
Application of em-technology in agriculture. Em technologies – or effective microorganisms


I will tell you a little about EM technologies, not with the goal of persuading you to use them, but to give you useful information about it, and the choice is yours. Do you know that 90% of all The biomass consists of microbes, and 10% is animals, plants and humans.

EM technologies are widely used in the world. Particularly advanced in thissmart Japanese. The championship belongs to the Japanese scientist Teruo Higa, who selected from many thousands of 84 microorganisms that are capable of leading in the microcosm, directing processes towards regeneration, that is, healing. At the same time, leader microorganisms are capable of including pathogenic neighbors in health-improving work. He also found a way to transfer information from bacteria to other materials.

I’ll tell you a little about the wonders of using EM technologies in Japan and other countries. The successes of the Japanese are based on the fact that they have developed a kind of EM philosophy and EM ethics. They already wash clothes with EM powder, wash with EM soap, purify water with ceramic EM filters, throw EM ceramic tablets into gas tanks, they clean plumbing fixtures, wash walls and sidewalks using EM products, sleep on EM balance sheets. If you wear EM-balance underwear or clothes, they believe, then conflict in the team is sharply reduced. They spill EM preparations on the ground under the foundation of a future house, add EM powder to paint and concrete - people feel great in such homes. Naturally, EO preparations are used in agriculture.

Japan is a leader in the use of biotechnologies for cleaning lakes, rivers, and sea coasts. In Osaka, for example, about 4 thousand tons of the drug were poured into the Dodombori River, and 200 thousand pieces of EM-koloboks - clay balls with microorganisms - were dumped to clean the bottom. With the help of microorganisms it is possible to clean water bodies of oil. After the accident with the Russian tanker Nakhodka, the Japanese needed only one year to restore the previous ecological balance.

They transform kitchen waste into valuable fertilizer, wastewater almost into spring water, heal the soil and air, and even treat people in special sanatoriums with bacteria. Do you know that Japan has the longest life expectancy, this is probably due to the rejection of chemicals and the use of EM technologies. They say that the Japanese consume a lot of seafood, which is why they live longer; other countries also consume it, but their life expectancy is lower.

In Germany, a nozzle with chips made of EM ceramics is used for better combustion of automobile fuel. In the American city of Jefferson, wastewater treatment facilities using Kyusei EM-1 have been operating for many years, healing the Missouri River, which flows across the country. Even Kenya, (Africa), but even there there is a program for improving the environment with the help of EM technology in Nairobi. Kenyans, with the help of a special vegetable juice, the drug EMH, are improving their health and even fighting against AIDS, preventing the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

Conclusion: In many countries, useful EM technologies are being introduced at the state level. Do you think anything is being done in this regard at the state level in our country? - of course not. Only individual scientist-enthusiasts and teams implement EM technologies.

What do we have?

1.Bacteria for soil and plants

2.EM - plastic is produced by the company "Bask-plastic" in Khabarovsk

3. Bacteria for improving people’s health or biologically active substances VETOM are produced by the Scientific Research Center in Koltsovo (near Novosibirsk).

4.EM - soap in the Far East.

Bacteria for the soil

Novosibirsk State Agrarian UniversityA microbial preparation called BakSib, called Siyanie, has been developed. Isolation, study and selection of cultures for the drug were carried out in the laboratory of microbiology of the NSAU, and the selection of the substrate and production of the drug in the SPC of the Novosibirsk corporation "EM-Biotech". The cultures of microorganisms included in this preparation were isolated from Siberian soils.

These groups of microorganisms improve the mineral nutrition of plants, activate plant growth, and protect them from fungal and other diseases. The taste of the collected fruits improves and its shelf life increases. Another important function of these bacteria in the soil is the function of detoxification (purification) of various pollutants that enter the soil and have a negative impact on the environment and the quality of agricultural products.

The biological product “Shine 1” (BakSib K) is a concentrate from which 3000 liters of the finished solution are obtained.

The success turned out to be stunning: with the creation of the EM drug, a new farming technology was created - EM technology, and with its advent a new era of ecological farming began. Depending on the intensity of application of the new technology and the degree of soil contamination, the yield increased several times. But the main advantage of EM technology is the ability, by eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, to return high natural fertility to soils and at the same time obtain a high-quality, environmentally friendly harvest.

