
Sylvester Stallone's net worth. Sylvester Stallone passed away: true or false, latest news. Maximum acting fee

This actor, director, screenwriter and producer has starred in more than 50 films, many of which have become cult classics. Many people invariably associate Sylvester Stallone with “Rocky” and “Rambo”. And the other day the premiere of the film “Creed” took place with Sylvester in one of the main roles. It seems that we know almost everything about this actor, but today new facts about this amazing man will be revealed to us.

10.Early years
Stallone was born in New York on July 6, 1946. Complications occurred during the birth, and some of the nerve endings in the boy's facial muscles were paralyzed. However, this did not prevent him from gaining worldwide fame and these shortcomings became the actor’s calling card.

9. His mother was a wrestler when she was young.
Even now, 93-year-old Jacqueline trains with dumbbells, does pull-ups on rings and lifts barbells. Yes, Sylvester always had a great role model.

8. He worked in a beauty salon
We are used to seeing Stallone on screen as a boxer or a war veteran. But the actor even managed to work in his youth in a beauty salon that belonged to his family. And on the very first day I managed to dye the client’s hair green.

7. People laughed at him as a child
At school, Stallone was considered an outcast. Due to an injury received during childbirth, Sylvester spoke rather poorly as a child, and his eyes only opened halfway. Possessing small stature and slurred speech, Sylvester became the object of universal ridicule and was often beaten. But we all know that he later became the invincible Rocky.

6. He has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Stallone never hid his diagnosis of ADHD and his mother often said in interviews that in his youth she thought that her son would go to prison because of his behavior. He jumped off buildings, started fights and was expelled from 17 schools.

5. The role of Rocky might not have gone to Stallone.
The role of Rocky Balboa could have gone to Robert Redford or Burt Reynolds. But he wrote the story of boxer Rocky Sylvester, which in many ways resembled the story of the author himself. The producers immediately appreciated the script and were ready to pay $350,000 for it. But Stallone, even though he was penniless, set his condition. He demanded to be confirmed main role in the film, flatly refusing the offer to double the fee for the script. No amount of persuasion helped, and the role of the boxer went to the assertive Sylvester.

4. Plans for Rocky
After the first script about Rocky Balboa, Stallone didn’t even think that he would write a sequel. But we know that the 7th part - “Creed” - has already been released. Sylvester even thought about killing the character in part 5, fortunately, the author took pity.

3. Stallone against guns
Yes, the actor often starred in quite bloody and cruel scenes, but the action hero himself opposes the free sale of weapons in the United States.

2. Him financial condition
Stallone is not only a renowned actor, but also a talented and gifted screenwriter. His long-term success has borne fruit, or rather a fortune estimated at $400 million.

1.Has he left Twitter?
Sylvester Stallone wasn't on Twitter for long. The actor said that every time he uses social networks, he certainly finds himself in an awkward situation. So, commenting on the departure of Bruce Willis from the cast of the action movie “The Expendables 3,” Stallone wrote on Twitter: “Greed and laziness are the right formula for the decline of a career.” After this, the actor began to write less often on his blog, and on one of the shows he even said: “You have to be an idiot to use Twitter, and then, when you wake up and sober up, realize that your career is over.”

Sylvester Stallone always dreamed of becoming an actor, but among hundreds of thousands of talented actors his chances were zero, he had no acting education, no acting experience, no wife’s support, no money. This life story of Stallone tells how, having a dream from a beggar, to become the best actor and achieve world fame. This is a real super hero.

Little Stallone

July 6, 1946 Jacqueline Stallone and her husband, an Italian immigrant who worked as a shoemaker, Frank, had their first child. During childbirth, obstetricians damaged Sylvester's vocal cords, and the left side of his face was paralyzed. To put it mildly, Sylvester's mother Jacqueline was shocked.

Enzio Stallone's Sylvester was born in New York's notorious Hell's Kitchen. His father immediately sent him to a boarding school: he didn’t need an extra meal in the family. Only after his parents divorced did Sylvester, at the age of five, finally move into a normal home: his mother remarried the owner of a local pizzeria.

Of course, nothing but trouble awaited a child with that name on the street: in the most comical way, the name “Sylvester” coincided with a character from the popular Loony Tunes cartoon series. Plus, of course, his appearance (slightly squinting eyes, protruding upper lip), and a monstrous Italian accent. Stallone learned the law of the streets early: every man for himself.

