
Harmful physical factors in the workplace. Production factor. Classes of working conditions

When talking about the dangers to human life and health, it is necessary to introduce two concepts - a harmful factor and a dangerous factor.

A harmful factor is an effect on the human body that can cause a temporary or persistent deterioration in health, lead to illness, or poor health of the offspring.

An environmental factor is considered hazardous if, with a single short-term exposure, it can lead to injury or death.

Harmful and dangerous factors operate not only at work. The entire population, regardless of occupation, is currently exposed to their adverse effects. In the Russian Federation, 1000 people die every day from various causes.

Based on the nature of their origin, harmful and dangerous factors are classified into 5 groups:

1. Physical factors

This is the largest group of negative impacts that are widespread in industry.

This group includes the following factors:
A) Mechanical, which got their name due to the fact that they cause mechanical injuries in a person (bruises, fractures, cuts, etc.). The sources of mechanical influences are moving objects, mechanisms, and height. The latter is classified as a mechanical factor because when a person falls, he or she also develops injury. In our country, 100 people die every day in road accidents. Every year in the world, 100 million people are seriously injured at work, of which 250 thousand die.
B) Thermal (increased and decreased surface temperature, fire). Sources of thermal influences are widespread both in production and in everyday life. The result of their exposure is burns.
B) Abnormal microclimate. The concept of “microclimate” includes a number of indicators: temperature, humidity, air mobility, and atmospheric pressure. If the values ​​of any of them deviate from the optimal value, the microclimate is considered abnormal, that is, harmful.

Classification of harmful and dangerous factors

Thus, with an increase in air temperature, heat transfer to the external environment decreases, and the temperature of the internal organs increases. Researchers have found that when air temperatures exceed 30°C, a person’s performance begins to decline. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to significant heat accumulation in the body and overheating of the body. The maximum temperature of inhaled air at which a person is able to breathe for several minutes without special protective equipment is about 116°C. A low temperature, on the contrary, can cause cooling and even hypothermia of the body.

A person's tolerance to temperature, as well as his sense of heat, largely depends on the humidity and speed of the surrounding air. The higher the relative humidity, the slower the sweat evaporates in conditions of high air temperature and the faster the body overheats. In cold climates, high humidity contributes to the development of cold injuries. Insufficient air humidity can also be unfavorable for humans. It causes intense evaporation of moisture from the mucous membranes, their drying out and cracking, and then contamination by pathogenic microorganisms.

Atmospheric pressure has a significant impact on the breathing process and human well-being. A person is exposed to low atmospheric pressure when climbing mountains. In this case, blood oxygen saturation decreases to such an extent that it causes disruption of the heart and lungs, the development of hypoxia and even death.

Increased pressure affects a person, for example, when working under water.

Excess air pressure leads to an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air, to a decrease in lung volume and an increase in the strength of the respiratory muscles necessary to produce inhalation and exhalation. In addition, there is a decrease in breathing rate and pulse. Prolonged exposure to excess pressure leads to the toxic effect of some gases that make up the inhaled air. It manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, agitation or depression, hallucinations, weakened memory, visual and hearing disorders.

D) Acoustic influences, including noise, ultrasound and infrasound. Noise is any sound in the audible range (16-20000 Hz), perceived by a person as unpleasant or painful. The harmful effects of noise manifest themselves in decreased hearing acuity and disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Infrasound is sound vibrations with a frequency of less than 16 Hz. The human ear does not perceive such sounds, but they have an effect on the body, since the internal organs of a person also vibrate in the cavities of the body with a certain frequency, sometimes coinciding with the frequency of external infrasound vibrations. As a result of this, the phenomenon of resonance occurs - an increase in the amplitude (that is, scope) of vibrations of internal organs, felt by a person in the form of nausea, chest pain, dizziness, etc. The source of infrasound in the city is motor vehicles.

Ultrasound is acoustic waves with a frequency above 20 thousand Hz. Until recently, ultrasound was not common. However, the invention of ultrasonic washing machines has expanded the scope of human interaction with ultrasound sources, previously limited to manufacturing and medical procedures. The effect of such frequent sound waves is similar to the effect of vibration on the body.

E) Vibration is the deviation of the center of gravity of an object or person from its equilibrium position. It can be general or local. In the first case, the entire body is subject to vibrations as a result of being, for example, on some kind of oscillating surface. In the case of using vibrating objects (jackhammer, electric drill, mixer, etc.) in work or at home, the working hand is exposed to local vibration.

The harmful effects of general vibration are primarily manifested in the occurrence of spinal pathology, congestion in the pelvic organs and gynecological diseases in women. With the systematic use of hand-held vibrating devices and instruments, the temperature and pain sensitivity of the working hand is reduced, and joint mobility is impaired.

E) Electrical factors. These include electric current and static electricity. The first articles describing the symptoms of electrical injuries appeared in the journal Electricity back in the 60s.

X IX century A lot of electrical injuries occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, when widespread electrification of residential and industrial premises began. This was favored by the low level of human safety culture.

In addition, light bulb sockets and switch housings were made of metal and cardboard was used as insulation, which also contributed to dangerous situations. Currently, about 25 thousand electrical injuries are registered annually in the world.

Electric current has a multifaceted effect on the body: thermal, biological, electrolytic and mechanical. The cause of death of a person struck by an electric current is a violation of cardiac or respiratory activity.

Static electricity, with the exception of lightning, usually does not pose an immediate threat to life. However, static discharges can cause fire, as well as personal injury due to involuntary movement.

G) Ionizing radiation (IR) - flows of particles and electromagnetic quanta formed during radioactive decay. They are called ionizing because when passing through any substance or medium they cause the ionization of atoms or molecules.

AI sources constantly affect humans in Earth conditions. These include cosmic radiation and radioactive substances present in all environments: the earth’s crust and soil, atmosphere, water. However, the effect of AI in different areas of the planet is not the same. Thus, in mountainous areas, as a rule, the level of radiation is higher than in flat areas. In urban environments, a great danger is posed by radioactive gas - radon, which is released from the earth's crust and accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms.

The effect of AI depends on the type of radiation (external, internal), its uniformity and radiation dose. In general, there are three groups of radiation effects: genetic (congenital deformities caused by mutations in gonad cells under the influence of radiation), embryotoxic (fetal malformations associated with irradiation of a pregnant woman) and somatic (that is, changes in organs and tissues). The latter are divided into early, occurring soon after irradiation (cataracts, radiation sickness, sterilization, hair removal), and late, appearing later in life (tumors).

H) Electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMR)

Man has adapted to the action of natural electromagnetic fields, in particular geomagnetic fields, in the course of evolution. The problem of electromagnetic pollution of the planet by artificial fields and radiation has recently become very acute. Their sources are high-voltage power lines, radio and television stations, household and industrial electrical appliances, mobile phones, etc.

The negative impact of EMR manifests itself in disruption of the central nervous system (irritability, insomnia, deterioration of memory and attention), deterioration of the heart and blood vessels (arrhythmia, bradycardia or tachycardia, chest pain, fluctuations in blood pressure), endocrine disorders (especially the thyroid and gonads ), sexual dysfunctions (infertility, miscarriage, intrauterine malformations), the development of cataracts.

I) Abnormal illumination. Not only insufficient, but also excessive illumination of the workplace and the presence of glare are considered harmful. This creates visual discomfort, and in some cases, for example, in snowy mountains, can lead to the development of retinal burns.

J) Infrared and ultraviolet radiation (UV). Infrared radiation is emitted by any heated object or human body. It is perceived as heat, and the consequence of excessive exposure to infrared radiation is burns.

As for UV, in this case the situation is much more complicated. On the one hand, it is necessary for the normal formation and development of bones and a positive emotional background. Lack of UV manifests itself in the form of rickets in children or so-called winter depression in adults. On the other hand, excess UV leads to undesirable effects: skin burns, the development of photoallergy and skin tumors. As is known, the most common tumor in humans is melanoma, and excessive exposure to UV contributes to the occurrence of this dangerous pathology.

Thus, physical harmful and dangerous factors are very widespread in people’s everyday lives and in the workplace.

The impact of negative factors on humans and their identification

The main and most difficult component of the process of identifying industrial hazards is establishing the possible causes of the hazard. It is very difficult to fully identify the hazard. The causes of some accidents and disasters remain unclear for a long time.

Identification of hazards can be of various levels: complete, approximate, indicative.

The classification of hazardous and harmful production factors (HPF) is important at the first stage of hazard identification.

Based on their effects on humans, HFPFs are divided into four groups (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Classification scheme for hazardous and harmful production factors

Physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological hazardous and harmful production factors

In table 2.1 presents a classification of negative factors in the production environment and indicates some of the most typical sources of their occurrence in modern production conditions.

Table 2.1. Hazardous and harmful production factors (HPF) (according to S. V. Belov)

OVPF Group

Typical sources of OVPF


Mechanical force factors: moving machines, mechanisms, materials, products, tools, parts of destroyed products, structures, mechanisms, height, falling objects, sharp edges

Ground transport, transportable containers, lifting and transport mechanisms, moving parts of machine tools and technological equipment, processing tools, mechanism drives, robots, manipulators, high-pressure systems, containers and pipelines with compressed gas, pneumatic and hydraulic installations. Construction and installation work, maintenance of machines and installations.

Cutting and stabbing tools, burrs, rough surfaces, metal shavings, fragments of brittle materials

Mechanical vibrations—vibration

Transport and construction machines, vibrating platforms, knockout grids, screens, vibrating tools (jackhammers, rotary hammers, drills, etc.)

Acoustic vibrations: infrasound, noise, ultrasound

Sources of low-frequency vibration, internal combustion engines and other high-energy systems

OVPF Group

Typical sources of OVPF

Technological equipment, transport, pneumatic tools, energy machines, impact mechanisms, gas testing devices, etc.

Ultrasonic generators, ultrasonic flaw detectors, baths for ultrasonic processing of products

Electromagnetic fields and radiation:

infrared (thermal) radiation

Power lines, transformers, distribution substations, installations of high frequency currents, induction drying, microwave installations, electric lamp generators, TV screens, displays, antennas, waveguides, etc. Heated surfaces, molten substances, flames, etc.

Laser radiation, ultraviolet radiation, static electricity

Lasers and laser technological installations, surfaces that reflect laser radiation. Welding arc, plasma processing zone, laser pumping lamps.

DC electrical equipment, ventilation systems, pneumatic transport, conveyors, painting installations, etc. systems in which friction of dissimilar materials occurs

Ionizing radiation

Nuclear fuel, radioactive waste, radioisotopes used in science and technology, X-ray flaw detectors, etc.


Electrical networks, electrical installations, distributors, electric drives, etc.

Increased or decreased temperature of equipment surfaces, materials

Surfaces of heating equipment, steam pipelines, hot water pipelines, melts, heated and hot products and workpieces, refrigeration equipment, cryogenic installations


Gas contamination of the working area

Leaks of toxic and harmful gases from leaking equipment and containers, evaporation from open containers and spills, emissions of harmful gases during depressurization of equipment, release of harmful gases during material processing, spray painting, drying of painted surfaces, galvanic treatment baths, etc.

