
Watt is a unit of measurement of power. Powerful LEDs, characteristics LED 10 watts

The transition to more economical lighting schemes without loss of power has made so-called super-bright LEDs from 10W quite popular. LEDs have a number of uses, but there are a few things to consider when designing a circuit using them.

Characteristics of 10 W LEDs

Devices with the same power can differ significantly from each other. Manufacturers produce devices for various purposes, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the main parameters:

  • Light temperature. A 10 watt LED can cover the entire range of 2300-10000 K or work only in a certain part of it. This parameter is responsible for the shade of the glow (yellowish white, warm white, bright white and cool white). At the same time, LEDs marked t10 (automotive) are usually designed for the last 2 segments.
  • Color rendering index.
  • Opening hours. LEDs with a power of 10 watts can operate for 50-150 thousand hours.
  • Angle of luminescence (scattering). Depends on the application; For floodlights, 100-150 degrees is enough; automotive lighting marked t10 is designed for 360 degrees. In essence, there is now no need for all kinds of lenses and reflectors, since with a power of 10w LEDs have a fairly large luminous angle.
  • Operating temperature range. This parameter determines not only where the 10w LED can be installed. The upper temperature limit is very important when selecting radiators that protect the device from premature overheating and breakdowns. In modern devices it reaches up to 100 degrees.
  • The storage temperature of 10 W LEDs is within 40 ~ +100 ° C.
  • The size of devices is usually measured in mm.
  • Design. Depending on the purpose, 10w LEDs can be made in several variations. T10 car lamps can also vary in size (base types are also measured in mm). Regular 10-watt LEDs can be mounted on an aluminum star. This platform has spots for wires and cutouts for connecting to the radiator.

LEDs for car (t10 base)

LED lamps with a power of 10w can find several applications (interior lighting, license plate lighting, trunk lighting), but most often they are installed as side lights. Despite the fact that LEDs are rightly considered more reliable than incandescent lamps, when installing them in a t10 base you may encounter some difficulties.

It is worth considering the following factors:

  • the structure must be protected from the influence of vibrations;
  • heat sources significantly affect the performance of 10w car lamps;
  • The LED can significantly lose brightness if used incorrectly.

Circuits based on 10-watt LED lamps

The scope of application of devices also depends on their power, which in this case is equal to 10 watts LED This type can be called super-bright and is used in the development of bright flashlights or spotlights. The difficulty of application is to ensure proper cooling of the device. To do this, you should correctly calculate the area of ​​the reflector (at least 100mm²) and its minimum thickness cross-section (about 4-6 mm), which is also true for LED matrices with a power of 10 W or more.

In general, a 10w LED has its own characteristics, and its installation is not always advisable, but one cannot fail to note a significant gain in brightness, especially in comparison with 60-100 w bulbs and a space saving of hundreds of mm (which is sometimes quite significant ).

An important parameter characterizing the performance of any devices and instruments is power. The greater this characteristic, the greater the productivity of the mechanisms. However, the higher the value, the higher the resource consumption. Therefore, this quantity is one of important characteristics for electrical appliances and is often indicated on the packaging, the device itself, or in the accompanying instructions.

Attention! The higher the indicator, the higher the device's power consumption. Therefore, before choosing a device, you need to decide on the amount of work that you plan to perform with its help. You need to know this in order not to overpay extra money when purchasing.


According to Wikipedia, this is a quantity that characterizes the rate of change of the energy of a system, as well as its transmission and transformation. In physics, it is calculated as the work performed by a device in a unit period of time.

Depending on the section of physics, it is indicated by the following symbols:

  • Designation in mechanics – N, P;
  • The designation in electrodynamics is R. According to the wiki, this symbol is taken from the Latin word potestas, which means power.

You can also find the symbol W, taken from English word watt.

Thus, the following formula is used for calculation:

N = A/Δt, where:

  • A – the work performed by the mechanism, measured in joules (J);
  • Dt – time period, measured in seconds (s).

Formulas in mechanics are also used to measure a physical quantity:

P = F × v × cos α, where:

  • F – strength,
  • v – speed,
  • α is the angle between vectors F and v.

The instantaneous value is defined as the product of the instantaneous force (F) to instantaneous speed (u), that is:

For a constant circuit electric current the formula will be as follows:

P = I × U, where:

  • I – current strength,
  • U is the voltage in the circuit.


The unit of measurement of power in physics is the Watt (watt).

Initially, calculations were carried out in horsepower (hp). This unit was introduced by the Scottish scientist and inventor James Watt. It showed the number of horses that were required to perform the work performed by the steam engine created by this inventor. In European countries they mainly use metric horsepower. It was defined as a value equal to the power expended to uniformly lift a body weighing 75 kg at a speed of 1 m/s.

