
Presentation on the topic "I. Turgenev: life and creative path." Presentation on literature on the topic "I.S. Turgenev. Essay on life and work" Download presentation on the life of Turgenev

Life and work of TURGENEV Ivan Sergeevich ( October 28 (November 9), 1818 - August 22 (September 3), 1883 )

Teacher of Russian language and literature Shcherbakova Liliya Vladimirovna


  • A sharp and subtle observer, accurate to the smallest detail, he draws his characters as a poet and painter. He is equally interested in both their passions and their facial features. With great skill he paints the physical and moral side of phenomena, creating real pictures of reality, not fantastic sketches.
  • P. Merimo

The works of I.S. Turgenev

  • Novels and stories:

Asya Breter spring waters Diary of a superfluous person Jew Hunter's Notes Calm Mu Mu unhappy The first love Song of triumphant love Petushkov A trip to Polissya After death (Clara Milic ) Steppe King Lear Faust Clock Yakov Pasynkov

  • Novels:

Noble Nest Smoke the day before Nov Fathers and Sons Rudin

  • Poetry:

Andrey Parasha Talk Poems (1834-1849) Epigrams. Satirical poems and parodies. Album recordings (1848-1881)

Parents of I.S. Turgenev

Soon the family moves to Spasskoe-Lutovinovo

Mother Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova - a woman is powerful, smart, but wayward and cruel. Wealthy landowner, owner of the Spasskoe-Lutovinovo estate.

Father Sergey Nikolaevich - retired lieutenant, participant of the Battle of Borodino.

Writer's childhood.

  • The childhood years of the future writer were spent in the estate of his mother, Spasskoe-Lutovinovo (Mtsensk district, Oryol province), where Turgenev learned to feel nature subtly and hate serfdom.

Manor house of the Turgenevs


  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord at the entrance to the museum.
  • Alley.

“When you are in Spasskoye, bow from me to the house, garden, my young oak, bow to the motherland ...” Turgenev Y. Polonsky.

“Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it. Woe to the one who thinks this, double grief to the one who really does without it.


Roman "Rudin"

  • In 1836, Turgenev showed his poetic experiments in a romantic spirit to the writer of the Pushkin circle, university professor P. A. Pletnev; he invites the student to a literary evening, and in 1838 he publishes his poems “Evening” and “To Venus of Medicine” in Sovremennik (by this time, Turgenev had written about a hundred poems, mostly not preserved, and the dramatic poem “The Wall”).

P. A. Pletnev

In May 1838, Turgenev went to Germany (the desire to complete his education was combined with the rejection of the Russian way of life based on serfdom). The catastrophe of the steamer "Nikolai I", on which Turgenev sailed, will be described by him in the essay "Fire at Sea" (1883; in French).

Until August 1839, Turgenev lives in Berlin, listens to lectures at the university, studies classical languages, writes poetry, communicates with T. N. Granovsky, N. V. Stankevich. After a short stay in Russia in January 1840 he went to Italy, but from May 1840 to May 1841 he was again in Berlin, where he met M. A. Bakunin.

  • Arriving in Russia, he visits the Bakunin estate Pryamukhino, (Tver region) converges with this family: soon an affair begins with Tatyana Bakunina, which does not interfere with communication with the seamstress Avdotya Ermolaevna Ivanova (in 1842 she will give birth to Turgenev's daughter Pelageya). In January 1843 Turgenev entered the service of the Ministry of the Interior.

  • In May 1845 Turgenev retired.
  • From the beginning of 1847 to June 1850, he lives abroad (in Germany, France; Turgenev - a witness to the French Revolution of 1848): takes care of the sick Belinsky during his travels; closely communicates with P. V. Annenkov, A. I. Herzen, gets acquainted with J. Sand, P. Merimet, A. de Musset, F. Chopin, C. Gounod;
  • Writes the novel "Petushkov" (1848), "The Diary of a Superfluous Man" (1850), comedies "The Bachelor" (1849), "Where it is thin, there it breaks", "Provincial" (both 1851), psychological drama A Month in the Country (1855).

"Hunter's Notes"

  • The main work of this period is the Hunter's Notes, a cycle of lyrical essays and stories that began with the story Khor and Kalinich. Knocks ”(1874). Turgenev showed the diversity of human types, discovering Russia and the Russian person, laying the foundation for the“ peasant theme ”. The "Hunter's Notes" became the semantic foundation of all Turgenev's further work: this is where the theme of "an extra person" comes from.