Dust in the work area

Processing materials with abrasive tools (sharpening, grinding, etc.)

d.), welding and gas and

OVPF Group

Typical sources of OVPF

plasma cutting, processing of bulk materials, areas for knocking out and cleaning castings, processing of fragile materials, soldering with lead solders, soldering of beryllium and solders containing beryllium, areas for crushing and grinding of materials, pneumatic transport of bulk materials, etc.

Contact of poisons with the skin and mucous membranes

Container filling, liquid spraying, spraying, painting, electroplating, pickling

Getting poisons into the human gastrointestinal tract

Mistakes when using toxic liquids


Microorganisms (bacteria, viruses). Macroorganisms (plants, animals)

Microbiological technologies, strains and samples of viruses, etc.

Farm and experimental animals

Physical overload: static, dynamic

Prolonged work in a constant static and uncomfortable position (work of operators, in particular behind the display).

Lifting and carrying heavy objects, manual labor


Neuropsychic overload:

mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, emotional overload

The work of scientists, teachers, students.

Work of technical system operators, air traffic controllers, computer operators, creative workers

Note. The listed OVPFs and their sources do not cover all possible negative factors that may arise in the work area. In particular, negative factors include low or high air humidity, low or high atmospheric pressure, increased air speed, improper lighting (insufficient lighting, increased brightness, decreased contrast, pulsation of light flux), lack of oxygen in the air of the work area.

Dangerous and harmful production factors in the workplace

The set of factors of the labor process and the production environment in which human activity is carried out is called working conditions.

Production factors accompanying the labor process can be harmful and dangerous.

Harmful production factor– an environmental and labor process factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions (intensity, duration, etc.) can cause an occupational disease, a temporary or permanent decrease in performance, increase the frequency of somatic and infectious diseases, and lead to impaired health of the offspring.

Harmful production factors can be:

Physical factors: temperature, humidity, speed, air movement, thermal radiation, electrostatic fields, constant magnetic fields of industrial frequency, electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency and optical range; ionizing radiation; industrial noise, ultrasound, infrasound; vibration; aerosols (dusts) of predominantly fibrogenic action; lighting – natural and artificial; electrically discharged air particles - aeroions.

Chemical factors, incl. some substances of a biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations) obtained by chemical synthesis and (or) for control of which methods of chemical analysis are used;

Biological factors: microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in preparations.

Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, individual harmful production factors can become dangerous.

Hazardous production factor- an environmental and labor process factor that can cause acute illness or sudden deterioration in health, death.

The health and performance of a person in the labor process is influenced by a combination of factors in the working environment and the labor process.

The hygienic criteria for assessing the classification of working conditions are based on the principle of differentiating working conditions according to the degree of deviation of the parameters of the production environment and the labor process from current hygienic standards.

Depending on the impact on the human body, individual production factors can be harmful or dangerous.

HARMFUL PRODUCTION FACTOR - an environmental and labor process factor that can cause occupational pathology, temporary or permanent decrease in performance, increase the incidence of somatic and infectious diseases, and lead to impaired health of offspring.

Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, individual HARMFUL production factors can become DANGEROUS.

HAZARDOUS OCCUPATIONAL FACTOR - an environmental and labor process factor that can cause acute illness or sudden deterioration in health, death.

In accordance with GOST 12.0.003-74, harmful production factors are classified. Based on the nature of their impact on humans, hazardous and harmful production factors are divided into:





Physical hazardous and harmful production factors include:

moving parts of production equipment;

moving machines and mechanisms;

location of the workplace at a significant height from the floor or ground level;

collapsing structures;

collapsing rocks;

increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

increased or decreased surface temperature of equipment and materials;

increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;

high or low air humidity;

increased or decreased air mobility;

increased level of ionizing radiation;

increased level of static electricity;

increased level of electromagnetic radiation;

increased electric field strength;

increased magnetic field strength;

increased noise level in the workplace;

increased level of vibration;

increased level of ultrasound and infrasound;

lack or lack of natural light;

insufficient illumination of the work area;

increased light brightness;

reduced contrast;

direct and reflected gloss;

increased pulsation of light flux;

increased levels of ultraviolet and infrared radiation;

sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces of tools and equipment.

CHEMICAL hazardous and harmful production factors are divided into:

by the nature of the effect on the human body on:






affecting reproductive function.

by methods of penetration into the human body through:

respiratory system;

gastrointestinal tract;

skin and mucous membranes.

BIOLOGICAL include biological objects:

pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa) and waste products;


protein preparations.

PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL hazardous and harmful production factors are divided according to the nature of their action:

to physical overload;

neuropsychic overload.

Physical overloads are divided into static and dynamic and characterize the severity of physical labor (physical dynamic load, mass of lifted and moved loads, stereotypical working movements, static load, working posture, body tilts, movement in space).

Neuropsychic overload characterizes the intensity of work and is divided into:

mental stress;

analyzer overvoltage;

emotional stress;

monotony of work;

operating mode.

The same dangerous and harmful production factor, by the nature of its action, can simultaneously belong to various of the above groups.

52. Fire hazards

Chapter 13. Dangerous and harmful production factors. General concepts

In the process of life, a person is exposed to various hazards, which are usually understood as phenomena, processes, objects that, under certain conditions, can cause damage to human health directly or indirectly, i.e. cause various undesirable consequences.

A person is exposed to dangers in his work activities. This activity takes place in a space called the work environment. In production conditions, humans are mainly affected by man-made, i.e. associated with technology, hazards that are commonly called hazardous and harmful production factors.

(OPF) is a production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to injury or another sudden sharp deterioration in health. Trauma is damage to body tissues and disruption of its functions by external influence. An injury is the result of an industrial accident, which is understood as a case of exposure to a hazardous production factor on a worker while performing his job duties or tasks of a work manager.

Harmful production factor(VPF) is a production factor whose impact on a worker under certain conditions leads to illness or decreased ability to work. Diseases arising under the influence of harmful production factors are called professional.

Hazardous production factors include, for example:

§ electric current of a certain strength;

§ hot bodies;

§ the possibility of the worker himself or various parts and objects falling from a height;

§ equipment operating under pressure above atmospheric, etc.

Harmful production factors include:

§ unfavorable meteorological conditions;

§ dust and gas contamination of the air;

§ exposure to noise, infra- and ultrasound, vibration;

§ presence of electromagnetic fields, laser and ionizing radiation, etc.

All hazardous and harmful production factors in accordance with GOST 12.0.003-74 are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

TO physical factors include electric current, kinetic energy of moving machines and equipment or their parts, increased pressure of vapors or gases in vessels, unacceptable levels of noise, vibration, infra- and ultrasound, insufficient illumination, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, etc.

Chemical factors are substances harmful to the human body in various conditions.

Biological factors are the effects of various microorganisms, as well as plants and animals.

Psychophysiological factors are physical and emotional overload, mental overstrain, monotony of work.

There is often no clear boundary between dangerous and harmful production factors.

Let us consider, as an example, the impact of molten metal on a worker. If a person is directly exposed to it (thermal burn), it will cause severe injury and may result in the death of the victim. In this case, the impact of molten metal on a worker is, by definition, a hazardous production factor.

If a person, constantly working with molten metal, is under the influence of radiant heat emitted by this source, then under the influence of radiation biochemical changes occur in the body, and the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems occurs. In addition, prolonged exposure to infrared rays has a harmful effect on the organs of vision - it leads to clouding of the lens. Thus, in the second case, the effect of radiant heat from molten metal on the worker’s body is a harmful production factor.

The state of working conditions in which workers are not exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors is called labor safety. Life safety in production conditions has another name - occupational Safety and Health . Currently, the latter term is considered obsolete, although all specialized domestic literature published before approximately 1990 uses it.

Occupational safety was defined as a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive measures and means that ensure safety, preservation of health and performance during the work process.

Being a complex discipline, “Occupational Safety and Health” included the following sections: industrial sanitation, safety precautions, fire and explosion safety, as well as labor protection legislation. Let us briefly describe each of these sections.

Industrial sanitation – This is a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent or reduce the impact of harmful production factors on workers.

Safety precautions – a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent workers from being exposed to hazardous production factors.

Fire and explosion safety – This is a system of organizational and technical means aimed at preventing and eliminating fires and explosions and limiting their consequences.

Labor protection legislation forms part of labor legislation.

One of the most common measures to prevent the adverse effects of dangerous and harmful production factors on workers is the use of collective and individual protective equipment. The first of them are designed to simultaneously protect two or more workers, the second - to protect one worker. Thus, if the air environment is polluted with dust during the production process, general supply and exhaust ventilation can be recommended as a collective means of protection, and a respirator can be recommended as an individual means of protection.

Let us introduce the concept of basic labor safety standards. As mentioned above, under safe working conditions, exposure of workers to dangerous and harmful production factors is excluded. Is it always possible, in real production conditions, to organize the technological process in such a way that the values ​​of hazardous and harmful production factors affecting workers are equal to zero (so that hazardous and harmful production factors do not affect workers)?

This task is, in principle, equivalent to the task of creating safe technology, that is, achieving absolute labor safety. However, absolute safety is either technically unattainable or economically infeasible, since the cost of developing safe technology usually exceeds the effect of its use. Therefore, when developing modern equipment, they strive to create the safest machines, equipment, installations and devices, i.e., to reduce the risk 1 when working with them to a minimum. However, this parameter cannot be reduced to zero.

1 Risk is a quantitative characteristic of the effects of hazards generated by specific human activities.

Existing safety standards are divided into two large groups: maximum permissible concentrations(MPC), characterizing the safe content of harmful substances of chemical and biological nature in the air of the working area, as well as maximum permissible levels(PD) exposure to various hazardous and harmful production factors of physical nature (noise, vibration, ultra- and infrasound, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, etc.).

Psychophysiological hazardous and harmful production factors are specifically regulated. They can be characterized by the parameters of labor (work) loads and (or) indicators of the impact of these loads on humans.

For practical purposes, safety standards are applied as follows. Suppose we need to determine whether the air in the work area, which contains gasoline vapors, is safe for workers. According to regulatory documents (GOST 12.1.005-88 “Working area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements”) it is found that the maximum permissible (safe) concentration (MAC) of this substance is 100 mg/m 3 . If the actual concentration of gasoline in the air does not exceed this value (for example, 90 mg/m3), then such air is safe for workers. Otherwise, it is necessary to take special measures to reduce the increased concentration of gasoline vapors to a safe value (for example, using general supply and exhaust ventilation).

In the same way, to characterize safety when exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors of a physical nature, the concept of maximum permissible level (MAL) of this factor is used. If it is necessary, for example, to determine the safe permissible levels of voltage and current, then the values ​​of interest are found from reference literature 2. Thus, for alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz (industrial frequency) with a duration of exposure to the human body of more than 1 s, these values ​​will be: voltage (V) – 36V, current ( I) – 6 mA (1 mA = 10 -3 A). The effect on the human body of electric current with parameters exceeding the specified values ​​is dangerous.

