
Auntie Owl traffic rules. Summary of a lesson-game on traffic rules in the preparatory group “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Summary of a lesson-game on traffic rules in

The series of educational cartoons “Lessons from Aunt Owl” has long enjoyed well-deserved love among children and their parents. If you want to teach your child to read or count, or introduce the basics of good manners or road safety rules, “Lessons from Aunt Owl” will become indispensable assistants for you in this matter. Well-known fairy tale characters turn learning into an interesting and fun game. Lessons from Aunt Owl. The ABCs of road safety Lesson 1. History of traffic rules At this very important meeting, Aunt Owl will introduce you to important and the necessary rules road safety. Lesson 2. Types of transport Finally started new lesson. Auntie tells us what a road and a sidewalk are, what types of transport exist. Lesson 3. In the yard and entrance This time, Auntie will tell you what dangers may await you at first glance in a quiet and cozy courtyard: near the entrance to the yard, or near the garages. Lesson 4. Road and signs Aunt Owl, her assistants and the brownie went for a walk on the street so that she could show what road signs exist. Lesson 5. Pedestrian crossings In this lesson you will learn several important rules for crossing the road safely. Lesson 6. Intersections In this lesson about road safety, furry helpers show how to cross the road at an uncontrolled intersection. Lesson 7. Different roads During an excursion outside the city, Aunt Owl talks about safety rules on different roads. Lesson 8. In bad weather After watching this episode you will learn to be very attentive and careful on the road in bad weather. Lesson 9. Safety in public transport Today, Auntie will introduce you to the rules of conduct in public transport: tram, trolleybus, bus. Lesson 10. Subway and railway This time you will take a ride on the subway, find out what a railway crossing is, and learn new safety rules. Lesson 11. Baby in the car This lesson from the ABCs of road safety will introduce you to the rules of behavior in the car. Lesson 12: Bicycle In the last lesson in this series, you will review some special road safety rules. Aunt Owl will tell, and her assistants - the brownie Neposlukha, the cats Yasha and Kesya, the cat Sima and the dog Bulya - will use their own examples to show children how to behave in different situations on the roadway and on the sidewalk; They will explain what a zebra crossing and a traffic light are, why you can cross the road only in permitted places and when the light is green. Colorful and exciting animated film “Lessons from Aunt Owl. The ABCs of Road Safety" will make your child's first acquaintance with the rules of the road easy and relaxed.

Natalia Lovtsova
Summary of a lesson-game on traffic rules in preparatory group"Lessons from Aunt Owl"

MDOU « kindergarten combined type No. 42" Ramenskoye

Summary of a lesson-game on traffic rules in

preparatory group

"Firefly" « Lessons from Aunt Owl»


Educator: Lovtsova N.V.

Target: generalize ideas about the rules of the road, forming in children the basics of safe behavior on the street.

Program tasks: Develop teamwork skills; Activate children's knowledge about Traffic Rules; Develop speech, memory, thinking; To educate competent pedestrians and road users.

Educator: Guys, we watched auntie’s stories Owls about traffic rules, read a lot, played and today in our mailbox I found a letter from Auntie Owls. (teacher reads) The letter contains three circles of different colors with tasks. Let's listen carefully to the first task, here puzzles:

1. You can’t take this tape

And you can’t braid it.

She lies on the ground

Transport runs along it. (Road)

2. Under Seryozha’s feet

Striped path.

He walks along it boldly,

And behind him are all the people. (Zebra)

3. They stand on the roadsides,

They speak to us silently.

Everyone is ready to help.

The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)

4. Front and back,

And on the sides there are windows.

What a strange house

On rounded legs? (automobile)

5. If you are in a hurry on your way

Walk across the street

Go there, where all the people are,

Where there is a sign (transition)

6. I'm walking around the city,

I won't get into trouble.

Because I know for sure -

I follow the rules. (a pedestrian)

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task. I will hang a red circle on the board. The next task is for the second team on the yellow circle. Auntie The owl also sent a parcel, this box (open, the box contains a suit of a policeman and a driver).

Children: These are suits for the driver and the policeman.

