
Brahmi letter. The meaning of the word brahmi in the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

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Zoroastrian horoscope. Magpie

Soroka – 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011

Totem: Magpie

Antitotem: Rook

Magpie gives people vitality, cunning, resourcefulness, liveliness, restlessness. She never stays away from what is happening, and is not only in the thick of things, but also influences what is happening. Magpie talks a lot, but also does a lot, managing to react to several situations at the same time.

Magpie is a skilled manipulator, behind her external frivolity and cheerfulness hides a clever, resourceful mind and a fair amount of cunning. No matter how much Magpie talks, her words always make sense; moreover, she keeps her promises, even when it is almost impossible. Magpie does not take anything seriously, so she is not inclined to worry for a long time about defeats. Having lost, she rushes into new events, where she will certainly win.

Magpie likes to pretend that everything in life comes easy to her, but in fact she does not neglect intrigues and tricks to achieve her goal. She knows how to take credit for other people's merits, but she will willingly share her own, however, only when it is beneficial to her. Soroka unravels the insidious plans of others with the same enthusiasm with which she builds her own, and she attaches great importance to the very process of the exciting game.

A lover of external effects, Magpie can pretend to be modest, but will try to arrange for her merits to be seen and appreciated. She does not attach much importance to the opinions of others, but uses their attention as another step towards the desired goal.

Born in the year of Magpie They easily unravel machinations and intrigues, instantly understand what is happening and independently combine situations. This person knows how to do several things at once. A born player. Although Magpies chatter incessantly, they cannot waste words.

Favorable sign: dexterity, mobility, communication skills, logical combinatorial thinking. A person can change their hair color several times in their life.

Totem: Magpie

The Year of Magpie is a time of fulfillment of desires. Many wishes and prayers are being fulfilled this year. However, one should not throw words and promises to the wind.

Antitotem: Rook is tongue-tied, prone to distorting information, loves gossip and intrigue. The antitotem manifests itself in a tendency to idle chatter and an absolute inability to keep other people's secrets, even for one's own benefit. Such a person acts slowly, does not waste time on thinking, but spends it in empty inactivity. He succeeds in little, he does not have time to react to current events and almost always misses his profit.

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Zoroastrian horoscope. Magpie


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Years of birth: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043

Color: Silver blue

Symbolism of the sign: Luck, good news (in Christianity - debauchery and ambition)

Ized (Patron): Maraspent - The Holy Word, possessing indestructible power

Year of the Magpie: will bring success and prosperity to those who were born during this period and in the year of the Deer.

Predicts a measured and harmonious life for such people. Particular luck is expected in love affairs. There is a chance to enter into a strong and long marriage.

In China, the Magpie bird is a symbol of earthly joy and good luck. If it chatters cheerfully, then you can expect good news and prepare to welcome guests. The magpie is the sacred bird of Manchus and belongs to the yang sign. It can be seen on greeting cards. In the religion of Christianity, this bird means vanity, immorality and devilish machinations.

A person born in the year of Magpie is distinguished by a restless and persistent character. This is a real fighter - energetic and courageous. If something is happening around him, he is always at the center of it. And not just as an observer, but also an active participant. Talkative, impetuous and capable of performing several tasks at once, personality.

A person with the Magpie totem knows how to manipulate people, and he does it easily and with a sweet smile. The personality is cheerful and agile, in which there is more cunning than sincerity. He doesn’t make meaningless speeches, because he mostly chats to the point. Surprisingly, he fulfills all his promises and vows on time. Although, he rarely takes anything too seriously. If he loses, he is eager to fight again. Nothing will stop her or disappoint her if she wants to win.

Magpie people love intrigue and gossip. The main thing is to achieve the goal, and the means will come to mind in the process of its skillful game. You can’t call her overly ambitious, but fame and recognition will captivate her. Such a person is not without selfish intentions and seeks his own benefit everywhere. He enjoys delving into other people's lives, enjoying new information.

