
The ex-husband tyrannized Dubtsova: “Come on, lose weight, you’re fat!” Irina Dubtsova has gained so much weight that she is now afraid to show herself

Irina Dubtsova has gained extra pounds and now doesn’t want to act.

Popular singer Irina Dubtsova spent the first three weeks of May outside the country. As you know, the performer suffers from a severe allergy to birch blossoms and during this time she always goes to places that are safe for her health. In May, Irina Dubtsova managed to visit Turkey, Italy and enjoy a vacation in the Maldives. Irina Dubtsova made fans discuss her breasts

While vacationing abroad, the singer, who usually strictly monitors her weight, allowed herself to relax and break her usual diet. As a result, Irina made it clear that she had gained extra pounds. So even the final shot in the Maldives, which she published on Instagram, was taken from afar so that particularly picky citizens could not see anything.

“A week of Italian food and a week of Maldivian curry do not allow us to take a closer photo,” Dubtsova captioned the photo with her characteristic self-irony. - It’s good that my favorite dishes are waiting for me in Moscow, which contain the perfect balance of necessary products and calorie content. They say summer is coming."

Irina Dubtsova's fans immediately bombarded her with compliments. They claim that the singer has ideal proportions, and she shouldn’t worry at all about the couple of kilograms she gained during her vacation.

“Your figure is gorgeous, you are very feminine. Beauty!”, “You are so good, don’t worry about your figure, you’re cool even with little flaws”, “Irina, you only live once! Therefore, you can relax, and the weight will go off literally a week after you go to work!”, “It’s all the same, beauty! And the swimsuit suits you very well”, “You are so beautiful with any figure! Eat to your health while you want and can. This great happiness is a good appetite and good digestion. And extra pounds are such nonsense,” “Irochka, as I understand you. I eat everything abroad and in large portions,” Irina Dubtsova was supported by her loyal fans.

It is worth noting that her mother Natalya and son Artem vacationed in the Maldives with Irina. Apparently, after her divorce from her husband Roman Chernitsyn, the singer has not yet met her ideal companion. Dubtsova recently said that at the moment her heart is occupied, but she is experiencing some difficulties in her relationship with this person. The performer decided not to share the details.

“Yes, I often sing about love, but I’m not planning to get married a second time, I’m not 90 years old, I still have time! I realized for myself that my man should be my friend - this is the key to a strong relationship. Not passion, not super sex, not money. Friend. Now I like one man, but at the moment the status is this: everything is complicated,” said the celebrity.

The figure of singer Irina Dubtsova has more than once become an object of discussion among her fans and critics. The artist cannot stabilize her weight in any way and within one year, as a rule, she loses weight several times and gains weight again. Such changes in the star’s appearance haunt her fans, who often criticize Irina for her curvaceous figure.


And recently, Dubtsova, who is now vacationing in the Maldives, gave her fans a new reason for indignation. She published a photo in a swimsuit, which clearly shows that the celebrity has noticeably gained weight again.



The singer's subscribers were categorical in their judgments. They reproached the star for his frivolous attitude towards his own health. In their opinion, such sudden changes in weight can negatively affect the artist’s body.


However, earlier in an interview with 7 Days magazine, Irina admitted that her weight fluctuations are associated with severe allergies, from which she has been suffering for many years. Then she said that she was forced to take powerful hormonal drugs that contributed to the appearance of extra pounds.


“I have been suffering from terrible allergies for several years now. All people who, like me, are struggling with this disease know that to stop attacks you need to take powerful hormones. Moreover, you need to start therapy in advance... As for your figure, it’s no secret that because of hormonal drugs the weight is growing inexorably. Therefore, during the therapy period I gain a lot of weight, and as soon as I stop taking the pills, the weight goes off. I have been leading a healthy lifestyle for a long time: I exercise, eat 5 times a day, so the kilograms gained during therapy go away by themselves. I want to appeal to everyone: leave me and my figure alone! I hope that the most interesting thing about me is my creativity. And if you like my songs, then what difference does it make how much I weigh?!” — the magazine quotes the star.

Irina Dubtsova is a famous Russian singer. A new round of fame came after his successful weight loss and transformation in 2016. When Irina Dubtsova gained a lot of weight, admirers were disappointed in the artist’s appearance. Fortunately, losing weight brought results. New photos of Irina confirm this fact.

