
Topics for psychology classes. Lesson notes for the program "Psychological ABC" (4th year of study). Section i invitation to the country of communication

Lesson notes for the program "Psychological ABC"
(4th year of study)

Several years ago, “School Psychologist” published lesson notes on the developmental program “Psychological ABC” for the first, second and third years of study. This program, aimed at developing the self-awareness of younger schoolchildren, has gained great popularity in Russia. Our readers constantly contact the editors with a request to publish lesson notes for the fourth year of study, so that the program takes on a complete form. We have decided to fulfill this request and are starting to print scripts for the “Psychological ABC” lessons for the fourth year of study. In addition, on the disk that is an appendix to this issue, you will find audio tales from the specified program.




Tasks: motivate students to study their Inner World; promote students' adoption of a reflective position.

Materials: workbooks, a ball, sheets of various shapes for making business cards, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.


1. Organizational moment

Students and psychologist greet each other.

Psychologist . How do friends meet who haven't seen each other for a long time? What do they say? I would like to know, ask, what was the summer like for you, what did you do, how did you feel during that summer?

Exercise “Finish the sentence”

Psychologist. I start a sentence, and whoever I pass the ball to finishes the sentence.

- In the summer I visited...

- In the summer I do a lot...

- I especially liked...

- I was sad…

- I was surprised...

- I read…

- The year has begun for me...

- In 4th grade I want...

2. Work on the topic

Task “Presentation”

Psychologist. Look around, has your office changed over the summer? How have you changed? I suggest we get to know each other again - introduce ourselves, make a kind of presentation. To do this, I propose to make a presentation card at the first stage. Here are cards of different shapes to choose from. On one side write your name, on the other draw what you want to tell others about yourself. Time - 5–7 minutes.

During work, the psychologist approaches the children and inquires about the content of the drawings.

Psychologist . The second stage consists of the presentation procedure itself. Imagine that you came to study at a new school in the city and you were asked to tell about yourself. By showing the card, you introduce yourself. The rest of the guys play the role of the selection committee. They make a decision about admitting you to the school, noting what particularly interested them. So who's first?

The purpose of this task is to create a situation of support, acceptance of each student, and increase their self-worth. The psychologist shows an example of such an attitude. As a rule, everyone who wants to attend does not have time to introduce themselves in one lesson, so the children are asked to save their business cards until the next lesson.

Psychologist .The presentation continues. Only now everyone is invited to introduce our “old friend”, whom we met three years ago, and since then she has been helping us travel in an unusual kingdom and in the amazing land of Communication. Have you guessed the name of our good friend? That's right, this is Psychology. So, back to business. Choose a card of a suitable shape and introduce Psychology, our classes on the “Psychological ABC” so that any interested person can understand what kind of science it is and what we do in our lessons.

After finishing the work, all the cards are attached to the board, and a collage is created. Children should be given time to consider. You can offer to ask questions about any drawing. Thus, students remember the material of psychology: what science studies, why the children need the “Psychological ABC,” which they managed to visit while traveling around the country of Communication in the 3rd grade.

Psychologist .What title would you give to our exhibition? Here's my name.

The psychologist writes on the board: “Psychology is a familiar stranger.” Invites the children to think about the meaning of such a name and the possibility of calling psychology that way.

3. Summing up

Psychologist. So, Memory helped us take a short trip into the past, but what will help us imagine the future, fantasize about classes with the “Psychological ABC” this year? This is Imagination.

The guys express their assumptions about the content of psychology classes in the new academic year and their wishes.

Psychologist .In the next lesson we will find out what meetings with Psychology await us next year.



Tasks: develop skills of reflection and self-assessment of one’s own personality traits; to promote the development of children’s skills to provide psychological support, to help improve children’s self-attitude.

Materials: workbooks, business cards made by children in the last lesson, sheets of A4 paper for drawing up rules, felt-tip pens, cards with the letter “psi” for each student.


1. Organizational moment

Psychologist. I will now say a word that will begin a chain of words related to psychology. Then I pass the ball to someone who remembers any term that is related to psychology. The one who comes last wins.

These can be terms from the entire Psychological ABC course. For example, psyche, character, perception, communication, temperament, etc.

2. Work on the topic

Psychologist. Many people were helped to complete the previous task by the Psychology business card that we made in the last lesson. You have your business cards on the tables. They will help us in the next game.

Exercise “Guess about me”

Presentation cards are collected for children who want to participate in the game. Then the psychologist shows any of them and offers to talk about the author, based on what he depicted, taking into account the color, shape, and content of the drawing.

Psychologist . Imagine that you are the head of a company and hire this person. What kind of job would you offer him according to the information received? What duties is the card writer best suited to perform?

Psychologist .Now it was possible to observe with what interest you spoke about others and about yourself. The topic of our lesson is not accidental. Read it on the board. There is no punctuation at the end. Write down this topic in your workbook and, if desired, put any punctuation mark in this sentence - period, comma, exclamation or question mark, etc.)

It is not necessary to ask the children to explain the meaning of each sign they make; it is enough to pronounce the topic with the appropriate intonation.

Research “What do I know about how I communicate?”

The psychologist distributes forms for self-analysis to the children (see appendix to the lesson).

Psychologist. We have already turned more than once to thinking about what we are like at different moments in our lives. Let's think about how we communicate, what we do and what we don't. Complete the sentences that are written on your pieces of paper. Write sincerely what you think.

Exercise “I am interesting because...”

The guys stand in a circle. The exercise begins with a counting counter:

I have a message for someone.
Because our circle is small,
Tell me why you are interested.

The one on whom the counting stops must complete the sentence “I am interesting because...”

Assignment “Live by the rules”

Psychologist. This year we will continue to study ourselves, our Inner world. During the “Psychological ABC” classes we will follow certain rules. They will help us organize our work. For example, the “bell rule”: when it signals, you must stop the task in any case. Or this sign “I”. What do you think this rule says? That's right, it warns of special attention to the person who shows this sign. Today you have the opportunity to come up with rules of life in our lessons, create ones that will be convenient for everyone.

The guys discuss the list of rules in groups for 5 minutes and draw them up on sheets of paper. Then a group decision is presented to the general court. The psychologist recalls the rules of working in groups of four: everyone expresses an opinion, the persuasiveness of the speaker or voting helps to make a decision. One speaks on behalf of everyone (there is also a queue for speeches). These rules are displayed symbolically with a specific sign.

Exercise “Gift to yourself”

Psychologist. We continue our journey through the land of Communication. Of course, on this trip we need to take something that can be useful on the road. What would you give to yourself?

(Students take turns answering.)

And the Psi-Mag gives each of you his own symbol - the letter PSI and wishes new discoveries in the study of your Inner World. It's so interesting!

If desired, the children can stick the Psi-Mage symbol on their workbook.

3. Homework

Look through the pages of the workbook for last year, remember the topics of 3rd grade.


What do I know about how I communicate?

1. A friend is someone who _______________________

2. As a friend, I am _____________________________

3. If someone doesn’t want to communicate with me, then I __________________________

4. If I don’t want to communicate with someone _______________

5. When I want to make friends with someone ______________

6. When they want to make friends with me _______________

7. I communicate best when ____________

8. It’s good to communicate with me when _______________



Tasks: contribute to the updating of material on the most important topics of 3rd grade; help in understanding the characteristics of your communication with other people.

Materials: workbooks, a ball, a map of the country of Communication on a magnetic board with a route laid out (the names of the stops are not written on the map), cards 2–3 cm in size with written signs “!”, “?”, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, large sheets of Whatman paper.


1. Organizational moment

Exercise “Continue the chain”

Psychologist. You are familiar with this exercise. Today I am starting a chain of names of the characters in the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Broken Ties,” which we started reading in 3rd grade.

The psychologist passes the ball to those who remember the characters of the book (Yulia, Gaf Gafych, Jack the Friend, Psi-Mag and others).

Psychologist. It was these heroes who helped us study our inner world and comprehend the secrets of communication for three years. And today we have the task of remembering everything...

The topic “What do we know about communication” is written on the board.

2. Work on the topic

Psychologist. I start writing words. Guess what the words are by the first letters.

Sociability. ( Castle(nuisance).

Con(tact). ( Con(conflict).

St.(ide). ( St.(rim).

What associations do you have when reading these words?

Now, in your workbooks, symbolically depict “conflict” and “contact.”

Have you noticed that the words begin the same way - contact and conflict, freedom and connection? How do these words differ in meaning? Are they compatible or are they mutually exclusive?

In case of difficulty, it is enough to simply inform the children that sometimes continuation of contact is impossible without conflict. We will learn how and when this happens in 4th grade. And freedom without being “bound” by certain obligations turns into permissiveness. The “Psychological ABC” lessons in 4th grade will also be devoted to this topic.

Psychologist .That’s exactly what one of our stops on the route through the Land of Communication was called, “Conflict and Contact.”

Task “Restore the map”

Psychologist. Here is a map of our journey. On it you see the route we have taken over the past year. However, there are no names of our stopping points. Try to restore them.

The discussion takes place in groups of fours; children must remember the symbol and name of each station. Then the route is restored on the map as it looked in 3rd grade. Names are attached to stop points. After the “Sympathy and Empathy” station, the continuation of the route is indicated, which goes beyond the map. Children's attention is not yet fixed on this.

Task “Restore in memory”

Psychologist. Each of you has cards with the signs “!”, “?” on your desk. Now look at the map again. In the summer you had a time full of communication. And we probably gained experience on each topic of our stops, and perhaps new questions arose. Place a “!” near the topic whose knowledge was useful to you in the summer, and “?” - where you may have encountered difficulties, some questions arose.

After the guys attach the signs to the map, it is advisable to organize a detailed discussion of what happened; At the same time, 3rd grade material is repeated and attention is drawn to the peculiarities of children’s communication in the summer.

Psychologist .What games and exercises do you remember from last year? This year we will meet with new games, and I will now introduce you to one of them. You can play it yourself during recess.

Game “Ship Among the Rocks”

(cm. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate. - Part 2. - M., 2001. P. 104)

Psychologist. Please form a large circle, holding hands. This is the shore, in the middle is the sea. There are rocky cliffs in the sea. Have one of you come out with a chair and become the “rock.” Another will be the ship, someone will be the captain of the ship. We will blindfold the “ship”, and the captain will control it using only words. It is important to navigate the ship between the rocks from one harbor to another. Let's decide where the harbors will be. The captain’s commands can be: “Two steps forward, stop, right, step left, forward,” etc. When the “ship” approaches the final point of its route, the “harbour” should say: “You have reached your goal.”

Exercise Analysis

- How did you feel when you were a “ship”?

- What was difficult for you as a captain?

- How did you feel when you were a “rock” and a “ship” passed next to you?

- How did the other guys feel?

- What role would you like to play next?

3. Summing up

Psychologist. Look at the map of our trip. Where does the route end?

- What is the purpose of our journey through the Land of Communication?

- How do you imagine a Master of Communication? What does he look like? What qualities does he have?

- What questions would you ask him this year?

Write on pieces of paper the questions that you would like to ask the Master of Communication. You will receive answers at the end of the journey.



Tasks: motivate the need to study the psychology of communication at school; create conditions for understanding the peculiarities of your communications.

Materials: workbooks, recording statements on the board, large sheets of Whatman paper, paint or gouache, brushes.


1. Organizational moment

A map of the Country of Communication hangs on the board. Now it consists of two parts: one is already familiar to the children from the last lesson, and the other part is a continuation, but for now it is a completely blank slate.

Psychologist. On the board is a familiar map of the Land of Communication, but it now has a continuation. You see this part of the map completely empty. It will be filled during our trip. Today we will work on the upcoming route.

Task “Pictogram”

Psychologist. Let me remind you of this exercise. I name the words. You must memorize them using pictograms, which means “pictorial writing.” Try to keep the drawings short and symbolic. The main thing is not the reality of the image, but that it helps you remember the words.