It looks like “modesty itself,” but in fact it loves to produce an effect and shock others. If she is appreciated, she will not be in debt. A person with the Magpie totem is rarely interested in what people think about him. But she also doesn’t forget to give a “plus” to anyone who notices her merits. After all, they help her move forward.

Magpie Totem

A person in the year of Magpie often surprises others with his new and bright image. And this applies to both outfit and hair color. An active, sociable and logical person. They say about someone like this: “don’t put your tongue in his mouth.” Maybe he won’t bite, but he will answer in such a way that he will quickly put you in his place. Although, everything it promises, it delivers. Cunning helps such a person to unravel deceptions and intrigues. He often turns everything said from the outside to his advantage. He has the unique ability to do several things at once.

Antitotem Magpie

The antitotem of the Magpie is the Black Rook. Its manifestation is especially noticeable in confused speech. Such a person “swallows” words or burrs. Oddly enough, this does not bother him, and sometimes helps him extract the necessary information. Reacts too slowly to many situations.

How does the antitotem manifest itself?

A person with the Magpie antitotem can talk non-stop. Many share secrets with him, but one cannot hope that they will not become public. A slow and uninitiative person who can lie on the couch or talk on the phone for hours. Due to the fact that this person’s reaction to everything is slow, he misses many chances to succeed.

Choose another sign of the Zoroastrian horoscope:

1906, 1938, 1970,
2002, 2034

1917, 1949, 1981,
2013, 2045

1907, 1939, 1971,
2003, 2035

1918, 1950, 1982,
2014, 2046

1908, 1940, 1972,
2004, 2036

1919, 1951, 1983,
2015, 2047

1909, 1941, 1973,
2005, 2037

1920, 1952, 1984,
2016, 2048

1910, 1942, 1974,
2006, 2038

1921, 1953, 1985,
2017, 2049

1911, 1943, 1975,
2007, 2039

1922, 1954, 1986,
2018, 2050

1912, 1944, 1976,
2008, 2040

1923, 1955, 1987,
2019, 2051

1913, 1945, 1977,
2009, 2041

1924, 1956, 1988,
2020, 2052

1914, 1946, 1978,
2010, 2042

1925, 1957, 1989,
2021, 2053

1915, 1947, 1979,
2011, 2043

1926, 1958, 1990,
2022, 2054

Magpie gives people vital activity, liveliness and restlessness. She never stays away from what is happening, and is not only in the thick of things, but also influences what is happening. Magpie talks a lot, but does even more, managing to react to several situations at the same time.

Magpie is a skilled manipulator; behind her external frivolity and gaiety lies a clever, resourceful mind and a fair amount of cunning. No matter how much Magpie talks, her words always make sense; moreover, she keeps her promises, even when it is almost impossible. Magpie does not take anything seriously, so she is not inclined to worry for a long time about defeats; Having lost once, she rushes into a new battle, in which she will certainly win.

Magpie likes to pretend that everything in life is easy for her, but in reality she does not neglect intrigues and crafty tricks to achieve her goal. She knows how to take credit for other people's merits, but will willingly share her own - however, only when this is beneficial to her. Soroka unravels other people's insidious plans with the same enthusiasm with which he builds his own, and highest value it makes the process of the game exciting.

A lover of external effects, Magpie can pretend to be modest, but will try to arrange so that her merits are seen and appreciated. She does not attach much importance to the opinions of others, but uses their attention as another step towards her goal.


Agile and agile, with a logical way of thinking, periodically changing hair color - these are the Magpies. Fast, quick-spoken (however, you can’t throw words at them), a little crafty. Thanks to these qualities, Magpies are able to unravel the threads of intrigue, instantly understand what is happening and transform the situation in such a way that it suits them. People born at this time should be able to do several things at the same time, and since they are quite resourceful, they will succeed in this.


Black rook - manifests itself primarily in speech: it is tongue-tied and some defects, which, however, does not prevent them from spilling all the secrets entrusted to them. In addition, a delayed reaction to what is happening is possible.