Most nutrients are available in sufficient quantities even in the poorest soils. They can be available to plants in the required quantities due to the vital activity of microorganisms. It is not the plants themselves that should be provided with nutrition, but the microorganisms that feed them, which, in turn, will provide the plants with the necessary nutrients. Bacteria need organic matter to feed them.

If you want to get a good harvest, add more organic matter, mulch all your plants, grow green manure, and make compost from weeds.
The more organic matter and essential elements in the soil, the higher its fertility. On poor empty soil without organic matter, even introducing bacteria there will not be a good harvest.

EM plastic

Teruo Higa back in the early nineties proposed a technology for transferring information from living microorganisms - EM balance, and EM ceramics, EM plastic, EM salt, EM clothing, etc. appeared. EM products affect the environment with healing waves in the same way as living microorganisms. The property lasts indefinitely, but in ceramics it must last forever. Real millennium, the era of nanotechnology.

Photo of the EM container. The shelf life of products in it is much longer, the taste of the products improves.

In Russia there are more than 20 million garden plots alone. If every tenth gardener begins to use EM technology using EM containers produced in Khabarovsk, this will additionally provide about a million tons of fertilizers that are at least 5 times more effective than rotted manure.Improvement of the environment.Composting garden and kitchen waste is a very important process for the environment.In the photo: a bucket for preparing EM compost. We put all kitchen waste in a bucket, sprinkle it with Radiance 3 bacteria and get excellent compost.

There is and will be waste, and we need to get rid of it. Chemicals (incineration) mean both loss of organic matter and damage to the environment. Physical means (landfill) are still losses, and pollution of the environment, and only biological means - composting - allow you to get rid of waste, and not harm the environment, and save resources, return waste to the earth in a form in which they can be effectively used by plants.

VETOM NPF "Research Center"

In the USSR in the 80s, the Microbioprom enterprise for biological protection was created. In the 90s it was transformed into the Vector enterprise. Later it was divided into small scientific teams. Nowadays, the NPF Research Center in the science city of Koltsovo (near Novosibirsk) is engaged in the production of beneficial bacteria for people.

I have already written that 90% of biomass is microbes, and 10% is animals, plants and humans. Microbes are different: good, bad. Our scientists have isolated beneficial bacteria, they suppress harmful bacteria and strengthen the immune system.

Vetom - uniqueness - safety, these bacteria have existed for millions of years and have been in contact with humans. Wild strains of bacteria are still found in nature.How I “accidentally” met them - three antibiotic tablets for acute bronchitis - complete dysbiosis and intestinal disorder. Two ampoules of Vetom - everything returned to normal.

We are often prescribed antibiotics (although they do not act on viruses - it is useless). I do not deny that thanks to antibiotics, millions of lives have been saved and epidemics have been eliminated. But the way they are used now cannot be used. Example: what is the connection between a sore throat cured with an antibiotic and a heart attack. It turns out that the microbe that causes a sore throat acts on blood viscosity with certain enzymes. They killed him - the blood became thicker - coronary disease appeared - the result of a heart attack. Only these events are separated in time and are not immediately noticeable. In total, he cured a sore throat. In short, don’t overuse medications.

But what nature does is act differently; the beneficial microbe determines what needs to be produced to suppress the harmful microbe. It's been like this for millions of years. We take Vetom medications, they have passed through the intestines - that means they are their own, the body accepts them. They help produce interferon and fight viruses. The immune system begins to work.

Don’t expect miracles from EM technologies; there are no miracles and there cannot be any. EM is not a panacea for all ills and misfortunes, but modern biotechnology. It is very necessary and deserves widespread implementation.

Lyubov Khudyakova

EM technologies in the garden plot are no longer new to experienced summer residents. In the garden, the use of effective microorganisms (EM) significantly speeds up compost fermentation processes, cleanses the soil of pathogens and restores soil fertility. But not everyone is familiar with the features of the use of beneficial microbes, so let’s define in simple words what EM technologies are in gardening.

EM technologies in the garden: a little theory and immediately practice

In the 80s, professor of microbiology Teruo Higa (Japan) created the drug “Kyussey-1” to reduce toxicity and decompact soil in gardens. A complex of microorganisms was isolated from symbionts of soil microflora.