Words to remember: strong friendship, seeds of discord, Kingdom of Broken Ties, key of understanding, pleasant communication, Closed City, Master of Communication.

At the next stage of the game, the person who wishes comes to the board and offers the children his version of the encrypted phrase, without naming it. The rest must guess. In this way, the guys remember the pages of the book “The Kingdom of Broken Ties.”

2. Work on the topic

Psychologist. What did the Closed City look like in the Kingdom of Broken Ties? What surprised Yulia and her friends in this strange city?

To activate the pages of a fairy tale in your memory, you can use the illustrations in the book.

Game “Closed City”

Psychologist .Now imagine that you find yourself in the Closed City. At my signal, each of you becomes a resident of such a city. Show us what you look like now, how you differ from ordinary people. Start moving around the classroom in this look.

For 10–12 minutes, the children silently move around the classroom as residents of the Closed City. The psychologist should carefully monitor what is happening: children look at each other aloofly, tend to fearfully move away from each other when they meet, or, conversely, collide defiantly. The game should be stopped as soon as rude behavior appears. Give a signal to exit the role and change the conditions of the game: “You are again residents of our city, 4th grade students.”

You need to give the guys two or three minutes to chat in new conditions and then ask them to take a seat for discussion.

Psychologist . How do you feel now? How did you feel as a resident of the Closed City? What happened to you? How could events develop further? Why?

“The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication,” said the French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Here are statements from other famous thinkers who lived and worked at different times. But, in my opinion, their thoughts are very similar. Is it so?

The psychologist points to a board on which quotes from the works of various authors about communication have been written down in advance (see appendix to the lesson).

During the discussion, material is repeated about the meaning and functions of human communication, about the importance of studying the psychology of communication in school.

Psychologist . Are you ready to embark on a new journey through the land of Communication? Then let’s imagine what will happen ahead, what the route of our journey might look like and the Master of Communication, whom we will meet at the end of the journey.

Exercise “Together”

The guys are divided into teams (8-10 people each) and line up. Their task is to draw the Master of Communication on the board as they imagine him, but on the condition: without agreeing, in turn going to the board, everyone draws until the presenter’s signal. You should strictly limit the drawing time for one person (5-7 seconds).

Psychologist . Are the teams satisfied with the results of their work? Are each of you happy? Can you say that you painted together? Is the exercise named correctly? How can you change the conditions of the exercise so that you actually work together?

Exercise “Common Cause”

Each team receives paints, a large sheet of whatman paper, on which a map of the future journey and the intended route should appear in 10 minutes.

Psychologist .How you will do this - I don’t know. One condition - it must be common cause.

During work, the psychologist takes the position of an observer. If some team fails to work together at all, this may become a reason for a deep and serious analysis of the reasons. After completing the exercise, it is important to ask the guys about the tactics of completing the task and the satisfaction of each participant. You should focus more on the process of performing the exercise rather than on the result.

Psychologist .Who thinks that their team had a common work and why? Are the words “general” and “communication” the same root? Did you communicate while drawing? What was the communication like?

When analyzing the exercise, the thought must be voiced that only by communicating can a common cause be achieved. At the same time, communication can sometimes be not very pleasant and ineffective, but this can be overcome. And then there will definitely be a meeting with the Master of Communication.

3. Summing up

Psychologist. So, we are convinced that communication is a common matter. Looking at your creative projects, you can see that you are even ready for some challenges.

You should refer to the children’s maps that they created, comment on them and logically move on to the topic of future lessons.

Any master has tools that help him. The Master of Communication also has his own tools with which he can establish contact with any person and in any conditions. What kind of instruments do you think these are?

Children express their guesses.

It is with this question that we will begin the next lesson.


Quotes from famous people about communication
(See “Pearls of Thought.” Compiled by A.A. Zhadan. - Mn.: Belarus, 1991)

A person is only a person when he is with everyone else.

J. Amadou, Brazilian writer, 20th century.

Only in people can a person recognize himself.

I. Goethe, German poet, thinker, XVIII–XIX centuries.

Happiness increases by sharing it with others.

J. Lametrie, French philosopher, 18th century

A person cannot live alone. The highest happiness and human joy is communication with other people.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Soviet teacher

The individual is weak, like a deserted Robinson; only in community with others can he do much.

A. Schopenhauer, German philosopher, 19th century.

By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own.

Plato, ancient Greek philosopher




Tasks: motivate students to master one of the most important skills in communication - the ability to listen; help to understand the content of listening skills.

Materials: workbooks.


1. Organizational moment

Psychologist . Who will repeat the question with which I promised to start our lesson? Right. What is the tool of the Master of Communication in establishing contact? I don't have an answer for you right now. The heroes of the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Broken Ties” will help us answer this question. During subsequent classes we will read the continuation of Yulia's adventures, and only then will you be able to find the answer yourself. I suggest writing in the margins of your workbooks: “Tools of communication.” Place a colon and make notes yourself after each lesson.

2. Mood for class

On the board there is an unfinished note on the lesson topic “How to be able to do well...”. The psychologist asks the children to fantasize and suggest their own version of the name of the topic.

Psychologist. How would you continue this sentence?

Every answer is approved. The psychologist pays attention to the children’s first statements; as a rule, this is what really worries the children (their desires, aspirations). After listening to all the proposals, the psychologist promises the children that they will learn the full topic of the lesson after completing the task.

Task “Guess”

Psychologist. Listen to an excerpt from A. Kurlyandsky’s fairy tale “Have you been to Tahiti?” and guess why there was no communication between the heroes of this story.

The psychologist reads the passage out loud (see Appendix 1 to the lesson).

Now have you guessed what the topic of our lesson sounds like? What do you need to be able to communicate effectively?

(On the board, the word “listen” is added to the title of the topic.)

And what does it mean to “be able to listen” and why is it important when communicating - we will learn today in class.

3. Work on the topic

Exercise “Favorite Things”
(modification of exercise from the book: K. Fopel. How to teach children to cooperate, part 2)

Psychologist . Doing this exercise will help you understand the meaning of “listening.” The work will take place in pairs.

First, everyone in turn will tell their neighbor about some thing that is especially dear to them. This could be a toy, a book, or even the kitchen table where the whole family gathers in the evening. You must try to explain why this particular thing is so important to you and why you want to talk about it. You need to listen carefully and remember what your partner is saying. Time - 2 minutes.

(Students complete the task.)

And now Repeat to each other what you learned about your neighbor's favorite thing. Time - 2 minutes.

Before completing the second stage of the exercise, you can optionally offer to talk about your neighbor’s favorite thing in front of the whole class as an example. Finally, the exercise is analyzed by question.

- How do you feel after doing the exercise?

- Who liked the story about your favorite thing according to your neighbor? Why?

- Did you notice how your interlocutor listened to you?

- What exactly in his behavior supported you, what made you want to tell more?

During the analysis, the first conclusions are made that when communicating, an attentive posture and an interested look of the interlocutor are important.

Exercise “Who listens?”

Psychologist. How many of you want to tell the class your favorite fairy tale or funny story from your life?

The student leaves the classroom to get ready. And at this time, the psychologist agrees with the rest of the children that the left half of the class will do their best to show that they are not at all interested in the story and pretend to be mortally bored, while the right half, on the contrary, will demonstrate extreme interest. After the child completes the story, it is discussed what he noticed, what feelings arose, which half of the class he addressed, etc. It is important to draw students' attention to what signs of attentive listening were shown.

Psychologist . So, the components of listening skills are the posture of an attentive interlocutor, a supportive gaze, and the listener’s interest, which manifests itself in leading questions.

Book time

Psychologist. How difficult it turns out to be to live when no one listens to you. Gaf Gafych told Yulia a story from which you can learn about what is necessary to be listened to.

Reading “Tales about the ability to listen” from I. Vachkov’s book “The Kingdom of Broken Ties” (see Appendix 2 to the lesson), after which a discussion is organized on the following questions:

- Why were the heroes of the fairy tale interesting?

- Imagine, if in our life, as in a fairy tale, “the shapes of the inhabitants’ bodies depended on the conditions of their life,” how would the appearance of some people, for example those who do not know how to listen, change?

- Do you think Bala Bol understood what the skill of listening is?

4. Summing up

Children share their impressions of the fairy tale, the conclusion is: in order to have an attentive listener, you must be able to listen yourself.

5. Homework

Observe how you are most often in communication - speaking or listening.


An excerpt from a fairy tale by A. Kurlyandsky
“Have you been to Tahiti?”

They were waiting for Kesha. Several strong guys were sitting at a huge table. Equally cut hair. There were also girls among the boys. Also the same. With long legs and short skirts.

“I’m flying to Tahiti one day,” Kesha began. -Have you been to Tahiti?

There were,” one of the guys suddenly said.

Kesha was confused. The question he asked did not require an answer.

“I see,” Kesha said. - So you were in Tahiti. And I was there...

“I drank honey and beer,” the guy said. Everyone laughed.

What does honey have to do with it? - Kesha was offended.

What does Tahiti have to do with it? - the guy asked.

And despite the fact that I somehow fly to Tahiti, and Piggy tells me...

What flight did you take? - asked the same guy. - Ours or Singaporean?

Kesha was offended:

Will you listen or not?

We will, we will, everyone said.

So, - Kesha began again. - I’m flying to Tahiti one day. And Piggy says to me: “Here’s Mars for you.” Ate and order..."

Who did you eat? Piggy?

The Master said this and everyone just doubled over laughing. Kesha felt so hurt that he almost cried.


A Tale of Listening

I can't say whether this story is a fairy tale or not. It may well be that this is a real story. Our old space pilots told it.

Here is how it was. One day, a spaceship from my home planet Sobakilia (as you understand, all the inhabitants on this planet are intelligent dogs) ended up in the constellation Ursa Major for some dog business of its own. And then, in the area of ​​one of the planets of the star that completes the handle of the “bucket” of the Ursa, problems arose in the spaceship. The captain decided to make an emergency landing - fortunately, the nearest planet turned out to be very similar in its characteristics to Sobakilia.

The spaceship landed in a remarkably beautiful blue clearing in an orange forest, and the spacemen began repairing the failed unit. But before they had time to plunge into work, fierce, ragged-looking creatures jumped out of the thickets. A minute later, all the spacemen found themselves tied not only with their paws, but also with their muzzles. The captive dogs, suspended upside down from long sticks, were taken to a large cave that served as the home of the local inhabitants.

Only here, in the bright flames of the fires, were the spacemen able to see the attackers. These creatures looked a little like people, although the number of arms, legs, heads, and fingers and toes varied greatly. In addition, some were covered with fur and had fangs, horns, hooves or wings. The general impression of these creatures was rather sad: they were all dressed in terrible rags; their weapons consisted of rusted sabers, axes and scimitars; some turned out to be the owners of large single-barreled pistols and ancient rifles.

The prisoners were locked in a roughly built wooden cage, having first been freed from the ropes. Very soon a creature hobbled towards the cage, and by its confident behavior the captain of the spaceship identified it as the leader of the invaders.

The leader had only one leg supporting his cruciform body, but he had four arms and a crutch under each of his four shoulders. Two small pointed ears stuck out of the red fur on the head, and for some reason three multi-colored eyes (red, yellow and green) seemed sad to the starship captain, especially the yellow one, located at the top, in the middle of the forehead.

(It must be said that the Dog Captain was a wonderful psychologist, and in addition, he was trained in good manners courses for noble dogs. His name was Ari, and his friends gave him the nickname Stokrat, because he loved to say: “Increase your communication abilities a hundredfold, and you will make a good dog.”)

The leader stood on crutches by the cage for a couple of minutes, and then said hoarsely and somehow sadly:

We will eat you dogs...

“I dare to say that the eating of other intelligent beings by some intelligent beings is contrary to universal moral standards,” said Ari Stokrat.

The creature widened all three eyes, especially the top one, and croaked in surprise:

So are you talking?

Yes. Let me introduce myself,” and Ari said his name. - And with whom do I have the honor?..