1850s. Literary environment

  • In April 1852, for his response to the death of N.V. Gogol, banned in St. Petersburg and published in Moscow, Turgenev, by royal command, was put on the congress (the story "Mumu" was written there). In May he was exiled to Spasskoe, where he lived until December 1853. He was working on the story "Two Friends". He met A. A. Fet, corresponded with S. T. Aksakov and writers from the Sovremennik circle. A. K. Tolstoy played an important role in the efforts to free Turgenev.

  • Until July 1856, Turgenev lives in Russia: in the winter, mainly in St. Petersburg, in the summer in Spassky.
  • His immediate environment is the editorial office of Sovremennik;
  • Acquaintances with I. A. Goncharov, L. N. Tolstoy and A. N. Ostrovsky took place;
  • Turgenev takes part in the publication of "Poems" by F. I. Tyutchev (1854) and supplies him with a preface.
  • The novels "Calm" (1854), "Yakov Pasynkov" (1855), "Correspondence", "Faust" (both 1856) are published.

  • "Rudin" (1856) opens a series of Turgenev's novels.
  • "Noble Nest", 1859.
  • "On the Eve", 1860.
  • "Fathers and Sons", 1862.
  • "Smoke" 1867.
  • "Nov", 1877.

  • Having served abroad in July 1856, Turgenev finds himself in a painful whirlpool of ambiguous relations with Viardot and his daughter, who was brought up in Paris. After the difficult Parisian winter of 1856-57, he went to England, then to Germany, where he wrote Asya, one of the most poetic stories. Spends autumn and winter in Italy. By the summer of 1858 he was in Spasskoye; in the future, Turgenev's year will often be divided into "European, winter" and "Russian, summer" seasons.

in wanderings

glory and sadness

  • In 1863 there is a new rapprochement between Turgenev and Pauline Viardot; until 1871 they live in Baden, then (at the end of the Franco-Prussian war) in Paris. Turgenev closely converges with G. Flaubert and through him with E. and J. Goncourt, A. Daudet, E. Zola, G. de Maupassant; he assumes the function of an intermediary between Russian and Western literatures.

His European fame is growing :

  • in 1878, at the international literary congress in Paris, the writer was elected vice-president; in 1879 he is an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. Turgenev maintains contacts with Russian revolutionaries (P. L. Lavrov, G. A. Lopatin) and provides material support to emigrants. In 1880, Turgenev took part in the celebrations in honor of the opening of a monument to Pushkin in Moscow. In 1879-81, the old writer experienced a stormy passion for the actress M. G. Savina, which colored his last visits to his homeland.

last years of life

  • Turgenev turns to memoirs (“Literary and everyday memories”, 1869-80) and “Poems in prose” (1877-82), where almost all the main themes of his work are presented, and the summing up takes place as if in the presence of approaching death. Death was preceded by more than a year and a half of a painful illness (cancer of the spinal cord).

"Russian language" - a poem in prose.

In the days of doubt in the days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, - you are my only support and support, oh great one, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything, what happens at home? But you can't believe so that such a language would not be given to a great people!

Writer's death

  • Turgenev died courageously, with full consciousness of the near end, but without any fear of it. His death (in Bougival near Paris, August 22, 1883) made a huge impression, the expression of which was a grandiose funeral.
  • The body of the great writer was, according to his desire, brought to St. Petersburg and buried at the Volkovo cemetery with such a gathering of people, which had never before or since been at the funeral of a private person.

  • Buried at Volkovo Cemetery in St. Petersburg
  • The funeral in St. Petersburg turned into a mass demonstration.

Necropolis "Literary bridges", grave

I.S. Turgenev.

- "The meaning of the title of the novel";

- Composition of the novel "Fathers and Sons".

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Father, Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev (1793-1834), was a retired cuirassier colonel. Mother, Varvara Petrovna (before her marriage Lutovinova) (1787-1850), came from a wealthy noble family. The family of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev came from an ancient family of Tula nobles, the Turgenevs. It is curious that the great-grandfathers were involved in the events of the time of Ivan the Terrible: names such as Ivan Vasilievich Turgenev, who was a nursemaid with Ivan the Terrible (1550-1556); Dmitry Vasilievich was the governor in Kargopol in 1589. And in the Time of Troubles, Pyotr Nikitich Turgenev was executed at the Execution Ground in Moscow for denouncing False Dmitry. Until the age of 9, Ivan Turgenev lived in the hereditary estate of Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, 10 km from Mtsensk, Oryol province.