The action turned out to be so multifunctional that it began to be used as a probiotic, added to animals' drinks, destroying putrefactive odors on livestock farms, for fermenting compost and, ultimately, for spraying crop residues to quickly decompose organic matter.

By analogy with the Japanese drug based on the Baikal ecosystem, Shablin Petr Ayushevich created the drug “Baikal EM-1”. Later, similar microbial extracts appeared with the names “East EM” and “Shine”. Having various composites, they contain the following groups of microorganisms:

  • photosynthetic bacteria- microbes that synthesize useful substances from plant root secretions using sunlight and heat. In the process of their life activity, they produce amino acids, which are then consumed by fungi, improving the dissolution of phosphates in the soil, as a result of which minerals become available to plants;
  • fermenting mushrooms– form mycelium that penetrates organic residues in the soil, producing esters and antibiotics during their life activity that suppress unpleasant odors and disinfect the soil;
  • yeast– participate in loosening the soil and improving its structure. They absorb amino acids and sugars released by plant roots and photosynthetic bacteria, providing in return antibiotics, hormones and enzymes that stimulate plant root growth. These secretions also provide food for lactobacilli;
  • lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus)– using carbohydrates synthesized by photosynthetic bacteria and yeast, they produce lactic acid, a powerful sterilizer that inhibits the growth of pathogenic organisms (for example, root rot). They accelerate the decomposition of coarse organic matter and, in general, take a leading place in increasing soil fertility;
  • actinomycetes– participate in the decomposition of sparingly soluble organic compounds (wax, fiber), synthesizing instead antibiotics that suppress the development of pathogenic microbes;
  • nitrogen-fixing microorganisms– convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds accessible to plants, synthesize various vitamins and biostimulants of growth.

All of the microbes listed above are beneficial soil microflora that never cause harm to living organisms. They are the ones who heal and clean the “Augean stables” in the literal and figurative sense: they create healthy conditions for plants, animals and humans.

It is very simple to breed purchased EM crops: take water without chlorine and add some kind of sweetness - stale jam or molasses. Microbes awaken and divide when fed with sugar, and the resulting solution is used in the garden throughout the entire summer season. Even in areas heavily contaminated with heavy metals, the natural balance is restored with the help of EM technologies in 3-5 years.

EM technology for growing vegetables

In the garden, everything is very simple - until a natural balance is achieved in the garden plot (where the main indicator is regenerative processes), it is necessary to saturate the soil with EMs. That is, with the help of EM cells (effective microorganisms), we artificially swing the microflora pendulum towards restorative processes.

If there are few beneficial microbes, degeneration processes prevail in the soil - rot and unpleasant odors appear. By saturating the soil with beneficial symbionts, we turn the processes toward restoration, and previously inactive microbes side with the “leaders,” helping to improve the microenvironment of the site.

It is as if a microbial “explosion” is obtained, which gradually, of course, fades away, since the microbes from the test tube will gradually be absorbed, say, by the local “aboriginals”. They will still not be able to fully take root, and this is not so important - regular saturation of the soil with organic matter with the addition of EMOC will gradually regulate the entire microflora of the garden so that growing vegetables will become productive.

According to conservative estimates of the Japanese, the productivity of vegetables and fruits when plantings are treated with EM crops increases by 3-5 times. While advertising posters of fertilizer and pesticide manufacturers predict an increase in products by 30-50 percent. And this is not surprising - EOs, entering into symbiosis with plant roots, increase the intensity of photosynthesis, activate plant development, and cleanse the soil of pathogens. In such conditions, yields become stable.

The launch of EM technologies in the northern regions is especially effective. After all, after hibernation, beneficial microbes wake up there no earlier than mid-June, when the main period of growing vegetables comes to an end. That is why we keep a bucket of compost underground and scatter it over the beds in May - we wake up our natives early. And when growing vegetable seedlings, we add this unfrozen compost with living microbes to the soil.

The basic rules for launching EM technology on your site when growing vegetables and fruits are to constantly mulch the beds and trunk circles of berry and fruit crops, and maintain moisture. In drought, as well as in frost, the vital activity of microbes freezes.

We water the garden beds with the addition of EM preparations no more than once a week. This is enough to saturate the soil with beneficial microflora. Using microbiological additives, we infuse weeds and also prepare aerated compost tea (ACT). We alternate such feedings with each other.