So, we are pirates! - the creature joyfully explained. - My name is Bala Bol, I’m here for the captain... Why aren’t you shaking with fear? - he suddenly asked suspiciously. - And you don’t swallow your tongue? Everyone here either swallows their tongues or uses them to grind all sorts of nonsense!

“I will be glad if, as an exception to the rule, I give you pleasure,” answered Ari Stokrat, gallantly, as always.

“You put it clearly,” Bala Bol said approvingly. - Tell me, maybe you can not only speak, but also listen?

And the pirate’s eyes suddenly flashed with such hope and prayer that it seemed that these were not eyes at all, but three bright lanterns on a diesel locomotive.

Listening to another is one of the greatest and most complex arts that exist,” Ari Stokrat noted carefully. - I've been trying to master it for a long time.

So try it, honey, huh? - the captain of the pirates began to fuss around the cage, excitedly banging his crutches. - Well, no one can! These,” he nodded at the wild crowd of pirates, “only understand the roar, and when you start talking to them, they immediately fall asleep.” I would hang everyone on the yards, but we don’t have yards here! Yes, sit down, sit down. I really want to talk with passion!

Bala Bol in the blink of an eye made a kind of chair out of crutches and perched himself on it. The starship captain settled down on the floor of the cage near the bars.

And Bala Bol spoke.

On the planet where he was born, the shapes of the bodies of the inhabitants depended on their living conditions. Since childhood, Bala Bol suffered from loneliness. He had no one to go to, so he only grew one leg - just enough to stand. He had no one to play dominoes with, and he grew another pair of hands. He looked so diligently for someone who could listen to him that he developed a third eye.

He told Ari Stokrat about his difficult life: his homeless orphan childhood, the street company and its bad influence; about the difficult male craft of a pirate, about how he mastered it under the guidance of experienced mentors; about the accident of his space frigate, settlement on this planet and much more. But the main theme in the pirate's story was longing - longing for understanding. In his entire life, he had not met a single creature who could simply listen to him. After all, he captured prisoners not for the sake of robbery, but in the hope of an attentive and sensitive listener. But no one - absolutely no one! - didn’t want to, couldn’t, couldn’t listen, and from this the pirate became more and more furious and almost turned into a half-animal, like his sailors.

Bala Bol spoke for three days without a break, now jumping up from his seat, now squatting on his only leg, now laughing, now bursting into tears. For three days without a break, the captain of the Sobasil spaceship listened attentively, without interrupting. And when Bala Bol’s flow of words dried up, his tongue became tired and the pirate fell silent, then Ari Stokrat uttered one single phrase:

Have you tried listening to anyone yourself?

Bala Bol silently looked at the dog (at the same time his three eyes almost fell out of their sockets in surprise) and shook his head negatively. The starship captain nodded towards the gloomy pirate brethren:

Maybe you can try it?

At first, with cruel orders, roars and threats, Bala Bol tried to force his sailors to talk about themselves. But when this did not help, he thought deeply and sat for a long time at the far wall of the cave. Meanwhile, a rebellion seemed to be brewing among his subordinates, as they were very hungry. Lost in his thoughts, Bala Bol did not notice this until the moment when the sailors approached him and began to growl indignantly.

The pirate captain was about to bark at them out of habit and thereby instantly calm them down, but, glancing at Ari Stokrat, he nodded and listened carefully. The sailors began to explain their problems to him, and somehow imperceptibly the growling turned into human speech.

After listening to his subordinates, Bala Bol, without saying a word, extracted supplies of dried meat from somewhere from a hiding place and fed them to the pirates. After that, he hobbled to the cage, unlocked the lock, hugged Ari Stokrat and, wiping the tears that flowed in a stream from all three of his eyes, exclaimed:

Thank you, Ari! Thanks to you, I became a different person. In fact, I have only just become human!

Two hours later, the spaceship repaired by the pirates, loaded with food and jewelry, with the Sobasil spacemen on board, kissed to the point of insanity by Bala Bol, left the planet.

The pirate captain himself waved four handkerchiefs and shouted in a hoarse voice, drowning out the roar of the engines:

I’m breaking all my scimitars and going into psychology! I also want to help people! And I'll change my name! I won’t bother in vain!



Tasks: help you understand the difference between the concepts of “listening” and “hearing”; encourage children to reflect on the positions of the speaker and the listener; develop active listening skills in children.

Materials: workbooks.


1. Organizational moment

The topic of the lesson “How to hear well” is written on the board (it should be written on the board in this way before discussing it with the children). The psychologist greets the children in a deliberately quiet manner, creating a situation where they do not hear what is being said to them.

Psychologist . What was happening now? Did you listen? Did you listen carefully? Now pay attention to the entry of our topic. How does this title differ from the previous topic? Do the words “listen” and “hear” have the same meaning?

When communicating, we share news with each other, tell something... But do we always have the desire to tell? And most importantly, do we always know how to listen to our interlocutor? After all, it also happens: one speaks, and the second simply cannot get a word in. Or one tells, and the other ignores everything and does not react to the interlocutor in any way.

The guys repeat the material from the previous lesson about the ability to listen - an important quality of a person and necessary for his development. The word “listen” is restored in the title of the topic.

2. Introduction to the topic

Exercise “Listen to ourselves”

The exercise time is 5–6 minutes.

Psychologist. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Listen to what's going on around you. Try to separate the sounds from one another. What do you hear? Now listen to yourself. Listen carefully to your feelings... Sit and listen to yourself... What do you feel now, what do you want? What did you hear?

At the end, the guys share their impressions. It would be nice, if possible, to interview everyone who wants to, while at the same time directing the rest of the guys to listen carefully.

Psychologist . For several minutes, each of you has now been in the situation of speaking and listening. And this happens all the time throughout the day. Or maybe I'm wrong? Name a situation where you are neither the speaker nor the listener.

During the answers, it turns out that a person, in fact, throughout the day is constantly in the position of either a speaker or a listener. Even when a person does not speak himself and does not listen to what is told to him, he can listen to himself.

3. Work on the topic

Reflective task “Which am I - a speaker or a listener?”

Psychologist. Think back to the communication situations in which you have found yourself lately. Think about what you had to do more often - talk or listen? Open your workbooks. I ask you to mark on the scales how you are more often in communication with adults and with peers - listening or speaking.

Students make marks on the following scales:

With peers:

With adults:

listening _________________________________ speaking

Exercise “Trap”

Psychologist. Now I will tell you a story, and please listen carefully.

As a story, you can take, for example, an excerpt from the chapter “How to find a common language” from the book “The Kingdom of Broken Ties” (p. 50, chapter 6) and read it, deliberately omitting words and phrases, thereby violating the logic and meaning of the story ( see lesson appendix).

When listening, children can either ask questions, since much remains unclear, or listen without interrupting reading. In any case, the teacher draws attention to the fact that listening can be passive or active.

Psychologist. Who is an active listener and how to learn to listen to your interlocutor correctly - this is what we will talk about in today's lesson.

Reflective task “Active or passive”

Psychologist. Close your eyes, each of you will now take a journey into your memories. Remember in detail one of the days of the past week. Who did you meet? In and out of school? How and what did you talk about? In which position were you most often in communication: passive - that is, almost always inactive, did not do anything first, waited for actions from others in order to react, or active? How did you act in communication then? How were you with adults - active or passive? What about your peers?

Having opened their eyes, students mark their place on the scales in the “Psychological Albums.”

With peers:

With adults:

passive ___________________________ active

When discussing the exercise, it is concluded that in communication it is possible to be active and listening at the same time.

Exercise “Active listening”

Children are divided into pairs. Within a few minutes, one of the partners tells the other a story (for example, how your day off went). The second one listens and asks him questions. Then the guys change roles. At the end there is a discussion.

Psychologist . Which storyteller can say that he had an attentive listener? What exactly kept you going? Who was actively listening? How did this manifest itself?

During the discussion, the conclusion is that during active listening, the interlocutor asks questions that can be different: clarifying, supplementing, etc.

4. Homework

Observe what kind of questions others ask while listening and under what conditions listening becomes active.


How to find a common language?

Quite a long time has passed. Darkness crawled out of the openings between houses, deserted courtyards and basements and almost completely flooded the streets. Yulia was about to talk about spending the night when she heard uneven clanging sounds ahead. She made a sign to her companions, and everyone listened. The source of the sounds was not far away, and curiosity overcame fatigue.

No matter how carefully they moved forward, they almost fell into a pit dug right in the middle of the street. It turned out to be unfenced, and in the darkness its edges, slightly illuminated from the inside, were almost invisible.

Gaf Gafych, sensing danger in time, ordered his friends to stop. The travelers squatted down and leaned over the pit, trying to see what was happening below. After all, it was from there that strange sounds were heard.

In the dim cones of light from small lanterns covered with nets that stood at the bottom of the pit, several unusual creatures moved randomly. Sometimes the creatures bumped into each other and began to swing their forelimbs. Sometimes, as a result of the collision, they scattered in different directions, fell on their backs and began to frantically dangle their legs in the air. The sounds of impacts were metallic.

These are construction robots,” said the Psi-Mage.

Why are they fighting? - asked Julia.

They don't fight. They just don’t see each other point-blank. So they knock their heads together,” explained the Psi-Mag.

At this time, one of the robots came across boxes also standing in the pit (they were almost invisible in the twilight), and began to rummage through them, rattling some metal parts and tools. Another robot was doing the same on the opposite side of the pit. Almost simultaneously, they removed small rectangular plates from the boxes and, using special clamps, attached them to their “faces” so that these plates stuck out forward, like protruding tongues.

After this, both robots again joined the general chaotic movement. At some point they collided. The protruding plates touched, the place of contact sparkled brightly, and the robots were thrown in different directions. Jumping to their feet, they unfastened the plates, threw them down and began looking for the boxes again, moving their hands in front of them.



Tasks: develop the ability to formulate questions.

Materials: workbooks.


1. Organizational moment

Exercise “Guess”

Psychologist. I made a wish for an object that is in this room. Guess.

After listening to the guys’ guesses, draw their attention to what those who started asking questions did correctly.

Psychologist .Today we will learn that there are different questions and that the ability to ask them helps in communication.

2. Work on the topic

Checking homework

Psychologist . I suggest going to the board one at a time and writing down the questions that you have recorded during the week. Pay attention to the nature of the questions. What did you notice?

During the discussion it is established that the questions are:

Closed ones that require a clear answer. For example, when are we going to the cinema? How much time is left until the end of the lesson? Were you in the yard yesterday?

Open, requiring a detailed answer. For example, what can we do in this situation? What do you mean when you say...

Psychologist . Look at the topic of the lesson. Why do you think it is so important to be able to ask questions?

(It is advisable to remind the children how this skill helped when performing the “Active Listening” exercise in the previous lesson.)

Do you know how to ask questions? Today in class you will test yourself and you will have the opportunity to practice this skill.

Game “Who is this person?”
(cm. Sidorenko E.V. Communication competence training
in business interaction. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. P. 138)

1st stage. In closed question mode

Psychologist . Now I will guess the name of a person who is known to everyone. You need to ask closed questions to understand who this person is. I can only answer “yes” or “no”.

After several attempts, you can offer the children a survey algorithm using closed questions. Its essence is to consistently study all areas of search: years of life, gender, country, area of ​​activity.

2nd stage. In open question mode

Once again, the psychologist makes a guess about a person everyone knows and gives a sample of an open question. For example, “why did you wish for this person? What is he famous for? What contribution did you make to the development of Russia?” and etc.

When summing up the game, you can discuss the advantages of open and closed questions and their importance in active listening.

Competition “Who can come up with as many questions as possible”

Any word associated with the concept of “communication” is suggested (for example, friendship). Come up with questions for him. For example:

What is true friendship?

What can ruin a friendship?

What qualities should a true friend have?

The winner is the one who comes up with as many different questions as possible.