2 See: Metrological ensuring occupational safety. In 2 volumes / Ed. THEIR. Sologyan. T. 1. Measured parameters of physical hazards and harmful factors. – M-: Standards Publishing House, 1988.

Control questions

Define the concepts of “hazardous production factor” (HPF) and “harmful production factor” (HPF). Is there a clear boundary between them?

56. How are dangerous and harmful production factors classified?

57. Define the concepts of “occupational safety”, “industrial sanitation”, “safety precautions”, “fire and explosion safety”.

58. What are collective and individual protective equipment?

59. What basic labor safety standards do you know?


Tickets: Dangerous and harmful production factors 2

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

Higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics"

According to the discipline of BJD

On the topic “Dangerous and harmful production factors”

Completed by: Zubanova D.A.

Checked by: Makarova T.A.

Saint Petersburg


Classification of production factors ………………………….4

Standards for working conditions…………………………………………….5

Ensuring electrical safety……………………………………..7

Fire protection……………………………………………….8




A person may be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors in the course of his work.

Hazardous production factor is a factor in the production process, the impact of which on a worker leads to injury or a sharp deterioration in health.

Harmful production factors– these are unfavorable factors of the labor process or environmental conditions that can have a harmful effect on human health and performance. Long-term exposure to a harmful production factor leads to illness.

Classification of production factors

Hazardous and harmful production factors (GOST 12.0.003-74) are divided into four groups: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

Physical hazardous and harmful production factors are divided into:
1. Moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment, moving products, workpieces, materials, collapsing structures, collapsing rocks
2. Increased dust and gas pollution in the air in the working area
3. Increased or decreased temperature of equipment surfaces, materials
4. Increased or decreased barometric pressure in the work area and its sudden change
5. High or low air humidity

Air ionization
7. Ionizing radiation
8. Increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body
9. Increased level of static electricity, electromagnetic radiation, etc.

Chemical hazardous and harmful production factors are divided into: toxic, irritating, carcinogenic, mutagenic, affecting reproductive function.

Biological hazardous and harmful production factors include biological objects: microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, etc.) and waste products.

Psychophysiological Dangerous and harmful production factors, based on the nature of their action, are divided into: physical overload, neuropsychic overload. Neuropsychic overload is mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, monotony of work, emotional overload.

Working conditions standards

There is a certain relationship between harmful and dangerous production factors. In many cases, the presence of harmful factors contributes to the manifestation of traumatic factors. For example, excessive humidity in a production area and the presence of conductive dust (harmful factors) increase the risk of electric shock to a person (hazardous factor).

The levels of exposure of workers to harmful production factors are standardized by maximum permissible levels, the values ​​of which are specified in the relevant standards of the system of occupational safety standards and sanitary and hygienic rules.

The maximum permissible value of a harmful production factor (according to GOST 12.0.002-80) is the maximum value of the value of a harmful production factor, the impact of which, with a daily regulated duration throughout the entire work experience, does not lead to a decrease in performance and illness both during the period of work and to the disease in the subsequent period of life, and also does not have an adverse effect on the health of the offspring.

Hygienic standards for working conditions - levels of harmful production factors that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours a week during the entire working period, should not cause diseases or deviations in health, detected by modern research methods in the process of work or in distant periods of life of the present or subsequent generations.

Safe working conditions are working conditions under which exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors on workers is excluded or their levels do not exceed hygienic standards.

Depending on the ratio of levels of dangerous and harmful factors and maximum permissible levels, working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger are divided into four classes:

1 class– optimal working conditions;

2nd grade– acceptable working conditions that can cause functional deviations, but after regulated rest the human body returns to normal;

3rd grade– harmful working conditions characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards.

They have an adverse effect on the worker and can negatively affect the offspring. Working conditions of class 3 hazardousness are divided into four degrees:

3.1. – working conditions characterized by such deviations from hygienic standards that cause reversible functional changes and cause the risk of developing the disease;

3.2. – working conditions with such levels of dangerous and harmful factors that can cause persistent functional disorders, leading in most cases to an increase in morbidity with temporary disability, an increase in the frequency of general morbidity, and the appearance of initial signs of occupational pathology;

3.3. – working conditions characterized by such levels of harmful factors that lead to the development of occupational pathology in mild forms during the period of work, the growth of chronic general somatic pathology, including increased levels of morbidity with temporary disability;

3.4. – working conditions under which pronounced forms of occupational diseases can arise, there is a significant increase in chronic pathology and high levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

4th grade– hazardous (extreme) working conditions, characterized by such levels of production factors, the impact of which during a work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of severe forms of acute occupational injuries.

Medical examinations of workers have shown that, in addition to reducing productivity, high noise levels lead to hearing impairment.

Prolonged stay of a person in the area of ​​combined exposure to various unfavorable factors can lead to occupational disease. An analysis of injuries among workers shows that most accidents occur from exposure to physically hazardous production factors when employees perform work unusual for them. In second place are cases associated with exposure to electric current.

Ensuring electrical safety

Electric current is a hidden type of danger because... it is difficult to detect in live and non-current carrying parts of equipment that are good conductors of electricity. A current whose value exceeds 0.05A is considered mortally dangerous to human life; a current less than 0.05A is considered safe (up to 1000 V). In order to prevent electric shock, only persons who have thoroughly studied the basic safety rules should be allowed to work.

In accordance with electrical safety rules, the state of electrical wiring, safety panels, and cords that connect computers, lighting fixtures, and other electrical appliances to the electrical network must be constantly monitored in the office premises.

Electrical installations, which include almost all computer equipment, pose a great potential danger to humans, since during operation or carrying out maintenance work a person can touch live parts. A specific danger in electrical installations is that live conductors, computer rack housings and other equipment that are energized as a result of insulation damage (breakdown) do not give any signals that warn a person about the danger. A person’s reaction to electric current occurs only when the latter flows through the human body. Proper organization of maintenance of existing electrical installations, carrying out repair, installation and preventive work is extremely important for the prevention of electrical injuries.

Another method of protection is to neutralize the charge of static electricity with ionized gas. Radioactive nitralizers are widely used in industry. General measures to protect against static electricity include general and local air humidification.

Fire protection

Fire safety is a condition of an object in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in the event of one occurring, the impact of dangerous fire factors on people is prevented and the protection of material assets is ensured.

Fire safety is ensured by a fire prevention system and a fire protection system. All office premises must have a “Fire Evacuation Plan” that regulates the actions of personnel in the event of a fire and indicates the location of fire equipment.

Fires in computer centers pose a particular danger as they are associated with large material losses. A characteristic feature of the CC is its small area of ​​premises. As you know, a fire can occur due to the interaction of flammable substances, oxidation and ignition sources. All three main factors necessary for a fire to occur are present in the premises of the CC.

Fire protection is a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the safety of people, preventing fire, limiting its spread, and also creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

One of the most important tasks of fire protection is to protect building premises from destruction and ensure their sufficient strength under conditions of exposure to high temperatures during a fire. Taking into account the high cost of electronic equipment of a computer center, as well as the category of its fire hazard, buildings for a computer center and parts of a building for other purposes in which computers are located must have fire resistance levels 1 and 2.

In addition to the fire alarm system, CC facilities must be equipped with stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations. It is most advisable to use gas fire extinguishing installations in the CC, the action of which is based on the rapid filling of the room with a fire extinguishing gas substance with a sharp liquefaction of the oxygen content in the air.


An important point in the complex of measures aimed at improving working conditions are labor protection measures. These issues are receiving more and more attention every year, because... Caring for human health has become not only a matter of national importance, but also an element of competition among employers in the matter of attracting personnel. To successfully implement all occupational safety measures, knowledge in the field of labor physiology is required, which allows you to correctly organize the process of human labor activity.

The currently available set of developed organizational measures and technical means of protection, the accumulated experience of a number of computer centers shows that it is possible to achieve significantly greater success in eliminating the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors on workers.


1. Lyapina O.P., Life safety, Textbook, Novosibirsk, 2003

Human health is constantly influenced by various factors. They can lie in wait for us not only in the workplace, but also at home, on the street. A person spends most of the day at work, so creating a favorable and safe atmosphere is important for good performance and health.

There are many enterprises where production is associated with risks to human health. Harmful and dangerous factors that constantly surround employees can significantly reduce performance and have a negative impact on health.

Types of harmful factors

Harmful production factors mean factors in the working environment that can contribute to the development of pathologies, decreased performance, and increased incidence of infectious diseases.

If harmful factors have too long an impact on a person, then they can already become dangerous. That is, lead to a sharp and sudden impairment of health.

Harmful and dangerous factors can be of natural, or natural, and anthropogenic origin, that is, arising due to human fault.

If we consider the nature of the impact on humans, production factors can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Physical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Biological.
  4. Psychophysiological.

Each of the groups can also be of natural or anthropogenic origin.

Physical hazardous and harmful production factors

Natural or natural factors include:

  • Air temperature.
  • Humidity.
  • Air masses.
  • Atmosphere pressure.
  • Solar radiation.

Anthropogenic harmful factors include:

  • Increased level of dust in the workplace.
  • Strong vibration.
  • High noise level.
  • Exposure to ultrasound or static electricity.
  • The influence of electromagnetic fields.
  • Laser radiation.
  • Exposure to electric current.
  • Work at high altitude.
  • High or low equipment temperature.
  • Moving and working mechanisms and equipment.
  • Weapons of mass destruction.
  • Lighting in the workplace.

As you can see, the list of harmful factors is quite large. All of them can have a negative impact on human health, especially with constant and long-term exposure.

Chemical factors of the production environment

If we talk about natural substances, then these are those that can easily enter the body with air, food or drink. These include: amino acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements and other substances.

Factors of anthropogenic origin from the chemical group include:

  • Increased gas pollution in production.
  • Impact of toxic substances on humans.
  • Contact with benzene and toluene vapors.
  • Oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.
  • Aggressive liquids, such as alkalis or acids.

Chemical harmful factors can be divided into groups depending on the nature of the effect on the human body:

  1. Generally toxic, cause poisoning of the body. For example, carbon monoxide, mercury, lead.
  2. Annoying. They affect the respiratory system, causing coughing and sneezing. These include chlorine and ammonia.
  3. Sensitizing. Can cause allergic reactions. Most often these are formaldehydes and varnishes based on nitro compounds.
  4. Carcinogenic. Provoke the development of tumors. These include: nickel, chromium compounds, amines, asbestos.
  5. Mutagenic. They increase the risk of mutations, especially in germ cells, which will certainly affect the offspring. Provocateurs can be mercury, styrene, magnesium.