Watt was officially recognized in 1882 at the Second Congress of the British Scientific Association. Named after J. Watt.

In the middle of the 20th century, the 19th General Conference on Weights and Measures introduced the watt unit of power into International system SI. Based on the calculation formula, wattis a derived unit of measurement, which is entered as:

Also, physical quantities such as heat flux, radiation flux, sound energy flux, ionizing radiation energy flux, etc. are measured in watts.

On the other hand, 1 watt can be defined as:

  • 1 W = 1N m/s;
  • 1 W = 1V 1A.

In addition, the following units are also used (or were previously used):

  • horsepower;
  • calorie per second;
  • kilogram meter/second;
  • erg per second.

Table for conversion between off-system units and watt

Attention!Currently, horsepower is used mainly to measure the power of automobile engines. In this case, the calculations take into account that 1 hp. » 0.735 kilowatts.

In addition to metric horsepower, physics uses electrical, hydraulic and mechanical horsepower:

  • mechanical hp » 0.745 kilowatts;
  • electric hp » 0.746 kilowatts.

FYI. To convert values ​​from non-system units to system units (Watt) on the Internet there is large number converters that allow you to quickly transfer data online from one unit of measurement to another.

To record large or, conversely, small values ​​​​of quantities, the use of special standard prefixes is allowed. For example, a thousand watt is equal to one kilowatt.

Prefixes were first introduced by the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960.

Conversion table for commonly used prefixes

multiple prefixes
kiloTo1 kW = 10^3W
megaM1 MW = 10^6W
gigaG1 GW = 10^9W
teraT1 TW = 10^12W
deciD1 dW = 10^2W
milesm1 mW = 10^3W
micromk1 µW = 10^6W
nanon1 nW = 10^9W

What is a wattmeter

To ensure that the equipment does not deteriorate during operation and that problems do not arise in the network short circuit, it is necessary to check that the power of the devices does not exceed general meaning over the network.

For chain DC it can be determined by knowing the values ​​of current and voltage. To measure these parameters electrical network use an ammeter and a voltmeter. An ammeter measures the current (in amperes), and a voltmeter measures the voltage (in volts) applied to the network. Next, these two parameters are multiplied and the desired value in watt is obtained.

To measure AC networks, special instruments called wattmeters are used.

Depending on the purpose, there are several types of wattmeters:

  • Power meter - used to find the number of watts in the optical or radio range;
  • Kilowatt meter – used when measuring large values ​​(on the order of hundreds of kilowatts);
  • Milliwatt meter – for measuring small values ​​(less than one);
  • Varmeter – used to measure reactive power readings of a circuit;
  • Wattvarmeter - allows you to obtain indicators of active and reactive power in an alternating current circuit.

Power value is an important indicator for anyone electrical device or mechanical fixture because it is an indication of the work the equipment can do.



Power of LED lamps.

Lighting devices, which have existed for centuries, are constantly being improved.

This is especially noticeable in the last decade. First, carbon lamps were replaced by incandescent lamps, then fluorescent lamps appeared, and today energy-saving and LED lamps are quickly penetrating our lives.

What is the quality of light output of LED lamps?

LED lamps appeared relatively recently, their cost is still quite high.

However, their popularity is constantly increasing due to their main advantage - significant energy savings.

After all, with the same energy consumption, an LED lamp will provide a luminous efficiency almost eight times higher than a conventional incandescent lamp.

Thus, a 3 W LED lamp is equal in luminous efficiency to a 25 W incandescent lamp, and a 10 W LED lamp is equivalent to an 80 W incandescent lamp.

At the same time, the development of technology is bringing LED lamps closer and closer to natural light in terms of the quality of light emission.

LEDs as light sources.

LED lamps have begun to triumphantly replace fluorescent energy-saving lamps, which have already become familiar to many.

New LED lamps are lighting devices created using a light source built on completely new principles and with much better quality and light characteristics.

The most modern light sources based on LEDs demonstrate a whole range of advantages over their predecessors, including increased light output, reduced energy consumption, longer service life, environmental friendliness, high mechanical and fire safety.

The only drawback today seems to be their rather high cost. In addition to the cost of rapid implementation LED lamps A certain conservatism of the majority of people also interferes somewhat with everyday life.

Power of LED lamps, table of comparative characteristics.

Comparing different types of lamps will help you overcome doubts in choosing LED lamps. There are quite a lot of comparative tables, after studying which you can understand that LED lamps actually provide more light with less electricity consumption (see table).

So, a 3 W LED lamp is equal in light emission fluorescent lamp 15 W or incandescent lamp 25 W, and LED lamp 10 watt equivalent energy saving lamp 50 watts or a regular light bulb 80 watts.

