
Dwarf conifers for the garden. Dwarf conifers: all the charm of miniature forms. Tall coniferous plants for the garden

Apple tree, full of trees and laden fresh apples- a very mesmerizing sight.

Creating such an orchard is a great idea for both a summer house and a personal yard.

But such a garden brings not only a generous amount of sweet apples, but also a lot of trouble. To reduce them, you need produceplanting apple trees at a certain distance from each other and maintaining the distance to other garden crops.

At what distance should apple trees be planted from each other?

Even on a limited area of ​​“six acres” you can find the most favorable placement for all trees.

After all correct placement of fruit trees in personal gardens and gardens, including the distance between when planting - one of the most important conditions in the receiving system excellent harvests, also aimed at maintaining apple trees in excellent health.

ADVICE: The planting pattern for apple trees always varies depending on the climate of the growing region and the size of the orchard.

If apple trees are on a dwarf rootstock?

Bush dwarf types of varieties have emerged relatively recently and currently they are often used when planting apple orchards of both micro and macro sizes.

It is recommended to plant them in one row with an inter-row spacing of 4.3 meters and at a distance of 2.2-2.7 meters from seedling to seedling, this is if the garden is small.

If the territory is larger, then they are planted on trellises in rows. And in the inter-row space there should be at least 4.5 m, between trees - 2 m.

Planting rows of apple trees on a dwarf rootstock.

If “bush trees” are purchased, then determining at what distance to plant the apple tree from the apple tree will depend on the number of rows:

  • In one line with a meter distance between the trees;
  • Row from row - three meters.

Semi-dwarf and dwarf variants sometimes planted in “lines” with a gap of 2.5 m between them, interspersed with other garden crops.

If the garden has strict geometric shapes, then the apple trees should be planted taking into account a pre-worked plan, but even there it is not worth planting them closer than a meter to each other.

Even dwarf trees can create impenetrable thickets if they are planted with “neglect of distances.”

If the garden is more than 10 acres, then for dwarfs set the distance between apple trees when planting:

  • Between rows 3.5 m;
  • Inside the row from 1.7 m to 2.6 m, in the presence of supporting structures.

If they grow without installing support, then:

  • Between trees you need to leave 150-200 cm;
  • There are four meters between the rows.

On a semi-dwarf rootstock

Semi-dwarf apple trees differ from dwarf apple trees in that have greater power of crown growth in height.

If when planting an apple orchard you use seedlings on semi-dwarf rootstock or low-growing species, the grafting of which was carried out on the basis of seedlings, then the shortest distance should be at least three meters, and from row to row - approximately 5 meters.

If the size of the apple tree plantings is large, then it is necessary to plant "card". This is when 10 rows are planted on an area of ​​50 by 100 meters, 5 meters between the rows, inside the trees themselves are placed at a distance of at least 375 cm, but it is better to focus on 400-450 cm.

Layout of columnar apple trees.

With this placement, further Maintenance will be simplified, and the garden will not turn into a forest over time.

When you need to plant no more than 10 semi-dwarf seedlings, the distance between the apple trees when planting is 4.5 meters between each other, and also between the rows. This will guarantee free and easy movement of gardening equipment around the site, and the owners themselves with their children.

If the varieties are vigorous, then the distance from apple tree to apple tree should be increased to five meters, but if they are not going to take special care of the garden, then 5.5 meters can be allocated. Since uncontrolled overgrowth of such trees is a very real thing.

What is the distance when planting apple trees in a checkerboard pattern?

Checkerboard- this is when trees of two parallel rows are planted in relation to the adjacent row with a shift.
This placement contributes to better and more complete use of both the site area and the sun.

Experts from any nursery or large garden recommend the following planting:

  • For dwarfs you will need 150 cm in a row from each other;
  • For semi-dwarf varieties: 300-375 cm from each other;
  • Large shapes of apple trees on seed rootstocks they will require 500-540 cm from each other.

Between the rows they leave from 3 meters when these are dwarf trees, and up to 5.5 meters for tall ones.

Also staggered planting order is often used in palmetto gardens “on supports”. In this case, the trees of the second row are planted so that they are opposite the empty space between the apple trees of the first row. Then you need 400 centimeters between rows and 200 centimeters between apple trees in a row.

