
We sculpt insects in the middle group. Summary of direct educational activities on modeling using salt dough with children of the middle group. "Butterfly. Caterpillars made of plasticine - modeling from plasticine with children from three years old


teacher of MBDOU No. 110


Vetrova Svetlana Ravilovna

Summary of a modeling lesson in middle group: "Dragonfly"


Clarify children's knowledge about insects, their characteristic features, adaptability to living conditions; teach to express their movements with facial expressions, gestures and plasticity, to call them with one general word: “insects”

Development of visual attention, logical thinking, memory, related speech.

Continue to consolidate the sculpting technique: sculpt with straight, circular movements of the palms, flatten, and connect the parts tightly, pressing them to each other, convey the features appearance dragonflies

Foster a caring attitude towards insects and a love of nature.

Strengthen the ability to help game characters, empathize with them, bring what they started to the end and beat the work done.


Pictures of insects, riddles.

Puppet toy “Chicken - Timi”


Modeling boards

Preliminary work:

Didactic game: “What do insects do”

"Where the insect sits"

"The Fourth Wheel"

"Guess whose house it is"

“What the artist forgot to draw”

Outdoor game: “Grasshopper”

"Catch a mosquito."

Examination of illustrations and conversation: “What benefits do insects bring?”

Guessing riddles

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: A small clearing with riddles. Guys, now we’re going for a little walk. You agree.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Oh, guys, listen carefully (riddles):

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off.

He took off and flew away. (butterfly)

small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Her name is….(dragonfly)

She eats aphids from the branches

And he helps us in the garden

Sitting deftly on the sheets

This is God's... (bug)

Educator: Guys, how can you call a butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug.

Children: these are insects.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what body parts insects have?

Children: Abdomen, head, eyes, antennae

Educator: Well done, you named everything correctly.

Oh, guys, are you listening? Someone is coming to visit us.

(Chicken Tim (puppet doll) appears: Oh, oh, oh. How hungry I am. I really want to eat, but I have nothing to eat. Help me friends. Feed me. OH, oh, Oh, how hungry I am. This is what happened to I'm in trouble.)

Educator: Hello cute little chick. What is your name.

Chicken Tim: my name is Tim.

Educator: Why were you singing a sad song? What happened to you?

Chicken Tim: I didn't sing, I cried. Because I really want to eat. (crying)

Educator: Tim, calm down and tell me what you like to eat most.

Chicken Tim: I love the big dragonfly.

Educator: Guys, let's help our guest.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Dear Tim, get some rest. Oh, the guys and I will cook something for you.

While our chicken Tim has a rest, we will make a dragonfly. (Showing the sequence of sculpting a dragonfly)

Children sculpt a dragonfly with its characteristic features, using appropriate sculpting techniques.

Physical education lesson “Dragonfly”

Here is a dragonfly flying (children imitate the flight of a dragonfly)

Like pea eyes (depict big eyes dragonflies)

And she’s like a helicopter (rotation)

Left, right, back, forward (tilts).

The children, having rested, continue their work. They try to complete everything to the end.

Educator: Well done guys.

What did you make?

For whom?

Who is this dragonfly?

The children took their dragonflies and flew. Acting out your work. At this time, Tim the chicken wakes up. Tim woke up and was surprised: how many dragonflies were flying. They are so different, beautiful and very tasty.

Chicken Tim: Oh, I'm full. Thank you guys very much. I’ll go and tell everyone how kind and attentive you are. Thank youoooo. Goodbye.

GCD purpose:. Continue to instill in children an interest in modeling.


Educational: – learn to create an image of an insect from individual parts, using skills in working with plasticine – breaking off small pieces, rolling, flattening.

Developmental: – develop vocabulary, fine motor skills hands, coordinate hand movements, creative imagination.

Educational: - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.

