
ZepterTorg - online store for Zepter dishes, Zepter, Bioptron water filters. Bioptron - reviews from doctors Description of Bioptron devices and their therapeutic effect

The Zepter company is proud to present to you a revolutionary discovery in the field of medicine - the Zepter Bioptron! The light of the Zepter Bioptron (Bionics) lamp helps prevent diseases, provides treatment for diseases and helps us regain the energy needed for everyday life. In addition, Bioptron light therapy has shown exceptional results in increasing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process after illness.

The Bioptron light therapy system is recognized as a medical device and has received all the necessary certificates and approvals required for any medical device in the European Union and the Swiss Confederation.

The Zepter lamp of the bioptron emits light that is unique in its set of characteristics.

It is known that natural light spreads in all directions. Here we can explain the first unique characteristic of the light of the Bioptron (Bionics) device - it is polarized light. This means that its waves move in parallel planes. The polarized light of the Zepter Bioptron lamp is generated by reflecting light in a special patented multilayer mirror (Brewster mirror, named after the inventor). The degree of polarization of Bioptron (Bionics) light is more than 95%. It has been scientifically proven and confirmed in practice that medical treatment methods using polarized light give exceptionally high results.

The second unique characteristic of the Bioptron lamp light is that it is a polychromatic light. This means that the spectrum of Bionic light does not contain one single wavelength, but a wide range of wavelengths. Bioptron light contains only useful wavelengths: a significant part of the visible spectrum and a portion of infrared radiation. The spectrum of light wavelengths of the Bioptron (Bionic) device covers the range from 480 to 3400 nm (nanometers). It is very important to emphasize that the light from the Zepter Bioptron lamp does not contain ultraviolet rays.

The third unique characteristic of Bioptron lamp light is its incoherence. Unlike laser light, the light from the Bioptron (Bionic Zepter) device is incoherent or out of phase light. This means that the light waves are not synchronized.

Thus, the light of the Bioptron lamp is a low-energy light that works naturally. This amount of energy provides such light with the opportunity to positively stimulate various biological processes in the body. The low-energy light of the Zepter Bioptron lamp has only positive biostimulating effects, eliminating the possibility of tissue damage, overdose and side effects. The light from the Zepter Bioptron (Bionic) device is absolutely safe!

It has been scientifically proven that bioptron light stimulates the activity of the cell membrane, accelerates regenerative processes and improves oxygen absorption by tissues. The light of the bioptron lamp stimulates microcirculation and the immune system (defense mechanism) of the body. Bioptron light has biostimulating effects. It penetrates deep into the skin through different layers of the skin.

Good microcirculation is the key to our good health, youth, beautiful skin and beauty in general. On the other hand, poor microcirculation is the main cause of disease, skin aging and aging of the body as a whole. Bioptron improves your microcirculation! Bioptron light therapy particularly affects blood cells and somatic cells.

The light of the Zepter Bioptron lamp has biostimulating effects: when directed onto the skin, it stimulates light-sensitive intracellular structures and biomolecules. This initiates cellular chain reactions and triggers mechanisms of so-called secondary reactions, which are not limited only to the illuminated area of ​​the skin, but can affect the body as a whole.

The light from the Zepter Bioptron works naturally to support the body's regenerative processes and help the body release its own healing potential.

Zepter Bioptron therapy is well known and has been used in medical practice for more than twenty years.

Doctors around the world have successfully used the Zepter Bioptron lamp to treat a variety of health conditions and injuries. The main medical indications for using the Bioptron light therapy system are as follows:

Wound healing and tissue repair

Pain relief:

In rheumatology

In sports medicine

In physiotherapy and rehabilitation

ZEPTER BIOPTRON (Bionic) is certified as a medical device in accordance with the provisions of Directive 93/42/EEC of the European Union.

Developed by the Swiss company Bioptron, it is a device that works on the principle of biostimulation of active points of the body. Improves blood circulation, increases oxygen consumption by cells, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. The difference from externally similar devices is Bioptron’s ability to act on the deep layers of the skin, without “stopping” exclusively on the superficial ones.

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What is Bioptron

The device is a lamp that emits polarized light without ultraviolet radiation. It is UV radiation that is most harmful in the spectrum of sunlight. Polarized radiation causes a reflex reaction in organs and tissues, stimulating them to more intensively absorb oxygen, grow and heal.