ATTENTION! If the garden cannot be carefully looked after, then there is no point in using checkerboard planting, this will only worsen the existence of apple trees, since such planting will quickly turn the area into a “fruit forest.”

What about when sitting in one row?

Often single row planting or chain planting is used only to create fruit alleys from different fruit trees of two different species.

Or to create a “fruit wall” near a high neighbor’s fence. This is also good for small areas or for separating one part of a summer cottage from another.

If they want to arrange metal structures for the formation of elaborate shapes, such as an arched vault, a fruit wall, then between the seedlings they keep the most minimal space than is usually accepted - from 150 to 200 centimeters.

When planting apple trees in the spring, the distance between a row of such trees and the rest of the garden or other structures of the dacha should be at least four meters and:

ADVICE: It is undesirable to plant a row if it will “cut” the sun to the entire area. Otherwise, when the trees grow and rise to their full height, their shadow will make it impossible to use the area for garden vegetables.

At what distance should apple trees be planted depending on their growth vigor?

It is allowed to plant apple trees at such a distance that when they grow up, they fill the garden space in all directions and do not interfere with anyone with their growth.

Final height of the tree at maturity determines the space required between trees in a row and between rows.

The lower the mature height of the trees being planted, the less space they will occupy the garden.

Rules for planting vigorous trees.

This is how dwarf and super-dwarf apple trees can grow closer friend to a friend. It is also worth noting that trees grown on dwarf and superdwarf rootstocks are easier to “adapt” to a trellis.

Low growing apple trees

A 'gnome' or 'bush apple' apple tree will grow up to 3m tall and wide.

If you need to plant dwarf or spur forms in the garden, one and a half meters between apple trees and 2.5 m between rows will be enough for them.

When is it carried out? landing large quantity dwarfs with a special support system, then super-intensive planting is used. Trees of similar types are usually planted as well-developed two-year-old trees.

In the row, the gaps between the stems are 75 centimeters, and 4 meters must be left between the rows. After all, dwarf trees are not as hardy as standard trees, and grow best in moderately frosty winters under an agrofibre cover, so such trees are easier to cover.

  • For classic low-growing varieties, but grafted onto seedlings and growing in the southern gardening zone, the shortest distance between rows of apple trees will be five meters, inside a row - about two meters.
  • Farm version of a garden of low-growing apple trees - this is when there is a meter between dwarf apple trees in one row, and four meters between the rows;
  • And low-growing seedlings should have 2.5 m, and five meters between rows.

Medium-sized apple trees

If a summer resident wants to plant a garden of medium-sized forms, then standard size a medium-sized tree grows up to 6 meters in height. And if it is not pruned correctly, it will grow up to 4-5 meters wide. That's why Medium-sized apple trees are usually reduced by pruning to 5 meters in height.

If the trees are pruned, the rows in the garden should be planted 5 meters apart from the row, and the trees should be 370 to 450 centimeters apart from each other.

When are trees pruned? cup-shaped, then such medium-sized trees, very often grafted onto seed rootstocks, must be planted in a checkerboard pattern at the same distance of 600 centimeters, both in rows and between them.

Free planting of medium-sized apple trees.

This will provide the apple trees with a comfortable life, and the gardener will have an easy time maintaining such an apple orchard.

If it is necessary to plant seedlings of medium height in small space summer cottage, these trees require frequent and painstaking pruning, because if they are grown almost without pruning, they turn the garden into an impenetrable forest.

Important! And in order to properly care for the crown and harvest, the intervals of free space around the tree from surrounding trees should be within four meters, and between trees and buildings - 6.5 meters.

tall trees

If there are no seedlings other than seed stocks, then only proper planting will provide the gardener with apples.

It used to be taken far enoughplanttree from tree so that they have a place to obtain full illumination sunlight, 9 meters and even 13 meters between apple trees.

Illumination of trees.

But it turned out that this distance between the trees does not coincide with biological features neither species nor any variety, and is also unsuitable for the climatic conditions of the area.

If the size of apple trees can be up to 8-11 meters in height, if they are not pruned in any way, they should be planted in a spread of 9 to 12.5 meters.

If standard tall apple trees are pruned and their height does not exceed five meters, then for such apple trees the best would be to plant in a checkerboard pattern, seven meters between apple trees.

