
What are the consequences of black magic and what other dangers does it pose? Black Magic - Practical Tips How to Practice Black Magic

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with black magic rituals. They bring real help to those who use it. In this article, the psychics of the “Wizards of Love” portal have collected the most valuable tips on the use of practical black magic.

1. What is black magic?

First, let's figure out what magic is. In general, magic is actions aimed at solving any problems with the involvement of certain third-party - more precisely, even otherworldly - forces. According to the official interpretation, practical black magic turns to dark forces with the aim of harming someone, white magic - to the light forces of good in order to get help.
In fact, many psychics believe that the division into black and white magic very conditional. Because both white and black magic can serve good. For example, to push a loved one to get married, to return an errant husband back to the family, to find your soulmate, and much more. etc. Moreover, the division into good and evil in this life is also conditional. If evil must be inflicted for the purpose of self-defense, this is the most good thing. Therefore, whether you turn to the light forces or the dark forces - in this case of great importance does not have.
However, there is a division of magic “by color”, so it is worth understanding in more detail what is meant by practical black magic.
Like any science - recognized or unrecognized at the official level - black magic has its own sections. Anyone who decides to engage in practical magic must first study the “material parts,” that is, the theoretical “black magic” foundations. And only then move on to practice.

2. Rules for the use of practical black magic

  • In black magic conspiracies, the word “amen” is not always used, since this word can either replace work or close it on oneself. Be careful! The word Amen in some conspiracies must be changed to “so be it,” so that there is no backlash;
  • During dark rituals, they do not wear a cross and there should be no icons, crosses or Christian paraphernalia in the room;
  • The main dark rituals are performed on the days of the New Moon, Full Moon, as well as the days of Mars and Saturn;
  • During powerful rituals of black magic, they read the Black Our Father, the Dark Our Father, the Black Prayer. The first is read like Our Father, only backwards in words and letters. (Nima. Ogovakul to san...). Dark Our Father - the words of the usual prayer Our Father are turned inside out from the very beginning (Echto shan szhi ise..). Third, the Black Prayer is read as the Lord’s Prayer only backwards (Amen. The Evil One from us..). This is done in order to evoke dark forces and direct them towards the victim;
  • The time for practical black magic is from sunset to dawn of the next day. But the optimal and most favorable time is from 00:00 to 03:00;
  • Short black magic spells are read from 11 to 13 times, and large ones from 3-5 to 6 times;
  • The most favorable numbers for practicing black practical magic are 13 and 18. If 13 coincides with Friday, then the damage done on that day works quickly and is difficult to remove. And 18 is a day containing three sixes;
  • During black magic operations, the woman should be without a headscarf and with her hair down;
  • During menstruation, women are good at black rituals and evil eyes;
  • The most powerful black rituals are done in the Cemetery, church and crossroads;
  • Church candles for dark rituals are lit from the end, not from the wick;
  • Candles should only be lit with matches. No lighters;
  • Candles should never be blown out. If it is said that the candles are extinguished at the end of the ritual, we extinguish them with our fingers;
  • When performing black rituals, the window must always be open, unless otherwise stated;
  • The rituals are performed in a dark and quiet room where no one will disturb. There should also be no animals;
  • Many items for the ritual are purchased new and without change. Naturally, you use the same magical tools (knife, special utensils, crucifix) in all rituals, unless otherwise stated;
  • The text of the ritual must be learned by heart. In rare cases it is permissible to read, but in this case the text must be handwritten;
  • If a photograph is needed in the ritual, then one printed on a color printer will do. The subject in the photo should not have his arms crossed;
  • When using needles in dark rituals to pierce a figurine or photo, the needle is held in the left hand, and not in the right;
  • When carrying a lining to the enemy’s doorstep (or to a crossroads), you must remain silent. Returning back, they go the other way and just as silently and without turning around;
  • If it is not possible to pour or bring the lining into the house or on the threshold, then it is poured out or placed at an intersection. The wind will carry it. At the same time they say: “I’m putting (name of the object) for you;
  • When performing a black magic ritual in a church, when leaving, be sure to light one candle for your health, but take the money from another pocket. This will protect you from return lightning;
  • Also to kickback didn’t attack you, you need to speak to some animal instead of yourself. They do it this way: they tie a piece of fur from a cat or cat with black thread and say:
  • “I reflect the lightning of return from myself, not to myself, but to (the name of the animal) I send. Amulet with me, lightning return to (animal, nickname).”

  • They carry it with them for three days.
  • If the ceremony is performed in a cemetery, then when returning home, do not follow a straight path, but wind around several times in order to confuse the path of dark forces and protect yourself from the lightning of return.

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3. Practical methods of black magic

Classification of black magic methods, like most classifications in magic, is conditional. However, it is worth highlighting the following methods:

  • Damage and evil eye;
  • Spells and curses;
  • Conspiracies and love spells;
  • Veretry (witchcraft);
  • Cemetery methods.

Points may overlap - for example, cemetery methods include spells, curses, and damage. However, they have their own, peculiar to them, patterns that must be observed in any cemetery ritual, which allows them to be included in a separate subsection.

3.1. Damage and evil eye

It is not for nothing that the words “damage” and “evil eye” stand side by side in black magic. Many people think that these are the same thing, although the difference is noticeable. In short, the evil eye can be felt as minor and quickly removable troubles.
But damage is felt globally and on a large scale - in deteriorating health, disruption of important affairs and transactions, breakup of relationships and even the premature death of someone.
You can eliminate the evil eye yourself by mastering simple self-defense methods and having minimal energy that can simply withstand external influences. At the same time, it is not always possible to remove damage yourself. Moreover, the help of an experienced magician who knows special ritual “technologies” and is able to correctly carry out ritual actions “from start to finish” is almost always required.

3.2. Spell and curse

The terms "spell" and "curse" are also often used together. A spell is words that contain an appeal to any specific forces designed to help fulfill the wish of the caster. These are not always dark forces like the Devil or Satan.
With the proper energy message, you can convey the negative “to the addressee” with the help of wind, water, and other natural elements. But, of course, this requires certain skills and experience. Often only experienced magicians can do this.
There are also texts that simply state the need to cause harm or perform some kind of action on a potential victim. Let’s say something like “let God’s servant such-and-such be deprived of peace.”
A spell is, as a rule, part of some magical action. Although sometimes it happens that a certain action requires simply pronouncing a text, without additional ritual innuendo.
As for the definition of a curse, it is broader and includes not only the text part, but also a certain set of manipulations with something (photography, cemetery soil, candles, and so on).
The simplest example- these are “fleeting” curses that involve whispering texts while looking at the back of a departing enemy. Here the gaze plays the role of action, and the “spell” whispering performs the function of conveying the necessary information to otherworldly forces.
More complex examples- curses with a wish for illness and/or death. Often these are complex multi-day and multi-step ritual actions in which not a single move can be missed and all recommendations must be followed correctly.
Even to the point of recommending not to take change when buying a needle for lining or to read the spell the specified number of times - no more and no less.