Material: plasticine (yellow, black, white); hand wipe; modeling board (for each child)

Demo material: artificial flower with a specimen bee.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational point:

Educator: The warm season of the year, Spring, has arrived. In warm spring weather, everyone comes to life and awakens from hibernation. The first butterflies and beetles appeared on our site, ants climbed out of their anthills, and grasshoppers began to chirp. And who can tell me what to call them all in one word? (Insects). I would like to introduce you to one very useful insect! And try to guess which one.

I wake up early in the morning,

I'm going to work -

I'm happy with the whole warm summer day

It’s not too lazy to carry honey home!


Educator: That's right, it's a bee...

And now, to learn more about bees We'll watch the presentation.

After watching, talk with the children about the insect bee.

As soon as the first sun warms up and the first flowers appear, the bee is already busy with work: collecting fragrant and sweet nectar, building a hive, pollinating plants.

Bees, the most beneficial insects for us of all the insects on the globe. All waste products of bees (and there are many of them: honey, propolis, beeswax, beebread, royal and drone jelly, pollen and bee venom) are used by humans. great benefit for yourself. Not only is honey sweet and tasty, it is also very good for health, and other beekeeping products are real medicine! To prepare just 100 grams of honey, she must fly 46 thousand kilometers. This is the same as flying around the globe along the equator.

Bees help not only people, but also plants. On their paws they carry pollen from one flower to another, pollinating them. Due to this, plants and trees produce fruits and seeds.

And now we will play a little. Our game is called "Bears and bees » .

Children are divided into two unequal groups. About one third of children "bears", the rest

« bees » . One way groups"forest", in the opposite "meadow". « Bees » must be in "forest". At the teacher's signal « bees » They fly to the meadow and buzz. As soon as everything « bees » will fly away "bears" go to the forest for honey. At the teacher's signal "Bears!", « bees » they fly and sting those who do not have time to escape "bears", the game is repeated 2-3 times.

Name: Abstract of GCD artistic creativity. modeling in the middle group. "Caterpillar"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, visual activities, Secondary group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU kindergarten 242 “Svetlitsa”
Location: Barnaul, Altai Territory

Abstract of GCD artistic creativity. modeling in the middle group.

  1. To acquaint preschoolers in more detail with the class of insects, in particular with the caterpillar, their vital functions and nutrition.
  2. Use the acquired knowledge for productive activities in modeling classes
  3. Introduce children to plasticineography, methods of drawing with plasticine,
  4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, hand coordination during the modeling process in the classroom, find ways to depict objects on cardboard.
  5. Cultivate perseverance, attentiveness, and accuracy when working with this material.
  6. Create conditions for the creativity of preschool children and the development of imagination.

Equipment: boards for modeling, stacks, sets of plasticine, a sheet of ½ A4 cardboard with a drawn sketch of a caterpillar, napkins for hands, pictures of caterpillars and butterflies.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, please guess who we are talking about. “I wanted to pick a flower, it took off and flew away!”

Children: butterfly.

Educator: Describe her, what she is like.

Children: light, beautiful.

Educator: but the butterfly does not immediately become like this. Before learning to fly, a butterfly crawls on leaves, eats a lot and is called a caterpillar. A caterpillar is a butterfly larva that hatches from an egg. Almost all caterpillars eventually turn into a pupa, and after some time a butterfly emerges from the pupa. Caterpillars are plant pests. They destroy green leaves and spoil fruits in the garden, and moth pupa, for example, spoil things in our closets.

Today we will draw a caterpillar. But for drawing we need not paints, but plasticine. Drawing with plasticine is called plasticineography.

First, we will prepare our fingers for work and do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics"Caterpillar"

Also interesting work in artistic creativity, modeling in kindergarten:

Caterpillar, caterpillar, The palm of one hand “crawls” like a caterpillar, folding and unbending,

Butterfly's daughter"crawls" back toward the shoulder along the outside of the arm

It crawls along the blades of grass, We do the same, changing hands: “from root to top »

Eats leaves: And back on the other side.

Am! Am! Am! Ate We stop, our folded palms relax...

I wanted to sleep. one clenches into a fist, the other covers it - holds the fist like apple .

Woke up Gradually straighten your palms...

