
How to build a three-story apartment building. Construction of apartment buildings as a business

All lands located on the territory of the Russian Federation are divided into certain categories. Each territory has its own purpose. This prohibits its use for other purposes.

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One type of site designation includes the territories of settlements allocated for .

In 2019, the Law on Dacha Amnesty is still in force, allowing the construction of housing on such sites in a simplified manner, without obtaining a construction permit. In addition, a simplified procedure for registering property rights applies to such buildings.

There are requirements that apply to buildings on individual housing construction territories. In such areas, only low-rise construction is permitted. However, recently the construction of apartment buildings on individual housing construction has become very popular, which is prohibited by law.

Purpose of the site

In Art. 222 clauses 1, 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that any objects built without taking into account the type of permitted use can be considered unauthorized buildings and subject to demolition at the expense of the developers who erected them.

Apartment building on individual housing construction

Unscrupulous developers are building apartment buildings on individual housing construction sites in order to make a profit. However, at the same time, they grossly ignore the requirements of the law, which is an offense.

Some individuals disguise the constructed apartment buildings as individual housing or townhouses. Some citizens even manage to register ownership of such objects. However, this right can be challenged at any time in court by a claim from an interested party.

The court will order an examination, during which the essence of the building will be determined. In this case, the developer will be pointed out that the building does not comply with the type of permitted use and will be obliged to demolish the building.

In practice, the initiators of legal proceedings are most often neighbors who are disturbed by noise from a nearby house. In addition, if several families live in a building, spontaneous parking for residents’ cars will most likely be organized in the adjacent area. Narrow private streets are more likely to be unsuitable for so many cars.

However, a situation may arise that the developer will have friendly relations with neighbors and the administration of the locality. In this case, another problem may arise regarding connection to utility networks.

The power, which is indicated in the technical conditions for connecting the facility to the networks, is usually enough for 1 family.

This is not enough to support an apartment building designed for several families. In such housing located on an individual housing construction site, regular problems with power supply are possible due to overloads in the electrical network. This situation can make it difficult to live comfortably in housing.

Is it possible to build?

So, is it possible to build an apartment building using individual housing construction? The answer to this question is unequivocal - it is impossible.

What can conscientious developers who did not take into account the category of land during construction, or citizens who really want to build an apartment building on such territory, do?

There are 2 options:

  1. Try to change the type of permitted use of the territory. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents and submit a corresponding application to the local administration.
  2. Designate the constructed facility as an isolated premises, and not as multi-apartment housing. However, judging by current practice, this will be extremely difficult to do.

Consequences of construction without permission

The consequences of the construction of multi-apartment buildings on individual housing construction sites threaten both unscrupulous developers and citizens who purchased such housing.

Consequences for the developer:

  • administrative fine in the amount of 40-50 thousand rubles;
  • recognition of the object as an unauthorized construction and forcing the developer to demolish it or demolish the building at his expense.

The authorities are currently considering a bill to tighten penalties for such construction.

It is expected that developers will subsequently be subject to a fine of 1-5 million rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days. Malicious violators will face both types of punishment.

Consequences for buyers of apartments in houses on individual housing construction plots:

  • financial losses;
  • deprivation of housing;
  • forcing the demolition of a building.

Citizens remain the deceived party. They only have the right to demand that the developer return funds and pay compensation. However, in most cases, unscrupulous developers do not have sufficient funds in their accounts to compensate citizens. Therefore, even going to court may not lead to the desired result.

Citizens can only be vigilant and, before purchasing an apartment in an apartment building, inquire about the category of land on which the object is built.

How to avoid scammers?

How to avoid fraud:

  1. It is necessary to request documentation from the developer. Basic papers - certificate of state registration of ownership, projects and plans. By comparing the documents, you can see the permitted use and purpose of the land.
  2. It is necessary to check that the construction permit indicates “apartment building” or “low-rise building” and not “individual residential building”. The documentation must also indicate the area of ​​the object and its number of floors, as well as the area of ​​the land plot.
  3. It's worth getting to know those. conditions for connecting the facility to utilities.
  4. It is worth comparing the information contained in the project documentation.
  5. It is recommended to clarify with the developer the procedure in which the registration of rights to the constructed object will be carried out. A simplified procedure is possible only in relation to individual housing construction, garden and country houses.
  6. It is worth assessing the content of the contract that the developer proposes to conclude. This must be a paper on equity participation. Such an agreement must be subject to mandatory registration with Rosreestr. This eliminates the possibility of double selling.