3.3. Conspiracies and love spells

Spells and love spells are universal methods used by both white and black magic. It all depends on the goals and means of achieving them. So, if, for example, a love spell is based on increasing the subject’s female attractiveness in order to establish a relationship with the “man of dreams,” then this is considered white magic.
If a love spell and readable plot involves invading the energetic essence and forcibly holding a person close to oneself - this is, of course, practical black magic.
The “black” essence of such practical actions visible when love spells are used on blood or love spells using the biochemical material of the victim - for example, hair.
The differences between these two methods of practical black magic are that a spell is actually a text (including a spell for a love spell), and a love spell is a complete ritual with text and action (in some cases, however, it can be carried out without text).

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3.4. Vereting

Veretism, also known as heresy, is a separate area of ​​practical black magic, based on a voiced and obvious rejection of Christian values. Therefore, the direction has two names.
This heretism comes from the word “heretic”, and vertetism comes from the word “spindle”, which is actively used in practical rituals of this branch of magic.
By the way, this is also one of the most mysterious directions in terms of origin. Some people date the emergence of veretnichestvo to the 17th century, when the church split. Some believe that this was a response to the forced baptism of Rus'. And some believe that it arose back in the days of paganism, therefore the denial of Christian values ​​is not an end in itself, but adherence to pagan rituals.
Mages who practice this direction of black magic turn to the “Nine Hellish Princes” and their assistants, of whom there are even more, so we will not list them. A clear example is the damage to health “by 9 knots”. There, Abara, one of the assistants of the “Hell Princes,” is called upon to help evil intentions.
9 Hellish Princes:

  • Satan. Leader, supreme king;
  • Veligor. The embodiment of evil, the best victim of which is blood. The one who once incited Satan to rebel against God;
  • Versaul. Patronizes magicians and witches. A huge ugly fly with a man's face or a winged and horned black man;
  • Asp. Free from greed, jealousy and envy. Veretny version of the merman. Appears in the guise of a winged serpent with the head of a man;
  • Enach. Responsible for lust, debauchery, gambling and love of alcohol. Outwardly he looks like a man, but only his body is covered with hair, and his head is that of a goat;
  • Black Widow. She was once married to one of the angels, whom God ordered to be executed. Angry, the Black Widow sided with Satan and took responsibility for the territory of the cemeteries: she is the Mistress of the graveyards;
  • Mafawa. Provokes thirst for profit. Loves gold and precious stones. Reigns over material resources and the bowels of the earth;
  • Indic. A demon living underground. Causes landslides and earthquakes;
  • Enareus. A werewolf demon capable of taking the form of any animal or plant. Lives in forests. Analogue of a goblin.

It is also practiced to appeal to Demons, of which there are countless numbers. Demons have their own “specialization”, so experienced magicians turn to the demon who is most likely to solve his problem.

3.5. Cemetery methods

Cemetery methods occupy a special place in practical black magic. The cemetery has always been associated with the other world, which, in essence, is almost true. The difference between the perception of mass grave sites by a magician and the perception of an ordinary person is the intention to use the energy of otherworldly forces for one’s own purposes.
These methods range from very simple to super complex. A simple example is burying a photograph of an enemy in a cemetery with a mental wish for him of all bad things. Even people who are far from magic often undertake such a ritual. In principle, something may work out for them, but the main thing is not to forget to protect yourself from the “boomerang effect”.
Professional actions are performed with many magical attributes, at certain times, at certain graves. However, both simple and most complex actions are united by a number of rules that are characteristic of almost all cemetery magic rituals.
Rules for conducting cemetery rituals:

  • self-defense is mandatory;
  • respect for the souls of the departed is obligatory;
  • It is advisable to enter the cemetery through the emergency exit, because the main gate is for funeral ceremonies;
  • in the cemetery you cannot be afraid, feel horror or fear;
  • if you cannot overcome your fear at the cemetery, then it is best to refuse the ceremony;
  • strictly follow the rules of the ritual, unless otherwise stated;
  • If the ritual fails, transfer to a tree. It is as follows. Select a suitable exchange day. It should be a day with the date of your birth, any month. Three days before the exchange, tie a red woolen thread of the length that is comfortable for you around the wrist of your working hand. Wear this thread for a full three days without taking it off for a second. Do not wet it under any circumstances. On the day of the exchange, cut the thumb of your left hand with a ritual knife with a black handle, moisten the removed thread with blood and go with it to the previously designated tree. Tie a thread into three knots on any of the branches, and read the following words for each knot:

“Here’s mine for you, but I need yours. I change with you, I close myself with you!”

Silently break off (only with your hands) any other branch, put a gap and also silently return home. No one should ever see this thread again. When tying the thread, keep in mind that if someone finds it and removes it, your relay will stop working. Therefore, tie it higher and out of sight. During rituals, a broken branch should be placed on the altar. Fake it once every six months. If the tree dries out or is cut down, you need to redo the beam immediately.
After performing the transfer ritual, leave without looking back or talking to anyone.
Also, during cemetery rituals, the time of the event and the so-called “payoff” (payment to dark forces for fulfilling a wish) are always agreed upon in advance.
Always carefully follow the requirements of cemetery rites. Since, due to the high concentration of otherworldly energy, any deviations from the instructions can cause noticeable harm. Only an experienced magician will help you avoid negative consequences in this case.

4. Love methods of practical black magic

This section in practical black magic is highlighted separately, since most of the love spells that people in love turn to relate specifically to dark forces. It is black love spells in magic that are the most effective and are always ready to help if other methods have failed.
There are a huge number of ways in which you can make a love spell with the powers of black magic: with blood, dolls, rituals in the cemetery, drunkenness of the object of your affection, love spell through demons. And this is far from full list!

4.1. Love spell through the cemetery

This type of love spells in practical black magic is the most reliable and durable.
At the graveyard at midnight, find the graves of the spouses and place 6 wax candles around them.
Now position yourself between the graves and say the spell:

“Just as the Servants of God (the names of the deceased spouses) lived their whole lives together, so we will connect the Servant of God (our own name) with the Servant of God (the name of our beloved) and live together. No one and nothing can destroy our wedding. We will always be together. And you, the Servants of God (names of the deceased), will help me by strengthening the power of my words and uniting our hearts forever.”

Now return home, before doing so, be sure to put out the candles, leave a gift (gifts to dark forces, a deceased woman or man). It can be sweet red wine, chocolate, sweets, cognac.
Please note that the most powerful “bribe” in a cemetery is living blood (an animal’s or your own).
After leaving the ransom, go home without looking back. And when you enter the apartment, go to bed.

Case title

Oksana contacted the psychic of our portal (names have been changed hereinafter). Oksana's family was not rich at all, and since childhood the girl was accustomed to putting up with minor deprivations. I had to live from paycheck to paycheck; I had to save up for all more or less large purchases, even for good winter boots.

Therefore, when Oksana met and began dating Evgeniy, a fairly successful local businessman, the girl seemed to be in a fairy tale about Cinderella.

Eugene was rich and did not skimp on gifts for his chosen one. He often gave her jewelry, bought her good clothes, did not forget to take care of the girl’s parents - he even helped them close their loans.

But for a long time this relationship did not go beyond a couple of dates a week, although both Oksana and Evgeniy loved each other very much and did not want to rush into legitimizing the relationship. However, her evil, envious friends convinced Oksana that all this was not without reason.

