
What is Mars responsible for in the natal chart?

The beginning is yang, the element is fire; abode - Aries, Scorpio; exaltation in Capricorn; fall in Cancer. The passage time of the zodiac is 710 days (1.95 years), and one sign is 2 months. Mars reaches its greatest strength when, like the Sun, it is at its zenith.

Mars is a planet of the element of fire. These are will, activity, struggle, passion, anger, strength and aggression, as well as noble initiatives, sacrifice and feat. It represents courage, determination, straightforwardness, competitiveness, as well as military action and risk-taking. Mars (Ares) - god of war. Mars is considered an inauspicious planet, a malefic that brings complications and disruptions in life. Mars in a horoscope shows where a person’s energy will be directed, that is, his affection, as well as sexual passion (the ideal of a man in a woman’s horoscope). That's why strong Mars is found in people who are energetic, enterprising, creative, and assert justice. Weak Mars leads to passivity, absent-mindedness, wasting energy on worthless things (sex) and the inability to bring things to completion.

Mars represents pioneers in any business, military, police, boxers and other athletes. He is responsible for real estate, property, construction business, as well as machinery, various types of machinery, weapons, electricity and electronic equipment. Mars also represents engineers, mechanics, electricians, gunsmiths, blacksmiths, steelworkers, cooks and people who deal with fire and iron, as well as surgeons, butchers and others associated with blood. Among relatives, Mars represents brothers.

“Martians” are impulsive, they strive to give everything in one impulse and achieve the goal immediately, in a hurry. Good Mars gives noble initiatives, the implementation of plans, that is, the opportunity to bring what has been started to completion; good, creative energy (positive biofield). Negative Mars causes accidents, foretells danger from fire, and involves confrontation. Such Mars is present in evil, rude people, hot-tempered and cruel. The positive-negative Mars pair can be compared to the police-criminal antagonists.

The mark of Mars on the appearance: sharp, rough facial features, a decisive appearance, developed muscles, hard, unruly hair (in a crew cut), red or blond, as well as reddish skin, freckles, pronounced brow ridges and nasolabial folds (running from the nose to the corners of the mouth), sometimes - a broken nose. Folds on the neck indicate aggressiveness and greed. The voice is commanding, usually hoarse, the speech is sharp and abrupt.

On the hand, the line of Mars is the line of the mind or head (second from the top of the palm) - one of the main ones. It starts between the thumb and index finger, runs along the plain of Mars and ends closer to the edge of the palm on the hillocks of Mars and the Moon. A straight, long, pronounced line of Mars speaks of a strong will and the ability to reason clearly and sensibly. If a straight line crosses the palm to the edge, connecting at the base with the line of life, then this indicates an excess of prudence and stinginess, weak imagination and characterizes a person of action, when the end justifies the means. A too short line of Mars is a sign of weak will, indecision and lack of intelligence, a tendency to deceive and steal, and in women, moreover, strong coquetry. The longer the line, the longer the life (the life line is also important).

The plain of Mars (strength) is located under the line of Mars, between the lines of life and health, which separates it from the Mount of the Moon. The Mount of Mars is located under the Mount of Mercury above the Mount of the Moon between the lines of the heart and mind. The degree of development of the mount of Mars shows how its qualities are manifested: an overly developed one indicates an evil Mars, normal development indicates a good and strong Mars. The absence of a lump speaks of indecision and cowardice (men do not dare to marry).

Briefly: Mars is strength, energy, will, courage, determination, enterprise, competitiveness, ardor and sexual passion. Mars is responsible for property (real estate), machinery, machinery, weapons, electricity, electronic equipment, construction business, as well as fire and iron. Mars represents brothers, as well as men, military, police, engineers, electricians, mechanics, cooks and surgeons.

Mars is the fourth planet farthest from the Sun. Ancient astrologers were aware that the soil of this planet is red. Iron oxide gives it this hue, which is why the astrological element of the planet Mars is iron and the color is red.

Strong and weak Mars in a person’s natal chart

The principle of Mars in astrology is the principle of manifested action, activity and masculinity, the principle of “yang”. The vital activity of a person, which he shows to the outside world, his ability to act and react, depends on how strong the position Mars occupies in the horoscope. People with a strong Mars in their horoscope have very pronounced so-called masculine character traits: physical strength, endurance, high energy potential, active lifestyle, quick response to stimuli. Such people are very mobile, they need to do something, go somewhere, somehow express their energy. If energy is in excess, this leads to conflicts, which is why Mars was considered in ancient times to be the planet of war and aggression. All famous generals and warriors had a strong Mars in their horoscope. Weakly expressed Mars in the horoscope indicates that a person has a lack of vital energy and activity, he is passive and does not show aggression in conflict situations, and tries to settle everything peacefully. Men with such a weak Mars are usually considered “weak” and “weak.”

