
What does it mean when knives are laid. Folk omens about knives. Is it worth picking

The sign of finding a knife, according to folk lore, is bad sign. Possible interpretations of what this superstition means have developed over the centuries and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Find a knife: a sign that promises bad

Since ancient times, such a find as a knife has been given a special symbolic meaning. This is due to the fact that this item in many cultures was one of the main magical attributes with one or another power. Because of this, over the thousands of years of human existence, folk signs have developed about the knife, which you should pay attention to in order to understand how to behave if it is accidentally discovered.

Bad omens about a knife

Finding a knife is a sign that in most cases promises bad things.

This is due to the fact that a sharp blade can store the energy of those people who used it before. There are the following common beliefs that you should be aware of in order not to incur trouble:

  • Find a knife - to parting.

This sign has developed in the culture Western Europe. They believed in it first of all when the blade of the weapon was rusty. It was believed that such a find would not only provoke a separation from a loved one, but also bring quarrels into the house along with financial losses.

  • Find a knife - take on someone else's sin.

Many believe that the blade is good at absorbing negative information. This applies to both the evil thoughts of its previous owners, and the actions that they committed. The one who finds a knife in the forest often cannot sleep for a long time due to nightmares and a sense of remorse for deeds to which he has nothing to do.

  • Find a knife - to kill.

The old people assumed that a tool that felt blood at least once would always thirst for it in the future. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the new owners of the found thing to commit cruel crimes that take the life of even the people closest to them.

  • Find a knife - to the scandal.

This belief is one of the most widespread all over the world.

Many wise people believed in it, passing this knowledge on to their children and grandchildren. The sign says that the person who found the knife will soon find himself in some kind of unpleasant situation. In addition, he may face public censure and even exile.
  • Find a knife - to death.

A person who has come across such a find needs to be careful and attentive. Soon he will probably have to face a murderer or a robber.

A well-known sign says that if a person managed to find a knife in the forest, he will not get rid of future problems.

These can be financial difficulties, health problems, disagreements at work, etc.

There are also other signs about the knife, which one way or another have a negative connotation. Therefore, for centuries, many have perceived such a find as a bad sign. It is not uncommon for the most incredible superstitions to eventually come true.

Other beliefs about the knife

Most often, people were not happy with such a find as a knife. At the same time, in folk art there are many different beliefs about this subject of a positive nature:

  • The knife will always protect you.

That is why he was placed under the pillow of an infant who had not yet been baptized. It was believed that in this case, the evil spirit would bypass his bed. Also, the knife was placed under the mattress of the newlyweds so that their family happiness would not be destroyed by enemies. In this case, the blade was wrapped in silk cloth.

  • The knife helps women in labor to be relieved from the burden.

To do this, the item was placed under the bed where the woman gives birth. Immediately after the birth of the child, the knife had to be removed. If this is not done, there is a risk of bleeding.

Many in childhood heard that you can’t eat with a knife. It is believed that this leads to anger and bitterness.

In fact, in this way you can simply get hurt, which definitely will not make a person kind and happy.
  • At the same time, it is always worth remembering that the sign says that finding a knife on the street, in the forest, in the bushes or in the house is always a nuisance. Therefore, such situations should be avoided.

What to do when you find a knife

Often people wonder what to do if they happen to find a knife.

Most beliefs say that it is better to pass by in such situations. In no case should you touch either the blade or the handle.

If the knife is broken, it is necessary to bypass it, without even approaching it.

Experts believe that objects are able to store the energy of the previous owners. That is why the finds from the street must be treated very carefully.

If you happen to find a knife that you want to keep for yourself, before picking it up, you need to read the prayers:

  • "Our Father";
  • "Purification of all things."

It is believed that the cleansing of the blade will occur only when it is immersed during prayer in spring or running water. Otherwise, the energy may remain.

Signs about the knife existed in different peoples independently of each other. This means that this subject really aroused special interest, anxiety and concern. At the same time, people have learned to deal with the possible adverse consequences of such findings.

To understand the key folk signs, you should understand what the knife itself is. This is a tool (in the kitchen), a weapon (when hunting), a witchcraft tool (during magical rites).

Obviously, the knife is popular. And the main role here is played by the shape of the product and the material of manufacture:

  1. The handle is in contact with the human body, absorbing his thoughts, emotions, intentions. The generated energy message turns into a blade, which, due to its sharpness, enhances the potential of any action. Chop vegetables, kill an animal, draw a protective circle - all this is achievable without a knife, but the effect will be noticeably worse.
  2. Natural material has its own biofield. If the handle of the knife is wooden or bone, and the blade is metal, then the product forms its own aura. Plastic in this sense is weak and "empty".

These properties of the knife explain its active "participation" in folk signs. The product receives energy from a person, develops its personality and acquires the ability to prevent or harm, depending on the situation.

Find a knife - what do folk signs say?

Knowledgeable people have always advised to avoid random finds. It's no secret that along with some things you can pick up a negative. And folk signs say unequivocally:

  • take a knife lying on the road with a point towards the one walking - to death;
  • raise an unknown knife from the ground - to be stabbed to death by evil people;
  • find a rusty knife - to parting with a loved one.

The reputation of the "foundlings" is unenviable. Nevertheless, it is well-deserved: the knife is often used in rituals, during which damage, illness, and curses are transferred to it. In the same item, you can enclose a devil or a demon. Sometimes a knife is deliberately spoken to harm a specific person - in this case, the weapon is thrown into the house, under the threshold, into personal belongings. Find someone else's knife in your home - clear sign negative magical effect. It is recommended to immediately throw away the product, and then carry out an energy cleansing (of yourself and the premises).