The beginning of the journey to losing weight

The first stage is trying low-calorie diets. This approach led to nervous breakdowns, emotional instability and health problems. Constant hunger is undesirable with an active lifestyle, because it results in a lack of any strength. Irina Dubtsova found suitable way losing weight and further maintaining physical fitness. The singer in a new image found sincere admirers. Women admire the beauty of the artist, asking “how did Irina Dubtsova lose weight?” while looking through the photo. The method pleases with its ease, accessibility, and understandable principle.

First steps to losing weight

Basic principles of nutrition

The diet consists of several simple principles.

  • Complete refusal of salt. Unsalted food takes some getting used to. Salt retains water in the body, leading to swelling and deterioration of appearance. Complete refusal is the only way to improve the situation.
  • The basis of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, lean meat, fish, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice).
  • Two hundred grams of wheat bread are allowed per day.
  • A complete ban is imposed on fast food, carbonated water, and semi-finished products. Preservatives and unnatural additives are harmful. The inclusion of prohibited products threatens excess weight, impaired organ functioning, and slow metabolism.
  • The use of natural herbs and spices is allowed. Food no longer seems bland.
  • The recommended number of meals per day is 4–6 times. It is advisable to eat more often, but less than vice versa.
  • The serving size is no larger than the palm of your hand.
  • Sugar is excluded. Compliance with the rule speeds up metabolic processes and eliminates the risk of the formation of fatty deposits.
  • Dinner is at 18.00. After the set time, you are allowed to drink kefir and wait until the next day.
  • Appetite is dulled by sufficient fluid volume. 2 liters of water per day is recommended. The result is normalization of moisture in the skin, stimulation of metabolism.

Irina Dubtsova regained her previous figure after gaining weight, as the photos prove. At the same time, the singer in 2016 feels full, active, and happy.

Irina Dubtsova has gained some weight

Diet menu example

An example menu allows you to understand what kind of food is recommended. The right diet healthy products– a guarantee of beautiful appearance, worthy photos to remember 2016.

  1. Morning. Breakfast – buckwheat porridge, hard cheese, green tea.
  2. Lunch - fruit. For example, apple, orange.
  3. Lunch – lean vegetable soup, 100 grams of boiled chicken.
  4. Afternoon snack – 200 grams of kefir, 1% fat.
  5. Dinner - stewed vegetables, baked fish.

Dishes are prepared quickly and easily. After gaining weight, Irina switched to proper nutrition, understanding the importance instant cooking dishes.

Examples of recipes for the menu

Buckwheat porridge.

  1. Pour a liter of skim milk into a saucepan. After boiling, add pre-washed buckwheat.
  2. Cooking time over low heat is 20 minutes.
  3. Constant stirring is recommended.

Vegetable soup.

Steamed cod.

Fish has beneficial components, so the product is recommended for frequent inclusion in the diet.

  1. The first stage is removing the bones from the cod.
  2. The fish is peppered and salted.
  3. The fish is placed in a bowl for further cooking.
  4. Cook the cod over high heat for 10 minutes.
  5. After 5 minutes, the inner bone is removed.
  6. Preparation of the sauce: yolk, mustard, white wine. The components are heated in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then cream, salt, and ground pepper are added.
  7. The finished cod is poured with the prepared sauce.

The diet is based on proper nutrition. A universal approach to weight loss is guaranteed.

Simple, delicious dishes will support beautiful shape. Personal photos in 2016 will be proof of a change in appearance based on the right dishes.

Nutritionist opinion

Nutritionists analyze the diet and nutritional pattern. The chosen method of losing weight is safe for health. The benefits are assumed to be due to natural products, the absence of carcinogens, and fast carbohydrates.

Irina Dubtsova: before - after

Dubtsova’s current height and weight parameters: 172 cm, 73 kg. The ratio is not ideal, but it emphasizes the beauty of appearance and the elegance of female forms.

After pregnancy, when Irina Dubtsova gained a lot of extra pounds, the artist took charge of herself. The results are successful despite the lack of an ideal relationship between height and weight. When Irina Dubtsova gained a lot of weight and the reasons why this situation arose became clear, the artist found a suitable and useful way. Losing 15 kilograms of weight is worthy confirmation. New photos and video footage confirm the results achieved.