Construction of an apartment building, at first glance, is not the most difficult task and at the same time very standardized - choosing a plot of land, constructing a foundation, erecting walls and subsequent finishing. However, in fact, building a house is a process that has many nuances, especially when it comes to building a multi-story building with a hundred or more apartments.

Let's consider the main stages of construction of an apartment building.

Stage 1. Selection of land

Selecting the most suitable land plot for construction is perhaps one of the most important stages of construction. When choosing, the following factors are taken into account:

1. Availability of all necessary communications, proximity to thermal and electrical networks, telephone cables. Since most modern residential buildings have autonomous heating, the proximity of the central heating main is not any determining factor. While the need to “stretch” water supply pipes or erect supports for laying power lines can significantly increase the cost of construction.

2. Proximity of city infrastructure facilities. The closer the new building is to the city center, the more attractive it looks in the eyes of future residents. But there are also disadvantages. Land in the central areas of the city is very expensive, and therefore the cost per square meter will be rather high. In addition, it is extremely difficult to obtain permission to build in such areas from the authorities. On the contrary, the cost of apartments in houses located on the outskirts of the city or outside it will be much lower, but it is not a fact that transport links to such areas will be convenient and regular.

We also note that the construction of any multi-storey buildings, including apartment buildings, is carried out according to the urban plan. To begin construction of a facility, especially in the central area of ​​the city, it is necessary to obtain about 50 permits! In areas where there are not yet very many new buildings, and the general plan provides for the construction of several objects, it is easier to obtain permission.

If the customer of the construction is the city authorities, then the process of obtaining a construction permit is also obviously simplified. But in this case, the housing built is often intended for the low-income population (economy class apartments).

Stage 2. Topographic survey and geological examination of the land plot

On the site intended for construction, it is necessary to carry out topographic survey in order to:

  • determine the coordinates of the location of the future object;
  • identify the characteristics of the surrounding area.

Topographic survey, along with geological surveys, allows you to find out how deep the groundwater is, as well as assess the condition of the soil, the possibility and degree of shrinkage of the foundation of the future structure.

This work is carried out only by those organizations that have the appropriate permission. Upon completion of the work, the contractor provides the developer with progress report, which contains the following points:

  • relief characteristics;
  • soil composition, its physical properties and geological structure;
  • climatic and meteorological characteristics, etc.

Conducting geological surveys is necessary for an informed choice of construction technology and building materials. So, if the site has complex terrain or groundwater is too close, special methods will be required.

Stage 3. Design

Designing a multi-storey residential building is an unusually complex and responsible task, because... It is from this stage that not only the size of the area and the convenience of apartment planning, but also the appearance of the building depends.

When developing a project for a future home, we are guided by the following:

  • Sanitary requirements;
  • Approved building codes;
  • Climate features;
  • Seismological situation.

For example, sanitary legislation controls compliance with such parameters of residential premises as ventilation and lighting, and the development of a thermal protection system is carried out taking into account the average annual temperature - if necessary, additional insulation of the facade can be provided. Designing a building also involves choosing the optimal way to locate communications, taking into account environmental requirements and environmental characteristics.

The complexity of the design stage lies in the fact that the designer must coordinate the final design of the building with architectural and construction authorities, while strictly observing established sanitary requirements.

When constructing high-rise buildings (more than 22 floors), the expected load on the foundation is carefully calculated and the reliability of load-bearing structures is considered.

Another important detail is that when designing, the architect must take into account not only the features of the territory, but also further plans for the development of this area. Without taking these features into account, in the future you may encounter such “surprises” as a radical change in the view from the windows or the building’s appearance inconsistency with neighboring buildings.

Only a competent, repeatedly tested project that meets all requirements guarantees that the result of construction will be a safe, reliable and visually attractive apartment building, which will be a wonderful place to live and relax.

In the construction of multi-storey buildings there are many nuances that must be taken into account by the developer and other participants in the process - drawing up estimates and designs, obtaining permission to construct a residential structure, collecting documents, and so on. One of the main roles is played by the technologies that are used in the construction process of buildings. It will not be superfluous to know the stages in which construction work takes place. In general, more details about everything.

Building a house is not as difficult as the paperwork preparation procedure. Permission to build houses, drawing up estimates, obtaining permission to open a multi-storey building - all these issues take a lot of time and create serious difficulties for developers.