“They kept saying that Zhenya doesn’t really want to be with me, he’s just having fun with a poor girl who squeals from gifts that are worth nothing to him,” Oksana regretfully told the psychic. “They convinced me that he did not take our relationship seriously, and I would certainly lose him.”

Oksana loved Evgeniy and really wanted to be with him. His wealth did not matter to her, however, when her friends began to “poke her nose” at the difference in her financial situation, Oksana nevertheless became worried and, on the advice of her friends, turned to a fortune teller.

A certain Marfa Petrovna hosted in the same city where Oksana lived. “This gypsy grandmother looked into the crystal ball for about five minutes, and then said that Zhenya wants to leave me and has already found someone else,” Oksana shared. - But she supposedly can fix all this, cast a love spell on passion and sex, and Zhenya will be mine, lose her head, immediately lead her down the aisle and all that. Well, I agreed.”

Only after this the relationship between the lovers began to develop completely differently from plan. At first Oksana thought everything was great. Zhenya began to invite her on dates much more often, which regularly ended in violent, passionate sex. But then Oksana noticed that Evgeniy was becoming more and more taciturn, rude, and less likely to answer her calls.

“We used to often call each other and talk about everything in the world,” Oksana recalls. - Even on dates, we willingly talked about a variety of topics, shared everything, supported each other. And then it all disappeared.”

The last straw for Oksana was the fact that Zhenya, who had previously followed a healthy lifestyle, began to drink, and because of this he began to have problems with his business. It was at this moment that Oksana decided that something needed to be done.

“I didn’t want to go to this Marfa again, and there were no other fortune tellers in the city,” Oksana shared. “So I decided to seek the help of an online psychic.”

The psychic of our portal conducted a diagnosis of the couple and discovered that the work assigned by the fortune teller was chosen completely incorrectly. The relationship between Oksana and Evgeny was initially built on mutual understanding and close communication. The young people were true like-minded people and, first of all, valued each other’s ability to support, listen and be there in difficult times.

The sex love spell completely killed this aspect of their relationship, because whenever they were close, Evgeny only wanted intimacy. He did not receive from Oksana what he previously valued most in their relationship, and therefore began to doubt whether he needed this relationship - after all, sex will not get you far.

Having explained the situation to Oksana and secured her consent, the psychic removed the sexual attachment from the couple and immediately set up harmonization, which is designed to return their relationship to normal. Oksana later shared that within a couple of weeks this unnatural craving for sex subsided - the lovers were able to communicate normally again. Moreover, harmonization helped them solve some minor problems in the relationship that still existed - they were able to better understand and accept each other, came to an agreement regarding such important issues, like having children, etc.

Now Oksana and Evgeniy are already planning their wedding. According to Oksana, everything is fine in their relationship again, and even better than before. “Now I will only turn to real professionals,” Oksana assured our experts. “The inept work of a charlatan almost led me to a break with the love of my life.”

4.2. Love spell through a doll

If the cemetery is not for you, then you can try rituals with a Voodoo doll, or a volt. This is a small wax doll, made with one’s own hand in the likeness of the person on whom the influence will be directed.
They make such a doll using biological particles of the person you are bewitching (blood, saliva, sperm, hair, nails), dress it in sewn clothes, and sometimes even baptize it in order to bind it to the person it represents.
Here is one of the rituals:
Make a volt. It should be in the shape of a heart. Buy 5 black candles. Perform the ritual in black clothes. Start at 24.00.
Place the candles in a pentagon shape. Say the spell:

“The powers of the night, all-seeing and all-knowing! Hear my request, fulfill my desire. Let the heart of (the name of your loved one) burn with love and burn with passion. If you respect my request, I will never forget your help. I swear on earth and heaven. Amen".

While reciting the spell, light a volt from each candle and let it burn. Throw it burning into the center of the pentagon.
Now put out all the candles, and let the volt remain in place until the morning.

4.3. Love spell through demons

If the doll is not for you, then you can try to call upon the Demons for help. They usually produce the fastest results (within one month).
Usually a demonic love spell is cast at a crossroads, conspiracies are read, calling on various entities for help, black candles are used and gifts for demons are bought, usually alcohol, but sometimes something unusual (raw meat, jewelry, tobacco, animal blood). Demons will willingly fulfill your request if everything is done exactly as indicated in the description of the ritual.
Let's consider one of the effective rituals - the ritual through Abara
As the moon grows, closer to the full moon, purchase 2 wax candles without change. There is no point in getting baptized or praying. Twist the candles and place them upside down in the central candlestick, which is located under the dome itself. Light them from other candles and say the spell 9 times:

“I don’t pray to God, but to Abara, the Church Demon, so that I don’t burn candles, but I firmly bind myself and my slave (name) forever, so that we can live together, have children, and love each other. Abara! Abara! Abara!

Now spit over your right shoulder 3 times and go home without looking back.

4.4. Love spell on wedding candles

This is a very powerful and effective ritual. It appears after 40-60 days. They do it from 12 to 15 o'clock.
For it you will need:

  • Red candle (or black)
  • 2 wedding candles
  • 3 pins.

Scribble your name on one wedding candle and the name of the target on the other.
Hold the pins over the working candle to heat them with fire, and then connect the 2 candles with these pins. (pierce them and secure with pins).
While doing this, say the following words:

“I don’t hold candles together, but destinies (...) with (...).”

Now light the wedding candles from the red candle and say another spell:

“She got up without blessing herself, and went from door to door, from gate to gate, without crossing herself. She went out into an open field, towards the east. In the sub-eastern side she shouted, whistled distant times, summoned distant forces. You, my faithful servants, do me the right service, harness the faithful horse and ride distant miles away. There is one good fellow (name), you will cross his paths and roads. Oli Yaksh is a devil knight himself. Go through the gate, through the windows, through the chimney, through the fire and flame, and go up into his heart, and take scarlet blood and hair color (name the hair color). Place the good fellow (name) on a black horse and bring him to an open field, and show him distant maidens, distant demons, distant devils. And bring the good fellow (name), and seat the red maiden (name) at the oak tables, so that she seems dearer to him than the white light, hotter than the red sun. I will ascend into the heart of the young man, put in him dryness of heart and unforgettable melancholy, so that he does not forget the beautiful maiden (name) neither day nor night. And the red maiden (name) will sit on a black horse, fly in with a fiery flame, a dry heart, and cover him with earth, and ignite his heart with fire. And he will take scarlet blood, and drink scarlet blood.
Oli Yaksh is a devil knight himself. And the red maiden (name) will take the goodness of the young man (name), take him from the back, from the ridge, and from the stomach, so as not to forget him, and not to extinguish the red maiden (name) either day or night, and will pass with fire and flame , and will give him dryness of heart so that he cannot forget it either on earth, or on water, or in fire. And to you, faithful servants, I give a gift from the red maiden, scarlet blood. Oli Yaksh is a devil knight himself. Amen!"