Manifestation of Antitotem

The Magpie's antitotem manifests itself in a penchant for idle chatter and an absolute inability to keep other people's secrets, even for one's own benefit. Such a person acts slowly, but does not waste time thinking, but spends it in empty inactivity. He succeeds in little, he does not have time to react to current events and always misses his profit.

The year is favorable both for people whose totem it is, and for Deer. Life returns to normal at this time, and people who are associated with these signs need to pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex - a successful marriage is possible.

Unusual jewelry with natural stones made of 925 sterling silver with eudialyte. Medicinal and magical properties eudialyte.

Years of birth: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043.

A person born under the sign of Magpie is an active, lively and restless person. She is always at the center of important events, and the further course of what is happening depends on her. She manages to cope with several things at the same time and instantly reacts to the situation. She tends to be talkative, crafty, and fearless.

Magpie is a symbol of good luck and pleasure. The magpie chirps and brings good news that guests should be expected. For the Magpie person, signing important documents, traveling and communicating with people are always successful.

She is able to understand any difficult situation, separating the good and evil actions of people. What others perceive as Magpie’s deception is actually a way to restore justice.

Anyone who calls a magpie a thief does not even realize that she is returning what was stolen. This means he steals from those who are dishonest themselves.


With the manifestation of the Magpie totem, her dexterous and agile image is noticeable to others. She also has logical combinatorial thinking. Forty women tend to change their hair color frequently.

For Magpie, everything goes well in life if she doesn’t waste words and remains quick and quick with her tongue. She tends to be cunning, but she is well versed in intrigues and intrigues. Settles circumstances very quickly.

The magpie is resourceful, so it can do several things at once. A lot of things come true and come true for her.


The antitotem is manifested in the slowness of the Magpie. She has a inhibited reaction to the current reality, slurred speech. Magpie becomes very talkative; you cannot trust her with your secrets and secrets.

Because of the antitotem, the magpie is unable to keep his mouth shut, so someone's secrets become known to the public, and then people discuss them with pleasure.

Brahmi is one of the oldest varieties of Indian syllabaries; written from left to right.

Distribution - South Asia
Time - 6th century. BC - 4th century AD

Although Brahmi is the ancestor of almost all aboriginal scripts of the South and Southeast Asia(except for those based on Chinese characters or the Latin alphabet), this writing was forgotten already in the Middle Ages. Brahmi was deciphered at the end of the 18th century. through the efforts of several linguists, among whom the most important role was played by the Indian numismatist James Prinsep.
The most famous monuments: a copper plate from Sokhgaura, Gorakhpur district (IV century BC), edicts of Emperor Ashoka (III century BC). As a result of recent archaeological research, examples of the southern version of the Brahmi alphabet have been found on ceramics from South India and Sri Lanka (6th century BC)
Based on Brahmi, three branches of Indian writing developed: northern, southern and southeastern.
Northern branch:
-nagari, its later form is Devanagari (most commonly used in North India for Hindi, Marathi and other languages)
-Newari (repressed Devanagari)
Gurmukhi etc.
Southern branch:
-grantha, represented by the four modern alphabets literary languages South Indian (Kannada, Telugu, Malayali and Tamil).
-Southeastern branch (writings developed outside India, mainly based on the ancient Pali script):
-old scripts of Indochina and Indonesia.

There are numerous hypotheses about the origin of the Brahmi script. It is generally accepted among Indian scholars that the Brahmi script is of Indian origin. Some scientists refer to monuments of proto-Indian writing (III-II millennium BC), discovered during excavations of the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (according to one hypothesis, the writing of the Indus Valley is, like Brahmi, an alphabetic syllabary ). Among writing historians outside India, the prevailing view is that Brahmi was derived from the Aramaic alphabet, which is confirmed by external similarities large quantity signs.
The exact time of Brahmi's origin is unknown; the most likely date is the 8th or 7th century. BC e.



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