Turned into a butterfly! We cross our arms at the wrists, our palms are now butterfly wings.

It flew, it flew, it flew! We flap our wings.

Educator: on the table in front of you are sheets of cardboard with drawn caterpillars. We need to color them with plasticine. We will divide the plasticine block into pieces with a stack and carefully spread the plasticine in a “circle” shape on the surface of the cardboard in a thin layer. This will give us the body of an insect. Try not to go beyond the edges of the drawing. After the caterpillar's body is ready, we begin painting the head. We make eyes and a mouth from pieces of plasticine. Our caterpillar is completely harmless, and therefore it will smile at us from the picture. We will make the horns on the head and legs of the caterpillar from plasticine flagella to make a three-dimensional craft.

Lesson summary : Guys, what did we do in class today? What is drawing with plasticine called? What new things have you learned about caterpillars? Look what beautiful caterpillars we have made. You can come up with a name for your caterpillar.

Summary of joint activities of adults and children
in visual arts.
Topic: “Summer. Insects. Bee".
Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development; cognitive development; speech development.
Types of visual activities: modeling.
Preliminary work:
– handout: plasticine (yellow, black, white); hand wipe; modeling board.
– demonstration: artificial flower with a ready-made “Bee” craft, illustrations of bees.
Program content:
1. Educational. Learn to create an image of an insect from individual parts, using skills in working with plasticine - breaking off small pieces, rolling, flattening.
2. Developmental. Develop fine motor skills, coordinate hand movements, creative imagination.
3. Educational. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.
Progress of the lesson.
Stage I. Introductory part.
Educator. Guys, guess the riddle:
Hard-working housewife
Flying over the lawn
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.
(Children's answers).
Educator. That's right, it's a bee. What words of the riddle helped you solve it?
(Children's answers).
The teacher shows a flower with a bee and reads a poem:
A bee sits on a flower
How small is she?
Our bee in her proboscis
Gathers sweet juice
And the flower sways
She doesn't like it!
Educator. Guys, let's imagine that we are funny bees.
Physical education lesson “Bee - bee”.
Bee - bee (we wave our hands like wings),
Small head (put hands on head)
She sat on a flower (without removing her hands from her head, twirl it)
Turn the head (from side to side),
Fell into the grass (drop your hands on your knees)
Fell into a hole (remove your hands from your knees and drop them into the “hole”).
The bees worked hard and returned to the hive quickly. (children sit at tables).
Educator. Guys, what does a bee collect in its proboscis? (Sweet juice).
Sweet juice is nectar. On flowers, bees collect nectar and pollen with their proboscis, which settles on their legs and furry body. Bees make honey from nectar, and feed their babies with pollen mixed with a drop of honey.
Educator. Let's look at the bee. What head? (Round, with eyes and proboscis). What belly? (Oval, yellow with black stripes and four wings) Which is larger and which is smaller? (The head is smaller, the abdomen is larger).
Bees live in large families in houses called hives. Let's make friends for our bee so that she won't be lonely and will have someone to collect nectar with and play in the flower meadow. But before work, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics “Hardworking Bee”.
The bee works all day (draw a circle in front of you with your hands)
And she is not too lazy to work (shaking her index fingers as a sign of denial).
Flies from flower to flower (rhythmic waves of arms),
Glues pollen to the abdomen (circular movements of the palm over the abdomen).
The proboscis sucks nectar (stretch your hand forward, then down, bend over),
He will collect a lot in a day (open all your fingers in front of you).
It will carry the nectar to the hive (depict flight)
And he will come back like a bullet (he will sharply throw his hand with his index finger extended forward).
The honey is compacted in the honeycombs (foot stamping),
Winter will come soon (shudder).
The bees will have something to eat (imitation of moving a spoon).
You should try it in the summer (imitation of putting honey in a honeycomb).
Stage II. Main part.
Educator. Now let's get down to the important task: blinding our bees. We need to roll two sausages from equal pieces of black and yellow plasticine. Divide these sausages first in half, then the halves in half again (i.e. into four parts). Roll them into four yellow and black balls. Flatten two yellow and three black balls into a thick cake. Assemble the body, alternating flatbreads. The remaining two yellow balls: the head and the back of the body, attach them. Make insect legs from the last black ball (pinching off pieces and rolling small columns). Make small teardrop-shaped wings from white plasticine and attach them to the back of the insect. Decorate the muzzle with a proboscis and eyes. The bees are ready.
Stage III. The final part.
Educator. Guys, you are great. Look how wonderful the bees turned out! A real swarm of bees!
Share acquired knowledge with children. Invite the children to see who made which bees. Create an exhibition together with the children.

