
Big Japanese eyes. About Japanese eyes and eyelashes. How to distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese or Korean

If you have never watched Japanese anime in your life, then “ohayo”, “itadakimas” and “nani-i-i?!” for you there are only empty sets of sounds. According to some reports, as of 2016, more than 12,000 cartoons and anime series were produced in the world, but I suspect that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

The main feature of anime characters is their huge half-face eyes. But why exactly this way and not otherwise? What is the secret of big eyes?

There are several interesting theories, some serious and some not so serious. Let's get acquainted with them.

1. Anime - symbolic system

This means that the eyes represent a kind of matrix of the hero and can tell a lot about his character.

Thus, friendly and positive characters have large, shiny and full of life eyes.

In negative characters they are narrowed, sometimes covered or shaded with bangs. They are often drawn to look like the eyes of a snake or bird of prey.

Cunning and emphatically polite characters have fox-like eyes - always closed, as if in a smile.

Neutral characters may have fairly large eyes, but with small pupils. And if the hero’s soul is taken away or his will is deprived by magical means, his eyes will completely fade, lose their highlights and become lifeless.

Children's eyes are often depicted as huge, while old people's eyes are often depicted as small with a dot pupil.

Glasses of all shapes and sizes are a must-have attribute for smart people and evil geniuses, otaku guys and modest chans. This accessory is worn by a quarter of the most famous anime characters, for example, Alucard from the Hellsing anime.

2. It all started with Astro Boy

Astro Boy, the hero of Osamu Tezuka's 1952 manga, became the first anime character with big eyes; before that, cartoonists had not emphasized them. Tezuka borrowed this trick from Disney, and it stuck.

Astro Boy created an unprecedented stir, and even after 60 years, the trappings of the manga and anime series are still popular in Japan and abroad. In addition, the robot boy became one of the national symbols of Japan, and his story marked the beginning of “mecha” - a subgenre of anime about huge humanoid machines. "Transformers" and "Evangelion" are from this series.

Big eyes with wide pupils are simply beautiful. Remember how much affection small children and cats cause. On the other hand, cynical doctors may mention swelling of the eyes during illness thyroid gland. Don't ruin the romance, gentlemen!

4. The Japanese are jealous

Perhaps the most common theory. It's simple: the Japanese have narrow eyes - they envy us and give us complexes - they have a blast in anime. Don't beat me with slippers, but in my opinion, there is some truth here. How else can we explain the general beauty trend for eye-enlarging makeup among Japanese, Korean and Chinese women?

Do you watch anime? Which theory seems most viable to you? Share your opinion with us, and also check out the work of the Russian artist who.

When Europeans encounter representatives of the Mongoloid race, they involuntarily cry out: “They all look the same!” Chinese, Japanese, Koreans - they all seem similar to us, but this is only at first glance. Let’s say right away: it’s not easy to distinguish between them without practice. It is not so easy for even one Asian to determine the nationality of another. Let's try to figure it out...

Mongoloid race

How to visually distinguish its representatives


  • The Chinese nation consists of 56 different nationalities, and some of them are not at all like the Chinese in our minds. It is not easy to create a generalized portrait of a Chinese person, but some common features still exists. The faces of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom are more rounded, and the cheekbones are the widest. The Chinese, compared to the Japanese and Koreans, have the darkest skin, so they do not like to sunbathe.

    The Chinese are the most impulsive and restless among these Asian peoples. They usually talk loudly and may spit on the ground in public places. The Chinese are much more democratic when choosing clothes than the Japanese.

  • Japanese

  • It is believed that Japanese faces elongated and oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. Chinese noses may be wider at the bridge, while Japanese noses will simply be larger. It is also believed that the Japanese have larger heads.

    Japanese women often use pale white for makeup and use active whitening products. It is believed that Japanese men and women are the whitest among Asians. The Japanese are extremely reserved and delicate, so in Japan even in public places it is always very quiet. Interestingly, Japanese women are recognized as the most slender women in the world.

  • Koreans

  • Korean faces are flatter, with high, square cheekbones. Koreans often have single eyelids rather than double eyelids. Koreans are noticeably larger and taller than the Japanese and Chinese. The Korean language is considered melodious and is replete with vowel sounds. However, the speech of Korean residents is distinguished by expression and many accompanying gestures.

    For South Koreans, beauty plays an extremely important role. They are sure that a woman’s success, her chances of a good marriage and a well-paid job directly depend on how she looks. According to the data, for every five women in Seoul, there is one procedure to change their appearance. So if the beauty of an Asian person seems too ideal to you, then most likely he is Korean.