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The Spasskoye-Lutovinovo-Turgenev family estate The most precious childhood memory of the writer was the Spassky garden, already then old and great. With it, a deep sense of nature entered the consciousness of the future writer. Even approaching the final line, Turgenev will remember him and ask in a letter to his friend Polonsky to “bow down” to the garden, and with it to the Motherland ...

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IS Turgenev in Moscow In 1827, the Turgenevs, in order to educate their children, settled in Moscow, in a house bought on Samotyok. Ivan Sergeevich first studied at the Weidenhammer boarding school, then he was given as a boarder to the director of the Lazarev Institute Kruse. In 1833, 15-year-old Turgenev entered the verbal department of Moscow University. Museum of I.S. Turgenev in Moscow.

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I.S. Turgenev in St. Petersburg. A year later he moved to St. Petersburg University in the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy (he graduated as a candidate in 1837). T.'s first work that has come down to us is the dramatic poem Steno (written in 1834, published in 1913), dedicated to the hero of a demonic warehouse. By the mid 30s. early poetic experiments of T. The first work that saw the light of day is a review of the book by A. N. Muravyov "Journey to Russian Holy Places" (1836), in 1838 the first poems of T. "Evening" and "To Venus" were published in the journal Sovremennik. Medical". Portrait of Turgenev by Pauline Viardot

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I.S. Turgenev in Germany. In 1838, Turgenev entered the University of Berlin, a temple of science that united young people passionate about the thirst for knowledge. Here, in addition to studying his favorite ancient languages, Latin and Greek, Turgenev gets acquainted with the philosophy of Schelling and Hegel. Here he became close friends with the scientist-historian T.N. Granovsky. He brought him together with N.V. Stankevich, one of the most remarkable young people in Russia.

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On the edge of someone else's nest... In 1843 I.S. Turgenev met a French singer, Pauline Viardot. The time began for him, both sweet and difficult. The sweet thing was that he fell in love, he fell ill with her for a long 40 years ...

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Turgenev in France. Bougeval. The writer died in the town of Bougival near Paris, August 22 (September 3), 1883. Turgenev's body was, according to his desire, brought to St. Petersburg and buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery with a large gathering of people.

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Creation. "Notes of a hunter" is a book about love for the motherland. In each hero of the work, the writer saw a personality with deep inner content and meaning. In 1855, the novel "Rudin" was written. It opens the streak of Turgenev's widest fame ...

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Creation. Work on the main novel "Fathers and Sons" was completed in July 1861. In the novel, people of the 40s and 60s of the XIX century were face to face.

When it becomes necessary to interest schoolchildren in the writer's life story, one should turn to the presentation "Turgenev". It is much more interesting for children not only to listen to cognitive facts and a description of the life of a great man, but also to draw images inside themselves for further memorization. At the sight of portraits of Ivan Turgenev, illustrations for famous works, highlighted information of key points, the student will be able to subsequently revive what he heard and keep the biography of the great writer in his memory for a long time.

The presentation on the biography of Turgenev is presented succinctly, but it feels a certain style that is characteristic of the works of a famous personality of the late 19th century. The sections are devoted to the main moments of his life, which led the poet, writer and publicist to the true calling of a genius. The life and work of Turgenev are touched upon in the school curriculum more than once, so visual material will come in handy to enliven the lesson. Classes in literature should be imbued with the spirit of the times described by Turgenev, and the slides perfectly convey this atmosphere. Students will appreciate the modern approach to learning and retain their knowledge for many years.

You can view the slides on the website or download the presentation on the topic "Turgenev" in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Biography of Turgenev
Family estate

Writer's childhood
Early years of study
Later years of study
The beginning of creative activity

Creative activity
"Hunter's Notes"

"Poems in prose"
Last years

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I.S. Turgenev: life and work Dovydova A.V., teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category, secondary school No. 1234

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Biography facts Years of life: 1818 - 1883; Origin - noble; Family estate - Spasskoe-Lutovinovo (Oryol region); Education - philological department of the philosophical faculty of St. Petersburg University, then Berlin University.