Open integrated modeling lesson “Swallowtail Butterfly”

(In defense of insects from the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra)

Target: Training in non-traditional methodssculpting.



- clarify the idea of ​​the body parts of a butterfly;

Strengthen the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly to each other;
- continue to introduce children to the properties of plasticine (soft, pliable, able to take any shape);
- strengthen the ability to work with a stack.


- develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination, eye control.


Cultivate accuracy in working with plasticine, the desire to complete the work started;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of mercy towards all living things;
- evoke a positive emotional response to the overall result.

Materials and equipment:

plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins, compositional base, tape recorder, CD with music, pictures of butterflies, butterfly toys.
Preliminary work:

examination of illustrations depicting butterflies in the Red Book of Ugra, their habitats, conversation with children “Journey to the World of Butterflies”, making a compositional base (by rolling plasticine balls of the color chosen by the children onto the surface of cardboard, preferably in an evenly thin layer).

Integration of educational areas:

Communication (guessing riddles, conversation, situational conversation),
- artistic creativity (modeling),
- physical culture (game exercises, finger gymnastics),
- safety (conversation),

- music.


Health development: dynamic pause;

Socio-game: techniques socially aimed at creating a situation

success and comfort;

Design: conversation, interaction method, observation method,


Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Guys, guess the riddle.

It flutters over the flowers,
Who doesn't know the beauty?
Her wings are painted,
Her dancing is catchy.
Just very defenseless
Completely harmless.
Don't rush to scare her
The weak must be protected. Who is this?
Children : Butterfly.

Educator : Guys, now I’ll tell you a story. Once upon a time there was one butterfly (shows the butterfly). And she flew across the fields, through meadows, fluttered from flower to flower (attaches a butterfly to the picture). She flew and flew and suddenly she became bored. Why do you think?

Children: because she didn't have any friends.

Educator : Yes, she didn't have any friends, so she was bored. And this is all because every year there are fewer and fewer of them. After all, this butterfly is called a swallowtail and it is listed in the Red Book. Who remembers what the Red Book means? (Children's answers). Guys, can we help the butterflies? How? (Children's answers). How can we help this one butterfly today? (sculpt).

Educator : Guys, that’s right, you and I can only sculpt from plasticine in an unusual way, we will roll small round balls and place them tightly together on the base of the butterfly. Now I will give you the blanks for our butterflies. Let's take plasticine yellow, let's roll a ball. What shape is the ball? (round) Glue the yellow balls onto the upper wings of the butterfly.

Finger gymnastics “Butterfly”

A small caterpillar crawls along a leaf

The leaf gnaws like candy all day long.

Finally, I had enough to eat, and suddenly I spun a cocoon

In a cocoon, like a doll, she slept through the winter

And in the spring that doll got tired of sleeping

She turned into a butterfly to fly everywhere.

Children do the work (the teacher controls, reviews, provides individual assistance to the children).

Fizminutka during productive activities (children get up from their tables and perform movements according to the text).

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She stretched and smiled.

Once I washed my face with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - she bent down and sat down.

At four, it flew.

Educator : Well done, guys! Sit down and continue your work. (Children do the work).

Educator : Now look at your butterfly friends. Did they turn out beautiful? Let's revive them. Blowing on butterflies.

Educator: The butterflies flew away. We will add to our exhibition of plants listed in the Red Book of Ugra.

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