handful of powder into a container made of natural material (clay, porcelain) and placing it in the bedroom or living room - it will collect all the negative energy-information waves. Once a week or once a month (depending on the atmosphere in the house), you need to throw away the used salt. It is best to take it outside, throw it under a tree or bush. As a last resort, wash it down the sink.

In order to clean the apartment, salt (1 glass) must be calcined in a frying pan. For a better effect, you can add needles and pins - sharp metal objects, like antennas, attract negativity. Calcination continues until the salt begins to crackle. After this, turn off the stove. Go around the rooms with a frying pan. Smoke all the corners, the hallway. Next, bury the salt with needles in the ground. If the ritual was carried out without sharp objects, it is enough to throw the salt into the toilet and flush it. After the ceremony, wash the dishes and house thoroughly. It's as simple as cleaning your apartment with a church candle. The principle of operation is to go around all the corners.

Clear the space after the visit

If an unpleasant guest is expected to visit, you can prepare a canvas bag of salt. The fabric must be natural. Place the bag next to the place where the visitor is expected to be. After the guest, throw away the salt and rinse the bag under running water.

If a serious scandal occurs, be sure to take a shower after it. will wash away negative vibrations. After a shower, prepare a saline solution for washing your apartment: 1 heaped tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Dissolve salt in water. Rinse the entire house with this solution after an unpleasant visit or a big scandal.

How to clean an apartment with a candle

You can combine several techniques. For example, a day or two before using candles, place containers with salt in the corners. They will collect negativity. After this, the ritual with a candle will eliminate all negative vibrations as much as possible.

Fire helps cleanse space and objects from negativity. If the house has a stove or fireplace, this simplifies the task. You can light a torch and go around the whole house. How to clean an apartment using a church candle? It doesn't really matter whether the candle is blessed. If this is of great importance to a person, then it is better to use church

There are many rituals. The simplest one is to light a candle, walk around the apartment clockwise, treat the door handles, the space under the furniture, corners, walls, hallway, and bathroom.

Corners near the ceiling and floor are an excellent place for negativity to accumulate. These places need to be treated especially carefully.

After cleaning the apartment, you should leave a candle at the front door. When it burns completely, bury the rest under a tree.

Preparing the candle

To prevent candle wax from dripping onto your carpeting or floor, you need to take safety precautions. Take a sheet of paper and make a small cut on it. Insert a candle into it. The wax will drip onto the paper and will not ruin the floor of the apartment.

Another way is to drip hot wax onto a saucer. Place a candle on it. It will cool quickly and fix the candle on the saucer.

Holy water

Magicians are often asked how to clean an apartment with a church candle and only a priest can clean a home. Ordinary people are allowed to use church candles and holy water to cleanse the house of bad memories and unpleasant emotions.

The principle of operation with holy water is simple. You already know how to clean your apartment with a candle. Everything is similar here. The only thing is that it is better to invite an assistant. You need to take holy water from the church. If this is problematic, a consecrated silver cross can be placed in water for an hour, after which it will be considered cleansed.

Walk around the apartment with a church candle, starting clockwise. The assistant follows and sprinkles all objects, corners, walls, floor.

Before cleaning the apartment with holy water, general cleaning is required. First, the entire house is washed with plain water (or saline solution). Then there is cleaning with a candle and holy water.

How to clean an apartment with a candle and prayer

This method is relevant for those people who know several prayers (knowing them by heart will greatly facilitate the task).

With a candle in your hands and a prayer on your lips, you need to walk around the apartment clockwise. Pay attention to the places where the candle begins to crackle and the dripping wax turns black. You should read prayer in these places until everything returns to normal.

There is another way to clean an apartment using a church candle and prayer. An icon should be placed in each corner. Place candles nearby. Near each icon, read a prayer dedicated to the depicted saint 3 times. Leave the candles to burn out and throw away the remains. Hang icons around the apartment or make

Processing of mirror surfaces

When processing an apartment, people often forget about mirrors and reflective surfaces. They also tend to collect negative vibrations. Mirrors are capable of accumulating energy-informational material for years.