The power of LED lamps, the table of which clearly demonstrates the advantage of these devices, usually does not exceed fifty-five watts, but the light emission of a lamp of such power will correspond to almost four hundred and fifty watt incandescent light bulbs. In this case, the heat release will be an order of magnitude less, which means that LED lamps have the highest efficiency among existing lamps.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all power tables of LED lamps are filled with average figures, which may differ slightly for each specific product.

However, these differences are not so great as to prevent us from drawing an unambiguous conclusion about the complete loss of traditional, uneconomical and obsolete light bulbs.

Many of you have seen the difference in prices in domestic and Chinese online stores for high-power LEDs. A 50W model costs 100 rubles in China, 500 rubles in Russia. Externally they are similar, power consumption is the same, no differences are visible.

In fact, there are many technical characteristics that the Chinese use to make LEDs as cheap as possible. At the same time, both quality and parameters suffer greatly. But for a bad and cheap diode they don’t write real parameters, they indicate from high-quality LEDs. Usually they write the same standard 50,000 hours. services, the same power. Only ultra-bright white light LEDs of 100W, 50W, 30W, 20W, 10W will be considered. Infrared IR, Ultraviolet UV, RGB will be involved in separate reviews and tests.

  • 1. Size
  • 2. Parameters of ultra-bright LEDs
  • 3. Characteristics from the Chinese
  • 4. Example of characteristics from Bridgelux
  • 5. Price
  • 6. Variation of parameters
  • 7. Base material
  • 8. Conductors
  • 9. The most powerful
  • 10. Lenses for optics


Sometimes the seller in the specifications for LEDs 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, 50 W, 100 W writes the size of the crystals used, in “mil” units. This is a unit of measurement equal to one thousandth of an inch, or 0.0254 millimeters. To check the seller's honesty, you can measure the size of the crystals with a micrometer. It just requires complete disassembly, removing the silicone coating and removing the phosphor layer.

LED matrices consist of standard 1-watt crystals, which are installed with single-wall panels in an emitter housing. Standard chip dimensions are 30*30mil and 45*45mil, in millimeters 0.762*0.762mm and 1.143*1.143mm. Rated current 300mA.

The exception is the 10W LED, it has 9 of them. Marketers added another one to increase sales.

Parameters of ultra-bright LEDs

To reduce the cost, the Chinese decided to install smaller and worse crystals at 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 100W at 0.5W and 0.75W, for which the rated current is 150mA and 220mA. For them, 300mA will be too much, they will degrade and overheat. Good crystals should range in size from 30*30mil to 45*45mil.

Matching size and power:

  1. 1W = 45*45mil;
  2. 1W = 30*30mil;
  3. 0.75W = 24*40mil;
  4. 0.5W = 24*24mil.
  5. 0.5W = 20*20mil for SMD5730

Bridgelux, Epistar, Epileds

Characteristics from the Chinese

A caring seller places a table with the parameters of LED matrices on the product page. If this data is not indicated, then I do not recommend buying from this place; there may be a wide variation in quality.

In the table for 24*24mil you can see that the seller indicates the standard power of 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 70W, 100W and the number of installed crystals. We look carefully at the voltage and current. For 100W the number of volts is 30-32V, Amperes 2-2.1A.

We calculate the power for24*24mil:

  • minimum 30V*2A = 60W;
  • maximum 32V*2.1A = 67.2W;
  • that is, instead of the promised 100W, there will be 60-65W.

The value of 60-65W is still too high, since 1 chip is 0.5W, then in reality there is 50W, but they sold it to us as 100W. Crystals are already the cheapest and worst, so any overclocking is contraindicated for them.

We calculate for24*44mil:

  • minimum 30V * 2.850A = 85.5W;
  • maximum 32V * 3A = 96W;
  • the average will be 90W.

According to the table, we got 90W, in reality it was 75W, we increased it by 15W.

Let's calculate for 30*30mil:

  • minimum 32V * 2.8A = 89.6W
  • maximum 34V * 3.5A = 119W
  • average 105W

Size 30*30mil delivers as promised technical specifications. The same chips are installed in regular high-quality 1W single-wall units with power consumption of 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 70W, 100W

Example characteristics from Bridgelux


I will show you the characteristics of powerful LED COB matrices from global manufacturers. Use this table to compare with budget ones. The luminous flux depends on the color temperature, the higher it is, the better the Lumen per Watt efficiency. It also depends on the color rendering index, with CRI70 the light output is up to 128 lm/W.

The difference in these parameters for the same power, for example 50W, is:

  • CRI90, 2700K, 50W = 80 lm/W;
  • CRI70, 5600K, 50W = 128 lm/W;
  • 128lm/W - 80lm/W = 48lm/W difference, or 60%.


