
What should be a proper diet by the hour? Eat right: at what time, what foods At what time, what is the table


According to general opinion, a healthy diet is something that does not contain fat at all, is low-calorie and tasteless food. In reality, everything is somewhat different, and even healthy food can turn out to be very tasty. How to create a schedule and regimen, what are the principles of a balanced diet?

Healthy eating rules

Organizing a proper diet is very important. Scientists have proven that adults who use high-quality products for cooking live longer and get sick much less often than others. If you are seriously concerned about your health or the diet of your loved ones, then first learn the basic rules of nutrition:

  • Be sure to include protein in every meal. However, this does not mean that you should eat exclusively meat and fish all day. Dairy products, legumes or eggs are also a great source of protein.
  • Create a routine and proper daily routine. Try to eat strictly at certain hours and do not skip lunch or dinner.
  • Try to eat as little fat as possible. If you cook food in oil, then use products that contain no more than 10% fat. This rule does not apply to the so-called healthy fats, which are found in avocados, nuts, and seafood.
  • Eat whole grain cereals. They will have to be boiled a little longer more thoroughly, but they contain more vitamins.
  • Drink mineral water. You don’t need to do any special calculations, just replace your regular drinks throughout the day with a glass of drinking water.

List of foods for proper nutrition

In addition to following the basic rules of nutrition and regimen, you will have to learn about the correct ratio of products, and also learn how to combine them. Conventionally, all food is divided into three types. This:

  • protein;
  • neutral;
  • starch.

Each category is absorbed by the body differently: some foods require more energy to process, while others pass almost immediately from the stomach into the intestines. In order not to put unnecessary stress on the body, the exact compatibility of products for proper nutrition is very important. The following table will help you combine ingredients. At one meal you need to eat foods from the first and second columns or from the second and third columns:

Protein food

Neutral food

Starchy food

Nuts and seeds


Cream and butter

Vegetable oils


Vegetables and mushrooms (carrots, beets, celery, legumes, cabbage, etc.)

Fermented milk products

Sour fruits (oranges, lemons, strawberries, cherries, apples, others)

Sweet fruits (bananas, pears, Jerusalem artichokes, raisins)

Sauces and dressings for dishes based on vegetable oils, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, mayonnaise

Tomato juice

Salad dressings: sour cream, cream.

How to cook food correctly

To preserve all the beneficial substances in vegetables, it is better to fry or stew them at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Steaming, baking or frying at 100 degrees will help not to lose the nutritional value of meat, poultry and fish. At the same time, the process of baking a kilogram of beef tenderloin itself is long - from 60 minutes to two hours. Marinades help reduce this time. High-temperature cooking of foods is unacceptable with proper nutrition, and fried foods can be eaten extremely rarely.

Proper nutrition regimen

Even an adult on a diet should follow a reasonable diet:

  1. Ideally, food should enter the body once every four hours, but if this does not happen, digestive disorders begin, ultimately leading to more serious problems.
  2. The correct eating regimen is five times a day: three main meals and snacks.
  3. The diet must contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.
  4. Every day you need to drink water in the amount of 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

Diet for weight loss

The basic rule for those who want to reset overweight– the diet must be balanced. The total calorie content of meals per day for those losing weight is 1700 kilocalories. It is advisable to eat three times a day:

  • Eat within half an hour when you wake up. At breakfast, the body should receive approximately 25% of the daily kcal value, so the food should be dense: porridge, muesli, cheese, eggs, dairy products and fiber.
  • At lunch, calories should be 50%. The plate should be filled a quarter with protein foods (meat or fish), the same amount with a side dish of carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat or potatoes), and half with fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • For dinner, target 25% of your calories. A good option is seafood with vegetables, cottage cheese, and lean fish dishes. Don't eat carbohydrates at night: while you sleep, they will turn into fat.
  • A proper diet for weight loss cannot do without snacks. The first time you can eat a light snack 2 hours after breakfast, the second time after lunch. Any snack should be within 100 kcal.