Doctors prophesied for Sylvester educational institution for mentally retarded children, but his mother went against everyone and sent him to a regular school. Sylvester changed a dozen schools, from which he was kicked out for hooliganism and poor academic performance, and eventually ended up in a college for troubled teenagers. According to his classmates, Sylvester will certainly end his life in the electric chair.


Before starting his acting career, Sylvester was forced to try himself in various fields of activity. He worked as a bouncer in eateries, cleaned up after lions at the zoo, and played cards for money. It wasn't until 1969 that Sylvester got a tolerable job as an usher in a small New York theater.

While studying at a special school for troubled teenagers, Sylvester was actively involved in sports, went to the gym and sometimes took part in theatrical productions.

But life gave him an opportunity: Stallone became seriously interested in theater. In 1967, the 20-year-old actor received a standing ovation for playing the title role in Death of a Salesman, based on the play by Arthur Miller.

Sylvester began acting in films. First, he performed in the off-Broadway play “The Score”: the young artist was not required to wear a costume. The same year he was shown on the big screen in the porn film “The Italian Stallion”, in the role of this very stallion. $200 for filming - this was the fee for an hour and a half of shame.

None of the directors wanted to deal with a poorly speaking actor; he had to turn to a speech therapist for help. For several months, day and night, Sylvester read plays by Shakespeare, books by Poe and Tolstoy into a tape recorder (while his wife earned her living by working as a waitress). Influenced by classical literature, Sylvester began writing scripts for his future films.

Then the actor went to study in Switzerland at the American College, while working as a coach and continuing to play in the theater. Returning to the States, and having firmly decided to become an actor, Sly went to study dramatic art at the University of Miami.

Stallone had no luck with roles. For the most part, he acted in extras. Sylvester was not selected for the first part of Coppola's The Godfather. His main role then was a second episode in Woody Allen’s “Bananas,” although his name did not even appear in the credits. As a result, he even acted for free: for example, on the set of the film “God’s Little Apartment” he was paid not with money, but with several dozen T-shirts. Then Sylvester decided to change the direction of his activities. With his last money he bought himself a typewriter and sat down to write scripts.


From 1970 to 1975, Stallone wrote 16 screenplays. But only Rocky, which was written in three days, became successful. One day he was watching a broadcast of the fight between the famous Muhammad Ali and Chuck Wepner on TV. It dawned on him: why not make a film about a loser boxer who fell in love with a girl and became a champion? The Universal film company rejected six of his scripts out of hand, but the seventh, called “Rocky,” was accepted with a bang. The producers offered him a huge amount of money - 150 thousand dollars. But Stallone, who had a pregnant wife and 106 dollars, refused. He suggested that they buy the script for one dollar and let him play the lead role. It was then that Universal Vice President Irwin Winkler gave Sylvester the nickname Sly (sly), which replaced the actor’s own name.

It took 28 days and $900,000 to shoot Rocky. Rocky was named the best film of 1976. The film grossed $225 million and won three Oscars. Sylvester Stallone has become one of the most famous actors in the world.

The enormous recognition of “Rocky” and the continuation of the series of films about the poor boxer completely changed Sly’s life. From a poor man, he turned into a millionaire and bought a luxurious house in Santa Monica. It was a stunning success.

Sylvester Stallone was at the time the third actor in history to be nominated for both Best Actor and Best Screenplay at the Oscars. Previously, only Charlie Chaplin (The Great Dictator) and Orson Welles (Citizen Kane) managed this.

Sylvester wrote the film script while sitting in a windowless room and chain-smoking cheap cigarettes. When asked how he was able to write such a gorgeous script in such a short time, he answered: “On the contrary, I am surprised by people who write the same work for 18 years. For example, the guy who wrote Madame Bovary, I don’t remember his last name.”

Writing a script is one thing, but selling it is another. It must be said that the studios became interested in “Rocky” almost immediately. They offered Stallone 150 thousand - quite a lucrative offer, if you know that he had only $106 in his account at that moment. They wanted to take an undisputed star, like James Caan, for the main role. But Stallone was unshakable: he believed that he wrote his own story, which means he should also play in it. In the end, the producers agreed, but set a counter condition that the film's budget would not exceed a million dollars. In order to film the film, Sylvester mortgaged his house.