It happens that you really like a knife found on the street. But one should not succumb to his "charm": some conspiracies act in such a way as to attract random victims, not to let them pass by. At a minimum, instead of a raised knife, it is required to leave an odd number of coins, a valuable thing, a good treat - in order to pay off trouble. Although it is better not to take risks if a knife is found lying at a crossroads, in a ravine, in a cave, or stuck in a stump, in a wall, in the ground - such a weapon was definitely left here for a reason.

Folk signs about a knife as a gift

Traditionally, a knife is not given. It is believed that such a present:

  • will attract all sorts of troubles and conflicts to the new owner;
  • "cut" the bonds of friendship between the recipient and the giver.

From the point of view of magic, such folk signs are more than justified. Why? There are two main reasons, and each can play a role in a specific situation:

  1. It is not customary to refuse gifts, which means that you can speak a knife to the negative and literally hand it into the hands of the person being presented. "In addition" to the present, a person will also receive something bad - troubles in love, financial difficulties, illness.
  2. The owner of the knife is the one who bought it. And the product may not like the sudden change of owner. In the best case, the donated item will be lost (“it will go to look for the real owner”), in the worst case, it will start to mischief (it will constantly be dull, cut hands, attract negativity).

Instead of a knife received as a gift, folk wisdom recommends giving at least a small coin. This will contribute to the conclusion of a kind of sale and purchase agreement, which will remove the potential negative to the maximum. But if an enemy or an unpleasant person acts as a giver, it is better to ignore the norms of decency and refuse the knife by any means. The obvious magical “underlying reason” is more difficult to level, i.e. a coin can weaken the influence of damage, but it is not able to completely eliminate its effect.

In any case, the donated knife is recommended to be cleaned before use. It is necessary to hold the product in salt, warm it over a fire, bury it in the ground or rinse it under running water. All this will remove at least some of the extra energy programs.

Folk signs about a knife that has become unusable

Since the knife is an extraordinary item, its breakage is also considered not the most common occurrence. Popular superstitions say:

  • the knife breaks when too much negativity goes to its owner;
  • the knife quickly rusts if the one who uses it has health problems;
  • the knife is constantly blunted in cases of blocking a person’s abilities at the witchcraft level (someone does rituals to close the paths);
  • the knife accidentally breaks before a major quarrel or parting with loved ones.

Since the “death” of the knife indicates a certain amount of negativity that has manifested, cleaning is recommended. It is also unacceptable to simply throw away the product: it must be buried under a tree (preferably an oak), after saying a few farewell words. Such a "funeral" will not cause resentment at the knife and will not provoke additional trouble for a person.

Signs about a knife in everyday life - in the kitchen and on the table

Since people mostly “communicate” with knives while cooking or eating food, superstitions regarding this area remain the most relevant folk signs. Among them, the most common:

  1. Eat with a knife - become evil (sharp on the tongue).
  2. Playing with a knife - to conflicts in the house.
  3. The knife fell off the table - a man will come to the house soon. If the sound during the fall was sonorous and clearly distinguishable, then the guest is someone familiar.
  4. The knife not only fell, but also stuck its tip into the floor - to a serious quarrel. If this happened in the process of cutting bread, then be dead.
  5. The knife fell with a blade in the direction of the one who dropped it - to an unpleasant conversation.
  6. To point a knife with a point at someone is to provoke a disease in a person.
  7. Cutting bread with not one, but two different knives is a misunderstanding in the family.
  8. Leaving a knife stuck in bread on the table - to financial problems and hunger.
  9. Do not remove the knife from the table at night - inviting trouble for yourself. Basically they say that the brownie will cut himself, be offended and begin to harm negligent owners. But there is also a version that evil spirits will play with a forgotten knife, and the devil will be able to kill the owner of the house with it.
  10. Putting knives crossed on the table is in trouble. Cross a knife with a fork or spoon - to death.
  11. Pregnant sharpening a knife - harm the unborn child.
  12. To hold a knife in your hand and scold him is to offend the product and incur his wrath. Do not be surprised by sudden cuts - this is a kind of revenge.

The knife must be taken seriously, as it easily catches and conveys negativity. But if the product is “friendly”, then, on the contrary, it will help the owner and save him from trouble.

Signs about knives as amulets

Some simple rituals have survived to our time, based on folk signs about a knife as a protector:

  1. Stick in a joint front door or a knife into the wall - to protect yourself from evil spirits and evil people. Additionally, it is recommended to read the conspiracy: “The knife is sharp, my tongue is cunning, weaves, weaves, the enemy takes away, drives away, confuses their paths, winds their paths so that they don’t go to me, so that they don’t harm me.”
  2. Put a knife under the pillow - protect yourself from any trouble. Such an amulet is placed in the cradle of an unbaptized baby, in the bed of a pregnant woman or newlyweds. Be sure to make a reservation: "From troubles and misfortunes, from blasphemy and scrip, from black sorcerers and unclean witches." It was especially advised to keep the knife under the pillow during funeral rites, so that the deceased would not cling to the person.
  3. Godparents to step over the knife, leaving the house for christening - to protect the child from evil spirits.
  4. Draw a circle around you with a knife - close yourself from werewolves, ghosts, witches and other evil forces.
  5. Cross all the windows and doors of the house with a knife, then stick it in the threshold - protect the home from the machinations of evil spirits and black magicians.
  6. Stick a knife into the ground - protect yourself from thunderstorms and storms. And if you throw a weapon at a tornado at a crossroads, you can injure the devil.
  7. Stick a knife into the wall of an empty barn - make a talisman for livestock from wild animals. At the same time they said: “The bear should not eat fresh meat from this knife, do not tear our cow, do not offend the cattle.” Only then animals were brought into the barn.
  8. Strain milk through a knife - protect the cow from the witch who spoils it. The sorceress, in order to harm the animal, plunges a knife into a pole, tree or plow.
  9. To stick a knife from the bottom of the table during a feast is to “save” food from overly hungry guests (they will eat less food than usual).