In addition, we use mixed plantings in the beds and observe crop rotation. And in just a couple of years, soil pathogens left us alone—the signs of wilting and root rot disappeared. We are very pleased with the results. Look how green the cucumbers are at the end of August:

In addition to watering plants, EMCs are used for spraying fruit trees, berry fields and vegetables. When vinegar is added to a solution, protective mixtures are obtained that suppress the appetite of harmful insects. They are also added to waste pits and septic tanks, to purify waste water and reservoirs - there are many uses, but in the garden you still need to start with improving the soil.

It is advisable to carry out the first spraying of Baikal-EM1 in the garden when the thermometer rises to 10 degrees. But not earlier than April, so that the awakened plant sprouts do not fall under frost. The berry fields are watered and sprayed with a solution in a concentration of 1:1000, the garden 2 weeks before the first planting - with a concentration of 1:100. In the fall, stop watering and treating plants and soil with EMs in September, so as not to cause the buds laid for the next year to spill.

EM compost: preparation technology

One of the best ways to recycle weeds, tops, feces, leaves, sawdust, paper, cardboard and food waste in the garden is by making EM compost. It is undesirable to add oak, poplar and walnut leaves to the compost heap; their growth inhibitors take longer to decompose than compost is prepared and will inhibit the development of vegetables in the garden.

When putting pine needles, high peat and sawdust from coniferous trees into compost, the layers must be sprinkled with bone meal or ground eggshells to deoxidize it. It’s better to accumulate organic matter with an acidic reaction separately and use it for rhododendrons, blueberries and heather.

To obtain rich EM compost, it is important to maintain a nitrogen to carbon ratio - for beginning gardeners, this means that all green matter, manure and food waste contain more nitrogen, and brown dried dead wood, shredded branches, bark and cardboard are carbon filler. There should be about 30 times more carbon. Layers of compost must be layered with fertile soil; it retains moisture and promotes the development of EM crops and worms.

To wet the compost, use preparations “Tamir” or its analogues, which improve the fermentation of organic matter, or solutions “Baikal-EM1”, “Vostok-EM”. Concentrations with detailed instructions are always included with EM preparations. The preparations of the “Shine” group have a slightly different technology - bulk concentrates, but the principle of filling remains the same: layers of organic matter and earth, sprinkled with EM concentrate, must be moistened.

To prevent the compost from drying out, it is covered with film or spunbond. Usually EM compost ripens quickly - in six months, but we use quite large volumes here, since we take weeds from our neighbors, and ferment the compost longer to get rid of the seeds - a detailed preparation scheme is described.

Today, the use of effective microorganisms makes it possible to relatively quickly eliminate all harmful and toxic substances in the soil at the dacha, and obtain environmentally friendly products. Don’t be discouraged if the amount of harvest does not immediately increase, it means that the soil really needs rehabilitation, and one season was simply not enough for a complete recovery. But the efforts will not be in vain; the soil will be restored year after year, because the efficiency of using EM technology in the garden plot is very high.


Greetings, dear blog reader! From this article you will learn what it is EM - technology. This is a new direction in agriculture, which is still unknown to many people. Although new is not an entirely accurate definition, because new is the well-forgotten old.

EM technology promotes smart farming and a gentle attitude towards nature, aimed at restoring and increasing the humus layer of the soil by maintaining the vital activity of its inhabitants, and in particular microorganisms, that is, the smallest living creatures that we cannot see, and whose sizes are measured thousandths and millionths of a millimeter. But they do a tremendous job.

A little about microbes. As soon as a person is born, he is already surrounded by microbes. Every centimeter of our body contains tens of millions of microorganisms. The human intestine is 1/3 populated by microorganisms. of which there are more than 70 species. In water, every cubic kilometer of water contains tons of microorganisms. In the soil of the northern regions there are up to two tons per hectare, and in the southern regions up to eight tons per hectare of microorganism biomass, which is identical in weight to a whole herd of cows. And depending on which microorganisms predominate in your soil, it will be more or less fertile.

The use of EM series preparations (effective microorganisms) will allow you to quickly increase the number of agronomically useful microorganisms on your land plot. The first drugs in the EM series were created 20 years ago by a Japanese microbiologist, Professor Higa Tera. And they have received wide recognition throughout the world. More than a hundred countries use this technology to obtain high yields and improve the quality of grown products. And you can grow tasty and rich harvests only on healthy, fertile soils.