Light exposure is actively used in various fields of medicine, especially in ophthalmology. Bioptron is based on a similar principle. The kit includes 3 main components: the device itself, oxy-spray for treating the treatment area and a stand. The effect of the device, indications and methods of use are described in detail in the attached instructions. The specific characteristics of Bioptron depend on the model purchased. There are 3 types of devices.

  1. Bioptron "Pro". Can be used everywhere, suitable for use at home. It is complemented by a convenient stand that allows you to install the Bioptron on a table, next to the bed at the time of use. The control panel is adjusted depending on the target, down to the second. It is not difficult to adjust the distance separating the working part of the device and the area of ​​the body: the problem is solved using the built-in lock. The assembled device weighs about 3.5 kg.
  2. Bioptron "Compact". Weighs 500 g, does not include stand or mountings. Can be used in the clinic, at home and anywhere else. The main advantage is that storing, transporting and using the device “in field conditions” is extremely simple. The list of indications is not as extensive as that of the previous device, but its popularity is still greater due to its ease of use and low cost.
  3. Bioptron 2. Mainly used in hospital settings, equipped with a floor stand, a wide light filter - diameter up to 17 cm. It has the most extensive list of indications. Fixed in any desired position. Weighs 4.5–5 kg.

Indications for use

  1. Allergic reactions. The device helps eliminate skin rashes, relieve itching and other allergy symptoms in children and adults.
  2. Joint diseases, pain symptoms due to arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Bone damage, bruises, fractures, cracks.
  3. Respiratory diseases, respiratory disorders, cough as a symptom of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  4. Skin diseases, mechanical damage, infectious lesions. Bioptron is indicated for: acne, boils, ulcers, herpetic eruptions, pustules of unknown nature, abscesses. Cosmetic smoothing of scars.
  5. Prostatitis, impotence in men, gynecological diseases in women in consultation with a doctor.
  6. Runny nose, sinusitis, otitis, other ENT diseases.
  7. Emotional stress, depression, sleep disorders, fatigue, weakness after long-term treatment, taking medications.
  8. Hair loss, thinning, brittle hair, loss of healthy shine.
  9. Cellulite – Bioptron provides a drainage effect, smoothes out the “orange peel”, increases skin elasticity.
  10. Wrinkles, premature aging, dull complexion.

Treatment with Bioptron

It is advisable to perform the first procedures under the supervision of a specialist. After 2-3 sessions you will be able to repeat the steps yourself. Treatment consists of the following stages.

  1. Provide a comfortable, relaxing environment and choose the right time. The optimal periods for carrying out procedures are the morning immediately after sleep and the evening immediately before going to bed.
  2. Prepare the area of ​​exposure: the skin at the site of exposure to light radiation is cleansed with water, soap, and tonic.
  3. Configure the correct location of the emitting device. The beam of the device is located at an angle of 90° to the working area. The distance between the light filter and the skin is from 10 cm. The device cannot be moved throughout the entire session. Large areas are treated in several sessions, one small area at a time.
  4. The procedures are performed daily, 2 times. The duration of the session is 5–10 minutes. contract. The duration of the course is selected individually - it depends on the indications and individual response to treatment.


  • When placing the device near the eyes, they must be closed to avoid light radiation and burns;
  • Remove contact lenses before the session and put them on after 10–15 minutes. upon completion;
  • if it is not possible to act directly on the diseased area, you should select a suitable biologically important point (indicated in the instructions).

Each disease and pathology requires an individual approach to treatment. Bioptron is more often used for such problems.

  1. Acne, pimples. Act on the problem area for 10 minutes, bringing the emitter 5 cm closer to the surface of the skin. One session a day is enough.
  2. Warts. Clean the area surrounding the wart with the lotion included in the kit and place the emitter in the exact direction of the wart. Increase the number of sessions to three per day, keep for 8 minutes. Continue the procedures until the papilloma completely disappears.
  3. Herpes. Place the Bioptron emitter 3–4 cm from the affected area and hold for 2 minutes. Number of sessions 1–2 per day.
  4. Wrinkles. “Shine” on the place where wrinkles appear for 2 minutes. 3-4 times a day. The procedures are indicated primarily for prevention and to eliminate the first, small, barely noticeable wrinkles.
  5. Allergy. Gently clean the affected area of ​​skin with the product from the kit, hold the emitter over the area for 10 minutes, repeat up to three times a day.
  6. Back pain. Carry out the procedures standing or lying down, but be sure to sit up straight and relax. Place the lamp 10 cm from the skin surface and leave for 8 minutes. Repeat morning and evening.
  7. Haemorrhoids. Place the emitter exactly opposite the diseased area and maintain exposure for 8 minutes. twice a day.
  8. Toothache. The affected area is irradiated through the cheek. The emitter is placed so that the light is directed directly at the tooth and gum. The minimum duration of exposure is 5 minutes. Repeat at intervals of 4 hours.