Meal times with proper nutrition

After you have mastered all the rules and purchased the necessary products, you will need to draw up a schedule where to write proper nutrition by hour:

  1. Remember that healthy carbohydrates will enter the intestines after 4-6 hours. Therefore, it is better to eat dishes such as cereals, pasta and bread for breakfast so as not to feel hungry longer. Be sure to make your own proper breakfast tastier, add fruits, berries, honey to regular porridges.
  2. It is advisable to have lunch around 12 o'clock, and the diet should include all types of foods: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In the middle of the day, be sure to eat the first course and a small lean side dish. Avoid meals instant cooking from bags, crackers, chips and fast food.
  3. It is better to have dinner around 5-6 pm with protein foods. It will be digested in the stomach in just 2-3 hours, so it will not disturb your sleep. Prepare lean fish or meat, eat a piece of chicken or a cup of cottage cheese.

Intervals between meals

Snacking is an important part of the regime and healthy eating. A light lunch will feed you at the stage of slightly noticeable hunger, and at lunch or dinner you will not exceed the norm. For good health, the interval between meals should be 2-3 hours, and when a person takes long breaks from eating, his blood sugar level drops and his health worsens. To prevent this from happening, nutritionists advise having snacks. There are several options for nutrition that are healthy for the body:

  • eat one or two fruits or a glass of berries in the morning;
  • After lunch, you can have a snack with a plate of salad or a glass of smoothie;
  • a quarter glass of seeds or 20 grams of nuts will satisfy hunger in the interval between breakfast-lunch or lunch-dinner;
  • Half a pack of cottage cheese, a glass of milk or kefir will be an excellent afternoon snack or after-dinner snack.

Healthy nutrition schedule for every day

Even if you stick to four meals a day, it is worth resorting to rational distribution of calories. If you schedule your meals correctly, your stomach will not be overloaded, and your body will gradually get used to this routine. Violating the regime is strictly prohibited even when losing weight. Even if you don’t have time to have lunch, you shouldn’t eat a double portion for dinner: it’s better to have a hearty breakfast.

A rough daily routine should look something like this:

  • 8.00 – 9.00 – breakfast. You need to try to eat more carbohydrates and less protein foods.
  • 12.00-14.00 – lunch. Here, on the contrary, you should protect yourself from carbohydrates and pay attention to nutritious dishes: cream soups, vegetable broths, stewed meat, poultry.
  • 16.00 -17.00 – afternoon tea. Avoid fatty foods, flour or sweet confectionery.
  • 19.00 – dinner. Lean fish would be appropriate on the menu, stewed vegetables, fermented milk products.

Sample healthy nutrition menu

If you follow the right diet and a clear schedule, you can get your body into excellent physical shape in a few weeks. It is important not only to eat healthy food, but also to exercise and be sure to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Beginners can create a proper nutrition menu for the day, and the next day they can make minor adjustments to it. A rough plan should look like this:

  • In the morning, organize hearty breakfast. Eat milk porridge, muesli with yogurt, a piece of tofu with an egg, or some lean fish.
  • After two hours, have a snack at work: drink a glass of milk or make a smoothie.
  • At noon, treat yourself to seafood soup, a piece of beef and rice.
  • For lunch, dried fruits, nuts, a bun.
  • In the evening, give preference to chicken with vegetable salad, you can drink a glass of red wine.

Overweight people often eat only 2 times a day, and sincerely do not understand why the weight does not move. Some even gain weight with this lifestyle, especially if the second and last meal occurs in the evening. Let's look at what the error is.

Why is eating rarely harmful?

The secret lies in the fact that the habit of eating infrequently, but a lot, causes you to gain more calories than you would gain from several more frequent snacks, when you manage to maintain a constant feeling of fullness in the body.