What is "healthy soil"? And what can we do to improve its fertility? Imagine that the soil is a huge mechanism in which life “bubbles”. First of all, you need to know how the soil was formed. The first inhabitants of our planet are microorganisms. They settle on rocks, stones, and begin to create soil - they create an organic substance called humus, and the second part is the mineral part, where the biological cycle takes place, ensuring life on the planet.

Biological cycling is when plants take food from organic matter, break it down, and then return it back to the soil as organic matter after digestion and decomposition. Thus, the more beneficial microorganisms there are in our area, the healthier and more fertile the soil will be. Moreover, this will happen naturally, the way it has happened in nature from time immemorial. Our task with you is simply not to interfere with these processes, but, on the contrary, to help.

When to start using EM technology? At any time of the year, as various methods are offered - preparing compost at home in winter, preparing the soil for seedlings, soaking seeds, growing seedlings, spring soil preparation, accelerated preparation of compost, and protecting plants from diseases and pests , and watering plants during the growing season, and autumn tillage, and much more. And EM drugs will help us with all this.

Modern microbiology has proven in practice that with the help of effective microorganisms (EMs) it is possible to control soil fertility and productivity, and this direction is an alternative to the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

The proposed technology is based on a reasonable form of agriculture aimed at restoring the humus layer of the soil, which has been severely depleted over the past 200 years of farming using traditional agricultural techniques. In Russia, this technology has been implemented for ten years, in Japan - twenty. EM technology has proven to be the most effective and less expensive. So it’s worth trying this technology in your areas.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that microbiological technologies do not always guarantee a quick effect - it all depends on the condition of the soil on your plots. Sometimes it can take years to restore soil fertility.

Therefore, if you take up this matter, do not stop using EM technology on your site for three to four years, even if you do not observe a very noticeable effect. The example of Japan in the use of such technology is very indicative - they do not expect immediate results, but work for the future, and this pays off handsomely - now, thanks to the fact that they are intensively using EM - technology, the Japanese harvest huge, several times a season, harvests of healthy, environmentally friendly products.

All over the world, organic farming is now becoming increasingly popular, based on the use of environmentally friendly organic fertilizers, such as manure, bird droppings, peat, compost, as well as various green manures and microbiological preparations. Microbiological, or microbial, preparations are not only compatible with organic fertilizers, they also increase their capabilities several times!

By saturating the soil with nutrients from organic fertilizers and beneficial soil microflora, you give food not so much to plants as to the earth, improving its structure, increasing biological activity, and, as a result, significantly increasing its fertility. The earth begins to gradually come to life and gain strength.

“A fool grows weeds, a smart man grows crops, and a wise man grows soil,” says the ancient Chinese proverb. Finding your own living land - isn’t this important for those who strive to live in harmony with nature and grow only environmentally friendly products on their land?

Many gardeners note that a sustainable effect from the use of EM technology is observed in the second year, while others notice it after 2-3 weeks. It all depends on the initial conditions: soil composition, cultivation methods, fertilizers used, the amount of organic matter introduced, water regime, climatic conditions and others; it is impossible to foresee all of them.

Long-term observations have shown that, even when starting to use EM preparations in July-August, many summer residents were shocked by the change in the appearance of the plants, as if an additional charge of vitality had been breathed into them. The number of new ovaries and fruits increased sharply, the plants stopped getting sick, and their fruiting continued until the frost.

What is the secret of such success, and what needs to be done for this? The most important thing is to shift all the main work to microorganisms, and we only need to create conditions for them to function normally. It is necessary to give them organic waste as food and stop digging up the soil with the formation turnover.

It is advisable to loosen only the top layer of soil (5-7 cm), inhabited mainly by aerobic microorganisms that need oxygen to function. In this way we stimulate their development. In addition, by loosening the top layer of soil, we do not disturb its structure, ensuring water and air permeability, thereby preserving fertility.

Therefore, if you decide to introduce EM technology on your plots, first of all, you need to stop digging up the soil, and only loosen the top fertile layer, saturating it with oxygen, and feed the soil inhabitants with various organic wastes, supporting their vital functions.