After the conspiracy, put out the wedding candles.
Then create 2 human figures from red paper, on which you then write: your name and the name of your lover, eye color, hair color, date of birth of each.
Next, pierce the client’s ring finger on his left hand and take a figurine of the love spell object, draw a cross on it in the heart area with blood. Connect the two figures so that they face each other and burn them with a red candle.
Throw the ashes into the wind into the window opening, or better yet, sprinkle them on the person for whom the ritual was performed. Bury the candle stubs before dark in the graveyard between the 2 burials of the couple. Naturally, it is important to ask them to help you, leaving the mercy to the spirits of the dead. Then, in church, light candles for their repose.

4.5. Feeding and feeding

Another way you can make a love spell is through drinking or feeding.
Opoy is when the object of influence is imperceptibly added to the drink with charmed water, blood, wine, etc. The ideal liquid to add anything to is red wine. This is a very powerful tool, so the program goes directly inside the victim, bypassing possible defenses, the person’s resistance and his energy field. Such an impact will be much more difficult to remove. It is worth storing liquids enchanted for drinking for no longer than three days, after which they begin to lose their “charge”, the program they carry becomes duller. The best option- add the next day after the ceremony, or on the same day.
Some girls find this ritual quite unpleasant, but many go so far as to add their menstrual blood to their chosen one’s wine. Such opiates are considered the most powerful, because during menstruation a girl’s energy potential is most acute. And by transferring her blood to a man, even through a drink, she thus transfers a piece of herself to him, creating an energetic connection.
Feeding has the same functions, the only difference is that the enchanted foods are salt, bread, water, etc. added to the victim's food. You should not add/sprinkle the charm into hot drink or food; high temperature can somewhat dampen the potion’s power.
However, if blood has been added to food or drink, you should never consume it yourself.
Here is an example of the simplest hoop. Fill a glass of water and say it:

“You don’t drink water, (name), but you absorb love for me, so that not blood, but passion for me flows through your veins, like in a river fast water that never ends, that doesn’t look around, that doesn’t know others.”

Or here is another example of an effective opiate.
During the full moon, pierce your ring finger on your left hand. Slowly drizzle the blood into the red wine. When you drip, read the spell for each drop:

“I (my name) will go into a wide field at night, into the impenetrable dark distance,
where on the Besovo highway between three roads I will meet (the name of the person being bewitched).
I will give him blood hops and make him drunk.
May the old peasant vein leap in its ports,
May he not get off me day and night,
have mercy on me alone,
and his vein will become a stone, iron branch,
on me (your name) my eyelids will stand in blood.
These words are sealed by me, and secured by the witcher’s deeds.
May it be so forever and ever!”

After this, let the object of passion drink the wine. One sip and the spell will work. If there is at least a little liquid left in the glass, it should be poured under the threshold of the chosen one.

4.6. Conspiracies

Well, the easiest way that black magic offers to make a love spell is to read conspiracies. They are usually read several days (from three to ten) before photographing the subject, most often at midnight. Some rituals require black candles and a mirror. Has the weakest effect. Most suitable for those who have a temporary quarrel in a relationship, or for receiving easy sympathy.
Here are the most popular conspiracies.

For love

“I, servant of God (name), will go out into the light. More beautiful, better than me, there is nowhere. I will go into an open field, into a wide expanse, and there I will find 77 stone ovens. On those stoves there are fiery orgies, hot orgies, oohs, sighs, love stirs: 77 oohs, 77 sighs, aahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love languor and impatience. Get up, go, find God’s servant (name), drag him, lead him to me, to God’s servant (name). I will captivate him, I will lure him, I will take him as my betrothed. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself on his heart and liver. He would think about me, wouldn’t forget, wouldn’t overindulge in food and drink, would be bored, yearning, cry and grieve for me, God’s servant (name), lament with bitter tears, and when he saw me, he wouldn’t let him go. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

To be faithful

“I have a seal of fidelity, no one can take this seal: neither with hands, nor with charming words, nor with a dissuasive spell, nor with a three-tongued curse, nor with a gray-haired grandfather, nor with a cunning knowledge, nor with a sorceress, nor with an evil sorceress, nor with a shaman, nor with cunning deception , no clear eyes, no black curls, no white chest, no Adam’s garden, no front, no back. My seal cannot be broken, God’s servant (name) cannot be lured, he will not betray me forever and ever. He will admire me forever, as he will fear the fire of betrayal. Just as a child cries for its breast, a foal cries for its mother. No one will come between us; only one thing can separate us: if one of us dies, he will take the seal with him. Angels, archangels, take the seal and follow me. Century after century, from now on and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

As you can see, black love magic offers many ways available to absolutely every person to fight for their happiness. If you decide to perform a ritual using black magic, then familiarize yourself with the consequences of its use.

5. Consequences of practical black magic

The possibilities of practical black magic are unlimited, and the consequences of its rituals are very often unpredictable and terrible. Newcomers to the magical world often believe that it is enough to learn spells, stock up on magical attributes, and they can perform witchcraft. But they don’t even know what they need to know and be able to resist dark forces, to protect themselves from their influence on themselves. If this is not done, then illnesses, illnesses, poor health, depression - and this is only a small part of what can happen - await an inexperienced sorcerer.
To fully understand how serious it is to turn to practical black magic, here is a list of possible negative consequences after its use.

  • One of the frequent consequences of using black magic methods is that a person who is forcibly tied to himself does not feel happy and resorts to vicious hobbies of alcohol, gambling, and drugs;
  • The initiator of the black ritual also suffers if negative energy returns. Unexpected illnesses appear, accidents haunt him, and things don’t work out. Very often, due to involvement in black magic, people lose their fortune, money, taste for life, health;
  • Future descendants may experience the terrible consequences of dark spells. Many of them will have to suffer from mental illness, depression, seizures, and nervous disorders. Genetic abnormalities, incurable diseases of children, infertility and loneliness - all this is a consequence of the evil intentions of the world of Darkness.
  • Finally, the worst thing that can happen is death due to an accident or even suicide due to an incorrectly performed black ritual.

Are you ready for such sacrifices? Are you confident in your abilities? Won't you give up this business? Think and really evaluate your capabilities. The ideal option would be to seek magical help from a psychic. An experienced magician will not only make your wish come true - he will return the lost husband to the family, arouse love in the heart of the person you like, awaken longing in the object of love, and much more. something else, but will also competently install powerful magical protection against the invasion of dark forces into your life. In black magic, this is no less important than conducting the ritual itself. In addition, the power of a black rite performed by a psychic is many times greater than that of a beginner. Firstly, the magician, as an experienced specialist, will select the most suitable ritual for you. Secondly, it will give you a guarantee of success. And thirdly - a guarantee of security in the future: that Negative consequences will not be reflected on you or on the object of love, years later.

Black magic spells are powerful texts used in rituals to achieve specific goals. Dark conspiracies have different powers and differ in targeting techniques and methods of influence. Before performing rituals, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of magical texts and take care of creating strong protection.