In preparation for his role in Rocky Balboa, Sly began studying gym, hit a punching bag, and even worked as a sparring partner for the current champion. Stallone's magnificent athletic form is legendary: he is rightly proud that he “sculpted” his body himself. During his film career, Stallone played not only a dozen police officers, but also a football player ("Victory"), a mountain climber ("Cliffhanger") and a Formula 1 racer ("Racer"). This is not to mention the great boxer Rocky Balboa, whom Robert De Niro took as an example in the film Raging Bull.

Watch the movie Rocky (1976) online:


The rest is generally known. Rocky became a sensation, receiving ten Oscar nominations. The great Frank Capra said it was the best American film in decades. Leading critic Roger Ebert called Stallone "the new Marlon Brando." And President Reagan said: “If everyone had the faith, courage and optimism of Rocky Balboa, we wouldn’t have wars.”

Unlike Rocky, Rambo was never Sylvester Stallone's favorite character. But the country demanded a new idol, corresponding to the spirit of the times, and Sly came up with a veteran vietnam war John Rambo. He borrowed his name from a variety of apples, but the official press release prefers a different interpretation: the word “Rambo”, it turns out, is translated from Japanese as “violence.” In different versions of the script, Rambo was either killed or committed suicide, but the producers demanded an uplifting and pathetic ending, and Stallone provided it for them. Rambo was doomed to live, and to live long.

History repeated itself: Stallone’s script was accepted, but they didn’t want to cast him in the lead role. Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman and even John Travolta were suggested. But Stallone again insisted that he would play the main role himself.

Despite the fact that the Rambo series was even more successful than the Rocky series, Stallone said a couple of years ago that “Rambo is dead and buried. And he won't come back from the dead even if he has to fight Bin Laden." But already in next year the fourth honor will be released, “Rambo: Pearl of the Cobra”: in it, an aged, but not losing his agility, soldier fights against global terrorism. The country needs a hero again, and Sylvester Stallone loves his country.

Will to win- this, of course, is the most important of his qualities. When he had to gain almost 30 kg to film Cop Land, Stallone’s career was already buried in absentia. In the same way, he is the absolute record holder for the number of Golden Raspberries (Stallone has three dozen nominations for this dubious award alone) - after this they usually don’t return to the big screen. They repeatedly tried to throw Stallone out of show business and declared him financially bankrupt (he sold his Planet Hollywood restaurants for debts). He has probably had more flops and failures than any other A-list actor. But this is precisely why Sly time after time returns to his most important hero, who, after each fall, finds the strength to get up and go to victory again. Perhaps he will succeed this time too.

10 facts about Stallone

  • Each of Sylvester Stallone's scripts is a weighty volume in the spirit of War and Peace. For example, the script for “The Racer” totaled 220 pages
  • If the film is based on someone else's script, Sly rewrites the words of his hero again. Only one other actor in Hollywood is famous for such meticulousness - Edward Norton.
  • Stallone turned down roles in Die Hard, Romancing the Stone and Beverly Hills Cop
  • He dreams of acting on the stage, and even got his own agent in London's West End
  • For his role in the film Cop Land, he took a fee of 60 thousand dollars - against his usual 20 million.
  • The American Film Institute named him among the ten greatest movie heroes of all time: Gregory Peck, Sean Connery and Humphrey Bogart were in the company with Stallone.
  • He is a frequent visitor to the White House: Stallone was Ronald Reagan's favorite actor, and is now George W. Bush's favorite actor
  • Sylvester Stallone publishes a monthly magazine “Sly”: he writes articles there himself and interviews celebrities
  • In May 2005, he published the book “How to Lose Weight, Gain Strength, Gain Power, and Achieve Your Dreams”
  • Sylvester Stallone's idol is the great Leonardo Da Vinci.

Dream and achieve your dreams. This is a real super hero.

Faktrum publishes a selection of interesting facts about Sylvester Stallone.

Difficult birth

Stallone was born in New York on July 6, 1946. The forceps doctors used to help deliver the baby accidentally damaged a nerve, leaving part of his face paralyzed. This is why Stallone has such facial expressions and slurred speech, which was perfect for the role of a failed fighter trying to make it in Philadelphia.