Educator: That's right, I suggest we play the game "We are eating on the bus." Let's distribute the roles, Who will be the policeman? Who will be the driver? The conductor? And the rest of the passengers on the bus. (We're playing) The teacher monitors whether passengers on the bus behave correctly, how the driver and conductor behaves, what duties a policeman has on the road, helps, corrects mistakes, reminds)

Educator: Well done, we did it all, we remembered the rules of conduct for passengers on the bus, the driver, and the policeman. I will place 2 yellow circles on the board. Let's relax a bit and play.

Playing to music: "Pedestrians and Cars" Girls are pedestrians, boys are cars, when slow music plays, pedestrians walk, as soon as fast music starts, pedestrians stop and cars drive by. (We're playing).

Educator: The guys had a rest, and now task 3 awaits us on the green circle. Listen attentively:

A game "Road Alphabet". For each letter of the alphabet, come up with a word related to traffic rules (the presenter calls the letter, and the children shout out the words) a - bus b - ticket c - bicycle, etc.

Educator: Very good, the task has been completed and I will hang the 3rd circle on the board. Look at these 3 circles, what do they look like?

Children: at a traffic light

Educator: That's right, well done, listen to the song about the traffic light (listen to the recording) Or maybe some of the guys remember the poem we taught you about a traffic light.

Children: read poem:

The traffic light has three colors,

They are clear to the driver:

Red light

There is no access.

Get ready for the journey

And the green light - go!

Educator: Now I know that you can protect yourself from dangerous situations on the road. I wish you to always remember and follow traffic rules. And as a gift for all correctly completed tasks, aunty The owl sent you an interesting cartoon. WANT TO WATCH YOURSELF? (CHILDREN WATCHING A CARTOON “On the road with Smeshariki” Part 3.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a travel game for older preschoolers (5–7 years old) based on traffic rules “Lessons of Caution” The summary of the travel game “Lessons of Caution” is designed for children of senior preschool age. It will be useful for kindergarten teachers.

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Theatrical competitive game program.

Prevention Traffic Rules.

"Lessons from Aunt Owl"

Current heroes:

1. Aunt Owl

2. Brownie of Disobedience

3. Cat Yasha

4. Kitty Sima

The music turns on.

Auntie Owl. We give the guys a warning,

Learn the traffic rules immediately.

So that parents do not worry every day.

So that drivers can rush down the street calmly.

We invite everyone to the school of road signs.

The curtain opens. Brownie Naughty sits on the desk.

Brownie. Hello guys, I'm the brownie Neposlukha, I live in every house and put things in order. And this is my friend Pddeshka, he is the boss on the roads and knows all the rules of the road perfectly well.

An owl flies out and kittens run out.

Auntie Owl. Good afternoon guys! Hello Yasha, Sima and Brownie Neposlukha.

Brownie. Hello guys!

Yasha. Hello everyone!

Brownie. We gathered here today to play with cars.

Auntie Owl. And at the same time remember all the rules of the road.

Kitty Sima. Exactly!

Yasha. We need to place all the signs, crossings and vehicles correctly on our road so that we can drive our cars.

Brownie. I invite the kids to ask riddles, and at the same time test their knowledge of road signs and symbols.

Kitty Sima. And the correct answers will be displayed on the screen.

Riddles are asked. The correct answers (guesses) are displayed on the screen in slides.

Auntie Owl. striped horse,
Her name is zebra.
But not the one in the zoo -
People keep walking along it.

Yasha.Along the path in the yard
Kolya is rushing on a horse.
Not a car, not a moped,
A simple one. (

Kitty Sima.I drink gasoline and eat butter,
At least I'm not hungry at all.
And without them I'm so sick,
That I won’t be able to go!

Brownie.By the side of the road
They stand like soldiers.
You and I are doing everything
Whatever they tell us.

Auntie Owl. Are you waiting for boarding
On the designated area,
You don't need skill
This place …(STOP)

Yasha.On the road to all the guys
We have been shining for a long time,
We are three siblings
Our house -

Brownie. The guys did a great job!

Auntie Owl. So you and I remembered the traffic light, the most important one for regulating roads.

Yasha. Did you guys know that the first traffic light appeared in the city of Moscow, already in 1930!

Auntie Owl. And we guys have a traffic light.

Yasha. How can he regulate traffic?

Auntie Owl. He always works in 3 colors: red, yellow and green.