Carrying out rituals of satanic magic on your own is a dangerous business. Some books offer black spells for beginners, but this is a myth; witchcraft texts are the same for everyone. A person uninitiated in magic should be extremely careful. A beginner should follow the recommendations for successful implementation rituals:

  1. Do not practice black evil magic unless you have sufficient experience. Try starting with harmless spells and targets.
  2. Do not make mistakes when reading powerful witchcraft texts; every inaccuracy can lead to dire consequences.
  3. Formulate your desire clearly in advance.
  4. Concentrate on your own belief in the reality of magical effects.
  5. Don't be distracted while casting spells.
  6. If you lack confidence in your own abilities, protect yourself from danger - do not get involved with witchcraft.

Before you start casting black evil magic spells, be sure to obtain permission from the dark forces through a rite of passage. If the spirits do not provide their protection, the result of witchcraft can be destructive for both parties.

Review of Effective Black Magic Spells

Black dangerous magic has been popular among witches and sorcerers for centuries. It promises easy achievement of goals. All spells are divided into:

  • conspiracies - they are spoken out for dark forces that play the role of assistants;
  • appeal to the enemy - the power of all texts falls on the victim of black evil magic;
  • whispering - spells concern not only a person, but also certain objects: water, food, earth, etc.

In black satanic magic there are words aimed at the relationship between the present and the past.

Witchcraft spells can be cast on native language, in Latin, they are accompanied by transcriptions. Such texts are especially powerful because they were written according to ancient rules unknown to modern magicians.

For love

White magic love spells cannot be compared in effectiveness to the results obtained through dark witchcraft rituals. A powerful spell for love - black wedding. It will definitely conquer the feelings of your lover. The ritual is dangerous; it will not be possible to remove the spell even after several years.

Start doing magic at night, take 2 photos in full height: yours and the victims, head to the ancient cemetery. Place the pictures on the tombstone of the grave where a person of the same gender as the potential victim of magic is buried. The black spell is read three times:

My words are clear to people and spirits; I want to receive the heart and feelings of my loved one. Death cannot destroy the loving bonds of our souls. Magic unites slaves in a black marriage, the union is sealed with chains of eternal adoration. There are no spells that can destroy magical unity.

Mark the edges of the grave with six black candles. Light each one and repeat the text of the spell. Then you should set fire to the photographs from the fire of one of the candles, wait until the photographs are completely destroyed, then leave the cemetery. When leaving, you cannot turn around.

The method using a black towel is popular. Prepare rose petals and a wax candle. Fill your bathtub in the evening. While lying in the water, think about your lover, concentrate on imaginary pictures. After 20 minutes, leaving the bathroom, dry yourself with a towel, cast a spell based on black love magic:

The drops are destroyed, the doubts of the other half are erased. Nothing will destroy new love. Dark forces, help, bewitch, enchant (name of the victim).

For money

To attract wealth using magic, collect 10 identical coins, light 2 black candles, and place a bowl between them. Slowly fill it with holy water, read the spell: “As water appears in the vessel, money begins to appear in your pockets.” Then put the coins into the bowl, saying the words:

I attract wealth, prosperity, gold, silver. I want money and I will get it.

Having finished reading the black magic plot, go to bed. In the morning, you need to sprinkle the corners of your home with water and place the coins on the windowsill in one row.

When the money is dry, hide it in your wallet and don’t spend it.

If you want to attract additional income, perform a black ritual. For a magic spell, collect a large bouquet of useful forest herbs, weave a wreath, then go to the cemetery. Try to find a burial site without a sign, leave the herbs there. After three days you need to return, take the wreath, and visit the forest. Unravel it in a large clearing, say the words:

The deceased will not receive a wreath, happiness and money will not run away from me.

For revenge

With the help of black magic spells, you can take revenge on the offender. The choice of an effective ritual depends on the goal being pursued. To attract troubles and diseases, you can use a slander. Introduce your ill-wisher several times a day, say:

Evil spirits, blind the enemy, let his body dry up and his heart become empty.

A strong curse can bring the victim to death. On a full moon, cast a spell on the needle:

Injections cause suffering, and black spells destroy life.

Place a needle in the enemy's house, hide it carefully: if the victim finds the thing and spoils it, the magic will return to the customer.

Revenge is a dangerous undertaking, make sure you have strong protection.


Black cemetery magic is not always aimed at harming the victim; some rituals use evil forces can benefit the customer:

Purpose of the ritual Instructions for carrying out Spell text
To fulfill a wish Stick to fasting for 3 days before the magic. Take matches, their number should correspond to the full age of the magician. Light the first one from a thin church candle, formulate a wish and read the spell. The action must be repeated with each match. Bury all the remains under a young tree in the forest. Time passes, the forces of evil heed the call, the heart trembles and dreams come true. Powerful spirits, listen to the begging slave, fulfill your cherished desire.
For good luck First buy 2 candles from the church and prepare a pin. To attract fortune, walk around your home three times with a burning lamp, then move it around yourself three times. You can put out the first candle and put it aside. Light the second one. Place melted wax on a pin and cast a spell. Keep the torch all your life, and wear the pin on the inside of your clothes. Just as the sun lights up the horizon every day, so luck comes unconditionally. The candle fire burns, and fortune enters the home. The pin is filled with perfume, and the house is famous for its luck.
For beauty Draw well water, say at midnight magic spell, then go to bed. Wash your face in the morning healing water. Repeat the ritual every week for three months, the results of the magic will be stunning. Skin tone is evened out, wrinkles disappear, obese people get rid of excess weight. The well water does not become muddy, the beauty of a girl triples. Spirits hear desire and follow omnipotent magic.
To work Before the full moon, get a handkerchief and read the spell for magic 7 times. After the ritual, the enchanted item should be folded and taken with you to the interview. Wipe discreetly door handle management’s office, this will contribute to obtaining the desired position and will affect further career growth. Help, powerful forces, in success on the path-path. Wherever I appear, I’ll get a job, I won’t hear a refusal.

The positive nature of black cemetery magic spells does not guarantee the absence of consequences. We decided to punish a person or attract benefits - for witchcraft there is no difference, the result can negatively affect everyone.

Why black magic is dangerous and how to protect yourself from the consequences

The danger of black evil magic lies in its destructive power, which causes harm not only to the victim of witchcraft, but also to the customer. After the rituals, people may get sick or notice a series of troubles happening one after another. Some dark spells can be fatal.

To protect yourself from the consequences of witchcraft, follow the advice from experienced magicians:

  • take care of protection in advance, perform special rituals;
  • if negativity during magic could not be avoided, do not try to get rid of black spells on your own, seek help from professionals;
  • during the period of purification, keep your thoughts pure, do not wish harm to anyone;
  • Before casting spells, attend church services and read prayers.

For additional protection from the consequences, use amulets.

Remember, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam and a number of other religions have a negative attitude towards witchcraft spells and believe that magical rituals are a deal with Satan. If you are a follower of any religious movement, do not engage in sinful activities.

If it seems that you cannot do without black witchcraft and magic, before choosing an effective ritual, carefully weigh the possible benefits and harms, and expand your own knowledge.

There are periods in life when big troubles roll over a person in waves, interspersed with smaller troubles. Melancholy overwhelms the soul, leaving no hope for a turn for the better. And not a single remedy helps to get out of this gray timelessness, full of despair and hopelessness. Black magic facilitates the opening of other roads that are invisible from this state. It should be used with extreme caution at home. Let's talk about this.

