
Real horoscope for Taurus woman. Love and family relationships

It is worth stopping to traumatize yourself with past grievances, because 2017 will open up many other prospects for them. Captivated by new things, a representative of this sign will be able to forever let go of those who have not meant anything in his life for a long time.
2017 is a good time to improve relationships with your loved ones. Business-minded Taurus could more than once forget about joint family holidays, so important for his relatives. It’s worth trying, at least for a moment, to forget about pressing matters and remember those who are really glad to see you.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus man

In the first half of the Year of the Rooster, Taurus men will often question any beliefs of other people. Courageous representatives of this sign will more than once try to impose their opinion on others, because, as they believe, their point of view is the most objective and appropriate in a particular situation.
The firmness in the character of Taurus can ultimately bring them success. Think about all your brilliant ideas that you couldn’t implement for a long time. Perhaps now is the time to tell about them, if not to the whole world, then at least to your superiors. The stars say that the careers of representatives of this sign will improve over time.
There is no need to remember past relationships, this is another page that has been passed. Remember those who are now waiting and loving you. Don't waste your time.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus woman

It may seem to many representatives of this sign that the world has lost its colors, and that carefree and cheerful times are already in the distant past. The horoscope advises Taurus to find some interesting activity for themselves, which they previously could not pay special attention to due to their busyness. This could be handicrafts, yoga, or even a hike or another type of recreation. Having rested a little from all the hustle and bustle, Taurus will again be cheerful and gain the desire to change the whole world for the better.
You should not allow unreliable individuals to appear in your environment. Observant Taurus will be able to notice such people immediately. They will not fill your life with harmony, but, most likely, will only waste the time and energy of representatives of this sign.
The second half of the Year of the Rooster will bring unexpected joy or success to Taurus women. You should not allow such news to turn the heads of vulnerable representatives of this sign, because it is worth remembering that you need to look at any situation soberly.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

Taurus should remember that, first of all, you need to treat yourself with respect, then those around you will not allow themselves to show any kind of negativity towards you or reproach you for something. Don’t be afraid to dot the i’s and dot the i’s that have no future. There is no need for Taurus to be an extra burden right now.
The horoscope does not advise Taurus to start holiday romances, not so much because they promise them to be short-lived, but because of the possibility of major financial deception.
Prudent Taurus very rarely can open their soul to anyone, with the exception of a really close person. The stars say that around the second half of the Year of the Rooster they will have the opportunity to meet their betrothed. The main thing is not to miss this chance. Trust, friendliness and loyalty - these qualities, as the stars say, will not allow Taurus to pass by their chosen one.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

2017 is not the best time for Taurus in terms of financial stability. Unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided either. The stars say this is not the time to panic. It's time to pull yourself together and distribute your finances.
In the first half of the Year of the Rooster, you should avoid spending money on things that Taurus can already do without. Refuse expensive things, trips or other expenses that, according to Taurus, could undermine his financial condition.
Closer to the autumn of 2017, the situation for Taurus will improve. This time can be described as the most stable in the Year of the Rooster. It's time to implement your plans to improve your financial condition. Perhaps right now, representatives of the sign.

The Year of the Rooster promises to be very active and eventful for Taurus. A whirlpool of incidents will spin you literally from the first of January and you will have to quickly make decisions on the issues that arise. The Rooster's temper and spontaneity will perfectly balance the natural calmness of Taurus. But even their tolerance will be seriously tested next year.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2017

A lot of adjustments will be made to the usual way of life of Taurus, which will require almost lightning-fast analysis and decision-making. promises many surprises throughout the year. You will have to deal with both pleasant meetings and sudden appearances of old acquaintances. Winter and spring will be a surprisingly active period, followed by a slightly calmer summer - an excellent time for a vacation. But in the fall, you will need to mobilize again and make every effort to stabilize life.

The Year of the Rooster promises many trials and troubles for most signs. In such a difficult situation, Taurus will be able to survive only thanks to his ability to plan life in advance and be prepared for any surprises.

Relationships will occupy a key place in life: in the family, at work, between friends. You will have to pay a lot of attention to your significant other, but in return you will receive tremendous support when needed.