In fact, there are no problems here. The main thing is to know the nuances of design and drafting of the project, as well as collect the necessary papers in advance. The process of building houses in Moscow (from the design perspective) consists of the following stages:

  • Documents are being prepared for the construction of residential buildings - individual housing complexes, multi-storey buildings (panel, monolithic) and others. Before starting a project, it is recommended to prepare a complete package of IRDs and submit them for approval to the relevant authorities.

The following points must be taken into account here - estimates, design issues, development of engineering structures, installation of communications, and so on. Wherever construction is carried out (in Moscow or another city), the attitude towards these issues should be the closest. History knows more than one example when, due to inattention to the preparation of the project, the construction of multi-storey buildings was delayed or stopped altogether.

When preparing papers, the norms and requirements prescribed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and regulations in force in the construction industry, must be taken into account. To simplify the work, you can take projects of houses already built in Moscow as an example.

  • Submitting papers to government agencies to obtain permission to begin work. Here, permission from authorized authorities will be required for the construction of a multi-storey building. In Moscow and other cities, papers are submitted to the department dealing with construction and architecture issues. At this stage, all documents must be submitted on time, without deviations from the requirements. You can study an example of filling out certain papers in advance (there are examples on the Internet).
  • Protecting the project and making adjustments. It happens that after receiving documents for the construction of a multi-story building, inspection authorities discover a lot of inconsistencies in the papers. In such situations, the project and/or the estimate are returned for revision. It is important to quickly make adjustments and return the papers for re-checking.
  • Positive conclusion of the state examination for the construction of a multi-story building. All adjustments to the project regarding the construction of a house in Moscow or another locality of the Russian Federation must be agreed upon with the customer and also made taking into account regulatory documents. To avoid wasting time on re-planning or reworking the project, it is worth clarifying the requirements in advance and being interested in changes in the construction industry.
  • Coordination of papers at the local level. In conclusion, it remains to coordinate the documentation for the construction of a house in numerous institutions - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Research and Development Institute and others. Once all the work is completed, you can move on to the most important thing - the construction of residential buildings (multi-storey buildings and other facilities) in Moscow and other cities.

What technologies are popular?

Before analyzing the sequence of actions when building a house, it is worth considering the technologies for constructing residential buildings that are most in demand today:

  • Monolithic construction. The peculiarity of the technology is that the load-bearing elements of the structure are made of concrete (examples of concrete building elements are walls, ceilings, etc.). The use of this option for building a house allows you to solve several problems at once - reduce costs according to the estimate, achieve greater reliability of the structure, and build a structure of a non-standard shape. The entire process of preparing the solution is carried out directly on the construction site, which simplifies the process. Examples of such buildings in Moscow are numerous new buildings and business centers. It is difficult not to recognize buildings built in this way.
  • Construction of panel houses. The peculiarity of the technology is its extensive experience, which dates back to the middle of the 20th century. Here, when constructing a residential building (including a multi-story building), ready-made structures (slabs) are used. Such products are prepared in advance at the factory, after which they are transported to the construction site. The advantages of panel buildings of this method are the high speed of construction. Disadvantages: low reliability and short service life. Examples of panel residential buildings in Moscow can be found in large numbers in old areas.
  • Brick construction is another example of a popular technology that involves constructing a structure using bricks. The advantage of this method of constructing an object is reliability. The downside, unlike panel houses, is significant labor costs.

Stages of building construction

To complete the picture, we present the sequence of actions for the construction of a residential building. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Selecting a plot of land. When performing this work, many factors must be taken into account - infrastructure, proximity to the center, transport links, impact on the final size of the estimate, and so on. In addition, it is worth considering various technical aspects - water, heat and electricity. For example, the proximity of a power line or heating main to a future facility is only a plus, because it will reduce costs and make the estimate more profitable for the customer. If the power lines are far away, this can lead to an increase in the cost of building a house. It’s worth noting right away that the customer plays a big role. If the city authorities act in this capacity, then it is easier to obtain permission and other papers for the construction of residential buildings.
  • Geological examination and topological survey. These works are required to calculate the exact location of the object. It also assesses how deep the groundwater flows and whether there are risks of subsidence of a residential building (especially relevant for panel and brick structures). Experts also take into account the characteristics of the relief, the properties of the earth and many other factors. The more detailed the research is, the fewer “surprises” will arise after the completion of the residential building. For example, if the soil is not analyzed carefully after the completion of the project, the building may sag, which will lead to the appearance of cracks in the walls and the impossibility of further operation.
  • Design. At this stage, the most difficult and important work is performed - a project is drawn up and an estimate is made. It is important that the documents are drawn up taking into account sanitary requirements and existing standards in the construction industry.
  • Construction. As soon as the permitting papers for the construction of a residential building are received, the developer proceeds to the construction of the facility. At the same time, construction work is also divided into several stages. For example, it all starts with preparing the construction site, then the axis of the object is placed, and then excavation work is carried out. As soon as the preparatory activities have been carried out, the foundation is laid, walls are erected, communications are installed and the roof is laid. After this, the developer installs internal partitions, installs metal-plastic windows and lays communications. But that's not all. The final stages of construction of residential buildings are floor screed, interior and exterior finishing.
  • Arrangement of the territory. The construction estimate necessarily takes into account the costs of arranging the area near the house - planting trees, arranging playgrounds, planting flower beds, and so on.