It is known that the feeling of hunger directly depends on the level of sugar in the blood. If you eat rarely, your blood sugar drops, you feel unwell, lose strength, and as soon as the opportunity arises, you pounce on food to satisfy your hunger, and besides, you eat quite quickly. Since the feeling of fullness appears only 15-20 minutes after starting a meal, you eat much more than you should because you swallow pieces.

Those who are losing weight should try to maintain blood sugar at the same level throughout the day, and avoid severe hunger when sucking in the pit of their stomach. The metabolic rate slows down within 4-6 hours after eating. That is why when losing weight it is important to eat often and in small portions, at least 4-6 times a day. It would also be good to count calories when losing weight so as not to overeat. You need to chew your food thoroughly, trying to eat slowly, this is important so that as little food as possible fits into you before you feel full.

What is better: 3 or 7 meals?

What diet fits your lifestyle? Do you eat rarely and thoroughly, or a little but often?

If you are trying to lose weight and are familiar with famous diets, then you probably know that many of them are designed for three meals a day. American nutritionists conducted an experiment: they offered those who want to lose weight a seven-meal plan. At the same time, the portions were made very small. This method is used to feed wild animals, which, by the way, do not suffer from excess weight at all.

Of course, eating all day and losing weight is every girl’s dream. But how effective is it really? Below we invite you to compare the pros and cons of 2 nutrition models: eating 7 times a day and eating 3 times a day.

Meals five to seven times a day

Of course, eating little and often is good. This way you maintain your blood sugar levels and avoid overeating from hunger.


  • With such frequent meals, performance increases. Your body is constantly fueled with energy through 5-7 meals a day. The result of this is vigor, activity and high performance;
  • With seven meals a day, hunger pangs do not torment you. Such regular eating throughout the day with a small time interval helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. As a result, you don’t feel hungry and you won’t be able to eat much at one time. This principle helps you lose weight if you eat apples as a snack. This way you can develop indifference to sweets in your body;
  • metabolism improves. This happens because the digestive organs are constantly working. As a result, many more calories are burned.


  • time frame. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain such a diet; not every person manages to eat every two hours;
  • fats are burned more slowly. Due to the fact that the level of insulin in the blood is constantly increased, the process of burning fat in cells becomes slower or almost stops altogether;
  • You can overeat if your stomach is stretched.

Meals three to four times a day

You do not fast for more than 3-4 hours, food comes evenly, there is no overeating. These are the pros, but what about the cons?


  • fats are burned quickly. Insulin is not produced at the moment when food is digested. The lack of insulin in the blood leads to the fact that fat is not deposited, the body begins to burn previously accumulated fat deposits;
  • good food control. With three meals a day, it’s easy to control the number of calories eaten per day;
  • hunger “by the hour.” The body gets used to a certain schedule, which is why hunger occurs every day at the same specific time.


  • If you don’t eat for about 4 hours, you suffer from hunger pangs. You may sometimes want to eat before the allotted time. This is due to the fact that when food is digested, large number insulin, so its level in the blood drops;
  • Nutrients are less absorbed. When the body receives many nutrients and beneficial substances from food at once, it often cannot use them in the best possible way.

Let's sum it up

A three- or four-course meal plan is suitable for those who are unable to control the volume of portions eaten at one time and cannot eat every 2 hours. The five- to seven-meal meal plan can be safely recommended to people who have an active lifestyle and play sports. For those who want to eat constantly, you can also try to lose weight this way.

With any eating pattern, it is important to remember that your diet should be balanced. It is necessary to eat often without overeating. Eat vegetables frequently vegetable oils in moderation, protein and slow carbohydrates, drink at least 2 liters of water per day and do not fast for more than 3 hours in a row so that your blood sugar does not rise too much, causing the desire to eat fast carbohydrates. To lose weight, it is much more important not to exceed your calorie intake, and it’s up to you to eat 4 or 7 times a day!