In financial terms, the year can be called successful, because you will not expect any large expenses or monetary losses. You know how to count and earn money; it is this quality that will protect you from meaningless purchases.

Horoscope Taurus: for men

Taurus men will gain self-confidence this year. Perhaps this will even border on arrogance, so the stars recommend that you be more careful in your expressions and softer in your formulations. This is especially true for conversations at work and in the family. Be goal-oriented, just don't expect to get what you want instantly.

Regarding work, the horoscope for men says the following: your diligence will be appreciated and adequately rewarded, but only towards the end of the year. Therefore, you may have a desire to change your occupation or place of work. You should leave only if a real prospect of self-realization awaits you in the new place. Changing an awl for soap, even for the sake of a change of scenery, is not recommended.

In your relationship with your family, you will need all your patience and ability to compromise. After all, your significant other and children (if you have them) will require a lot of your attention throughout the year. Try not to react too harshly to attacks from your spouse.

Horoscope for Taurus: for women

The year is especially favorable for Taurus women. Being a stronghold of stability and strict adherence to the rules, they performed well at work, which ensured themselves a stable income. This will allow you to pamper yourself with trips to beauty salons and shopping.

You can also devote yourself to planning vacations or short weekend trips. Now is a favorable time to relax and expand your horizons. Go on a tour, visit a museum. A short period of bohemian life will shake you up a little and have a beneficial effect on your mood and general condition.

But Taurus’ relationships with representatives of the opposite sex will sparkle and blaze with fire. The patron of the year has a rather hot-tempered character and women can succumb to this influence in search of passions and love fervor. The stars warn against hasty decisions. Even the most stormy romance in 2017 is fleeting, and family life takes years to build. Be careful.

Financial horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Overall, the year will be successful. And his main success lies in his stable financial income. Most likely from constant work. No matter what you do, give it due diligence and you will get good results. Your bosses will appreciate you and your zeal in the spring. This may cause envy on the part of your colleagues, but your timely respect for the opinions of others will save you from gossip and gossip behind your back. Be attentive to your employees and try to consult with them when making serious decisions. Your opinion is not the only correct one.

In the year of the Red Rooster, people are usually prone to hasty decisions, including in the field of finance. The horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus says that they can be saved from this scourge only thanks to natural frugality, bordering on stinginess. But Taurus should not be afraid of a period of lack of money: they made sure in advance that there would always be a means of subsistence.

  • The financial horoscope for men for 2017 looks promising. The beginning of the year will not only be full of work, but also good pay for it. Financial stability will not only guarantee your peace of mind, but will encourage you to make some kind of investment. Choose your investment carefully: you may be laying the foundation for your well-being for decades to come. A special influx of finance - in addition to the main source - should be expected in September-October 2017. Most likely it will be some kind of part-time job. Don't refuse. There is no such thing as too much money.
  • The financial horoscope for women promises stability and prosperity. And this is not at all a fortunate coincidence. This state of affairs will only develop thanks to diligent and monotonous work. You have already managed to enlist the support of your colleagues and in the eyes of your superiors you look like a valuable and reliable employee. However, you shouldn’t count on an increase this year. Your career is experiencing a period of stagnation. Don't be upset. Your projects will still be implemented. The time just hasn't come for them yet. You can also always devote yourself to creativity - other than your work and get financial profit from this type of activity.

Love horoscope for 2017: Taurus

Since most of the time you will be absorbed in the topic of relationships, you should learn to control your emotions and stop in time. Sometimes it’s easier to remain silent in a conflict situation and then the quarrel will disappear on its own. Learn diplomacy, because only thanks to it you will be able not only to find a common language with your family, but also to reconcile them with each other.

In marriage, according to the horoscope for 2017, Taurus will experience discomfort and constant anxiety. Therefore, try to strengthen family ties - joint active recreation can contribute to this.

Free Taurus will be puzzled by finding their soulmate. However, for some this will be an impossible task, because the search will require a lot of effort and work on themselves.

Love horoscope for men

You should learn loyalty and tolerance. Only these qualities will allow you to maintain a harmonious relationship with your spouse. The stars recommend that you talk: boldly and directly talk about everything that you like and don’t like in your relationship, what irritates you and what brings you joy. Your reproaches will be heard, and the reasons for dissatisfaction will be eliminated if you talk about it in a conversation and not in a quarrel.