Conclusions and benefits from the use of microbiological preparations:

1.They increase the content of agronomically useful microorganisms in the soil.

2. They improve the health of the soil, as they inhibit the growth of phytopathogens, increasing the number of antagonistic microbes.

3.Improve soil structure.

4. Helps improve mineral nutrition of plants.

5. They release biologically active substances and stimulate plant growth, increase plant immunity and productivity.

6.Improves the quality of the harvest.

Always remember that microbial preparations contain living organisms, and therefore strictly follow the conditions for their use:

Application of preparations to the soil or spraying on plants should be carried out in the morning or after rain, but under no circumstances in sunny weather, since the sun's rays have a detrimental effect on microorganisms and can reduce the effectiveness of the preparations.

Temperature also affects the development of microorganisms, so it is advisable to apply the drug to the soil in warm weather.

Spraying plants should be finely dispersed, since large drops easily roll off the surface of the leaves.

The effectiveness of any microbial preparations increases with the simultaneous use of organic fertilizers and compliance with crop rotation.

As you can see, EM - technology allows us to restore the structure of the earth, significantly improve fertility and increase productivity on our plots, only for this we need to follow the rules listed above.

EM technology is a biotechnology that uses the properties of various groups and types of microorganisms. This group received a common name - Effective Microorganisms (EM).

Based on EM, unique EM preparations have been developed, such as:

Japanese EM-1, EM-A, EM-5, EM-X Gold, Bokashi, EM Ceramics
Russian: Baikal EM-1, Siyanie-1, Siyanie-2, Siyanie-3Bokashi, EM ceramics

Ukrainian: Baikal EM-1-U, Emochki, EM-A, Bokashi, EM-ceramics

These popular drugs have earned recognition in different countries of the world. They are successfully used in agriculture, animal husbandry, everyday life, medicine, and construction.

The main goals of EM technology:

Produce sufficient quantities of safe food to support and improve human health.

To make the production of these products economically profitable for manufacturers, farmers, and summer residents.
Respect nature and be responsible for preserving the environment.

Cleaning up contaminated areas.

EM technology was developed by a Japanese professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Teruo Higa.

From childhood he was interested in agriculture. Graduated from agricultural school and university. Having been engaged in growing agricultural crops for many years, he became convinced of the importance of microorganisms and humus for plant nutrition.
Working in greenhouses where pesticides and toxic chemicals were used, he seriously undermined his health. This fact forced him to turn his attention to organic farming methods.

Studying soil life, Teruo Higa studied about 4 thousand species of main soil microorganisms.

He managed to make an amazing discovery:
It turns out that in the world of microorganisms, 95% of all species are “neutral” and only 5% are “leaders”. If positive (effective) “leaders” predominate in the soil, then these 95% act in unison with them. In this case, positive effects are achieved: the soil is healed and the plants grow well. And vice versa, if the “leaders” are pathogenic (negative), then the result will be negative.

As a result of many years of research (about 30 years), T. Higa selected 130 leading (effective) microorganisms that cover and perform all functions of plant nutrition, protection and improvement of the soil environment, and managed to combine them in one preparation called “EM-1”.

In Ukraine, this drug is distributed under the name - "Emochka, EM-A"

The uniqueness of this drug lies in the fact that it combines microorganisms whose living conditions are different and opposite. Anaerobic and aerobic, heat-loving and cold-loving species coexist in the preparation. This provided the drug with versatility and a wide range of applications. Higa had no idea what amazing results the discovery of EM would lead to.

“EM-1” is a microbiological preparation - a concentrate which includes:

Lactic acid bacteria which produce lactic acid from various carbohydrates and sugars, produced by yeasts and synthesizing bacteria. Lactic acid is a good sterilizer, neutralizes the action of harmful microorganisms, and promotes the decomposition of organic substances.

Photosynthetic bacteria- these are independent independent microorganisms that synthesize the necessary substances from root secretions of plants, organic matter, using the heat of the soil and sunlight as an energy source.

Yeast- they produce antibiotic substances for plants from sugars and amino acids produced by photosynthetic bacteria.

Scientists from different countries have repeatedly made attempts to copy Japanese technology (drug “EM-1”). No one has been able to fully reveal the secret. Original products based on EM-1 concentrate are distributed by the corporation (EMRO) through official representative offices in different countries.
The representative office of EMRO, the company EM-Ukraine, is located in Kirovograd...