Harmful production factors can be divided into several classes according to the degree of danger:

  1. Extremely dangerous.
  2. Highly hazardous substances.
  3. Moderately dangerous.
  4. Low risk.

Typically, the source of contamination of industrial premises with hazardous chemicals is raw materials for processing, components for equipment, or the finished product itself.

Ways of penetration of harmful substances into the human body

Most often, dangerous and harmful production factors affect the body through the respiratory system. This is the most dangerous because the lungs have a large absorptive surface area of ​​the alveoli. They are washed with blood, which means that dangerous substances quickly enter all vital organs.

The second route of penetration of harmful substances is the gastrointestinal tract, but this happens much less frequently. This is only possible if the rules of personal hygiene and labor safety in the workplace are not followed. In this case, all toxic substances enter the liver and are partially neutralized there.

Substances that dissolve well in fats and proteins can penetrate into the body through the skin. Severe cases of poisoning are usually caused by highly toxic substances. This may include: tetraethyl lead, methyl alcohol, etc.

In the body, hazardous substances are not distributed evenly, but accumulate in certain places. For example, copper most often accumulates in the skeletal system, manganese in the liver, and mercury in the kidneys and intestines.

Biological hazards

This group includes the following harmful environmental factors:

  1. Pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products.
  2. Microorganisms-producers.
  3. Protein preparations.

Hospital workers, travelers, and people who work outdoors for long periods of time are at greater risk of contracting various diseases than others. Upon contact with plants or animals, an allergic reaction of the body and infection with helminths may occur.

Exposure to mold, fungi, and grain dust can cause various infectious ailments and skin diseases. Dermatitis is a common diagnosis on sick leave certificates for people working with hazardous substances.

There is even some pattern in the spread of diseases associated with professional activities. Medical personnel are most often infected with tuberculosis and hepatitis, fungal infections are typical for granary workers, and chronic lung disease is an occupational disease among light industry workers. Those working in the livestock industry are susceptible to bacterial infections.

Psychophysiological factors

Harmful factors of the psychophysiological group can be divided into two categories:

  1. Physical overload.
  2. Neuropsychic overload.

Physical ones, in turn, are static and dynamic. Together they characterize the severity of the worker’s work. This means loads on the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.

The severity of labor can be characterized by the size of the load that the worker is forced to lift or move, the number of movements necessary to carry out production processes.

Neuropsychic overload can characterize the intensity of work. The classification of harmful and dangerous factors in this category may include the following types:

  • Mental overstrain.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Monotony of work.
  • Work and rest schedule.
  • Overstrain of the senses.

It is necessary to take into account that the same harmful production factors can simultaneously belong to several categories.

Classes of working conditions by degree of danger

Any production must have its own standards, according to which the production process is carried out. First of all, these are hygiene standards that make the work of workers safe for their health.

Working conditions can be qualified taking into account existing deviations from established standards. Based on all the criteria, working conditions can be divided into several classes:

  1. Class 1 is the most optimal conditions under which everything is done to maintain health and improve performance.
  2. Class 2 – acceptable working conditions. In general, they comply with accepted standards, and some deviations are easily eliminated during rest.
  3. Class 3 – harmful conditions. Workers are constantly exposed to harmful factors, the levels of which exceed all acceptable standards. As a result, the health of employees is seriously harmed.

Harmful working conditions, in turn, are divided into several degrees:

  • 1st degree. Working conditions cause reversible changes in workers' health, but increase the risk of developing diseases.
  • 2nd degree. Exposure to harmful factors causes persistent disruption in the functioning of the body. Temporary loss of performance and initial signs of occupational diseases may occur.
  • 3rd degree. There is a sharp increase in mild occupational pathologies.
  • 4th degree. Severe forms of occupational diseases.

One more class of working conditions can be distinguished - dangerous or extreme. Factors in this group can cause danger to human life and the manifestation of acute occupational injuries.

Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances

No matter how harmful the production may be, it must comply with the maximum permissible concentrations of hazardous substances.

MPC (maximum permissible concentration) is a concentration of substances in the workplace that, with daily exposure, does not cause illness or health problems.

Maximum concentration limits for harmful substances are often used in the following cases:

  1. When drawing up projects for production workshops, technological processes, equipment, ventilation systems.
  2. When monitoring the quality of workers’ working conditions in production.

All harmful substances have their own maximum permissible concentrations; this depends on their effect on the human body. Lead, beryllium, and manganese are considered the most dangerous.

Highly hazardous substances are chlorine, hydrogen fluoride, phosgene. Tobacco and methyl alcohol pose a moderate danger. But ammonia, gasoline, acetone, ethyl alcohol are low-hazard substances.

Ways to protect workers from harmful production factors

All means of protection can be divided into:

  • Collective
  • Individual.

Collective means involve the simultaneous protection of a large number of workers. They are divided into several classes:

  1. To normalize the air environment. This includes ventilation systems and air conditioners.
  2. To bring lighting in the workplace to normal: various lamps, lamps that can provide good lighting.
  3. To protect against harmful and dangerous factors.

If the enterprise has a high noise level, then the walls are covered with materials that absorb sound, special covers are put on the operating mechanisms, and workers are given earplugs.

To prevent injury on the equipment, all hazardous areas are fenced on all sides. Locking buttons are installed on the doors and dampers, which will not allow them to be opened until the mechanism completely stops working.

Workers dealing with electricity are required to be provided with rubber gloves, boots or galoshes. Signal lights and safety signs are installed on the equipment.

If work is carried out at height, then this place must be fenced.

If collective methods are not able to provide high-quality protection, then each worker in hazardous production is given individual means. These include gowns, gloves, respirators, bandages, protective suits, etc.

Only safe work can lead to high-quality and productive work.

Elimination of dangerous and harmful factors

At many enterprises, the production cycle is inextricably linked with the impact of harmful substances on humans. Administration and management should make every effort to try to eliminate or reduce this impact.

If you approach some processes thoughtfully, it turns out that sometimes toxic substances can be replaced with safer ones. Many managers do not agree to this for mercantile reasons. Thus, they save on the health of their subordinates. If replacement is not possible, then everything must be done to ensure that the employee is exposed to harmful and dangerous factors as little as possible. To do this, the enterprise, at its own expense, is obliged to provide personnel with all possible means of protection.

In order to prevent negative impacts, the following measures should be taken:

  • Local air purification.
  • Air showering.
  • Wearing protective clothing.
  • Equipped rooms for rest.
  • Accurate observance of working hours.
  • Breaks are provided at certain intervals.
  • Employees are provided with longer paid leave.

If all measures are taken in a timely manner and used comprehensively, then it can be argued that management is trying to provide its staff with safe working conditions.

The most dangerous industries

The classification of harmful factors suggests that not all enterprises and industries can be considered hazardous to human health. The most dangerous types of work are considered:

  1. Installation and dismantling of heavy equipment.
  2. Transportation of cylinders with gas, acids, alkalis.
  3. Work at high altitude.
  4. Excavation work in areas where electrical cables are located.
  5. Work in mines, bunkers, wells, furnaces.
  6. Repair and cleaning of boilers, cyclones and other boiler equipment.
  7. Work in chemical plants.

We could go on and on about the most dangerous professions and industries, but humanity still cannot do without them, so we still have to work here, even despite the presence of health risks.

Dangers to humans can be everywhere. Even in ordinary workplaces, employees are exposed to negative factors, such as working at a computer or sitting for long periods of time. What is a harmful production factor? These are the negative consequences that workers in enterprises face.


In most plants and factories, work involves exposure of employees to negative conditions. Harmful and dangerous moments are always interconnected. What is dangerous These are the factors due to which a person’s health deteriorates or injury occurs. In the manufacturing sector, such conditions are often encountered.

What is a harmful production factor? It includes negative effects that lead to various diseases. They are called occupational diseases. Harmful work and hazardous production factors are similar. It should be remembered that the boundaries between these concepts are conditional. In a special environment, harmful factors turn into dangerous ones. For example, high humidity is considered an unfavorable condition; it causes various respiratory diseases. If a person works with electric current in such conditions, it is dangerous.


There is a classification of harmful production factors, since they differ in origin. It happens that unfavorable working conditions appear in enterprises due to management. This area requires special attention from inspection authorities. If there are hazardous factors at the enterprise, it is imperative to take measures to minimize their impact on people.

There is a classification of harmful production factors. It allows you to distribute them into:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • psychophysiological.

This list of harmful and dangerous production factors applies to many enterprises. All this negatively affects people, which affects their well-being. What is a harmful production factor, taking into account these concepts? that harm the physical and psychological health of people. There is no clear distinction between dangerous and harmful factors. It's conditional.

Harmful chemical factors

What is a harmful production factor in production? These are negative consequences arising from technological processes. This is often encountered when:

  • processing parts with chemicals;
  • painting of equipment;
  • welding works;
  • processes of applying anti-corrosion coatings;
  • metal processing.

If these types of work are performed, the appearance of harmful components cannot be avoided. But their intensive education is the reason for non-compliance with technology or improper use of equipment.

Physical factors

In production, it is practically impossible to avoid the influence of many factors. Special ones include:

  • temperature, humidity, radiation;
  • electromagnetic fields;
  • laser and ultrasonic radiation;
  • vibration;
  • loud noises;
  • lighting;
  • exposure to dust and aerosols;
  • charged air;
  • working parts of devices.

Individual exposure to harmful production factors does not pose a danger to humans if it does not occur for long. But usually employees are under their influence for a long time, and there are usually several types of them, which is why the consequences are tangible.

The effect of noise on humans

What harmful production factors are there in production? There are many of them, one of the main ones is noise. It is available in all workshops where equipment operates. Due to constantly operating equipment, the room is very noisy. If a person is constantly exposed to such factors, this will negatively affect his health. Loud noise causes headaches, increased blood pressure, and hearing impairment.

Such factors affect decreased performance, attention, and fatigue. And this causes accidents. It is important for managers to ensure that noise levels are acceptable so that they do not adversely affect the health of employees.

For this purpose:

  • noise suppressors;
  • personal protective equipment;
  • soundproofing of noisy rooms;
  • finishing with sound-absorbing materials.

Thanks to such measures, the production environment will be more comfortable for workers. This reduces the risk of accidents and other negative impacts.

The influence of vibration and its elimination

The list of harmful production factors includes vibration. It is divided into several categories:

  • transmission method - general and local;
  • direction - vertical and horizontal;
  • period of influence - temporary and permanent.

Due to the constant influence of this factor, not only the nervous system deteriorates, but also the musculoskeletal system and analyzers. Employees who have to constantly work in such an environment complain of headaches, dizziness, and motion sickness. And if humidity, elevated temperature and noise also influence, then the negative impact of vibration increases because of this.

These harmful production factors in the workplace can be eliminated by:

  • replacement of equipment with technologically advanced ones;
  • use of soft coatings on vibrating parts;
  • installation of devices on a solid foundation.

Exposure to chemical factors

Components of this type are divided into several categories.