Irina Dubtsova went through liposuction (a surgical method of removing fat deposits), low calorie diets, exhaustion, nervous breakdowns and depression, low self-esteem due to edema, lymph stagnation, disorders metabolic processes and deterioration in appearance. Admirers and doctors stated that something was wrong with the artist. Healthy nutrition, based on simple principles, natural products, healthy dishes, guarantees the achievement of the desired results with further preservation. New photos of Irina Dubtsova cause admiration among men and increase the popularity of the artist.

Singer Irina Dubtsova after childbirth and divorce from spouse Roman Chernitsyn I gained about 20 kilograms, but managed to pull myself together and lose weight. After a short time, she gained weight again. And such metamorphoses happen to Irina regularly. And recently, the star, who was vacationing in the Maldives, showed a photo of herself in a swimsuit, which shows how plump the artist has become.

Many fans criticize Irina for regular fluctuations in her weight. According to them, such frequent changes in figure can negatively affect the condition of the body. However, Dubtsova previously explained the reasons for weight fluctuations. The singer explained that due to allergies in the spring, she has to take hormonal medications, which contribute to the accumulation of several extra pounds.

“I have been suffering from terrible allergies for several years now. All people who, like me, are struggling with this disease know that to stop attacks you need to take powerful hormones. Moreover, therapy must be started in advance. In the strip of central Russia in which we live, the worst period for allergy sufferers is April-May. During this time, I always try to go somewhere closer to the equator. I do this together with my son, who suffers just like me. As for the figure, it is no secret that due to hormonal drugs, weight inexorably increases. Therefore, during the therapy period I gain a lot of weight, and as soon as I stop taking the pills, the weight goes off. I have been leading a healthy lifestyle for a long time: I play sports, eat 5 times a day, so the kilograms gained during therapy go away by themselves. I want to appeal to everyone: leave me and my figure alone! I hope that the most interesting thing about me is my creativity. And if you like my songs, then what difference does it make how much I weigh?!” Irina previously told the site

Maybe I will seem immodest to some, but I absolutely sincerely declare: I have always liked myself. There have never been periods in my life when I was dissatisfied with myself. Even as a teenager. I easily found a common language with the boys, and they always paid attention to me - a blonde with bright brown eyes. Of course, the girls couldn't stand me. This was also in kindergarten, both at school and to this day, I’m already used to it and I know that I often evoke inexplicable feelings in women. Envy? May be.

However, I started dating guys rather late than early. I had other interests - music, dancing. From the age of 11 she sang in the group “Jam”. In our team there were very fashionable boys-musicians - they played instruments well, they studied at the most fashionable English school. And one boy, Sashka, was in love with me. But things didn’t go beyond hugs. The girls laughed at me, I was the only one who had not been kissed, and I kissed for the first time when I was already 16 years old. I waited for my prince, a certain Gosha. It was in the pioneer camp "Eaglet" - I came there as an artist with the group "Jem", and he was the son of a local leader. We had a serious relationship, I even introduced him to my mother. This Gosha is now a sea captain. An ideal husband, as in that joke. And I have no idea why I missed him.

Irina Dubtsova. Photo: Andrey Salova

But no matter how pleased I was with myself, I admit honestly: I still had one complex related to appearance. My breasts never grew. Now I understand that there is also a positive aspect in this: my classmates, who by graduation had grown their busts to a third or even a fourth size, after the birth of their children were forced to undergo breast reduction surgery. And this is a much more complicated procedure than augmentation. But then I didn’t understand this and was very complex. At first I hoped that everything would be resolved over time. And my mother said: “If you give birth, everything will appear for you.” And I looked at my mother, a slender beauty, at my grandmother, who was always distinguished by her stunning femininity, and waited for my mother’s promise to come true. She gave birth to Artem and recovered. All. Entirely. Except for the breasts, of course. I hoped so much for a miracle, but it didn’t happen. And also ex-husband he tyrannized me: “Come on, lose weight, you’re fat, do something!” I drank only water and didn’t eat anything for days on end - the weight remained the same. Then it turned out that I had an increase in the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, and at the same time keeps the young mother’s weight in place and prevents her from losing weight. As soon as the hormones settled down, the 12 extra pounds quickly disappeared, and the issue was closed. But since my breasts never grew, I went and enlarged them to a size three. And the problem that had tormented me for many years was removed.