by the most strong rite it was considered stabbing a knife into the ground. This technique was used in any incomprehensible situations. For example, if a person suddenly met mermaids in the forest, he drew a circle around himself, inserted a knife into the ground - and the evil spirits did not notice him. In a similar way, they were saved from wolves, goblin, hail, storms, witches, etc.

Ideally, each person should have their own knife. Then any folk signs will be more accurate for him, and the protection will be as complete as possible. No wonder the Russian proverb says: "A knife is a comrade on the way." This weapon is suitable for work not only in the material, but also in the subtle world.

Found at the front door, found under the rug, found in the pillow, thrown in the wallpaper, thrown in the wall, put in the clothes, found in the pocket, found in the lining, thrown in the trouser leg, thrown under the door, poured under the threshold, sprinkled at the door, scattered under the door

Found in the door, found under the door, found at the front door, stuck in the door...
tossed in the desktop drawer, tossed in the table, found on the desktop...
planted a needle in the wall, found a needle under the carpet, found needles in the apartment...
This is insidious strong damage through the lining

If you found at home at home or at work lining you need to urgently contact good specialist for removal of spoilage(until it starts working) and protection settings- to no more occult attack did not have a negative destructive effect on you.

It happened that you found under the door poured powder, spilled water or needles, wool, fluff, trash, earth, sand, chicken feet etc. never touch them with your bare hand. Take lining through a piece of paper, a rag and throw it away with a piece of paper or a rag. You can sweep it with a broom on a newspaper and throw it away with a broom and a newspaper. If a nail or needle kicked in the door frame and you can’t pull them out with your bare hands, then wrap the tip with newspaper, then pull out the lining pliers and throw it away with the paper. Throwing away lining preferably away from home and where people rarely go, or into a garbage chute. And immediately look for good master and put up a defense.

If you signed up for a session or diagnostics with a specialist and for some reason did not come, this indicates that you have severe damage that completely controls you (you are already a puppet of dark forces). At the same time, the reason can be very different: the banal "forgot (a)", everyday household chores, a work routine, problems that suddenly arise, and even unexpected cash receipts. All these "reasons" are very dangerous for your soul.

If this happened to you, then you need to immediately put all your affairs aside and URGENTLY remove the damage, otherwise it will be too late to do anything. Your damage will turn into a karmic problem - i.e. will negatively affect not only your life, but also the life of your relatives and friends, being passed on from generation to generation (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.), similar to a family curse. And because of your "busyness" innocent people - your relatives and friends - will suffer. Think about it!

if you damage done to the whole family and you have become permanent in your house scandals and disease, necessary remove damage and put up a defense for all family members.

There is also such type of damage how " Apples at the threshold". If you discovered on the doorstep your home green apples(less often ripe apples) - this is You have been damaged. There are methods that allow green apple take away youth or life from one person and pass them on to another.

Therefore, if, God forbid, you accidentally met some on the road or near your door beautiful green apples don't pick them up! Do not under any circumstances touch or do not cross foot through them.

Such lining carefully picked up with a broom, paper or rag and taken out away from at home. And these are the best apples burn on the spot sprinkled salt. Then it is necessary urgently remove damage and put up a defense, because if you again will put some lining - remove damage will be much harder, tk. Your energy immunity resistance to spoilage will be negligible. Bury in earth found under the threshold apples it is forbidden.

If the seeds accidentally germinate, a so-called "tree of evil" will grow, which will destroy health and good luck to all who sit under its canopy.

Broom, rag or paper- what you picked up witch fruits - are thrown together with apples.

It is believed that if one day you discovered at your door, at the threshold or on the door black feathers, needles, pieces of thread, sewing pin(for example, in the room, stuck directly in the corner doorway inside or outside) chicken paw, pieces of land or salt- you became a victim someone's witchcraft manipulation. Such things among people are called lining (masonry). What is lining And how do people act in such situations? Need install protection against damage and then don't be afraid pads, which enclose people to damage you.

Lining- it's not just what you can see at your front door. Lining can be any thing, which was found in unexpected place at home house or apartment. But lining maybe subject, which is not directly related to the person and his home, it can be subject found by man on the street. In any case, for a full happy life Do you need protection against damage, to pads had no effect on you.

First of all, for pads use metal objects - needles and pins, and sometimes nails. Charmed needles and pins stuck in the door, doorways, there are times when pins secretly stuck in clothes. Nails may kick in the door, simply toss. More sophisticated - wrapping needles and pins with thread, slandering on them. It's believed that needles and pins - the worst cover. According to esotericists, this is done by people who are especially initiated into the rituals of magic, or acting under the guidance of a more powerful sorcerer; usually the impact of such pads very strong ( damage through the lining works whether you believe in magic or not). In this case, only saving good protection against damage.