    Many girls go under the plastic surgeon's knife to look like actress Kim Tae Hee. Her appearance is considered ideal. It has gotten to the point that all 20 finalists of the Miss Korea 2013 competition look like twins.

  • Pictured is Tanaka Hitoshi,

    Let's now look at Japan through the eyes of a Japanese person. This is how the Japanese Tanaka Hitoshi, who studied at the Institute of Journalism of the Belarusian State University (Belarus) and now lives in Minsk, writes about his country.

    Childhood and school years

    In Japan, we don’t raise a child until he is 3 years old, because they think that forcing him is bad. As the Japanese proverb says: “Do not touch the soul of a child under 3 years old, and it will remain beautiful until 100 years old.” However, recently another proverb has come into fashion: “Your whole life is decided in childhood.” So, modern parents do not raise their children themselves, but send them to kindergarten. Therefore, others raise them from childhood, teaching them manners.

    From the age of 7, children begin to attend primary school. Well primary school lasts 6 years, training is free. During their school years, they study not only school disciplines, but also learn etiquette. School years- This is the period of formation of the child’s character. In Japan there is a saying “both study and play well.” Unfortunately, catch-up, hide-and-seek, football, baseball and other active games are now being actively replaced by computer games, and no one knows how to deal with this trend.

    Summer holidays last one and a half months from mid-June to early August. Schoolchildren are given a lot of homework for the summer. The most difficult task is to write an essay on a book they read during the holidays. In Japan, most children do not read books, but manga (comics), which are also considered literature.

    After finishing primary school, children continue their education in secondary school for 3 years, and after finishing school they go to a “short university” (college). Previously, it was mostly girls who attended college, but the situation has changed. Studying in college is paid, but the level of preparation meets the stated requirements, sufficient to enroll in a good university after college.

    Heavy load affects psychological state child, so many of them experience constant depression. Such schoolchildren are called “Hikikomoli”. They become lazy, don't go to school and just sit at home.

    Caring parents indulge their whims, and all the children do is sit at the computer in their room, not communicating with anyone except their parents. We need to take them to a psychologist, but in our country it is not yet widely accepted to go to a psychologist.

    Youth years

    After finishing school, some go straight to work, while others go to school, college, institute or university. To enter a university, you need to prepare a lot, study and pass a difficult entrance exam. Studying at university is easier than the admission process. At the university, some students are paid a scholarship for good studies. But still, we have paid education in both public and private universities.

    The average cost of training is 10 thousand dollars per year. The most prestigious university in Japan is the University of Tokyo, and the second is Kyoto University. 4 student years at the university are considered the most fruitful and important period. Every university has many clubs and sections of interest. Usually, at university, students find their calling and true friends for life.

    After graduating from university, most graduates find work, and some remain in graduate school. The number of people wishing to study and work abroad is decreasing every year, because it is difficult for the Japanese to adapt to a foreign country.

    The Japanese say: “A Japanese can only live in Japan.”

    They cannot get used to foreign food. Japanese cuisine is one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. Moreover, it is good for health. The most famous dish Japanese cuisine– sushi made from rice and fish. It enjoys worldwide fame. Only a chef who has trained for at least 5 years can prepare real sushi.


    In Japan, the following professions are considered prestigious: doctor, lawyer, school teacher, university teacher, librarian, civil servants. Their salary is more than 3, 4 thousand dollars a month, and the average salary of Japanese workers is 2 thousand dollars a month. But living costs in Japan are very high. To provide life for one person, you need at least 1 thousand dollars a month. Therefore, many work hard day and night to feed their families.

    At work you cannot be late or lazy, but you must treat your colleagues and bosses well in order to make a career. By law, every employee can take paid leave at any time. However, taking advantage of this opportunity is prevented by the atmosphere at work, where they believe that taking time off for personal purposes is rude. In addition, vacation in Japan is short: summer vacation is 3 days, winter vacation is 6 days and May vacation is 5 days. Under such conditions, it is difficult for every Japanese to devote time to his family.

    Although we have a short vacation, we have a lot of holidays - every month, except June, we have a holiday. For example, girls' day is on March 3, boys' day is on May 5, sports day, labor day, etc. are celebrated in the fall. We say that autumn is the most good season for sports, reading, food, art and love.

    The most important holiday in Japan is New Year. In Japan, it is on the first of January, when people visit Shinto and Buddhist shrines or gather at relatives' homes. After midnight we traditionally eat Japanese buckwheat noodles. During the holiday, you can meet people who wear the Japanese national dress “Kimono”. Wearing a kimono for the holidays is a modern fashion among girls.