Mars in Aries

The signs ruled astrologically by Mars are Aries and Scorpio. Mars in Aries gives a tireless warrior and fighter, a nonconformist, a person who spends his entire life in struggle (and with whom or what it does not matter, the fact of the struggle itself is important), which is why among people with Mars in Aries there are so many representatives of military and security professions.

Mars in Taurus

Taurus and Libra, the signs ruled by Venus, are signs of exile for Mars (that is, signs where it is difficult for him to show his strength). Mars in Taurus avoids direct activity, a person with Mars in Taurus will not strive for battles and battles, his destiny is peaceful work, where he is quite successful. People with Mars in Taurus are distinguished by great hard work and patience.

Mars in Cancer

Cancer is a fall sign for Mars. In a sign ruled by the Moon, it is difficult for Mars to express its activity directly and directly; here activity is dissipated by the lunar principle of passivity. Therefore, people with Mars in Cancer prefer to avoid acute situations that force them to react quickly and directly; they try in every possible way to avoid conflicts. Due to the impressionability of Cancer, people with such Mars are very vulnerable and are afraid of open aggression. There is also a tendency to consider oneself a victim (and what exactly: evil people or unfortunate fate is not important).

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Here the energy of Mars manifests itself through the verbal level, in other words - through communication, exchange of opinions and polemics. People with Mars in Gemini are very active and energetic, but often tend to be scattered about several things at once, which often interferes with the achievement of global life goals.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo shows its energy quite clearly and loves to demonstrate its masculinity (or energy in the case of female representatives). Such Mars really has enormous energy potential and the ability to bring many projects to life, the main thing is to have a sincere desire.

Mars or the so-called Red Planet rules Aries and partly Scorpio. Because of the bloody color of its surface, the ancient Romans gave it the name of the god of war, who was identified with the Greek Ares. This deity is the most ferocious and cruel among all the ancient gods. However, Mars in astrology has both negative and positive effects on a person, depending on the position of this planet in the sign and house (field) of the horoscope.

What is Mars responsible for in astrology?

This celestial body is responsible for physical and spiritual strength, will, courage, assertiveness, as well as the instinct of self-preservation. This is the planet of life and death. If Martian energy is weak in a person’s personal horoscope, this can manifest itself in indecision, passivity and despondency. And, on the contrary, if there is a lot of such energy, a person is not afraid to go forward, take risks and win, and events in his life develop rapidly.

Excess Martian power provokes aggression and dissatisfaction, inability to control impulses of anger. Often rage destroys a person from the inside if he does not have the opportunity to direct energy in the right direction.

Traditionally, the symbol of the ancient god of war is the wolf. Mars himself is depicted as a warrior in armor. The task of Aries and Scorpios is to learn to manage their fiery energy. Mars in a man’s horoscope symbolizes male sexual power, and, in general, masculinity. Mars makes representatives of the stronger sex courageous and resilient, and gives women self-confidence and develops self-defense skills.

Using the energy of Mars for evil purposes is fraught with mental imbalance, as well as a breakdown in relationships with people. It is not for nothing that the ancient god of war was very close to Disharmony, the goddess of rivalry and discord. The Red Planet has two satellites - Phobos and Deimos, also known as Fear and Horror - named after the two sons of Mars.

Mars in astrology: meaning

The warlike energy of Mars is reflected not only on individual people, but on all of humanity. Under certain astrological combinations, when earthlings are most susceptible to its influence, wars and revolutions occur, and crimes become more frequent.

People ruled by the planet Mars are active, mobile, sociable and temperamental. In order to curb the aggressive element of fire within themselves, they should splash out their energy in sports, physical labor, and physical activity. Under no circumstances should this force be suppressed.

Has it ever happened that you liked a certain type of man or woman, but were not physically attracted to this person at all? Are we aware of which image of the chosen one is the most alluring and desirable for us? There is a whole section in astrology dedicated to the study of the relationship between two people - synastry astrology. However, even a novice astrologer is able to understand a lot about himself and his desires if he analyzes the positions of gender planets in the signs of the Zodiac and the elements in his cosmogram. Great value has the fact that inMars female mapis a significator of the image of a man to which her subconscious is tuned.

Importance of Mars meanings in a horoscope

Mars in astrology speaks of the modus operandi (course of action), the method of achieving what is desired and the level of a person’s libido. In contrast to the receptive Venus, the fourth planet from the Sun represents the archetype of the active doer, fighter, protector, discoverer and initiator. Comparing the positions of Mars in the charts of partners shows how compatible their energetic and sexual manifestations are.Mars in a woman's chart symbolizes:

  • subconscious image of a man;
  • type of passion (your own and your partner’s);
  • erotic ideas of a person;
  • that quality of energy that motivates the emergence of desire.