The tall seed apple trees themselves, being very hardy, are used for planting gardens in very cold regions, where in winter frosts no more than -28, then they need to be planted more densely.

So, if for Non-Black Earth gardens the garden is planted according to the scheme of 4.5 meters between the trees and 5.5 between the “lines”, if the garden is mechanized, then the row spacing is “widened” to 6-7 meters.

And in the southern regions Russian Federation It is recommended to plant apple trees on seed rootstocks 10 x 10 meters, but in a checkerboard pattern.

How to replant an apple tree from an old apple tree?

Sometimes you have to plant a young apple tree next to an old one. And then you need to know its variety, type of branching and fruiting period, then it will be clear at what distance from each other to plant the apple trees.

The same issues must be resolved by a farmer who has received an old apple orchard and who feels sorry for uprooting everything, but the gaps between the apple trees themselves are huge or there are defects in the plantings themselves.

To avoid confusion and plant everything correctly, it is worth understanding the following:

  • It is advisable to plant trees that are similar in terms of growth vigor and fruiting time (small country gardens this does not apply);
  • You cannot plant a new apple tree in the same place (+2 meters around) where the old apple tree once grew;
  • In the northern regions of gardening, the distances in a row are as follows: for tall apple trees: 5-7 meters; for medium ones: 4-5m; and for dwarfs - about three meters; in the south, 2 meters are added to these figures.

IMPORTANT! The distance between trees depends on the type of rootstock, soil fertility and pruning.

  • In the south, in small gardens, a tree large sizes are planted 7-9 meters from a neighboring tree;
  • While from a tree that has reached 6 meters, you need to retreat 5 meters to plant new apple trees.
  • And the dwarfism of the rootstock of new seedlings will make it possible to compact the row with new trees, planting them every three meters.

Distance between apple trees and other trees and bushes

Wanting to extract as much product as possible from a unit of plot, many gardeners with small individual plots resort to mixed planting trees, in which other fruit species of shrubs and trees are planted in rows of apple trees.

But if the distances are chosen incorrectly, the total harvest of both apples and berries decreases. This is one of the most common mistakes novice gardeners make.

Correct planting of an apple tree in relation to other plants.

When planning a place on the estate for seedlings, you need to take into account the compatibility of these fruit trees and other cultivated plants.

CAREFULLY! Apple trees and most garden plants don't get along well with each other.

But excessively increasing the distances between apple trees and other crops, in turn, is also unreasonable, since the number of fruit-bearing crops per unit area decreases.

How long until the pear?

To a pear grafted onto weak-growing rootstocks, the distance must be 4-5 m. From a strong-growing apple tree to a vigorous-growing pear, 9 m.

What about cherries?

The distance between large tree-like cherries is at least 6 m, and the distance between bushy cherries is 3.5 m.

Space upon disembarkationlowcherries and apple trees Usually they leave 2.5 m. The same amount if it is a felt cherry.

Garden layout.

And before the plum?

So when compacting plum planting a distance of at least 3.5 m for dwarf and columnar apple trees, for others - 4.5 meters.

In the case of growing conventional large-sized varieties, the minimum distance from the plum to the apple tree is 6-8 meters.

What about cherries?

If both trees are short, then you need to leave four meters between them. When the trees in this pair are both strong and tall, they are planted at least 6.5 meters apart.

Watch a video about the compatibility of fruit trees:

What about currants?

The distance from the bush to dwarf and columnar apple trees is 1.25-1.5 m. And 2.5-3 meters if these are tall trees.

And from conifers to apple trees?

When planting apple trees, they are placed from any conifers 8-12 meters. If possible, it is advisable to remove conifers completely from the apple orchard.

Distance from birch to apple tree?

The distance between these trees is 4-5 meters, but for seed apple trees it is better to increase it to 8 meters.

Distance to apricot?

There should be at least 6.5 m between jardels and apple trees. Between low-growing apricots and low apple trees - 5 m.

Beautiful planting of fruit trees.

Distance to the vegetable and potato beds?

In a young apple orchard located 1-1.5 m from the trunks. If this is an intensive garden with mechanized cultivation, then vegetables can only be grown in a meter wide strip located in the center of the row spacing.

What about the distance to the lilac bush?