In this article, I will tell you how to properly consume foods during the day for weight loss/healthy lifestyle.

And so, the use of products, whether for weight gain, for weight loss, or for a healthy lifestyle, has a general principle:

Proper healthy nutrition implies FRACTIONAL FOOD.

Fractional nutrition involves eating food very often (ideally every 2 hours), but little by little (in fractional portions) within the number of calories you need!

Ideally, you need to arrange it so that meals are taken at the same time every day, for example: 8.00, then 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.—. see? Every 2 hours.

Fractional nutrition will allow you to maintain a stable and high level of metabolism in your body, which means more calories will be spent during the day (more energy will be spent, i.e. fat burning will accelerate), if you build muscle, then acceleration metabolism accelerates muscle growth and all due to the fact that fractional nutrition boosts your metabolism (your metabolism), i.e. all processes and synthesis in your body go much faster. Do you understand?

To implement “DP”, you need to purchase containers for food (and carry food in them, with you, everywhere):

Although, many, now, probably, are almost going crazy... they will say: wow, what is it that you need to eat every two hours, they say, why the hell do you need it, am I a cow or something, etc. p.

However, I’m not kidding, you will need to accustom yourself to eating fractionally within the number of calories you need, otherwise your metabolism will be slowed down, and fat burning will occur very, very slowly, until it stops completely or not at all. The choice is yours.

The rule is simple: the more often you eat, the faster your metabolism; accordingly, in this situation, more energy is spent, and this helps speed up the burning of excess fat. The same applies to gaining mass (muscle), only in this case, it is not fat loss that is accelerated, but muscle growth.

Moreover, split meals (frequent meals) are the best method of controlling appetite. Knowing that you will eat every 2-3 hours, you will never have the desire to eat “from the belly”, thereby eliminating “overeating”. But most people eat 1-2-3 times a day and most often when they feel hungry. And hunger manifests itself due to a long break between meals. As a result, when a person is very hungry, he eats and eats, that is, he cannot stop, he wants and wants everything (in the end, he eats until, figuratively speaking, his belly bursts).

This category of people does not even need to be explained that the feeling of fullness does not occur immediately after eating, but only after some time (guideline, 20 minutes after a meal). They also don’t need to explain that they need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, because this is correct, this way the body is satiated much faster, and a person will not be able to “overeat,” but people... grab it quickly, swallow in pieces...

In general, forget about the past 2-3 meals a day, join the new realities, fractional meals are what is good for your health, your figure and other things. Fractional nutrition is the key to your future success. Also learn to absorb food correctly (slowly, leisurely, chewing food thoroughly).

How to properly distribute food throughout the day?

The second important component of our article, which I could not help but tell you about.

At the stage of losing weight (burning fat), I strongly recommend focusing on COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES in the first half of the day (before 15.00) - after 15.00, emphasis on PROTEIN FOODS!

This is done on purpose, for the reason that during the day, people are usually ACTIVE! Accordingly, this requires energy (complex carbohydrates), and it will be “wasted” due to activity, and in the evening, after work, study, etc. - PASSIVE (what is the use of energy? sitting at the computer? lying on the sofa? in general, obviously, there is no need, because if energy comes in, and you are passive, it will not be “wasted”, resulting in the accumulation of excess fat, therefore emphasis is placed on protein foods).

At the stage of weight gain, this rule may not apply (depending on the situation).

Ectomorph (left) / Mesomorph (middle) / Endomorph (right)

It is very important to understand what foods to eat at what time. Let's start, for example, with breakfast- the main meal for our body. If we get up early, but eat the wrong thing, we will instantly feel lethargic and drowsy. And if we don’t need to go to work, we’ll soon go back to sleep.

What rules exist for breakfast? Let's see.

You should not eat grains and legumes for breakfast. Bread, buns, sandwiches, and cereals are canceled (with the exception of buckwheat). And remember that we are talking about breakfast, which occurs around 6 to 8 am.