Exercise “Know how to explain - know how to understand”

The psychologist says that now a student should come out who believes that he can explain incomprehensible things to others well. It is possible that the children themselves will suggest such a person. The teacher hands him a piece of paper on which several geometric shapes are depicted in a certain ratio: squares, rhombuses, circles, triangles. The student’s task, without showing the sheet of paper, is to explain the drawing to the children so that they can make exactly the same image in their albums.

In the first series of exercises, children do not have the right to ask any clarifying questions. In the second series (maybe with a different student and, of course, with a different drawing), you can ask questions, but only of the types that were studied in the last lesson.

Children are convinced how important it is to be able to ask a question correctly, because in the second case the task is completed much faster and more correctly.

3. Summing up

Book time

The psychologist reads the continuation of chapter 6 from the book “The Kingdom of Broken Ties” and invites you to ask questions about the text yourself (see the appendix to the lesson). This will be the summary of the lesson: how much the children have learned to formulate questions.


How to find a common language?

All clear! - exclaimed the Psi-Mage. - I understand!

And what did you understand? - Gaf Gafych asked gloomily. - In my opinion, this is some kind of cybernetic madhouse!

These robots are looking for a common language! - Psi-Mage explained, pleased with his insight.

What are they looking for? - Julia widened her eyes.

Mutual language! In my opinion, all other places in the Kingdom of Broken Ties are more like a madhouse. And these robots are perhaps the most intelligent of all the local inhabitants. In any case, the desire to find a common language is completely justified and noble.

I wonder why they need this? - Julia asked curiously, continuing to watch the robots.

- They are builders. Apparently, even before all the tricks of Contactless First, these robots were sent here to erect some kind of building. And when breaking ties became government policy, the king's servants screwed up something in their computer programs. That is, even robots were deprived of the ability to communicate and interact.

And without this they cannot build anything,” added Gaf Gafych. “It’s clear that the pit was dug a long time ago, but only a couple of piles were driven in.” There isn't even a foundation yet.

I feel sorry for them,” Julia sighed. - They try so hard to see and understand each other! But nothing works...

Struck by a sudden idea, she jumped to her feet.

That's no good! We need to help them!

And before Psi-Mag and Gaf Gafych had time to open their mouths, Yulia had already slid down the gentle slope to the bottom of the pit.

The robots did not see the girl, who barely reached their waist, and continued to move completely randomly, so that Yulia, who headed straight for the boxes, was in danger of being crushed by these electronic giants. She had already safely reached the nearest box, dodging two blind robots along the way, but at that moment, when the girl leaned over the open box, examining its contents, one of the builders suddenly had the idea to rush straight at her. Another second, and all that would have been left of Yulia was a wet spot, but Gaf Gafych, like a huge hairy bullet, hit the robot in the side and knocked it over to the ground.

A terribly concerned Psi-Mage immediately appeared nearby.

You must be able to restrain your impulses and at least sometimes consult with your elders,” he said grumpily, looking up at Yulia accusingly. - In the end, I am responsible for your life and health, and you, forgive me, are risking them completely unjustifiably!

Gaf Gafych, dear, please watch the robots so that they don’t accidentally crush us,” Julia asked the dog, not paying attention to the Psi-Mage’s grumbling. - In the meantime, we’ll try to figure out this very “common language.”

Gaf Gafych nodded, licked his disturbed, wounded paw, and sat down, turning his muzzle towards the bustling builders. Julia and the Psi-Mage, still shaking his head with an air of offended dignity, began to sort out the items lying in the box. It was full of all sorts of rubbish: tools of unknown purpose, nails, bolts, metal fragments and parts from unknown mechanisms. Yulia managed to find quite a lot of rectangular plates, similar to those that the construction robots were trying to use.

Look! - she cried. - Here, on the edge, there are special marks on them - letters!

Right. Let's see which letters appear most often.

After a minute, it became obvious that most of the things in the box were plates with the letter “B” printed on them.

“I think this is what we need,” said the Psi-Mage.

But how do we attach these “tongues”? - Julia asked confused. “They run around like crazy and don’t see or hear anything.”

They’ll attach it themselves,” Gaf Gafych grinned.

He carefully took one plate from Yulia’s hands with his teeth and deftly put it into the metal palm of the nearest robot. He instantly fitted it to his “face”. Gaf Gafych, deftly maneuvering between the rushing builders, quickly handed out a plate with the letter “B” to each of them.

So far, the robots still haven’t seen each other at point-blank range. But then two of them collided, their plates touched and, as if by magic, they “saw the light”! They hugged each other with a clang, said something cheerfully to each other, and began to restore the ability to see and communicate to other robots.

The plate with the letter “B” really turned out to be a “common language.” After a few minutes, the disorderly movement in the pit stopped. The robots stopped hugging, exchanging jokes, poking their friends' shoulders with iron fists in a friendly manner, and finally turned their attention to three living creatures that seemed like insects among huge electronic mechanisms.

A robot stepped forward, with an ornate hologram shimmering on its shoulder—apparently the eldest of them.

We are extremely grateful for your help. For almost three years we have been looking for a common language in this pit in order to continue construction. And if not for you, this search could have continued for centuries. Thank you!

Please, we are always happy to help,” said Yulia, blushing slightly with embarrassment. - And... what did you want to build here?

Our chief robotic designer, the blacksmith Vavila, gave us the task of building for him a new research institute of enormous size - Vavilo-NII. But someone deprived us of a common language, and therefore construction stopped.

As you said? - For some reason the Psi-Mage perked up. - What were you building? Babylon..? Wow! - And he laughed merrily.

But now we will definitely build it! - the robot said confidently, apparently not understanding the reason for his laughter. - Up to the sky. This is what I promise you as a foreman. Now that we have a common language, I will be able to organize normal foreman communication.

Enslavement? Whose enslavement? - Julia was confused, and Gaf Gafych became wary and bristled: he really didn’t like it when someone was enslaved.

What does enslavement have to do with it? - the robot was surprised. - Foreman communication - communication about work. So that we, builders, can coordinate our actions.



Tasks: develop active listening skills in children: the ability to ask clarifying questions, express support and understanding to the speaker.

Materials: workbooks.


1. Organizational moment

Warm up for attention

Psychologist. Let's start the lesson with exercises. Listen to the command and follow: right hand behind your back, and left hand on your belt. Make a fist with your right hand and press out your thumb and forefinger. Hold your left hand on your belt in a fist, while turning your torso to the right. Let's see what happened. How did you listen to my commands? What does it mean to listen carefully? What does it mean to actively listen?

The topic of the lesson is announced.

2. Work on the topic

Conversation-survey on the material covered

Psychologist. Active listening is about expressing support and understanding to the speaker. What ways of support do you already know?

This is the ability to speak (techniques for formulating questions) and the ability to hear and understand (techniques of repetition, paraphrasing, interpretation). What we will introduce you to in class is, in fact, taught at serious training sessions, for example, to HR managers. What other professionals and in what situations do you think require the ability to actively listen?

How can you correctly ask questions to your interlocutor if you don’t understand something in his story?

In workbooks, you can invite children to write down questions that are best for clarifying information:

1) Could you repeat, please... (Repeat unclear points.)

2) Clarify who you mean when you say “he”? (Please be more precise and specific.)

3) Would it be difficult for you to say this in a different way? (Please reformulate the thought.)

4) Did I understand correctly that... (Clarification and self-control of correct assimilation of information.)

Psychologist . Try to use these questions when doing the next exercise.

Exercise “Balls”

Students are divided into triplets - an observer and two participants who will communicate: “speaker” and “listener”. The “speaker” has the ball in his hands. The “listener” has the right only to ask clarifying questions, to demonstrate by his behavior that he listens and understands - until the “speaker” decides to pass the ball to him. The observer monitors compliance with the rules. Then the roles change. Communication in each pair is up to five minutes.

The teacher can set the topic of the conversation.

At the end of the exercise, among other things, you should discuss what behavioral strategies the “speakers” chose (whether they gave the ball away right away, didn’t give it away at all, gave it away and took it away, etc.).

Exercise “Did I understand correctly”

Children sit in circles of six. The teacher asks the topic “What is the most important thing in communication?” Each student must answer this question in several phrases. After the first player answers, the person sitting next to him (clockwise) says the phrase “Did I understand correctly...” and briefly repeats what the first player said. After confirmation or clarification on his part, the second player is responsible for himself, and so on in a circle.

3. Summing up

Psychologist. In your workbooks, look for the entry “Communication Tools.” Were you able to identify such tools during these lessons? If not, then you now have the opportunity to remember all the material from your last classes and make a note.

Children are expected to write down “listening skills” in the communication tools.



Tasks: get acquainted with non-verbal means of communication; develop the ability to convey information without words.

Materials: workbooks.


1. Organizational moment

Psychologist . I have been asked to convey an important message to you. Listen.

(Includes a tape recording with a message in a foreign language, completely unfamiliar to the children.)

What to do? In this case, how can we understand each other and find a common language?

2. Work on the topic

Book time

The psychologist reads “An ancient robot fairy tale about language without words” (see appendix to the lesson). After this, the discussion goes on:

- What language without words are we talking about in the fairy tale?

- Is it possible to explain something to another person without the help of speech?

- Why is the ability to communicate without words so important?

Psychologist . We will find out how important nonverbal signals are in establishing contact in the next exercise.

Research “Contact”

The student acting as the presenter leaves the office. Upon returning, he will have to make contact with any student, say hello, say some kind of greeting. The rest of the guys at this time are divided into 4 teams and receive a task: one team should smile when they are addressed and answer with a smile, the other should not smile, the third should not look into the eyes of the presenter, and representatives of the fourth team should naturally look into the eyes , as they usually do. In this case, you can role-play a situation of change.

After the exercise is over, you should ask the presenter which representative of the team he would most like to talk to and come into contact with.

The analysis concludes that signals such as a smile, a look in the eyes, and an open posture help to establish contact.

Psychologist . If we want to understand and be understood when communicating with different people, it is useful to be expressive in non-verbal means. Today and in the next lesson we will learn to speak and understand each other without words.

Exercise “Through Glass”

Children are asked to imagine that they are separated from each other by glass through which sounds do not penetrate.

The presenter receives instructions to convey the following information using gestures.

Option 1: “Go out for a walk, bring out a soccer ball and a bottle of water.”

Option 2: “I can’t go out for a walk. Mom went to the pharmacy and locked me in.”

It analyzes which methods of transmitting information were effective.

Exercise “Know and Don’t Know”

Children form pairs. The teacher asks several questions from the program material on subjects studied in the 4th grade. Children must quickly tell each other without words whether they know the answer or not. After this, they comment on what signs they were able to understand their partner.

Exercise “I want to buy...”

Children are divided into threes and take turns, without words, showing each other exactly what qualities that are important for communication they want to acquire and develop in themselves.

Exercise “Draw a proverb”

Participants work in teams of four. They come up with a proverb and portray it using gestures and facial expressions. Members of other teams must guess.

Proverbs should be known. The teacher can offer a set of proverbs by writing them on the board or on a poster.

For example:

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Measure seven times, cut once.

If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.

3. Summing up

What new did the students learn in the lesson?

Which of the tasks did you like the most?

What was the hardest thing to accomplish? Why?

4. Homework

Observe for a week the external signals in the communication of familiar people.


An old robot tale about a language without words

Once upon a time, there lived an electronic knight called Cyber ​​Computer. He was a noble, noble knight, closely related to the royal family of Pentiums. One day, while traveling along the endless roads of the Internet, he saw a beautiful lady from the Mackintosh family and fell in love with her. But she did not pay any attention to the electronic young man - she was much more interested in card games (she especially liked whist).

The knight Cyber ​​Comp performed many feats in honor of the beautiful lady. He fought for days with monsters in the dungeons of the evil wizard Dumm and managed to emerge victorious on the fourth level. He managed to cope with War Craft and even War Craft-2. However, the stubborn beauty did not want to know the famous knight. She did not understand a word of his passionate love explanations and answered him in a completely unfamiliar language.