You can leave 4 m between the lilac and the apple tree if the apple tree is a dwarf. If the bush is large and the apple tree is tall, then 6m is needed.

Between an apple tree and a row of raspberries?

Between a row of ordinary raspberries and a low apple tree “in the sun” leave 2-2.5 m. If these are remontant raspberries and tall trees, then 4 meters.

What about barberry bushes?

Barberry is generally undesirable in a seed garden!

How far apart should you plant roses?

If this is a rose garden, then the distance is 5-7 m to the apple trees. If you just want to plant a couple of rose bushes, then you can plant them 4 meters before the tree.

Distance between crops on the site.

At what distance can apple trees be planted in relation to parts of the plot?

There are the following reasons for “such distances”:

  1. Destruction of buildings or the construction of walls and fences with massive overgrown roots;
  2. Crown and roots near highways and communications interfere with repair activities at these sites;
  3. This obstacle to fire extinguishing.

How far is it from the neighbors' fence?

The interval to the neighbor's fence and all kinds of apple trees on the site should be like this:

  1. If the tree is tall, then the minimum is 4 meters;
  2. If it is a medium-sized and small tree, then about two meters;
  3. And dwarfs can be planted from 1 meter to the boundary.

Distances to the fence.

And from the house to the apple tree?

Low - 4 meters, seed and tall: 8 meters.

Useful videos

Watch a video about choosing the distance between apple trees:

An interesting video about a tree planting scheme in an intensive garden:

Another video about the distance between trees:

What about the cesspool and toilet?

Between them leave 2-2.5 m if it is a closed septic tank, and 4-6 m if it is a regular type.

And to the barn from the apple tree?

Here they keep a distance of only 1 m, if this dwarf varieties or a barn without a foundation. But at least 3 meters from permanent buildings with foundations.

From the property line to the tree?

From borders to apple trees:

  • 2 m dwarf trellis;
  • 2.5-3 m columnar type;
  • 5-4 m medium-sized with annual pruning;
  • 6 m too, but without it;
  • 8-9 m seed apple tree, but without any care or pruning.

At what distance can apple trees of the same variety be planted?


Between themselves in a row: from 75 centimeters to one and a half meters. If there are several rows and there are mechanisms, then you need 4 meters, but if not, then you can leave 2.5 - 3 meters.


It must be planted at a distance five meters from a nearby trunk. And if they are seated in “lines”, then the gap between them will be equal to six meters.


You need to leave 4 meters to other trees. If the apple tree is without proper pruning, then 5 meters.


From it to other varieties it is necessary to have about 3 meters. But a little more than 4m is better.

Apple trees of the same variety.


It must be seated five meters apart. If the rootstock is short, you can reduce the distance to 4 m.


Between the trees themselves there are 3.5-4 m. If they are grafted onto tall seedlings, then 5 meters.


Watch the video of a gardener's experience on garden planning:

Plant apple trees correctly and at the correct distance. And let the garden please you with an abundance of tasty and juicy apples!

In this article we will consider in detail all aspects of planting plants in the garden.

Users often search:

Choosing a place in the garden for plants and following the rules for planting trees and shrubs is more of a recommendation than a hard line of the law, since each plot of land has its own relief features and area.

However, it is worth trying to adhere to them for several reasons:

  1. The fast-growing root system of large rocks is capable of destroying the foundations of buildings, garden paths, and small buildings (gazebos, bathhouses).
  2. High crowns create a constant shadow, which is dangerous for a wooden fence. Since the likelihood of developing fungus and rotting of the material increases.
  3. There should be no trees near underground utilities. Even the roots of bushes can damage a telephone cable, water supply or gas pipe.
  4. Neighbors' dissatisfaction will be provoked by excessive shading of the site. Another option is that fruits and leaves from your trees fall on their estate.

It is strictly forbidden to plant tall plants near power lines. In severe frosts or squally winds, branches can break wires and cut off power to an entire area of ​​a city or village or lead to a fire.

When calculating the distance from trees to fences and buildings, only the distance from the central part of the trunk is taken into account. Therefore, any complaints from neighbors about larger branches are appropriate if the plant is located closer than specified in the standards.

There are no differences between the requirements for planting in the private sector or dacha if the territory is under individual housing construction (individual housing construction) or belongs to a housing cooperative (housing construction cooperative).