To maintain a long-term relationship, you are advised to take a little initiative: bring something new into your measured life. Stability and calm make you feel more confident, but recklessness is a great way to fuel your feelings. You should work on yourself, try to become a little more flexible and loyal. Your wife will appreciate it.

But it’s better to refrain from having affairs on the side. Many people around you are subject to your charm and, perhaps, you have repeatedly received signs of attention from women. Know that you shouldn’t give in to temptation this year. Adultery will not lead to anything good.

Love horoscope for women

Almost the entire year will pass for the Taurus woman under the sign of family. And if your family consists only of you, your husband and children, be prepared for outside intervention: your relatives will “help” you with advice on how to resolve family conflicts and avoid them in the future. It is pointless to fight with relatives-advisers. But know that they do this with the best intentions.

What can really help you maintain a warm relationship with your husband is honesty and loyalty towards your partner. Be attentive to his requests and needs, and he will be attentive to you in the same way. The same applies to relationships with children. If you feel that your children are moving away from you or you are losing mutual understanding, try to talk calmly and frankly, share your concerns and your children will hear you.

Single women expect many proposals from men: from a joint holiday to a marriage proposal. And before you make a final decision, you will have to listen not only to your heart and intuition, but also to the voice of reason.

Children's horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Taurus children will strive to become as mature as possible, and therefore will imitate adults in everything. And the main thing is the ability to give instructions. The horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Taurus claims that a real manipulator will settle in your house and you will have to learn to maneuver between his whims.

Little Taurus will surprise you with their zeal to organize some kind of process. Most likely, they will be the ringleaders in most games. To avoid possible problems, give your child responsible tasks around the house: collect toys, water colors, pet the cat. And a mandatory condition: do not interfere, do not interfere with advice and instructions. Now it will be important for him to cope on his own.

The Fire Rooster will, without a doubt, fill the life of Taurus with bright events. Although the year will not be easy, it will more than compensate for all the costs if the representatives of the sign make an effort.

This horoscope will tell you:

General Taurus horoscope for 2017

Taurus will enter the Year of the Rooster slightly exhausted. After all, the difficult and eccentric monkey took a lot of strength and energy. During this period, you should be as focused as possible on practicing self-discipline and implementing what you planned on time. Only in this case, the horoscope promises good results and real gifts of fate.

Particular attention should be paid to social life and teamwork. This will reduce your own energy costs and also avoid unnecessary mistakes.

In the middle of the year, conflicts are very likely, which can have serious consequences. You should restrain yourself in emotional outbursts so as not to break off relationships with loved ones or colleagues. The stars recommend forgetting your natural stubbornness for this time. The ability to listen will be needed more than ever. Moreover, valuable advice can be given not only by representatives of the mature generation, but also by their own children.

The family will generally become the center of Taurus’ life. Already at the beginning of the year there will be an opportunity to make sure that she is support and hope in life.

In the second half of the year, Taurus will feel a surge of energy. Some will even be drawn to areas that were previously far from them. Mastering new frontiers will only be beneficial. But some representatives of this sign may completely lose track of time, which can adversely affect their personal life.

Updates should definitely become a part of the life of Taurus in 2017. This could be a radical change in hairstyle or hair color, clothing style, work, hobbies, etc. This will launch an important cycle of changes in the fate of the representatives of the sign, which will be favored by the location of the stars. Starting a family is also one of these positive changes.

It must be remembered that Taurus should make decisions that can turn their whole life upside down only after consulting with their loved ones. The horoscope indicates the need to make efforts to create alliances, unity in the family and other types of collective action.

2017 has already ended, but we have already compiled a new one. Find out what awaits you!

Love horoscope

Big changes await representatives of the spring zodiac circle on the love front. On the one hand, this year will be very favorable for starting a family. This issue needs to be given special attention. Perhaps the spouse will not be the one who has been around for a long time.

There is no need to waste time on empty disputes and disagreements. It is better to learn to seek compromises, because relationships should be valued.