When to turn to magic?

All kinds of rites and rituals help correct mistakes made in this and past lives. After all, the complete collapse that a person faces from time to time is just a lesson for his soul. The task sent from above must be completed using talents and abilities, actively thinking and acting. A person chooses methods at his own discretion. One of them is black magic. At home, practice does not seem difficult. However, it requires some preliminary preparation. The fact is that black magic spells cannot be cast out of the blue, whenever you want. You need to create the appropriate conditions, gather yourself and tune in internally. After all, you will have to communicate not with the kindest forces - with the dark ones. Most often they are associated with the devil. You understand that this entity will not come to your aid out of altruistic motives. It should be appeased by demonstrating an understanding of its essence. Then practical black magic will be successful and will not lead to further deterioration of life circumstances.

Preparing decorations for rituals

You've probably read or watched films about witches and wizards. These sources are slightly Black magic at home is not dangerous or scary. Everything is simpler and more ordinary. To create the appropriate atmosphere, purchase the following attributes:

  • black candles;
  • crystal ball;
  • image of the devil or imitation of a skull.

In the room, hang mirrors opposite each other. This is done to protect against the threats of dark forces. You can always send those who came uninvited into such a corridor with a special word. Of course, other things will be needed for rituals. You will select them as needed. Try to create a witchcraft corner for yourself in secret place. Practical black magic does not tolerate publicity. Not only will people start talking about your name in gossip, but they will also bring troubles with their thought forms. There will clearly be no admiration or respect in them.

Daily exercises are the key to success in magical practice

You know, witchcraft requires constant concentration from a person. It is difficult to maintain the usual rhythm of life, only occasionally diving into practice. The forces must be with you all the time. Then the black magic spells will not fail. Rituals will become effective. And over time, there will be no need for conspiracies. Circumstances themselves will line up the way you want. It is for this purpose that a witchcraft corner is created. The magician at any moment has the opportunity to “touch” the forces and be imbued with energy from them. Black magic at home is a constant work. To begin, take common Orthodox prayers and rewrite their texts backwards. They are used in large quantities rituals to activate helpers. They often act as independent conspiracies. Take a closer look at your outfits and toilets. Black magic spells cast in an uncontrolled environment can turn against the performer. Choose clothes in dark colors. She protects from attack. Be sure to wear a magic amulet. For example, a star of David or a pendant in the form of a black cat. And it is advisable to keep this animal in the house. It, like no other, contributes to the creation of a portal for the entities needed in your business.

Black magic: damage

Let's look at methods of harming another person. Damages and curses are common in witchcraft practice. They are made using cemetery paraphernalia, water, earth, salt and other means. One of the most powerful means is the ropes used to tie the legs of the deceased. They are simply thrown to a person, mentally forming a task. This is done to death. If you just want to make a person’s life difficult, then find a photo or create a doll of the victim. Such attributes are typical for rituals recommended by black magic. Conspiracies are usually pronounced in Latin. But now they are being translated. The effectiveness of Russian-language texts is no less than that of the ancients. Here it is important to rely not on words, but on thought forms created by the magician. To cause damage, you can take soil from the grave of the victim’s namesake and add it under the threshold. If you don’t know the special formula, read the “Our Father” backwards. This conspiracy is called “Shanechto”. Another ritual is performed with water and thistle. By the way, this grass is witchcraft. It draws strength out of a person, holes his energy. You need to collect flowers (or buy dried ones at a pharmacy) and make a decoction. Salt, pepper, and black cat excrement are poured into it. After seven days of infusion, the decoction is poured under the victim’s threshold.

How do you fix problems in your personal life?

If you delve into the subject, you will understand: black magic provides many ways to attract the attention of a desired person, to completely take possession of it. A love spell performed using her methods gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of success. After all, the ritual leads to the enslavement of the victim. This person becomes completely dependent on the customer and voluntarily gives up his own desires and goals. This fact also contains danger. After all, you have to answer for it before the Creator. It turns out that the person who ordered the love spell lives for two. But this, by the way, stops few people. In any case, people who are fascinated by black magic. A love spell is best performed on blood. Do you remember what ink was used to sign the contract with the devil? Intention must be brought into the ritual itself. After all, bindings are different. The victim is attracted sexually or emotionally. This is determined by the magician. However, it should be remembered that the effect on the soul is most complete and powerful.

Black magic: conspiracies

There is an opinion that it is best for a real sorcerer to read his formulas in Latin. This is true only in one case, if you know this language. Otherwise, you have to trust the sources from which you obtained the information. And this, to put it mildly, is dangerous. Black magic, the conspiracies of which are spread openly, is replete with traps. A novice sorcerer cannot solve them and eliminate them. It turns out that a person, pronouncing the formula and activating the process, gives most of his energy to the unknown well-wisher who slipped the conspiracy. This can lead to damage, loss of control over your life and other undesirable consequences. So it’s easier and safer to use clear texts. After all, their words can be independently analyzed, tested and changed if you don’t like something. In general, it is considered good luck for any sorcerer to own ancient tomes written at a time when mass manipulation of foreign energy was not yet thought about.

How to tune in to rituals

Let's touch on the emotional state of people who are attracted to magic. You should understand that you will have to interact with very powerful and ruthless entities. They do not respond to requests or tears. Imagine that you are climbing into a jar with poisonous spiders. It's every man for himself. You need to be very strong, active, fast, arrogant to survive in this world. These are the laws of black magic. If you are not sure that you can handle it, then do not start studying it, much less practice it. Devilish energies absorb hundreds and thousands of people. These are the features of today's world. You should consider whether you can go through life in the cloak of a lonely warrior, always fighting with enemies. A black magician has no friends, no comrades either, only random fellow travelers.

How to protect yourself

This is the main point for the novice sorcerer. At first, dangers will lurk at every step. It is necessary to take care of the amulet of strength. It is made by hand. It is not allowed to involve another specialist in the process. It is best if it is a natural precious mineral. It is selected individually, based on detailed horoscope and personal feelings. It must be activated with blood. Black magic is the way of the strong. Think about this before you start practicing.

The consequences of practicing witchcraft are always sad, no matter whether a person is into black magic or some similar practices. Why do many people resort to black magic? It's very simple: this type of witchcraft gives a quick effect. It is enough to perform the appropriate ritual, say special words, perform several manipulations - voila, the long-awaited result on a silver platter!

However, it often happens that premature joy soon turns into grief. After all, according to the laws of the Universe, everything with which a person fills space returns back with cosmic force in triple size. Moreover, this applies to all areas of life, and not just to the one with which they were “messed with.” The disadvantages are dangerous, terrifying, they are hardly worth the dubious advantages that appear at first.

What is black magic

Black magic is divided into three types: sorcery, witchcraft and sabotage. Sabotage involves special rituals using household items. The saboteur feeds dark entities with vital force; he is a mediator between the human world and the forces of evil.

Sabotage is the most common, very low-frequency type of witchcraft on a person, taking a huge amount of energy with weak results. The consequences of black magic for the customer and the victim are equally dangerous.