Based on their impact on human health, they are:

  • toxic, affecting the entire body, for example, carbon monoxide, mercury, lead;
  • irritating, they affect the mucous membranes (acetone, chlorine, nitrogen oxides);
  • carcinogenic, they form cancer cells, these are chromium oxide, beryllium;
  • allergenic;
  • mutagenic, lead to changes in cell DNA;
  • affecting reproductive function.

They enter the body through:

  • respiratory system;
  • skin and mucous membranes.

Dangerous, harmful production factors in the workplace affect people in different ways. On this basis the following are distinguished:

  • extremely dangerous;
  • highly dangerous;
  • moderately dangerous;
  • low-risk.

If enterprises use protective equipment, workers will not be exposed to negative factors. This reduces the risk of poor health.

Labor factors

Psychophysiological factors are the severity of working conditions and its intensity. Hard work means:

  • intense stress on the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems;
  • static load size;
  • number of monotonous movements;
  • the size of the loads that need to be lifted;
  • postures of workers when performing duties.

Tension is considered to be a load on the nervous system and sensory organs. This includes prolonged mental work, monotony of processes, and stress on the emotional sphere. All of these factors affect many people, just to varying degrees.

The influence of harmful factors on people

At each enterprise, appropriate conditions must be created to ensure a favorable environment for employees. First of all, this relates to the cleanliness of air in production. Sanitary and hygienic organizations divide harmful factors into chemical components and industrial dust.

The first ones are divided into:

  • pesticide;
  • medicines;
  • household chemicals;
  • poisonous components.

Dust is a problem in mining, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and agriculture. Its negative impact is manifested in the development of pulmonary diseases. At every enterprise, employees are affected by several negative factors. It is because of this that providing protection is important in the manufacturing sector.

How to protect against dangerous factors?

Even if the necessary requirements are met, it is still impossible to obtain the necessary working conditions. This cannot be achieved due to technological processes, products and raw materials. Organizational leaders must provide protection from negative factors.

In your work you need to use the following rules:

  • eliminating hazardous factors or reducing the risk of its influence;
  • using safe work practices;
  • carrying out measures to combat negative factors;
  • use of protective equipment.

It often happens that the measures taken do not fully ensure safe working conditions. In these cases, PPE is used. The most popular of them include:

  • Vibration remedies. Since such protection reduces work efficiency, you need to take regular breaks.
  • Noise protection headphones. But they impair the ability to navigate and contribute to headaches.
  • Respirators and gas masks. It is inconvenient to work in them for a long time, so you need to use alternative means.

PPE reduces the impact of negative factors, but they create another danger for humans. Therefore, they should be used only for their intended purpose.


Safety standards are needed to prevent the negative influence of factors on the human condition. Therefore, safety training is considered a mandatory event in production. These procedures must be recorded in a journal with the signatures of responsible persons and employees.

There are several types of such work:

  • Induction training. It is carried out before hiring a person. The event is mandatory for everyone, regardless of position, experience and age.
  • Primary. Organized at the workplace, the event is conducted by a master or manager.
  • Repeated. Carried out for each employee every 6 months.
  • Unscheduled. It is carried out when there are changes in rules, work, when purchasing equipment, detection of violations, and after breaks.

In practice, not all enterprises provide training. Often employees are provided with a journal to sign that the event took place. This is a violation. Safety at an enterprise depends on the work of managers.


Typically, organizations have persons responsible for occupational safety and health. They control security. If deviations from the standards by which the workplace should be maintained are identified, then liability is provided. This is enshrined in law. Punishment can be administrative, criminal, or disciplinary.

Management and regulatory authorities impose punishment on the responsible person in the form of dismissal, reprimand, or fine. If serious violations are discovered, the responsible person is subject to a fine, inability to engage in activities, correctional labor and imprisonment.

The primary concern in an enterprise should be safety. Only if it is followed can work efficiency be improved, as well as ensure smooth work for employees.

In production, in the process of performing duties in accordance with the employment contract and job description, an employee of an enterprise can be influenced by various factors, which are divided into:

  1. Dangerous, which can cause various injuries.
  2. Harmful, capable of triggering the development of certain diseases, depending on the type of effect on the body.

Classification of harmful production factors

All industrial hazards are divided into several categories, the basis of classification of which lies in determining their impact on specific organs of the human body, as well as the method of influencing it:

  1. Physical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Biological.
  4. Psychophysiological.

1. Physical factors

Physical hazards can cause damage to the human shell in the form of skin and musculoskeletal elements:

  1. Moving loads may fall onto the surface of any part of the worker’s body.
  2. Moving mechanisms that can cause injury if they fall into the path of movement of their elements.
  3. Moving machines on the territory of the enterprise, or outside it.
  4. Production equipment with rotating and moving components, including drive, cutting and transmission mechanisms.
  5. Flying particles of material that is processed during production.
  6. Action of electric current.
  7. Increased or decreased temperature:
    • The premises in which work is carried out.
    • The part being processed.

2. Chemical factors

They can be considered both dangerous and harmful.

Dangerous chemical factors have an immediate effect, usually on the human skin. The damaging elements are acids and alkalis, which belong to the category of aggressive liquids. If they come into contact with skin, they can cause a chemical burn.

Harmful factors of this group are classified into:

  1. Toxic, having a depressing effect on the entire human body.
  2. Annoying.
  3. Causing allergic diseases.
  4. Carcinogenic, with prolonged exposure, causing cancer of human organs.
  5. Mutagenic, having a gradual effect on the reproductive system, the final impact of which is determined during the reproduction of the human race.

3. Biological factors

  1. Dangerous.
  2. Harmful.

To the dangerous These include plants and animals, contact with which causes immediate damage to the human body in the form of injury.

To the harmful These include microorganisms in the form of bacteria and viruses that can cause various diseases over time.

3. Labor process factors

These include:

  1. Nervous and physical overload as a result of overexertion in the process of performing a certain type of activity:
    • hearing organs (typical for blue-collar workers working on mechanical equipment);
    • organs of vision (typical for workers involved in working with personal computers and videographers);
    • Mental (typical for leadership positions).
  2. Physical overload:
    • Static.
    • Dynamic.

4. Hazardous factors in the working environment

There is a certain relationship between the two production factors. In most cases, the appearance of some contributes to the manifestation of others. For example, the presence of humidity and dust in a production area can lead to electric shock to a worker.

In this situation, humidity and dust are harmful, and power lines are a dangerous factor. The consequences of finding a combination of these elements can lead to various consequences - from upper respiratory tract disease to death.

Main sources of harmful physical factors

  1. The air of the room where the labor activity of the enterprise is carried out in terms of production:
    • With dust content in excess of the norm.
    • Contaminated with various types of gaseous, or in the form of liquid emulsion, harmful substances.
    • With different from the norm, high or low humidity.
    • With increased driving speed.
  2. Reduced or increased, relative to the standard value, the temperature of the working room.
  3. Increased indicators, relative to normal:
    • Noise level.
    • Vibration values.
    • Indicators of static electricity.
    • The brightness of the light and the pulsation of its flow.
    • Barometric pressure.
    • Temperature of the treated surface.
  4. Insufficient indicator values:
    • Lighting and contrast of the working area.
    • Contrast.
    • Barometric pressure, including a sharp change in its value.
  5. Moving machines and equipment mechanisms, including:
    • Elements of a product and its blanks in the process of its creation.
    • Moving parts of mechanical equipment.
  6. network voltage.

Main sources of chemical factors

During the production process, as a result of performing certain stages of work, according to technological regulations, chemical compounds may be identified that have a negative impact on the health of workers.

They can be in different states of aggregation:

  1. Liquid.
  2. Hard.
  3. Gaseous, including dust, vapors and gases.

1. Classification according to effects on the human body

In accordance with the level and nature of the impact on the body, all production factors are divided into several classes:

  1. The first class, which includes extremely dangerous substances that have the strongest, possibly even fatal, effect on the body.
  2. The second class includes highly hazardous substances that may not have an immediate effect on the human body, but as it accumulates.
  3. Substances with the third class of harmfulness can provoke minor ailments and diseases associated with it.
  4. Low-hazardous substances of the fourth group have virtually no effect on the health of workers.

2. Classification by route of entry into the body

Harmful substances can enter the human body in several ways:

  1. Through food and water. In industrial environments, eating areas should always be located in a separate room. Nutrients have the property of absorbing harmful substances contained in the air of the working area.
  2. Through the skin. In this case, it is necessary to use protective equipment, the meaning of which is to cover their surface with special clothing, shoes, gloves or mittens.
  3. Through the respiratory organs. It is necessary to protect these organs with respirators of the appropriate brand or gas mask.
  4. Through the organs of vision. Protection in the form of glasses or special shields is expected.

Conditions for the emergence of labor process factors

Factors of the labor process consist in working conditions associated with the severity and tension of the state of workers during work.

Working conditions is the totality of all values ​​of indicators relative to regulations in the process of performing labor activities.

Difficulty of work reflects the production characteristics of working conditions, the impact of harmful factors of which affects the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems of the body.

Tension labor is characterized by the influence of the work process on the human nervous system, and, as a consequence, on his mental state.

Difficulty of work

According to the level of severity, working conditions are divided into:

  1. Light work, which is characterized by normal working conditions with optimal circumstances, according to a specific workplace.
  2. Moderate labor, the specification of which differs from light labor in the direction of worsening working conditions, but is still within acceptable standards.
  3. Hard work, the performance of which exceeds the optimal values.

Indicators characterizing the severity of working conditions:

  1. The mass of the load that is lifted and moved, and the methods of lifting it are taken into account.
  2. Performing monotonous movements during the work shift in question.
  3. Convenience of the workplace and posture during work, including bending of the body.
  4. In some cases, the number of kilometers traveled by the employee is taken into account.


Tension is common among workers who earn their living through mental work. The degree of tension usually depends on the type of responsibility of the work and the timing of its delivery.

Conditions for the occurrence of biological harmful factors

Biological harmful factors include a variety of microorganisms that contribute to the development of various diseases. For these diseases to occur, microorganisms need to create conditions for them to multiply and damage healthy cells of the body. The reason for the rapid proliferation of harmful living cells is the employee’s reduced immunity.

Sources of hazardous factors in the working environment:

  1. Natural, characterized by natural phenomena.
  2. Man-made, caused by technology.
  3. Harmful emissions released during the production process.

Working conditions standards

Depending on the value of the indicators, their values ​​are divided into several categories:

  1. Optimal conditions, characterized by indicators of harmful substances, strictly in accordance with standard values, in certain elements of production.
  2. Under acceptable conditions, the indicators are also not exceeded, however, the influence of fatigue and overstrain of the body is observed, which disappear over time, after the employee is given rest.
  3. In the case of harmful conditions, all indicators are exceeded, which can lead to changes in the employee’s body, which can lead to disruption of his work capacity.
  4. Dangerous conditions, when regularly worked in them, can lead to the development of occupational diseases and even death.

Factors determining occupational safety

There are several diverse measures, the implementation of which will ensure safe working conditions.