The above is just an example of a construction plan. But it accurately reflects how important each stage of the construction of the facility plays. That is why the developer is required to have maximum attention and concentration when performing work.

The construction of a residential building is a technically complex and lengthy process, the precise planning of which saves time and money, is the basis for the successful implementation of the project and guarantees the reliability of the building. The construction of any house begins with the approval of the stages of work and the selection of a site. All 10 stages of construction can be divided into preparatory, construction and final work.

Preparing to build a house

Several stages that precede the construction process itself are preparatory - this is the collection and preparation of documents, site selection, project development and hiring of workers.

At the first stage of construction, you should select a location for your future home. It is necessary that the site matches the size of the building and its purpose. Convenient access and the possibility of laying all communications should be provided. Pay attention to the aesthetic aspect of the surrounding area and imagine the possible view from your future home. Be sure to study the legal status of the land and the long-term development plan for the surrounding areas.

The second stage of construction includes engineering-geological surveys and topographic surveys. The site needs to be thoroughly measured, a geodetic survey carried out in order to get an idea of ​​its relief, area and configuration, to determine the load-bearing characteristics of the soil, the composition and level of groundwater. Experts recommend that this work be carried out before acquiring land, and the results must be documented. The report should include recommendations on the types of foundations, measures to protect them, waterproofing the house, the drainage system of the site, and so on.

Based on the first two stages, an architectural and detailed design of the building is ordered, which must be approved and agreed upon by local authorities. At the third stage of construction, the customer collects all the required documentation, which includes a permit for the construction of a house, a site inspection report, a passport of the object and coordinates the layout of buildings with the fire and sanitary inspections.

Construction work

Having received the approved project and all permits, you can prepare the site for construction. At this fourth stage, the site is divided according to the drawings, access for equipment is organized, temporary power supply is provided, materials are purchased and contracts are concluded with contractors.

The zero cycle is the fifth stage of construction and represents the creation of the selected type of foundation and the laying of communications. This stage makes up from 5% to 15% of all civil works on site, and the cost ranges from 20% of the total budget.

The zero cycle includes earthworks:

  1. Vertical layout of the site.
  2. Laying out and digging trenches and pits for foundation construction.
  3. Transportation of soil. Laying of pipelines and cable networks.
  4. Backfilling of soil.

Laying the foundation includes the following steps:

  1. Installation of pile structures.
  2. Installation of foundation blocks.
  3. Performing foundation waterproofing.

The completion of the zero cycle is the construction of the underground part of the building, which takes place under the supervision of the architect.

Removing the formwork from the foundation will mark the beginning of the sixth stage of construction, which represents the main cycle:

  1. Construction of a box at home.
  2. Execution of interfloor ceilings.
  3. Construction of main load-bearing walls.
  4. Installation of interfloor ceilings.
  5. Installation of monolithic structures, columns and beams, and sometimes stairs, hoods, windows and entrance doors.

At the seventh stage, you can move on to the design and finishing of the facades. This stage of construction is considered the penultimate and includes:

  1. Brick or block masonry walls.
  2. Construction of the rafter system.
  3. Installation of roofing material.
  4. Installation of eaves gutters and drainpipes.
  5. Making external door and window blocks.
  6. Facade finishing.
  7. Plastering and wall cladding.
  8. Filling facade openings.

At the eighth stage, all utility networks are laid. This stage requires a thoughtful approach. Providing water supply and drainage is carried out by connecting to a water supply system or drilling a well, laying pipelines to the house and creating an autonomous sewage system. It may be necessary to take care of the drainage system. Installing a boiler and installing a heat pipe solves the issue of hot water and heating. At this stage, connection to the gas main and external electrical networks is carried out.