Kitty Sima. At a red traffic light, you need to stand. On yellow - prepare to move. And on green - feel free to move in the right direction.

Auntie Owl. Do the guys also follow these traffic light rules?

The audience responds.

Brownie. And now we can easily check it! Guys, get up from your seats and repeat after us.

Auntie Owl. When I call the traffic light red, we all stand still. And when I call green, we dance and repeat the movements after us.

Yasha. Where did the yellow traffic light go?

Auntie Owl. Yellow traffic lights for transport, and we are pedestrians, we only have green and red. So, are you guys ready?

Game "Traffic Light".

Yasha. The guys know very well which color to stand on, and which color to go to, and so do I. Can we play already?

Auntie Owl. Wait Yasha. How did you forget that you still need to repeat what you can do on the roads and what you can’t do!

Yasha. And I really forgot, you just repeat it, and I’ll look on the computer.

Brownie. Guys, now we will list what you can do on the roads and what you cannot do. When it's allowed, you show your thumb up and shout, it's allowed! And when it’s forbidden, show a cross and say, it’s forbidden! Are you ready?

The game “Allowed and prohibited”

Auntie Owl.

Play on the roadway...(prohibited)

Crossing streets when the traffic light is green...(allowed)

Crossing the street in front of nearby vehicles...(prohibited)

Crossing the street using an underpass...(allowed)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow...(prohibited)

Helping older people cross the street...(allowed)

Running onto the roadway...(prohibited)

Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars...(prohibited)

Chatting and laughing loudly in public transport...(prohibited)

Respect traffic rules...(allowed)

Yasha. I thought I would be confused, but no, everything is correct. The guys and I were so helpful.

Kitty Sima. But I was missing one car, can I then be a pedestrian? So I have a doll.

Yasha. Then your pedestrian needs to be taught to walk correctly and beautifully!

Brownie. Exactly Yasha, but in order to walk correctly and beautifully, I suggest you dance, and the guys join us.

Kitty Sima. Guys, get up from your seats and repeat all the movements after us.

Dance “Top-Top on the Parquet”

Auntie Owl. How well our pedestrians walk now. But you must always remember that on the roads there is also a traffic policeman. It stands when the traffic light is not working.

Brownie. How then should you continue driving when the traffic light is not working?

Auntie Owl. You need to listen to the whistle and look at the direction of movement.

Yasha. Maybe we can practice together with the guys?

Auntie Owl. Good idea Yasha! Now we all walk/jump/clap our hands on the spot to the music! When you hear the whistle, we stop. Ready?

Game "Whistle"

Brownie. Now I also want to have a whistle at home. Well done guys, they quickly responded to the loud whistle! Now they definitely won’t be lost without a traffic light.

A mouse ran across the stage. Yasha and Sima saw the mouse and ran after it, running, jumping, frolicking.

Auntie Owl. Yasha and Sima! Don’t get distracted, otherwise all the rules will be shaken in your head and you won’t remember anything.

Yasha. Well, we already remembered everything, maybe we’ll start playing already?

Auntie Owl. Yasha! We need to remember that not only cars travel on the roads, but also public transport. Buses, trams, trolleybuses and minibuses. It is necessary to repeat the rules of the road for public transport!

Yasha. Well, are there any rules there too?

Auntie Owl. Certainly. I'm sure the guys know these rules. Boys and girls, remember and help us how to avoid public transport on the roadway!

If you get off the tram to cross the road

We are friends, of course, we know how to get around that tram.

Believe it or not, we go around the tram... (from the front)

If you want to bypass the bus, remember for God's sake,

That the bus is not a tram, there is a detour... (from behind)

And don’t bypass the minibus taxi at all,

He went out, close the door tightly, let him pass - stop and ... (wait).

You did great guys.

Auntie Owl. Both cars and public transport always look at road signs and follow their instructions. Some signs are prohibiting, some are allowing. Do you guys know what real road signs look like?

The audience responds.

Auntie Owl. Can you distinguish them from fake signs?

The audience responds.

Auntie Owl. Then guys listen carefully. Now Yasha, Sima and the brownie Neposlukha will show you road signs. If this is a real road sign, then clap our hands. And if this is not a road sign, then we stomp as hard as we can. Are you ready?

Background music is turned on and road signs are shown.

Brownie. What to do if something happens on the roads?