  1. Organizational, consisting in carrying out rational document flow in the area of ​​labor protection issues. It often happens that the head of an enterprise is not able to cover all areas of his control. Therefore, for high-quality and timely work to ensure the safe life of workers, the director can hire a specialist, and also distribute responsibilities between the heads of the department.
  2. Design activities include:
    • In the correct design of buildings and structures of the enterprise.
    • In the competent conduct of design work regarding the processed raw materials and the finished product or product.
  3. Technological, the meaning of which is the rational preparation and fulfillment of the requirements of the main production document of the enterprise - technological regulations.
  4. Operational imply correct operation, in accordance with the instructions:
    • mechanisms,
    • Equipment,
    • Vehicle.
  5. The essence of sanitary and hygienic measures is to provide workers with:
    • Personal protective equipment, devices, shoes and workwear.
    • A room for heating and eating food.
    • A toilet and, if necessary, a shower.
  6. Psychophysiological factors include conducting:
    • Timely technological breaks.
    • Lunch breaks.
    • Regular production charging.

Monitoring the level of harmful production factors in the workplace

Control is carried out by the sanitary-epidemiological station and consists of annual sampling of the air in the work area with measurements of temperature, air humidity, noise level, vibration, and light flux.

In an enterprise, control is assigned to a person who, by order, is responsible for the safety of the enterprise.

1. Normalization of working conditions

To create optimal, harmless conditions for workers, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Provide detergents and cleaning products to comply with hygiene requirements.
  2. Purchase and issue, with an appropriate entry in the journal, personal protective equipment, safety footwear and workwear.
  3. Regularly conduct specialized training for employees, followed by monitoring their knowledge.

2. Protection by distance

This method is usually used for protection against radioactive radiation. It is difficult to protect against such a harmful effect on the human body using available means, and therefore, in this situation, it would be rational to simply be located away from the source of ionizing radiation.

3. Time protection

In some situations, it is not possible to reduce the impact of harmful substances on the body of workers. To preserve their health, a method called “time protection” is used.

Its meaning is to limit a person’s exposure to harmful working conditions, and can manifest itself in:

  1. Alternate performance of certain duties.
  2. In a shortened working day or week.

4. Adaptation of workers to increased risk

To comply with legal requirements in the field of performing high-risk work, the management of the enterprise must:

  1. Identify high-risk work, after which workers must be checked to ensure that their health status meets the required standards.
  2. Conduct training for workers involved in this type of work in specialized organizations that have the appropriate license, and also conduct regular briefings in this area by a labor protection specialist.
  3. Provide workers with special clothing, footwear and special personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory documentation developed individually for a specific enterprise on the basis of a general legislative document.

Responsibility for violation of non-compliance with labor protection at work

Employers do not always comply with all the requirements of the country’s legislation regarding safe working conditions for employees in terms of preserving their health and life. Such violations can be detected in the following cases:

  1. Conducting an inspection by an inspector.
  2. Industrial accident.

1. Responsibility for officials

  1. Administrative.
  2. Criminal.

The severity of any liability depends on:

  1. The position of a managerial employee.
  2. The presence of an order from the head of the enterprise to fulfill a specific obligation.
  3. Job descriptions, which spell out specific responsibilities in accordance with the implementation of safety requirements and monitoring of workers in this area.

Administrative liability occurs in case of minor violations of labor protection, in terms of failure to fulfill any assigned job duties. Typically, such violations are identified during routine inspections.

Criminal liability occurs in the event of gross violations of safety rules resulting in the death of one or a group of workers.

2. Liability for legal entities

The head of the enterprise initially, when heading it, takes full responsibility regarding all areas of its activity. to myself. To better control all areas of the company’s life, he distributes all his concerns to specialists in the form of orders. If a situation occurs at the enterprise that entails any liability, it will be borne by the person responsible for this area of ​​the enterprise by order.

3. Responsibility for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, when using hired labor, according to the law, are personally responsible for the state of labor protection in their industry in terms of the safety of workers when performing work duties. Their responsibility in this situation is similar to the head of a company that has the status of a legal entity.

Main harmful and dangerous production factors


A person may be exposed to hazardous (causing injuries) and harmful (causing diseases) production factors during his work activity. Hazardous and harmful production factors (GOST 12.0.003-74) are divided into four groups: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

Hazardous physical factors include: moving machines and mechanisms; various lifting and transport devices and transported loads; unprotected moving elements of production equipment (drive and transmission mechanisms, cutting tools, rotating and moving devices, etc.); flying particles of the processed material and tools, electric current, increased temperature of the surfaces of equipment and processed materials, etc.

Physical factors harmful to health are: increased or decreased air temperature in the working area; high humidity and air speed; increased levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound and various radiations - thermal, ionizing, electromagnetic, infrared, etc. Harmful physical factors also include dust and gas contamination in the air of the working area; insufficient lighting of workplaces, passages and passages; increased light brightness and pulsation of light flux.

Chemical hazardous and harmful production factors, according to the nature of their effect on the human body, are divided into the following subgroups: general toxic, irritating, sensitizing (causing allergic diseases), carcinogenic (causing the development of tumors), mutagenic (acting on the germ cells of the body). This group includes numerous vapors and gases: benzene and toluene vapors, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead aerosols, etc., toxic dusts formed, for example, during cutting of beryllium, leaded bronzes and brasses and some plastics with harmful fillers. This group includes aggressive liquids (acids, alkalis), which can cause chemical burns to the skin upon contact with them.

Biological hazardous and harmful production factors include microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and macroorganisms (plants and animals), the impact of which on workers causes injuries or diseases.

Psychophysiological dangerous and harmful production factors include physical overload (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic overload (mental overstrain, overvoltage of hearing and vision analyzers, etc.).

There is a certain relationship between harmful and dangerous production factors. In many cases, the presence of harmful factors contributes to the manifestation of traumatic factors. For example, excessive humidity in a production area and the presence of conductive dust (harmful factors) increase the risk of electric shock to a person (hazardous factor).

The levels of exposure of workers to harmful production factors are standardized by maximum permissible levels, the values ​​of which are specified in the relevant standards of the system of occupational safety standards and sanitary and hygienic rules.

The maximum permissible value of a harmful production factor (according to GOST 12.0.002-80) is the maximum value of the value of a harmful production factor, the impact of which, with a daily regulated duration throughout the entire work experience, does not lead to a decrease in performance and illness both during the period of work and to the disease in the subsequent period of life, and also does not have an adverse effect on the health of the offspring.

1. Meteorological conditions of the production environment

The microclimate of industrial premises is determined by a combination of temperature, humidity, air mobility, temperature of surrounding surfaces and their thermal radiation. Microclimate parameters determine the heat exchange of the human body and have a significant impact on the functional state of various body systems, well-being, performance and health.

The temperature in production premises is one of the leading factors determining the meteorological conditions of the production environment.

High temperatures have a negative impact on human health. Working in conditions of high temperature is accompanied by intense sweating, which leads to dehydration of the body, loss of mineral salts and water-soluble vitamins, causes serious and persistent changes in the activity of the cardiovascular system, increases the respiratory rate, and also affects the functioning of other organs and systems - weakened attention, coordination of movements worsens, reactions slow down, etc.

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures, especially when combined with high humidity, can lead to significant heat buildup in the body (hyperthermia). With hyperthermia, headache, nausea, vomiting, sometimes convulsions, drop in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness are observed.

The effect of thermal radiation on the body has a number of features, one of which is the ability of infrared rays of various lengths to penetrate to different depths and be absorbed by the corresponding tissues, producing a thermal effect, which leads to an increase in skin temperature, an increase in heart rate, changes in metabolism and blood pressure, and disease eye.

When the human body is exposed to negative temperatures, a narrowing of the blood vessels in the fingers, toes, and facial skin is observed, and metabolism changes. Low temperatures also affect internal organs, and prolonged exposure to these temperatures leads to persistent diseases.

The microclimate parameters of industrial premises depend on the thermophysical characteristics of the technological process, climate, season of the year, heating and ventilation conditions.

Thermal radiation (infrared radiation) is invisible electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from 0.76 to 540 nm, which has wave, quantum properties. The intensity of heat radiation is measured in W/m2. Infrared rays passing through the air do not heat it, but when absorbed by solid bodies, the radiant energy turns into thermal energy, causing them to heat up. The source of infrared radiation is any heated body.

Meteorological conditions for the working area of ​​industrial premises are regulated by GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area" and Sanitary standards for the microclimate of industrial premises (SN 4088-86).

Of fundamental importance in the standards is the separate regulation of each microclimate component: temperature, humidity, air speed. In the work area, microclimate parameters must be provided that correspond to optimal and permissible values.

The fight against the unfavorable influence of the industrial microclimate is carried out using technological, sanitary and medical measures.

In the prevention of the harmful effects of high temperatures of infrared radiation, the leading role belongs to technological measures: replacement of old and introduction of new technological processes and equipment, automation and mechanization of processes, remote control.

The group of sanitary measures includes means of heat localization and thermal insulation, aimed at reducing the intensity of thermal radiation and heat release from equipment.

Effective means of reducing heat generation are:

covering heated surfaces and steam and gas pipelines with heat-insulating materials (glass wool, asbestos mastic, asbestos termite, etc.); equipment sealing; the use of reflective, heat-absorbing and heat-removing screens; arrangement of ventilation systems; use of personal protective equipment. Medical and preventive measures include: organizing a rational regime of work and rest; ensuring drinking regime; increasing resistance to high temperatures through the use of pharmacological agents (taking dibazole, ascorbic acid, glucose), inhaling oxygen; undergoing pre-employment and periodic medical examinations.

Measures to prevent the adverse effects of cold should include heat retention - preventing the cooling of industrial premises, the selection of rational work and rest regimes, the use of personal protective equipment, as well as measures to increase the body's defenses.

2. Harmful chemicals

Harmful is a substance that, upon contact with the human body, causes industrial injuries, occupational diseases or health problems. Classification of hazardous substances and general safety requirements were introduced by GOST 12.1.007-76.

The degree and nature of disruptions to the normal functioning of the body caused by a substance depends on the route of entry into the body, dose, time of exposure, concentration of the substance, its solubility, the state of the receiving tissue and the body as a whole, atmospheric pressure, temperature and other environmental characteristics.

The effect of harmful substances on the body can result in anatomical damage, permanent or temporary disorders, and combined consequences. Many highly active harmful substances cause disruption of normal physiological activity in the body without noticeable anatomical damage, effects on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, general metabolism, etc.

Harmful substances enter the body through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and through the skin. Substances most likely enter the body in the form of gas, steam and dust through the respiratory system (about 95% of all poisonings).

The release of harmful substances into the air is possible during technological processes and work related to the use, storage, transportation of chemicals and materials, their extraction and production.

Dust is the most common unfavorable factor in the industrial environment. Numerous technological processes and operations in industry, transport, and agriculture are accompanied by the formation and release of dust; large contingents of workers can be exposed to it.

The basis for carrying out measures to combat harmful substances is hygienic regulation.

Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area are established by GOST 12.1.005-88.