At the beginning of the year, the stars predict all kinds of tests of feelings. But everything will end well. It will be useful for Taurus to gain new impressions. Moreover, the emotional side prevailed over the rational throughout 2017.

Those who have not yet found their soulmate may meet them quite unexpectedly. For example, during a business trip. Purely business communication can turn into a romantic story, because the love horoscope favors this.

You should be wary of adventures on the side and business connections. Most likely, this will break more than one heart and damage the reputation as a whole.

Random affairs, if any, must be hidden from your significant other. There will be no continuation of these stories, but it will be possible to make sure that your own family is the best without “going to the left.”

Career and finances of Taurus in 2017

It cannot be said that the year of the Rooster marks the financial blossoming of Taurus. But there will be no serious problems with material values. Money can be earned with the help of advice from relatives or financial gurus. It is better not to consider projects that are too risky.

This year will be favorable for getting rid of debts. The stars do not recommend taking out new loans.

If you find yourself with large sums of money in your hands, you should treat this very carefully. There is a high risk of losing them.

Luck is generally on the side of Taurus, but only with their own serious investments. In this case, “you can’t even pull out a fish without difficulty.”

If in the second half of the year Taurus takes the risk of starting new projects or making useful business contacts, you can count on a significant improvement in well-being. It is also possible to receive an inheritance.

If the career of those born during this period is just beginning, then they need to be on their guard. The management will carefully monitor the behavior of personnel, so there is no room for error.

Particularly talented people may discover career prospects after July. It will be difficult for the rest to escape from under the wing of higher management.

Those employed in the creative industry should count on lucrative offers and high fees in the spring.

Taurus businessmen need to carefully monitor their own reporting so as not to incur a tax audit. Additional attention can also be expected from supervisory authorities. It is not recommended to go to negotiations alone due to possible distortion of information.

Sphere of health in the year of the Rooster

The Fire Rooster can bring unpleasant surprises in the area of ​​health. Exacerbations of existing chronic diseases, as well as a deterioration in overall health, cannot be ruled out. To prevent this, prevention should be started at the beginning of the year. Medical examinations, dietary nutrition and adequate physical activity are useful. The health of Taurus will depend on how inherent the instinct of self-preservation is to its representatives.

  • You should not get involved in extreme sports, as the horoscope signals Taurus about a high risk of injury.
  • The most vulnerable place will be the legs. Athletes should reduce the load on them, everyone else should be careful even while walking.
  • There should be funds at hand for the treatment of ENT diseases. It is better to carry out constant prevention so as not to encounter a serious problem.
  • According to the stars, the endocrine and digestive systems are under threat. Both are sensitive to stress, so you need to be able to relieve psychological stress.
  • Alcohol should be in limited quantities. Especially if accompanied by rich treats. This load may be too high for the body.

Taurus woman horoscope

First of all, seductive representatives of this sign should think about getting married. The year is ideal for this step and for the birth of the baby. But you need to give up your temper and increased demands on your partner in order to find harmony.

Throughout the year, and especially in the second half, ladies will not be deprived of male attention. But you should be careful not to provoke false rumors or jealousy of a loved one.

Career development is also going well. The Taurus woman should think about gaining new knowledge for further advancement.

Family relationships will be harmonious. There will be many pleasant surprises, discoveries, and trips in this area. It is possible that representatives of this sign will be involved in resolving issues of relatives or children. There is no point in imposing your opinion, and trying to develop a joint strategy of behavior will be useful for the whole family.

Excessive reproaches to your husband or partner can lead to discord in the relationship. Sometimes lovely ladies simply don’t notice this, so it’s useful for Taurus to listen to outside opinions about themselves.

Perhaps in the year of the Rooster, a Taurus woman will be lucky to get pregnant. It is worth trying to reduce your workload and enjoy this state as much as possible. In addition, the financial situation will be favorable for this.

Taurus men in the year of the Rooster

Stubborn and obsessed with their own ideas, Taurus must learn gentleness. You can learn this from your parents or other half. Otherwise, by spring aggression will lead to the loss of important acquaintances that can lead to profit.