Cyber ​​Comp wrote letters to her in the most sophisticated style, putting all his passion into every word and sending messages to the Mackintosh family castle with carrier pigeons, and with a special courier, and by e-mail.

But the letters were either returned or simply remained unanswered.

Then the desperate knight turned to the most famous sorcerer and soothsayer on the Internet and nearby universes, the Great Programmer, for advice and help. The Great Programmer listened to him and said:

I know what is the cause of your troubles, knight! Fundamentally different systems lie at your core - you and your beloved. That’s why you speak different languages ​​and there is no understanding between you.

So what should I do, O Great One! - Cyber ​​Comp screamed. - Help me in my grief! I swear on my motherboard, I will repay you handsomely!

The Great Programmer thought and said to the knight:

There is a way to help you. To do this, you need to correct your configuration and completely change the system. Then you and your beloved will speak the same language.

Well, do it, sorcerer! After all, it is in your power! - Cyber ​​Comp exclaimed passionately.

- Yes, I can do it,” the Programmer said slowly. - But then you will become completely different, knight, - perhaps your courage and nobility will disappear. And most likely, you will stop loving your lady. You will be able to easily communicate with her, but your feelings will melt.

But I don't want to lose my love! - Cyber ​​Computer whispered through tears. “I’d rather be eaten by the most ferocious computer virus or some royal executioner format me from head to toe!”

Don’t despair, young man,” the wise Programmer said affectionately. - It’s better to use another method - learn it from people. After all, to declare love it is not at all necessary to use speech. Explain your feelings to your beloved without words. Believe me: this language is perhaps more understandable than all other languages.

Like this? - asked Cyber ​​Computer, on whose monitor a blue light of hope flashed.

Very simple. Just now you were crying, and now you are smiling. You raised your hands to the sky, pressed them to your heart, bowed your head and got on your knees. All these are means of non-verbal communication. Body language, body language, facial expressions can explain a lot to another person. Try to use this language too.

He thanked the Cyber ​​Computer Great Programmer for his wise advice and went to his beloved. And - what a miracle! - it turned out that robots do not necessarily need to change their internal system in order to understand each other. Remaining himself and not knowing the Mackintosh language, the Cyber ​​Computer knight managed to convey all his feelings in an amazing language without words, and the beautiful lady understood him.

Since then, the Great Programmer often saw on the screen of his monitor how Cyber ​​Computer and his beloved were walking along the fragrant meadow near the electronic river, holding hands, and their baby, whom they named Power-Pissy, was playing carefree in the grass.

Developmental lesson in psychology for children 7-12 years old "Stone Tale"

Author: Duraeva Maria Alekseevna, teacher-psychologist MBOUDOD "House of Children's Creativity", Krasnoslobodsk.
Description: I offer you a summary of a developmental lesson in psychology “The Stone Tale”. This summary will be useful for educational psychologists and primary school teachers. This event is aimed at developing the sensorimotor and cognitive spheres and is aimed at children aged 7-12 years.
1. formation of adequate bodily expression of various emotional states;
2. correction of negative behavioral reactions.

Materials and equipment: hoop, laptop, audio recording of calm, relaxation music; relaxation mats.

1. Introductory part (game warm-up).
Psychologist. Good morning, guys! I'm glad to see you. Now I will call the name of each of you, and everyone else will echo it. So...
Game "Echo".
Psychologist. Now we will again travel through the fairy-tale world and be transported to a fairy tale using the entrance to a fairy-tale land.
Children and a psychologist stand in a column, the psychologist holds a hoop, and the children walk through it. In this way, a “transition” to the fairy-tale world is carried out.2.
Working part (game therapy).
Psychologist. We are with you again in the Stone Country. Please stand in a circle. Look at this stone again. It is very hard, everyone touch it. Now we will all try to clench our fists so that they look like stone. Look how I do it.
The psychologist clenches his fists tightly, inviting the children to feel his hands so that they can feel their tension and hardness.
Psychologist. Now you will clench your fists until they look like stone. Well done boys! Unclench your fists! Look, I have a rope in my hands. Take it, feel it, twist it, roll it, squeeze it. What is she like? That's right, soft, flexible, pliable. Now look, my hands will become exactly like a rope.

The psychologist relaxes his hands so that they resemble whips, become soft and pliable, allowing each child to feel his hands and “play with them.”
- And now each of you will try to relax your hands
so that they become a “rope”.
Well done! And now, at my command, you will turn your hands either into stone or into rope. So: stone! rope! stone! rope!
Now let’s try to tense not only our arms, but also all the muscles of the body so that the body becomes “stone”. Well done! Now let's try to relax all the muscles of our body so that the body becomes like a rope.
Listen to the command: stone! rope! stone! rope! The psychologist carries out his commands on a par with the children.
- Guys, do you know what sculpture is? This is a statue made of stone or clay. Now we will try to build our own sculpture.
Game "Living Sculpture".
Participants stand freely together. The presenter invites one child to go out and take some position in which it is comfortable for him to stand. The next participant is asked to join him in some pose in a place where there is a lot of free space, then the third joins them in his pose, then the first one carefully exits the sculpture and looks at the overall composition, and the fourth takes any empty space in general sculpture and so on. The one who has been standing for a long time moves away, and the next one takes his place.
Note. The psychologist plays the role of a sculptor throughout the entire exercise. He makes sure that the participants do not stagnate in the overall sculpture and, when leaving, be sure to look at the overall composition, keeping track of what it looks like.
The game continues until each player plays the role of leader.
Psychologist. Guess the riddle: What hangs on my mother’s neck, but it doesn’t break? (Beads.) Beads can also be made of beautiful stones.
Game "Necklace".
Participants stand in a tight circle. They are the “beads” of a beautiful necklace, they press closely together, spin in place, without leaving each other, and run along the owner’s neck, also pressed tightly together. The leader approaches the “necklace” and tries to “break” it. If he succeeds, the “beads scatter” across the floor and roll around. The leader catches them one by one. Firmly holding the first hand, she holds the second, caught by the leader, the third, etc., until she collects the entire “necklace” again and makes it dense and strong. The first “bead” caught becomes the leader.
Drawing game "Gems".
Psychologist. All beautiful stones are called gems. They have their own unique color; and to preserve it, people keep gemstones in a chest. Now we will fill our chest with “gems”. A wet sheet of paper is a chest with precious stones.
The child is invited to try all possible combinations of three colors, different brightness and saturation of colorful mixtures, and fill the chest with different “gems” simply by placing colorful dots with his fingers. A calm melody sounds while drawing. After drawing, you can offer children a wet napkin to dry their hands.
Psychologist. We have worked hard, and now it’s time to rest and dream.
Calm relaxing music plays.
Exercise "Rainbow".
Psychologist. Lie down comfortably, relax and close your eyes.
Imagine that you are lying on soft green grass. Above you is a blue sky, and in the sky there is a bright multi-colored rainbow. The rainbow sparkles, shimmers with all colors and conveys its mood to you.
You see red and orange colors. The color red gives you warmth and strength. You become stronger, you feel warm and pleasant.
Yellow color brings joy. The sun is also yellow, the rays of the sun stroke you, and you smile.
Green is the color of grass and leaves. You feel good and calm.
Blue and blue are the colors of the sky and water. Blue color is soft and soothing, refreshing, like water in the heat.
Remember the feelings that each color of the rainbow brought you - may your mood today be just as colorful and rainbow-colored.
3. Final part(game relaxation): farewell ritual.
Psychologist. This is where our journey ends. Let's get out of the Stone Country, everyone goes through the hoop back. What would you like to take with you? Let's draw this object on the back of our peer with the help of a magical, affectionate chalk - our finger.
Game "Affectionate chalk".
Everyone stands behind each other and, moving in a circle, gives a massage: to the person in front - shoulders, back, buttocks. Then the direction of movement changes and the game repeats. The direction of movement can be changed several times.
Next, the children, together with the psychologist, stand around the fabric, take it by the edges with both hands and pull it tightly at a distance of 15-20 cm from the ground. Then, taking turns changing, one at a time they walk across the carpet, overcoming the resistance of the fabric, and leave the room.

Pilyavina Natalia Alexandrovna

educational psychologist first qualification category of the MDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 218" of the Zavodsky District of Saratov
“Long-term planning of the work of a teacher-psychologist on the development of cognitive abilities and the formation of psychological readiness for schooling”
Addressed to educational psychologists of preschool educational institutions for working with children of senior preschool age.

The main reason for the failure of most students is a kind of “immaturity”, insufficient readiness for the complex learning process. It is extremely important to timely identify this type of immaturity in children, since it is possible to overcome it more completely even in preschool age, which will prevent the very occurrence of many problems.

It is often believed that upon reaching the age of 7 (and now even 6) the question of a child’s readiness for school will be resolved on its own, and parents are very disappointed when they hear at a preliminary interview that their child is not prepared for school.

Since the development path of each child is very individual, children come to school age with a completely different amount of experience - knowledge, skills, habits.

The program should be based on the study of the characteristics of children’s psychological readiness for school, as well as the development of mental abilities, which are the basis for the successful acquisition of school knowledge, skills and abilities.
Target: formation of readiness for schooling.


1. Formation of a positive attitude towards school, motives for learning;

2. Development of cognitive processes;

3. Formation of communication skills and joint activities.

Program structure

This program is designed to work with children from 5 to 7 years old within a preschool educational institution.

Diagnostic stage

  1. Group classes.

  2. Individual work.
Includes initial (at the beginning of the year) and control (at the end of the year) diagnostics of cognitive processes.

  1. Working with parents and educators.

    • Involving parents in creating conditions in the family that facilitate the most complete assimilation of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in classes, and their implementation in everyday life;

    • Educational work with parents and educators in the form of consultations and speeches at parent-teacher meetings.

Scope of the program designed for 5 months. A total of 16 classes with a meeting frequency of 1 time per week. The duration of one lesson is from 25 to 30 minutes.



Goal: Introducing a psychologist to children, children to a psychologist, children to each other. Development of skills of working in pairs. Development of memory and attention.

^ Lesson progress:

1. Greeting ritual:

Goal: getting to know each other, developing the ability to listen to each other.

Progress: The psychologist selects an object (toy), shows it to the children and says that this object will be a symbol of our group, it will help us in everything. It is advisable for children to sit in a circle. The psychologist holds the object and tells the children about himself, then passes the symbol to the child sitting next to him, he also tells everything he considers necessary about himself, and so on in a circle. When the acquaintance is over, the children, together with the psychologist, choose the place where their symbol will be located.

Then everyone agrees that before starting the lesson, they will hold each other's hands in a circle, with a symbol in the center. And everyone takes turns wishing everyone something good. This will be the greeting ritual in all classes.

^ 2. "Four Elements"

Goal: to develop attention related to the coordination of the hearing aid.

Move: The players sit in a circle, the leader agrees with them, if he says the word “earth”, everyone should lower their hands down, if the word “water” - hands forward, “air” - hands up, “fire” - rotation of the hands in the elbows joints. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the circle. All the children applaud the winner.

^ 3. “Remember the order”

Goal: memory development.

Progress: The psychologist shows 6-7 colored pencils in his hand. After 20 seconds, having removed them, he asks for the sequence of their location.

4. "Parrot"

Goal: developing the skill of working in pairs, the ability to work according to a model, developing attention, memory, learning to understand another person.

Procedure: The psychologist demonstrates the exercise with one of the guys. He asks the child, for example, to name any time of day, talk about the events of the summer, about himself. The psychologist plays the role of a parrot, trying to pick up the child’s intonation and repeat his voice. Children are divided into pairs, play, reflecting facial expressions, gestures, carefully watching their partner.

^ 5. Lesson summary:

What did we do today?

What did you like most?

6. “Farewell Ritual”

Children, together with a psychologist, sit in a circle and, passing the symbol to each other, say goodbye to everyone.


Goal: developing a positive attitude towards school. Development of skills to work in pairs and groups. Cultivating observation skills.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcome Ritual”

2. “Mood in color”

Goal: development of imagination, the child’s emotional mood for work.