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Annibal's Oath “I couldn't breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated; I needed to move away from my enemy in order to be given a stronger attack on him from my own. In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was serfdom. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to reconcile ... This was my Annibal oath.

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The main works "Notes of a Hunter" "Mumu" "Rudin" "Noble Nest" "Asya" "Fathers and Sons" "On the Eve"

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Hymn to the Russian language “In the days of doubt, in the days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! what happens at home. But it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!” Poem in prose "Russian language" 1882

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New themes, new heroes The theme of serfdom; The theme of "superfluous people"; The theme of the Russian woman; The hero is a democrat-raznochinets. “He quickly guessed new needs, new ideas introduced into the public consciousness, and in his works he usually drew (as far as circumstances allowed) attention to the question that was on the line and was already vaguely beginning to excite society.” N.A. Dobrolyubov

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Turgenev girl Feminine; Possessing a great mind, a beautiful soul, high morality, exactingness towards herself and others, a resolute character. Turgenev did a great job by painting amazing portraits of women. Maybe there were none like he wrote, but when he wrote them, they appeared. A.P. Chekhov

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Love of a lifetime On November 1, 1843, Ivan Sergeevich met an opera singer from France, Polina Viardot. He wrote to her: “I have not seen anything in the world better than you. To meet you on my way was the greatest happiness of my life "... Although many people claimed that Polina (a Spaniard with gypsy blood by nationality) was not a beauty at all, but she had an undoubted talent that conquered hearts - a divine voice. Turgenev fell in love not only with her vocal abilities, but also with the soul that she put into her singing.

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Polina is married and happily married. “I cannot live away from you, I must feel your closeness, enjoy it. The day when your eyes did not shine for me is a lost day. The enamored knight Turgenev followed Pauline Viardot everywhere, made friends with her husband, and fell in love with her daughter like his own.

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This love cost him the loss of good relations with his relatives, condemnation from friends ... Turgenev wrote in his famous prose poem “Stop!”: “Which god with his gentle breath threw back your scattered curls? His kiss burns on your pale brow like marble! Here it is - an open secret, the secret of poetry, life, love! Here it is, here it is, immortality! There is no other immortality - and there is no need. In 1882, the writer was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - cancer. He died in the house of Pauline Viardot ... and was happy.

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"Fathers and Sons" Type of literature: epic Genre: novel Literary direction: critical realism Years of creation: 1861-1862

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Turgenev about the novel “Fathers and Sons” “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. Weakness and lethargy or limitation. Aesthetic feeling compelled me to take precisely the good representatives of the nobility in order to prove my theme all the more correctly: if cream is bad, then what is milk? They are the best of the nobles - and that is why I have chosen them to prove their failure.

Biography Turgenev Ivana Sergeevich (1818 – 1883)

  • Ivan Sergeevich was born on October 28 (November 9) in Orel.
  • Father, Sergei Nikolaevich, (1793-1834) belonged to the old noble family of the Turgenevs, known since the 15th century.
  • Mother, Varvara Petrovna, (1788-1850) - nee Lutovinova, the history of her family dates back to the 17th century.


Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev

Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova

  • The childhood of the future writer was spent in the estate and estate of Spasskoe-Lutovinovo near the city of Mtsensk, Oryol province, where the writer's house-museum is located today.

  • Turgenev's mother Varvara Petrovna ruled the "subjects" in the manner of an autocratic empress. Her favorite saying was "I want an execution, I want a sweetheart." With a naturally good-natured and dreamy son, she treated harshly, wanting to bring up in him a “real Lutovinov”, but in vain. She only wounded the boy’s heart, hurting those of her “subjects” to whom he managed to become attached (later she would become the prototype of capricious ladies in Turgenev’s stories Mumu, 1852; Punin and Baburin, 1874; etc.).

  • At the same time, Varvara Petrovna was an educated woman and not alien to literary interests. She did not skimp on mentors for her sons Nikolai, Ivan and Sergey.
  • From an early age, Turgenev was taken abroad, and after the family moved to Moscow in 1827, the young man was taught by the best teachers, and by the time he entered the verbal department of the philosophical faculty of Moscow University in 1833, he already spoke French, German, English and composed poetry.