Why did I do this? For yourself first of all. In no case is it to please men. I have not met a single man in my life who would tell me that small breasts are bad. The number of fans a woman has does not depend on the size of her butt or bust number. Guys liked me when I was a size zero and weighed 49 kilograms (this was during the “Star Factory” period - I was so thin then that I almost got a stomach ulcer). I liked it when I gained weight and acquired very feminine forms. But I myself felt calmer when I had the operation. I don't regret it for a second.

About excess weight

For as long as I can remember, I always gained weight and lost it, but these processes did not depend on food. I've never had problems with overeating. Pasta with cream sauce I don’t eat, I don’t like dumplings. I even eat sweets once a month for reasons that are clear to all women, and even then not cakes, but dark chocolate. Nevertheless, the weight always fluctuated quite greatly. And all these hesitations immediately found a warm response in the media. Once every three months I read to myself: “Dubtsova has gained weight!”, “Dubtsova has lost weight,” “Oh, she’s gained weight again!” - and so on endlessly.

- I noticed a strange pattern: the better I look, the more actively they hiss at me. Photo: Andrey Salova

At some point, I decided to figure out what was happening to me, and found out: it was swelling. Water comes and goes. After pregnancy I became very prone to swelling. But I searched for the reason for this phenomenon for a very long time. I went through all possible doctors. I was tested for hormones that are extremely rare in studies. It turned out that not a single doctor had any questions about my body. In addition to a neurologist and psychologist. They unanimously said that I was getting better from nerves. Just from nerves. Excess weight is a kind of psychological armor that helps me cope with life's ups and downs. I carry so much stuff on myself that if I weighed 45 kilograms, I would simply break down, have problems with blood pressure, blood vessels, and so on. And the body, gaining overweight, thus simply protecting me.

And you know, an amazing thing: as soon as I realized this, for some reason I began to lose weight. And controlling your weight has become much easier. True, various scammers immediately became active, claiming that Irina Dubtsova was losing weight on their pills or medications. But I have never taken any pills or drugs, I am afraid of them like fire, all narcotic or psychotropic drugs are taboo for me. So don't fall for this scam!

About beauty

I noticed a strange pattern: the better I look, the more actively they hiss at me. Worth posting on Instagram good photo, as immediately dozens of comments: “Look at her, her whole face has been redrawn, she’s constantly plastic surgery does it, stays away from the surgeons.” I am surprised by such people. Why invent something that doesn't exist? I have never hidden my operations. I speak openly about the fact that I have had my breasts done. The second time I saw a surgeon some time after giving birth - when I lost weight, but my stomach didn’t want to go away, so I had liposuction. But she didn’t touch her face. I am often accused of not having a “native” nose. Friends, look at my photographs - starting from childhood, including the group “Girls”, “Star Factory”, the Internet is full of them from any period of my life. Look at the noses of my dad and my mom - their photos won't be hard to find either. Compare. We all have exactly the same noses. And now I have my personal nose on my face, which I have worn since childhood and am very proud of it. Why should I lie?

- If a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, something needs to be done about it. You can always find a way to change yourself without much expense. Photo: Andrey Salova

I'm being as honest as possible with you. And I can say: yes, I do various procedures. I give beauty injections to my forehead for wrinkles that have been there since I was 12 years old (my facial expressions are very flexible). I have been correcting my forehead since I was 32 years old; before that I did nothing. I do plasma lifting - this is when they take your own blood from a vein, run it through a special device, releasing plasma from it, and inject your own plasma into you. This revitalizes the complexion, smooths out wrinkles, and removes acne.

And when the time comes and if there is a need, I will do a circular lift. And I won't deny it. You see, I'm not hiding anything. For example, I don’t hide the fact that I don’t go to the gym: I don’t have time to pack my bag, get into the car, get there, change clothes, work out for an hour or an hour and a half, take a shower, wash my hair, get dressed and go on business. I’d rather spend this time meeting my friends, I see them so rarely! And I wouldn’t trade these meetings for the gym for anything. Well, it's not mine.

I walk around the village with my child and dog, we ride scooters, bikes, rollerblades - and this kind of activity is enough for me, it allows me to look good and feel great.