^ 3. “Run of associations”

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards school"

Progress: Children are divided into 2 groups. The psychologist asks the question: “What words come to mind when I say the word “school”?

Each group answers. Then the children talk. The discussion involves a search for interesting, enjoyable not only gaming, but also educational moments in the concept of “school”.

^ 4. “Image of objects”

Goal: education of observation, development of imagination, ability to see others.

Progress: The child uses facial expressions and gestures to depict the object, the other children guess it. Whoever guessed right becomes the leader.


Goal: To give children the opportunity to relax. Learning to act according to instructions.

Take your seats:

Everyone raised their hands to the top.

Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

And then they started galloping,

Like my elastic ball.

6. "Mirror"

Goal: developing the skill of working in pairs

Progress: Children are divided into pairs. They stand face to face, look at each other and repeat the movements.

^ 7. Summary of the lesson.

8. Farewell ritual.


Goal: to introduce children to the inconsistency of phenomena through the concept of “good and bad.”

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcome Ritual”

2. “Help the rain find out whether he is good or bad?”

Once upon a time it was raining. One day he was bored on a cloud and suddenly heard someone calling him from the ground: “Help me, good rain, water me!” The rain fell to the ground and realized that a grain was calling him from under the ground. The rain poured down on it and a tree grew. “Thank you, good rain!” - said the tree. “Thank you, good rain!” - said the tree. The rain jumped with pleasure through the bushes and... doused the bird. The bird cried: “It’s a bad rain: it wet all my feathers, now I can’t fly, the fox will catch me!” The rain got upset, he walked without making out the road, and ended up in a swamp. And there the frogs were very happy with him: “Hello, good rain! Help us! We’ve been waiting for you for a long time - the swamp is completely drying up.” It started to rain as hard as it could and wet the girl. The girl got angry: “Bad rain! It stained my new dress, and the bow got wet and became ugly!” The rain got scared and wanted to hide on a cloud, but I heard a boy call him: “Hey, good rain! The fields are longer and stronger - I need to launch boats in the puddles!” It began to rain again.

And in the evening he returned to the cloud and thought: “Am I good or bad?” What do you guys think?

Offer to draw one of the episodes of the story. Encourage the personification of rain.

^ 3. Discussion of the drawings, summing up the lesson.

4. Farewell ritual.


Goal: development of memory, thinking, joint activity skills.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcome Ritual”

2. “Pairs of words”

The goal is memory development. Learning to remember by association.

Progress: Children need to remember the second words from a pair of words: cat - milk, bun - butter, boy - car, winter - mountain, table - pie, teeth - brush, river - bridge.

Then the psychologist says the first word of the pair, and the children say the second word. The psychologist explains how it can be easier to remember if you establish a relationship between words.

^ 3. Physical education lesson “Humpty Dumpty”

Goal: development of memory, skill of working according to a model.

Progress: Children turn their torso to the right, left, arms dangle freely like a rag doll, and to the words “fell in a dream” they sharply tilt the body down.

The psychologist sets an example, the children repeat.

"Humpty Dumpty

sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty

Fell in a dream"

^ 4. “Collect a picture”

Goal: development of thinking.

Progress: Each child is given parts from the cut picture. The children collect, the psychologist helps if necessary.

The second task is more difficult. You can introduce an element of competition. It is possible to collect pictures together.

5. "Confusion"

Goal: development of joint activity skills.

Move: The driver is selected. He leaves the room. The rest of the children hold hands in a circle, without unclenching their hands, they begin to get confused - as best they can. When confusion has formed, the driver “untangles” the children without releasing them.

^ 6. Summary of the lesson.

7. Farewell ritual.


Goal: Development of communication skills, imagination, attention.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Search non-stop.”

Goal: development of attention.

Progress: Within 10-15 seconds. See around you as many objects of the same color (size, shape) as possible.

3. “Magic egg”.

Goal: development of imagination.

Progress: each child is given a template in the shape of an egg, which is traced on a piece of paper. Then the children are asked to complete the oval to create a new object. At the end of the lesson, you can organize an exhibition of drawings.

If you invite your child to draw several ovals to create different objects, this will help develop flexibility and fluency in thinking.

^ 4. "Little Monkeys"

Goal: development of attention, communication skills.

Progress: each of the children standing in a row (3-6 people) takes some kind of pose. One of the players, after looking at them for 40-50 seconds, copies the pose of everyone, and the rest stand quietly.

^ 5. “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

Goal: development of imagination, attention.

Progress: The psychologist speaks sentences. If this happens, the children clap their hands; if it doesn’t happen, they stomp their feet.

“The wolf is wandering through the forest. A wolf sits on a tree. The cup is boiled in a saucepan. A cat is walking on the roof. A dog floats across the sky. A girl caresses a dog. The girl is drawing a house."

6. "Beep."

^ 7. Summary of the lesson.

8. “Farewell ritual.”


Goal: development of attention.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Dunno’s tales.”

Dunno made up stories, but, as usual, he mixed up everything in them. When he began to tell his stories to his friends, everyone laughed loudly and said that this could not happen. Try to guess what Dunno got wrong.

In the summer, girls and boys put on warm hats, warm boots, fur coats and go sledding.

In spring, all animals prepare for a long hibernation.

In autumn, bright green leaves bloom on the trees.

In winter we love to swim and sunbathe, admire flowers and pick berries.

^ 3. “Flower - seven-colored”

The psychologist draws a flower with seven petals: red, yellow, blue, pink, brown, blue, orange. The middle of the flower is green. Children are asked to remember this flower and draw exactly the same one.

^ 4. "The Inattentive Gardener"

The gardener decided to plant new fruit trees in the garden, but he was very inattentive and bought 2 extra bags of seeds at the market. Help the gardener find the extra bags if they say: “Apple tree”, “Pear”, “Cherry”, “Rose”, “Plum”, “Birch”, “Peach”.

^ 5. "Train with Clowns"

All children turn into a “train” in which “clowns” travel. “Clowns” love to play around, have fun, and jump, so the “train,” at an adult’s signal (beep), stops, the “cars” move in different directions, and the children fall. The main task is to be attentive to the children around you when falling and try not to hurt them. After the “train” is repaired, the game continues.

^ 6. “It flies - it doesn’t fly.”

Children sit down or stand in a semicircle. The psychologist names objects. If an object flies, children raise their hands. If it doesn’t fly, the children’s hands are down. A psychologist can make a deliberate mistake; many children will raise their hands involuntarily, due to imitation. It is necessary to refrain in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.

^ 7. Summary of the lesson.

8. “Farewell ritual.”


Goal: development of thinking.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Cut pictures”(folding a picture from its parts)

Any postcard is taken (it is better to use images of the inanimate world) and cut into two equal parts. The child is asked to compose it. Another into four parts and so on. When completing the task, the child is guided by the drawing shown on the postcard.

^ 3. “Let’s come up with a riddle.”

The logic of coming up with riddles is difficult for preschoolers, so you should start with the external signs of surrounding objects. For example: “Big, round, striped, and red inside” (watermelon). Then functional signs are added: “He makes noise, grumbles, swallows, cleans everything at home” (vacuum cleaner).

^ 4. “What’s extra?”

The psychologist names three (later four) objects, one of which does not fit this classification. For example: cucumber, apple, tomato (vegetables and fruits); chair, table, wardrobe, dress (furniture - clothes). The child selects the “extra” item and explains his choice. It is good to use visual support in this game - pictures and objects.

5. Pantomime.

I am an indoor flower in a kindergarten. I feel good when they water me, loosen the soil, and wash the leaves. I don't like it when guys shout loudly. I'm bored when the guys go home and I'm left alone.

Express joy, pleasure, boredom, irritation with your body and facial expressions.

^ 6. Summary of the lesson.

7 “Farewell Ritual.”


Goal: memory development.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. "Phone"

The game involves at least three players. The verbal message is passed back and forth until it gets back to the first player. The message can consist of one word, gradually turning into a long sentence.

^ 3 “Stories from pictures”

The child is asked to make up a story based on the picture. Funny stories are used, maybe from comics.

4. “Stories from memory”

The child is asked to tell about a cartoon he recently watched.

5. "Words"

Children take turns naming words where the last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next one. For example: “watermelon-umbrella-trolleybus...”

^ 6. Summary of the lesson.

7 “Farewell Ritual.”


Goal: Development of speech of preschoolers, phonemic hearing.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Half a word is up to you.”

Progress: The psychologist pronounces the beginning of the word, the children finish the word. Words can be selected according to certain topics. Work can be done in pairs and frontally.

^ 3. “Describe the object”

Goal: Acquaintance with the concepts of “properties and characteristics of objects”, developing the ability to guess an object by its characteristics.

Procedure: the psychologist conceives a subject, the children ask leading questions, trying to guess what is planned based on the signs.

4. "I know"

Goals: Development of children's speech, replenishment of vocabulary, development of observation and attention.

Progress: children, using a ball, pronounce the following text, rhythmically hitting the ball on the floor:

I know five boys' names:

Sasha - once,

Dima - two,

Igor - three,

Denis - four,

^ 5 “Guess what you showed” (pantomime)

Goal: To develop attention, observation, speech, patience.

Move: The person who wishes depicts an object (living or inanimate) without uttering any sounds. The rest are trying to guess what is being depicted.

^ 6 “Write a fairy tale about the subject.”

Goal: Speech development, vocabulary replenishment.

Progress: The psychologist and children choose any object and try to compose together a fairy tale about the adventures of this object.

^7 "Day - Night"

Goal: Development of speech, the ability to focus on finding the necessary concept.

Progress: The psychologist names the word, the children name its opposite in meaning: “Day - night, sweet - sour”, etc.

8 Summary of the lesson.

9"Ritual of farewell."


Goal: development of imagination

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “What kind of dog is there?”

You can ask the child to imagine a dog and tell him as much as possible about it: what kind of fur it has, what it likes to eat, what shape its tail and ears are, what its character is, etc.

^ 3. “Draw according to the description.”

The psychologist reads the text: “There was a white house. Its roof is triangular. The big window is red and the small one is yellow. The door is brown. The text must be read again at a slow pace, one sentence at a time. At this time, with their eyes closed, children should imagine this house, and then draw it.

4. "Wishes"

Imagine, we have a real wizard in our group. He says that he can fulfill any 5 wishes for anyone. What would you ask him? This old man is very wise. He can answer any questions. What would you ask him?

^ 5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Ritual of farewell.”


Goal: development of motor attention.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Corrective test.”

Goal: training the ability to concentrate, volume, switch, and stability of attention.

Children are asked to place icons on a special form, as in the example. The psychologist records the time spent on the task and the number of errors.

^ 3. “Who flies?”
The psychologist pronounces the words. If he names a flying object, the child answers “flies” and pretends to flap its wings. If a non-flying object is named, the child remains silent and does not raise his hands.

^ 4. “Edible – inedible”
Depending on the named object (whether it is edible or not), the child must catch or return the ball thrown to him by the psychologist.

5. “Ear-nose”
The child listens to the command: “Ear” and touches the ear. “Nose” - touches the nose. The psychologist first performs the task together with the child, then deliberately makes mistakes. The child must be attentive and not make mistakes.

^ 5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Ritual of farewell.”


Goal: development of thinking.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Place it in order”

Ready-made series of plot-based sequential pictures are used. The child is given pictures and asked to look at them. They explain that the pictures should be arranged in the order in which events unfold. In conclusion, the child composes a story based on the pictures.

^ 3. “Guessing tall tales”
A psychologist talks about something, including several fables in his story. The child must notice and explain why this does not happen.

Example: Here's what I want to tell you. Just yesterday - I was walking along the road, the sun was shining, it was dark, the blue leaves were rustling under my feet. And suddenly a dog jumps out from around the corner and growls at me: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” - and she already pointed her horns. I got scared and ran away. Would you be scared?