Thus, in a woman’s cosmogram it shows what energy type of man she is tuned to. Understanding your deepest erotic ideas and the male image sheds light on many of the contradictions in life. After all, if a partner is chosen purely with the head, without taking into account the requirements of the subconscious, such a union is possible. But there will not be complete harmony, energetic and sexual understanding, or self-satisfaction.

Important Note

Do not forget that the positions of Mars in the female horoscope work in two ways:

And here sometimes there are complications. For example, if a woman is the owner of Mars in Aries, then she will be drawn to men who are proactive, passionate, quick-tempered, and self-centered. At the same time, she herself will have a similar sexual temperament. It is very difficult to maintain such a passionate union for a long time within the framework of a harmonious partnership.

Mars positions and male types

Provisions Mars in the signs of the Zodiactalks about such nuances of a man’s manifestation as:

  • degree of readiness to act;
  • way to achieve the goal;
  • physical energy level;
  • the power of sexual attraction and passion;
  • type of sexual expression.

Depending on the location of Mars, you can tell how decisive, persistent and even aggressive your ideal should be. Or perhaps he should be peace-loving and diplomatic. Analyzing the position of Mars gives the key to understanding your image of passion and courtship. However, we add that for a detailed analysis it is also important to analyze the positions of Venus, the Moon and the Sun. They also provide a lot of information about your partner's expectations and reactions.

Manifestations of Mars and the elements

Depending on which trine of elements Mars is in, its manifestations change radically:

  • Being in the signs of Water, Mars expresses itself with subtlety, slowly, but persistently. It appeals to a person's deep needs and feelings. To achieve its goals, the watery Mars will use workarounds, cunning, intuition and insight. This is a diplomatic and peace-loving Mars, although somewhat passive.
  • When Mars is in the fire signs of the Zodiac, a person tries to achieve goals through initiative, demonstrative energy and physical activity. He is an impulse man. Actively uses his strength, will and authority. Craves physical activity and exudes enthusiasm.
  • Mars in Earth signs tends to act thoroughly, carefully, putting efficiency first. He is patient, persistent and loves specifics. Earthly Mars is disciplined, determined to overcome difficulties, well understands the themes of duty and responsibility, and is conservative.
  • Airy Mars seeks to express itself through active communication, ideas and a rich imagination. He achieves goals through convincing others, trying to please them or appealing to reason.

Kaleidoscope of possible chosen ones

Having discussed the main manifestations of Mars, the planet of the male archetype, we can move on to discussing the 12 types of men. Of course, due to the need to have the material in the article not too extensive, we will not be able to consider all the nuances. Let's talk about the most striking moments of character and temperament.

Depending on the positions of Mars in the zodiac signs in the feminine natal chart, let us highlight the following main male types. Let us remind you once again that the type here is purely your image, located in the subconscious.

Mars visiting Aries encourages the owner of this position of the planet to give preference to a man who is straightforward, ready for adventure and risk, and an independent person. An active, passionate, self-confident entrepreneur, athlete, military man is like a magnet for them.

Taurus Mars tells the astrologer about a woman’s ability to wait for years for the right man. Her subconscious ideal is a financially secure and sensual man, a respectable person, an owner. She will be drawn to those who know how to be charming and gift their woman.

The ideal woman with Mars in Gemini - an inquisitive person, open to everything new and capable of entertaining his lady. He is the very soul of companies. It is very good if such a man is not only witty, but also represents some kind of mystery.

Mars visiting emotional Cancer speaks of the type of soft, romantic and homely man. Ideally, a man should be a knight, always ready to console, help and have a heart-to-heart talk. Such a woman is drawn to a man who is not aggressive, sympathetic, and subconsciously in need of guidance.

While in the sign of Leo, Mars in the chart, women react to public, bright men standing in the spotlight. Such a man must be able to make an impression, dress well, be passionate, ardent, and generous. The man of such a woman should stand on a pedestal, but in no case should he hurt her own pride.

Mars in Virgo speaks of the type of conservative, disciplined, clean and decent man. He cannot be called particularly passionate, but he will always come to the rescue in matters of a practical nature. This is a modest man who is distinguished by intelligence, insight and quick wits.

Mars in Libra I need a man with whom I can often talk about relationships and each other. Such women like cultured, intelligent, well-mannered, smart men. Ideally, they are also beautiful in appearance. They are attracted to the image of an artistic, eloquent man, ready for equality in relationships.

Mars in Scorpio makes the owner of this position strive for self-confident, emotional, strong men. We are talking about the type of man who is passionate, energetic, and openly demonstrates his feelings and attraction. He is a connoisseur of thrills and experiences. Such a man, however, can be very jealous.