In second place in terms of frequency of use - land from the cemetery and salt. Earth is taken from the cemetery and sleeps for a quick death the one who gets drunk. Salt- a powerful accumulator of any energy. Usually add salt to discord in the family, disease. earth and salt can discover how on the doorstep, and in your apartment - behind the rug, for example. There are cases sophisticated lining - cemetery land rubbed into doorways and cracks. If a lining victim won't install protection against damage, then she (in this case) has only one way - at the cemetery (graveyard land will pull along).

Other method of inflicting damage lining are feathers and dead midges, dead butterflies, dead flies and others insects. They are usually do not lay in the apartment, they are poured at the threshold, hoping that sacrifice will come on them. Feathers enclose on the bad dream. Moshek and insects - for illness. The most terrible lining for people is egg, because an egg is laid for death. It is believed that the one who touches such eggs, will die after seven days. If you found in my house (in the apartment) or near the front door egg (or eggs) - urgently look for a good master and put up protection, otherwise it will be too late to do anything later.

People don't touch lining with bare hands. If a lining found at the door, to the house it is not included. Usually put on gloves, take piece of paper and carefully sweep away the "bad gift" on leaflet and take it far away from the house. Moreover, everything that came into contact lined, disposed of along with lining. Ideally the lining is burned.

There is another type of pads that are not targeted at anyone in particular. Such pads may be ownerless money or jewelry, found on the street. leaving their money(or even things) on the street, the witches carry their disease on other people. Superstitious people never pick up found in the street money. It's believed that taking a bill, a person takes with him and diseases left with a bill. But if you have protection against damage, then you are not afraid of any pads.

Except of money, on the roads(usually crossroads) build piles of stones, leave boots or knots of thread. Such things of course no one lift up will not, but one step is enough to take the disease with you.

Be considerate of the homeless things and do not step on suspicious items! Take care of yourself!

If you picked up pennies or big money, some jewelry or handkerchief (handkerchief), cross (pectoral cross) or brooch...return lining in place.

Needle or pin in the lining clothes, which means found sewing needle (needle, pin) in lining jackets, bags, in coat pocket, in the trouser leg, in a skirt etc.

Everyone knows the way protection from the evil eye pinning to clothing lining(or simply from within not to be seen) safety pin. Use for these purposes safety pin invented not so long ago, because it was invented not earlier early XIX century. This, you see, is convenient, because English pin won't budge on its own.

For protection from "evil eye"used to use the usual sewing needle (a pin with a head), pinning on the lining tip way down. It's hard to say how effective this is. I suppose a little unintended impact can sometimes help out. However, with intentional professional offense- will not help. I can say this in all seriousness.

Nowadays we wear pin on the lining- useless job. Since it is known from practice that unintentional negative becomes (purely statistically) less and less, and purposeful and deliberate - more and more.

So, as for the cases detection on the lining of clothes, jacket lining, in the pocket coat, in a trouser leg trousers, in a skirt etc. sewing needles and pins, we can say that there are several options for the origin of these objects. And all of them - occult and dangerous.

1. Often needle "forgets" pull out seamstress on the sewing factory to reset your heavy burden life on buyers. We all know that work seamstresses heavy and low-paid, and personal life leaves much to be desired. One day I had to deal with a situation where thing, wherein found a needle, was sewn in a women's colony, while the needle was stuck in the stitch intentionally, for the purpose occult reset.

2. This is a safe case, with no reason to believe that there was energy attack. Mom shoved or grandmother young man to him in a jacket a charmed needle to protect the son (grandson) from girlish love spells. There is every reason for this. Recently, there has been widespread bewitching bacchanalia, you should have seen what girls are looking for on the Internet now - you would be horrified. For a young man such a needle from mother or grandmother is harmless. Will this help way of protection young man from a love spell- unknown. To be honest, I doubt it. However, better some kind of protection than none.

3. Attack for the purpose of love spell. Can be dangerous, especially if made by non-amateurs conspiracies, but at the instigation of a specialist and with his preliminary " charging"pre-prepared safety pins or sewing needles, accompanying all this with instructions, they often hand mistresses. The main goal is usually love spell as such, but bringing discord into relationship with wife. By the intention of the doers, pin sooner or later it will discovered by wife and unhooked, which will entail a series of specified events. In rare cases, prepared by a specialist pin (needle) attach with the expectation that it unhooked (pricked) myself enchanted. This is a fairly common case, although this is also common: if the attacker has access to to clothes bewitched, then they try pour or drip something in pocket.

4. Needle in lining may represent damage-lining. Besides, sewing needle may toss up into the car, poke in an armchair, throw under the threshold or mat, stick in doorjamb or lintel, throw behind the closet, plinth etc. In case of lining such needle represents great danger. Necessary find a needle and neutralize. take hands needle-lining cannot be categorically.

Anyway upon discovery in the lining needles or pins it is recommended to consult with a specialist identifying potential danger and protection settings. Better once put up a defense than live a lifetime in fear and doubt.

Lining is something that was specially slandered to the detriment To you. Linings are for harm, and there are those when, together with him, they give you their disease, failures, lack of money and even death my.

Cast lining absolutely anyone can perform thing, but most often needles, threads, hair, graveyard land, rubbish, seed husk, wool, salt, glass, feathers, pins, brooches and expensive jewelry- on the latter they reduce their disease, death to be taken by the one who appropriated expensive thing...

If you are anything else find in the middle of the street- do not lift! Found something at the door his apartments- do not bring it into the house and do not touch it with your hands or feet. Better take at home paper or broom with a scoop, collect everything and take away outside. There burn with the prayers "Our Father" and "Life-Giving Cross".