Under no circumstances should you risk large sums of money by investing in other people's projects. The horoscope indicates a prosperous start for your own projects. You will have to invest a lot of effort into them, but at the end of the year it will bring tangible results.

A Taurus man may want to prove to others how independent he is in making decisions. This is fraught with possible losses, because he will not want to listen to his wife or other relatives.

Unlike women of this sign, representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to change their field of activity.

It is better for family Taurus to refrain from communicating with seductive people, so as not to provoke a family scandal. This can also damage your business reputation. During this same period, growth prospects may open up. It should be remembered that the leader who has his own strong team wins. Its creation may be the goal for 2017.

In 2017, Taurus will have to experience ups and downs, emotional upsurge and apathy, threatening stress. Neptune sextile will give you unique opportunities related to insight and understanding of things that have been foreign or difficult to you until now. And Pluto’s trine will also enhance such wonderful capabilities of your subconscious. True, this cannot last the whole year, so be attentive to yourself and “catch” such moments.

On the other hand, retrograde Mercury throughout April and early May will make Taurus insufficiently sensitive to the perception of information and poorly communicative. And although one month is a short period, you should understand that its consequences can be much longer lasting than it seems. And Jupiter, which will be in Scorpio starting from the second ten days of September, will bring gloomy notes into your life, when you clearly feel a lack of flexibility, dissatisfaction with your environment and circumstances, and intolerance.

Love and relationships: horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

In 2017, you will definitely not experience a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Especially if you base your relationships on sincerity and loyalty. However, all this does not mean that all Taurus who experience some kind of problems with their partners (or lack thereof) will certainly resolve them.

For Taurus women, their character can create difficulties, as well as the desire to “warm” all their relatives. They want to concentrate their attention on the people closest to them, and use the emerging “niche” to satisfy their own aspirations and goals.

Maximum diplomacy is recommended for Taurus men. Also, try not to be overly impressionable. Remember that not every word spoken in the hearts or under a sublime impression is objective or decisive.

Career and finance: horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

Financially, you can count on success. True, the likelihood of this will increase gradually, so it’s hardly worth expecting big money at the beginning of the year. But towards the end - perhaps. But there is a condition: do not get involved in dubious matters and adventures. And besides, you need to remember that Jupiter, starting in the fall, can push you to the desire to fight injustice, prove something to someone, etc. This will obviously not be good for you, so try to control yourself.

In your career matters, you should be careful, do not spread yourself thin on many projects or responsibilities at the same time, and do not forget about internal discipline.

Retrograde Mercury (in spring) means, among other things, a recommendation to all Taurus to be extremely careful with papers. In April and early May, you should refrain from signing important documents, concluding contracts, and the like.

Health: horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

Taurus men should protect themselves from colds. You need a little for this - don’t forget about vitamins, dress appropriately (for the weather). If you do happen to get sick, it is advisable to focus your treatment on herbal remedies and grandmother’s methods, such as inhalations over potatoes. Of course, you shouldn’t give up medications completely, however, it would be unreasonable to rely only on them. And to feel completely confident and consistently good, take control of your cardiovascular system.

Taurus women are prescribed abstinence in food and, especially, in drinking (alcohol). The endocrine system may require your attention. In spring, pre-stress conditions are likely. You need to deal with them by switching to things that take a lot of attention and time (this could be, for example, professional activities). And in the fall it makes sense to increase your physical activity.