It's good to eat fruit for breakfast. If the time of year allows, use fresh ones, they will give that cooling effect desired in the summer. In winter, you can give preference to dried fruits for breakfast.

Dairy products are welcome. For example, yoghurts, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.

In the morning, women can and should eat sweets. In any volume and in almost any form. It could be some kind of sweets, chocolates. Don't deprive yourself of sweets! If you go on a diet and give up sweets completely, then your hormonal system will be very lacking in feminine energy, you will look like a grumpy chainsaw. Do this for your loved ones - eat sweets in the morning! Then you will be kind and affectionate with them. Don’t worry: anything eaten before noon according to solar time will not affect your figure.


Fruit salad is also a good breakfast. Even better - with yogurt. Depending on the time of year, eat different fruits, berries, and nuts. This salad is quick to prepare and perfect for the morning. Another important rule for girls. You need to eat more often, but in small portions. And be sure to try different flavors. This streamlines the feminine nature of experiences and pacifies.

Dinner It is best to arrange it around noon solar time. The main thing is no later than two o'clock in the afternoon. Lunch is the most thorough and satisfying meal of the day, during which you generally don’t have to limit yourself to the serving size. It is recommended to eat legumes and high-calorie foods. The main rule is not to overeat. After eating, you need a feeling of fullness, not heaviness.

Dinner must take place no later than 8 p.m. Between lunch and dinner there can be light snacks (fruits, nuts). It is not recommended to eat pulses. They are digested only at lunch under the energy of the sun. If you eat a bun at night, it will be digested not today, but tomorrow, as a result of which you will get up with a feeling of heaviness. It is best to eat vegetables in the evening, preferably steamed or stewed, as they are easily digested at night. True, you shouldn’t go heavy on potatoes and tomatoes: potatoes are quite heavy, and tomatoes are closer in properties to berries than to vegetables. It is also good to drink warmed milk with spices at night, such as green cardamom, which has a good effect on sleep.

The desire to lose weight is familiar to many girls and a variety of techniques can be used for this purpose. To bring your weight back to normal without regaining what you lost, you need to know what you can eat when you’re losing weight and minimize the consumption of unhealthy foods.

Authorized Products

To lose extra pounds, you need to know what to eat when losing weight. Below are products that will not only help in this difficult task, but will also bring great benefits to the whole body:

  1. Eggs. They can be eaten while following almost any diet, saturating the body with the necessary amount of protein, which is directly involved in the process of building cells. However, the yolk contains a lot of fat, so it is recommended to eat no more than one egg per day.
  2. Apples. These fruits contain a lot of iron, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Apples help normalize the functioning of the intestines and activate metabolism. These fruits can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities when losing weight.
  3. Corn, legumes. They contain a large amount of fiber, protein, and vitamins. You can eat them in the evening and not be afraid of gaining weight, since these products are an excellent alternative to poultry and meat, and therefore are added to a variety of diets.
  4. Tomatoes. They contain a minimum number of calories, but provide very quick saturation. Just one tomato contains daily norm carotene and ¼ of the required amount of vitamin C.
  5. Cabbage. You can eat this product in the evening and not be afraid of gaining weight. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, as well as coarse dietary fiber, thanks to which it helps to quickly cleanse the intestines and easily lose weight. You can eat all types of cabbage when losing weight.
  6. Sweet pepper. This is one of the healthiest low-calorie foods that provides the body with the required amount of carotene and vitamin C. The body spends a lot of energy digesting pepper, so it must be consumed in any diet.
  7. Grapefruit. Many girls are interested in the question, is it possible to eat fruit in the evening? Of course yes, but low-calorie. It is better if there is grapefruit among the fruits for the evening. It has a bitter taste that works real miracles. It contains a large amount of fiber, stimulates the production of bile, and accelerates the process of breaking down fat deposits.
  8. Carrot. This vegetable is a record holder for the content of fiber, carotene, minerals and vitamins. Two carrots a day provide the body with the daily requirement of vitamins.