Water with salt is a universal remedy for the accumulation of negativity. The solution (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) should be used to wipe all mirror surfaces: furniture, mirrors. If there are stains left after the solution, after half an hour you can wipe the reflective surfaces with plain water.

Secret signs

When cleaning the apartment, be sure to turn off phones and electrical appliances so that nothing interferes. If during the ritual someone or something tries to distract you, this means that the house needs careful treatment.

  • If they knock on the door or ring insistently, do not be embarrassed. You should continue cleaning the apartment.
  • If a candle goes out, this is a sign that the apartment is under the influence of negative waves.
  • Where the candle crackles, black smoke appears, black wax flows down, and there is a place where negativity accumulates. It needs to be processed until everything returns to normal.

If something in the house is constantly breaking (electrical appliances, furniture, chains breaking, buttons flying off, plaster falling, wallpaper cracking, dishes breaking), then it’s time for a global cleansing of the apartment.

Energy is all around you.

It is present in the cells of your body, in the foods you eat for breakfast, in the people you meet on your way to work, and even in the walls of your apartment!

To maintain harmony and balance in your life, it is necessary that the flow of energy inside you and AROUND you proceeded unhindered.

Moreover, it is IMPORTANT that the space around you (including the people with whom you constantly intersect) matches your inner vibration.

You can work for as long as you like to raise your own vibrations, clear away the rubble of the past, heal your traumas and eradicate limiting beliefs...

BUT if you return home and plunge into negativity, all your work goes down the drain.

Influencing your loved ones can be difficult and takes time, but clearing your own apartment of negativity everyone can. And quickly!

How to understand that you need to clean the energy in your home

A few of the many possible signs:

  • You experience strange feelings in the house that seem to have “nowhere” to come from. For example, fear, irritability, lethargy...
  • Often children are naughty and pets behave restlessly
  • There is something like a poltergeist in the apartment - strange knocks, creaks. Either they disappear for no reason or things break.
  • To you hard to concentrate on your sense of home and family. All the time there are extraneous thoughts about work, some worries, the problems of other people.
  • You are a very sensitive person and read any energy. Once the balance in your home is upset, you feel "uneasy", don't find a place for yourself.
  • Do you feel a “swamp” in your life? stopper in goals or finances. This is often a sign of energy stagnation in the home.

What to do when your mood is at zero, and you wake up inexplicably anxious and even more tired than before going to bed?

How to cleanse your house of negativity and install protection

There are many ways to clear the energy space in your home. I will share the tools that I used myself at different stages of my life.

Choose the techniques that resonate most with you.

1. General cleaning of the house

Every time you clean, you are clearing your home of negative energy.

Beat the carpets, wash the curtains, wash the windows, vacuum the chandelier)
Start rearranging your furniture.

Before you start spring cleaning express your intention that you are energetically cleaning your apartment and harmonizing its energy.

2. Decluttering

Get rid of everything unnecessary, dirty, ugly - and immediately notice changes in energy.

Old things that you haven’t used for a long time not only accumulate negative energy, but also block the flow of fresh energy.

In places where unnecessary things accumulate, energy stagnates, and you observe stagnation in your life: lack of creative inspiration, dullness of everyday life and despondency.

Restore natural energy flow by getting rid of old junk!

When throwing out another item, washing away the dust, clearly imagine what unnecessary qualities and situations you are freeing yourself from.

3. Sea salt to cleanse negativity

Helps get rid of negative energy and promotes the circulation of balanced energy within your apartment.

Can be used in pure form (salt crystals) or dissolved in water.

Salt crystals have an amazing ability to absorb negative energy.

How to cleanse your house of negativity and protect it with salt

  • Place plates of salt in all corners of the room (especially the one where the family gathers and where you sleep). Salt should be in an open space, not in a cupboard. Remember to change the salt every 2 months.
  • Scatter large sea salt crystals over the carpet. After about an hour, vacuum the carpet. Be sure to throw away the dust bag in the vacuum cleaner.
  • Make a saturated brine solution by placing 5-6 tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. Rinse the floors in all rooms with the resulting solution.