Sorcery is a special type of magic in which the performer comes into contact with otherworldly entities that help achieve the goal of the ritual. The magician has great power, since he does not allow the larvae to cling to his aura. In exchange for positive result the magician gives life energy to the entities (his own, the customer’s or the victim’s).

Witchcraft is the most powerful type of magic, in which the sorcerer enters into an agreement with a strong dark entity under certain conditions, implying permission to use or replace the sorcerer’s body.

This is exactly the case when you need to “sell your soul to the devil.” Any sorcerer is possessed. In order to implement a dark ritual, the sorcerer uses the reserve of the demonic essence that fills his bodily shell, and in exchange gives spiritual power.

The consequences of a black magic session are terrible: gradually the entity completely replaces the sorcerer, literally eating his soul. According to some, witchcraft is the destiny of initiates, and this is partly true. Under the guise of initiation, the sorcerer undergoes initiation - the rite of surrender of the soul - and receives imaginary superiority and power. Sorcerers, as a rule, have iron health and are successful. This is convenient for a dark entity.

After three years, the entity completely takes away the soul, replacing the person completely: soon it is no longer a person walking around in a human shell. A body with a replacement lives a long time, but death is incredibly painful. But here many are captivated by the fact that after three years the former owner of the soul disappears, which means that the pain of death is no longer terrible for him. Thus, the irrepressible thirst for power and superiority pushes people to the nightmare of being devoured alive.

But that's not so bad. The horror is that close relatives become devoured, and the situation often develops in the most tragic way. Having disposed of his soul in this way, the sorcerer unwittingly disposes of the souls of his loved ones, paying a very high price for the evil he has committed. The witchcraft essence is inherited, especially at the moment when family members are with the dying sorcerer.

The kickback can be transferred to a complete stranger if he shows concern for the dying person. A person unwittingly signs an invisible contract with a simple expression of sympathy.

So why do people strive to perform dangerous rituals? Often, when faced with a difficult situation, a person becomes fixated on it, as if finding himself in an invisible closed space. He experiences incredible pain, the bitterness of loss, he cannot forget the insults inflicted, he does not know how to live with it. At such a difficult moment, the unfortunate person dreams of only one thing - to get rid of mental anguish, and often resorts to revenge.

Having committed evil, the pest receives return - even more pain with a bunch of problems. Pain that tears apart the soul, a passionate desire to harm another, self-pity are blatant atrocities of the soul that promise danger.

Unfortunately, the majority do not think about the danger and the global consequences in the future - everything is so filled with immediate revenge. One’s own insatiable ego pushes one to perform forbidden rituals in order to possess what does not initially belong.

Sometimes it seems to unreasonable adherents of dark witchcraft that there is no answer and they can get away with everything. But this is an illusion, which time will help dispel. A person, having done evil, as a rule, is faced with such terrible consequences that he will never be able to resolve, which will completely cover him and his family members. The consequences of practicing black magic are terrible and unpredictable.

Real life stories

Life knows many real stories and examples that have proven the dangers of black magic and the destructive effects of dark witchcraft.

Story one

One client, in a fit of despair, decided to cast a love spell on her ex-lover, who was planning to marry someone else soon after their disagreement.

A love spell is a ritual of dark witchcraft, so it is not surprising that soon everything turned into a great tragedy.

The woman used her menstrual blood: having proposed to meet for the last time to drink some wine, she quietly poured the prepared drops of blood into his glass. As a result, the ex did not return, although he began to abuse alcohol. After some time, the woman discovered uterine fibroids, which less than a year later took on a malignant form.

The uterus was removed, the woman was left childless and practically disabled. In addition, her sister’s marriage collapsed, and her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Only after the love spell was canceled did the ex stop drinking, and this woman’s health gradually improved, although she remained childless forever.

Story two

One client and her daughter-in-law had constant quarrels, but she was afraid of harm, because she loved her grandson and did not want to harm him. The woman came up with a plan to ward off her hated daughter-in-law.

She turned to an experienced magician to put a death curse on her son: he would soon become very ill, and his wife would leave. But the plan didn't work. The daughter-in-law loved her husband and looked after him carefully. But the client’s son wasted away before our eyes. The essence of the sorcerer absorbed his life force and exactly 40 days later the son died. Moreover, at the last moment the client ran to the same sorcerer to cancel the curse, but he pushed her out the door. The agreement cannot be changed; dark forces are not to be trifled with.

The woman went to another witch, to which she replied that it was impossible to help those who were not alive. It turns out that her son died at that very moment while she was driving around and hitting the thresholds. However, the unfortunate woman was helped to get rid of further consequences: they managed to prevent the death of her grandson, who fell from a moped and was in a coma for about three weeks.

Of course, most of all I felt sorry for her daughter-in-law. To what extent did the mother-in-law need to lose her mind in order to kill her own son, just so that he would not be near the woman she hated? What feelings drove you, what prompted you to commit such a crime? And this was only a small part of what could have happened if the ritual had not been cancelled.

So what to do, some will ask. Tolerate insults and not take revenge? Well, maybe some atrocities must be avenged, but the strongest revenge in this situation is to allow the Higher Powers to sort it out themselves and punish the offenders at their discretion. The higher powers are not blind at all and have more ways punish than mere mortals.

But before you blame a person, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the one who caused the pain. We must try to understand the motives of his actions. Anyone who has not been in this person’s shoes has no right to condemn him.

Story three

The girl turned to the magician for help, complaining that her neighbor was constantly causing damage: throwing linings, doing dirty tricks in everyday life, complaining about her wherever possible. The neighbor was knowledgeable about sabotage: she constantly read relevant books and practiced. The girl wanted to discourage her neighbor, who, as it turned out, was also being harmed by someone, but she was thinking about the young lady.

As a result, the relationship is worse than ever. When the magician asked the girl at the reception to put herself in her neighbor’s place, her desire to do nasty things in reverse disappeared. On the contrary, she sincerely wanted to help both the woman and herself, that is, to resolve this situation for the common good.

The magician advised the girl to tell her neighbor everything, including about the reception. At first, after hearing the information that someone else was doing damage to her, the neighbor began to swear. As a result, they nevertheless came to the next appointment together, they were both given protection, having previously cleaned them from damage. A request was also sent to the Higher Powers about who was actually doing all this.

As a result, three days later the ambulance took away their common neighbor, a teenage girl who, while playing, was interested in black magic. She developed non-childhood diseases, which at her age cannot exist at all. The teenager's mother told about all this. As a result of questioning, the girl admitted that she deliberately harmed her neighbor, since she was tired of her with her moral teachings. Everything was explained to the girl, she recovered and began to practice yoga. The neighbors have made peace and live in harmony.

Such is life - sometimes it seems that there is no way out, only black witchcraft. But that's not true. There is always a way out. The main thing is not to do evil in the opposite way, because the consequences of indulging in black magic are irreversible. You need to moderate your ardor and put yourself in someone else's place. Even if the enemy is wrong, the Higher Powers will sort everything out, you just need to ask them about it correctly.

Black magic has never left anyone indifferent; even the most notorious skeptics shunned dark sorcerers. People need to believe in something, so they feel supported and confident. Many people believe in mysticism and are deeply afraid of everything otherworldly. But there are those who cannot imagine life without magic; it is in it that they find help or consolation.