  1. Increased body temperature – from 37 C°.
  2. Oncological diseases – benign and malignant.
  3. Photodermatosis: an allergic reaction to exposure to direct light.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic cardiovascular diseases, kidney, liver, and nervous system diseases.
  5. Low tone, energy deficiency, developing muscle atrophy.
  6. Taking stimulant drugs, immunomodulators.
  7. Age up to 2 years. From 2 to 15 years - in agreement with the doctor.
  8. Pregnancy.

The reason to refuse to use Bioptron is the presence of general contraindications to physical therapy: bleeding, mental illness, atherosclerosis, fever, the presence of pacemakers and implants in the body, epilepsy, infectious diseases in the acute stage.

The Bioptron device is a unique development of the Swiss company Zepter. It is used to treat many diseases in both adults and children. The basis of this treatment is light therapy. It almost never causes side effects, and the result of healing the body is noticeable after just a few procedures. It is important that when used correctly, there are no burns or tan marks left on the skin. Such physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out at home, after prior consultation with a doctor.

How does the Bioptron device work?

When developing the Bioptron Zepter device, innovative technologies were used, thanks to which it was possible to use the beneficial properties of light. When the lamp operates, the light beam is deformed, then absorbed and reflected. Due to the action of the device, blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the body improves. The device helps strengthen the immune system, eliminates allergies and helps reduce local inflammation.

The device is capable of reproducing radiation of different spectrums from 480 to 3400 nm. The peculiarity is that this light does not contain UV rays. Thanks to this, the light emitted by the Bioptron lamp is much safer than sunlight. The scope of application of the device is quite large. At the same time, there are relatively few contraindications to the procedures.

Light therapy helps activate the production of collagen and elastin. Due to this, wounds heal quickly, sutures after operations are tightened and the condition of the skin noticeably improves.

Indications for use

The instructions for use indicate more than 60 diseases for which the lamp can be used. The main indications for use are:

  • diseases of the respiratory organs of various etiologies;
  • genitourinary diseases in men and women;
  • diseases of the nervous system, including depressive states;
  • allergic diseases in children and adults;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin diseases;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • oral diseases;
  • migraine;
  • arthritis.

Many beauty salons are equipped with the Bioptron Compact. Thanks to this device, it is possible to quickly eliminate acne and other skin rashes. Light therapy helps improve skin condition and helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

Before using the Bioptron device, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions.

Use in ophthalmology

The Bioptron device is also used in the treatment of a number of ophthalmological diseases. It is used in such cases:

Phototherapy procedures are indicated for injuries to the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids. Thanks to this treatment, the recovery period is significantly reduced.

Operating instructions

Treatment with Bioptron should be regular. Such procedures should be included in the daily wellness program. The duration of the procedures is from 1 to 8 minutes, depending on the disease, warming is carried out 1–6 times a day. During warm-ups, it is important to completely relax.

Treatment with a lamp is carried out in the morning and evening. To get a good result, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Before starting treatment, the problem area of ​​the skin is cleaned using any antiseptic or just a soap solution. Before eye treatment, it is necessary to remove cosmetics from the eyelids using lotion.
  2. The lamp is directed to the problem area of ​​the body so that the light falls at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. The distance between the lamp and the treated area must be at least 10 cm. During the procedure, you must ensure that the light beam does not move.
  4. After the session is over, the device is turned off and put back in place.

It is convenient to control the procedure time using a timer or an hourglass.

If treatment is carried out on the organs of vision, then the eyes must be kept closed. The light emitted by the Bioptron device is absolutely safe for the eyes, but can lead to temporary discomfort. If a person wears contact lenses, they must be removed before the treatment session.

During treatment, you can apply light directly to the sore spot or to active points, which are found in large quantities throughout the body. In the second case, certain knowledge and experience are required, therefore, when treating with a lamp at home, it is better to direct the light flux directly to the problem area.

Sometimes only targeted irradiation of the problem area is not enough. In this case, one area is treated first, and then the lamp is moved further. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to capture large areas of the body at once.

During treatment, it is necessary to use a special light filter, which ensures that light hits the desired area of ​​the body at a certain angle.