Sea salt can also be used for balancing and cleansing for yourself personally.

Take a salt bath by adding 1-2 handfuls of bath salts to the water. You can also rub yourself with salt soap (there is such a thing) to wash away the negative energy of a hard day at work.

Rubbing with salt soap or bathing in a salt bath narrows the boundaries of your etheric field, literally returning you to your body.

4. Clearing low vibrations with sound

Sound is one of the most powerful vibrations physically felt by your body.

Loud sound can effectively destroy dense negative vibrations. Helps dissipate stagnant energy.

How to do sound cleansing

  • Walk around the perimeter of the room, clapping loudly. Approaching the corner of the room, make several energetic claps, from bottom to top. At some point you will hear an echo from the claps. This means that you have done a good job and you can finish. After clapping, be sure to wash your hands under running water.
  • Take the bell with clear sound and call them the whole apartment- from the front door to the bathroom, paying special attention to corners and furniture (see point above).

Keep the bell as close to the walls as possible, ringing at such intervals that the sound does NOT interrupt. Ring until you feel the sound of the bell become more rich and thick.

  • Use sound of Tibetan/crystal bowls to cleanse and harmonize space.

Sit in the center of the room you intend to cleanse and play the bowl until you feel the energy in the room change.

  • Hang the wind chime at the entrance to the apartment. If you live in a private home, you can hang wind chimes in several places around the house to cover more space.

Please note: Whatever instrument you use, the sound should be pleasing to your ears.

5. Incense and essential oils to remove negativity

One of the few methods that even men use))

To cleanse the space, you can use incense sticks, aroma lamps, use an aerospray, or simply drop the oil onto a special stand and place it around the room.

You can choose an essential oil for cleansing and protection “wisely”, listening to the advice of experts (the infographic below will help you with this) or choose based on own feelings and preferences.

Personally, I prefer to smell them)

6. Green plants to harmonize space

Houseplants not only provide oxygen to your home, but also infect the space with positivity, enhancing the circulation of vital energy.

Many indoor flowers are protectors and donors. This means that they are able to process negative vibrations and return them in the form of positive radiation.

The most useful and strong plants are considered geranium(harmonizes space, protects), cactus(draws in and neutralizes negativity), ficus(extinguishes aggression), primrose(calms conflicts) rosemary(relaxes and gives good sleep), cyclamen(promotes unification and understanding in the family), begonia(literally absorbs negative energy), aloe(doctor).

But! In addition to plants useful to humans, there are also vampire plants. These are those indoor flowers that deprive the space and people in it of energy.

Any plant can become a vampire if it lacks care and nutrition. Sick, drying plants also suck away strength. Try to get them out or get rid of them.

There are also indoor flowers that may not be safe to have in your home. Tradescantia causes concern fern drains a lot of energy ivy“survives” from the men’s house, it is even popularly called “muzhegon”. Some types vine create a “suffocating” atmosphere in the house.

Dangerous to have in the house monstera. This is a greedy tropical plant that drains energy from your household. Its place is in public spaces, where the flow of people is constantly changing.

Very bright or fragrant flowers ( roses, orchids) require a lot of your care and attention. If you are a soft person by nature, or energetically weakened, these plants will have a destructive effect on you.

7. Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Lords

Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Ascended Masters in themselves are not sources of energy.

They serve as channels that conduct energy through themselves.

So be careful in choosing what you hang on your bedroom wall.

At one time, I had on my wall the energy codes of Janos, mandalas drawn especially for me by friends and reproductions of the Archangel Michael.

As an illustration (from top to bottom):

Mandala Safety, made by our participant and volunteer - Maria Velichko, Mandala Tea Party - a personal gift to me from the Mystic, code Protection from Janos and Archangel Michael performed by V. Suvorov.

8. Candles to cleanse stagnant energy

Candles symbolize the element of fire. And fire is a wonderful tool energy conversion.