Witchcraft can be different - there is black magic, and there is white. White magic is usually practiced by healers or healers. This type is aimed at helping others, healing from illnesses and removing curses. Black magic, on the other hand, is only beneficial to the person who uses it. Many people are afraid to get involved with this type of witchcraft, because it is scary for them. It is believed that the fulfillers of the black magician's wishes are demons, and sometimes the devil himself.

Wishes do not come true just like that; the wisher must pay, most often with his soul or health. It is enough to remember how witches were buried in the old days - they suffered for a long time, and after death they preferred to burn them. The witch could not go to another world without giving the gift to someone. At the moment of agony, loved ones were afraid to be nearby, in case this difficult gift would fall to them.

There is an opinion that black magic cannot be learned on your own. Conspiracies simply won’t work, and with the wrong conspiracy there is a chance of harming yourself.

In black magic there is a whole rite of passage, after which a person can perform magical rituals. Dedication implies that a person must completely renounce faith in God, otherwise the dark forces will not help him. A dark magician can enter a church and even repent, but all the power will leave him; dark forces are very touchy. In some cases, you have to make a sacrifice as a gift to the demons.

If a person has a sorcerer or witch in his family, there is a high probability that this person has magical abilities.

Sometimes dark witches or sorcerers, having no relatives, teach a stranger. After all, they must subsequently pass on their gift in order to pass away peacefully. And there is a lot to learn, because black magic requires a lot of effort on the part of the magician.

As a rule, before each magical action, a special ritual is performed so that the magic begins to work. In dark magic there is such a condition as sacrifice. It doesn't have to be a carcass of an animal killed at midnight. Sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself, for example, pay with part of your blood for the work done by demons.

The time and date of the ritual are also important. For example, on the new moon, magical rituals are not performed; on such days it is better to simply plan them. Love spells are most often cast on the waxing moon so that the bewitched person’s feelings grow along with the moon. Damages or conspiracies are carried out on the waning moon. The full moon is the most powerful phase; on this day, magic gains additional and powerful power. The time for each ritual is different, love spells are usually performed at midnight, and spells for money or health at sunrise.

Black magic is divided into several types.

Voodoo magic

This type of magic belongs to the Haitians, it was they who first began to practice it. Voodoo magic initially could not do without ritual murders, therefore it was considered the most terrible. Sorcerers also zombified people, so they were avoided. Few people know that Voodoo sorcerers are able to predict the future; their magic has special rituals aimed at this. Voodoo magic is aimed at subordinating the will of a person, capturing his consciousness. But there are also rituals for a person to get sick or die.

How to make a Voodoo doll at home?

First of all, think carefully, why do you need this? If the decision is made, then the way to make a doll to destroy the enemy is quite simple.
You need to take black scraps. Sew them into two small dolls. They need to be positioned so that one of them hugs the other from behind. It is necessary to sew his material (hair, nails) to the enemy doll. Next, on the waning moon, you need to buy 7 new needles of the same length. After all the preparations, you can begin the ritual.

With the first needle, pierce the head of the enemy doll and say: “I, (your name), pierce you, bind you tightly and mutilate your body (name of the enemy), just as I pierce, tightly bind and mutilate the body of this doll.”
With a second needle, pierce the doll’s chest area and say: “I swear to you, (name of the offender), in the name of Satan, that from this moment you will not know health and will not be at peace!”

Stick the third needle into the stomach, with the words: “I swear to you, (name of the offender), by the powers of Black Magic, that your strength will leave you!”
Pierce the fourth and fifth legs, saying: “From now on, you will be in my power!”

Stick the sixth and seventh into your feet, saying: “You are firmly bound by the powers of my witchcraft, and only I can free you!”
Put it somewhere where no one can find it. If the offender is forgiven, you need to pull out all the needles and dissolve the dolls.

Love spells and sugar spells

Love magic is of great importance in witchcraft. It has existed since ancient times, used by both women and men. When a person is unrequitedly in love, he is capable of much, if only the object of his adoration is nearby. It should be remembered that the bewitched person will not be there of his own free will. Those who are bewitched always end their lives badly - they either become an alcoholic or die early from an illness. After all, the bewitched person goes against his will, he is forced, so he will sometimes feel that everything is going wrong. Because of this, he suffers or may even commit suicide.

Before casting a love spell, you need to think carefully about whether you want such a fate for your lover.

How to make a love spell yourself?

The easiest love spell is a love spell on an apple, and the strongest is a cemetery or black love spell.

To bewitch your loved one to an apple, you need to pick it from the tree with your own hands (the love spell will not work on a store-bought apple). Exactly at midnight it needs to be cut into 2 halves and the seeds removed. Write your loved one's name on a piece of paper and place the paper between the halves of the apple. Tie the halves with a red thread and take the apple in right hand. Say: “As this apple dries, so you (name) will dry out for me.” In the morning, the fruit must be buried so that no one can see.


People try to improve their lives with conspiracies. There are conspiracies for monetary gain, to improve health, the husband did not walk on the left, etc. Conspiracies are considered the easiest of rituals, but they have powerful power and influence. The rules for using conspiracies are quite simple:

  • You cannot tell anyone about your intentions;
  • conspiracies are made after midnight;
  • You can't feel fear dark entities can penetrate the defense.

If a person has firmly decided to get wealth by any means, then there are many money conspiracies, for example, this one:
You need to take a spoonful of millet, a pinch of earth from the crossroads (at this crossroads you need to leave 9 coins and say: “I have come (a) slave (name) to the Devil’s cross, oh you Devils, how you always have fun, no grief, no You don’t know troubles, not poverty, so I wouldn’t wander around the world naked and poor. Give me a lucky share and a bag of gold and silver. I bow to you, Devil, and I give my soul in return, and you give me a happy share. "). Cut off the hair from the back of the head, burn it, and mix the ashes with millet and earth. Scatter this mixture around the corner of the house and pour a little into your wallet.

Damage and evil eye

Sometimes you can hear the phrase from people: “It’s like I’ve been jinxed.” The fact is that damage and the evil eye have long entered our lives. It is quite possible that when a person is unlucky in everything, he has been damaged. Damage can be done for various reasons - envy, resentment or anger. It is also done for different areas of life - property, health, family and even death. The easiest way to cause damage is to bury a photograph of the victim in a cemetery. The victim will not die, she will be sick for a long time and painfully, everything will go downhill.

In case of damage, you must pay the demon with your blood - pierce your ring finger and drip blood onto the candle, saying that this is your sacrifice for the dark forces.

What a novice dark magician needs to remember

  1. Black magic does not help for free; a black magician must always pay for help.
  2. Dark forces do not accept throwing from side to side - if a sorcerer practices dark magic, he should never turn to white.
  3. A real dark magician must renounce the church; he can only enter it when purchasing items for rituals (candles, incense, icons).
  4. Entities and demons will test the newcomer's strength. The main thing is not to be afraid, otherwise you may not expect any help, but will only end up with a mental disorder.
  5. You should always think carefully before performing any ritual. Retribution always comes, sometimes it can affect the closest relatives.
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