Internal work is carried out at stage 9 and includes the installation of partitions and floor coverings, ceiling work and installation of internal engineering systems, preparation of ceilings and walls for final painting. At this stage, finishing wooden parts are made for decorative edges, internal frames and doors, wooden handrails and stair balusters.

Final stage

The tenth stage of construction is the finishing of the interior of a finished residential building, which combines:

  • installation of floor and wall coverings;
  • plumbing work;
  • installation of meters, sockets and switches;
  • connecting all lines to the fire alarm and lighting fixtures;
  • installation of internal doors;
  • interior painting;
  • wallpapering;
  • connection of electrical heating equipment, fans, water heaters, dryers, kitchen stoves;
  • placement of wall-mounted and built-in furniture, and so on.

Upon completion of this stage, the building is put into operation, registered in the proper manner and all title documents are drawn up. The residential building is ready for housewarming! However, we can also highlight the eleventh stage of construction - landscape work.

Construction of a residential building in 3D. Video

"Home Sweet Home!"
I have no doubt that everyone wants to have their own home - a place where it will be cozy and comfortable. “Why should we build a house?!” this phrase can be used in different contexts, it also has different endings, but that’s not the point. The main thing is that it is about home. It’s not for nothing that they say: “My home is my fortress.” In the everyday sense, a cottage, dacha, apartment, room is a house, but from the point of view of the letter of the law, not everything is so simple. We have already mentioned individual residential houses and dachas earlier. Now let's take a closer look at multi-apartment residential buildings.

The concept of an apartment building

First, let's turn to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This regulatory legal act (Article 16) provides an interpretation of the terms “residential building” and “apartment”.

The concept of “apartment building” is absent in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation; it is given in the “Regulations on the recognition of premises as residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for habitation and an apartment building as unsafe and subject to demolition or reconstruction,” which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2006 No. 47.

Let us turn to the set of rules SP 54.13330.2011 “Residential multi-apartment buildings. Design rules. Updated edition of SNiP 31-01-2003", Appendix "B":

What you need to know about permission to build an apartment building

The form of a building permit is the same for both an individual housing construction project and a multi-apartment residential building (hereinafter - MKD), it was approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 02/19/2015 No. 117/pr. The main difference lies in the list of documents that must be submitted to the authority authorized to issue a construction permit.

The documents required to obtain a permit for the construction of an apartment building, as well as a sample application for a permit, are given in the article “”.

The authorized body (the one who gives permission for construction) in most cases is the local government body at the location of the land plot on which the construction of the apartment building is planned (exceptions are provided in parts 5 - 6 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws).

Obtaining a permit for the construction of an apartment building is possible after the authorized body has established the compliance of the project documentation with urban planning regulations, the territory planning project and the territory surveying project.

You can study the procedure for obtaining permission through the multifunctional center in the article “”.

After the development of project documentation, it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion of the project documentation; for cases where MKD projects are not subject to examination, see the article “”. According to the “road map” of the Chuvash Republic, the period for passing the state examination of project documentation for MKD is 45 days.

If the examination of project documentation was non-state, then it is necessary to attach a copy of the accreditation certificate of the legal entity that issued this conclusion.

The section “validity of the construction permit” is filled out by the authorized body in accordance with the design documentation submitted by the applicant. The duration of construction of the apartment building is provided for by the construction organization project.

If the rights to a land plot or apartment building are transferred to another person, then the period for which the permit is issued remains the same (for exceptions, see Part 21 of Article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A little about attics

The top floor of an apartment building can be attic, attic or technical (technical attic)
Returning to SP 54.13330.2011, we read the following:

  • 3.15.6 Technical floor - a floor functionally designed to accommodate the technical premises of a building and in-house engineering systems, can be located in the lower part of the building (technical underground), or in the upper part of the building (technical attic), or between above-ground floors.
  • 3.15.7 Attic floor (attic, mezzanine) - a floor in the attic space,
    the façade of which is formed entirely or partially by the surface(s) of the roof (pitched or flat).
  • 3.17 Attic - an open space between the ceiling of the upper floor, external walls and the roof structure;

If the technical floor and attic are not considered residential, then attics in a residential building may be suitable for human habitation if the regulatory requirements for residential premises are met.

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