    Typically, Japanese people get married in their 30s and later, and each family has one or two children. Previously, after marriage, a woman became a housewife, but now both spouses work and raise their children due to the fact that now there is equality between women and men and high living expenses. In the family, the wife used to yield to her husband in everything, but now she has more rights.

    We say that “a good family is one with a wife who has a strong character.”

    Previously, spouses did not divorce, even if they fell out of love with each other, but now the divorce rate is growing: according to statistics, a quarter of marriages break up. The number of bachelors is increasing and the birth rate is decreasing.


    Regarding characteristic features The Japanese are kindness, modesty, punctuality, patience, stubbornness and shyness. The people of Japan are peaceful. The Japanese always try to avoid conflict, as they value mutual respect and agreement above all else. When meeting, saying goodbye and talking, the Japanese constantly exchange bows, even between family and friends; they usually do not look each other in the eye. They even bow when they talk on the phone, although they cannot see each other. So, when the devastating earthquake struck northeastern Japan in Tohoku in 2011, they rallied together and supported the reconstruction of the city.

    The Japanese are so shy that they cannot look directly at another person. If someone is sitting opposite you in a transport, they look at the mobile phone screen and look down.

    The cell phone is so common in Japan that everyone uses it everywhere. Many people prefer to send SMS messages to each other, not only because it is prohibited to talk on a mobile phone in many public institutions, but also because it is convenient for shy Japanese who are embarrassed to see and talk with their interlocutors. They are addicted to SMS and mobile internet that even during communication and dating they do not look into each other’s eyes, but at the mobile phone screen during a conversation. As a result, it happens that people who are addicted to mobile devices, as if they were addicted to drugs, lose friendship and love.

    It is not easy for the Japanese to directly express their opinions and say “no”, fearing that they might quarrel. Therefore, while pretending to smile, they very gently and modestly say what they want, and sometimes even pretend to agree with their opponent. So in Japan it is very difficult to find out what the other person is thinking.

    There is a saying “even if there are no words, read the atmosphere and find out what to do.”

    Because of this patience, stress quickly accumulates in them. We are now afraid of losing sincerity. Many people tend not to express their feelings outside the home, but only share them with family.


    Still, they drink their favorite sake together, watch baseball matches, which is the most popular sport in Japan, and go to karaoke. Despite being shy, Japanese people dance cheerfully and sing songs loudly at karaoke, even if they can’t sing.

    It is popular to own a dog in Japan. The Japanese love dogs more than cats. This is connected with the story of the legendary Japanese dog Hachi, who waited every day for the return of her owner at Shibuya Station.

    Her character reflects the punctuality and patience of the Japanese people, who do not like to be kept waiting or to break promises. The Japanese prefer to arrive at the meeting place 5-10 minutes before the appointed time. A monument to the most obedient dog, Hachi, was built in Shibuya Station, which is famous for being the place where people agree to meet.

    Japan has many hobbies - sports, music, drawing, singing, dancing, yoga, calligraphy, sado tea ceremony, ikebana flower arranging, aikido, anime, etc. Their fans are called “otak”, that is, who cannot do without this hobby.

    Japanese women love to shop

    In a department store, you often encounter men and boys who patiently wait for their wives and girlfriends with a pile of things bought by women. Women in particular are keen on buying cosmetics and clothes.

    They powder themselves and dress so beautifully that they look younger than their years. Also, due to Japan's humid climate, they have fewer wrinkles, which helps them maintain a youthful appearance. But they all powder the same, and their faces look the same. And men love to buy expensive and high-quality electronic goods.

    The average life expectancy of the Japanese is approximately 85 years. This is the longest average life expectancy in the entire world. After 65 years they retire. Some, out of habit, tend to continue to work or earn extra money, although they have already been freed from the obligation to work. Some have hobbies, while others love to take care of their grandchildren.


    The most modern city in Japan is the capital Tokyo, where there is nothing but! There are so many trains, including 13 subway lines, that even Japanese people can easily get lost. A huge number of Japanese study and work in Tokyo, coming from neighboring towns and stations.

    The former capital of Kyoto has the largest concentration of historical sites, and you can get acquainted with the culture of Japan. There are many Shinto and Buddhist temples there, and the residents usually wear Japanese traditional clothing "kimono" like samurai, many geisha and maiko.

    The southern city of Fukuoka is valued for its amazing nature and delicious dishes. In this city, people are cheerful, friendly and good-natured, just like Belarusians. They say there are many beauties there. By the way, many actresses and singers are from Fukuoka.