Reducing the level of exposure to harmful substances that do not work; do you achieve its complete elimination? by carrying out technological, sanitary and technical, treatment and preventive measures and the use of personal protective equipment.

Technological measures include such as the introduction of continuous technologies, automation and mechanization of production processes, remote control, sealing of equipment, replacement of hazardous technological processes and operations with less dangerous and safe ones.

Sanitary measures: equipping workplaces with local exhaust ventilation or portable local suction, covering equipment with continuous dust-proof casings with effective air aspiration, etc.

When technological, sanitary and technical measures do not completely eliminate the presence of harmful substances in the air, there are no methods and instruments for their control, treatment and preventive measures are carried out: organization and conduct of preliminary and periodic medical examinations, breathing exercises, alkaline inhalations, provision of treatment and preventive food and milk, etc.

In these cases, special attention should be paid to the use of personal protective equipment, primarily for respiratory protection (filtering and insulating gas masks, respirators, safety glasses, special clothing).

3. Industrial noise

Intense noise exposure on the human body adversely affects the course of nervous processes, contributes to the development of fatigue, changes in the cardiovascular system and the appearance of noise pathology, among the diverse manifestations of which the leading clinical sign is a slowly progressive hearing loss of the type of cochlear neuritis.

In production conditions, sources of noise are operating machines and mechanisms, hand mechanized tools, electric machines, compressors, forging and pressing, lifting and transport, auxiliary equipment (ventilation units, air conditioners), etc.

Permissible noise characteristics of workplaces are regulated by GOST 12.1.003-83 “Noise, general safety requirements” (change I. III.89) and Sanitary standards for permissible noise levels in workplaces (SN 3223-85) with amendments and additions dated 01.01.2001 year No. 000-6/245-1.

Based on the nature of the spectrum, noise is divided into broadband and tonal.

Based on their time characteristics, noise is divided into constant and non-constant. In turn, non-constant noises are divided into time-varying, intermittent and pulsed.

As characteristics of constant noise in workplaces, as well as to determine the effectiveness of measures to limit its adverse effects, sound pressure levels in decibels (dB) in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 31.5 are taken; 63; 125; 250; 1000; 2000; 4000; 8000 Hz.

As a general characteristic of noise in workplaces, the sound level rating in dB(A) is used, which is the average value of the frequency characteristics of sound pressure.

A characteristic of non-constant noise in workplaces is the integral parameter - the equivalent sound level in dB(A).

The main measures to combat noise are technical measures that are carried out in three main areas:

Eliminating the causes of noise or reducing it at the source;

Reducing noise on transmission paths;

Direct protection of workers.

The most effective means of reducing noise is to replace noisy technological operations with low-noise or completely silent ones, but this way of combating is not always possible, so reducing it at the source is of great importance. Reducing noise at the source is achieved by improving the design or layout of that part of the equipment that produces noise, using materials with reduced acoustic properties in the design, installing an additional soundproofing device at the noise source or enclosure located as close as possible to the source.

One of the simplest technical means of combating noise on transmission paths is a soundproof casing, which can cover a separate noisy component of the machine.

A significant effect in reducing noise from equipment is provided by the use of acoustic screens that isolate the noisy mechanism from the workplace or service area of ​​the machine.

The use of sound-absorbing cladding for finishing the ceiling and walls of noisy rooms leads to a change in the noise spectrum towards lower frequencies, which, even with a relatively small decrease in level, significantly improves working conditions.

Considering that with the help of technical means it is currently not always possible to solve the problem of reducing noise levels, much attention should be paid to the use of personal protective equipment (antiphons, plugs, etc.). The effectiveness of personal protective equipment can be ensured by their correct selection depending on the levels and spectrum of noise, as well as monitoring the conditions of their operation.

4. Ultrasound and infrasound

Recently, technological processes based on the use of ultrasound energy have become increasingly widespread in production. Ultrasound has also found application in medicine. Due to the increase in unit powers and speeds of various units and machines, noise levels are increasing, including in the ultrasonic frequency range.

Ultrasound is the mechanical vibration of an elastic medium with a frequency exceeding the upper limit of audibility -20 kHz. The unit of sound pressure level is dB. The unit of measurement for ultrasound intensity is watt per square centimeter (W/cm2).

Ultrasound has a mainly local effect on the body, since it is transmitted through direct contact with an ultrasonic instrument, workpieces or environments where ultrasonic vibrations are excited. Ultrasonic vibrations generated by ultrasonic low-frequency industrial equipment have an adverse effect on the human body. Long-term systematic exposure to airborne ultrasound causes changes in the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, auditory and vestibular analyzers. The most characteristic is the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia and asthenic syndrome.

The degree of severity of the changes depends on the intensity and duration of exposure to ultrasound and increases in the presence of high-frequency noise in the spectrum, while a pronounced hearing loss is added. If contact with ultrasound continues, these disorders become more persistent.

Under the influence of local ultrasound, phenomena of vegetative polyneuritis of the hands (less often of the legs) of varying degrees of severity occur, up to the development of paresis of the hands and forearms, and vegetative-vascular dysfunction.

The nature of the changes that occur in the body under the influence of ultrasound depends on the dose of exposure.

Small doses - sound level 80-90 dB - give a stimulating effect - micromassage, acceleration of metabolic processes. Large doses - sound levels of 120 dB or more - have a damaging effect.

The basis for preventing the adverse effects of ultrasound on persons servicing ultrasonic installations is hygienic regulation.

In accordance with GOST 12.1.01-89 “Ultrasound. General safety requirements”, “Sanitary standards and rules for working on industrial ultrasonic installations” (No. 000-77), sound pressure levels in the high-frequency region of audible sounds and ultrasounds at workplaces are limited ( from 80 to 110 dB at geometric mean frequencies of one-third octave bands from 12.5 to 100 kHz).

Ultrasound transmitted by contact is regulated by “Sanitary norms and rules for working with equipment that creates ultrasound transmitted by contact to the hands of workers” No. 000-80.

Measures to prevent the adverse effects of ultrasound on the body of operators of technological installations and personnel of treatment and diagnostic rooms consist primarily of carrying out measures of a technical nature. These include the creation of automated, remote-controlled ultrasound equipment; using low-power equipment whenever possible, which helps reduce the intensity of noise and ultrasound in the workplace by 20-40 dB;

placement of equipment in soundproof rooms or remote-controlled rooms; equipment of soundproofing devices, casings, screens made of sheet steel or duralumin, coated with rubber, anti-noise mastic and other materials.

When designing ultrasonic installations, it is advisable to use operating frequencies that are farthest from the audible range - not lower than 22 kHz.

To eliminate exposure to ultrasound when in contact with liquid and solid media, it is necessary to install a system to automatically turn off ultrasonic transducers during operations during which contact is possible (for example, loading and unloading materials). To protect hands from the contact action of ultrasound, it is recommended to use a special working tool with a vibration-isolating handle.

If, for production reasons, it is impossible to reduce the level of noise and ultrasound intensity to acceptable values, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - noise protection, rubber gloves with cotton lining, etc.

The development of technology and vehicles, the improvement of technological processes and equipment are accompanied by an increase in the power and dimensions of machines, which determines the tendency to increase low-frequency components in the spectra and the emergence of infrasound, which is a relatively new, not fully studied factor in the production environment.

Infrasound refers to acoustic vibrations with a frequency below 20 Hz. This frequency range lies below the threshold of audibility and the human ear is not capable of perceiving vibrations of these frequencies.

Industrial infrasound occurs due to the same processes as noise of audible frequencies. The greatest intensity of infrasonic vibrations is created by machines and mechanisms that have large surfaces that perform low-frequency mechanical vibrations (infrasound of mechanical origin) or turbulent flows of gases and liquids (infrasound of aerodynamic or hydrodynamic origin).

The maximum levels of low-frequency acoustic vibrations from industrial and transport sources reach 100-110 dB.

Studies of the biological effects of infrasound on the body have shown that at levels from 110 to 150 dB or more, it can cause unpleasant subjective sensations and numerous reactive changes in people, which include changes in the central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the vestibular analyzer . There is evidence that infrasound causes hearing loss primarily at low and medium frequencies. The severity of these changes depends on the level of infrasound intensity and the duration of the factor.

In accordance with the Hygienic Standards for Infrasound in Workplaces (No. 000-80), based on the nature of the spectrum, infrasound is divided into broadband and harmonic. The harmonic nature of the spectrum is established in octave frequency bands by the excess of the level in one band over neighboring ones by at least 10 dB.

According to its temporal characteristics, infrasound is divided into constant and non-constant.

The normalized characteristics of infrasound in workplaces are sound pressure levels in decibels in octave frequency bands with geometric mean frequencies of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz.

Acceptable sound pressure levels are 105 dB in the octave bands of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz and 102 dB in the octave band of 31.5 Hz. In this case, the total sound pressure level should not exceed 110 dB Lin.

For non-constant infrasound, the normalized characteristic is the overall sound pressure level.

The most effective and practically the only means of combating infrasound is to reduce it at the source. When choosing designs, preference

should be given to small-sized machines of high rigidity, since in structures with flat surfaces of large area and low rigidity, conditions are created for the generation of infrasound. The fight against infrasound at its source must be carried out in the direction of changing the operating mode of technological equipment - increasing its speed (for example, increasing the number of working strokes of forging and pressing machines, so that the main frequency of power pulses lies outside the infrasound range).

Measures must be taken to reduce the intensity of aerodynamic processes - limiting vehicle speeds, reducing the flow rates of liquids (aircraft and rocket engines, internal combustion engines, steam discharge systems of thermal power plants, etc.).

In the fight against infrasound along the propagation paths, interference-type jammers have a certain effect, usually in the presence of discrete components in the infrasound spectrum.

The recent theoretical substantiation of the flow of nonlinear processes in resonant-type absorbers opens up real ways to design sound-absorbing panels and casings that are effective in the low-frequency region.

As personal protective equipment, it is recommended to use headphones and earplugs that protect the ear from the adverse effects of accompanying noise.

Organizational preventive measures should include compliance with the work and rest schedule and the prohibition of overtime work. When in contact with ultrasound for more than 50% of the working time, breaks of 15 minutes are recommended every 1.5 hours of work. A significant effect is achieved by a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures - massage, UT-irradiation, water procedures, vitaminization, etc.

5. Industrial vibration

Long-term exposure to high levels of vibration on the human body leads to the development of premature fatigue, decreased labor productivity, increased morbidity and often the emergence of occupational pathology - vibration disease.

Vibration is the mechanical oscillatory movement of a system with elastic connections.

Vibration according to the method of transmission to a person (depending on the nature of contact with vibration sources) is conventionally divided into:

local (local), transmitted to the hands of the worker, and general, transmitted through supporting surfaces to the human body in a sitting position (buttocks) or standing (soles of feet). General vibration in the practice of hygienic regulation is designated as vibration of workplaces. In industrial conditions, there is often a combined effect of local and general vibration.