Fertilizer Baikal EM-1

According to the Russian scientist Pyotr Ayuchevich Shablin, he managed to repeat the achievements of the Japanese professor. In 1998, Shablin created his own drug "Baikal EM-1" In the 90s, he visited the EM technology research center (Okinawa, Japan) where he received partial access to information. Subsequently, the scientist followed his own creative path. According to Shablin, the created drug “Baikal EM-1” is in no way inferior to the Japanese one, and in some respects it is superior to the Japanese one. It should be noted that the price for Baikal EM-1 is significantly lower.

The production of Baikal EM-1 is organized in several countries around the world: China, India, Spain, Colombia,
and “EM-1” is produced in countries such as the USA, China, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Denmark, Brazil, Argentina, North Korea, Kenya.

Japan is the undisputed leader in the implementation of EM technologies in all spheres of life. The state provides information and financial support. For example: everyone is given a special EM-bucket and the “EM-bokashi” preparation, with the help of which the problem of recycling kitchen organic waste is solved. This drug promotes accelerated fermentation of organic waste. Subsequently, this waste is purchased by greenhouse farms, which finally transform the waste into unique EM compost. These farms solve several important problems at once:

provide the population of nearby settlements with EM food products, which in their properties are close to the healing power of the famous ginseng.
process most of the organic waste from populated areas.

According to some reports, the number of people in Japan who use EM-A, EM-X Gold internally exceeds two million. people for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.
EM technology is gradually replacing all household chemicals. Detergents, bleaches, personal hygiene products (shampoo, soap, toothpaste) are increasingly being replaced by EM analogues.

With the help of EM, the Japanese are actively cleaning up their contaminated territories, rivers, lakes, and inland seas, pouring hundreds of thousands of liters of EM-A into them. Also used in cleaning are “EM-X” - powder and EM ceramics, as well as special EM balls.

Even in such a developed country as the USA, EM technology has gained great popularity. At the moment, 41 states out of 50 are using the capabilities of EM technology to one degree or another. The fact is that the US agricultural industry found itself in a difficult situation in the early 2000s.

Modern agriculture has become heavily dependent on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Over many years of increased use of “chemicals,” most farm soils have become so contaminated that further production of agricultural products has become very dangerous for consumers and unprofitable for producers. To compensate for losses, subsidies from the budget were required. This circumstance forced the government to tighten legislation and introduce restrictions on the use of dangerous farming methods.

Farmers were also obliged to eliminate the consequences of environmental pollution at their own expense. Many farmers suffered significant losses, and some were forced to liquidate their farms because they could not meet the new stringent standards. There has also been an increase in filing lawsuits by local residents. Farmers were accused that their activities had a negative impact on health, and that those living near farms experienced strong foul odors. Farmers desperately began to look for a way out of the current situation.

In California, successful tests were carried out using activated "EM-1" - "EM-A". This drug was used to restore and cleanse soils of contamination and to eliminate odors on farms. By 2010, the United States had become the largest consumer of Japanese EM-1 concentrate.

When using EM, the following effects are achieved:


Increase in yield by 2-5 times
Increased rate of growth and maturation
Resistance to diseases and pests
Fast processing of organic matter into EM compost
Plant resistance to extreme weather conditions
Improved taste
Improving the safety of crops
Improving soil structure
Growing natural, environmentally safe EM products
Reduced financial costs


Case reduction
Increased weight gain
Increased milk yield
Increased fertility
Improving the quality of meat and dairy products
Fast wound healing
Elimination of odors


Cleansing the body of toxins and radionuclides
Treatment and prevention of various diseases
The possibility of treating cancer is being studied


Purification and obtaining high-quality (Living Water)
Application in sewerage systems, wastewater treatment plants and sedimentation tanks to eliminate pathogenic microflora and foul odors.
Fast recycling of kitchen organic waste

Use in everyday life

Creating a favorable microbiological background indoors
Elimination of dust in premises
Elimination of unpleasant odors
Addition to detergents

Addition of EM to various building materials (plastic, paint, glue, mortars, reinforced concrete, asphalt)

Let's take a closer look at what EM technology is. Many call it a new direction in agriculture, although its roots go back to the distant past.