The most interesting thing remains, this is the price of such products for 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 100W. I will indicate the prices in rubles at which I bought them. As you can see, the price differs by 3-4 times. When buying cheap junk, don’t hope for a miracle that you’ll be lucky and get a good one. The only way to operate for a long time is to use a low current. In this way, active degradation and unnecessary heating can be avoided.

Energy consumption 24*24mil 24*44mil 30*30mil
10W 33 rub. 20 rub. 129 rub.
20W 78 63 226
30W 98 82 278
50W 131 107 302
70W 150
100W 205 121 rub. 453

At a maximum, such chips can be heated to 60° and this is the temperature of the crystal, not the case. The critical temperature will be 70°. For powerful branded ones, heating is allowed up to 110°, for the highest quality and most expensive ones up to 150°.

The luminous flux, of course, is quite high, the Chinese promise 100 lm/W. In reality it varies from 60 to 80lm/W. For a high-quality branded one, this indicator is 105-120 lm/W.

This information can be used to get a refund for an item. You were deceived if the real power turns out to be 2 times less. We open a dispute on Aliexpress and ask for a refund of half the amount. Two weeks ago I bought these diodes for 2000 rubles. They will come soon and I will ask for compensation for the deception.

Variation of parameters

Cheap LED chips of 10, 20, 50, 100 watts can have quite large differences in parameters. Because of this, some chips will heat up more and degrade, and accordingly they will fail faster. To check, turn them on at a very low current so that they glow a little. Visually, you will see that some crystals shine strongly and others poorly.

Base material

To reduce the cost, the Chinese use aluminum or its alloys as the base material. High-quality ones use copper, which has better thermal conductivity. Therefore, a high-quality, powerful LED should weigh 2-3 more than a cheap one.


To connect crystals to contacts, thin threads in quantities of 2 to 4 pieces are used. And here you can save money by replacing 4 gold threads with copper ones or reducing the quantity to 2 pieces. Another option is a copper thread coated with gold on top; it is very difficult to tell the difference.

They are responsible for the current strength at which the diode can operate. They are made with reserves to withstand power surges and not burn out. On budget matrices there are fewer of them or they are made of copper.

Some of you have already encountered a similar phenomenon with LED marker lamps. A Chinese light bulb with a power stabilizer will work less hours than a lamp with branded diodes without a stabilizer. The brand has high-quality conductors that can withstand surges in the automotive network, which can be up to 30V.

The most powerful

In addition to the common 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, 50 W, 100 W LEDs, there are also the most powerful LEDs at 150W, 300W, 500W. According to the test results, the luminous flux in the presence of optics on a 500-watt diode melts snow at a distance of several meters. Due to the large size of the installed crystals, very fat and heated photons fly out of them.

Lenses for optics

When making LED spotlights and lamps, the most difficult thing is to find a suitable housing that will focus, protect, and cool. Usually a radiator and driver are available as the basis of the design. One of the most simple ways closing a powerful LED and focusing its luminous flux is installing a collimator lens. The kit consists of a chrome frame, reflector and lens. Light focusing can be from 5° to 90°. It is enough to fix the LED on any radiator and close it from above. It will be completely protected from external influences, in case the crows peck it out.

Electrical systems often require complex analysis when designing because there are many different quantities to deal with, such as watts, volts, amperes, etc. In this case, it is precisely necessary to calculate their ratio at a certain load on the mechanism. In some systems, the voltage is fixed, for example, in a home network, but power and current mean different concepts, although they are interchangeable quantities.

Online calculator for calculating watts to amperes

To obtain the result, be sure to indicate the voltage and power consumption.

In such cases, it is very important to have an assistant in order to accurately convert the wattage into amperes at a constant voltage value.

An online calculator will help us convert amperes to watts. Before using an online program to calculate values, you need to have an idea of ​​the meaning of the required data.

  1. Power is the rate at which energy is consumed. For example, a 100 W light bulb uses energy - 100 joules per second.
  2. Ampere is a measurement of the strength of electric current, determined in coulombs and shows the number of electrons that passed through a certain cross-section of a conductor in a specified time.
  3. The voltage of an electric current is measured in volts.

To convert watts to amperes, the calculator is used very simply, the user must enter the voltage indicator (V) in the indicated columns, then the power consumption of the unit (W) and click the calculate button. After a few seconds, the program will show the exact result of the current in amperes. Formula for how many watts in ampere

Attention: if the quantity indicator has a fractional number, then it must be entered into the system using a period, not a comma. Thus, the power calculator allows you to convert watts into amperes in a matter of time, you don’t need to write out complex formulas and think about their calculation.

sewing. Everything is simple and accessible!

Table for calculating Amperes and loads in Watts
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