Let's consider the basic standards depending on the location.

Between buildings (house, gazebo, garage)

The distance between trees and the outer walls of a residential building, garage, gazebo is at least 5 m. The calculation is based on the pillar. If you want to plant plants for protection from the scorching sun, preference should be given to species with a well-branched crown or shrubs. When choosing the latter, the distance to the house is reduced to 1.5 m.

In addition, there are requirements regarding the placement of plantings near the base of retaining walls. The distance from the tree trunk is 3 m, the bush is 1 m.

To the edge garden paths the distance is reduced to 0.7 m.

It is worth noting that the requirements for gardening partnerships may differ significantly. Therefore, before landing, it is better to clarify all the details with the competent authorities.

To the neighbor's fence

These standards directly depend on the height of the future plant. Among them:

  1. Trees with a trunk over 15 m(birch, oak, maple, pine) are planted at a distance of at least 4 m.
  2. Medium-sized fruit trees include fruit trees (cherry, plum, pear, apricot) with a trunk up to 10 m. These trees can be planted 2 meters from the neighbors’ fence.
  3. Shrubs and dwarf bushes are considered low-growing fruit trees(viburnum, cherry). They can be placed at a distance of 1 m.

But in addition to legislative recommendations, it is worth considering the relationship with neighbors. Overhanging branches, falling fruit, leaves or damage to the integrity of the fence will lead to disagreements. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, it is better to plant plants regardless of height in an interval of 3 m.

To the roadway

The requirements for maintaining the distance of planting are due to the following reasons:

  • the root system can damage the integrity of the road surface;
  • overgrown branches cover part of the route and reduce visibility;
  • placement close to the road in the wrong place will complicate the access of vehicles.

Therefore, trees are planted to the roadway at a distance of 2 m, bushes - from 1 m.

On the border of different areas

If you want to create an additional green fence from your neighbors in this way, you must first ask their consent. Unauthorized landing will lead to conflicts or litigation. In addition, tree branches hanging over your neighbor's property may be removed by him without your consent.

Between plantings

The key factor in the long life of a planted plant This is the presence of sufficient space for full growth and development.

In order not to calculate this distance for each species, you should use the universal distance between plants. It is 5 m.

If the private sector estate is small, then it is worth trying to save on space: the generally accepted recommendation is to leave tall trees and plant shrubs a meter apart from each other. Shade-tolerant specimens should be placed at a distance of 2–3 m between each subsequent unit.

Near communications

The following rules apply:

In addition, when arranging a dacha, it is worth taking into account the tree species. If you are going to grow ash, beech, or acacia on your plot, then there should be nothing within a radius of 4 m from them. This is due to the developed root system.

The right place, compatibility of plantings

The estate looks impressive with cypress, birch, and thuja trees. The latter breed is especially popular among residents of the private sector. It is planted near a fence or street side.

In addition to legal requirements, it is important to comply with recommendations for correct landing seedlings:

  1. Fruit trees are placed at a distance of 3 m from each other. It will be easier to care for them and harvest. And each specimen, as it develops, will receive enough light.
  2. Near oak and ash trees, it is worth placing low-growing, shade-loving flowers.
  3. Bushes are planted at a distance equal to the height of 2 adult plants.
  4. Thuja, cedar, cypress, pine, spruce can be placed a meter from each other.

Despite the beautiful combination of fruit trees and shrubs (currants, raspberries), you should not plant them together. Excessive shade will lead to the fact that the bushes will have to be replanted without a guarantee that they will be accepted in the new place.

Legislative standards for maintaining the distance from trees to neighboring buildings and fences are designed so that the placement is convenient and beneficial to both parties. If you can’t stick to them, you should enlist the support of your neighbors.

Without green spaces adjacent to the house, summer cottage plot looks empty and uncomfortable. Therefore, they are trying to improve it with the help of various plants. However, planting trees and shrubs is not such an easy task. Over time, the seedlings grow, they can damage the fence, nearby buildings, and disturb neighbors. This can be prevented by the norms for planting trees and bushes in relation to the fence of the neighboring area.