If something else discovered in the apartment- do not take it in hand! take paper and deal with it immediately.

When you under the door poured earth, a on the door handle hung doll red fabric, wrapped in black thread, as well as whistling clothes or children's toy- Your case clearly indicates an attempt to damage. And, quite serious. Any occult items, discovered at the threshold, on the door and in close proximity to them is signs of an occult attack. If this occurs, all possible actions must be taken without delay to protection.

If you are going to live with your partner and find under the door needles with thread, cards, and the partner in pockets seeds etc. Everything in the relationship is normal, then he starts avoiding you, changing and suddenly one day ends relationship with you. A month later, he starts calling, asking for forgiveness and starts all over again. That must be defended. What else is left? It is necessary to outline the circle of acquaintances from both sides (at least approximately), who benefit (for personal or material reasons) make a break. seeds, for example, in pocket not everyone can put. But only those who can approach at a sufficient distance or have access to hanging on a hanger clothes. If a rite of passage takes place - necessary remove the negative, be sure to have a good specialist. The one who does when removing get a fair amount back. Often one or two magical rollbacks sometimes it is quite enough for the doer (especially the amateur entertainer) to understand what he is dealing with and fall behind. Only in this case one should be careful - you can easily ruin the next of kin. It is not known for sure - who does it. First - reconnaissance, then - military operations.

A good way of resistance, which works not at the magical level, but at the level of psychology, is to notify everyone who can intervene of their readiness to enter into an imposed war by contacting a specialist. Often this is enough. The attacker gets scared and tucks his tail. But if your friends who make you break enjoy services of a professional kolodun then, in this case, you are at great risk lose all the most valuable things in life- a double-edged sword. Therefore, it is better to quietly contact a specialist, remove damage and put up a defense.

Lining on fish bones. Sometimes people buy new furniture. When disassembling old furniture find fish bones and fish vertebrae(less often fish head, fish fins, fish tail, fish scales). It leads to serious health problems and not infrequently to the inability to have children, as practice shows.

The question of negative pads(in Old Church Slavonic - poklady) is very large and deserves separate careful consideration. FROM fish bones as a lining I had to deal with often.

On fish bones do, for example, at the wedding, to " the bride was cold as a fish"with all the ensuing consequences for the future family. The author of such a" gift "is often next of kin or " best friend" brides. It must be understood that in order to make this lining, you must have at least access to the bedroom. None of the extraneous ill-wishers will climb into someone else's to the apartment.

Generally upon discovery in a strange place strange objects first you need to consider whether these items could have ended up in this inappropriate place naturally. If there is absolute certainty that this beds never eaten fish, then it is most likely true lining. Wherein no children and health problems are not surprising.

Upon detection strange objects in an inappropriate place for them, should (without touching with hands) collect them in paper bag or plastic bag and take it to a specialist to determine their degree of danger. It's better anyway remove damage(which is not yet fully operational) and put up a defense than later suffer all their lives.

Places, where patients found pads, masonry, throws, tosses- recommendations, where to look for lining in an apartment, in a house:

- Entrance door, mat: under the rug front door, on the door mat, near rug front door;

- threshold: at the threshold, at the threshold, on the doorstep, near the threshold;

- Door: at the door, in the door frame, in the hatch of the door, in doorway , under the threshold, bedroom door, kitchen door, room door, bathroom door, living room door, nursery door, under the door, above the door, Behind the door, at the door, near the door;

- wall, wall: in the wall, on the wall, in wallpaper wall, behind the wall, in the plinth near the wall, in the corner of the wall, on the wall;

- window: cornice, curtain, windowsill, in the window, on the window, under the window, outside the window, in the curtain, in curtains, on the curtain, stuck in a curtain, stuck in curtains, on the ledge, under the eaves, behind the eaves, in the windowsill, on the windowsill, under the windowsill, near the windowsill;

- Work, cabinet office: shelf, workplace, desktop drawer, Desktop, flowerpot, flower pot, shelf, bookshelf, in the regiment, behind the shelf, on the shelf, on desktop, at work, in a desktop drawer, under the desk, near the desktop, near the desktop (in the table, on the table, under the table, near the table, near Table, in the inner drawer of the desk, in the bookshelf, behind the bookshelf, on the bookshelf, in a flower pot, under flower pot , next to the flower pot);

- chair, high chair: on the chair, under the chair, in the chair, in the upholstery of a chair, in the chair, under the chair, on a chair;

- in the bedroom, in the nursery: bedroom, children's, a toy, cupboard, ironing board, pillow, blanket, mattress, pillowcase, duvet cover, bed, bed, battery, in the bed, in toys, in a toy box, among children's toys, in the linen closet, behind the closet, under the cabinet, near the closet, in the wall of the linen closet, in underwear, between linen, among the linen, in battery, near the battery, near the battery, on the ironing board, at the ironing board, under the ironing board, In the bed, on the bed, under the bed, near the bed, on the bed, by the bed, in the pillow, under the pillow, in a pillowcase, in a blanket, under the blanket, in a sheet, under the sheet, on the sheet, in the mattress, under the mattress, on the mattress;

- in the room, in the living room: room, living room, armchair, carpet, carpet, sofa, In the armchair, behind the chair, under the armchair, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the sofa, behind the sofa, under the sofa, near the sofa, floor, on the floor, in a crack in the floor, plinth, behind the plinth, under the plinth, near the plinth, parquet, in parquet, on the parquet, under parquet;