Yasha. What are you talking about, Brownie?

Brownie. Well, suddenly an emergency happens on the road! An accident on the road, or a fire at a bus stop, or someone getting robbed on a bus?

Auntie Owl. That's right, little brownie Neposlukha. In such situations, it is imperative to know 3 important numbers by heart.

Yasha. What are these 3 numbers?

Auntie Owl. Yasha, bring the phone to you now and I’ll tell the guys what phone numbers everyone needs to know.

Yasha is carrying the phone.

Auntie Owl. Guys, your task is to help me, continue the line in the poem and this way we will remember it faster.

If you smell smoke and heat -
01 call, -….fire!

If you feel that there is trouble -
Dial quickly….02!

If you feel pain inside -
Call quickly….03!

Auntie Owl. These three important phone numbers are 01, 02 and 03. Remember them guys and then no trouble will happen to you!

(cartoon maybe)

Kitty Sima. Auntie Owl, Yasha is so eager to play with cars, but it seems to me that he doesn’t even know how to play!

Yasha. I know everything.

Kitty Sima. And how?

Yasha. Well, this is how you take it, as if you were steering the wheel and brrrrrr.

Kitty Sima. You're funny! I’m offering you and the guys a game, and at the same time we’ll teach you and the guys how to drive a car! Guys, get up from your seats and repeat after us. The movements and words are like this. (slowly at first)

Wheels, wheels and a beautiful steering wheel
The wipers are working, the water is pouring gurgle-glug
Turn on the ignition and turn left
There's a distance on the map, let's go ahead

Repeat the game “Wheels, wheels” 3 times.

Brownie. I really like how the guys cope with all the tasks.

Auntie Owl. Indeed, Brownie Neposlukha, the guys are great.

Simka and Yasha play races on the computer.

Simka. I'll win you now!

Yasha. Well, just wait with me, now I’ll catch up and I’ll definitely be the first to the finish line!

Auntie Owl. Guys, what are you playing there?

Yasha loses.

Yasha. They played races. Eh.

Simka. Let's imagine that this is half the hall, your racing team, and this is mine. So let's go now

Car/engine music sounds. Simka and Yasha play with the guys, holding the steering wheel, deviating to the left, then to the right.

(Guys, sit down comfortably, take an imaginary steering wheel in your hands, and press the pedals, repeat...)

Simka. Hooray! You see, everyone arrived at the finish line together.

Yasha. Great, great! I've already started my car, so let's play?

Brownie. Now we’ll play with cars, and then next time we’ll fly in spaceships!

Kitty Sima. And how many vehicles do you know?

Together. A lot of.

Auntie Owl. We will check this now. Only Yasha, Brownie Naughty and the guys, of course, will guess what types of vehicles there are in fairy tales.

Kitty Sima. So we got our heads up and remember the fabulous means of transportation. And the correct answers will be shown on the screen.

The game "Automulti" is projected on the screen.

Auntie Owl.

    What vehicle did the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka travel in? (train)

    What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (on the stove)

    What did they give the postman Pechkin from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”? (bike)

    What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage)

    Name the vehicle that Baba Yaga drove. (mortar, broom)

    What do pirates travel on? (on the ship)

    What does Aladdin ride on? (Magic carpet)

Brownie. I would also like an airplane carpet.

Auntie Owl. Well, Yasha, we all repeated the rules. What do you guys think, have we repeated all the rules?

The audience responds.

Auntie Owl. I propose to consolidate our rules and watch the cartoon that Domovenok, Yasha and Sima and I prepared for you.

The cartoon comes on.

Brownie. Now, we’ve repeated all the rules, reinforced them, now can we play?

Auntie Owl. Of course you can! Look how the kids liked the rules of the road!


Kitty Sima. And I liked these funny and smart guys so much that I wanted to dance with them one last time.

Yasha. I wouldn't mind dancing with you either! Guys, get up from your seats and repeat all the movements after us!

They dance the dance “All 4 directions of the world” or “De-re-mi”

Brownie. Guys, follow all traffic rules!

Kitty Sima. Always be attentive and careful on roads and sidewalks.

Yasha. Take care of yourself, your friends and loved ones!

Auntie Owl. Goodbye, guys. See you again!

The curtain closes and music sounds.

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