EM technology is a new direction in agriculture

EM technology calls for smart farming and a gentle attitude towards nature, aimed at restoring and increasing the layer of humus in the soil, with the help of the inhabitants living in it: microorganisms that are not visible to us due to their small size. Yes, their dimensions are expressed in thousandths and millionths of a millimeter, but the work they do is enormous.

A little about microbes

Microbes surround us as soon as we are born. There are tens of millions of microorganisms on every centimeter of our body. One-third of the human intestines are populated by microorganisms of more than seventy species. Microorganisms are present in all life on the planet, without them life is impossible. Similarly, soil fertility depends on the types of organisms present in it.

Effective microorganisms - EOs present in the preparations of this series will help in a short time to increase the number of microorganisms useful for agronomy in your garden. Only healthy, fertile soils can produce high yields of improved quality.

Healthy soil - what is it?

The soil is a huge mechanism in which life boils. The first inhabitants of planet Earth are microorganisms, settling on stones and rocks, they work to create organic matter - humus, and mineral, in which the process of biological circulation takes place, ensuring life on the planet.

All about EM technology:

In the biological cycle, plants receive nutrition from organic matter, destroying it, and then return to the soil as organic matter after decomposition and overheating. By increasing the number of beneficial microorganisms on the site, we obtain fertile and healthy soil. And all this happens in a natural way, which has existed in nature from time immemorial. We can only help these processes and not interfere.

When can EM technologies be used?

Any time of the year is suitable for this, because there are various methods for this: preparing soil for seedlings, preparing compost in winter, soaking seeds, growing seedlings, preparing soil in spring, protecting crops from pests and diseases, accelerated preparation of compost, watering during the growing season, processing soil in autumn and much more. EM drugs can help us in all these processes.

The use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers should be replaced by the use of effective microorganisms that can increase the productivity and fertility of soils, and this has been proven in practice by modern microbiology.

Today, our lands have been greatly depleted by traditional agricultural techniques. Of course, you won’t have to wait for a quick effect; everything will depend on the condition of the soil. It may take years to restore it. If you want to grow environmentally friendly and healthy products, then you should be patient.

Organic farming is becoming increasingly popular; it is based on the use of organic fertilizers: manure, peat, bird droppings, compost, green manure and, of course, microbiological preparations. Organic fertilizers are fully compatible with biological preparations, because thanks to them, the capabilities of fertilizers increase several times. Not only plants, but also the soil receive nutrition, which improves its fertility and structure. The earth receives strength and begins to gradually come to life.

It is probably no secret that chemicals cannot cope with plant diseases, and in order to help plants get a charge of vitality and protect themselves from diseases, it is necessary to change farming technologies. Let's shift the main work to microorganisms and help them by creating conditions for life. The first thing to do is to stop digging up the soil and turn over the soil and provide organic waste for microorganisms to feed on.

Loosening the soil should only be done by 5-7 centimeters so as not to harm aerobic microorganisms that need oxygen; for this you can use a Fokin flat cutter. The Tornado manual cultivator will help you loosen the soil deeper without turning over the soil.

EM technologies:

And so, the use of EM technology requires, first of all, to abandon digging the soil, and to loosen only the fertile top layer, enriching it with oxygen and introducing various organic waste to support the vital activity of microorganisms.

What benefits can you expect from using EM drugs:

  • increasing the content of beneficial microorganisms in the soil;
  • soil improvement;
  • improving the structural characteristics of the soil;
  • improving plant nutrition with minerals;
  • release of biologically active substances and stimulation of crop growth, increasing plant immunity and productivity;
  • improving the quality of the crop;

Microbial preparations contain living organisms, so the conditions for their use must be strictly observed:

  • The preparations should be sprayed on plants or applied to the soil in the morning or after rain. Exposure to sunlight can reduce the effectiveness of the drug and can be harmful to microorganisms;
  • application of the drug to the soil should be carried out in warm weather;
  • spraying of crops should be finely dispersed so that the solution in the form of drops does not roll off the surface of the leaves;
  • the use of microbial preparations will be effective when used with organic fertilizers and crop rotation.

By following all the listed rules of EM technology, you will restore the soil structure in your garden plot, improve its fertility and plant productivity.

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