Yesterday I was walking through the forest. Cars are driving around, traffic lights are blinking. Suddenly I see a mushroom. It grows on a branch. Hid among the green leaves. I jumped up and tore it off.

I came to the river. I look - a fish is sitting on the shore, its legs crossed and chewing a sausage. I approached, and she jumped into the water and swam away.

4. “Nonsense”
Offer children drawings that contain any contradictions, inconsistencies, or violations in the behavior of the characters. Ask your child to find errors and inaccuracies and explain his answer. Ask how it really happens.

^ 5. Physical exercise “Vanka-Vstanka”

Goal: To give children the opportunity to relax. Learning to act


Progress: Our rest is a physical education minute

Take your seats:

Once they sat down, twice they stood up.

Everyone raised their hands to the top.

Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

It’s as if they became Vanka-vstanka,

And then they started galloping,

Like my elastic ball.

^ 6. Summary of the lesson.

7. Ritual of farewell.”


Goal: memory development.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Chain of actions”
The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: “Go to the closet, take a book to read, put it in the middle of the table.

3. “Sketches”

Goal: teaching techniques to help memorize.

Offer to make a drawing for each word, which would help the children remember the words later.

The same can be done when memorizing phrases. The child chooses what and how he will draw. The main thing is that this will help him later remember what he read.

For example, say seven phrases.
The boy is cold.
The girl is crying.
Dad is angry.
Grandma is resting.
Mom is reading.
Children are walking.
It's time to sleep.

For each phrase, the child makes a drawing (diagram). After this, ask him to accurately reproduce all the phrases. If difficulties arise, you can help with a hint.

If a child remembers 6-7 phrases - very good.

4. "Retelling".

To draw the children's attention to the fact that if the child cannot retell the text, the psychologist reads the story again, but asks the children to pay attention to certain specific details. "What is this story about?" The psychologist connects what he read with what is familiar to the child, or with some similar story, and compares these stories (what are the similarities and differences). When answering questions, the child thinks, generalizes, compares, expresses his thoughts in speech, and is active.

Such a conversation significantly activates the child’s memory and thinking.

5. "Beep."

Goal: disclosure of group relationships, communication skills.

Progress: Children sit on chairs. The person entering walks in a circle with his eyes closed, sits on the children’s laps and guesses who he is sitting on. If you guessed correctly, who was named, says “Beep.”

^ 6. Summary of the lesson.

7. “Farewell ritual.”


Goal: development of logical thinking, reaction speed.
Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “Mood in color”

Goal: tracking the emotional state of children. Psychological support.

Procedure: Children are invited to paint their mood on a piece of paper. Then the psychologist offers to support those who are in a bad mood. Children do this with a symbol in their hands.

^ 3. "Seasons".

The psychologist shows the children large paintings depicting the seasons. One by one, the children approach the psychologist and take a card from a stack of small pictures (rain, snowflakes, rainbows, flowers, mushrooms, twigs without leaves, buds, green and yellow leaves; a bird’s nest with eggs, chicks, pictures of different clothes), and determine what time of year the card belongs to.

^ 4. “I am the moon, and you are the star.”
All children, except one, sit on chairs in a circle. There are three chairs in the middle, one of the children is sitting on one of them. He says, for example: “I am the fire brigade!” One of the children who first comes up with something suitable sits down next to him on an empty chair and says: “I am a hose.” Another hurries to the second chair and says: “And I am a fireman.” The fire brigade child must choose one of two, for example: “I take the hose.” He hugs the “hose” and they sit on the chairs with the other children. The remaining one child must come up with something new, for example: “I am the sewing machine !" and the game continues.
^ 5. Summary of the lesson.

6. “Farewell ritual.”


Goal: development of visual attention.
Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”

2. “I know ten names.”

The game is played using a ball. They sit in a circle. The players throw the ball to each other with the words:
- I...
- I know...
- Ten (seven, five...)
- Names...of trees! (birds, flowers, professions, fruits, animals, fish, cities...)
And then, everyone should take turns saying the names of what was asked:
- Linden - once!
- Birch - two!
- Maple - three!...
As a rule, in such a game, children quickly remember all the names and over time the number of names increases.

^ 3. “Find two identical objects.”
A card is offered with the image of five or more objects, two of which are the same. You need to find identical objects and explain your choice.

4. “Excluding unnecessary things.”
A card is offered with the image of 4-5 objects, one of which is different from the rest. We need to find him.

5. "Find the differences."
A card is offered showing two pictures that have several differences. It is necessary to find these differences as quickly as possible.

6. “Laying out the pattern.”
The child is asked to lay out a letter, number, pattern, silhouette, etc. from a mosaic (or sticks) according to a pattern.

^ 7. Summary of the lesson.

8. “Farewell ritual.”


Target: determine the psychological climate in the group, the mood of the children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. “Welcoming ritual.”
^ 2. Test "Mood point".

Before starting writing or drawing, invite children to put a mood point on their sheet in the upper right corner. The child chooses the color himself.

^ Test interpretation.

Yellow – dreaminess, playfulness, lightness.

Violet, lilac, blue - a rich inner world, a penchant for mysticism.

Blue-green (water colors) – overstrain, concentrated attention, will. Encourage more often, they are afraid to make mistakes.

Red – a huge “I”, the desire for success. Openness, vulnerability, disobedience. Cholerics are more often chosen.

Green - the child is abandoned and needs love.

Orange – mild excitability.

Brown – a feeling of discomfort.

Gray – fear, uncertainty

Black – stress.

White is the starting position, the beginning of the path.

^ 3. “Trace your palm and bring it to life.”

Children independently trace their left hand on a piece of paper. The psychologist suggests turning the silhouette into something. Shows several options on the board.

The sheet with the silhouette can be rotated.

4. Summary of the lesson.

5. “Farewell ritual.”

  1. G.A Shirokova, E.G. Greedy. Workshop for a child psychologist. – Rostov-on-Don, 2004.

  2. E.O. Sevostyanova. Want to know everything! Development of intelligence of children 5 - 7 years old. Individual lessons, games, exercises. – M., 2005

  3. L.V. Chernetskaya. Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten. – Rostov-on-Don, 2005

  4. Psychology: middle and senior preschool age. Lesson developments. Compiled by M.M. Mironov. – Volgograd, 2006

  5. T.V. Modestova. Express – training and development program. – S.-P., 2005

Lesson summary

in the academic discipline “Psychology of Communication” for students in specialty 050144 “Preschool Education”

Akhmetova G.G. psychology teacher

Topic "Conflict and ways to overcome it"

Before you speak, count to ten,
Before you offend, count to a hundred,
Before you hit, count to a thousand.

(Old folk wisdom)

Methodological basis of the lesson


1. Educational:

    contribute to the updating of students’ ideas about conflicts, their structure, types and causes;

    create conditions for understanding the ambivalent meaning of conflicts (positive and negative).

2. Educational: create conditions for students to express their own opinions and cultivate an active life position.

3. Developmental: promote the development of social and communicative competence, analytical thinking, activity, and reflective abilities of students.

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Form of organization: frontal, group.

Teaching methods: problem-dialogical, reflective.

Basic concepts: conflict, contradiction, participants in the conflict, structure of the conflict, causes of the conflict, typology of the conflict.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen.

Necessary materials: presentation (created in Microsoft Power Point), a fragment of the film “Big Change”, demonstrating a conflict situation; study sheets ;).

During the classes:

    The concept of conflict.

    Structure of the conflict.

    Causes of conflicts.

    Typology of conflicts.

    The meaning of conflicts (positive and negative).

    Conflict resolution.

    “Code of Conduct” in conflict situations.

Stage 1. Org. moment. Motivation

Updating knowledge and setting goals and objectives.

    Teacher's opening speech

    To interest students in communication problems

    To attract students' attention to the problem of constructive communication

Student activities

Teacher activities


Greetings, checking readiness for the lesson

“We live in a world where the sunshine of mutual understanding is often obscured by dark clouds of grievances, the cold wind of suspicion blows, the lightning of conflicts flashes... How can we maintain the beautiful weather in our soul, live in peace and joy? How not to “get wet” in the rain of misunderstanding and how to help others with this?

One of the pressing problems of modern society is the problem of constructive cooperation and interaction.”

Adj. (slide 1)

Stage 2 explanation of new material

    Creating a problem situation

    Updating students' sensory experience and basic knowledge.

    Perception of new educational material.

Student activities

Teacher activities


Watching a video clip from the movie “Big Change”

(quarrel, argument, conflict...)

Student answers (about relationships, conflicts...)

Communication is something that accompanies a person on the path of life. But not everyone can master it.”

Creating a problem situation: Guess what will be discussed in the lesson by watching the video clip.

Please guys. Who wants to name what this situation is? What are such situations called? So what are we going to talk about in class today?

Indeed, we will consider the relationships between people.

Student answers

( quarrel, dispute, fight, war, hostility, screaming, tears...) ?

Student answers

Student answerscontradiction - two sides)

Students' answers based on the content of the slide

Students record the structure of the conflict on their study sheets

Student answers

Students mark them on their worksheets.

Students completing the task

Student answers

Student answers

Student answers(interpersonal)

Student answers (pedagogical)

Student responses (disagreement or opposition)



And the topic of our lesson... (Write it down in your textbooks)


What associations do you have with the word “conflict”?

Thanks for answers. All these actions and experiences are associated with conflicts.

What is conflict? Define it from your personal experience.

    Conflict is a process of sharp aggravation of contradictions and struggle between two or more participating parties in solving a problem that has personal significance for each of the participants (V.I. Andreev).

    A conflict is an actualized contradiction, that is, opposing values, attitudes, and motives embodied in interaction (B.I. Khasan).

    A conflict is a confrontation between two subjects, manifested in the activity of the parties aimed at overcoming contradictions (N.V. Grishina).

Compare the definitions obtained. Do they have anything in common?

(– contradiction,– two sides)

What signs and elements of conflict can be identified?

Structure of the conflict

Conversation on the content of the slide.

The main structural elements of the conflict.

    Parties to the conflict – people or groups of people who are in conflicting relationships or explicitly or implicitly supporting those in conflict (participants).

    Subject of the conflict - that which causes it to arise (object, idea).

    Image of a conflict situation – reflection of the subject of the conflict in the minds of the people involved in it (experiences).

    Motives for the conflict – internal or external forces pushing people towards it (reasons).

    Positions of the conflicting parties – what people declare to each other, what demands they make (actions).

Record conflict structure in your study sheets.

Causes of conflicts

Are there conflicts in your life?(Yes) Give examples(lead).

Exercise “Piggy Bank”

Why do conflicts arise so often in life? Name possible causes of conflicts(because of a torn jacket; because the room is not cleaned; because of different views on the same thing; because the person is unpleasant to us...)

The causes of conflicts are mismatch:

    Goals, interests.

    Views, beliefs.

    Personal qualities.

    Understanding information.

    Expectations, positions.

Look, from the listed reasons you named...(views, interests, qualities). Mark them on the worksheets.

Exercise “Snowflakes”

I suggest you complete the following task.

The main condition is to work silently, despite your neighbors.

Take a piece of paper. Fold it in half. Tear off the top right corner. Fold in half again. Tear off the top right corner again. Fold in half again. And tear off the upper right corner again. Now unfold the piece of paper and show everyone the resulting snowflake (lift it up).

Discussion: Why did all the snowflakes turn out different?

Each of us is an individual. We have different interests, dreams, aspirations. This may cause conflicts.

Typology of conflicts

What types of conflicts do scientists identify? You will answer this question after analyzing the situation proposed to you.(groups analyze situations and guess what type it belongs to).


    You have to prepare for a test in physics tomorrow, and an interesting film is shown on television (intrapersonal conflict).

    A friend took the book from you and promised to return it in a week. A month has passed since then, and he still hasn’t returned her. And you desperately need it to prepare your homework. Yesterday you called him at home and reminded him about the book, he swore to bring it. And today he says: “Sorry, I forgot where I put it and now I can’t find it” (interpersonal conflict).