It is not always possible to use the Bioptron device. The instructions for use indicate a number of contraindications, which include:

  • pathologies of blood vessels;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • transplanted organs;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the urinary tract and heart;
  • epilepsy.

There are also a number of relative contraindications. In these cases, the drug can be used for treatment, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Such contraindications include acute thrombophlebitis and cancer.

You should not use the Bioptron device during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is worth refusing such treatment while taking hormonal drugs and immunomodulators.

If you are prone to hemorrhages in the eyes, it is better to avoid exposure of the rays to the mucous membrane of the visual organs.

Cost of the device

The Bioptron device is not widely used, which is due to its too high price. Sometimes people want to purchase such a device, but their desire suddenly disappears as soon as the price becomes known. The approximate cost of this type of equipment is:

  • A small lamp for local use, the price is 50–70 thousand rubles.
  • If you buy a Bioptron compact lamp together with a special stand, the price increases by approximately 10 thousand rubles.
  • Large lamps already cost from 100 thousand rubles.
  • The most functional devices can cost about 1 million rubles.

Few people purchase devices at this price for home use. Most often, the Bioptron lamp is used in beauty salons, sanatoriums and holiday homes. In clinics you can see similar equipment in treatment rooms.

It is cheaper to undergo treatment in a treatment room. The course of treatment will cost several times less than the cost of the most inexpensive Bioptron device. But if you have the financial means, it won’t hurt to have such equipment at home.

The Bioptron device was developed relatively recently, but is already actively used to treat many diseases. This device is quite expensive, so few people can afford to buy it for use at home. Most often, the Swiss Bioptron device is used in treatment and beauty rooms.

"Bioptron" is a lamp in a plastic housing. The device consists of a base, a stand-handle, a support stand, a cover with holes for ventilation, a power supply with a fuse, a fan, and a control panel.

The device can be supplemented with a set of filters that improve the quality of the procedure. It can be purchased separately, but you can also purchase a ready-made kit. It includes 7 color filters, 3 cosmetics and detailed instructions for use. Filters are made from high-quality glass, hand-blown, and the shades are as close to natural as possible.

All devices under the Bioptron brand are manufactured in Switzerland. The technology is patented, lamps and additional elements have all the necessary certificates and are approved for use in Russia. When used correctly, the device has no shelf life restrictions.

Operating principle

The Bioptron device is used for light therapy. The lamp has proven itself in the treatment of various eye and skin diseases, allergies and reduced immunity. The targeted beam penetrates the tissue, providing a mild therapeutic effect. At the same time, harmful ultraviolet radiation is not generated, the lamp is absolutely safe for the skin and eyes.

The device acts on tissue with a directed beam of light. During irradiation, cellular processes are activated, protein metabolism improves, and the natural production of elastin and collagen is accelerated. It is possible to influence both the sore spot and biologically active points. The latter method is more often used by doctors specializing in light therapy.

The use of color filters significantly expands the capabilities of the device. A certain shade of glass gives the beam additional properties.

  1. Red filter reduces pain, improves blood circulation, and helps treat depression.
  2. Orange has a positive effect on the genitourinary system and intestines, reduces discomfort during menopause, and eliminates inflammation of various natures.
  3. Yellow reduces acidity, improves lymph flow, relieves constipation and stimulates digestion.
  4. Blue helps with joint and muscle pain, treats sinusitis, depression, and insomnia.
  5. Purple is a good antiseptic, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the growth of leukocytes.

All presented filters can be changed and combined, enhancing the therapeutic effect and simultaneously solving several patient problems.

Indications and contraindications

  • demodicosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • postoperative corneal edema;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • allergic rashes;
  • acne;
  • burns, scars and other damage to the epithelium.

Despite the effectiveness of the device, it also has contraindications. The lamp should not be used in severe forms of thrombophlebitis. Light pulses can provoke the detachment of a blood clot. It is not recommended to use the device if any malignant tumors are suspected. The effect of directed light on cancer cells has not been fully studied, so oncologists recommend not exposing the body to additional risk. The list of contraindications also includes:

  • diabetes mellitus in a severe stage;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • epilepsy;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • organ transplant operations.

The effect of the lamp can weaken the effect of corticosteroids, immunomodulators, and cytostatics. It is not recommended to combine courses of these drugs with radiation sessions; it is better to alternate them, after consulting with your doctor.