It is no coincidence that candles are used in rituals of liberation from the past, healing, and religious ceremonies.

For energy cleaning of the house, it is best to use wax ones, but any kind will do, even aromatic ones.

The procedure is similar to sound cleaning. Walk with the candle starting from the front door and further, along the perimeter of each room, clockwise.

You can linger a little longer in corners, doorways, and also in places where the candle will smoke black smoke, splash wax or crackle.

A sign that it can be completed - the candle burns calmly and exactly anywhere in your home.

Now you know how to cleanse your house of negativity and install protection in the best possible way. It's time to act!

But don’t overdo it... knowing you, I’ll say right away: it is recommended to clean the apartment 1-2 times a year. This is quite enough.

But you can imbue it with love and light every day!

So, what will you do TODAY to cleanse your home of negativity?

Every person would like to see their home as an impregnable fortress or a cozy place to relax, where they can sleep well after a hard day at work. But sometimes some strange discomfort is felt at home, nervousness increases, and sleep is disturbed. It is quite possible that the housing has been damaged, jinxed, or that negative energy has simply accumulated there over time. If this is indeed the case, it is necessary, without delay, to first diagnose the apartment or house for the presence of damage and the evil eye. And if negative energy is detected, get rid of it yourself, cleanse the premises of everything otherworldly and regain your former comfort and tranquility.

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      How to check your home for damage?

      If there is a suspicion that a curse has been placed on the house, damage has been caused or negative energy has accumulated, you must first check whether there is negativity, where there are accumulations of negative energy, whether there is a “lining” for causing damage. This is necessary for the most effective subsequent cleaning and so that the damage goes away for a long time and does not return after some time.

      • Lining - this is a material carrier designed to bring damage from a hostile sorcerer into the apartment and fix it there.

        It often looks like several needles stuck into a tuft of wool, or like a single needle. One needle is most often stuck under the front door trim and has traces of rust or soot. A specially made doll can also serve as a lining. In any case, it is worth carefully examining all the secluded places of the apartment to see if there are any objects there that the owner himself certainly did not bring into the house.

        If a lining is found, it should be taken with the right hand and thrown out of the house. If there is an opportunity to burn it, you need to do so. Damage burned on the lining returns back to the one who caused it.

        After a general inspection of the apartment, you can take a thin church candle, light it and walk around all the rooms with it, paying special attention to the corners. The candle should not be held straight, but should be moved slowly up and down. If there is damage to the house, a greasy trail of soot will follow the candle light, and the wax flowing down the candle will have the color of tar. The crackling and clicking of a candle, splashes of fire during combustion indicate accumulated negativity, which is not damage. These are simply remnants of bad thoughts, evil wishes expressed in a state of passion. It is easier to get rid of such negativity than from damage done by a master - a black sorcerer. You need to carefully remember all the places where the candle was fired or smoked, in order to further cleanse them of negativity.

        If the owner of the house belongs to one of the religious denominations, he can simply invite a minister of his religion to his place, and the clergyman will perform all the necessary rituals to consecrate and cleanse the premises. In the case when turning to the clergy did not help, or there is simply no desire to resort to their help, you can remove all the accumulated evil yourself and cleanse the apartment of negativity and damage with the help of magical rituals.

        Cleaning a house or apartment from negativity using magic

        Cleansing your home of negativity is done using symbols of the four elements:

        • Earth - it is symbolized by table salt.
        • Water - consecrated or specially charged water is used.
        • Fire - it is most convenient to use thin wax church candles.
        • Air - incense sticks are used as a symbol of air.

        Most rituals and ceremonies for cleansing from corruption use all these four components. You should carry out actions of a magical nature with a cheerful attitude, with full confidence in success, having carefully studied and firmly memorized all the necessary actions.