    Your company spends all evenings in a gazebo in the courtyard of your house. One day, going out for a walk, in your gazebo you saw a group of young people you didn’t know. Having tried to explain to them that this is your place, you heard rudeness addressed to you (intergroup conflict).

So what types of conflicts do scientists identify?(intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup)

According to the degree of people's involvement in the conflict:




movie conflict (interpersonal)

According to problem-activity characteristics:






Please determine which type you belong conflict “Big change” with which we started the lesson?(pedagogical)

According to the severity of the contradictions:






Please determine which type you belong conflict “Big change” with which we started the lesson?(disagreement or opposition)

Posing a problematic question: What would happen to us if there were no conflicts in our lives? (Ustudents think about and present their opinions with reason)

Indeed, conflict is a natural and inevitable element of the communication process. It has both negative and positive sides. I suggest you define them(in the study sheets they write, conversation) .

The negative aspects of the conflict include the destruction of relationships between people, stress, and deteriorating health.

On the other hand, conflict is a source of development, a signal for change, an opportunity for rapprochement, relieving tension, and “improving” relationships.

If it has already come to a conflict, then the main task is to get out of it with the least losses.

There are five styles of conflict behavior, their effectiveness depends on the type of conflict, its depth, and causes.


Conflict resolution method

Statement, preferences for methods of conflict resolution

The effectiveness of this method of conflict resolution


(I try to avoid participating in the conflict)

1. It’s difficult for me to defend my position, even if I know for sure that I’m right.

2. I avoid tense conflict situations.

3. I achieve effective results when I work under the guidance of a more experienced partner.

Justified as one of the only ways to resolve conflict in interpersonal confrontation.

It is ineffective if the conflict arose for any objective reasons.


(I try to work out a solution that satisfies the conflicting parties)

2. I spend a lot of time on the problems of others and often forget about myself.

3. If it will make someone else happy, I give him the opportunity to insist on his own.

4. "Don't rock the boat."

5. "Let's live together."

May be a way to resolve conflict. Most effective in conflicts of an organizational nature.

It is not justified when opponents are emotionally irritated with each other; opponents have different goals.


(I actively defend my own position)

1. I am a principled person and never change my position.

2. I emerge victorious from any conflict.

3. I continue the argument until the interlocutor accepts my point of view.

Effective if the opponent easily makes concessions.

Ineffective in all other cases.


(I'm looking for ways to solve the problem together)

1. I spend a lot of time looking for common ground.

2. I reconsider my point of view if I feel I’m wrong.

3. I am happy to take the initiative in reconciling the parties.

It is effective between competent, emotionally intelligent participants in the conflict, as it requires time, patience, wisdom, the ability to express one’s position, listen to another and come to the development of an alternative and an agreed choice.


(I'm looking for a solution based on mutual concessions)

1. I respond to the suggestions of others, but I myself am not inclined to take the initiative.

2. I easily agree to give in if the other person does the same.

3. I often agree to the first condition if it leads to a settlement in the relationship.

Effective in any conflict; the ability to compromise is highly valued in society.

Could there be consequences such as dissatisfaction with “half-hearted” solutions or a problem? which gave rise to the conflict has not been resolved, which will entail consequences.

Summing up the lesson.

1. Summarizing and analyzing the activities of each student

2.Updating students’ sensory experience and basic knowledge.

Student activities

Teacher activities


(Students draw conclusions: they learned what conflict is, conflictology, structure, causes, types of conflicts, positive and negative sides)

So our lesson has come to an end. Let's analyze what each of you has learned.

Yes, today we have expanded our understanding of conflict, its signs, causes and types. We came to the conclusion that conflict is not always bad; it also has positive sides.

This is just the beginning of your introduction to conflict. You will learn how to behave in a conflict situation and how to find ways out of it in the following lessons. You need to learn to recognize an emerging conflict in time and be more tolerant of others.

I thank you for your activity and cooperation. I would like to note... and give you an “excellent” for your lesson.

Homework message

Student activities

Teacher activities


Recorded on study sheets

I suggest you complete your choice at home - either a creative task (message) on one of the topics, or a written reflection.

Thanks everyone! It was a pleasure working with you.


    Andreev, V.I. Conflictology: the art of argument, negotiation and conflict resolution. – Kazan, 1992. – 142 p. – pp. 81-84.

    Grekov, A.G. Communication training for teenagers. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – 160 pp.: ill. – pp. 128-134.

    Grishina, N.V. Psychology of conflict. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. – 464 p.: ill. – (Series “Masters of Psychology”).

    Miklyaeva, A.V. I'm a teenager. I'm among other people. Psychology lesson program (9th grade). – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Rech”, 2003. – 118 p. – pp. 33-35.

    Rogov, E.I. Psychology of communication. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2001. – 336 pp.: ill. – (ABC of psychology). – pp. 232-280.

    Rybakova, M.M. Conflict and interaction in the pedagogical process: Book. For the teacher. – M.: Education, 1991. – 128 p. – (Psychological science – school).

    Filippova, G.G. How to teach the art of communication. Conflicts in communication. Integrated lesson // Class teacher. – No. 3. – 2003. – P. 123-127.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

State Autonomous Educational Institution "Chistopol Pedagogical College"

Methodological development of the lesson

in the discipline "Psychology"

for students of pedagogical specialties

"Conflict and ways to overcome it"

Psychology teacher

State Autonomous Educational Institution "Chistopol Pedagogical College"

Akhmetova Gulia Gumerovna

24.12 2011

Summary of a lesson on the psychology of communication “I am Special.”

Tsagaraeva Kristina Sergeevna, educational psychologist, MAOU Psychological Center for Diagnostics and Consulting "Trust", North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz.
Description of material: I bring to your attention a summary of a lesson in psychology, developed for students in grades 3-5 on the topic “I am special.” This material will be useful to educational psychologists and additional education teachers.
Goals: development of group dynamics, unity of children in a group, children’s awareness of their uniqueness, relieving muscle and emotional tension.
- development of interest in oneself, formation of primary skills of self-analysis;
- development of forms and skills of personal communication in a peer group and ways of mutual understanding;
- developing the ability to speak and think about oneself;
- help children share their ideas about themselves, show that everyone has their own talents and abilities that make us special, unlike others.
walnuts according to the number of participants, scarf, balloons (2-3 pcs.), candle, relaxation disk.
Progress of the lesson.
I. Introductory part. Organizing time. Meeting children.
1. Game exercise “Name-clap”.
Educational psychologist: Hello guys! How elegant and beautiful you all are. I am glad to see you all today, and I would like to get to know you better and make friends. But first, let's remember the rules of behavior in the group (children pronounce all the rules). Now it’s time to get acquainted, I will say my name and clap it, for example, Kri - (clap), Sti- (clap), Na (clap), after that, the rest of the participants must repeat my name and clap, then the next participant calls in the same way his name and slaps it, and so on until the end. This is how we met. You are all so different, now we will talk about us. I invite everyone to sit on chairs.
II. Main part.
A conversation about how different we all are.
Educational psychologist: Guys, when we meet different people, some of them are similar to us, some are different, and some seem unusual and even strange to us. Today the topic of our lesson is “I am special.” In our lesson, you will see that each of us is special in our own way, and each of us is not only unique, but also completely unknowable, because nature has not created anything more complex than man. One of the most exciting things to do is learn something new about yourself. And how are we similar to each other (children’s answers are listened to), and how we differ from each other (children’s answers are listened to).
2. Exercise “Nuts”.
Educational psychologist: Guys, now we are going to play a very interesting game with you. Guys, look what I brought for you in the basket (I show that these are nuts). Each of you takes one nut for yourself. Attention, you have this task: look at your nut for one minute and try to remember its features, look at it very carefully (you are given time to look at your nut), and now, put your nuts in the basket. Then all the nuts are mixed. Attention, now you have a new task, now each of you must try to find your nut.
Discussion: ask each of the children why he took this particular nut? What helped you find your nut?
Educational psychologist: The guys in the crowd are all the same people, just like the nuts when they lay together. To see the characteristics of a person, you need to spend time and look closely at him. The value of a nut is judged by what is inside it. It can be mature, green, rotten, empty, good. Therefore, you cannot judge a person only by his appearance. You can remember the proverb: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind.” The nut has a very hard shell, it is needed to protect the delicate kernel. Many people also often hide in a shell to feel safe. They cannot open up right away; time must pass for the person to trust you and open up.
3. Exercise “Find a pair.”
Educational psychologist: Guys, do you know that you can identify a person by his hands? And I’m wondering if you recognize each other’s hands by touch. I invite the children to go to another part of the hall, stand in a circle and play the next game. A driver is selected, blindfolded with a scarf, and asked to examine the hand of one of the game participants with his own hands. After this, the bandage is removed from him, and the children stretch out their hands forward, and the driver tries to find the “studied” hand among the hands extended by all the participants.
Discussion: Guys, now tell me how you found your match? What did your hands feel like? Did you feel pleased when the presenter touched your hands? Are you convinced that your hands are different?
4. Practical game “Swap places those who...”.
Educational psychologist: Now guys, all sit down on your chairs and let's play another game. The rules of the game are that you must honestly evaluate your qualities, both positive and negative. (The leader sits in the center, the number of chairs is 1 less than the number of participants.) The leader says: “Change places, those who...” and names some quality (for example, who considers himself kind, smart, fair, beautiful, patient, strong , cheerful, lazy, cowardly, sad, who can draw, sing, cook, who cannot communicate, and so on). Those who have the named sign stand up and try to take an empty seat, except for the chair next to them. Then the game is repeated again with a new leader.
Educational psychologist: Did you guys find it difficult to evaluate your negative qualities? You see how different you all are, both in character and in appearance.
5. Game exercise “Funny Balls”.
Educational psychologist: Guys, you need to divide into two equal groups. Your task is to hold the ball in the air without releasing your hands, using any means you can with your elbow, your head, or clasped hands. Whichever team drops the ball or loosens its hands, that team loses. Did you like the game? Isn't it time for us to get some rest?
III. Final part.
6. Relaxation exercise “Rain in the forest” (relieving muscle and emotional tension, developing a sense of empathy).
The educational psychologist plays a disc with relaxation music. Children stand in a circle, one after another - they “turn” into trees in the forest. The teacher-psychologist reads the text, the children perform the actions. “The sun was shining in the forest, and all the trees stretched their branches towards it. They stretch high, high, so that everyone stays warm (children rise on their toes, raising their arms high). But suddenly a strong wind blew and began to sway the trees in different directions. But the trees are held tightly by their roots, stand steadily and only sway (children sway in different directions, straining their leg muscles). The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first gentle drops of rain (the children, with light finger movements, touch the back of the comrade standing in front). The rain is knocking harder and harder (children increase their finger movements). The trees began to feel sorry for each other, protecting each other from the strong blows of the rain with their branches (the children run their palms over the backs of their comrades). But then the sun appeared again. The trees were happy, shook off the extra drops of rain from the leaves, leaving only the necessary moisture. The trees felt freshness, vigor and joy of life inside them.” What did you feel inside yourself? (children's answers are listened to).
7. Exercise “Open candle”.
Educational psychologist: Guys, now I would really like each of you, in turn, to take this magical lit candle and wish something good to your neighbor on the left, and all your wishes will definitely come true. Can I be the first to wish? For example, “Masha, I wish you that everything works out for you today.” Next, I give my candle to Masha, and she, in turn, wishes it to her neighbor on the left, etc.
Teacher-psychologist: Guys, what did we go through in our lesson today and learn something new about ourselves and others? (listen to the children’s answers and only after that bring the children to a general conclusion). That's right guys, we all have a lot in common, and this helps us find a common language. But each person is different from each other and it’s great that we are all different, not similar to each other, each of us is unique! And this uniqueness and originality must be valued and respected in people!
Reflection on the current lesson.
What did you like most about the lesson?
What new things have you learned about yourself and others?
How do you feel when you finish today’s lesson?
We all deserve applause today, let's applaud each other!
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