Detailed instructions

Light and color therapy is a short procedure lasting only a few minutes. It is recommended to carry out it in courses, the duration depends on the disease and the individual condition of the patient. It is recommended to carry out procedures 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Before the session, you need to thoroughly clean the area of ​​skin that will be exposed to light. Contact lenses must be removed. The lamp is installed on a stable surface, thanks to flexible joints it can be directed to any part of the body. There should be a distance of at least 10 cm between the skin and the device. The patient should sit comfortably and relax. If the points that are exposed to radiation are on the face, you must close your eyes.

During the irradiation process, a pleasant warmth may be felt, but some patients complain of slight discomfort: tingling, burning, increased lacrimation. Usually such manifestations disappear after 1-2 sessions. If the negative symptoms intensify, the procedure should be stopped; sessions can be resumed only after consultation with the attending physician.

Irradiation lasts 5-10 minutes. Then you need to turn off the device from the network until the next session. It is recommended to periodically check the ventilation holes on the lamp and wipe them from dust. It is important to protect the device from excessively high temperatures and moisture, as well as from falls and shocks.

Before the session, it is possible to use homeopathic medicines included in the color therapy kit. Light Fluid lotion, containing extracts from palm kernel, coconut and wheat germ, improves the penetration of light waves into the skin, regulates the functioning of the sweat glands, relaxes and strengthens tissues.

Cristal Cream tones the skin, starts regeneration processes, and relieves muscle tension. Balancing Gel activates energy, accelerates the removal of toxins, and strengthens blood vessels. The use of cosmetics makes the procedure more pleasant and safe. You should not use other means; unknown ingredients in combination with the light flux can provoke an unexpected effect.

Light therapy plays an important role in medicine, especially in the last few years. Hippocrates also described that a lot of diseases can be cured by using only sunlight. Now everyone knows that the human body converts all received light into electrochemical energy. And this leads to the activation of a biochemical process that allows you to cover the entire body, and not just the skin.

History of origin

Many centuries ago, man began to study light and its beneficial properties. And although they could not fully recognize its nature, similar therapy was already actively used in ancient Greece. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to Dr. Finsen, originally from Denmark, some forms of tuberculosis could be treated with light rays. However, at that time, doctors began to give preference to medications. In 1938, phototherapy sharply lost its popularity as it was replaced by penicillin.

Now, thanks to modern physicists and their developments, various devices are being created that are capable of influencing the human body, based on a biological system.

It is precisely such developments that include the device manufactured by a Swiss company.

Device structure

The Bioptron lamp consists of:

On top of the control panel is the head of the device, which consists of:

  • light source;
  • Brewster mirrors;
  • protective glass filter and dust protector;
  • UV protection;
  • medical filter.

The device can be installed in three positions: horizontally, vertically and at an angle. The housing is designed to provide sufficient system cooling in any position. The main thing is that before you start working with the Bioptron lamp, make sure that the ventilation hole and the fan located in the oval cover are not blocked by anything.

Basic parameters of the device

The weight of the device is no more than 0.5 kilograms. Main parameters:

  • power supply rated at 230 V;
  • current frequency is 50 Hz;
  • color temperature allows about 2600 K;
  • the rated power of the lamp is 20 W;
  • wavelength - from 480 to 3400 nm;
  • specific power - 40 mW/cm2.

The service life of the device is unlimited if used correctly.

Color filters

Since the light of the device excites active zones and points on the skin, especially in a narrow light range, the wavelengths are different and characteristic of a specific color.

In addition to the device itself, the system includes seven Bioptron color filters and three homeopathic remedies, which contain essential oils and plant extracts that promote the transfer of information.

All light therapy programs, as the basis of a person’s psychophysiological state, are aimed at restoring and maintaining information and energy balance.

Light, passing through filters, acquires additional properties, for example: drainage of the lymphatic and venous systems, reduction of slagging in the body, and so on.

Each color of the filter has its own healing effect:

  • red - relieves pain, restores blood flow, stimulates blood circulation, nervous and immune systems, and also helps with sadness;
  • orange - restores the functions of the intestines and genitourinary system, eliminating inflammation, is an antidepressant, and during menopause can reduce discomfort;
  • yellow - relieves constipation, reduces acidity, helps the spleen work and the body absorbs food, improves the lymphatic system;
  • green - tones, cleanses the lungs and bronchi, fights heart disease, helps eliminate headaches and restore the nervous system;
  • blue - fights any ENT diseases, helps heal burn wounds, relieves hyperactivity;
  • blue - relieves insomnia, depression, sinusitis, epithelizes wounds and eliminates pain syndromes in the back and joints;
  • purple - a tranquilizer for the nervous system, an antiseptic, reduces blood pressure, dilating blood vessels, and can cause active growth of leukocytes in the spleen.