His mother was a wrestler

There is some irony in the fact that Stallone helped create a series of iconic boxing films. His mother, Jackie Stallone, was a female wrestler and also a promoter in the industry. The actor had someone to follow as an example when preparing for his star role.

He worked in a beauty salon

IN adolescence our hero had problems at school, so serious that his mother found him a job in the family beauty salon. On his first day at the salon, Stallone accidentally dyed a client's hair green, but everything ended well in the end.


Stallone often talked about the bullying he had to endure as a child and teenager. However, in the end he was able to fight back against the offenders, and was so inspired by this victory that he himself began to mock others. This continued until, in Stallone’s own words, “someone bigger came and beat me up.”

He suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Stallone does not hide the fact that he suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He and his mother discussed this in many interviews, talking about the actor's childhood. Jackie Stallone once believed that "her son would spend the rest of his life in prison" because of his behavior. According to her, in his youth he jumped from the roofs of buildings. Stallone's mother also revealed that her son was kicked out of "seventeen high schools"!

He almost missed out on the role of Rocky

Decades after Rocky first hit the big screen, it's hard to imagine anyone else playing the titular character. However, before hiring Stallone for the role, the studio considered Robert Redford and Burt Reynolds. However, Stallone insisted that the role was literally created for him. Considering that the film's script belonged to Stallone himself, he eventually managed to insist on his own.

He is against the free carrying of weapons

Stallone is the most vocal anti-gun activist working in Hollywood today. He even stated during the interview that the United States is going through a "dark age" due to gun policies throughout the country.

His condition

Stallone is not only an excellent actor, he has also proven himself to be a talented and gifted writer. He also appears to have a talent for managing money. Over the years, he has achieved such success that, according to various sources, his net worth is estimated at $400 million.

Has he abandoned Twitter?

Stallone once tweeted that Bruce Willis was "greedy and lazy." When the actor realized what a mistake he had made, he stopped using social networks. Stallone commented on this: “I think George Clooney described these cases most successfully: you have to be an idiot to frolic on Twitter while drunk, and wake up the next morning and realize that your career has come to an end. It's better not to take risks with this."

Although he is already in his eighties, he will still give odds to even the young and athletic

The action movie legends of the 90s are so used to keeping themselves in excellent physical shape that they continue to do so even at a fairly advanced age. Sylvester Stallone, who will turn 72 in a few months, does this especially phenomenally.

Walking motivation

More recently in social networks and information appeared about the actor’s death, and in a matter of hours this news spread throughout the Internet. Even Stallone himself had to make an official denial. Further, Sly, through his Instagram, continued to prove that he is not only alive, but also does not get out of the gym at this age.

One of the videos shows Stallone doing pull-ups with a weight of 45 kg. Such a load is not available to all young athletes. He also hits a punching bag without any problems, and with a fairly high intensity. It is unlikely that anyone has any doubts about the health of the legendary actor.

Stallone is currently filming a new Rocky film called Creed 2, so he may have decided to increase his training in preparation for the film. But even without this, Sly keeps himself in phenomenal shape. Regardless of filming, some days he simply doesn't leave the gym.

Stallone is capable of not only lifting heavy weights, but also does not neglect cardio at his age. Sly moves energetically during boxing sparring and actively pumps up his abs. The actor himself commented on his latest workouts like this: “Another simple workout. Remember: you are only as old as you feel. And how your joints feel.”

Fruits for a good start to the day

Stallone could have calmed down long ago and been lying by the sea with a cocktail, but he goes to the gym at least three times a week and continues to monitor his nutrition. Every day, the actor wakes up around 7-8 am and then loads himself with carbohydrates for a vigorous workout. Favorite dish The actor's breakfast is a fruit salad, which can consist of pears, apples, oranges and kiwi. At 9 am Sly goes to the gym. Warm-up and stretching are followed by an hour of strength training.

It should be noted that Stallone loves quite unique and various innovative simulators. For example, one of them actually looks like a slot machine, where an actor trains the accuracy of a blow. Or a simulator where Stallone simulates the movements of a rock climber. Surprisingly, even at this age, the actor continues to motivate people around the world. Stallone looks great, he is energetic and never tires of making jokes.

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