Arrangement local area, including the construction of buildings and planting of green spaces, is carried out in accordance with certain sanitary standards and rules (SNiP). They regulate various technological aspects:

  • distance between plants;
  • rules for planting trees from the fence;
  • the presence of a free zone around residential/commercial buildings.

Compliance with these standards contributes to better growth, fruiting of green spaces, and the establishment of good neighborly relations. How many meters should you retreat from important structures and structures?

Maintaining distance between adjacent areas

When arranging a house or summer cottage, you should be guided not only by your own desires, vision of the beauty of the composition, but also by the comfort of your neighbors.

The growth rate of trees and shrubs differs. Some plantings take up little space, while others have a sloping crown, well-developed root system. If you plant them close to a neighbor's property, they can cause trouble after a while.

In addition to such inconveniences as the creation of excessive shading, obstructions of structures, falling of branches and fruits into adjacent areas, difficulties with harvesting, a fire hazard may arise and even the threat of destruction of buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the distance from the fence to the trees in order to avoid violating the integrity of this object, its shading, and stopping the growth and fruiting of plants.

Development and improvement of the site is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents SNiP 30-02-97, 30-03-97, 30-102-99 .

They regulate at what distance from fences and borders of adjacent territories green spaces can be planted. According to the standards, tall trees (poplar, oak, pine, birch) should be located at least 4 m from the dividing line, medium-height plantings (cherry, cherry plum, apple tree, plum, hazel) - 2 m, small ones (berry and ornamental shrubs) - for 1 m. Correct distance

Important: measurements are taken from the neighbor’s fence to the stem part of the plant.

These standards do not provide for a double fence (your own and your neighbor’s). But in practice this happens. Therefore, it is important to prevent the destruction of your own barrier by the crowns and root system of plants. The optimal distance from the enclosing structure to tree trunks is 2.5-3 meters.

Attention: if plants are located close to the border of the territory, the owner of the site may be given an order to cut them down. If the situation is not resolved peacefully, disputes are resolved in court.

Distance to road

Often green spaces are located on the outside of the site. In this case, the distance from the bushes to the roadway should be at least 1 m, from the trees - 1.5-2 m. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance from power lines. To prevent tree crowns from creating barriers to the supply of electricity and a fire hazard, the distance from them to the masts of the lighting network should be more than one and a half meters.

Setback from structures

The site contains buildings for various purposes (residential, utility). Planting vegetation near these objects risks damage brickwork due to the development of the root system and crown. Excessive shading has an adverse effect on the condition of structures. It prevents normal insolation of premises and creates favorable conditions for the development of fungus and mold.

At what distance from buildings can trees (deciduous, fruit) and shrubs be planted?

In accordance with SNiP 2.08.01 - 89, tall plantings should be located on average 5 meters from a residential building, the minimum figure is 3 m.

The optimal distance of plants from outbuildings intended for keeping animals, poultry (barn) is 4 m, other buildings (garage, bathhouse, shed, summer kitchen) - at least 1 m.

This distance will allow you to avoid shading of the rooms of the house, technical rooms by the crown of trees, and destruction of the foundation by the root system. If the goal is to shade the room, use plants with a spreading crown, which are planted 1.5 m from the outer wall of the house.

There are regulations governing the placement of vegetation in relation to various communications. Trees must be kept at least 2 m away from water and gas pipelines and electrical cable lines.

Please note: so that green spaces do not interfere with movement around the site, they are located at least 0.5 m before the garden paths.

Maintaining distance between plants

For the normal development and fruiting of green spaces, they need to be provided suitable conditions. To do this, they are planted at certain distances.

The distance between trees that tolerate sun and shade equally well should be 2-3 m. Fruit-bearing crops should be planted in increments of 5-6 m, and low-growing, decorative ones with a narrow crown (juniper, thuja) - 1-2 m. The exact indicators depend depending on the species or type of tree. So for tall apple trees the minimum distance is 6 m, for medium-sized ones - 3.5 m, for low-growing ones - 2.5 m.

Note: compliance with these indicators will ensure optimal growth rate of green spaces, their decorative qualities and fruiting.

Land development is a responsible matter. Trees (fruit, deciduous), shrubs must be planted thoughtfully, according to the law, observing established norms and rules. This will avoid damage to structures, fences, communications, conflicts with neighbors, and also create suitable conditions for the growth and development of plants.

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