- in the hall, in the corridor, in clothes: hallway, the corridor, mezzanine, clothes, Blazer, pants, dress, coat, jacket, skirt, pants, in the mezzanine, behind the closet, in outerwear, in the pocket, in pockets, in a coat, in a jacket, in a raincoat, in a jacket, in the collar, behind the collar, in the lining of the bag, behind the lining, lining, in the lining of a bag, in the lining of clothes, in the lining, in trousers, pants pockets, in a dress, in the sleeve of a garment, in a trouser, on the trouser leg, behind the lining, in a skirt, sleeve, pocket, trouser leg, skirt, pants, pants, clothes;

- in the bathroom room: bath, sink, under the bath, in the bathroom, behind the bath, on the sink, under the sink, behind the sink, near the sink, water dispenser, behind the washstand;

- in the toilet: behind the toilet, under the toilet, in the toilet bowl, in the closet above the toilet bowl;

- in the kitchen: kitchen, plate, fridge, bedside table for dishes, tableware, in a bowl, at the stove, behind the stove, under the stove, at the stove, near the stove, in the stove, in a refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, under the fridge, near the refrigerator, cabinet for dishes, in the nightstand, behind the bedside table, in the wall of the cabinet for dishes, behind the back wall;

- in a private house: yard, garden, barn, garage, summer cuisine, cellar, in the yard, in the garden, at the entrance gate, near the barn, near the barn, behind the shed, gates, near the cellar, near the cellar, behind the cellar, summer cuisine - makeshift, behind the summer kitchen, near the temporary house, near the makeshift, in the summer kitchen, by the garage, in the garage, behind the garage, near the garage;

- in car, in the car: car, automobile, salon, hood, trunk, seat, in the trunk, in the cabin, in the seat, under the seats, in seat upholstery, in cases, under the cover, padding, threshold, plastic lining, hood, under the hood, wheel nuts, wheel bolts, glove boxes, pockets, under the torpedo, behind the back of the seat, in the seat back, under the car mats in the car.

The following is a list of the most common pads (poladov, masonry, podkidov, tosses):