According to its physical characteristics, industrial vibration has a rather complex classification.

Based on the nature of the spectrum, vibration is divided into narrowband and broadband; in terms of frequency composition - low-frequency with a predominance of maximum levels in the octave bands of 8 and 16 Hz, mid-frequency - 31.5 and 63 Hz, high-frequency - 125, 250, 500, 1000 Hz - for local vibration;

for workplace vibration - 1 and 4 Hz, 8 and 16 Hz, 31.5 and 63 Hz, respectively.

According to the time characteristics, vibration is considered: constant, for which the value of the vibration velocity changes no more than 2 times (by 6 dB) during the observation time of at least 1 minute; non-constant, for which the vibration velocity changes by at least 2 times (by 6 dB) during an observation period of at least 1 minute.

Non-constant vibration, in turn, is divided into time-oscillating vibration, for which the level of vibration velocity continuously changes over time; intermittent, when the operator’s contact with vibration during work is interrupted, and the duration of the intervals during which the contact occurs is more than 1 s; pulse, consisting of one or more vibration impacts (for example, shocks), each lasting less than 1 s with a repetition rate of less than 5.6 Hz.

Industrial sources of local vibration are manual mechanized machines of impact, impact-rotational and rotational action with pneumatic or electric drive.

Impact instruments are based on the principle of vibration. These include riveting, chipping, jackhammers, and pneumatic rammers.

Impact-rotary machines include pneumatic and electric hammer drills. They are used in the mining industry, mainly in the drilling and blasting method of mining.

Manual mechanized rotary machines include grinders, drilling machines, electric and gas-powered saws.

Local vibration also occurs during sharpening, emery, grinding, polishing work performed on stationary machines with manual feeding of products; when working with hand tools without motors, for example, straightening work.

· class 1 (safe) - output radiation is not dangerous to the eyes;

    class II (low-hazard) - direct or specularly reflected radiation is dangerous to the eyes; class III (medium hazardous) - direct, specular, and diffusely reflected radiation is dangerous to the eyes at a distance of 10 cm from the reflecting surface and (or) direct or specularly reflected radiation is dangerous to the skin; class IV (highly hazardous) - diffusely reflected radiation is dangerous to the skin at a distance of 10 cm from the reflecting surface.

The leading criteria for assessing the degree of danger of generated laser radiation are the power (energy), wavelength, pulse duration and irradiation exposure.

Maximum permissible levels, requirements for the design, placement and safe operation of lasers are regulated by “Sanitary norms and rules for the design and operation of lasers” No. 000-81, which make it possible to develop measures to ensure safe working conditions when working with lasers. Sanitary norms and rules make it possible to determine the MPL values ​​for each operating mode and section of the optical range using special formulas and tables. The energy exposure of irradiated tissues is normalized. For laser radiation in the visible region of the spectrum for the eyes, the angular size of the radiation source is also taken into account.

The maximum permissible levels of irradiation are differentiated taking into account the operating mode of lasers - continuous mode, monopulse, pulse-periodic.

Depending on the specifics of the technological process, working with laser equipment may be accompanied by exposure of personnel mainly to reflected and scattered radiation. Laser radiation energy in biological objects (tissue, organ) can undergo various transformations and cause organic changes in irradiated tissues (primary effects) and nonspecific functional changes (secondary effects) that occur in the body in response to irradiation.

The effect of laser radiation on the organ of vision (from minor functional impairment to complete loss of vision) depends mainly on the wavelength and localization of the effect.

With the use of high-power lasers and the expansion of their practical use, the danger of accidental damage not only to the organ of vision, but also to the skin and even internal organs has increased, with further changes in the central nervous and endocrine systems.

The main regulatory legal acts when assessing working conditions with optical quantum generators are:

"Sanitary standards and rules for the design and operation of lasers" No. 000-81; methodological recommendations “Occupational hygiene when working with lasers”, approved by the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR on April 27, 1981;

GOST "Methods for measuring parameters of laser radiation. Classification"; GOST "Lasers. Methods for measuring radiation parameters. General provisions"; GOST 12.1.040-83 "Laser safety. General provisions"; GOST 12.1 "Lasers. Methods of dosimetric monitoring of laser radiation."

Prevention of injuries from laser radiation includes a system of engineering, technical, planning, organizational, sanitary and hygienic measures.

When using class II-III lasers, in order to avoid exposure of personnel, it is necessary to either fence the laser zone or shield the radiation beam. Screens and fences must be made of materials with the lowest reflectance, be fire-resistant and not emit toxic substances when exposed to laser radiation.

Hazard class IV lasers are located in separate isolated rooms and are provided with remote control of their operation.

When placing several lasers in one room, the possibility of mutual irradiation of operators working at different installations should be excluded. Persons unrelated to their operation are not allowed into the premises where lasers are located. Visual adjustment of lasers without protective equipment is prohibited.

To remove possible toxic gases, vapors and dust, supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive is installed. To protect against noise, appropriate measures are taken for sound insulation of installations, sound absorption, etc.

Personal protective equipment that ensures safe working conditions when working with lasers includes special glasses, shields, and masks that reduce eye exposure to the maximum limit.

Personal protective equipment is used only when collective protective equipment does not allow the requirements of sanitary rules to be met.

8. Natural and artificial lighting

Light is a natural condition of human life, necessary for maintaining health and high productivity, and is based on the work of the visual analyzer, the most subtle and universal sense organ.

Light is electromagnetic waves of the optical range visible to the eye with a length of 380-760 nm, perceived by the retina of the visual analyzer.

There are 3 types of lighting used in industrial premises:

natural (its source is the sun);

    artificial (when only artificial light sources are used); combined or mixed (characterized by a simultaneous combination of natural and artificial lighting).

Combined lighting is used when natural lighting alone cannot provide the necessary conditions for production operations.

The current building codes and regulations provide for two artificial lighting systems: a general lighting system and a combined lighting system.

Natural lighting is created by natural light sources, direct solid rays and diffuse light from the sky (from sunlight scattered by the atmosphere). Natural lighting is biologically the most valuable type of lighting, to which the human eye is most adapted.

The following types of natural lighting are used in industrial premises: lateral - through light openings (windows) in the external walls; the upper one - through skylights in the ceilings; combined - through skylights and windows.

In buildings with insufficient natural lighting, combined lighting is used - a combination of natural and artificial light. Artificial lighting in a combined system can operate continuously (in areas with insufficient natural light) or turn on at dusk.

Artificial lighting in industrial enterprises is carried out by incandescent lamps and gas-discharge lamps, which are sources of artificial light.

General and local lighting is used in industrial premises. General - to illuminate the entire room, local (in a combined system) - to increase the illumination of only working surfaces or individual parts of equipment.

The use of other than local lighting is not permitted.

From the point of view of occupational hygiene, the main characteristic is illumination (E), which is the distribution of luminous flux (F) on a surface area (S) and can be expressed by the formula E = F/S.

Luminous flux (F) is the power of radiant energy, assessed by the visual sensation it produces. Measured in lumens (lm).

In the physiology of visual perception, important importance is attached not to the incident flux, but to the level of brightness of illuminated industrial and other objects, which is reflected from the illuminated surface in the direction of the eye. Visual perception is determined not by illumination, but by brightness, which is understood as a characteristic of luminous bodies equal to the ratio of the intensity of light in any direction to the area of ​​​​projection of the luminous surface on

a plane perpendicular to this direction. Brightness is measured in nits (nits). The brightness of illuminated surfaces depends on their luminous properties, the degree of illumination and the angle at which the surface is viewed.

Luminous intensity is the luminous flux propagating within a solid angle equal to 1 steradiant. The unit of luminous intensity is the candela (cd).

The luminous flux incident on the surface is partially reflected, absorbed or transmitted through the illuminated body. Therefore, the light properties of the illuminated surface are also characterized by the following coefficients:

· reflection coefficient - the ratio of the light flux reflected by the body to the incident one;

    transmittance - the ratio of the light flux passing through the medium to the incident one; absorption coefficient - the ratio of the light flux absorbed by the body to the incident one.

The required levels of illumination are standardized in accordance with SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting" depending on the accuracy of the production operations performed, the light properties of the working surface and the part in question, the lighting system."

Hygienic requirements that reflect the quality of industrial lighting include:

· uniform distribution of brightness in the field of view and limitation of shadows;

    limitation of direct and reflected glare; limiting or eliminating fluctuations in light flux.

Uniform distribution of brightness in the field of view is important for maintaining human performance. If in the field of view there are constantly surfaces that differ significantly in brightness (illumination), then when moving the gaze from a brightly lit surface to a dimly lit surface, the eye is forced to re-adapt. Frequent readaptation leads to the development of visual fatigue and makes it difficult to perform production operations.

The degree of unevenness is determined by the unevenness coefficient - the ratio of maximum to minimum illumination. The higher the accuracy of the work, the lower the unevenness coefficient should be.

Excessive glare (glare) is the property of luminous surfaces with increased brightness to disrupt the conditions of comfortable vision, worsen contrast sensitivity, or have both of these effects at the same time.

Lamps - light sources enclosed in fittings - are designed to properly distribute the light flux and protect the eyes from excessive brightness of the light source. The fittings protect the light source from mechanical damage, as well as smoke, dust, soot, moisture, and provide fastening and connection to the power source.

According to light distribution, luminaires are divided into luminaires of direct, diffused and reflected light. Direct light luminaires direct more than 80% of the light flux to the lower hemisphere due to the internal reflective enamel surface. Diffused light luminaires emit luminous flux into both hemispheres: some - 40-60% of the luminous flux downwards, others - 60-80% upwards. Reflected light luminaires direct more than 80% of the luminous flux upward to the ceiling, and the light reflected from it is directed downward into the work area.

To protect the eyes from the shine of the luminous surface of the lamps, the protective angle of the lamp is used - the angle formed by the horizontal from the surface of the lamp (the edge of the luminous filament) and the line passing through the edge of the fittings.

Luminaires for fluorescent lamps mainly have direct light distribution. Measures of protection against direct glare include a protective angle, shielding grilles, and diffusers made of transparent plastic or glass.

With the help of appropriate placement of lamps in the volume of the working room, a lighting system is created. General lighting can be uniform or localized. The general placement of lamps (in a rectangular or checkerboard pattern) to create rational illumination is carried out when performing the same type of work throughout the room, with a high density of workplaces (assembly shops in the absence of a conveyor, wood finishing, etc.) General localized lighting is provided to be provided at a number of workplaces illumination in a given plane (thermal furnace, forging hammer, etc.), when an additional lamp is installed near each of them (for example, a slant light), as well as when performing work of various types in workshop areas or in the presence of shading equipment.

Local lighting is intended to illuminate the work surface and can be stationary or portable; incandescent lamps are more often used for it, since fluorescent lamps can cause a stroboscopic effect.

Emergency lighting is installed in production premises and in open areas to temporarily continue work in the event of an emergency shutdown of working lighting (general network). It must provide at least 5% of the illumination normalized for a general lighting system.

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