If you compose your daily diet by combining the above products, you can reduce weight in a relatively short period of time and fill the body with valuable substances necessary for its full functioning. When preparing a diet, you need to follow the principles of healthy eating, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Sweets and flour products for weight loss

When losing weight, you really crave sweets, but eating desserts will not help you lose weight. Almost nothing from sweets and starchy foods is allowed; instead, it is useful to eat natural foods with minimal energy value - for example, dried fruits that have a pleasant sweet taste, but are compatible with almost any diet.

If you are losing weight, you should replace dessert with dried apricots, figs, prunes, and dates. These dried fruits are not only very tasty, but also healthy for the body. This also includes nuts, but it is best to opt for walnuts and hazelnuts.

Baking and baked goods are allowed in small quantities, but only low-calorie ones - crackers, grain cookies, pumpkin or cottage cheese casserole. If you plan to lose weight after childbirth, it is useful to add to your diet products for the production of which not simple wheat flour was used, but oatmeal, buckwheat, whole grain wheat and bran. Sugar should be replaced with natural honey, and bananas should be taken instead of eggs. It turns out not only very tasty, but also healthy.

The question often arises: is it possible to eat marshmallows while losing weight or will the diet be ruined? Despite the fact that marshmallows are classified as sweets, they are allowed, but only in small quantities - no more than 2 pieces per day.

If you find it hard to resist and really want something sweet, you are allowed to eat a little dark chocolate (the maximum portion per day is 50 g). As soon as the body gets used to a low-calorie diet, the craving for cakes and buns will noticeably weaken, and soon disappear altogether.

The following list of useful and dietary products:

  • any vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • dietary meat;
  • fish (only low-fat varieties);
  • dried fruits;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • eggs;
  • fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • paste;
  • marshmallows;
  • marmalade;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • cinnamon;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • mushrooms;
  • green tea;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • grapefruit;
  • sweet pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • ginger;
  • pineapple;
  • raspberry.

The question is quite common: when can you eat cottage cheese and kefir? Of course, before going to bed, it is recommended to add any berries. The same applies to an invigorating drink, loved by many - is it possible to drink coffee while losing weight? Yes, but preferably without added sugar. It’s even better to replace it at least temporarily with chicory.

What can you eat for dinner while losing weight?

It is important to remember that after a light and dietary dinner you will not be hungry. If you know what you can eat and what you can’t eat when losing weight, the process of fighting excess weight will not cause any difficulties. The meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Having studied in detail what not to eat and whether it is possible to drink coffee in the evening, each girl can easily create her own diet.

Check out the examples low-calorie dishes:

  • baked beef with spices and a small amount stewed cabbage;
  • boiled chicken, served as a side salad with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • chicken breast combined with cauliflower or broccoli;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cabbage soup with mushrooms;
  • salad with cucumbers, beef, tomatoes, lettuce;
  • chicken roll, it is recommended to serve fresh Chinese cabbage as a side dish;
  • vegetable stew with stewed low-calorie fish;
  • boiled beef with grilled vegetables.

Is it possible to eat at night?

To lose weight quickly, you need to know what you can eat when you're losing weight for dinner. The meal before bed should be low-calorie; the ideal option would be cottage cheese seasoned with dietary natural yogurt, a little milk and low-fat cheeses. It is worth diversifying your diet with salad from fresh vegetables and fish, black bread is allowed, but in limited quantities.

Watch the video, which talks about the principles of proper nutrition and several main dietary products, which, if consumed regularly, can quickly lose weight and carry out an effective healing course for the whole body.

To quickly lose weight and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins, you need not only to add healthy and low-calorie foods to your diet, but also not to forget about regular physical activity. Proper nutrition combined with exercise gives amazing results in a very short time.

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