        To completely clean a house or apartment from damage, the evil eye, negative energy and to install protection against damage in the future, you will need the following items and ingredients:

    1. 1. A knife, new, bought silently and without haggling, on Saturday.
    2. 2. Bowl. It’s better if it’s stolen (you can agree with your friends about stealing it and “steal” the cup with their knowledge).
    3. 3. Incense. Incense sticks, incense burner or aroma lamp.
    4. 4. Candles. All candles should be wax, one thick with a candlestick and several thin ones. Church candles will do.
    5. 5. Salt. Natural, without aromatic additives, maybe sea. You need two types of salt: very fine and very coarse, with crystal sizes of three millimeters or more.
    6. 6. A new broom, bought for the waning moon.
    7. 7. A new bucket, purchased at the same time as the broom.

    Before the rituals, you should clean the house, hide unnecessary things that interfere with the passage, and carry out wet cleaning using ordinary means. Remove other people and pets from the apartment while cleaning.

    Diagnosis of egg spoilage - rules and interpretation

    Getting rid of energy waste

    The first step in ridding your home of damage should be cleansing it of small negative energy forms. Throughout life, all people emit different energy. Both positive and negative. If there are constant conflicts in the apartment or tenants change frequently, negative energy accumulates faster.

    You should take a thick candle and place it in the center of the room. Stand in front of a candle and close your eyes. Clearly feel the light in front of you. Having cleared your head of extraneous thoughts, take a deep breath, imagining how the warmth and light from the candle are drawn into the top of your head. Then pronounce the spell loudly, opening your mouth wide: "Ata! Mal kut! Vig-bu-ra! Vig-du-la! Li-o-lam! Agla!"

    The last word should be pronounced most expressively, at the same time imagining how a circle of light and heat radiates from the speaker in different directions, cleansing and burning out everything bad around.

    This ritual must be performed in every room of the house. After this, you can proceed to the next steps. Only one ritual is performed per day. The next ritual begins only the next day. All actions must be carried out day after day, without interruption.

    Salt cleansing

    To cleanse spoilage with salt you will need:

    • fine salt;
    • broom;
    • a thick candle in a candlestick.

    The candle is lit and placed anywhere in the room being cleaned. The candle is then moved to the next room. Salt is first slandered using a spell: “By God’s permission, according to my will, take away the salt of someone else’s word, leave the salt of my word. Amen.”

    You need to go to the corner farthest from the front door and, moving towards the exit of the room, scatter salt around you, slightly throwing it up. Then move on to the next corner. Then they take a broom and sweep up the salt with the injunction: “Sweep away all evil, salt and rubbish from the house.”

    All rooms in the house should be treated in this way.

    Ritual with fire

    To cleanse with fire, use thin church candles. One candle is clamped in a fist; during this ritual, melted wax will flow from the candle onto the hand. This is a little unpleasant, but you need to be patient and make sure that drops of wax do not drip onto the floor. If any drop falls, do not forget to scrape it off the floor later on the same day.

    First, the candle is spoken by holding it lit in the left hand. Text of the slander: “Burn in a flaming fire the word of another according to my word. Amen.”

    Then they stand in the corner farthest from the front door and begin to slowly move the candle up and down, as far as the hand can reach. During this action, the spell is recited: “Arkea ab malum, apsumdum mala.”

    The spell is repeated over and over again for each movement of the candle. If there is little soot from the candle, then this entire operation is carried out three times. If there is a lot of soot and black drops flow down the candle, then the number of movements is increased three times - up to nine or twenty-seven times. If, after cleaning the room, less than half of the candle remains, when starting to clean the next room, take a new candle. In this way, damage is removed from every room of the living space, including the kitchen and bathroom. Usually there is not a lot of negativity in the bathroom, because moving water is a good destroyer of any damage.

    Incense fumigation

    For this ritual, it is most convenient to use incense sticks of oriental incense. The smell is chosen that is closest to the smell of incense or any of the pine aromas. First, the sticks should be spoken: “With a fast wind, with flying smoke, fly the evil deed from here and to distant lands. Amen.”

    All rooms are walked around in the same way as when cleaning with fire, but not a candle is held in the hand, but one or more sticks, depending on the thickness. And they read another spell: “Verba mea erit rumpe malum.”