If your Ascendant... (You can): Aries: You should control your enthusiasm and emotionality. There is a great risk of blurting out too much or ending up in a funny role. And the danger of getting carried away by some sectarian or other false doctrine also exists for you. Taurus: For you, apparently, the material side of life will be very important, especially its pleasant moments - comfort and the desire to satisfy all consumer desires. This has the right to be, however, in pursuit of the immediate, you risk missing something important. Gemini: You will be in a better position than everyone else because you will be able to react quickly to what is happening, approach life with optimism and without excessive stress. Do you think not? But then take this information as a recommendation for action. And then you definitely won’t go wrong. Cancer: You should try to treat any information and any circumstances lightly and not perceive what is happening as something fatal. Try to develop a thick skin, this will help you to be reasonable about joys and not to panic in the face of difficulties. Leo: You will be able to accept with dignity both the positive and negative that this year will bring you. At least, from the outside it will seem that way. But this is important, right? Virgo: You are less likely than anyone else to suffer from the negativity predetermined by the planets. And success will not make you break away from reality and fall into conceit or selfishness. In general, this year will pass for you under the sign of common sense and order. Libra: You will probably spend an unreasonable amount of time searching for harmony. Life is colorful, and sometimes negative experiences are no less useful than positive ones. You should be more indifferent to the world around you, and in relation to yourself, concentrate more on material, practical goals. Scorpio: You may behave rashly and be biased in your perception of important things. Or, on the contrary, you will begin to attach too much importance to trifles. In addition, there is a danger that you will want to use the ability to comprehend the very essence of things for the wrong purposes. Sagittarius: It is during this year that a goal may arise in front of you, the scale of which is incomparable with any tasks that have arisen in your life so far. Is this good? In general, yes! However, such a goal can to some extent remove you from reality and make you more selfish. Capricorn: From the resource that will be given to you, you will try to extract the maximum. And to do this, you will not take into account not only your own strengths and interests, but also the interests and capabilities of those around you. Hence the risk of selfishness, rigidity and even, perhaps, cynicism. Aquarius: This year can make you more original and awaken hitherto unknown desires. But what happens will not spoil you. And it will even help you become a more progressive person. Pisces: You will be able to significantly enhance your intuitive abilities. But it’s not clear whether this will help your self-improvement? Or will it make a person fearful and prone to depression? Or maybe, on the contrary, he will develop intemperance and extremes... For now, all options are relevant. So try to “blind” yourself correctly!

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Taurus values ​​family and home like no other. He is patient, caring and hardworking. The Year of the Rooster will be difficult but fruitful for Taurus. The horoscope for 2017 for Taurus promises representatives of this sign many changes in life. In the coming year, Taurus will have to establish lost family ties, explore new horizons in his work life and work for the benefit of his family.

Taurus has powerful physical potential. In 2017, he will not be overtaken by serious illnesses. Ailments can only occur due to the blues, which periodically overcome representatives of this sign.

Also, Taurus in the year of the Fire Rooster should watch their addiction to bad habits. The time is coming when you need to quit smoking and completely eliminate alcohol.

Change your diet, include more vegetables and fruits in your menu, then you can avoid hidden diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite its natural strength, it is necessary to support the immune system. In autumn and spring you need to take vitamin complexes. Eat honey, dried fruits and nuts, then you will not fall victim to seasonal diseases.

Hardening and playing sports have never been a favorite thing for people born under the sign of Taurus. However, in the coming year you need to forcefully start doing exercises in the fresh air and visiting the bathhouse. Over time, these procedures will become part of your life and will bring you pleasure.


The family life of Taurus in the coming year promises to be eventful and complex. There will be many conflicts and misunderstandings in the house, but only the iron will and patience of this sign will allow Taurus to smooth out all the troubles and maintain peace in the family.

Despite their outward calm, Taurus are very emotional. They take all disagreements with their loved one to heart. Experiences often lead them to depression.

However, the strength given to Taurus by the cosmos allows them to quickly get back on their feet, preventing the development of severe depressive conditions.

To ensure your peace of mind is not disturbed, talk to your partner more often. Talk about problems that arise, look for a way out together. In this case, peace in your family will be unshakable.

In the coming year, the whole family will truly appreciate your love and care. Show more attention to your family, do not hesitate to show them your love.


Unmarried Taurus will lead an active personal life in the year of the Rooster. The love horoscope predicts that the second half of the year promises new acquaintances, which can develop into deep feelings. The best partners for Taurus can be Sagittarius, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.

A meeting with Sagittarius can turn into a dizzying romance for Taurus. Sagittarius will be able to unleash the sexual potential of Taurus, which will make their union bright and memorable. However, the relationship most likely will not last long. These signs have too different views on life and the union will last until Taurus gets tired of the frivolity and narcissism of Sagittarius.

The Taurus-Cancer union is one of the best combinations in the zodiac horoscope. Within such a couple there will be absolute mutual understanding. They have similar character traits, and nothing will interfere with their love. Both partners will be faithful to each other, they will protect their nest together and keep peace in the relationship.