To achieve the best results, you can combine colors taking into account the exposure time.

Operating principle

Treatment with Bioptron is very effective and safe, since the principle is based on the interaction of a light beam on the skin.

When exposed to light, cellular energy is accelerated several times, which allows you to launch, in addition, the process of microcirculation, which affects the biostimulation of the body's cells. Protein metabolism increases, and this in turn allows the production of collagen and elastin.

The use of "Bioptron" is possible either by acting directly on the problem area or on biological points.

Operating instructions

Despite the fact that the Bioptron Zepter system is very lightweight and can be used at home, it is still worth consulting with a doctor. The specialist will tell you how to achieve the best results of therapy.

The Bioptron instructions are very simple:

  • It is best to use the device in a relaxed state, preferably in the morning or before bed;
  • before use, you need to clean the area of ​​skin from dirt and fat on which therapeutic manipulation will be performed;
  • the device is installed at an angle of 90 degrees, but at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the treated area;
  • 1 treatment zone should be given 5-10 minutes separately in the morning and evening;
  • when using the device on the face, the eyes must be closed;
  • Upon completion of the procedures, the device should be disconnected from the network.

During procedures with the device, unpleasant sensations may occur in the area of ​​application. But don't worry about this. There is no threat to the human body. You just need to relax as much as possible by closing your eyes. Depending on the frequency of use of the device, the discomfort will disappear each time.

When operating the device, you must be careful, since the elements consist of fragile glass and plastic.

You should always check that there is free air access to the ventilation openings of the device so that the maximum degree of cooling is achieved.

Only original components should be used. The manufacturer will not be responsible for the malfunction of the device if damage was caused during operation due to non-original stands, tripods, etc.

In case of replacement or repair of the device lamp, it is necessary to contact only specialized warranty service workshops. If the repair was carried out independently, the manufacturer is not responsible for the work performed.

You should monitor the humidity in the room in which you plan to turn on the device. Humid and hot rooms should be avoided. It is desirable that the temperature range from 10 to 40 degrees.

Do not allow dust or liquid to enter the device. Protect from vibrations and shocks.

Indications for use

Since light therapy has now become widely used in various fields of medicine. The Swiss device "Bioptron Zepter" is a clear certified example of the uniqueness of light flux as a biological therapy. He has permission to use medical technology, which was issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development (FS No. 2010/188 dated May 27, 2010).

The areas of application, as confirmed by Bioptron reviews, are different:

  • dermatovenerology - acne, urticaria, dermatitis, mycosis, psoriasis, scars, etc.;
  • dermatosurgery - preoperative preparation, various rehabilitation programs;
  • aesthetic cosmetology - stretch marks, wrinkles, premature aging;
  • otolaryngology - tonsillitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, papillomatosis, etc.;
  • therapy - osteochondrosis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, hypotension, arthritis, peptic ulcer, etc.;
  • urology - prostatitis, balanoposthitis, impotence;
  • neurology - stroke, fainting, depression, migraine, etc.
  • pediatrics - prevention of ARVI, tonsillitis, hormonal crisis, etc.;
  • surgery - hemorrhoids, bruises, injuries, wounds, burns, hematoma, fistulas, bursitis, etc.;
  • dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.;
  • ophthalmology - stye, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, myopia;
  • obstetrics and gynecology - colpitis, condylomas, cervical erosion, frigidity, etc.

Contraindications for Bioptron

Despite the wide range of successful applications, there are also limitations on the use of the device. There is a certain list of diseases that prohibit the use of the device:

  • active tuberculosis;
  • diseased heart and kidneys;
  • epilepsy;
  • blood vessel disease;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • transplanted organs.

Also, the device should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

There are diseases for which the use of the device is permissible, but strictly adhering to the Bioptron instructions and under the careful supervision of a specialist:

  • oncology, since the effect of light on mutated cells of the body has not been fully studied;
  • thrombophlebitis (acute form), since a blood clot can come off under the influence of a light beam.

Where to buy the device

If you have decided to purchase a Bioptron device, then, without hesitation, you should contact the official dealers of the Zepter company. The order should be made on the official website of the manufacturer. Beware of fakes! Nowadays, many people are trying to make money off of a big name. The device is manufactured only in Switzerland.

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