    In conclusion, let me introduce you to my hometown Ashiya, which is the smallest and richest city in Japan. It combines elements of modern Japan: department stores, cozy cafes, expensive restaurants and beautiful nature: sea, rivers, mountains. Ashiya is the only city in Japan that does not have a single gambling or nightclub. Therefore, this city is recognized as one of the most prestigious cities in Japan. Many famous people prefer to settle in this calm city, which does not interfere with their personal lives.

    So, come to Japan and see it with your own eyes, get to know its culture and solve its riddle. Everything you like is there!

    It is clear that people living in South Asia have significant similarities, making it difficult for people to differentiate between people from different ethnicities. Koreans, Chinese and Japanese have similar physical and behavioral characteristics, unlike people from other countries. The similarities between the Chinese and Japanese are so deep that one can call a Japanese a Chinese citizen and vice versa. However, despite large number similarities, there are a significant number of differences between Chinese and Japanese faces.

    Description of Japanese faces

    The Japanese face has its own significant properties that are different from the faces of the Chinese or other people living in Asia. Some of the characteristics of the Japanese face include longer and wider faces, a pale face, especially for people living in colder areas of northern Japan, and large eyes that point downward.

    Description of Chinese faces

    It is easy to spot a Chinese person just by looking at his or her eyes, especially for those people who constantly interact with the Chinese people. One of them distinctive features facial features is that they have a round face with smaller eyes that point downwards.

    1) Chinese and Japanese complexion

    One of the main differences between the Japanese and the Chinese is their complexion. Although most seem to have a similar white or red complexion, the Japanese living in northern Japan have a pale complexion. Additionally, the minority tribes of Aomoni and Hokkoido have pale skin on their faces, which is largely due to the climatic conditions of northern Japan, which are cold throughout the year. On the other hand, the Chinese have a mixed complexion due to differences in tribes from the Han Dynasty and marriage between these tribes. However, the majority of China's population is white.

    2) Face shape for Chinese and Japanese faces

    Facial shape is another distinctive aspect that people studying the differences between two nationalities need to understand. The Japanese have a longer and wider face, which makes them appear as if they have a large head. Interestingly, their faces do not seem to have a regular shape, but are usually described as longer and broader, giving them a wider appearance. It is not the same for the Chinese people. Chinese people have a round face, which makes them easy to spot, especially when they are in other countries. Most Chinese people have a certain shape on their faces that almost resembles a perfect circle.

    3) Eye angle on Chinese and Japanese faces

    Although the Japanese and Chinese have fewer eyes, which appear to be the same across all Asian tribes, there is some contrast between Chinese and Japanese eyes that can be easily detected by anyone who pays closer attention. If you have a closer look, it is clear that the Japanese typically have "ventral eyes" with an almond-shaped, protruding hood parallel to the eye shape. Additionally, their eyes appear slightly larger and point downward. On the other hand, the Chinese have eyes with a focal area above the eyelids and below the eyes. Moreover, their eyes are medium to smaller in size and are usually angled downwards.

    4) Facial expression of Chinese and Japanese faces

    Facial expression refers to the emotional aspect that is expressed through the face after a person encounters something that either comes out, irritates, or surprises among other aspects. When Japanese people are exposed to such conditions, they tend to display a frowning face caused by their large eyes. On the other hand, Chinese people have a pronounced facial expression that shows as if they are smiling when they are exposed to an emotional aspect that is either surprising, triggered, or irritating among others. This means that it is difficult to explain whether a Chinese person is annoyed, happy or even surprised.

    5) Outstanding feature on Chinese and Japanese faces

    Their main facial features of the Japanese are their eyes. This is because they are large and easy for anyone to see. Additionally, they have a longer and wider face, which gives a larger look to the eyes, making them one of the prominent features of the face. On the other hand, the Chinese have a round and small face, which makes their eyes less noticeable.

    6) Makeup

    Japanese and Chinese women wear makeup on their faces, which can be used as a factor to differentiate between the two similar nationalities. Japanese women use neutral makeup styles, which means it is difficult to tell if they are wearing makeup on their face. The Chinese use a smoky look and red lipstick and can be easily identified among the different tribes from Asia.

    Difference between Chinese and Japanese faces

    Summary of Chinese and Japanese faces

    • Understanding the differences between Japanese and Chinese people is important aspect, since a person will be able to easily distinguish between these two nationalities.
    • Tour guides and the hospitality industry need to understand the different facets of the Japanese and Chinese people so that they can use appropriate language to communicate with them during travel tours and entertainment joints.
    • Additionally, talking to people using them native language, makes them feel valued and develop a sense of belonging to the new environment.

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