  • In 1834 Turgenev moved to St. Petersburg University, graduating in 1837.
  • Turgenev's first known literary experience dates back to this time - the romantic drama in verse "Sténo" (1834, publ. 1913). Professor of Russian literature, P.A. Pletnev, found it a weak imitation of D.G. Byron, but noticed that there was “something” in the author, and published two of his poems in his Sovremennik magazine.
  • In May 1837, Ivan Sergeevich went to Germany to improve his philosophy (in his Autobiography, he wrote that the main motive for leaving was hatred for serfdom, which darkened his childhood: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated. I needed to move away from my enemy in order to be given a stronger attack on him from within myself. In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: serfdom.")
  • Until 1841 he listened to lectures at the University of Berlin, where he became close to a circle of Russian students, admirers of the "Hegel system" (M.A. Bakunin, T.N. Granovsky, N.V. Stankevich and others). Bakunin became his close friend for a long time. Although their relationship ended in a break, Bakunin served as the prototype for Rudin in the novel of the same name.

  • In May 1841, Turgenev returned to Russia, intending to teach philosophy (for this purpose, in April-May 1842, he took master's exams at St. Petersburg University). However, the department of philosophy at Moscow University, which he hoped to take, was closed and there were no plans to restore it.
  • In 1843, after lengthy troubles, Turgenev was enrolled in the office of the Minister of the Interior, where the issue of the release of the peasants was then discussed, but the service did not work out.

  • Having met in November 1843 with the French singer Pauline Viardot, whose love he carried through his whole life, Turgenev increasingly asks for sick leave and follows her abroad, and in April 1845 he finally retired and since then often began to visit Germany and France.

  • In the first literary performances noticed by the public (poems " Parasha" , 1843; "Landowner", 1845; story "Andrey Kolosov", 1844; “Three Portraits”, 1845), the influence of M.Yu. Lermontov prevailed, although they brought to the fore the image of the “environment” and its disfiguring effect on a person.
  • These first poems and stories by Turgenev were highly appreciated by the main ideologist of the "natural school" V. G. Belinsky, who in many ways was the "mentor" of the novice writer.
  • Turgenev also tried his hand at dramaturgy: the plays The Freeloader, 1848, The Bachelor, 1849, A Month in the Country, 1850, and others were successfully staged in the theater.

  • Turgenev's real fame was brought by small stories and essays, on which he himself did not have high hopes.
  • In 1846, once again going abroad, he left one of the publishers of Sovremennik, I.I. Panaev, an essay Khor and Kalinich . Panaev placed it in the "Mixture" section of the magazine for 1847, accompanied by the subtitle " From the notes of a hunter to endear readers to indulgence.
  • Neither the author nor the publisher foresaw success, but the success was extraordinary. Belinsky in the article " A look at Russian literature in 1847" wrote that in this "little play" "the author came to the people from such a side, from which no one had come to him before him."

Turgenev's novels.

  • Peru Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev owns 6 novels, in each of which the writer touched on the pressing problems of our time:

"Rudin", 1855; "Noble Nest", 1858;

"On the Eve", 1859;

"Fathers and Sons", 1861;

"Smoke", 1867;

"Nov", 1876).

  • Turgenev's "Swan Song" was " Poems in prose» , created by him in the last years of his life (the first part appeared in 1882; the second was not published during his lifetime).
  • This lyrical cycle is framed by poems about Russia - “ Village" and "Russian language".
  • Turgenev visited Russia for the last time in 1881 and, as if anticipating that this was his last visit, visited his native Spasskoe-Lutovinovo. His last words, spoken before his death on August 22 (September 3), 1883 in Bougival in the south of France, were addressed to the Oryol forests: "Farewell, my dears ..."

  • In his later years, Turgenev received European recognition.
  • His literary interests were now largely connected with Europe. He closely communicates with leading French writers - G. Flaubert, J. Sand, E. Zola, and others; in 1878, together with V. Hugo, he chaired the international literary congress in Paris; receives the title of honorary professor at Oxford University and many more flattering signs of attention.
  • He translates Flaubert's stories into Russian and recommends Russian authors for translations into European languages.

  • Turgenev's visits to Russia in 1878-1881 were true triumphs.
  • All the more painful was the news of his serious illness. Turgenev died courageously, with full consciousness of the near end, but without any fear of it. This happened in Bougival, near Paris, on August 22, 1883.
  • The body of the great writer was, according to his desire, brought to St. Petersburg and buried at the Volkovo cemetery with such a gathering of people, which had never before or since been at the funeral of a private person.

Monument at the grave of Turgenev.

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