  • damage to the lining - watermelon;
  • damage lining - orange, orange peel;
  • damage lining - aluminum, aluminum product;
  • damage lining - alcoholic beverages;
  • damage lining - alabaster items, piece of alabaster;
  • damage lining - apricot, apricots;
  • damage lining - bottle, bottles;
  • damage lining - beads, beads;
  • damage lining - paper money, money, bills;
  • damage lining - piece of paper, newspaper, cut paper, shredded paper, papers;
  • damage lining - dry bun;
  • damage lining - pancake, pancakes;
  • damage to the lining - tree leaves;
  • damage lining - branches;
  • damage lining - wool, animal hair;
  • damage lining - bow, bow;
  • damage lining - jar, banks;
  • damage lining - banana, bananas;
  • damage to the lining - butterfly, butterflies, dried butterfly, dead butterflies;
  • damage lining - veil;
  • damage lining - wax, wax candles;
  • damage lining - crow, crow killed, crow dead, dried crow;
  • damage lining - hair, hair;
  • damage lining - cherry, dried cherries;
  • damage lining - grape, bunch of grapes, grape berries, grape seeds;
  • damage lining - thing, things;
  • damage lining - branch, branches, twig;
  • damage lining - willow, willow, willow;
  • damage lining - wreath, wreaths, wreath, whisk;
  • damage lining - broom, brooms;
  • damage lining - cotton wool, fleece;
  • damage lining - boots, felt boots;
  • damage lining - sponge;
  • damage lining - pear, pears;
  • damage lining - fungus, mushrooms;
  • damage lining - pot broken;
  • damage lining - mustard, seeds;
  • damage lining - beef, pork;
  • damage lining - nest, bird's nest, hornet's nest;
  • damage lining - clay;
  • damage lining - nail, rusty nails, graveyard nail;
  • damage lining - tie;
  • damage lining - screw, nuts, washer, bolt, bolt, screw;
  • damage lining - crumpled newspaper, torn newspaper;
  • damage lining - melon, dried melon;
  • damage lining - piece of wood, plank, sliver, ash, shavings;
  • damage lining - copper money (coins, trifle, pennies);
  • damage lining - hedgehog dead, dead hedgehog;
  • damage lining - beetle, beetles, colorado potato beetle and any different beetles, bugs, insects, midges;
  • damage lining - tooth, animal teeth;
  • damage lining - Earth, land from the cemetery, pieces of land from the cemetery, ash, ash;
  • damage lining - lock;
  • damage lining - a toy, soft toy, children's toy, toys;
  • damage lining - needle, needles, needle and thread, needles with thread, sewing needles, sewing needle, sewing needle, needle, needles, pin, sewing pin, safety pin;
  • damage lining - groats;
  • damage lining - cross, pectoral cross;
  • damage lining - ribbon, Red ribbon;
  • damage lining - scull, animal skull, bones, bone, bone, bones;
  • damage lining - the envelope;
  • damage lining - spikelet, ears of corn, ear, spikelets;
  • damage lining - leather, skin;
  • damage lining - key, keys;
  • damage lining - cell;
  • damage lining - potato, potatoes;
  • damage lining - stone, stones, pebbles;
  • damage lining - onion, bulb;
  • damage lining - sheet, sheets, leaflet, leaves, sheet;
  • damage lining - lemon, lemon peel;
  • damage lining - bat , bat dead, dead bats;
  • damage lining - cake, cakes;
  • damage lining - ice;
  • damage lining - bast shoes, sandals, slippers, slippers, slippers, slippers;
  • damage lining - meat;
  • damage lining - mouse, mice, dead mice, dead mice;
  • damage lining - soap;
  • damage lining - fly dead, dried flies, midges, insects, insects;
  • damage lining - trash;
  • damage lining - flour;
  • damage lining - fur, animal fur, fur products;
  • damage lining - a piece of chalk;
  • damage lining - copper, copper products, copper coins, copper products;
  • damage lining - oil: machine oil, olive oil , Palm oil, butter, sunflower oil;
  • damage lining - dead frog, frogs;
  • damage lining - scissors;
  • damage lining - knife, knife stuck, rusty knife, knife hidden, knife broken;
  • damage lining - nail, nails;
  • damage lining - thimble, thimbles;
  • damage lining - glasses, rim glasses;
  • damage lining - nut, nuts;
  • damage lining - gold, necklace, gold jewelry, jewelry, ring, rings, earrings;
  • damage lining - blanket;
  • damage to the lining - clothes;
  • damage lining - cucumber, cucumbers;
  • damage lining - package, sachets;
  • damage lining - button, buttons;
  • damage lining - towel;
  • damage lining - handkerchief, handkerchief, handkerchiefs;
  • damage lining - the loop, loops, nodes;
  • damage lining - sand;
  • damage lining - feather, feathers, feather;
  • damage lining - glove, gloves;
  • damage lining - fish (fish bones, fish scales, fish tails, fish head, fish fins);
  • damage lining - chamomile, chamomile;
  • damage lining - radish, radish;
  • damage lining - radish;
  • damage lining - river crayfish;
  • damage to the lining - doll, cloth doll, ritual doll, Ragdoll, ritual doll, a voodoo doll;
  • damage lining - water, dead water, washed the deceased with water, dead body water, water after the dead;
  • damage lining - thread, threads, needle with thread, thread with a needle;
  • damage lining - coin, trifle, coins, copper coins;
  • damage lining - hairpin, hairpins;
  • damage lining - invisible, invisible;
  • damage lining - barrette, hairpins;
  • damage lining - spoke, knitting needles;
  • damage to the lining - candle, candles, wax candles, church candles , candle, wax;
  • damage lining - cheese;
  • damage lining - glass, piece of glass, glass;
  • damage lining - match, matches;
  • damage lining - straw;
  • damage lining - hay;
  • damage lining - herring;
  • damage lining - salo;
  • damage lining - soot, ash, ash, coal, sliver, shavings, sand;
  • damage lining - slippers, slippers, slippers;
  • damage lining - rag, rag, rags, rags, rags;
  • damage lining - grass, on the grass;
  • damage lining - plate;
  • damage lining - iron;
  • damage lining - already dead, to the snake;
  • damage lining - bread, dry bread;
  • damage lining - chain, chain, brooch, brooch;
  • damage lining - flower, flowers, flowers;
  • damage lining - black ribbon;
  • damage lining - chicken paw, chicken foot, bird paw, bird paw, paw, animal paw;
  • damage lining - worm, worms;
  • damage to the lining - a cup, old cup, beaten cup, cracked cup;
  • damage lining - watch, clock broken;
  • damage lining - tea, loose tea;
  • damage lining - hat;
  • damage lining - forceps;
  • damage lining - skirt;
  • damage lining - Apple, dry apple, dried apples;
  • damage lining - apples, green apple , green apples;
  • damage lining - berry, berries, berries;
  • damage lining - egg, eggs, on an egg, broken egg, rotten eggs.
Like these ones damage-linings-masonry Often enclose people. be afraid, beware, beware these pads - they bring people big troubles, misfortune, disease and often happens lead to death.

We warn you and again remind : If you found lining- urgently contact a good specialist to remove damage and protection settings!

After all, they are used constantly, not paying attention to this subject. Damage to a knife is intended to exterminate a specific person.

He falls ill or gets into an accident. Ultimately, the victim must leave this world.

Sometimes a completely different intention is put into a magical rite. In this case, the knife ceremony is done to circumcise some of the victim's relationships that do not suit the author of the impact.

For example, such a black program is thrown by wives to unfaithful husbands.

However, they should know: a blow to health and wallet will happen anyway. Even if the house witch did not want it.

There are other options for this magical effect on a person. Let's consider some.

How to do

To bring such damage is not as difficult as you might think.

You should take an item that has long been used in the victim's house. Wives, in our example, choose the knife that the lecherous husband especially likes.

The subject is spoken in a special way. The ceremony should be scheduled for a time when the moon is waning. In no case can this date be transferred to another period.

  1. Knife bladeaccompanying this action with the words of a conspiracy.
  2. Then put the tool in the moonlight (not on the window) to dry.
  3. Then you should wipe the blade with a dry rag so that the blood is not visible.

It remains only to put the blade on the victim.

The conspiracy is this:

“Sharp lightning enters the blood with malice. She finds a way out in the Lord's servant (name of the victim). It covers him with a black wave, breaks his fate and changes his life. Not for perishing is a sacrifice of blood. I want the slave to become obedient to the will. Let (describe what you want). As he takes a knife with his hand, he will forever be deprived of rest! These words will be changed by the one who plunges my knife into the flame!

Corruption on a rusty knife

This kind of magic is applied to an objectionable person.

  • The knife should be brought with you to the temple.
  • Stand there with him throughout the service, saying a short spell six times.
  • Then this charmed object should be stuck in the door or frame of the victim.