Streltsovsky Mars in a woman’s chart speaks of her attraction to men who can help her in self-improvement. Such a woman wants a highly moral partner, close to the best ideals, philosophical, honest. They are attracted to energetic, optimistic men with strong bodies who have the most Napoleonic plans for the future.

Mars in Capricorn encourages a woman to pay attention to men of status and practicality. Such women like businessmen, images of people in power. They are attracted to men who are serious, ambitious, successful, secretive and reserved. This is the type of an influential but proud man, stingy with the external demonstration of his sexual desires.

Mars in Aquarius speaks of a woman for whom it is important that her need for freedom and originality is respected. She is looking for a man who is open to sexual and partner experiments, rebels, originals. At the same time, she likes men who keep up with the trends of fashion and time. We are talking about the type of modern, cheerful, sociable, charismatic and intelligent man.

Mars in Pisces speaks of the type of man who is sensitive, romantic, dreamy, creative and idealistic. He could easily be an artist, a musician, a person “out of this world.” Such women, on the one hand, like men who are introverted, dependent, melancholic and ready for self-sacrifice. On the other hand, they are drawn to rather strong personalities who are ready to actively stand up for love. Paradox.

  • an irresistible macho and a submissive, flexible husband;
  • an excellent money earner, careerist and connoisseur of home gatherings, children, and the simple joys of life;
  • a very practical person and at the same time romantic, creative, idealistic.
  • Yes, sometimes opposite qualities are present in a person. But more often a man’s character and temperament are more unambiguous. If somewhere a strong quality “sticks out,” then somewhere its opposite is detrimental. An absolute “universal”, a perfectly balanced person will be a person without pronounced qualities. You need to remember this.

    What's the next step?

    Well, if you want to find out what exactly is in store for you with a man who suits your type:

    • Will he agree to marry you and how soon?
    • Will he be prone to cheating and how to prevent this?
    • What scenario will your relationship develop in?

    , where you will discover all the secrets of your relationship with the man who suits you:

    Mars in astrology is the planet of great energy and great passions. His motto: “I act!” Mars controls a person’s emotions, his passion, thirst for activity and thirst for life, as well as violent emotional impulses. The planet Mars, named after the god of war, has a masculine character that can give rise to outbursts of anger and aggression. However, in fairness it must be said that it is Mars in a person’s horoscope that gives his character activity and strength, so that, despite any obstacles, he can boldly move forward towards his goal.

    In addition to the impulse to action and self-affirmation, Mars in the horoscope is responsible for sexual energy, bringing passion and fire to the relationship between a man and a woman.

    Most of the qualities of Mars are associated with its fiery nature: it is capable of burning, shining, smoking, and restlessly shedding light. People in whose horoscope Mars is strong are fiery people with an unbending inner core, for whom nothing is impossible. These are people whose energy, raging with flames, is so strong that they are able to subjugate almost everything to their will. Even the orbit of your own life.

    The influence of Mars on the horoscope of Aries

    Two zodiac signs at once - Aries and Scorpio - are ruled by the energetic planet Mars. The ruling planet Mars gives Aries the gift of eloquence and logical thinking. It is thanks to the influence of Mars that Aries make excellent lawyers, politicians, scientists, businessmen and simply business-like, active, enterprising people who are not inclined to expect favors from Fate, but take it into their own hands and direct it in the direction they need.

    The influence of Mars on the horoscope of Scorpio

    In the zodiac sign of Scorpio, Mars is the co-ruling planet, sharing this responsible role with the planet Pluto. Astrology claims: Mars brings to the natal chart of Scorpio such qualities as composure, activity and some aggressiveness, which helps Scorpio to fight and win.

    However, in some areas of life, especially in everyday life, “Martian” aggressiveness sometimes becomes Scorpio’s Achilles heel, making him a person with not the easiest and most accommodating character. However, Scorpio has a great opportunity to overcome the influence of the warlike planet Mars: to direct their vigorous energy to solving complex work problems, and also to let off steam more often by playing sports.

    Positive manifestations of Mars in character and destiny:

    Energy, determination, implementation of plans, impulse, courage, strength, desire, enthusiasm, breakthrough abilities.

    In the Zodiac signs in which Mars is the ruling planet (Aries and Scorpio), these positive traits appear especially clearly. In the horoscopes of people of other signs, the influence of Mars and other planets depends on the location of the stars at the time of their birth.

    Weaknesses of Mars

    As a rule, weaknesses- This reverse side strengths that may manifest themselves in certain circumstances. For decisive Mars, this can be selfishness, aggression, anger, carelessness, thoughtlessness of actions, intemperance in words, ardor, belligerence.

    Orbital period of Mars

    Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system. It passes through the entire zodiac circle in 22 months, a guest in each sign of the Zodiac for a little less than two months.

    "Mars in the horoscope", astrologer Nadezhda Zima

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