And if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, something needs to be done about it. You can always find a way to change something about yourself without much expense. If you don’t like, say, your arms, then take two bottles of water and bend your arms and pump up your biceps. If you don't like your stomach, lie down on the floor and do abdominal exercises. It only takes 15 minutes, no money spent, and you will see the results very soon. If you don’t like your face, find some means, go for cosmetic procedures, now you can find them for any budget. If your dissatisfaction is serious and develops into a complex, do not be afraid to have surgery, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that you start to like yourself. And then you will be less angry at the world around you, and I believe that anger is a woman’s worst enemy. This is what ages and disfigures.

- I don’t go to the gym, I’d rather spend this time meeting my friends - I see them so rarely! Photo: Andrey Salova

In general, all these things - where I pumped what and how many grams I gained - only concern people from the Internet who have not heard a single song of mine. And those who go to my concerts are completely unaffected by all this. People come not to look at the size of my butt, but to listen to the music. The listener's interest in me has never depended on my size.

About money

I earn all my money through my own labor. Nothing falls from the sky for me, like for many artists, it is impossible for an artist to steal, you can only get your money by spending time, effort and emotions. I have to work through a concert, sweat, go through all my songs emotionally, cry, laugh, amuse people, bring them joy - that’s what I’m paid for. I post beautiful photos on my Instagram. But we must not forget about one thing: Instagram girls - the way you see them on computer screens - do not exist in nature. Looking at beautiful photographs on other people’s pages, always remember that this is not the whole of life, everything bad and difficult remains behind the scenes. The life of an artist is not honey. Everyone will confirm this.

But the number of envious people is not decreasing. Let's say I bought a car. I took it in installments and pay an impressive amount for it every month. It would seem that many people now have such an opportunity. Take a loan and go. No, they don’t want to do this themselves, but they sit and envy. They cannot admit that they are weaklings. It’s much easier to come up with a story about Dubtsova having a rich lover. All my life I sleep with those I want, and I don’t care about their social status (here, by the way, you can start to envy me - not all women can afford it, many have to live with people they don’t love because of money). And I’ll go and earn money myself. And I will buy a house (even with a mortgage) so that my family can live in comfort. And I will travel with a driver - simply because I don’t have the strength and nerves to drive in endless traffic jams and you can do a lot of things while you’re in the passenger seat. And I will go on vacation to the Maldives - because I know that I will find a trip to the Maldives for the money that is usually spent on Turkey. Who will say that all this is bad and illegal? “I want, I can and I do!” - this is my permanent motto.

Irina Dubtsova

son from marriage with Roman Chernitsyn - Artem (11 years old)

Graduated from the Volgograd Municipal Institute of Arts. Serebryakova

won the Channel One project “Star Factory-4”, a year later she released her debut album “About Him”. There are 3 albums in total in the discography. She writes songs for Philip Kirkorov, Polina Gagarina, Anton Makarsky and others. In 2014 she won the project “Exactly the Same”. Winner of the “Song of the Year”, “Chanson of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” awards, as well as the MUZ-TV Award

And a singer, and a poet, and a composer

It’s not only Irina Dubtsova who writes songs for other performers. Here is a list of generous musicians sharing their creations.

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim)
Known now as a performer, Trofim began his
creative path as a songwriter. Released in 1997
album by Alexander Ivanov, leader of the group “Rondo”,
entitled “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul.” The songwriter was
Sergey Trofimov. Subsequently, his songs were performed by Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lada Dance, Lev Leshchenko, Irina Klimova, Nikolai Noskov and others.

Philip Kirkorov
Philip Kirkorov helps Eurovision participants
from our country and allied states. He wrote
composition “Work Your Magic” for Dmitry Koldun,
became the author of the song “Shady Lady”, which she performed
Ani Lorak. He is the author of the Tolmachev sisters’ song “Shine” and “You Are the Only One” (co-authored with Dimitris Kontopoulos), with which Sergei Lazarev took third place.

Olga Seryabkina
SEREBRO soloist Olga Seryabkina supplies
not only the native team with their creations. Her songs
Glyuk'oZa and Nargiz sing with pleasure, Lolita
and A'STUDIO. The song “Moscow - Vladivostok” performed by
Yulia Savicheva was awarded the Golden Gramophone in Ukraine, and the duet EMIN and Ani Lorak “I Can’t Say” was nominated for the MUZ-TV Award this year.

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