Taurus is the only one who can cope with Cancer's mood swings, and therefore their union will be strong and long-lasting.

Taurus - Virgo. The union of these signs foretells stable relationships and pleasant moments in the coming year. Virgo and Taurus understand each other very well and work together to avoid conflicts. Such a romance can last until the end of life without losing its warmth. The foundation for this union is mutual respect and tenderness of feelings.

Capricorn - Taurus. This romance may begin as a warm friendship. It will then develop into affection and mutual respect. The couple will be happily married, although their relationship cannot be called romantic. This union will rest on the deep loyalty of both partners. An excellent combination for good, intense sex.

Taurus needs to beware of romances with Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Aries. These novels rarely turn into long and lasting relationships. Incompatibility of characters will bring many problems and disappointments.


Taurus are hardworking and persistent. These qualities will serve them well in the year of the Rooster. Career growth will not keep you waiting. Everything will work out in Taurus' favor. The coming year is especially good for Taurus-Roosters. They will be able to conquer any professional heights, because this combination doubles the hard work of Taurus, complementing it with the practicality of the Rooster.

However, do not forget that nothing will come on its own this year.

To reach your cherished goal you will have to work hard, but Taurus is quite capable of it, he is not afraid of work and loves his job.

Useful contacts will play an important role in the career of Taurus in 2017. By nature, this sign is given an excellent understanding of people, and maintain relationships only with interesting and necessary acquaintances. At the beginning of autumn, creative acquaintances may appear in the life of Taurus, which will help realize the most daring plans and ideas. Don't be afraid of changing jobs, trust your intuition.


Taurus loves stability in everything. This also applies to financial matters. Taurus will not allow large financial losses, despite possible intrigues and conspiracies of rivals. However, Taurus will not see even a million in the coming year. Everything will go as usual, but Taurus will never be left without a livelihood. In financial matters, people of this sign have excellent intuition, and they avoid dangerous situations on a subconscious level.

The Year of the Rooster will be a time of paying off bills for many Taurus. It will be necessary to pay off all debts in order to be free from financial burden by the second half of the year.

This will significantly improve your financial situation, because it is during this period that good contracts and lucrative orders will come.

The year will be especially successful for Taurus in creative professions. They will find new admirers of their talent who will be willing to pay a good price for their work.


The female horoscope for Taurus for 2017 promises representatives of this sign success in their careers and personal lives. Taurus women easily combine career and family chores. However, family always comes first for them.

These are strong personalities who often have creative talents. It is a creative approach to work that allows Taurus women to successfully run their business or achieve high heights in their careers. In 2017, women born under the sign of Taurus will receive a promotion or salary increase. This year your work will be appreciated.

Employers and partners highly value the hard work and responsibility of Taurus and are ready to forgive them periods of apathy and incapacity.

Women of this sign cope well with any given task, finding the optimal solution to problems that arise.

In the family, women born under the sign of Taurus are wonderful wives and caring mothers. In the year of the Rooster, family relationships for Taurus women will not be easy. They will increasingly feel like everyone is conspiring against them. However, natural strength and calm will prevail and family relationships will improve by the second half of the year. The main thing for you this year is to be more lenient towards your neighbors. Learn to forgive other people's mistakes, in this case your life will be much easier.


The year promises to be fruitful for Taurus men. Your hard work and determination will finally bear fruit. However, you don’t need to wait for manna from heaven, you will only receive what you earned with your labor.

In the family, men of this sign need to be more attentive to children. Sometimes you are too demanding and put them on the same level as you. You don't need to do this. Each child must make his own mistakes in order to get on the right path. Also be more attentive to other relatives.

In 2017, men of this sign need to avoid any adventurous enterprises. Listen to your intuition, and do not give in to the persuasion of dubious people, otherwise this may lead to financial losses.

According to astrologers, 2017 will be quite successful for Taurus. If a person of this sign sets certain goals for himself, he will definitely achieve them. However, the path to this dream will not be easy; everything will have to be earned through your own labor. Beware of depression, they can unsettle you for a long time, especially with the beginning of spring, when the blues are a common condition for you.

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