    After all the rooms in your home have been treated, you need to ventilate them properly. It would also be a good idea to carefully inspect the floors and remove fallen ashes from burnt incense.

    Cleaning with water

    Lastly, a cleansing ritual with water is performed. To carry it out you will need:

    • new bucket;
    • bowl;
    • coarse salt;
    • ordinary water;
    • rag.

    Water is collected in a bucket and bowl. As soon as water is collected, it must be immediately charged in a special way. They take a handful of coarse salt in their left hand and pour it into a bucket with the words: “Strong salt, bitter salt, corrode fortune telling, dissolve witchcraft, laugh at lies, bind the tongue, bind the mind of every enemy. He cannot gain strength, he cannot bring harm to this house.” repair, but what is done will not be done. Amen.”

    Then they kneel down, take a bowl of water in both hands and read a prayer: “Our heavenly Father, Creator of everything, guardian of people, persecutor of enemies. Enter this water, give it your grace, cleanse it from tricks, protect it from filth. Thank you.” .

    Standing in the center of the room, with a bowl in your left hand, scoop up water with your right fingertips and splash it around with the words: “I want! Cleanse yourself!”

    Then you should walk through all the rooms, spraying water with the same words, spray water and walk along the corridor. You need to go through all the rooms, including technical ones. Next, you should carry out wet cleaning in the apartment or house using water from a bucket. With this water you can wipe not only the floor, but also radiators and anything else you want. You need to wipe window sills, window frames, plumbing fixtures, tables and other furniture with this water. You can use different rags for different furniture. Upon completion of cleaning the premises from damage, it is necessary to install protection on the living premises to avoid causing damage in the future.

    Protection from future damage

    For protection you will need:

    • Knife. It must be new and must not subsequently be used for cooking or cutting prepared food. This knife is used only in magical rituals.
    • Bowl with holy water.
    • Coarse salt.
    • Incense.
    • Large candle in a candlestick.

    They light a candle and place it on the table in the main room. There should be a bowl of holy water and a knife nearby. There you need to strengthen the lit incense; you can simply stick it into a candle to make it smoke. Sprinkle salt on a clean cloth. Stand or sit for a while and meditate. Remove all thoughts from your head and focus on the task - protecting the apartment from the enemy.

    When you feel completely ready and confident in your abilities, you can begin the final stage of cleaning the apartment from damage - setting up magical protection.

    Ritual of protection against damage

    They slander coarse salt with the following spell: “Coarse salt, strong salt, become a grain like a stone, a stone become like a rock, become a rock like a mountain. The mountains are high, you can’t go around, don’t go around, don’t undermine, don’t fly around. Every enemy will falter. , the enemy’s word will be turned away, the enemy’s thoughts will be smashed against a mountain, against a rock, against a stone, against a grain. As it has been said, so it will be from now on.”

    Take a knife and stick it into the threshold of the front door with the words: “The knife is the key, the threshold is the lock, the enemy no longer comes to us. I lock the house from damage, let the enemy grimace in pain.”

    Next, without taking out the knife, you need to go around the whole house and pour salt wherever there is the slightest connection with the outside world. On window sills, on ventilation holes in the kitchen and bathroom. This should be done in such a way that one handful of unused salt remains. This last salt is poured in a path across the door, thereby locking the main entrance to the house. Then you should go to bed. Without removing either the salt or the knife. The next morning, the knife can be pulled out of the threshold, the salt can be left for another three days, or it can be removed immediately.

    In the future, you can carefully monitor people who come to visit. Those who come with evil or the intention of causing damage will not be able to enter the house the first time, and even the most powerful sorcerer will certainly hesitate at least a little when entering the house. By this criterion it will be possible to identify ill-wishers. You should not accept any gifts or food from them.

    Such cleanings should be carried out in a residential building or apartment every three years, since over time, the protection weakens. If the apartment is rented to strangers, especially for a short period, then cleaning and installation of protection should be carried out more often - at least once a year. The most favorable time for this set of rituals is seven days before the New Year. Then cleaning and subsequent protection will be especially effective.

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