There is also a condition, without the fulfillment of which nothing will work. Only non-Christ has the right to induce such damage through.

One who has gone through the rite of baptism will not be able to take advantage of this kind of evil.

The spell is:

“The sharpness of the genius of evil, enter the blood of the servant of the Lord (name), which is an arrow. Muti the brain, thicken the blood, so that there would be neither happiness nor honor for him. May his path be shortened. Plunge an arrow into his chest!”

Rite with a knife from the churchyard

Many people become victims of damage almost through their own fault.

The fact is that everyone has heavenly patrons. They try to warn, to suggest the impending harm from witchcraft.

And we are so carried away by the games of this world that we do not pay attention to the efforts of the Angel. For example, one of the knives was lost in the house.

You can't find it at all. This is the hint. The enemy is already trying to damage you.

To do this, you need to steal a knife for a while. But a new tool will do. Be sure to use the one with which the victim cut something.

The blade is carried to the churchyard and stuck into the grave of a person who has untimely gone to another world. There he is exactly seven days a minute to a minute.

After that, carefully rub it with a dry cloth and throw it back.

It is impossible to wash off the cemetery ground.

How to withdraw

In order to remove the induced damage, first of all, you should throw a negative carrier into the water. If you are not sure which one, then change all the knives in the house.

Then, in fact, go to the ceremony.

The venue is a forest or a park. It is recommended to go there at noon. Have with you:

  • a new knife with a white handle;
  • matches or a lighter;
  • piece of meat;
  • three thick church candles;

Light a fire in a secluded place.

When the flame begins to blaze joyfully, throw candles into it in turn. Watch how they melt.

If it's instant, then it's bad. The damage is strong. This does not mean that it is impossible to fight it. But more time will be needed.

  1. As soon as the flame goes out, stir up the coals.
  2. Throw fresh meat into the center of the fire.
  3. Stick your knife into it so that the meat is firmly pinned to the ground.

“I purify my blood with holy earth, magic fire, living air. From evil witchcraft, from insidious troubles, from bloody tears, from dark ailments, then bottomless sorrows. Whoever brought it will take it! I post a post, I invite a sorcerer. When the meat rots, he will come and take the knife. Damage will go back to him! Amen!"

Now you should quickly leave this place. Never come back here again. The ritual is supplemented with prayers.

From this day on, for a month, you should go to the Temple and put there for your own health, friends and relatives. The last one is for the enemy.

Be sure to pray for the salvation of his black soul. Don't hold hatred for this person, if you can call him that, in your heart. May the Lord punish.

Knife stuck in the ground

Finally, a few words should be said about what happens next. After all, the knife remained in the place of the ceremony.

Let it not be especially visited, that is, deaf. But the one you called will definitely find him. Do not think that your enemy will come here.

No. Everything is more complicated. Your knife will be taken out of the earth by a person whose soul has a sin similar to black witchcraft.

This is his punishment and retribution. The energy of your damage will pass to him.

That is, such a rite establishes a certain balance and justice in the world. With his help, with your hands, higher powers punish sinners.

At the same time, he will receive his own from the wrong hands. However, these are all completely different matters. But we mortals need to understand something else.

A knife stuck in the ground that appeared before the eyes is a sign of trouble and a test at the same time. This item should be avoided. It should be understood: the event did not just happen.

On the soul of the one who saw him, there is a sin. Possibly ancestral or coming from past life. But man is given a choice.

  • He will understand the essence of what is happening, leave the instrument of the Higher powers in the earth, trouble will pass his fate.
  • If, out of curiosity, he takes out the blade, he will have to go through a period of suffering.

There is always another way in life. Decide for yourself!

Signs are different: good, bad and neutral. And finding a knife is not good. The reason lies in the object itself, which carries pain and evil, contains some negative energy. It can carry the energy of the previous owner or the damage embedded in it. Picking up such an object, a person takes it all upon himself.

It is believed that if this knife caused harm to health or took someone's life, then it will pass to its new owner. He can be tormented by nightmares, baseless remorse. Also, this find can cause discord in the family, constant scandals and a series of unpleasant events in life.

Of course, different nations have their own views on such finds. For example, in European culture there are the following signs:

  1. A knife with rust - to separation, parting with a loved one.
  2. A sharp, well-sharpened knife - to anxieties in the future, life's difficulties.
  3. A sharp knife with a broken end - dreams will not come true, plans will not come true.
  4. Find a knife on the street - to material losses, quarrels or trouble.

What should be done?

by the most best advice it will be with such a find in no case to raise the knife and just walk past. Whatever value the knife has - whether it is an ordinary kitchen knife or obviously old and expensive in appearance - it can store negative energy, damage, the evil eye or a curse. And you can protect yourself from it only by ignoring the find.

They threw a knife

A knife thrown to a person carries a very great danger. This item could in the past be used in various occult rites, conspiracies, rituals black magic.

Especially dangerous is the knife used in Voodoo rituals and those where someone's blood is used and shed. Finding such a knife is an extremely bad omen, it will not lead to anything good.

How to get rid of harm

If you liked the knife you found and you want to keep it for yourself, then you should perform some ceremonies or rituals with it. This will allow it to be cleared of that negative energy which he keeps within himself. Of course, someone will say that he does not believe in objects and that the found knife cannot harm him.

But even in this case, carrying out a purification of the subject will be the right step. The process is simple, it will not take much time, but it will give confidence that everything will be fine in the future.

Whether to believe or not is everyone's business. But it is still necessary to exercise some caution in such things.

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